Regulations manual 2014

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 

Welcome Letter ....................................................................................................................... Page 3 History of the Games.............................................................................................................. Page 4 General Rules and Guidelines .............................................................................................. Page 5 Agility Events 3 Legged Race

Page 7

Egg Toss ..................................................................................................................... Page 8 Musical Chairs .......................................................................................................... Page 9 Athleticism Events Tug of Warriors ........................................................................................................ Page 11 Balls of Fury ............................................................................................................... Page 12 Ball ‘Til You Fall ....................................................................................................... Page 13 Intelligence Events Enter the Tangram ................................................................................................... Page 15 Knowledge is Power ................................................................................................ Page 16 Trump Tight .............................................................................................................. Page 17 Talent Events The Next Iron Chef – Greek Edition ................................................................... Page 19 Stomp the Yard ......................................................................................................... Page 20 So You Think You Can Dance – Greek Edition................................................. Page 21 Unity Events Turnstile/Group Jump ............................................................................................ Page 23 Circle the Circle........................................................................................................ Page 24 Bull Ring..................................................................................................................... Page 25 Benevolence Event CLMC Red & White Youth Day .......................................................................... Page 27 Application/Entry Forms ...................................................................................................... Page 28 President and Advisor Form of Certification.................................................................... Page 32 The Next Iron Chef Certification Form ............................................................................. Page 33

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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January 17, 2014 Dear Registered Greek-Letter Organization: Thank you for agreeing to compete in Winston-Salem State University’s 2nd Annual Greek Unity Games sponsored by the Office of Student Activities. As stated in previous correspondence, these games will give every organization the opportunity to be showcased, including the Greekletter organizations (i.e. the Social Greeks, Academic/Field Specific Greeks, etc.) who are usually not in the forefront. To reiterate, the games will mirror the winter/summer Olympics and will be complete with an opening ceremony & Parade of Greeks, various events, interviews with participants, and a closing medal ceremony. The games will also be a chance for Greek organizations across this campus to demonstrate their agility, athleticism, intelligence, talent, unity, and benevolence. There will be three (3) games/events associated with each category (except for benevolence). Your respective organization does not have to compete in every category or every event; however, there will be an overall victor at the close of the games and that winner will be chosen from the amount of points earned from each medal their organization earns or event their organization participates in. The games will take place on April 10-12, 2014 and will kick off with Kappa Kappa Psi’s annual Melodic Night Series Ball on April 5. This year’s theme is “The Kotton Klub Ball.” This extensive packet is complete with overall rules and regulations; descriptions of each of the games with their respective rules; and a sign-up sheet. Please complete the Official Application/Entry Form and the Forms of Certification (pages 25-30) and return them to Mr. Orlando Mitchell in the Office of Greek Life (Thompson 309) by March 6. Again, Thank You for Your Attention and See You at the Games!

The Office of Student Activities

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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During the fall of 2009, the Kappa Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity, Inc. here at Winston-Salem State University developed an idea for a project to bring Greek letter organizations together for friendly competition and unity. This idea was originally presented to the Council of Independent Greeks (CIGO), however it was not followed through on. The Council of Independent Greeks acts as a form of “checks and balances” for the Greek-letter organizations that are not part of the Pan Hellenic Council. Being filled with Greeks that are considered “specialized/specific audience focused,” it is illogical to attempt to operate historically as their Pan Hellenic counterparts. For the next few years, this idea presented itself many times – all to no avail. Finally, during the summer of 2012, Kappa Kappa Psi decided it was time to bring this idea to fruition – even if we had to do it ourselves. In the spring of 2013, with the assistance of the Office of Student Affairs and WSSU’s Greek Life, the WSSU Greek Unity Games was officially made a reality. The games mirror the summer and winter Olympics and features players from all Greek Letter Organizations (Pan-Hellenic, Specialized/Specific Audience Focused, Academic, etc.). There are a variety of games that tests each organizations agility, athleticism, benevolence, intelligence, talent, and unity in “family reunion” style game play. The games take place over the course over three (3) days (Thursday-Saturday) and usually culminates with a ball hosted by Kappa Kappa Psi. It begins with an opening ceremony where there is a Parade of Greeks and ends with a closing awards ceremony. The ultimate winner of the games earns bragging rights for the year. These games attempt to bring all Greeks together in the name of unity and puts everyone on an equal “playing field.”

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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These are the general rules and guidelines that will govern each organization’s participation in the games. Failure to comply with any or all of these rules may result in an organization being disqualified for any or all events and/or stripping of any medals/accolades received. 1.

Organizations may compete in as many or as few events as they would like. There is no penalty for lack of participation. The more events an organization participates in, the better its chances to win the overall winner trophy. Medaling in each event carries a certain amount of points. Gold Medals = 4 points; Silver Medals = 3 points; Bronze Medals = 2 points; and Participation (no medal) = 1 point. Total number of points will be compiled and the organization with most points will be deemed the overall winner.

2. Participants representing organizations must be currently enrolled students of WinstonSalem State University (no alumni, advisors, etc.). 3. All participants must be inducted members of that respective organization (no membership candidates, etc.) and should be chosen democratically by all members of the organization with approval from the advisor. 4. All games will be played in the spirit of unity and friendly competition. 5. There will be no malicious defamation of any organization before, during, or after the games. 6. Each participating organization will give the utmost respect the judges, officials, facilitators, and/or scorers associated with each event. 7. Each judge, officials, facilitator, and/or scorer associated with each event will give the utmost respect to each participating organization. 8. Each organization will abide by all rules/guidelines established within each game. (Individual game rules appear later in this guide). 9. After application deadline has passed, submitted participants are “locked in.� The only substitution of players that may be made after the games have begun is in case of illness or emergency. 10. Any discrepancy/disagreement in results/scores will be deferred to staff of The Office of Student Activities. Rain dates/locations are TBD.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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WSSU Greek Unity Games

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3 Legged Race Relays

Event Description: A three-legged race is a game of cooperation between partners as much as it is one of speed. It involves two participants attempting to complete a short sprint with the left leg of one runner strapped to the right leg of another runner. The object is for the partners to run together without falling over, and beat the other contestants to the finish line. Event Objective: To finish the team race with the fastest time Rules: 

Each team will consist of four (4) people [two (2) groups of two (2)].

Each group of two (2) will be attached together by a Velcro strap/bandana around one of their legs/ankles.

Each group of two (2) will race an opposing team halfway around the track where baton will be passed to the other group of (2) that is part of the team.

At least one foot from each person within the group of two must be on the ground at all times (No one is allowed to “carry” another player).

Each race will be considered an elimination heat.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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Egg Toss Event Description: Egg tossing, egg toss, or egg throwing is a game associated with Easter. The egg was a symbol of the rebirth of the earth in Pagan celebrations of spring and was adopted by early Christians as a symbol of the rebirth of man at Easter. Egg tossing is also known as a team competition with basically the following rules, although the exact details may vary. One member of a two-person team tosses an egg to another. If the egg does not break, they step apart and the toss is repeated. The contest continues until one egg is left unbroken. Event Objective: To be the last team standing with an unbroken egg. Rules: 

Each team will consist of two (2).

One member of the two person team will toss an egg to the other.

Each round that the egg is not broken, the team will step apart and the toss will be repeated.

Heats will continue until one team is left with unbroken egg.

Rounds will be considered elimination heats.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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Musical Chairs Event Description: Musical chairs is a game played by a group of people (usually children), often in an informal setting purely for entertainment such as a birthday party. The game starts with any number of players and a number of chairs one fewer than the number of players; the chairs are arranged in a circle (or other closed figure if space is constrained; a double line is sometimes used) facing outward, with the people standing in a circle just outside of that. A non-playing individual plays recorded music or a musical instrument. While the music is playing, the players in the circle walk in unison around the chairs. When the music player suddenly stops the music, everyone must race to sit down in one of the chairs. The player who is left without a chair is eliminated from the game, and one chair is also removed to ensure that there will always be one fewer chair than there are players. The music resumes and the cycle repeats until there is only one player left in the game, who is the winner. When down to the last two players the chair may be moved as long as the music has stopped before the chair has been touched. Event Objective: Be the last player sitting. Rules: 

Each organization may send up to two (2) representatives to compete in this game.

Players will line up in a circle around the chairs.

The DJ will play music and players will begin to circle the chairs.

When DJ stops music, you must find a chair to sit in.

If a player fails to find a chair to sit in, they are eliminated. One chair will be removed from the end each round.

Rounds will continue until all players are eliminated.

Last player “sitting” wins.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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“Tug of Warriors” Competition Event Description: Tug-of-War is a game of strength that is played by young kids still in elementary school as well as tough soldiers in the Army. The rules are simple, yet contain within them a metaphorical association to the idea of combat and conquest. The ultimate goal is to use to teamwork to overcome the combine strength of the opposing team. Scientific principles, including leverage, can create a situation in which the stronger team does not necessarily always win. Event Objective: First team to pull bandanna/rope across set line wins. Rules: 

Teams made of 5 people

Each game will be best of three (3) pulls.

Fraternity vs. Fraternity and Sorority vs. Sorority

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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Balls of Fury (Dodge Ball) Event Description: Dodge Ball is a well-known form of team sport with modified rules that are often played in physical education classes. In the United States, the game is typically played among children 6-12 in elementary school. However, internationally, the sport has also emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport. It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues. Event Objective: Try to hit other players on the opposing team with their own balls while avoiding being hit. Rules: 

Game begins by placing the dodge balls along the center line – five (balls) total.

Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centerline to retrieve the balls. This signal officially starts the contest.

Teams may only retrieve the three (3) balls to their right of the center hash.

Once a ball is retrieved it must be taken behind the attack-line before it can be legally thrown.

During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines.

Players may leave the boundaries through their end-line only to retrieve stray balls. They must also return through their end-line.

The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner of that match.

A 3-minute time limit has been established for each match.

Each game will be best out of three (3) matches.

If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the 3 minutes, the team with the greater number of players remaining will be declared the winner of that match.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals will be awarded.

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Ball ‘Till You Fall (3 on 3 Basketball) Event Description: 3 on 3 (3x3) is a form of basketball that evolved from street ball. Street ball or street basketball is a variation of the sport of basketball, typically played on outdoor courts and featuring significantly less by way of formal structure and enforcement of the game's rules. As such, its format is more conducive to allowing players to publicly showcase their own individual skills. Event Objective: The first team to 15 points wins. Rules: 

Teams score by either regular two-point baskets, or by three-point shots taken from outside the three-point circle.

After a basket has been scored or a foul called, a player must put the ball in play from a line past the three point line above the foul key.

All held balls will be put into play behind the three point line with possession given alternately to each team.

Any player may convert an offensive rebound.

After a basket, the team scored upon will put the ball in play.

Fouls will be called by officials. A foul called in the act of shooting will result in either two or three points being awarded to the team which was fouled, depending on where the player was fouled. A non-shooting foul will result in the award of one point to the offended team. There is no bonus situation for fouls.

There are no time outs.

Time will not be stopped to discuss any call.

If the game ends in a tie after regulation time there will be a two minute overtime period. Possession will be determined by a coin toss. Ties at the end of any overtime period will result in successive one minute periods until the tie has been broken, with possession alternating each overtime period.

Fraternity vs. Fraternity and Sorority vs. Sorority.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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Enter the Tangram Event Description: The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It was originally invented in China at some unknown point in history, and then carried over to Europe by trading ships in the early 19th century. It became very popular in Europe for a time and then again during World War I. It is one of the most popular dissection puzzles in the world Event Objective: To solve as many tangrams as possible in 10 minutes. Rules: 

Each organization can send a maximum of three (3) representatives for this event.

Six (6) organizations will compete within each heat.

These will be elimination heats. The top two (2) scorers in each heat will advance to a semi-final heat. The top two (2) scorers within the semi-final heat will advance to the finals.

In case of a tie, the winner will be chosen based on total number of completed puzzles in all heats.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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The “Knowledge is Power” Search Event Description: Power Search is a testing mechanism (in the form of a quiz) used by the Honda Campus All Star Challenge for intellectual players. Participants have the opportunity to assess their knowledge in a wide range of content areas. Event Objective: Answer as many questions on the quiz as possible in 15 minutes. This quiz is comprised of 30 short questions; 20 multiple choice and 10 short answer questions in the following categories: African-American Culture, History & Literature, Business & Economics, Current Affairs, Fine Arts, General Knowledge, Geography, Government, History, Literature, Pop Culture, Religion, Science, Social Science, Sports, and Words & Language. Rules: 

Each organization can send a maximum of three (3) representatives for this event

All participants will take the quiz simultaneously.

There will be a total of 10 different quizzes disseminated throughout the room.

After 15 minutes is up, all quizzes will be collected and scored by WSSU Faculty & Staff.

Results will be posted by midnight on the day of the quiz.

In case of tie scores, medal placement will be determined by an “elimination” quiz administered on the afternoon of the next day.

Each of the top scoring organizations will send one (1) representative to take the medal determination quiz.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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“Trump Tight” Spades Tournament Event Description: Spades is a “trick-taking” card game devised in the United States in the 1930s. It can be played as either a partnership or solo/"cutthroat" game. In partnership Spades, the bids and tricks/books taken are combined for a partnership. Spades is a descendant of the Whist family of card games, which also includes Bridge and Hearts. Its major difference as compared to other Whist variants is that, instead of trump being decided by the highest bidder or at random, the Spade suit always trumps, hence the name. Event Objective: To reach the determined game score first in tricks/books for each heat as a partnership Rules: 

Each organization can send two (2) representatives for this event

Games will be played with a standard 52-card deck. Spades will be played with both Jokers (one identified “high/big” & the other identified “low/little”) and with two predetermined cards removed.

Spades is always trump. Other suits have no intrinsic value during play, but a card of the suit led in the current trick/book will beat a card of any other suit except a Spade.

Rank of cards for clubs, hearts, and diamonds is as follows: Highest to lowest - Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. In case of spades, rank of cards is: Highest to lowest – High/Big Joker, Low/Little Joker, 2, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.

The first dealer will be chosen by a draw for high card. Thereafter, the deck passes to the dealer's left after each hand until points are reached. The dealer shuffles, and the player to the right will be given the opportunity to "cut" the cards to prevent the dealer stacking the deck.

If any player’s hand has no spades, that player may call “misdeal.” In the instance of a misdeal, the deck then goes to the next dealer to the left for re-deal.

The minimum number of tricks/books each partnership may bid in each hand is four (4) or “Board.”

Each match will go to a score of 200. Final/Championship match will go to a score of 350.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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The Next Iron Chef: Greek Edition Event Description: This event will be based on the famous shows on the Food Network, “Chopped” and “Iron Chef America. Like the original Japanese program, the event will be a culinary competition. In this version, organizational “chefs” will compete against one another in a cooking competition based on a secret ingredient or ingredients, and/or theme. Event Objective: To create the best dishes using the mystery ingredients to obtain the highest number of points. Rules: 

Each organization may have one (1) entry for each category presented by one (1) representative.

There will be three (3) judges that will score the chefs on the following criteria: Taste, Presentation, and Originality.

Taste will have a maximum of 10 points, Presentation will have 5 points and Originality will have 5 points.

The chefs will have to prepare three (3) dishes in three (3) categories: appetizer, main course, and dessert.

The contestants will have a mystery protein they will have to incorporate into their dishes and it has to be the star of the dish. In the Dessert round, they will have a mystery fruit they will have to incorporate into the dish.

Only students eligible to compete in the games are allowed to cook.

All dishes must be homemade (no store purchased items may be used as the competition entry dish).

Organization President and Advisor will sign an agreement that all food was prepared by the students. No physical help from advisors, chefs, or others not eligible to compete is allowed (although verbal help and coaching is permissible).

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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“Stomp the Yard” Stroll-Off Event Description: Like stepping, strolling has also been linked to Black Greek organizations. It is a tradition that has had wide appeal and is performed by many organizations to this day, not just those in the NPHC. The way that strolling works is by having brothers or sisters of a particular Greek organization create a single file line or a group. They then begin to move forward in unison; united in dance motions or alternating dance moves. Strolling is a coordinated production. For it to work, all members performing must know every step of the choreographed stroll. It differs from stepping in that music is used and the military-like formations of stepping are not seen. The moves used during a stroll are typically rooted in the traditions of a particular organization, reflecting the significance of brotherhood or sisterhood. Event Objective: To obtain the most amount of points for a stroll/party walk/hop. Rules: 

Each organization may send a group of no less than four (4) but no more than six (6) representatives.

Participants from each organization will showcase a stroll/party walk/hop.

Each organization will perform stroll twice and will have a time limit of two (2) minutes per exhibition.

The participants will be judged on difficulty of the stroll, synchronization, crowd response, and originality.

The point system will be as follows: 10 points for difficulty, 15 for synchronization, 10 for crowd response, and 15 for originality.

There will be three (3) elimination rounds. The top six (6) from Round 1 will advance to Round 2. The top three (3) from Round 2 will advance to Round 3.

The participating organization will provide music for the two (2) songs for Rounds 1 and 2 and the judges will choose the song for the final round.

The judges will make final decision.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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So You Think You Can Dance: Greek Edition Event Description: “So You Think You Can Dance” is an American televised dance competition show that airs on Fox in the United States and is the flagship series of the international “So You Think You Can Dance” television franchise. This event will be based on the television talent show.

Event Objective: Obtain the most points in three (3) categories.

Rules: 

Each organization may send one (1) representative to compete

Each contestant will have 30 seconds to “Dance For Your Life”

There will be four (4) judges that will judge on poise, originality, crowd response.

The point system will be as follows: 10 maximum points for poise, 15 points for originality and 10 points for crowd response.

In case of a tie, there will be a “dance off” to a song of the judges choosing and the audience (crowd) will decide the winner.

Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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Turnstile/Group Jump

Event Description: This activity involves some physical activity for the group. Theme/learning outcomes include: problem solving, identifying strengths, timing, communication, and working in unison.

Event Objective: To complete the tasks in the fastest time and with the most accuracy.

Rules: 

Groups of six (6) may compete.

Event will be judged on timing and/or group performance

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

WSSU Greek Unity Games

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Circle the Circle

Event Description: This activity involves very light physical activity. The emphases/learning outcomes include: group support, developing innovative strategies, refining processes, and timing.

Event Objective: To complete the tasks in the fastest time with the most accuracy.

Rules: 

Groups of six (6) may compete.

Event will be judged on timing and/or group performance

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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Bull Ring

Event Description: This activity involves very little physical activity. The emphases/learning outcomes include: finesse, problem solving, and communication.

Event Objective: To complete the tasks in the fastest time with the most accuracy.

Rules: 

Groups of six (6) may compete.

Event will be judged on timing and/or group performance

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded.

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CLMC Red & White Youth Day

Event Description: Each year, the Campus Life Marketing Committee (CLMC) at Winston-Salem State University sponsors an event in the spring for the youth of the community called “The Red and White Youth Day.” This is usually held on a Saturday and is one of the many opportunities afforded to the university to give back. Community youth are invited to campus to participate in a day of play usually facilitated by the Office of Student Activities (OSA) and the registered student organizations. OSA solicits assistance from all organizations with this endeavor, but this year since the unity games will occur on the same weekend, it provides the perfect opportunity to involve the Greeks.

Event Objective: Assist CLMC with making “Red and White Youth Day” a success Rules: 

Each organization should send a minimum of three (3) volunteers from your organization to work.

Each organization that participates will receive 10 points that will be added to your overall team score.

No medals will be awarded.

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Name of Organization: _________________________________________________________________ Name of President: ___________________________________________________________ President Contact Number: _______________________________________ Name of Advisor: ______________________________________________________________ Advisor Contact Number: _______________________________________



3-Legged Relays

_____ Yes



_____ No

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Egg Toss

_____ Yes

_____ No


____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Musical Chairs

_____ Yes

_____ No


____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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“Tug of Warriors” Competition

_____ Yes



_____ No

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

“Balls of Fury” Dodge Ball

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

“Ball ‘Till You Fall” 3 on 3 Basketball

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________



Enter the Tangram

_____ Yes



_____ No

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

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Knowledge is Power Search

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Trump Tight Spades Tournament

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________



The Next Iron Chef – Greek Edition

_____ Yes



Stomp the Yard Stroll Competition

_____ Yes



_____ No

_____ No

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (Minimum)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________



SYTYCD – Greek Edition

_____ Yes



WSSU Greek Unity Games

_____ No

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Turnstile/Group Jump

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Circle the Circle

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Bull Ring

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Red & White Youth Day

_____ Yes

_____ No


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (Minimum)

WSSU Greek Unity Games


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I _____________________________________________________, President/Advisor (circle one) of _______________________________________________________ Fraternity/Sorority (circle one) hereby certify to the validity of this application to compete in Winston-Salem State University’s Greek Unity Games for the spring 2014 semester. I also certify that all members registered to compete in the above-mentioned events are members of the WinstonSalem State University Chapter of this organization and that they are currently enrolled. I am aware that any false information submitted on this form may result in this organization being disqualified from the games, medals stripped, and/or title relinquished. Finally, I understand that I may make substitutions of participants in any of the games up until April 4, 2014. Participant substitutions must come from the same pool of currently enrolled student members of this organization. This I declare on this

______ (day)

of _________________________ (month),


_______________________________________________ Signature of President (if Applicable)

_______________________________________________ Signature of Advisor

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This form is to certify that all foods prepared in this 2014 Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Greek Unity Games’ “The Next Iron Chef – Greek Edition” were prepared/cooked “homemade” (except for the purchase of essential ingredients) by currently enrolled members of _____________________________________________________________ (insert organization) at WSSU. None of the dishes presented were purchased in a store, restaurant, café, etc. in an effort to defraud this competition. Members preparing food may be coached by alumni members or advisors of the organization, but no “hands-on” assistance is permitted. I am aware that any violation of the rules and regulations for this event may result in this organization being disqualified from the games, medals stripped, and/or title relinquished.

___________________________________________________________ Signature of Presenter

___________________________________________________________ Signature of President/Advisor

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