Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mōhio 23 MARCH 2017
The mornings are getting darker and the days are getting cooler. One never seems to have enough hours in the day! This is the reason we like to keep our meetings on track and not go on for hours. The AGM has been and gone with the new line up as follows: •
Chairperson: Rhonda Hamilton-Cross
Deputy Chairperson: Sally Whitwell
Secretary: Leanne Hughes
Treasurer: Ann-Clare McGregor
Committee: Nikki King, Annemieke Thomas, Sue Simcox, and David Galletly
Teacher Representatives: Camille Cartman and Penny Munro
Student and Board Rep: Rachael Phillipson
I would personally like to thank Nikki King for her fabulous years as Chairperson. She has dedicated a lot of time to this position (without any children at the school), and is always an honest, hard-working and committed person. In thanking Nikki, we must also give thanks to her extended family whom she has also dragged along to give help! I am so glad that she is staying on the committee as her humour keeps the meetings lighthearted! The PTSA is a major cog in the wheel of the running of the school. It is the one place that you get to hear the Board Report, Principal's Report, students' concerns, teacher concerns and parents’ concerns all in the one night. We are the connection.
I see it as I want the best for my children, so why not get involved and help make decisions that can deliver the best. For those of you who forgot the AGM date, (or were scared you would get voted on to a position you didn’t want!) and would now like to be involved in some way, please contact me on ph 0210676950 or email: allurehomeopathy@gmail.com. The next meeting will be held on 16 May at 7.45 pm in the Darfield High School staffroom. I look forward to hearing from you. Rhonda Hamilton-Cross
IMPORTANT NOTICE DHS DISPATCH welcomes any news or photographs you have from events our students have attended outside of school. We love to hear about and share successes and interesting stories. Please email: sheryl@darfield.school.nz
FROM DARFIELD POLICE: Outside the school on McLaughlins Road, is a no stopping zone. We need parents to observe the ‘No Parking or Stopping Zone’ between the School’s front gate and bus bay. To keep students safe, we need this area clear before and after school. There are signs indicating the restrictions.
Black and white paper copies are available from reception or Student Administration.
Opposite Darfield High School on McLaughlins Road, car parks are marked out and broken yellow lines are painted outside residents' driveways. Please ensure you park within the allocated carparks and not in front of residents’ driveways.
Colour and back copies can be ordered by emailing the above address. Please enquire for cost.
The carparks outside the school hall are reserved for staff and visitors coming into the school.
Advertising: If you would like to advertise in our newsletter, please email for more information.
Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated. There is usually plenty of space around the bend towards Bangor Road, or south-west on McLaughlins Road.
7 McLaughlins Road PO Box 5 Darfield 7541 New Zealand admin@darfield.school.nz www.darfield.school.nz Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 Copyright: You are welcome to reproduce material from the newsletter after gaining permission from the school. All reproduced material must be appropriately acknowledged. Photos of school events can be found on our website and may be downloaded for personal use only. There is a download icon at the right of each photo.
23 MARCH 2017
Principal’s Comments What do high achievers have in common? It is counter-intuitive, but high achievement is not strongly related to natural talent or intelligence. The attributes that feature most strongly in relation to outstanding achievement in any area are passion and perseverance. In the last newsletter I discussed perseverance. Passion, however, seems to be less well understood and leads to a concern about feeling inadequate if we don’t have something to be passionate about. We are often told to find our passion or follow our passion. Posters claim “It’s not work, it’s my passion” or “Do what you love, love what you do”. The problem is that passion is often portrayed as being like fireworks—an intense and mind-blowing emotion. However, often we don’t experience it like this. In her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Lee Duckworth defines passion as: • Enthusiasm and interest (but these are not enough on their own) • Dreams and goals (future plans) • Intensity of commitment (forgoing other things to pursue an interest) • Endurance over time (sticking at it) This seems to be something more realistic and also something that can be developed. It can take time to figure out what we want to do with our lives. A lot of things seem uninteresting until you start doing them and realise there are many facets you didn’t know at the start. “Passion for something is a little bit of discovery, followed by a lot of development, and then a lifetime of deepening.” The process of interest discovery can be messy, serendipitous and inefficient. Before a passion is developed, we may need to muck around with a variety of activities. Many students will be at discovery phase and have a number of developing interests; that’s OK. They should keep trying new things but be prepared to stick at some things for a while until a firm interest grows. See also TED Talk: www.ted.com/talks/angela_lee_duckworth_grit_the_power_of_passion_and_ perseverance
James Morris
Around School
Congratulations! Spotted at the International BBQ lunch. You two have won an Around School Prize. See Mrs Watson on Monday.
Congratulations to the following students who have earned five Deans Awards. They are presented with a certificate in assembly and receive a $10 voucher.
Andre A’Court Brianna Longdin Natalia Little Rebecca Manifold Kathy Muckle Charlotte Roberts Molly Batstone Tamzin Brunton Issy Kennedy Jessica Henderson Lachlan Daly
Daylight Savings ends 3.00 am on 2 April 2017
Clocks go back one hour 3
Class Councillors and Deputies Form
Quin Mitchell
Grace Flett
Lily Payton
Mason Thompson
Abbi Wilson
Louis Ridgen
Brooke Summerfield
Isla Blaber-Hunt
Manaia Davies
Millie Wilson
Olly Blackburn
Oscar Gosling
Liberty Smith
Wilson Bell
Hamish Thornley
Sophie Dance
Charlotte Moana
Lexie Sinclair
Tess Jenkins
The School Council was formed to provide a body through which students could take some part in the broader government of the school. Its main focus is directly and indirectly the welfare of the students, but it also takes opportunities as they arise, to help others. The School Council meets at least once a month; each class councillor must come to the meetings or send the deputy if they are absent. The School Councillor and the Deputy School Councillor are people who: •
Are interested in the job
Are prepared to attend School Council meetings
Molly Mannering
Are able to, and are prepared to, express their own views orally
Arthur Oakley
Devon Buck
Are able to, and are prepared to, canvass the views of their class
Issy Kennedy
Emily Cullen
Sophie Clarke
Isaac Earl
Are able to, and are prepared to, represent the views of their class at the School Council
Matt Ashworth
Campbell Barrett
Brianna Longdin
Alex Jones
Are able to report the views and decisions of the School Council to their class
Rebecca Inch
Ben Sharp
10 NK
Cameron Mills
Are able to, and prepared to, take action to see through the projects that the School Council takes on
Anika Fouchee
Cameron O'Donnell
Harry Williamson
Rozlyn Doherty
Are part of a team that takes action to enhance the school environment
Kate Morris
Hanako Wilson
Brodie Wanhalla
Maddie Beardsmore
Michelle Bruce
Jemma Dalley
Have the respect and confidence of the majority of their class so that they will be supported as they do the work of the School Councillor
Terry Robertson
Tom Welch
Savarnnah Taylor
Thomas Grafton
Are honest and have integrity; are reliable, responsible and well organised
George Brown
Shae Read
Isaac Newbigging
Kerryn Tomlinson
Will help to set a positive school tone; have the respect and confidence of their Form Teacher
Adriana Cornelissen
Laura Wong
Natasha Young
Esther Blain
Will support the policies and uphold the traditions of the school
James Thornley
Hadyn Rose
Will represent the class and the School well when necessary
John Laws
Tom Gullery
Brogan Baldwin
This year's Councillors were announced in assembly this week and received their badges (below).
Head Gus Thomas and Rachael Phillipson Students
23 MARCH 2017
Success at Teen Ag Competition
Michael Marvin (above) has been training for three years with the Burnham Boxing Club and last weekend he took part in his first fight as a registered boxer at an event held at the Cashmere Club in Christchurch. Michael was very proud to be placed second in the Under 34kg Mini Cadet male final for Canterbury. His opponent on the day was Kwahli Beauchamp (son of Nort Beauchamp—a NZ boxer with many titles to his name). Congratulations, Michael—this was a great start to your boxing career. Below: Michael (front) with other boxers: Tyler Rogers who won her final in the 80kgs+ Elite Female Open Final, Claudia Holland who won unopposed, Ele Lilo, who won her fight in the 80kgs+ Debut Final, and Riley Holland, who won his fight unopposed.
Above: Brooke McKay and Tom Welch
At the Kumara Racecourse on Saturday 4 March, groups of students from all over Canterbury and Tasman Districts arrived for the Teen Ag Competitions. Throughout New Zealand, there are seven regional finals held and the top two teams from these competitions are invited to the Grand Final. The competition caters for all secondary school students and showcases excellence in farming, business, and life skills. Aiming to support personal growth and development amongst competitors, it encourages learning by participation and is relevant for all skill levels.
We had seven teams of two entered and it was really pleasing to see two of the teams take placings. Brooke McKay and Tom Welch placed first and Mitchell Longdin and Sam Inch were third. Brooke (the only female to get into the finals!) and Tom are looking forward to competing in the Grand Final in Feilding in April.
The teams competing against each other had to show their knowledge in various activities, including milking a cow, mixing sprays, testing soils, naming parts of farm machinery, and showing competency in fencing. Then the highest scoring teams had to build a mai mai.
Above: Mitchell Longdin and Sam Inch
Kate Sutton's Eclipse Marching Team Wins Three National Titles The team I march for is Eclipse Under 16s and my team is made up of 14 girls and two coaches. Rae'chel and I are the leaders of Eclipse Under 16's. Rae'chel leads review and technical, and I lead display. Nationals were held from 16–18 March in Invercargill. At the Nationals, we won Champions Under 16 Technical Drill Team 2017, Champion Under 16 Display Team 2017, and Overall NZ Champion Under 16 Team 2017.
Above: Kate (right) with Rae'chel
The Eclipse Marching Club also made Marching history as we had all three teams take out Overall NZ Champion Team 2017 in their grade.
Above: Kate's team with their coaches. Kate is in the front row, third from the left.
Year 12 Outdoor Ed
Saddle Tramp, Craigieburn Range
One morning, 29 students turned up revving to hit the Craigieburn Range for a three-hour tramp up to Camp Saddle. Three hours of intense uphill and we reached the summit where we were rewarded with spectacular views. Once we hit the Saddle, we had lunch followed by a quick navigation lesson, finding out where we were on our Topo 50 maps. We all left the Saddle being able to follow a bearing. After a solid walk along the ridge, we reached a scree slope and, using our heels, we had a fast descent with a few tumbles; we all made it safely to the bottom with only one injury—Adriana fell and cut her elbow but bravely rose and carried on her adventure. Before dusk, we arrived at our camp for the night, which was at the Broken River picnic area and, once our tents were up, we all settled in and cooked up a feed of authentic bush stir-fry supplied by the school. Once it hit nine o'clock, we were all sent off to bed for a good old snooze. On Tuesday morning, we were all woken by Mr Dickens who was keen as chips to hit the trail so, within an hour, we were all packed and had eaten our breakfast of whatever we had brought. For some, this was as simple as cereal or a good old can of vege soup. After this, we went up to the Environmental Centre before walking to Drac Flat and then Texas Flat (Cheeseman Skifield Road). In the three hours of this walk, we had lots of rain and plenty of mud. Half-way through this section of the walk, we reached what we thought was the end of the trail, but then we had to cross the river! Once we had reached the bus we were all knackered and happily headed home. Thomas Williamson, TJ Davies and Sam Marsh
23 MARCH 2017
Year 9 Camps at Craigieburn Year 9 Camp was a blast—we did lots of fun activities including Cave Stream, rock climbing, kayaking, setting up possum traps and a tramp at the end. Cave Stream was quite cold, but it was so much fun, especially when we all turned off our torches and couldn’t see anymore. Kayaking was so much fun as well— we all kayaked from one end of Lake Pearson to the other and all did lots of fun races like kayaking in a double kayak, standing up and kayaking front and back, and even kayaking with no paddle. Another cool thing about camp was on the second night, if you wanted to, you could go possum hunting; however, no possums were spotted. On the hunt, we climbed up a hill and sat and watched the stars. The view was
gorgeous. That was definitely many people’s highlight. There were also many cool things to do in down time; for example, you could go on a nature walk, set up bivvys and hang out with your friends. If you wanted to, you could brave the cold and sleep outside at night. The rock climbing was also a big highlight for people to have fun and conquer their fear of heights. Each day, there was something amazing to do. For example, on the first day we did Cave Stream and rock climbing before we even arrived at camp. Cave Stream was dark and freezing, yet our love of fun got us through without being scared. Rock climbing was definitely out of many people’s comfort zones, as the large masses of rock we climbed were
jagged and extremely high; yet we cheered each other on and managed to have a great time. The next day, we set possum traps, when a few groups found some dead possums, and we also went kayaking. Kayaking was a crowd favourite; whether we tipped our kayaks or fell off, a smile was still glued to our faces. On the final day was the tramp, where we trekked for about three hours up a steep hill. To get to the top of the world, we climbed up the shingle of Helicopter Hill, before coming down in a rush to get back to school on time. Overall, camp was a blast and something you should look forward to when going into Year 9. Katie Molloy, Niamh Guy and Tamzin Brunton
23 MARCH 2017
History in Akaroa On Friday 3 March, the Year 13 History class made a trek across the Port Hills to the historic town of Akaroa. This was part of our 'Creating Canterbury' unit: we were learning about the early Maori settlement at Akaroa and then the French arriving there in the early 1800s. Our first stop was Akaroa Area School where we were introduced to the Head Girl, Faith, and the History teacher and we discussed whom we would meet if we could go back in time and meet one historical figure. We then moved on to a tour around Akaroa with the French teacher. She was really interesting and gave us a new perspective on the French settlement of Akaroa. After this we moved on to the Garden of Tane; this was a very special moment for one of our History students, Tane Nikora, who felt right at home in 'his' garden. Takapuneke was our next stop, which is where the Elizabeth incident took place. The Elizabeth incident was a massacre of Ngai Tahu by Ngati Toa, in which the Ngati Toa were aided by Europeans. This event pressured the British Crown into committing to New Zealand, ultimately resulting in the Treaty of Waitangi. Being at the site of the Elizabeth Incident was a sobering experience
and it was interesting to gain a new view of the event. Lunch was then cooked for us by the Year 13s of Akaroa Area School. It was good and we talked to the students about the differences between Darfield High (830 people) and Akaroa Area School (150 people from Years 1–13). After this we went to Onawe Peninsula, and walked up to the top of it. At the top, we learned about the second attack of Ngati Toa on Ngai Tahu. We learned how ancestors of one of the students of Akaroa had to swim across Akaroa harbour with a baby on her back. This really brought history to life for all of us. We then made the return trip to Darfield, stopping at the Little River ice cream shop along the way. This trip was really fun and really brought history to life for all of us, and was a good lead into the Arrowtown trip we are going on later in the term. We would like to thank the Akaroa Area School for hosting us, and also would like to thank Mr Bell, our Dean, who came along with us. I would also like to thank Mrs Lee, our History teacher, for organising such a great trip and also for buying me an ice cream when I forgot my wallet.
Above: Tane at the entrance to the Garden of Tane Below: Back Row Left to Right: Georgia Cottrell, Harriet Watson, Kylie Schnell, Georgie Watson, Sean Pennells, Marcus Burney, Amy Bruce, Rachael Phillipson, Tom Gullery, Sam Roper and Mr Bell Front Row Left to right: Mrs Lee, Laura McLean, Iva Vukovic, Tane Nikora, Gary Wei and Finn Davidson
Tom Gullery
E-Day for Commerce Students On Wednesday 1 March, the Year 13 Business Studies class went to the University of Canterbury to attend E-Day. E-Day is an event where the students taking part in the Young Enterprise Scheme have the opportunity to develop an idea for what they could produce for their business. We spent our morning developing and improving our business idea; we did this by looking at what our main focus is and what we are trying to achieve, by looking at potential problems and issues that may arise and how to overcome them. After lunch we had the amazing opportunity to pitch our ideas to people involved in the business world. This helped us to see what people in the business industry actually thought about our idea and how they thought we could improve it.
The advice and opinions that we received from attending E-Day were very valuable and have helped us to improve our product. Our team also ended up with two business mentors after attending this day. This means that when we need outside opinions on what we are doing we can talk to our mentors and they can give us advice. E-Day ended with names being drawn out of a box; the winner received two rugby tickets and a bag full of other goodies. Caitlin Fraser from our class was one of the winners of this prize, resulting in us all eating chocolate from her bag of goodies on the way back to school— it was just what we all needed after a great and valuable day out. Below: Bilguun Norjinkhand, Chris Moffat, Steph Lomas, Caitlin Fraser, Tane Nikora, Brett Langlands, Colin (E-Day presenter) and Mr Benassi (Teacher)
Secret Family Recipes Wanted! We are Steph, Caitlin, Chris, Tane, Brett and Bilguun and we are in the Year 13 Business Studies class. As part of the Young Enterprise Scheme, we are making a cookbook filled with traditional family recipes and the stories behind them, such as the origin of the recipe and who created it. We are looking for more entries for our cookbook from local families. These recipes can be anything from mains to desserts; anything that you could contribute will be much appreciated. If you have any questions or would like to send in any recipes, you can contact our Communications Manager, Caitlin, at caitlin.secretrecipes@gmail.com. A big thank you from the Secret Family Recipes team.
Year 9 Wednesday Afternoon Team Building Activities
23 MARCH 2017
F It was a brisk autumn morning and the Year 12 Biology classes had a very important assignment to collect information for. The air was full of anticipation as we got on the bus to go down to the Waimakariri River. Our job for the day was to collect data about the aquatic invertebrates that lived in the river. It was pretty intense, because the animals were alive. The data collection stage was very tedious as some people's attention spans were too short to last more than five minutes. The bugs were fascinating—never had I thought in my wildest dreams that the Waimak had so many different and interesting creatures living in it. For example, we did not realise that cockabillies swam in the river.
The water was surprisingly warm, considering it was drizzling in the morning. This process of collecting data was really really hard… but so far it's been the easiest part of the assessment. Our favourite part of the trip was seeing our faithful classmate, Daniel, fall over in the river. At the end of the day, one of our teachers found some wet underwear; apparently Daniel wasn’t the only one who fell in (if you lost any underwear please feel free to contact the Science department). Our last word is that we would like to say thank you to Miss Sullivan, Mr Maude, Mrs Wilson and Ms Tijsen for organising and taking us on the trip. George Brown and Jeroen Breunisse
Year 12 Biology River Study
e ll F r o w e r a s
Recently, we sadly farewelled Janice Van Tongeren as she has resigned from her position as Canteen Manager after 19 years of service. We will miss her cheeriness around the school and canteen, but wish her well for her future ventures.
WANTED Managers/Drivers for Girls Basketball The school has a lot of determined girls who would like to play but only one coach. The coach is looking for managers/drivers for the team who can drive the teams to their games on a Friday night. Year 9 and/or 10 Years 11, 12 and 13 If you can help, please contact Shawn: go@darfield.school.nz The season starts in Term 2. The team is really hoping to have a driver by then so we can compete in all the games.
Peer Support The senior Peer Support team have been working with the Year 7 classes on Wednesday afternoons developing relationships and encouraging positive communication. This involves playing games and learning activities in a fun environment. It also provides leadership opportunities for the seniors, while giving the juniors confidence in interacting with others and knowing they have others to turn to besides their teachers.
Above: Learning the importance of communication and co-operation during Peer Support.
International BBQ Japan Day On 5 March 2017, the Japanese classes from Years 10–11 went to Riccarton Racecourse for Japan Day. There were Japanese food, traditional dancing, calligraphy and many activities. When we arrived, we had a few hours to look around until our own calligraphy performance was due to begin. There were many stalls with all kinds of foods such as sushi, candy, ice cream, sandwiches and ramen. Everything looked so good and was well presented. I got to try the ice cream and the sushi and they tasted better than anything I have ever tasted before, and I highly recommend them to anyone who is wanting to try something new. Inside the event building, there were examples of Japanese culture, such as anime and a tea ceremony show; you could also try to write some of your own calligraphy.
After everyone had looked around, we had our performance. We dressed up in our happi (Japanese festival coat) except for a few who wore yukata (a light cotton kimono). We then waitedfor our performance watching another school perform. We were performing while a dance that represented spring; our song was called Sakura (cherry blossom). While we danced, we also went up and wrote our calligraphy. I had to write the symbol for UE which is in kanji. When the performance was over, we had only 10 minutes to finish looking around til we had to be back at the bus.
It was awesome to see lots of students come to the International BBQ on Friday the 3rd of March. It was a great opportunity for the students at Darfield to share stories and talk with the international students. Of course having a free sausage was good too! The weather was nice and it turned out to be a great day for it! It was cool that so many people came to the event. We are looking for more Cultural Ambassadors who are interested in helping international students, sharing our culture, and learning about their language and culture. So, if you think you would be up for it, come to the International Office to find out more, and grab a permission form. If you want to try something new within the school, become a Cultural Ambassador today! Ria Kelly & Emily Cullen
I recommend going with a school or with your family as you will have an amazing time that you will never forget. I also recommend you try as many new foods and drinks as you can. Alicia Duncan
23 MARCH 2017
SI SS Motocross Championships Congratulations to all those who took part in this event held at the Cole's Property, Otaio, Timaru and hosted by the South Canterbury Motocycle Club on Saturday 18 March. Years 8–11 85/150 CC Support Class Tyler Wiremu Louis Ridgen Tom Chaffey
1st 10th 22nd
Years 12–14 Competitive 125/250 CC Class George Ridgen 9th Blake Hubbard 11th
Welcome to the Kiwi Centre Group On Monday 20 March, we welcomed 16 young Thai students who will be studying at Darfield until the end of Term 1. They have come during their summer holidays and for many it is their first time abroad. While they are with us they will spend time in Years 7 and 8 classes, study English, and enjoy some outings to Christchurch and even a trip to Queenstown. The part they are really looking forward to is making Kiwi friends and learning about New Zealand. Please say hello if you see them around the school or community.
Years 12–16 Novice 125/250 CC Class George McIntosh 3rd Harrison de Rooy 10th Ryan Neal 12th Kaleb Riley 13th Years 12–16 Novice 85/150 CC Class Ollie Pooler 2nd Brook Leighton 3rd Sam Harrington 5th Josh May 6th Angus Whitaker 10th Kegan Pitkethley 12th
Rodeo Winner
Georgie Sarginson
Above: Elyse Kerr, Penny Mitchell, Michelle Bruce and Kate Morris in front of the Conciergerie
Exchange Students Visit Paris After the tiring journey of a 27 hour-long flight via Sydney and Dubai, the four French exchange students and Mme Juhel have now safely landed in Paris. They are enjoying four nights staying in Paris, visiting the wonderful historic buildings and churches and tasting the most amazing food.
Above: French delights
Above: Breakfast croissants
Rodeo consists of many events. Rodeo is fun for both fans and athletes. It has increased in popularity and continues to grow. Many of the athletes who compete in rodeo or those who attend rodeos find it addictive. Everything from the atmosphere, to the crowd, to the competition: rodeo is a life style and a love for many. I currently compete in the Junior Barrel Race and the Open Team Roping with my Dad. This year/season I had the honour of travelling around New Zealand to compete in most of the rodeos. I worked really hard in the training of my horse and myself. All this effort resulted in winning a New Zealand Junior Barrel Race title. I really enjoy rodeo as I have made so many new friends and had so many amazing experiences and opportunities. Georgie Sarginson
Athletic Champions Age
U12 Boys
Dylan Butler
Harrison Beresford
U12 Girls
Anna McKenzie
Blakely Bruce-Sheppard
U13 Boys
Tyler Tapa-Wither
Angelo Barrimond
U13 Girls
Mari Henderson
Emily Waters
U14 Boys
Mitchell Calcott
Reuben Boyes
U14 Girls
Alex Gerritsen
Caitlin Knowles
U15 Boys Junior
Cameron O’Donnell
Jack Chillingworth
U15 Girls Junior
Zoe Spinks
Paige Hunter
U16 Boys Intermediate
Rhys Clatworthy
Callum Murdoch
U16 Girls Intermediate
Aaliyah van der Heyden Penny Mitchell
O16 Boys Senior
Isaac Proud
James Doherty
O16 Girls Senior
Courtney O’Callaghan
Niamh Rayne
The following students have been selected to represent Darfield High School at the South Island Secondary Schools Championships in Dunedin next weekend: Shay Gerrard-Smith, Brodie Wanhalla, and Brianna Longdin: Javelin Stefanie McKenzie and Callum Murdoch: High Jump Georgia Shinn: 3000 metres Zoe Spinks: 100 and 200 metres
23 MARCH 2017
Records Broken Under 12 Boys 200 m 400 m 800 m Long Jump
Dylan Butler Izak Derik-Westaway Dylan Butler Dylan Butler
Old Record (1980) 31.00 Old Record (1983) 1:09:03 Old Record (1995) 2:38:62 Old Record (2014) 4.39 m
New Record New Record New Record New Record
Anna McKenzie Anna McKenzie Kirsty McCarthy-Dempsey
Old Record (2014) Old Record (1983) Old Record (2016)
1.29 m 4.04 m 8.76 m
New Record 1.30 m New Record 4.14 m New Record 9.748 m
Kirsty McCarthy-Dempsey
Old Record (1985) 20.65 m
New Record 22.96 m
Under 15 Girls High Jump Long Jump Javelin
Stefanie McKenzie Zoe Spinks Brianna Longdin
Old Record (1995) 1.50 m Old Record (1969) 4.483 m Old Record (1988) 21.50 m
New Record 1.50.5 m New Record 4.52 m New Record 23.05 m
Intermediate Boys Javelin
Brodie Wanhalla
Old Record (2005) 41.80 m
New Record 48.94 m
Senior Girls 1500 m
Georgia Shinn
Old Record (2000) 5:20:00
New Record
Under 12 Girls High Jump Long Jump Shot Put (2.00 kg) Discus (750 g)
30.21 1:07:64 2:35:94 4.47 m
Are you in Year 7 and wonder what it is like to be in Year 13? Does it seem like you will never get there? Do senior students ever get nervous?
How will I ever sit the big exams they do? This week, a group of Year 7 Student Councillors came up with some questions to ask our Head Prefects and you can see what they looked like back in Year 7—they even had Mr Jermyn and Mrs Cartman as their Form Teachers back then! If you have any questions you would like to ask a senior, email sheryl@darfield. school.nz.
Brooke Summerfield and Isla Blaber-Hunt What were your favourite things to do when you were a Year 7? R: Play on the playground with friends, exploring the school grounds, class games and activities and meeting/being introduced to older students. G: I used to love playing busted on the playground with my mates. Also enjoyed doing interclass sports competitions. What sports have you played through the school? R: Basketball, Ki o rahi and multisport as part of official teams, but I have also played and tried many sports through PE and other school organised activities. G: I have played Ki o Rahi, basketball, rugby, hockey, multi sport, and a little bit of football.
What primary school did you go to? R: West Melton Primary school. Did you enjoy being a Year 7student? Why? R: Yes, I enjoyed being a Year 7 student; there were times where I was very nervous and shy, but overall it was a great experience and a large learning curve coming to a new and very large school. What was your favourite part of being in Year 7? R: The new style of learning and experiencing new teachers and environments. What were you most nervous about when you first started? R: Having to make new friends and I was nervous about taking completely new subjects, and being able to find my classes.
Was it easy making friends? R: I was very shy so, at times, found it hard but the teachers created a supportive environment and were always helpful in introducing us to new people and from these interactions and friendships blossomed. What encouraged you to come to Darfield High? R: I had grown up as part of a small rural community and liked the sound of the inclusive environment of the school and the positive reputation it had. It was also local and easily accessible. What are the best things at Darfield? R: Having a Dean to go and talk to about your learning, the helpful teachers, the many sports that are on offer, and getting to do experiments in the Science lab. How did you feel when you were moving into Year 7? R: I was really nervous to come to DHS for Year 7—my primary school was relatively small so moving to such a large school was daunting especially because we would be sharing with all older students. However, I had nothing to worry about as the teachers and prefects were supportive and helpful and as the year went on I slowly gained confidence. What are the best things that have happened to you over the years at DHS? R: Becoming involved in sports teams and learning new sports (and meeting new people). Having choice in my subjects and developing passions and interests in and out of school that are relevant to these. Having opportunities to be a leader and take on more responsibility. Getting involved in Peer Support and as a Cultural Ambassador where you get to meet lots of people from all levels at school.
23 MARCH 2017
What do you like to do in the weekend? R: I have two horses so love riding them. I enjoy sport and fitness so running and biking with friends or playing sports is always fun in my spare time. If I want more of a relaxing weekend, I like to read or watch movies. What’s your favourite subject? R: Biology (or Science in general) or Geography. I love learning about how and why things exist and function. I have always loved the outdoors so love learning about all that is relevant and how people interact with and perceive the environment. What were your favourite subjects in Year 7? R: I found Science, Food Tech and Hard Materials interesting as they were subjects I had not experienced in primary school, especially being given access to specialist labs and technology rooms.
What do you want to do or study when you finish this year? R: I want to go to university after high school; I haven’t decided exactly what courses or careers I want to pursue however, I am highly interested in environmental science studies and conservation. What’s your favourite lunch to have at school? R: I enjoy having salad or sushi for lunch or a sandwich and some fruit is great. The occasional piece of cake is always yummy too. What’s your favourite movie? R: Bedtime Stories or Ratatouille are always movies I enjoy watching, however I have many favourites.
G: Definitely PE and reading.
Thank you to Grace Flett, 7JR, who sent in several questions
Mason Thompson and Lily Payton
From the library: www.dhslibrary.nz As students get older, reading can be seen as work rather than fun and some, particularly teenagers, may stop reading for pleasure. McMahon has identified nine ways to get teens reading, either again or for the first time. Librarians at DHS library use some of these ideas and we are always looking for resources that our students will enjoy, engage with and learn from. Parents, please feel free to contact Helen, Trudy or Jane if you have any questions or suggestions regarding your student’s reading: hd@darfield.school.nz or libstaff@darfield.school.nz The following is an article adapted from Nine ways to get your Teen Reading, by Regan McMahon, at www.commonsensemedia.org
Nine ways to get your teen reading 1
Find the 'why' in YA YA (young adult) novels tackle the edgy issues teens struggle with, from peer pressure and romantic longing to grief and trouble at home or school. Whether they're personally grappling with these issues or seeking vicarious thrills, teens gravitate toward subject matter that's relatable. Check the YA bestseller lists and go to www.dhslibrary.nz for ideas—you will find them under the reading tab ‘What can I read next?’
2 Merge movies with books
Hollywood is turning to teen lit for ideas more than ever. Offer your teen the print version to read before or after a big film adaptation comes out, and talk about the similarities and differences between the two. Get your teenager to check out online books to read before they're movies in 2017.
3 Get graphic
Gone are the days when graphic novels were dismissed as comic books. Now recognised as literature, they may be the key to getting some teens hooked on books. They're available in a wide range of genres, from adventure and fantasy to historical fiction, memoir, and biography, so certainly there's a graphic novel out there to suit your teen's taste.
4 Lure them with adult books 8 Model reading Find non-fiction titles on subjects your teen's curious about, such as hunting, climate change, race, political corruption, or true crime. Check adult non-fiction bestseller lists to see what's catching fire. Funny adult books also work, as do horror, mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, and sports.
5 Try poetry
Novels in verse or diary form are a popular trend. All that white space on the page makes them easy to read, and the spare, lyrical approach can really pack a punch. In our library we have Sarah Crossan's One, and Weight of Water Steven Herrick’s Lonesome Howl, Karen Hesse’s Out of the Dust and Tim Sinclair’s, Run.
6 Let them listen
Read at home where your teens can see you. Talk about what you're reading, and express your enjoyment. Always take a book or magazine along when you go to the beach or face waiting in a long line. Send your teen the message that reading is a pleasure, not a chore.
9 Keep reading material around
Kids who grow up with lots of books around tend to read more. Stock the bathroom, car, dining table— wherever there's a captive audience— with comic books, graphic novels, and magazines geared to your teen's interests: first books in hit YA series, or classic sci-fi and mysteries. There's nothing wrong with 'micro-reading'.
Spark teens' interest by getting an audio book to listen to on the way to school or on long drives. Let them download audiobooks to their smartphones. (They won't risk looking uncool, because they'll be under headphones or have their earbuds in.) Selwyn Libraries has a range of free audio books and you could also try esl-bits.net/
7 Give the gift of reading
Hand your teen a gift card to your local bookstore. They'll discover the treasure-hunt fun of looking for a good book.
23 MARCH 2017
Visitors to the School If you are visiting our school during the school day please visit reception on arrival at our campus. Our friendly office staff will then assist you from there.
Remember: If your student is not at school, or arrives late, please phone the school to explain the absence
Lost Property There is a large number of unclaimed items from last year. Please can you get your students to come and take a look if they know something has been misplaced. Parents: you are most welcome to come and check the clothing and items at Student Administration.
Free Health Clinic for students Public Health Nurse: Pa m Eaden Pam Eaden, our Public Health Nurse, is available every second Monday during lunchtime in the Counsellor's Office, commencing Monday 6 March. Pam is available to discuss confidentially any health concerns, physical, mental and sexual health. This is a drop-in service or you can make an appointment with Ms Mallinder or Mrs Townsend. Parents with concerns regarding their child's health are able to refer to the Public Health Nursing service on www.cdhb.health.nz/phns.
Friday 7 April
Darfield Equestrian Are you interested in being part of our Equestrian Club at Darfield High School? We cater for anyone with horsey interests, whether you own a horse or not. Meet like-minded people and get a chance to participate in our monthly events, as well as lunchtime video and special guest sessions. If you love horses, you’ll love being a part of this club.
Shave for a Cure 2017 is a great event taking place at Darfield High School this year. The shave raises money for the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer Foundation. The Shave team at Darfield High School is looking to raise over $5,000 so that we can make a difference to the lives affected by cancers. Each day, six Kiwis are diagnosed with a blood cancer so every bit of money that is raised is important as it all helps to lower that number. The school Shave is happening on Friday 7 April.
If you are not able to take part in the Shave, then we really would love it if you could donate some money to one of your friends, or family, or to the school directly. Donations can be made online—just go to the Shave for a Cure website and search ‘Darfield High Shave Crew’ in the school’s section and our name should pop up! If any Students or Parents would like to join the Darfield High School Shave Crew or if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Mr Adams, or any member of the Shave team, which is made up of Rosa Millar, Georgia Shinn, Abigail Cider and Sean Pennells.
For further information email Miss Voss: nv@darfield.school.nz Keep an eye on the notices for meeting dates, or check out Miss Voss’ website: missvoss.weebly.com and click on ‘Equestrian’.
Have you wondered what it would be like to live in another country and experience their culture? Would you like to find out more? Your Education is holding an information evening next week so pop along and see why so many students rate an exchange as the highlight of their lives. Darfield students, George Brown and Georgia Sutherland share their experiences:
The Netherlands I had a great time over there in The Netherlands and it was nice to be back home with my family again. There were so many new and interesting things to see in the Netherlands; I really hope I get to go back in the future, because two months is really not long enough to see a whole country. I learned a lot about the Dutch culture as well as quite a bit about the New Zealand culture that I had never realised before. My host family was really helpful and showed me and told me about how they live. I also had an amazing neighbour who took me to the local windmills and showed me how they worked. My school was fantastic, my class was so welcoming, and I have made some great friends. There was a great community of exchange students there too. We could all talk to each other and find out what everyone else was doing and plan trips together. I'm going to miss them all, but I'm determined to try to meet up with them again in the future. While I was away, I saw so many things. I saw Amsterdam, which is huge—I don't think
I have ever been to such a big city full of massive buildings and thousands of bikes. I also went to Germany where my host family and I went to see the Cologne Markets; they were amazing. There were so many different stalls selling so many different things; I’d love to go back to them one day and look around them some more. I went to the Arnhem Museum, which was a trip arranged by Travel Active, and it was probably one of my favourite days in the Netherlands and it was also the first time I met the other exchange students. I went inside a windmill and saw how it worked. It was rather complex and it made me think we should have more windmills in New Zealand. I think I did something new each day I was there; it was so different from where I live which was great. I’ve brought home lots ofthings from the Netherlands to show the people here and have some new recipes to try out with my family and friends. At the moment, I'm adjusting back into NZ life, preparing for school and getting over
jet lag (I'm rather tired) and I was thinking about how much fun I had on my trip. I really enjoyed my exchange and I would like to thank Your Education so much for the help and advice they gave me for the trip. I really, really enjoyed it!!! It made me want to travel more and see the world because it’s such a big place and each part is different. The two months have been some of the best in my life and I appreciate Your Education helping me with them. George Brown
France Spending one whole year in a different country sounds scary when you think about it and even more scary when you are on the plane going over there about to start your journey. But what I experienced was definitely not scary but one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my entire life. In 2016, on 1 January, my journey began. I was at the airport about to board my flight to France where I was going to be spending one entire year with another family. I remember thinking, “Wow, one year is going to be such a long time; it's going to go so slow.” Oh, how time flies though when you are having fun! I was living in a small village called St Roman De Malgarde. The first thing I noticed was how different the houses looked compared to the houses in New Zealand. They did actually look like houses you would typically see if you Googled 'French houses.' My host family were amazing—everything I could have asked for and more! I experienced having two younger brothers (aged 8 and 14) and a sister who was the same age as me. From the moment I set foot in the door I felt like I belonged, especially when my first meal was McDonalds! The whole exchange started to get real when it was my first day at high school in a village called Vasion La Romane. I remember walking in and seeing everyone looking at me and trying so hard to speak English to me because everyone was so amazed that a girl from New
Zealand was at their school. I instantly made life-time friends from the first hour I was at the school. Everyone made me feel welcome and I never felt alone at any stage of my year in France. I experienced so many cultural things which I had not experienced. This included going every Sunday to my host family’s grandparents’ house for lunch. And not your typical sandwich—I’m talking about a big three or four-course meal—every Sunday! At first, it was weird to me how the whole family could go and have a massive meal every Sunday and the next week still have a lot of things to talk about! It made me realise that, in France, family means everything and family comes first. I couldn’t ask for a better family to spend one year with. I got to go and see so many places which will forever stay in my heart. I experienced Spain and Italy and various towns and cities in France. The fact that my family went out of their way to make my year one that I would never forget, made me feel so special and honestly so grateful that my host family would do something like this for me. One month of living with a different family
soon became 11 months and my journey was slowly coming to an end. I don’t think I have ever cried so much in my life! Leaving my second family and not knowing when I will see them again was one of the hardest things I have had to do. From starting off being complete strangers to the day where I left feeling like the fourth child in the family really is an amazing thing.
this exchange has changed my life and how much of an impact it has made on my future; it has honestly changed my life and I have gained so many lifelong friends and a second family. “Exchange isn’t a year in your life, It’s a life in one year.” Georgia Sutherland
I could write an entire book about how much
Come and Come andabout learn learn high about school high school student student exchange exchange
Location: Upper Riccarton Library Community Room 72 Main S Road Come meet our team, bring your parents and learn more about our overseas high school exchange programmes.
23 MARCH 2017
School and Community Notices TERM ONE WEEK NINE Monday 27 March • •
Canterbury Primary Schools' Duathlon Secondary Schools' Summer Tournament (to 31st)
Wednesday 29 March • World Vision Leadership Day Friday 31 March •
Year 12 AGR Lincoln Field Day
Year 13 Rock Climbing in Wanaka
Saturday 1 April • Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival (to 8th) Sunday 2 April • Year 12 Geography Trip to Mt Cook (to 5th) •
School Uniform If you need to buy or sell good conditioned second hand Darfield High School Uniform then let Polkadotcom make it easy for you. We can take orders and sell on behalf, taking the hassle out of school uniform. Dont hesitate to contact us.
Daylight Savings Ends
WEEK TEN Wednesday 5 April • Victoria University Visit to Seniors, P5 •
Otago Junior Maths Competition
BOT Meeting, 7.00 pm
Thursday 6 April • Canterbury Primary Schools' Swimming Sports Friday 7 April • Shave for a Cure Event • Year 11 Rural College Practical Day WEEK ELEVEN Monday 10 April • Tape Art Workshop Tuesday11 April • House Meetings •
If you have changed addresses or phone numbers, please tell the Student Administrator, Mrs Hill. Ph 3188 411
Tape Art Workshop
Wednesday 12 April • 1st XV Middleton Grange •
Cross Country
Thursday 13 April • Grammar Games, P5 •
RYDA Driver Education for Year 12s
Last Day Term One
Friday 14 April • Good Friday
Payments for Activities and School Fees Bank Account: All payments to school (school fees, activity fees, NCEA fees, etc) can be made by direct credit to the following bank account. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees. Darfield High School, ASB Bank Limited, Riccarton, 12-3147-0207317-00
23 MARCH 2017
School Uniforms We have a small range of uniform items in stock at school. Fittings are by appointment only. It is preferable parents refrain from coming to reception for uniform items from 8–9.30 am as this is a very busy time. For purchases, please contact Sue or Elaine in Admin. Out of stock items will not be replaced; we are discontinuing the Uniform Shop at school. Please ring to check we have the item you require. All Darfield High School uniform items are for sale at The Warehouse, Rolleston. The Warehouse is also offering layby with a 20% deposit and three months to pay. This offers the additional advantage that if, in the intervening months, your student has grown, you can change the size at no extra cost.
Uniform Reminders: Blazers: Blazers are to be worn on Tuesdays. Parents, please remind your students to bring their blazers on Tuesdays for Assemblies. Ties: During the winter terms, Terms 2 and 3, students are required to wear a school tie with their uniform. These are available from both Darfield High School and The Warehouse. Sports Socks: If your student is playing a winter sport in the following codes, they will need a pair of Darfield High School socks: Rugby and Hockey. These are available from the school office only. Hats: Students are permitted to wear a plain navy beanie or the DHS beanie with crest. This is for outdoor wear only. Jackets for cooler weather: Students are permitted to wear either a plain navy or plain black jacket with their uniform to keep warm on cooler days. Jackets and DHS scarves are for outdoor wear. Socks: Ensure that your child is wearing the correct socks to school. For both girls and boys, knee-high black socks are required. Jewellery: The only jewellery permitted is a wristwatch and one gold or silver stud in each ear. No other jewellery is to be worn.
Lost Property: Many uniform items have been found around the school. Please name all items of your student's clothing and check that they have not lost anything. Lost Property will now be stored in the Uniform Shop. Students can access it by seeing Sue at the office or by visiting the shop when it is open.
We are having a Sale!
The following items have been discounted for sale from the DHS Uniform Shop. Stock for sale is in particular sizes as detailed below. Other items are available at the regular price. Most of our uniform supply has moved to The Warehouse in Rolleston. We do, however, still have stocks of some uniform items for sale here at school. If you would like to purchase items from the Uniform Shop, please contact the Uniform Co-ordinator, on 3188 411, to make an appointment for a fitting. We no longer hold a second-hand uniform database. Item
Sale Price
M, L, XL,
Short Sleeved Blouse
Gym Dress
Gym Dress
School Shorts
School Shorts
64 J8
76, 84, 96, 100, 108, 112
Long Sleeved Shirt
Short Sleeved Shirt
Trousers Wool Mix
64, 68
Trousers Wool Mix
72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112
Shorts Wool Mix Tailored
Shorts Wool Mix Tailored
School Shorts Summer
Sports Tee
Sports Shorts
Knit Jersey
Knit Jersey
Girls Uniform
Boys Uniform
Unisex Uniform Items
Bucket Hat Anorak
J8, J10
Unisex Optional Sportswear Trackpants
J8, J10
M, L, XL
Fleece Sweat Top
J8, J10
Fleece Sweat Top
XS, S, M, L, XL
Uniform Shop Hours for Students Monday: 11.00 –11.25 am Thursday: 11.00 –11.25 am 23
Forward Foundation Girls Rugby
Well, its that time of year again where Leeston displays its best to the rest of the country. This will be the 7th year that the High Street of Leeston will be closed off to accommodate all the stalls.
We are looking for girls to join our Rugby team. We play on Wednesday afternoons in terms 2 and 3. We are a mix of girls from all different schools. So if your school does not offer a girls rugby team then come play for US @ Forward Foundation. If you are interested in finding out some more information please contact Kathryn Hunter on hunter939@scorch.co.nz or phone 0211836694. Winners of the Oamaru SI Festival & 2 place in the Secondary School Girls Competition.
Saturday 8 April 10.00 am
Free entry Over 120 stalls!
The Leeston Fete is growing from strength to strength in both popularity and people wanting to sell and display their goods.
Saturday 1 April
Filled with activities, tastes and sights that will entertain all family members.
Glentunnel School, 12.00 pm
Last year exceeded all expectations with several thousand people turning up to enjoy a day out in the beautiful rural township.
Email: southmalvern@gmail.com or visit our
Come along and enjoy a great day out!
7.30 pm.
Website: www.sporty.co.nz/southmalvernnetballclub Call: Secretary 03 3180123 for forms, subs, and information We look forward to hearing from any new Coaches, Umpires, and Players. PASSION, PRACTICE, PARTICIPATION = SUCCESS!
Street Talk Defensive driving Courses reduces six months off your licence period. Cost $175 (includes driving session) Enrol: www.fusiontrust.co.nz; txt: 027229 8018 e: office@fusiontrust.co.nz
Assembly Days Tuesday's are usually assembly days and you need to remember that you must have your blazer on at assembly. Be prepared and have your blazer with you every Tuesday.
There is a small fee to enter. Read the daily Bulletin for details on registering for each competition.
Address: 7 McLaughlins Road
PO Box 5
Email: admin@darfield.school.nz
Darfield 7541
Web: darfield.school.nz
New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 24