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Darla Clonts
"In the 21st century, one of the best anti-poverty programs is a world-class education. In this country, the success of our children cannot depend more on where they live than their potential."~President Barack Obama I am a complicated person who loves many diverse things. I love to learn about new things. I believe learning should be a lifelong process that never stops. I am a true Gemini who has definitely got two sides to her. I love helping troubled or minority populations of children learn and reach their full potential in life. I am fluent in Mexican-Spanish and love the Mexican culture. I am definitely 100% American and believe fully in the American dream and the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land for ALL Americans and for future Americans!!! I suffer from chronic pain, believed right now to be Fibromyalgia, Fibroneuropathy and I have multiple chemical sensitivities & asthma. Living daily with pain is a struggle but most of life is. There are a few issues I am very passionate about and mainl