4 DHS Dispatch 11 April 2019

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DISPATCH Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mĹ?hio

11 APRIL 2019

DHS CROSS COUNTRY - Whatever the Weather

Shave for a Cure


Giving Blood

Principal’s Comments Cultural diversity and our acceptance of it have been important topics of discussion over the last few weeks. Darfield High School is one of the least culturally diverse schools in NZ, so it is important that we give our students opportunities to interact with a range of other cultures. They will then be equipped to be fully confident participants in today’s NZ society and the rest of the world. If students are unable to do this, they will be at a significant disadvantage in most workplaces in NZ. We support students to experience diversity through bicultural activities, such as kapa haka, mihi whakatau and opportunities to learn Te Reo. Multicultural activities, such as international exchanges and the international student programme, mean that students can interact and learn from a range of other cultures, too. When we initially developed our school expectations, one of them was to ‘accept’ diversity. On reviewing our expectations a couple of years later, we recognised that

‘acceptance’ of other cultures is a low aspiration for ourselves and our students. We reworded the expectation to ‘celebrate’ diversity, to reflect that more than just putting up with diversity, we aspire to see the value in it. Perhaps the next step beyond this is to ‘embrace’ diversity. This may lead us to a point where we don’t see just the value in diversity, but we actively seek to learn from other cultures and interact openly with them. Embracing diversity is something we need to learn because humans don’t automatically feel comfortable with cultural difference. Humans are social and so we are driven by a strong desire to belong to a social group. We are very aware of how we fit into a group of other humans. We are very aware of our standing within the group. We are very aware of who is in the group and who is not in the group, and who is like us and who is different. We want to fit in and we want to maintain or increase our status. We can do this by positive social interactions, such as complimenting others or

helping others. We can also seek to fit in by negative interactions. By identifying and bringing down those who are not in ‘our group’, we seek to strengthen our belonging to our group. By bringing others down, we seek for others to see us as better. Why should we care? It is not necessary that others should be brought down so an individual can feel better. Every person at our school should be able to feel belonging to the school. How do we make a difference? Be aware of your words and actions and how they might affect others. Don’t insult somebody else about the way they look, the clothes they wear or the beliefs they hold. Don’t insult somebody else for the music they listen to, or who their friends or family are. Every person at this school has a responsibility to make a positive difference. In Term 2, I will be away from school on sabbatical. Mr Adams will be Acting Principal in my absence. Best wishes for a safe and refreshing term break. James Morris

Darfield High School Board of Trustees Election Nominations are invited for the election of five parent representatives to the Board of Trustees.

Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office after 10 May 2019.

There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school.

A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters by 10 May 2019.

Nominations close at noon on 24 May 2019 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph.

Voting closes at noon on 7 June 2019.

You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed.

The voting roll will be open for inspection at the school from 8 May 2019 and can be viewed during normal school hours.


Trudy McKay Returning Officer

11 APRIL 2019

Uniform Reminders

Ties The DHS tie is required to be worn by Years 7-12 students from the beginning of Term 2. These can be purchased from The Warehouse, Rolleston or Darfield High School. Jackets Students are permitted to wear either a plain navy or plain black jacket with their uniform during the cooler weather. Socks Ensure that your child is wearing the correct socks to school. For both girls and boys, knee-high black socks are required. Jewellery The only jewellery permitted is a wristwatch and one gold or silver stud in each ear. No other jewellery is to be worn. Blazers Blazers are to be worn on Tuesdays. Parents, please remind your students to bring their blazers on Tuesdays for assemblies. Long Sleeved Shirts These are available from The Warehouse, Rolleston. Thermals can be worn but MUST NOT be seen at the neckline or below short sleeves.

PTSA Office Bearers for 2019 Chairperson:

Rhonda Hamilton-Cross

Deputy Chairperson:

Sally Whitwell


Becky Stewart


Ann-Clare McGregor

Staff Representative:

Camille Cartman


James Morris

Student Representatives:

Corien Blom and Cassandra Aubrey

Hi my name is Donna Laugesen. I am the Technology Technician, that is, an assistant to the cooking and sewing teachers. I have been living in Darfield for seven years after moving from the West Coast. Some of my hobbies are Cake Decorating, Line Dancing and socialising with people from different nationalities. I also really enjoy seeing and helping young people learning what can be lifelong skills; if not used now they are always there for the future. I am looking forward to my new role.

Committee: Leanne Hughes, Vikki Buck, Jeanette McKenzie, Marcia Taylor, Katrina Diver, Sue Simcox, Nikki King, Georgia McKenzie

The next PTSA Meeting 30 April DHS Staffroom 7.30 pm


Thank you for the warm welcome I have received in my first couple of weeks at Darfield High School. I have joined the staff here to look after Mrs Sullivan- Croote's class while she is on maternity leave. I have taught Science for a total of 15 years at both Wanganui High School and Rangiora High School. For the last four years, I have been working with BCITO, mentoring and assessing Construction Apprentices.

(L to R) Mrs Sumiyo Hayakawa-Buist, Mrs Shona Staddon, Mrs Sarah Kennedy and Miss Nicola Hely.


When I am not at work, I enjoy getting out for a dive, or a fish or hunt, especially with my family. If you see me around, please stop me and introduce yourself. Glenn Scott 3

STUDENT SUCCESSES Celebrating the successes of our students is important.

There are a number of areas that students excel in. Whether this is part of or outside of the DHS community, please feel free to let us know, so we can celebrate their achievements with the whole community.

South Island Secondary Schools Mountain Bike Champs Great results from DHS Students Brooke Winter-Reid, Maia Adams, Eddie Adams and Ethan Rose.

South Island Secondary Schools Ultimate Frisbee Champs March 25 and 26 this year saw Darfield take three teams to South Island Secondary Schools Ultimate Frisbee Champs, held in Christchurch. Over the course of the tournament all three teams played competitively in their own grade and the open grade with some convincing wins, and hard fought losses. All three teams made it through to their respective finals with DHS Mixed facing Riccarton Mixed, and DHS Girls facing Riccarton Girls, both coming away with the win. DHS Open faced Christchurch Boys they had a very close win against them in the crossovers, but unfortunately this time had a narrow loss. Across the board some outstanding results and we look forward to South Island Secondary Schools next year, and for some, potentially, Secondary Schools Nationals in Taupo. Spirit Most Spirited Player - Girls Division: Jess McKenzie Most Spirited Player - Mixed Division: Harrison Beresford Most Spirited Team - Open Division: DHS Senior Open Most Valuable Player - Girls Division: Ella van der Wilt


Placings DHS Senior Girls - 1st Girls Division (9th Open) DHS Senior Mixed - 1st Mixed Division (6th Open) DHS Senior Open - 2nd Open Division

11 APRIL 2019

Charlotte Thomas Charlotte won the Overall Intermediate Secondary School Rider in the 2019 NZPCA Dressage Championship, riding her horse Time After Time. Congratulations, Charlotte.

Ethan Rose Ethan came second in the Under-17 Oceania Mountain Bike Champs held recently in Australia. Congratulations, Ethan.

Ryan Hughes Ryan was recently selected to be part of the Willows Cricket Club Youth Tour 2019 to Malaysia and Sri Lanka from 11 April. Students from the following schools: Wanganui Collegiate, Nelson College, Christ's College, St Thomas of Canterbury College, Christchurch Boys' High School, St Bede's College and Otago Boys' High School make up the rest of the team. This selection follows his captaining the Canterbury Country Secondary Schools Team. Well done, Ryan, and well deserved! We all look forward to finding out more about this trip when you return to Darfield after the school holidays.

Cole Atutolu Was recently awarded The Canterbury Country Junior Batsman of the Year. Well done, Cole!

Marcel A'Court Marcel received a Special Principal's Award recently. He has made the school a better place to be by working to build positive relationships.

Congratulations to the following students who competed in the South Island Secondary Schools Athletic Championships which were held recently at the Saxton Athletic Stadium, Nelson. Isla McPherson who was 4th in the Under 14 girls 3000 metres Kirsty McCarthy-Dempsey who was 2nd in the Under 14 girls Shot Put and 5th in the Javelin Emma Wason who was 2nd in the Under 15 girls Javelin Zoe Spinks who made the finals of both the Under 19 Girls 100 metres and 200 metres but did not place A special thank you to all the parents and caregivers who transported the girls to Nelson! ISSUE 4 / DHS DISPATCH


Darfield wins Canterbury Interschool Dressage

Fourth Year in a row

Another beautiful day in Canterbury produced another spectacular result for our gifted equestrians. We had three teams entered, one noncompetitive, and were placed 1st and 14th from over twenty teams of riders from Timaru to North Canterbury. Each class had 26-27 riders, so placings were hard fought. The winning team comprised Charlotte Thomas, Georgia Allison, Katherine Hadler and Caitlin Rayne. Charlotte rode two outstanding tests, scoring over 70% for both and placing first and second in both her tests on her lovely big chestnut mare, Time after Time. Katherine also had an outstanding day, placing 1st and 3rd in both her tests on the ever-consistent Hakuna Matata, and winning best Level 1 Rider for the day. Katherine also gets my award for the ‘Best scrub up’ as she has a pure white horse whom she made gleam. Georgia also performed extremely well, placing 3rd and 9th on Hokey Pokey, fresh from winning Junior Showhunter of the Year at HOY. Caitlin performed two lovely tests on her eventer Brentwood Surprise, placing 4th and 20th, showing that different judges see different things!

Sophie Allison was a last-minute addition and performed extremely well in her first ever Level 2 tests on a young horse. She gained 4th and 9th places for her two tests, but caught the judges’ eye and won one of the turnout prizes for the day on the beautiful Gypsy Cob cross Willowslee Perfect Storm. Mikayla Wycliffe had an outstanding day on the beautiful and talented NS Hey Mickey, also fresh from success at HOY. Mikayla has not long started competing in dressage and managed a 4th in a tough Level 2 class and a 7th. Ella van der Wilt performed two lovely tests on her lovely black mount to gain midplacings in both tests. Her sister, Emma, had a more difficult couple of rides but thoroughly enjoyed her day. Millie Wilson, riding a new 6

pony this season, got my award for the biggest smile, but also performed very well, gaining over 60% for both tests and gaining mid-class placements for both tests against some far more experienced riders. Sarah Gerritsen was pleased with both performances at Level 2 on her lovely grey Stella, showing superb lengthened strides, and she was very pleased with how far the mare has come. Chloe Cameron was all ready to go, but unfortunately her horse pulled up lame and she had to retire for the day. This was the last Dressage day for Georgia Allison, who has competed and been part of every winning team since 2016. She will be greatly missed in the team, but it warms my heart that we have so many super riders coming up and that equestrian will remain strong at Darfield. There is a real feeling of pride in the equestrian teams which is shown by the camaraderie between the riders and the parents, and the level

of professionalism they exhibit in their behaviour, attitude and pride in their appearance. I would like to thank Georgia Allison for all of her work behind the scenes. Also, a huge thank you goes out to all the parents who are always willing to volunteer as helpers on the day. Horse rider parents are often the unsung heroes behind the scenes and give up huge amounts of time to make sure that their kids can compete. I always enjoy ‘hanging out’ with the parents and can see where their daughters get their sportsmanship qualities: happy-go-lucky, humble when doing well, gracious when things go wrong, and always ready to help others. Thank you again to Sarah Kennedy whose company I immensely enjoy and appreciate. Well done, teams! 2019 Canterbury Interschool Dressage Champions! Nicky Voss

11 APRIL 2019

Canterbury Primary Schools Swimming Championships 2019 On Thursday 4 April, a small group of keen swimmers headed to the Selwyn Aquatic Pool for the above championships. This year, as a new initiative instead of timed heats (in other words the fastest person in all heats is declared the winner), the organisers ran finals as well. This made for some very tired swimmers at the end of the swimming session. The competition was tough but all of the Darfield High Schools students competing can be justifiably happy with their efforts. Although we had no one placing this year, the following students came very close: Kimberly Harris 4th in the Open Girls Butterfly Final Holly Smith 4th in the Year 8 Girls Breaststroke and 6th in Freestyle Finals Year 8 Relay team (Holly Smith, Kimberly Harris, Barnaby Maude and Noah Whiteside) 5th overall in the final. A big thank you to all parents who helped with transport and supported all the students swimming.

Canterbury Secondary Schools Swimming Championships 2019 The day following the Primary Schools Swimming Championships, the Canterbury Secondary Schools Championships were held, this time at the Jellie Park Complex. In contrast to the Primary Championships, this event consisted of timed events only. Once again, the competition at this event was exciting and very competitive. A number of the swimmers were using this event as a warm-up for the New Zealand National Swimming Championships to be held later this month in Wellington and including two of our swimmers. Special mention to the following students: Chloe Newbigging Ethan Taylor Charlise Miller

1st in 14 years Girls 50 m Butterfly (also a personal best time) 4th in the Open Girls 200 m Individual Medley 1st in 16-18 Boys 50 m Breaststroke 8th in Open 100 m Butterfly (also a personal best time) 3rd in 14 years Girls 50 m Breaststroke (also a personal best time) 3rd in the Open Girls 100 m Breaststroke

Good luck to Chloe and Ethan in their efforts to qualify for the finals in their respective events at the New Zealand Championships. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Ethan Taylor for all his efforts in representing Darfield High School so successfully over the past few years at the swimming championships. Ethan always swam to the best of his ability as well as supporting all the other swimmers. I will miss his enthusiasm and knowledge of swimming. Good luck for the future, Ethan! I would also like to thank Mr Paul Newbigging for assisting at both events as a Swim Canterbury Official. His expertise and support of Darfield High School students are very much appreciated.

Rural Country Schools Music Festival

On Friday 22 March, I and thirteen other students went to Rangiora for the Rural Country Schools Music Festival.

We were welcomed by a Mihi Whakatau followed by some shared kai, then swiftly made our way to the rehearsal space where we spent the majority of our day. We were here to learn four songs and then perform them that night at a concert.


We were divided into groups based on whether we were musicians or singers.

At the beginning of the concert we were introduced by four boys playing piano, then came the band, and then we sang our songs. The evening finished with a big band performance.

After a long exhausting day and a slight delay unlocking the car back in Darfield, we all got home! Huge thanks to Mr Mitchell (we could not have gone without him) and to Mrs Wilson for her support throughout the day. Jack Guy


DHS TRIATHLON 2019 RESULTS INDIVIDUAL Senior Boys Years 11-13 INDIVIDUAL Senior Girls Years 11-13 INDIVIDUAL Intermediate Boys Years 9 & 10 INDIVIDUAL Intermediate Girls Years 9 & 10 INDIVIDUAL Junior Boys Years 7 & 8 INDIVIDUAL Junior Girls Years 7 & 8 TEAMS Senior Boys Years 11-13 TEAMS Senior Girls Years 11-13

Ethan Taylor


Matthew Ashworth



Harry Williamson



Zahara Sutton



Caitlin Rayne



Maia Adams



James Day



Vaughan Smart



Brayden Barnhill



Isla McPherson



Zara McLean



Charlise Miller



Charlie Blackburn



Eddie Adams



Joe Cookson



Celia McPherson/Holly Smith



Yssabel Cullen



Ethan Taylor/Ryan Hughes/Lachlan Summerfield



Harry Williamson/Josh May/Nik Hodgman



Ollie Pooler/Caleb Curtin/Kegan Pitkethley



Issy Kennedy/Rosa Dunnlogan/Emily Waters


Ella Roessink/Saskia Jansen/Monique St Clair-Newman


Casey Roessink/Stef McKenzie/Brianna Longdin


Travis Abraham/Joe Veronese/Vaughan Smart



TEAMS Intermediate Boys Years 9 & 10


TEAMS Intermediate Girls Years 9 & 10


Blakely Bruce-Sheppard/Rylee Shepherd/MacKenzie Butler



Chloe Newbigging/Jessica Henderson



Emily Morrison/Megan Allan


TEAMS Mixed Years 9 & 10


Anna McKenzie/Fenton Dawson/Lachie McNeilly-Bower



Jimmy Ferguson/Henry Pratt/Blake Taylor



Luke Dunshea/Willy Macpherson/Sean Bromley



Xzavier Gilmor/Thomas Campbell/Jake Stott



Soraya Earl/Sara Hefferon/Charlotte Cridge



Jody McCarthy-Dempsey/Milan Beattie/Brianna Taylor



Hannah Molloy/Amber Pankhurst/Sacha Willis



Alastar Busch/Maddison Boekholt/Charli Gilbertson



Carys Rugg/James Lilley-Le Comte/Carmelyn Payne



Michaela Cameron/Summer Barker/Ryan Partington


TEAMS Junior Boys Years 7 & 8 TEAMS Junior Girls Years 7 & 8 TEAMS Mixed Years 7 & 8




11 APRIL 2019

Apirana Taylor Man of Many Talents

Thank you to the New Zealand Book Council for making Apirana Taylor's visit possible. #writersinschools


This week we were visited by Apirana Taylor. He is an awardwinning New Zealand poet, novelist, performer, story-teller, musician and painter. Apirana is of M훮ori (Ngati Porou, Te Wh훮nau a Apanui, and Ngati Ruanui) and P훮keha descent and frequently travels nationally and internationally, reciting his poetry and performing his written stories. Years 10-13 were treated to a dynamic performance of poetry and story accompanied by traditional and contemporary M훮ori music. Two of our students, AsiaLee and Tatiana, were invited on to stage and ably assisted him in a musical poetry item. The "Writing makes you strong" workshop held after the performance was popular, with most students leaving with new strategies, confidence, and unique Apirana writing tips. He has been described as "one of New Zealand's most powerful poets" and we can certainly attest to this.


An update from



11 APRIL 2019

The trip so far has been incredible. The first week we spent in Paris was amazing, seeing all of the amazing views for ourselves instead of just through pictures that we'd seen before. Something that I really enjoyed about Paris, nearly more than the Eiffel Tower or Arc De Triomphe, was the food! Everything in Paris was great and I would love to go back again some time. Ethan Spence This trip so far has been really good. The time we spent in Paris was amazing and seeing all the famous landmarks was brilliant. I really enjoyed Sacre-CĹ“ur and le PanthĂŠon. The food here is excellent and recommend to try the chouquettes. Being at school is great too, and everyone is really friendly and is always willing to help you. Although many things here are really different from New Zealand, the trip has been wonderful. Issy Kennedy I am enjoying staying in France so far. The coast of Brittany is very beautiful, especially the pink granite rocks, and the sea is very clear. The countryside is also very pretty with lots of little cottages made of stone with slate roofs. My host family has been very kind to me (they made me a chocolate cake for my birthday) and the kids at school are mostly very nice also. It is difficult to understand the teachers at school because they all talk very fast, but it is getting easier, and I have made some friends who help me out a lot. I think that I will really enjoy these two months in France as the language gets easier and I see more of the country. Emily Waters



OPEN: The school Library is open all school hours including interval and lunchtime. ISSUE: You can borrow up to five books for four weeks as a student of DHS. www.dhslibrary.nz Visit the school's library website for reading and research resources, e- and audio books, useful databases and more! As a student or a parent, if you have any queries, then talk to the librarians or email: libstaff@darfield.school.nz or hd@darfield.school.nz

Students doing research homework? Check out AnyQuestions. This is a free online reference service for all New Zealand school students via live text based chat. They are NZ librarians, open 1 – 6pm weekdays to help students with their research inquiries. The aim of the service is not to give students the answer, but rather to teach them valuable information literacy skills so they can find the information for themselves. Via online text based chat AnyQuestions librarians work with students to unpack their questions, uncovering what their real need is before guiding them to quality online resources. To find this service you can go to: https://anyquestions.govt.nz/ This service also has ManyAnswers - Here you can search for answers to popular questions asked on AnyQuestions.

Check out the

Head Prefects' Introduction Videos

Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


BOOKS WITH BOB Once again, book and literacy promoter, Bob Docherty entertained Years 7, 8 and 9 students with tales and excerpts from books that they might enjoy. Bob covered a wide range of genres from horror to humour, and there was something here for all. The popularity of these sessions is reflected in the number of reserves students made - a massive 468. The Library has had to purchase multiple copies to ensure students get to read them by the end of year!

(L to R): Felix Jennings, Bob Docherty, Sapphire Kavanaugh and Scarlett Hyde




By arrangement with Originâ„¢ Theatrical Pty Ltd - www.origintheatrical.com.au BOOK, MUSIC AND LYRICS BY JIM JACOBS AND WARREN CASEY


Morehu Solomon




TICKETS www.darfield.school.nz or DHS Office 318 8411

Venue: DHS Hall

$20 Adults $15 Students

The Matinee Shows have been adapted to a Junior Version suitable for primary school children

7.30pm OPENING NIGHT Tuesday 11 June 14

10am 7.30pm

10am 7.30pm

MATINEE & EVENING SHOW Wednesday 12 June


10 am FINAL SHOW Friday 14 June 11 APRIL 2019


Act 1 - Scenes 3 4 5 6 Act 5 - Scene 1

The definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Lady Macbeth - Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. This year, the Canterbury Regional Shakespeare Festival was held on Saturday 6 April at Middleton Grange High School. Darfield High School Year 12 Drama students performed the Scottish play Macbeth. Awards James Stead: Most promising actor in the Canterbury Regional Shakespeare Festival. Group award Best dramatic exit. The whole group performed with distinction with Jessica Galletly, who received the most promising actress at last year’s festival, playing a strong supportive role alongside James Stead. The highlight of the festival was Henry Oakley's performance on stage. Henry’s enjoyment of drama was an inspiration for all. Well done everybody: may you all continue to perform in the future and share the words of William Shakespeare.


Characters Macbeth James Stead Lady Macbeth Jessica Galletly Banquo Cameron Mills Messenger Henry Oakley King Duncan Bena Pearson Doctor Isobel Simcox Gentlewoman Aimee Fleet Technical crew Costume/Makeup Stage Crew Director

Annie Campbell Callum Jones Morehu Solomon 15

Visitors from Thailand For the last four weeks of this term, we have been hosting a group of ten students from our partner Thai study abroad agency, Kiwicentre. Two students have also joined Year 8 regular classes, as they will stay on a little longer than the rest of the group. During their programme, the Thai students have experienced a range of outings and activities, as well as studying in classes with their Darfield High School buddies. It has been great to see the friendly way Darfield students have interacted with them, with one student even greeting her buddy in Thai language – something that really impressed the Thai students. At intervals and lunchtimes, they have loved joining in basketball on the quad, as well as chatting with their new friends. The final weekend was spent on a threeday trip to Queenstown, where we were lucky to have great weather and heaps of fun. The students will be sad to depart for Thailand on 12 April, but will take home lots of good memories. The international department would like to say a big thank you to their host families, buddies, and the wider community for warmly welcoming and hosting the students during their stay.


11 APRIL 2019

McHugh's Mountain Bike

Madness Race

Last year, I had the idea of running a four-hour team mountain bike race for the World Vision 40-hour Famine and donating the money to the World Vision charity, but I did not give myself enough time to make it happen. My mother (Nic Kelly) kept it at the back of her mind and then, one day this year, she asked me if I still wanted it to happen. I happily said yes and together we approached Jayde Mayberry (Selwyn Sports Trust, Physical Activity Activator) who happily agreed to this idea and, after two meetings and a bit of emailing, we came up with a plan. We decided to reduce it to a twohour team mountain bike race for students in Years 4-8. We decided to hold it in McHugh’s Plantation and raise money for the building and maintenance of MTB tracks in the plantation. The categories were made up of a blue team of two participants (for the not so experienced riders), a yellow team of two participants (for the more experienced riders)

Some of the Trophies handed out. Designed and made by Eddie Adams


and a junior and senior solo category for the crazy ones who do the whole thing all by themselves. With a cheap entry price of $10 per person, we ended up with 56 kids out there doing their best and raising over $500. A huge thank you to my mum, Jayde Mayberry, some of the DHS OED students for helping out, Gnomes Ski Store, Darfield Bakery and Darfield Pharmacy for donating spot prizes, and also Ethan Rose for helping out and handing out our awesome trophies. The day was amazing and I hope I can make it an annual event with some older kids and adult races, too. Eddie Adams 17

CROSS CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS 2019 AGE Year 7 Boys Year 7 Girls Year 8 Boys Year 8 Girls Under 14 Boys Under 14 Girls Under 15 Boys Under 15 Girls Under 16 ½ Boys Under 16 ½ Girls Over 16 ½ Boys Over 16 ½ Girls


WINNER Hamish Henderson Yssabel Cullen Charlie Blackburn Kate Hefferon Casey Taylor Isla McPherson Matthew Ashworth Emily Morrison Reuben Boyes Caitlin Knowles Jackson Proud Zoe Spinks

RUNNER-UP Ryan Thomas Sara Hefferon Eddie Adams Holly Smith Austin Saint John Pedler Charlise Miller Peter Curd-Bourgeois Lexie Sinclair Lachlan Adams Caitlin Rayne Ben Millar Georgia Allison

11 APRIL 2019




WORK EXPERIENCE Right: Qwin Billings' artwork ready to be sprayed onto a car panel at Auto and Engineering.

The cookery students (Laura Ashworth and Elle Day) were doing an assessment called 'Sandwiches to go' where they had to introduce themselves to the customer, offer a menu of sandwich options and then make and present the sandwich to the customer.

Ancke Hurter - showing the things she was making at Auto and Engineering

Year 12 Student Tatiana Little doing work experience in the DHS Canteen. Today she was helping to make garlic bread.



11 APRIL 2019

I wanted to pass on my heartfelt thank you to Darfield High School contributing to a very successful Blood Drive on Thursday 4 April. What an awesome bunch of students. 31 Students signed up and 30 students turned up on the day to donate (one student was sick). This is unheard of, what an amazing dedicated, reliable bunch of young people.


21 New Donors - this is the number that excites us and something for Darfield High School to be very proud of. Thank you to the members of the public that also gave blood. We collected a total of 42 units of blood. Thank you for the willingness to help SAVE LIVES - you are all Super Heroes! Jules Askin Donor Recruiter - New Zealand Blood Service




Shave for a cure website

Raising money for New Zealanders living with a blood cancer or blood condition



11 APRIL 2019




Kieran McKay Lucas de Burger Nathan Croy Mr Saunders Jackson Proud Marit Schiller Fergus Eatwell Liam Morris Zoe Parker Cassie Hart Michelle Bruce Aiko Sakurai

for a cure

Well done to the students and staff who gave to Shave for a Cure ISSUE 4 / DHS DISPATCH


On Wednesday 27 March, the Years 10-13 students attended a talk by a speaker from Attitude. Tamatea, the Attitude speaker, really had everyone engaged in his talk on stress and how to deal with it. He made us realise what it would be like to be in someone else's shoes in times of humiliation and stress. Along with others, I learnt very much from Tamatea’s compelling speech. He is a humorous character, really getting everyone's attention and making his presentation really enjoyable, especially the bus incident when his bag got caught sucking him into the bus door he was leaning against.

In Tamatea's presentation, he told us many facts that some students may not have even known before, eg that the brain is made from 75% water, and boys are fully mature at age 30 and girls as early as 20. When talking about depression, he didn't make it seem like someone was crazy, rather that they needed to get some professional help. He made us think of three older people we would trust to ask if we ever needed advice or guidance. To end, Tamatea acknowledged that asking for help is a courageous act and doesn’t make someone weak. Emily Cullen

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jayne Mallinder at the school for more information or advice ma@darfield.school.nz 24

11 APRIL 2019

The Year 13 History trip is an opportunity for students to do practical research into a founding part of New Zealand History, the Otago Gold Rush. We spent three nights down in Arrowtown, travelling around the district to visit sights of relevance to the Gold Rush. We left from the High School early on a Saturday morning and started travelling down south, stopping in Tekapo and Cromwell, where we walked the historic Bannockburn mining site. This allowed us to gain insight into how gold mining methods, such as sluicing, impact the environment. We then travelled to the Arrowtown Holiday Park, where we were staying. On day two, we spent the morning wandering around Queenstown. We had free time so were able to individually choose what we wanted to do in Queenstown. Some of the chosen activities were Fear Factory, the gondola, the luge and the observatory under the lake. We also got to enjoy the culinary delights that Queenstown offers, such as the Fergburger, Ice cream and Chocolate chip cookies. We then travelled down the Skippers Canyon Road (the third most dangerous road in the world!) to the Shotover River where we went jet boating. After this, we visited the Shotover Museum where we got to see old mining equipment and pan for gold. We then returned to the holiday park, where we spent the rest of the evening studying and partaking in some very boisterous rounds of cards. Day three arrived - the fun was over, and the serious history was about to start. After an early start, we all walked down to the Lakes District Museum to start our research. We were met by Denise, who gave

us a quick tour around and some helpful tips for researching. Then, we were given free reign over the Museum’s extensive archives. They have a wealth of unique resources, including old newspaper articles, photos, diaries, original documents, books, and more. The staff were also incredibly knowledgeable, and more than happy to answer our many questions. Everyone was busy reading, photocopying, and highlighting, with occasional breaks to rest our brains and have a snack. After our lunch break, we packed up and set off for a tour around the Arrowtown township, guided by Denise. We visited the old jail, several churches, the graveyard, and the old Chinese settlement, all while gaining valuable information to help in our research. Returning to the lodge, we had dinner and once again engaged in some very lively rounds of cards. Finally that night, (almost) everyone took part in an impromptu boot camp and yoga session on the rugby field. Even though most of us were not very fit and even less flexible, everyone gave it their all and had a great time. The next morning, after another early start, we headed back to the museum to continue our research. We finished up before lunch, and after one last wander along the main street, we piled into the van to start the long drive home. We had a great time and we all really enjoyed the trip. Big thanks to Mrs Lee, Miss Tregear and the staff at the Lakes District Museum. You really helped us to gather relevant and indepth research for our assignment, and it was very valuable to have access to the primary resources. Kate Morris and Michelle Bruce

History - Arrowtown Trip



Students pitch in to help Plunket The outdoor area of the Barrington Plunket Clinic has been refreshed with help from some of our Year 12 students and the University of Canterbury (UC) Student Volunteer Army (SVA). In March, our students, alongside the UC SVA and other Year 12s from local schools, took on the project as part of the SVA’s Year 12 UCan programme. In a single morning the group painted fences and railings, and removed two trailer loads of waste and other items. A total of 320 kilograms of green waste was removed from the site – making a huge difference to the area available for development.

Rebecca Brundell, Plunket Community Support Co-ordinator, said, “The students on the SVA UCan programme have done an amazing job and I cannot thank them enough. We would certainly not be able to get projects like this done without their support.” The UCan Year 12 programme encourages local secondary students to become leaders in their communities through volunteering, while being mentored by SVA members. Along with getting out and making a difference in the community, the Year 12 students also got to learn more about the SVA, how it was founded, and the work it continues to do in the community. The students will also be challenged with coming up with a project idea that they would like to implement within their own school and/or community.

Darfield High School Formal 2019 This year the Senior Formal will be held at Darfield High School on Saturday 27 July. This is at the end of the first week of Term 3. Senior students who wish too attend this event need to be aware of the conditions for entry and guidelines around outside partners. They are as follows: Ticket Sales will be limited to 300. Darfield High School Students get first priority to purchase tickets. Darfield High School Students must be enrolled at the time of the Formal. Darfield High School Students must have an attendance rate of 90% or higher to be eligible to attend the Formal (camps, field trips and sports trips do not count as non-attendance). If students in Years 12 and 13 want to bring an outside partner, they should indicate this and provide the details on the permission slip at the time they purchase their own ticket. The number of outside partner tickets available will be known only after DHS students have purchased theirs. It is hoped that all outside partners can be accommodated. However, if there are too many, then Year 13 students will get priority for outside partners. Outside partners must be 18 or under. Outside partners may be required to provide photo ID on the night.

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Year 9 CAMP Well, to start off, Year 9 Camp was amazing!! We left school at around 10 am and arrived at Craigieburn Forest Park at around 11 am. The first thing that we did (after we had unpacked and settled in) was go Cavestreaming. It was amazing! For a start it was cold but then we got used to it. We walked for a bit and then stopped and Mr Meder told us about Cave Stream and how it was formed. After he was done, we continued walking and emerged at the end. Once we got changed, we went to Castle Hill to do abseiling. That was really fun!! We climbed up to where we were doing abseiling and got a crash course on abseiling. Then I went first. It was scary for a start but then it was fine. After that, we went back to the lodge and had some free time. The other activities that we got to do were kayaking, team building games and raft building. We also did rogaining and my team won. It was great exercise!! The last thing that we did was a walk up Helicopter Hill. It was really fun. Shaun Pearson



School and Community Notices

TERM ONE 2019 April 12 29

Year 9 Grammar Games Last Day of Term One First Day of Term Two

Easter Camp Are you thinking about how you want to spend your school Holidays? Easter Camp is happening on 18-22 April and is an absolute blast. Check out all the details, promo video and to register visit www.eastercamp.org.nz

Measles and Impetigo. Information from MOH regarding Measles Outbreak March 2019 There is currently a measles outbreak in Christchurch affecting unimmunised or partially immunised infants, children and adults. Measles is a highly infectious disease. Symptoms include fever, cough, red eyes and a runny nose, and then a rash which develops after about three days. About one in ten people with measles need to be hospitalised and 30% will develop complications. Please make sure that your children’s immunisations are up-todate. Impetigo (School Sores) There has been a case of Impetigo reported at Darfield High School. Impetigo, also known as school sores, causes blisters on exposed parts of the body, such as hands, legs and face. The sores spread easily by contact with others.

Darfield High School PTSA The next meeting is 30 April at 7.30 pm, DHS Staffroom. Come along and meet the wonderful school helpers and fundraisers. All of the money raised goes back into the school to help our students. New members are very welcome. For more information please email: ptsa@darfield.school.nz 2019 Trustee Elections: School needs you to step forward It’s time to think about nominating yourself, or someone you know, to be a school trustee. Nomination forms will be posted to parents in May.


Reporting Absences/Sick Students Please let us know if your student is going to be absent. To report an absence, telephone and leave a message, or email absences@darfield.school.nz Emails sent to other addresses may not be cleared before a text message is sent to you. Lost Property There is a large number of unclaimed items from last year. Please can you get your students to come and take a look if they know something has been misplaced. Parents: you are most welcome to come and check the clothing and items at Student Administration. If you have items that do not belong to you, please can they be returned to the Student Administration Office. Contact Details It is important that we have your correct contact details; please let us know of any changes.

Rolleston DHS Track Pants

CLEARANCE $4.97! Click Here


Parking Outside the School Outside the school on McLaughlins Road, is a no stopping zone. We need parents to observe the ‘No Parking or Stopping Zone’ between the School’s front gate and bus bay. To keep students safe, we need this area clear before and after school. There are signs indicating the restrictions. Opposite Darfield High School on McLaughlins Road, car parks are marked out and broken yellow lines are painted outside residents' driveways. Please ensure you park within the allocated car parks and not in front of residents’ driveways. The car parks outside the school hall are reserved for staff and visitors coming into the school. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated. There is usually plenty of space around the bend towards Bangor Road, or south-west on McLaughlins Road. Click Here


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APRIL 2019

holiday programmes

Science, culture, exploration, adventure and inspiration…


Want an action-packed school holiday programme? The best place to be is Antarctica. We’ve got the closest thing to the real deal with our 2019 School Holiday programme. Our team leads children through a range of cool experiences, introducing them to a vast, inspirational continent of icy storms, cute penguins and hardworking huskies.


There’s the chance to discover how penguin keepers look after our avian team members for a day. There are also great opportunities to learn what living on the ice is like, and to experience it all up close!





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2 days. 6 talks. 1 tree planting. 2 interactive workshops. 120 passionate young people.

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Defensive Driving Courses

• Cost $175 (includes driving session). • Anyone with demerit points can complete. • If you miss a session you have the flexibility to catch up this session at another course.


Wānanga being delivered by Tū Toka Tū Ariki Thursday 18 April, Powhiri at 6.00 pm until Monday 22 April, Powhiri at 11.00 am Awhitu Estate, Pohau Road, Taumutu

All Tauira must be 10 years of age or older, or accompanied by an Adult. All registrations - $40 per person. Email Vicki Oliver for more details vicki@darfield.school.nz


Looking for a new career? Enjoy being part of your local community? Do you have good people skills and enjoy working as part of a team? Live in or around the Darfield area? Have you thought about Real Estate? INTERESTED?

Give Linda a call 027 294 4818

Please note you will have to complete your Level Four Salespersons Certificate


Holiday Programme Beginners, suitable

for new players age 8—12, J4/ J3 graded players.

Cost: $20 per session

Easter School Holidays Squash Program

Dates & Venues

Beginners & Improvers

Improvers, suitable

for new players age 13+, and graded players J2 and above

Squash Sessions

Monday 15th April 9am—12pm Beginners, Hoon Hay SC, Sockburn 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Hoon Hay SC, Sockburn Tuesday 16th April 9am—12pm Beginners, Hoon Hay SC, Sockburn 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Hoon Hay SC, Sockburn Thursday 18th April 9am—12pm Beginners, Malvern SC, Darfield 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Malvern SC, Darfield Tuesday 23rd April 9am—12pm Beginners, Burnside SC, Avonhead

Bookings are essential as spaces are limited !!

9am—12pm Beginners, Christchurch SC, City Centre 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Burnside SC, Avonhead 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Christchurch SC, City Centre Wednesday 24th April 9am—12pm Beginners, Burnside SC, Avonhead 9am—12pm Beginners, Christchurch SC, City Centre 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Burnside SC, Avonhead 12.30pm—3.30pm Improvers, Christchurch SC, City Centre 12.30pm—3.30pm Beginners (13+), Linwood SC, Linwood

For further information and to book: Contact Di McCoy 021 245 0966 juniordev@squashcanterbury.co.nz

www.squashcanterbury.co.nz When booking, please confirm if you require equipment and please wear non-marking court shoes.



Outward Bound is one of New Zealand’s leading organisations for showing people their full potential through outdoor challenge and adventure. All courses are delivered from our school in Anakiwa based in the beautiful Queen Charlotte Sound.



16-18 year olds

13-15 year olds & parent/caregiver

8-28 April - 21 days

11-18 April - 8 days

For students transitioning to or in a leadership role in year 12 or 13.

Leaps & Bounds is the ultimate parent/teen bonding experience.

Understand what it means to become a leader and work as part of a team. Learn how to inspire others and be a great role model, form life-long friendships and networks with other young leaders from schools across New Zealand.

Leave devices at home and reconnect with your teen over 8 days of outdoor challenge and adventure. Together you will problem solve, overcome challenges and celebrate each other’s strengths.

Key Outcomes:

Key Outcomes:

• • • • •

• • • • •

Explore and build on your leadership strengths Learn how to be part of a high performing team Communication skills including inspiring, coaching and understanding others perspectives Develop new networks and relationships with other young leaders across NZ Gain an understanding of how your personal values influence you as a leader

Gain trust, respect and a more meaningful connection with each other Experience working in a partnership and as part of a wider team Push your own self-imposed boundaries and support your teen as they push theirs Develop an understanding of each other’s strengths and capabilities Gain a better understanding and appreciation for the outdoors

To find out more go to outwardbound.co.nz or talk with our friendly team on 0800 688 927


11 APRIL 2019




Mentors can make a real difference to a business. A mentor is someone who has business experience and meets regularly to bounce ideas around and discuss the direction of the business. If you would be interested in finding out more about YES and the mentoring of Year 13 Business Studies students, please contact Caroline Harrington, ch@darfield.school.nz.

A call for Students who would like to learn to

referee rugby Darfield High School has a proud list of referees who have officiated around the area

Caleb Banks Joseph Fettel Tom Rowlands Tom Welsh-current student,

DHS PTSA are selling Entertainment Books Pre-order online today HERE Or you can email cc@darfield.school.nz or contact the School office

who has been recognised by the Rugby Union in 2018, as a most improved rugby referee.

Have you ever thought of being a rugby referee? Please contact Mrs Armstrong ka@darfield.school.nz or Mrs Jebson 318 3796

$70 each

l & Bethel e th


Saturday 25 May 7pm

Parents and Friends of DHS

Coach Urgently Required

Note your calendars

for the Years 9 and 10 Boys Quick Rip Rugby Team for Term 2

Darfield High School PTSA invites you to:


Save the date!

Ethel & Bethel Bingo Babes

bes a B o Bing

Bring along your drinks and nibbles and friends

More details to come re tickets and where to purchase them from

Anyone interested in donating prizes for raffle or spot prizes please email ptsa@darfield.school.nz ISSUE 4 / DHS DISPATCH

One Lunchtime per week


Wednesday afternoons Kick off 3 pm Away and home games Please contact Mrs Armstrong ka@darfield.school.nz or Mrs Jebson 318 3796 31

Schools need us all to step forward. Nominate yourself or someone you know to be a school trustee. Contact your local school for a nomination form.

Find out more www.trustee-election.co.nz

DHS Returning Officer Mrs Trudy McKay Email: trudy@darfield.school.nz

• Darfield High School • PO Box 5, Darfield, 7541

• 7 McLaughlins Road, Darfield • 03 318 8411

• admin@darfield.school.nz • www.darfield.school.nz

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