Darkfaery Subculture Magazine: Version 10: Volume 2: Issue 9

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Editor Duvall GilchristMontgomery Photography Branda Lynne

Writers Maynard BlackOak TristaLou FearCast Sara Young

Featured Model Lady Noctis

If you would like to submit your work or just contact us: Darkfaery Subculture Magazine 517 NW 95th street Oklahoma city, OK 73114 USA E-mail: duvy.dfsm@gmail.com

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opyright Š 1997-2010 Contents contained within Darkfaery Subculture Magazine are subject to US Copyright Laws and are the property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Commercial use prohibited.

I am an aspiring illustrator and model; currently doing a BA(hons) General Illustration in Swansea. I have always been an artist of illustrative contradictions, I can be found using a bright palette which is a contrast to my quirky style and dark subject matters. My art can be described as Pop Surrealism, seductive with an air of melancholy. I am highly inspired by the Victorian era, the emotions of one's individual state, dark romanticism and all things timeless. I also like to explore and develop different subject matters and mediums as it enables me to grow and develop as an artist. My work exists in a sensually esoteric realm yet at the same time possesses a sense of accessibility that draws the observer to them

I am a Toronto based photographer who gets inspired by the dark and mysterious. I photography everything but my true passion is for gothic beauty and victorian fashion. This series of photos is called The Garden of Eden. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Model & Make-up: Margaret Paige Assistant: Adhi Nugraha http://brandalynne.com/

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Interview was conducted by Ogre of Fearcast.net at The Underground Horror Film Fest 2010 In Tulsa, OK

Minotaur, the Cyclops some. all of the cool monster from the Odyssey, we shot that in Morocco over a Ogre- Has there been anything you course of three months it was a cool would like to go back and gotten your project all of my favorite monsters. hands in or Special effects you would Clash of the Titian's was one of the have like to have done? Ogre- We are here in Tulsa Oklahoma movies that turned me into the weirdo With Tate Steinsiek. Tate, Tulsa Has a that I am today Tate- Actually funny story and I have to Special tie for you? it was an honor to recreate all of those say the delivery was good i was actually monster. up for the new nightmare on elm street i Tate- Tulsa is very special for me, I am got that script right after the draft From this place this is were I got my Ogre- You got stuff from Modern times was done i was in the running to be one start. Years and years ago i left Oklaho- and stuff that is reminiscent of classic of the special effects artist but I really ma to pursue a career in film universal monsters what type of crea- wanted the chance to redesign Freddy and Special EfKruger i fought fects. I actually and campaigned went to Pennsylfor that movie but vania and worked at the end of the with Tom Savini day KNB gets evefor a while and rything so and its worked out of understood. his shop and I would have realworked on simple ly killed for a things chance to redelike casting his fine Kruger but at projects just the end of the day trying to learn they did an awethe art and in some job the make the process of up was ridiculously doing that I got really and he was to become really pretty terrifying good Friends if you have to rewith him and he place Robert Enpassed on a glund they did a script to me good job with the called Zombie casting. Photo Credit: Jonathan "D" Dixon In Photo: Clyde Jones, Tate Steinsiek, Ogre Honeymoon that script is Ogre- Is there what took me to New York to work to do tures do you prefer to work on. anything else you would like people to effects and after it was over I just kind know about you as we wrap this up. of never left now 10 years later I am Tate- You can't beat the old school. making my way back to Oklahoma and The monsters of old are still the best as Tate- You can see all of my work at Illfinding this awesome thriving Horror you can see movies coming out today willed.com you can check out all of my scene and its really cool to be back on they don't touch what's already been Crazy monsters, films and pretty much my old stomping ground. done very few film makers are everything. putting out those kind of films that Ogre- There was a show you did on His- make you feel the suspense and that tory Channel can you tell us more about horror that you use to feel so My favorthat. ite things obviously werewolves i am still dying to get that werewolf script. Tate- The last project I did for the what's proven to the most fun recently History Channel was a show called Clash is zombies. Zombie movies is always a of the Gods it was a dramatization of all good time brains, blood guts its aweof the Odyssey, we did Medusa , the

Fearcast would like to thank Tate for taking time out for this interview. Meet Tate at Sooner Con 20 June 3,4 and 5th 2012 and check out more on Fearcast go to www.Fearcast.net

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FearCastâ€&#x;s Top Ten Bad Guys the list, but, you lose some points for cape a maximum security FBI holding not being able to see your nemesis cry. facility. Maybe there's some pluses that Ruled the day In a world where the common villian usually puts up with being number two next to their Super Hero opposites, let us have a look at those select few villians that got their last laugh. Welcome to the Top Ten Bad Guys that Ruled the day.




Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back- Why

only number 6 for the dark lord of the sith? Well, the rebels did escape, but for putting Solo in carbonite and cutting your owns sons hand off proclaiming "Who's your Daddy!!!", we'll no. 10 Zombie Horde- George Romero's give you credit where credit is due. Here's to you Anikan. Land of the

Dead-There are

many zombie horde's through the decades that have stood the test of decomposition. The dead heads in Land of the Dead, However, didn't just get the last laugh, they toppled your little make shift government as well. no.9 Leatherface- Texas

Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning- Why does

the veritable madman have settle for 9. Well to get a real last laugh we had to wait till the 2006 rehash to really trumph those bastard teens. With that said seeing you gore your way, with a chainsaw of course, to a moonlit walk back to your chamber of horrors. Oh so satisfying. no.8 Creeper- Jeepers Creepers- Well let's see. His antagonist notified the authorities, ran him over a few times, got help from a phsycic, and shacked up in a police staion. Alot of good that did them, he still got the peepers he wanted. no.7 John Doe- Seven- This guy is a great strategist. To see it through though his master plan involved his death. You could've been higher on

with the whole eating people thing?

no.2 Emperor Palpatine-Star Wars Films - Now here's an evil dude. Darth Sidious's rise to the top took planning and patience. Staging an intergalactic war, fooling the whole galaxy into making you the most powerful man in the senate, and hiding in plain sight next to th most powerful and wise warriors in the universe. Emperor you are one powerful and wise dude. Only you're number 2 on the list. You did let Darth Vader kill you. You really should've seen that coming.

no.5 Jason Voorhees- Friday the 13th Part 2- Alright we can argue that Jason always wins by default because of his uncanny ability to keep on living on in sequel after sequel. In part 2 however our young little survivor teen was left with no feeling of closure, only Jason's deformed, man- no.1 Adrian "Ozymandias" Veidt Watchmen- When it gled face. comes to sinister no.4 John "Jigsaw" Kramer-SAW- This plans Veidt's tops guy can show you so much you didn't them all. A plan that already know about yourself. His maca- involved murder, foolbre lessons have actually made him the ing a team of super heros, getting the winner in all of the most powerful superSAW films. Even hero framed, and the ones that he'd slaughtering millions already bit the big for his own sense of justice. This my one after. So for your influence, your genious torture friend makes you one evil, narcissistic tool design, and the fact that you can mamma jamma. So some may say his intake a nap next to your protagonist tention through the madness still gives while they're still trying to figure it him a sense of Super Hero status. It is this that makes him a complex more out, we salute you John Kramer. fully developed villian. A villian that not no.3 Hannibal Lecter- Silence of the only sees his dastardly plan through, Lambs- Best described as a human flesh but, makes everyone ok with it. Just ask any other bad guy if they could blow up eater that can and will the world and get away with it. touch you inner phsycie. In closing I think we can all be comfortThis canabalistic madman won with his mind, or was it killing some guards watching his cell, it could've been wearing that dudes face. Hmmm, reguardless Hannibal's mind doesn't just hold they key to catching numerous villians. It allows him to es-

able now knowing that sometimes the bad guys do get what they want. Sorry heros looks like you won't just be able to go to sleep at night knowing you'll win.

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Wonderboy Serials: Issue One by end when exorcist Kyo‟eisai imprisoned him have some great-grandkids for her to see in a cross. before she passes on. Where better to Charles Martin Review Now the cross is in the hands of Kyoji Yotobari, a descendant of Kyo‟eisai who would rather make pretty wax dolls and avoid chores than work. He creates the perfect housemaid, a cute young girl with voluminous curls, bound to do his bidding. Now if only he had a soul lying around somewhere. .. Enter Guilt-na, the female form of Guilt-na Zan. She‟s locked in the wax doll, forced to bake cookies, sweep floors, play companion to Kyoji‟s little sister Tonae, and wonder if there is any way out for the vampire aristocrat. The premise sets Vampire Doll up for some scenes of hilarity. The interpersonal relationships between perverted Kyoji and Guilt-na (who still sees herself as Guilt-na Zan), Guilt-na (who still sees herself as Guilt-na Zan) and innocent Tonae, Kyoji‟s outcast twin brother Kyoichi, and Guilt-na Zan‟s long-lost manservant Vincent (who just happens to be a bat by nature) are all delightfully rich. The story is easy to follow and well-translated into English though read in the traditional Japanese right-toleft. Vampire Doll is fantastically illustrated, from Guilt-na Zan‟s gothic fashion to the details in Guilt-na‟s curls to the expressiveness of each face. Erika Kari gets two rounds of applause for the tale and the artistic telling of this manga gem.

select a mate than among the best of the best in the nation, right? What would the world be like if there was Young Senguu is recruited into the one man who was saving Gusha Senmetsu Clan, led by Senimaru Reius from everything all ko. She sends him off to find Senimaru the time? Would we be Akari, and upon seeing the bespectacled that great of a people girl bathing in a fountain he immediately as a whole when we are asks for her hand in marriage. And is conso dependent on that fronted with her katana. someone to always save Senguu doesn‟t think his day can us? Well if you read the get worse, until exam time. Exams at DaiWonderboy Serials you hon consist of clans exterminating one anjust might get kind of other. Grades are determined by how many an idea. I love the way rivals one slays. Sounds bad, right? These this was written and how it is pretty clans are chosen by their chivalrous powthought provoking. The descriptions are ers. That‟s right; everyone at Daihon has really good and the writing is very clever supernatural powers. Poor little Senguu did with a great sense of humor. It's also good not sign up for this, and certainly wasn‟t at keeping you interested in seeing what expecting to commit mass murder on his new information you might find on the fafirst day of high school! mous "Wonderboy" and what secret he is Good thing Reiko assigned Akari to hiding from his loyal people. I love that it protect him. They are embroiled in the is written from many perspectives of a Gourmet Clan‟s Lard Paradise (Womandaughter, fans, and even enemies of WonKilling Oil Hell). Senguu cannot stand by derboy. What is really interesting is I and let the beast violate the delicious, fatfound myself understanding every perspecrich breast tissue of his beloved! (Their tive, even the super villian who is bent on future babies will need those, after all.) destroying Wonderboy and getting rid of Together, Akari and Senguu defeat Lard the "babysitter" of the world. Not many Paradise (Woman-Killing Oil Hell), the first writers can do that, leave you kind of rootof many perils to come. ing for even the bad guys along with the Read in the traditional Japanese good guys. I think Charles Martin did a right-to-left, translated to English, Yakuza great job with that and keeping me interGirl has many word-plays explained at the ested. He even ended it with me wanting end that get lost in translation. For exammore and I can't wait to see what is in ple, the Lard Paradise attack, Womanstore for Wonderboys' future. Killer Oil Hell, is like the English “lady killer”, but a monstrous beast that oozes Yakuza Girl: Shikake no Hanayome ~TristaLou (Yakuza Girl: The Blade-Wielding hardening grease to ensnare victims while he sucks up their fatty tissues. The Gusha Bride) (“fool”) Senmetsu (“exterminate”) Clan Vampire Doll: Guilt-na zan Written by: Motonaga Masaki would be something like the Fool ExtermiStory & Art by Erika Artwork: Okuma Yu-Go nators. There are subtle changes to charKari Reviewed by Sara acters or pronunciations on blackboards Publisher Zero Comics that make common Japanese sayings fit Young the story: “final exam” becomes “final Reviewed by Sara deathmatch”; “be seated” becomes “defend Young yourself”. Senguu Fumihiro Yakuza Girl is not for the faint of is the new kid at prestigA hundred years ago, the heart. Violence is rampant and in-yourious Daihon Academy. vampire lord Guilt-na Zan face. Nudity is right out there from page Sure he‟s there for the ruled the undead, the three. Fans of the genre and those with a beasts of the earth, and the thunder of enriching education, but the skies. He was handsome, well-loved, mostly he‟s there for the girls. He prom- taste for the macabre will get a kick out and powerful. His reign came to a brutal ised his dying grandma he‟d find a wife and of this take on duty, honor and prestige.

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right, only makes the situation worse. Let's take another look at A Nightmare On Elm Street. Yeah, Yes, the classic battle of Freddy was a child molester and Good vs. Evil, Light vs. Dark, The murderer. The parents decided it was a grand idea to take the Hero vs. The law into their own hands and Villain. We fry the poor bastard, letting have seen it him loose to kill the kids in since the their nightmares throughout dawn of man. seven films, a mash-up movie, Hell, we saw and a piss poor remake. Good it before job guys! Now did they know then! I'm that this was going to happen? sure there Probably not, but did they do was some Good cells and Bad cells in the pri- the right thing? I'd say not. That goes into the whole morals thing mordial soup.

Good in the Garden of Evil

I can't remember back that far, so I really don't remember. We have seen this through the great age of the written word. Music is written with this very thought in mind. Our day to day lives we witness good and evil on the news, and in the papers. Of course being a Horror Film critic, this contest is pretty much the basis of everything I see. Let's look at a few of the more common mash ups (Insert spoiler alert here, watch the damn movies!). Freddy Krueger vs. the kids of Springwood, Jason Voorhees vs. kids that like sex and/or drugs, Michael Myers vs. Baby Sitters. Hmm. Looks like kids make pretty good Heroes right? What happens when the good guys are bad or vice versa? Good guy thinks what he's doing

which is scary enough. On the flip side is poor little Jason Voorhees. He was simply an innocent child who died from an accident. The bad guys were the Camp Councilors...oh and Mommy. Mother Voorhees decides to take revenge on the Camp Councilors. Now is this Good vs. Evil? Evil on Evil action? Either way, it spawned an even greater Evil. Jason! His reign of terror on young people has lasted through ten movies, a mash-up....and yes...a piss poor re-


Now I want to look into a scenario when the lines between good and evil a blurry. Clive Barker's Nightbreed, based on his book, Cabal. I'm a bit of a fan of this film. Ok that's an understatement. This is by far my most favorite film of all time. This is a classic view where the roles are reversed. The monsters are the good guys and the "Naturals" are the bad guys. On the flip side of the coin, the 'Breed have a hunger for human flesh. They have laws against this, but since when does that stop the fringe of any society? Don't we all have certain hungers? I want a steak and baked potato right now! The humans in the film seemed to feel like they were just protecting the world against the evil horde. I can think of other bad guys in history that thought they were doing the same thing. As we see there are several instances where the good isn't good at all, and that bad may simply be misunderstood. As a special PSA, everyone take a look at yourself in the mirror and think....am I really as good as I think I am? Until next time. - Monster

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The Rising Star of Frederic Doss Frederic Doss began his road to acting as a high school student in Joplin Missouri, eventually earning a scholarship for acting at Missouri Southern State University. A series of events led him to change his major to sociology and pursue a path toward a professorship. When that path did not progress as he had hoped, he was prompted by his wife and the events of 9-11 to join the military. It was while he was stationed at Holloman AFB in New Mexico that he landed his first acting role in the motion picture Transformers as the SOCCENT HQ. He had been assigned to work behind the scenes with the film crew as a liaison. After being used in scenes as an extra, a lunch meeting with Sally Jackson, led to him landing a speaking part in the film. After a tour of duty in Afghanistan, he landed a part in the critically acclaimed series Breaking Bad as an off duty cop. From there he landed roles in several films including GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Boggey Creek, Cut, Code of Evil and the soon-to-be released Humans Vs Zombies, based upon the popular campus game. In the movie Cut, he has a small role playing the part of a deputy sheriff investigating a series of disappearances. This film stars horror heavyweights Kane Hodder, Michael Berryman and Tony Todd and promises to please avid horror fans.

claims. From the clips of the film that I was able to view, I tend to agree. I can’t wait to see this movie. I met Frederic recently at Texas Frightmare Weekend. His story of going from real hero in the service of his country to hero on the big screen started the wheels spinning in my head (sometimes this is not a good thing). With a Heroes and Villains issue looming on the horizon, who would make for a better interview than one who has been hero in real life and hero on the screen? So here he is; a star on the rise, Frederic Doss. MB: Greetings Frederic! You’ve had roles in some major films and a critically acclaimed television series, including the lead in the soonto-be released Humans vs. Zombies. Of all the roles you played, which were the most memorable to you? Which experience was the most rewarding? FD: Howdy! Well, I’d have to say Transformers to start with. It was such an amazing experience. I was in the Air Force at the time and had just been stationed at my second assignment; Holloman AFB, NM. Michael Bay brought his film crew through and I became one of their primary liaisons from December of 2005 until July of 2006. All of the desert scenes with the military unit were filmed out there. I got to meet so many of the behind the scenes folks and it was the first film I ever did. I lucked out on the role, really. I had helped the locations casting director, Sally Jackson, with so many things and she and I bumped into each other at lunch one day. She was casting a speaking role and had no idea I had an acting background from college (stage). She brought me into read and the rest is history.

FD: Working on the USA Network show In Plain Sight was exciting because I got to meet Dave Foley. I had been such a fan of his from Kids in the Hall. He was very approachable and when I was waiting to shove him on set as his prison escort he was very cool to talk with. I also got to meet Kelsey Grammar and Kevin Costner while working as an extra on the film Swing Vote. Working for Michael Bay on “Transformers” and Stephen Sommers on GI Joe would have to rank as well. Without a doubt, Glenn Morshower was very inspirational and a key reason why I’m still doing this. While off set on Transformers he gave myself and actor Charlie Bodin a private session of his “Extra Mile” program and was so encouraging to both of us as young performers. He’s a champion. I’ve also worked with so many people that I call friends that it would be impossible to list them all here. If I try, I will leave someone off unintentionally and we wouldn’t talk about much else! MB: What was the most difficult character you’ve portrayed? What made that one particular role more difficult than the others? FD: Oddly, the most difficult stuff I’ve had to do has been in short films that haven’t been released yet. One, that I just did with my dear friend Samuel Haun (you should remember that name) is called The Earth Died Screaming. There is a particular scene where I have to pull up some really painful emotions. You tend to lose yourself in it so it’s not difficult to do, but it leaves you drained. Most of the time, I’m having so much fun it’s hard to call any of it difficult.

GI Joe was incredible because I got paid to “Humans Vs Zombies is my baby and my play around in a real apache helicopter all day coolest role to date.” says Doss about the film. with real apache pilots down at Fort Hood in His character is Frank, an on campus security Kileen TX. So much fun, it felt like robbery. guard. He’s also a conspiracy nut who has prepared his whole life for an event like the Humans Vs. Zombies is definitely my biggest zompocalypse. “He's a deadly zombie hunter, and best role so far. I think your readers are but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.” he going to like the film and my character, Frank, in particular. MB: Which types of roles and films do you goes on to describe his character. enjoying doing the most? MB: Of all the directors and actors with whom Doss believes fans of the game and those of the zombie genre are going to love this film. you’ve worked, which were the ones with FD: I like action; stuff with guns and craziness, but I also love drama and even romantic “The zombies were scary as hell. When you whom you enjoyed working the most? comedy. I played the title role in a fantastic see me terrified on screen, it’s all real.” he ex-

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film Coyote County Loser a few years back. I enjoyable and there are a few unexpected moplayed the owner of a junk yard who is kind of ments that will catch you off guard. Oh, and backwards and loveable. It was a blast. Michael Jaynes did a fantastic job giving you some creepy zombies to look at! Most of the MB: How much different is it playing the lead shots where I looked scared didn’t involve a lot in a film as opposed to having a supporting of acting thanks to him. role? FD: Well as a lead, you obviously have more creative input with a film. You also have so much more invested in the film’s success. I poured four weeks into Humans Vs. Zombies, not that any of it felt like work. Brian Jaynes and Francois Frizat as a creative team are so amazing to work with and the other actors from fellow leads and co-stars down to our zombies were so wonderful. It’s also easier to find the character in a lead role. When you only have a few lines, you have to fabricate everything. Though for a long shoot, your true work comes with remembering where you are coming from in the story. You rarely shoot chronological and you have to have all that straight in your head to sell the scene. MB: Tell me about your role in Humans vs. Zombies. How did you prepare yourself to play that character?

they may not have heard of, but should see. That’s been a good time! MB: Thinking back on some of your favorite movies, which one would you most like to have a role in a possible remake? What character would you play?

MB: You have a couple of other films coming FD: The thing about a favorite film is that it’s out, CUT and Code of Evil in which you’ll be so good you don’t want to ruin it with a resharing the screen with some make. There are films out heavy weights in the horror there that could probably use film genre. What was it like an update, but I wouldn’t say working with each of them? they are my favorites. I really can’t give you a great answer, FD: CUT was a great little but since they are already rehorror flick I worked on up in making Near Dark I would be New York with my buddy Joe honored to take the role of Hollow. Michael Berryman, Severin, not that it’s being Kane Hodder and Tony Todd offered. I love the character all came out to play as well, and what Bill did with it so but sadly, I didn’t get to do much, I think I could do it any scenes with them. Word justice. just came from Joe the other day that the film will be on MB: Are there any special the big screen at Cannes people who have helped and soon! We’re all excited. encouraged you down the path of acting that you’d like to Code of Evil is coming up mention? this summer with Kerry Beyer, the man that brought you Spirit Camp. It’s going to be a FD: Mainly my wonderful wife who always pretty cool sci-fi adventure. It’s primarily sticks by me. Also, Glenn Morshower, as I green screen which will be something new for said was so wonderful right there at the start. me to tackle. I don’t think any big names are attached but some of our faces are recognizable. MB: Thank you Frederic! It was a pleasure meeting and talking to you at Texas FrightMB: We all have our favorite movies and cin- mare Weekend. Do you have anymore personematic icons. What are some of your favorite al appearances planned for 2011? Are there movies and actors? Are there any actors, alive any new movies with roles for which you are or deceased, that you would like to spend an being considered? hour with picking their brains about acting? FD: There are a lot of things I’m in talks about FD: I am a huge fan of Bill Paxton! He was right now, but to tell you what they are at this the first actor that I really started paying atten- stage would ruin some surprises and some of tion to after I saw Aliens for the first time. I those projects may not happen. I’ll remain just loved his character in that. Then watching mysteriously vague on the future, but there are him in Predator 2, One False Move, True Lies some VERY cool things in it at this point. No and so many of his other films. Plus he is the concrete appearances lined up for the future, coolest vampire ever as Severin in Near Dark. but I’m always open.

FD: Frank is a crazy cool cat. He’s a military vet. He’s a conspiracy nut. He’s also prepared his whole life for some catastrophic event such as a zompocalypse. Well, I am a military vet for one. I’m not a conspiracy nut, but I do love exploring fringe science and reading on stuff like ghosts and UFOs. I believe in a lot of things that aren’t seated in conventional reality. I’ve also been kicking around how to survive zombies since I was 13. I own firearms and constantly build hypothetical’s. Other actors I admire include Guy Pearce, Frank is mainly me…amplified. Christian Bale, Michael Biehn, Thomas Jane, Bruce Campbell, Gary Oldman and Jim CaMB: Is there something that sets Humans vs. viezel. Zombies apart from all the other zombie flicks? What can we expect when we watch When it comes to film, I mainly love movies I the film? can watch over and over again. Grosse Pointe Blank tops the list, but films like Demon FD: First of all it’s beautifully shot. There Knight, Princess Bride, Reservoir Dogs, will be things you’ll see where you’ll swear Snatch and Aliens all rank near the top. I love it’s a studio film. Second, we had a great cast. so many films its hard to make a definitive list. That will set it apart from most of the inde- Lately I’ve been working on a blog where for a pendent zombie flicks out there. The story is whole year I give my readers a film a day that

In closing though, I would like to mention that the first film I did with Brian Jaynes, Boggy Creek is coming out just around the corner. Keep your eyes peeled for news on where and when. Also, I just finished an amazing little indy drama flick called Devotion that I think will be something special. A shout out to Andy Rose and Abel Berry on that one. ~ Maynard Blackoak

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The Heroic Villainy of Voltaire By Maynard Blackoak Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez, the modern day renaissance man known simply as Voltaire, is a wonderfully gifted singer/performer, creator of comic books, award winning director/maker of stop-motion animated film shorts and commercials, and creator of toys. As if that were not enough to keep him busy, he has written a screen play that he is currently trying to get made into a film. He began his career as a stop-motion animator and director of commercials in the 1980’s. From early on in his childhood, he was fascinated by the monsters and creatures of the great Ray Harryhausen. He not only enjoyed them but was consumed with the desire to learn how they were created. Then at the tender age of ten, he got his first movie camera with a stopmotion feature. With a ten second clip of an alien shooting lasers, a budding genius of stop-motion animation was born.

returned to making films for the shear love and passion he has for it. Presently working on a series of shorts called the Chimerascope series and based on the station ID work he did for the MTV and SyFy networks, each short is animated in stop-motion animation and features narrations by well known singers. Created with the same classic Voltaire tongue-in-cheek macabre humor, these films tour the event circuit and have been screened at horror and animation film festivals around the world. They have also garnered a handful of awards. With more Chimerascope shorts presently in the works, it is certain Voltaire will have new awards to add to his already impressive trophy case.

His latest project within the film industry is his recently written feature length screenplay, Call of the Jersey Devil. The script won Best Screenplay at The New York City Horror Film Festival and at the Rocky Mountain Horror Film Festival in 2010. The film, which Voltaire himself hopes to direct and star, promises to be a live action, horror/comedy feature film utilizing Voltaire’s unique combination of the macabre and bizarre humor that has made him a legend, not only in The teenaged Voltaire took his talents gothic circles but within many subculto New York City. It was there while tures of society. working for animation houses, he used his considerable stop-motion skills to It was during his hiatus from the film create commercials for companies like industry that Voltaire picked up the Budweiser, RC Cola, Parker Brothers, guitar and decided to embark on a muKellogg's, Arm and Hammer, Marvel sical career. With tongue-in-cheek and scores of others. He used those macabre songs about murder, evil, experiences to become an award winzombies, etc, Voltaire’s music has bening director creating station Ids for come legendary. With eight full MTV, USA Network, The Sci-Fi chanlength albums and thousands of perfornel (as Voltaire says “back when they mances over the last fifteen years, he spelled it correctly“), The Discovery has carved out for himself a huge folChannel, TLC and Fangoria. lowing of fans that span many diverse walks of life. Is he gothic? Is he folk? After a ten year break from the film Is he Steampunk? Who knows? Who industry, Voltaire established himself cares? He is Voltaire! He is a truly as a musician, comic book writer and one-of-a-kind, play-by-his-own-rules creator of toys. While he has maintalent that can be appreciated on many tained a massive following from of all levels. his other endeavors, Voltaire recently

His latest album Hate Lives in a Small Town is pure genius! A step back through time to the days when country music had a story to tell; its lyrics painted vivid imagery in the mind while listening to it. Though he skillfully puts his “Voltaire” humorous spin on the genre, this is a fantastically done collection of songs. Amid the humor are some serious undertones. Though delivered through lyrics that are hilarious, they still make you stop and think about the message lurking within them. The story behind Hate Lives in a Small Town is almost as amusing as the humor of the album itself. Voltaire never hid the fact that he didn’t have much respect for the country music genre. Then one alcohol laden night at a karaoke bar listening to Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams and others, something changed and that splintered windmill in his mind started spinning (and it was not just from being inebriated). After listening to Johnny Cash’s Folsom Prison Blues, he thought to himself “I love that song!” "It was then," says Voltaire, "that I realized that I didn't hate Country music after all. I hated what it had become. In my somewhat drunken state, I thought, wouldn't it be interesting to make a record of old-school country music, the kind of record that could have been released 40 years ago?" The alcohol wore off but the concept remained coherent. The rest, as they say, is musical history. I for one applaud him for going where no Voltaire has gone before. Dare I say? I anxiously await his next venture into the world of country music. My own appreciation, for the what once was labeled lame and the many aspersions that were cast my way, has been vindicated. I was able to talk to Voltaire recently

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at Texas Frightmare Weekend. I came away even more in awe of him as a person. He is fun, engaging, genuinely friendly and went out of his way to make sure I had everything I needed from him to write this article and do the interview. So without further ado, I give you the master of the macabre humor; The twisted genius of evil; The one, the only Voltaire! (insert applause) MB: Greetings Voltaire! Thank you for giving me your time for this interview. You’ve had a long distinguished career in the arts, most notably in the music, film and comic industries, not to mention your line of toys based upon your comic book character, Deady. Now you’ve written your first feature length screenplay, Call of the Jersey Devil. How do you balance your time and talents to maintain all these projects? V: Poorly! (laughing). Seriously, I do juggle somewhere around twelve different projects at any given time. I do my very best to try to prioritize and work on what seems the most relevant at the moment and try to hit the deadlines on time. If I'm making a record for instance, which I am at the moment, and I know that I want it to come out by Dragoncon on September 1st, then maybe I focus a bit more on that. But in the background I'm still designing toys, making films, etc. I would kill for an extra twelve hours a day.

ago and shopped it around a little bit. I got some good reactions. It won Best Screenplay at the New York City Horror Film Festival last year. But enough people felt that it needed to be shorter that I decided to work on that. I'm presently editing it down and then I'm going to shop it around again. It's my hope to be shooting it within a year. Of course it would be nice to find funding, but if I don't, I may just have to find a way to get it made anyway. MB: Will it mix the macabre with tongue-incheek humor like your music? V: Absolutely! I think it's a really fun story. It's feels a lot like Ghost Busters and Evil Dead. It's a horror/comedy in which a washed up Goth singer and group of mall rats find the gateway to Hell in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. MB: Are you going to direct the film?

V: That is my hope. I also want to play the washed up Goth singer! I have some experience in that role (laughing). A year ago I got an offer for the screenplay but I wouldn't MB: Your screenplay, Call of the Jer- have been directing it in that deal. I'm sey Devil, sounds awesome. How far not opposed to doing it that way, but I along in the production process is it? really wrote it to direct it myself so I'm holding out a bit to make that happen. V: I wrote the script a couple of years

MB: You are also currently working on a series of shorts called Chimerascope Series. Can you tell us a little about them? V: I started my career as a stop-motion animator back in the eighties. I directed a bunch of the early MTV and Sci Fi Channel station IDs. These "Chimerascope" shorts I've been making pick up where those station IDs left off. They are short, shot in stop-motion animation, weird as hell and each is narrated by a singer. So far I have made four of them. They were narrated by Deborah Harry of Blondie, Richard Butler of the Psychedelic Furs, Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance and Danny Elfman. I've just finished the 5th one but I haven't found a narrator for that one yet. Danny Elfman is a hard act to follow so it will be interesting to see who ends up doing this one. Basically, these experimental shorts are a way for me to get back to making stop-motion films the way I did when I was a child, bringing monsters to life for the fun of it. There's never a script, I just make some monsters and start animating them. I write the narration after the films are done based on what the films suggest to me. It's all very free-form and subconscious . If I've made you feel like you've just watched a dream or got a quick glimpse into some surreal world, then I've succeeded. MB: I have been a fan of your music for many years. Your mix of old world folk music with macabre lyrics is deliciously twisted. What is the process you use to come up with your delightfully wicked songs? V: I'm not sure I have a process. The melodies very often just pop into my head while I'm walking around Manhattan or through an airport. While I sing a new melody over and over,

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slowly words start to form and then I kind of figure out what the song is about. Then I flesh it out with the rest of the words. Come to think of it, it's kind of similar to making one of my weird little movies. MB: What inspired your musical direction toward the tongue-in -cheek macabre? V: It's really just an extension of who I am as a person. I'm at heart, a sarcastic bastard who loves monsters. So naturally, a lot of my music reflects that. I learned to play the guitar in 1995, just a couple of months before I played my first show and around that time I was listening to a lot of Tom Waits and Rasputina. They played a big part in inspiring me to make anachronistic music that sounds like it could have been written a hundred years ago. The preponderance of monsters and the macabre in my music is just a natural extension of my personal tastes. MB: Hate Lives in a Small Town is your latest release. It’s a seems like a gothic take on the country and western songs of old. In some ways it reminds me of the old Marty

Robbins tunes my dad used to like. While I didn’t have much, if any, appreciation for them as a child, as I grew older they seemed to have more appeal

"gothic" take on the genre at all. I was really aiming at making a straight up, old-school country album and I feel like I've done that. At least I hope I have. To be honest, I decided to make this album because modern country, in my less than humble opinion, is just so God awful! It sounds to me like the bastard love child of Beyonce and Linkin Park. Once upon a time, Country music was about storytelling. Those stories were often dark, often sarcastic or funny and always about the truth. In fact, the roots of Country is really not far off from what I do normally as a songwriter, just with less zombies and vampires (laughing). I wanted to make a record that got back to what I feel Country was originally about. MB: As a whole your music has been labeled as gothic, steampunk, renaissance and folk to name a few. How rewarding is that to you knowing that your music can be labeled so many ways and appreciated by many diverse factions of society?

V: I think it's great until it comes time to market it. I honestly feel that if something fits too neatly into a genre, it's probably not to me. What inspired you to do an al- going to be great art. Truly great art bum of this type? should not be that easy to categorize. It should be about feelings and experiV: I dare say that I don't believe it's a ences and observations of the world

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around us or inside of us, not about staying inside of the lines and relying on past presets and boundaries. I've never been able to concisely describe what I do musically and perhaps some part of me hopes I never can. However, it has always hurt me when it comes time for marketing. I truly believe my career would be further along if I could confidently say my music is 'heavy metal' or 'gangster rap' or 'folk' or any clearly defined genre for that matter. When you can do that, record labels know what to do with it, radio stations know when to play you. When you can't easily identify who the customer is, you have to rely on the people of the world to seek you out instead. You have to count out connoisseurs of the unique and left-of-field to find you through all of the noise and clutter. It's a lot to hope for. Every year it seems there is a new genre of music that I get lumped into. Dark Cabaret, or Dark Folk, Gypsy Punk, Steampunk, etc… At the end of the day, I guess it doesn't' much matter to me as long as people are listening to and enjoying the music. Recently, a young lad named Alex posted on my Facebook page that my music was the "audio equivalent of riding a black unicorn down the side of an erupting volcano while drinking from a chalice filled with the laughter of small children." I love that description (laughing)! In fact, I've decided to make that the title of my next CD. No, I'm not kidding!

like to know in person?

future? What new humorous evil lurks within, ready to be released in your fuV: I'm a slave to day dreams. I'm a ture endeavors? person who for whatever reason has always had a million and one fantasies V: I'm presently finishing up my 5th and ideas bouncing around in my head. Chimerascope film. It's called OdokuAnd I love them. I love them more ro and in it, the skeleton of a ratthan almost anything else on this planet monkey is reanimated to demonstrate and so I dedi- what life on Earth is like. I'm just lookcate almost all ing for a narrator at this point and then of my time I will hit the film festival circuit with it bringing them as early as this summer. to light and manifesting I'm starting to record my next album, them. People Riding a Black Unicorn Down the Side perceive that of an Erupting Volcano While Drinking as arrogance from a Chalice Filled with the Laughor being self ter of Small Children. centered and maybe it is. I I have a bunch of new Deady toys comdon't know. ing out this year and I'm working on I've never real- designing more. ly seen the ideas as part I'm finishing up the 4th draft of Call of of me, they've the Jersey Devil and will start shopping always felt beamed into my head from it post haste. some other dimension. But I do believe it's my purpose in this life to bring I have hopes and dreams of writing a them to light, to take all of the evil I've novel version of Call of the Jersey Devseen and experienced, all of the hurt il. I've gone through and all of the vileness I've seen around me and turn it I'm starting on a screenplay based on somehow into something that enter- my first comic book series, "Chitains, that makes people laugh, that chian". I also have hopes of writing a makes people think or maybe that novel version of that. simply helps them pass the time, like I do. I continue to tour relentlessly…. When I'm not doing that, I sit in outdoor cafes and watch people. I take four hour baths with a pipe and a bottle of port, I have long dinners in places where there are interesting people to observe and I spend time with the two of three people on this planet I truly love. I don't own a TV or a radio and I spend most of my time in complete silence. People who come to my shows would probably find that very hard to imagine.

MB: You are definitely a one-of-a-kind genius who plays by his own rules; a MB: Thank you very much for your dichotomy unto yourself it would seem. time. What does the mind of Voltaire Who is the real Voltaire and what is he have in store for his fan base in the near

And there's a bunch of other stuff I can't presently remember. It's going to be a busy, busy year. Just how I like it. To check out Voltaire’s amazing music and find more information about the world of Voltaire visit www.voltaire.net. Also, be sure to sign up for his mailing list while you’re there.

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Some cases can also be that of a spirit of someone who has passed who is possibly just trying to send some type of message to the living. I have never heard of an instance that the possessor was that of a living person, but thought Have you ever noticed that some of the that possession is such a big topic in super powers that your favorite hero's the paranormal world that this would and villain's have, can actually be pos- be a good one to add in here. sessed by real people in real life? One hero that seems to encompass many Now I figure while I am talking about psychic abilities is Charles Xavier, or Professor X from the Xmen. His list of abilities include, but are not limited to: telepathy, astral projection, and possession. Telepathy is the mind to mind communication of thoughts, feelings, and ideas through psychic means. This is a good one to start with since it was one of the first and the most researched of the psychic abilities. The word itself was derived from the Greek terms tele (distant) and pathe (feeling) and was coined by Frederick Myers in 1882. Studies have shown that many people posses this ability and just are not aware of it. But of course it is no where near as awesome and easy as when Xavier does it. But maybe if we train our minds eventually one day we might be able to achieve Trista Lou photo credit Jackson Compton that level.

The Paranormal Influence On Comics by Trista Lou

Astral Projection is the act of your physical body being at rest but you can project your astral body, or "inner self" to another place or even another plane of existence. I myself have met a couple of people who say that they have this ability, but have yet to see the proof of it. And the last of the aforementioned abilities that Xavier posses is that of possession. Possession is the feeling of being taken over or "possessed" by an outside spirit, entity, and/or personality. The possessor is often in control of thoughts, feelings, and activities of the possessed. In most cases however it is a demon who is doing the possessing.

the X-men I might as well touch on Jean Grey as well. She also posses many of the same powers as Xavier, like telepathy, astral projection, and she as well has a longer list of abilities. One of her other abilities that has been widely documented in the real world is that of Telekinesis. Telekinesis is the movement of objects and even people through the air with only thought or will power. One of the most famous cases is that of Israeli psychic, Uri Geller, in the 1970's who could bend spoons and other metal objects with only his mind. Now I would have pegged this one to Magneto, but not all cases include that of metal objects just Uris'.

Daredevil is a good one to talk about just because he really only possess senses that are just keener than that of normal people. If you just took the time to focus on one sense at a time and trained them to be more acute you could potentially become like that of Daredevil. Now to end on one of my newest favorites is Jonah Hex. Now I was introduced to Jonah through the movie, I know, I know, this in itself is grounds for betrayal to the comic book world. Especially since I had to do some research for this article and could find nothing of his ability of mediumship in his comics, apparently that was just given to him for the movie. But anyways he is now one of my favorites since there was story line of him being in the Civil War, and anything to do with the Civil War always peaks my interest, but that is besides the point of this article. In the movie Jonah is almost killed, but is nursed back to life by Indians who in turn somehow give him the ability of mediumship. Mediumship is basically being able to see and talk to spirits as if they were still alive. Now the catch with Jonah is he has to be in physical contact with the dead person. Now in real life there are mediums who can talk to spirits and not be in contact with them physically, but then there are also the ones who do need to be in physical contact with at least something that used to belong to the one who passed on. There are many people today who say that they possess this ability and a lot of cases have even been documented. Now there are many more abilities we could talk about and hero's and villain's that posses them, but that would be one really long article so I figured we would just talk about these few.

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hind the music. The point they try to deliver is as they put it, “The message is the message. The news is that there is news.”. In the words of Mora, “There isn‟t a lot being said lyrically these days and the Is it irreverent people who are trying to say someindie rock, cold thing seem to be playing very, very pop, retro, punk, coy about the fact. We are trying to alternative or make it as clear as possible. This is edge? Metropolis America‟s music is what we came to do: to give you the good no matter how you label it. info.”. Their sound is appealing and has that familiar feel that you just can‟t Recently, I had the opportunity to quite identify as any particular gen- talk to Cristian about the band, their re. From the 80‟s punk sound of message and future plans. Personal Policy to gothic resonance of You Don‟t Have To, Metropolis America delivers good solid music MB: Greetings Cristian! Your music that transcends traditional genres. is amazing. How did the band come

Call It What You Want; Metropolis America Is Good Music

The Philadelphia based Metropolis America is comprised of Cristian Mora (vocals, basses, programming) and Rick Eddy (drums, programming). With three singles that can be heard on FM, XM Satellite and Internet radio stations, their music has also been featured on the CW network television show, Hellcats. They have performed in twenty states and four countries with more locations on the horizon as word of this talented band spreads. Metropolis America is driven by the goal to create music that evokes thoughts of empowerment, elation and confidence is the inspiration be-

drummer who would become some of my best friends.

MB: How did you settle upon the name Metropolis America?

CM: It is actually the name of a coffee shop in Paris. I happened to be in Paris during the time that we were trying to come up with a new name for the band. I noticed the name of the shop we were in, loved it, and that was the birth of Metropolis America

MB: It‟s been said your sound is like the offspring from a The Cure and Madonna union. Who and what were the major influences on your music?

CM: I have always loved everything new wave: The Cure, T h o m p s o n Twins, Psychedelic Furs. Sometimes these artists get a bad rep for being pop/cheesy/ etc. I am indebted to them for the rich melodies and textures they together? write which have influenced my music. Rick, the drummer, also has CM: First of all, thank you for the some good 70‟s rock influence. The compliment. I really do pour my two co-habitate and play well towhole heart into music, so it means a gether. lot to me when someone likes it. The band came together when I moved MB: The point behind your lyrics is to Philly from NYC. I had just “the message is the message” and moved with a bunch of songs and “the news is that there is news”. dreams, but knowing nobody. HesiWould you elaborate on that for us? tantly, but in need, I turned to Craigslist and found a guitarist and a CM: I feel we are living in a time of

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f relativity, political correctness, objective truths. Only few out there have something to say. I have nothe ing negative to say about the ones who write very introverted words, or pretty, or very feely, or just plain a weird. However, we did not want to o be one of them. We made it a point e to write in the 2nd person, and have w a clear message, making a clear e statement d about finding - truth.

e d e

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ent. This vision and talent was so unignorable that certain people paid attention... then everyone paid attention. Think about Nirvana, the Ramones, The Human League, The Strokes: they took risks, but were talented and bold enough to influence where mainstream went. I have the hopes of mainstream accepting me one day too; Not for diluting,

MB: You said “There isn‟t a lot being said lyrically these days and the people who are trying to say something seem to be playing very, very coy about the fact.” Is that an indictment on the mainstream music industry or do you see the mainstream as playing it safe as to not alienate potential fans? CM: I don‟t blame mainstream music much just because I don‟t think they care to be something different. I blame those that should know better, that strive for art and creativity, but don‟t take the risks. I feel that saying something boldly definitely has the potential to alienate many. Mainstream plays it too safe to try that. In my opinion, mainstream is influenced by yesterday‟s risk-takers who had vision and tal-

feeling. We felt the burden that people, especially young people, feel to be accepted and wanted to write something specifically for them. We felt it was a chance to let them know that they can decide, as individuals, what is right for them. That no matter what their parents, teachers, society was telling them to be, they could only really find freedom in doing what is right for themselves and everything else will work itself out. I certainly didn‟t fully realize that when I was leaving high school or college so I wanted to take the opportunity to put that info out there for people who are at that point right now.

MB: Thank you Cristian for your time. In closing, are there any special plans, appearances or announcements you‟d like to communicate to our readers? but just „cause they can‟t get our CM: We are releasing new material song out of their heads. every six months. We have created what we call, “The Cold Pop Singles.” Volume one, which was released this MB: I would like for you to pick a Jan. has 2 new songs, 2 remixes, and couple of your songs and give some 2 alternate mixes of those songs. analysis as to the events that in- Look for Volume 2 to be out in July. spired them. CM: Our two newest songs, “Personal Policy” and “You Don‟t Have To,” were both inspired by the same

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