Darley Times Fall/Winter 2013

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Fall/Winter 2013 Volume 23, Number 2



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President’s Message Page 2 Darley Literature Update New Pump Catalog Page 2 Featured Product - New Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Page 2 Tradeshows - Still an Important Part of the Darley Marketing Mix Page 3 Pierce Manufacturing Hits Major Milestones Page 3 Darley Divisions - ODIN Foam, PolyBilt, Ohler Pumps, Defense and Fire Sprinkler Pumps Page 4 Just Ask Engineering Page 5 ATVs - A Growing Market Segment in Fire and Defense Markets Page 5 From the Office of Jeff Darley Page 6 4,363 Days Without a Lost Time Injury Page 6 Employee Profile: David Fieber Page 6 Darley Pump School & CAFS Academy Page 7 A Look at a Next Generation Darley: Michelle Bayer Page 7 Darley in the News: Darley Hits Inc. 5000 List...Again, Darley Makes Fast Fifty List, Check Out Interview with Forbes Page 7 The Akron Brass Difference Page 8 Darley Announces Partnership Page 8 Industry Calendar Page 8

CONTACT US Pump Sales Phone: 1.800.4DARLEY • 630.735.3500 Fax: 708.345.8993 Ohler Pump Co. / Odin Foam Phone: 319.987.2121 Fax: 319.987.2161 Parts & Engineering Phone: 1.800.634.7812 • 715.726.2650 Fax: 715.726.2656 On the Web www.darley.com • www.edarley.com The Darley Times is published by Darley U.S.A. Headquarters: 325 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143-2072







A Newsletter For Our Customers, Employees & Friends

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Garry Briese Joins Darley Board of Directors Darley is pleased to announce that Garry Briese has joined the W.S. Darley & Co. Board of Directors. Garry is no stranger to fire service or Darley. He served as the Executive Director of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) for over 20 years from 1985 - 2007. He then moved on to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) where he served 2008 - 2009 as the Regional Administrator for FEMA Region VIII. He has also served as a member of the Darley Defense Division advisory board since 2009. According to Paul Darley, “Garry brings a great wealth of experience and knowledge to our board. He has a unique perspective that includes not only fire service insights, but also an understanding of federal emergency management and defense needs. He is constantly presenting information on new products and opportunities.” Garry Briese recently joined Garry is widely recognized as the earliest national advocate in the United Darley’s Board of Directors. States for terrorism and WMD preparedness for public safety and emergency services starting in 1978. He has addressed numerous conferences on emergency management, homeland security and leadership across the United States and Japan, Israel, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Garry joins other outside Darley Board Members including: Steven S. Rogers - A professor and senior lecturer of Business Management at Harvard Business School. Samuel K. Skinner - Who has had a distinguished career in both the governmental and private sectors including service in President George W. Bush’s Cabinet for nearly three years. General (Ret) Peter J. Schoomaker - Served as the 35th Chief of Staff of the United States Army. Mary Jo Long - An attorney with the Department of Child and Family Services in Chicago. A 3rd generation family owner.

LE600 Pump Sails Through Testing at Aberdeen Proving Ground Whenever the US Department of Defense (DoD) adopts a new product for widespread military use, it usually undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that the product will work properly when called upon to work in a variety of harsh combat conditions. Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) is known worldwide as the toughest of all testing facilities, with the mission to provide test and test support services primarily for DoD customers. On August 20, 2013, after over five months of exhaustive testing United States Marines were impressed of the Darley LE600 refueling pump, Darley received notification during field evaluations. that its pump had successfully completed Product Qualification Testing that meets the system requirements identified in the Statement of Need and Performance Specifications. These 96 requirements included testing: operation at 160˚ F for four hours, operation at -30˚ F for twelve hours, blowing wind, rain, sand, high altitude testing, etc… Following the testing, units were fielded by USMC personnel during Field Evaluations which further validated the unit’s performance. According to CWO4 Paul Gill of the USMC, “The Darley LE600 pump performed extremely well during the testing at APG and the Marines really liked the ease of operation and functionality of the units.” Darley has just moved into full-scale production and will be The LE600 can be used for firefighting and high volume pumping applications. delivering pump systems at the rate of 40 units per month.

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From the Office of

PAUL DARLEY Ctrl, Alt, Delete

Paul C. Darley President & Chief Executive Officer pauldarley@darley.com


Darley® Times

New Pump Catalog Hundreds of Products Have you received your copy of the new Darley Pump catalog released earlier this year? If not, please contact us for copies. Email Dawn at dawnhjelmgren@darley.com for a copy, or download a PDF from www.darley.com. This new 84-page pump catalog features hundreds of pumps, Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS), pump modules and accessories. DARLEY FAMILY OF PUMPS This catalog also features 25 new products including our Darley’s 84-page catalog can be complete line of Ohler pumps, downloaded at www.darley.com. AutoCAFS™, Odin CAFS, pump modules and our full line of Darley pumps engineered for life. We realize with over 300 pump models available, finding the pump or system that is just right for your company and fire department isn’t always easy. Reach out to our team of experts on our pump sales team Layout is easy to at pumpsales@darley.com. They have quickly find the pump over 200 collective years of experience that’s just right for and will be happy to help you find the your application. pump to best fit your application. ENGINEERED FOR LIFE



Darley Gasoline Portable Pump models are available with a wide variety of engines from Briggs & Stratton Vanguard, Honda, and Rotax.

Darley offers both manifolded and nonmanifolded midship pumps with ratings from 5000 to 2000 gpm.

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Darley Diesel Portable Pump models are available with a wide variety of engines from Yanmar, Kubota, Cummins, John Deere and Deutz.

Darley offers the widest variety of CAFS on the market. Darley AutoCAFS™ and Odin CAFS provide the solution to all your CAFS needs.

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Darley Engine Driven Pump models are available with a wide variety of engines from Cummins, Deutz, Ford, GMC, Kubota and John Deere.

Ohler Pumps offers several Darley Fast Attack skid units in addition to the UHP-HV® and high quality products for the Department of Defense.

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Darley continues to offer a wide variety of Front and Rear Mount pump configurations available with engines from Cummins, Deutz, Ford, GMC, Isuzu and John Deere.

Darley offers a large variety of Pump Modules from our compact Solution Series™ PTO driven Modules to TopMounted Midship Modules.

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PAGES 77 - 80



Darley has a wide variety of PTO and hydraulically driven pumps with flows up to 1500 gpm ideal for pump and roll applications.

Darley has a wide variety of pump accessories such as control panels, adapters, mechanical seals, primers, valves, gauges and more.

PAGES 39 - 50

PAGES 81 - 84

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9 94"L 4"L x 4 48"W 8"W x 4 42"H, 2"H, 9 900 00 llbs. bs. ((409 409 kkg) g)


•D arley 1 8H Pp ump Darley 18 HP pump •E xhaust p rimer Exhaust primer •2 00 G allon P ro P oly ttank ank 200 Gallon Pro Poly •H annay e lectric rrewind ewind reel reel Hannay electric •1 00' o "b ooster h ose 100' off 1 1" booster hose


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1 .5AGE18V 1.5AGE18V 1 20 g pm ((454 454 LL/M) /M) @ 130 130 p si ((8.9 8.9 b ar) 120 gpm psi bar) 1 00 g pm ((378 378 LL/M) /M) @ 170 170 p si ((11.7 11.7 b ar) 100 gpm psi bar) 5 0g pm ((189 189 LL/M) /M) @ 2 50 p si ((17.2 17.2 b ar) 50 gpm 250 psi bar)

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1.800.323.0244 | www.darley.com


Ultra H T he U HP-HV® ((Ultra High igh P Pressure-High ressure-High Volume) Volume) m module odule offers offers The UHP-HV tthe he b est o oth w orlds ffor or tthe he w ildland-urban interface. interface. D arley best off b both worlds wildland-urban Darley h as ccombined ombined o ur vversatile irect-drive 2 BE p ump a erssatile d nd tthe he C AT T has our direct-drive 2BE pump and CAT 7 CP h igh p ressure p irefighting iston p ump tto om eet a our ffirefighting 7CP high pressure piston pump meet allll yyour n eeds iin no ne ccompact ompact p ackage. T he m ain p ump ccan an b eu sed needs one package. The main pump be used ose ffor or sstructural tructural a hile tthe he ffor or w ater ttransfer ransfer o or 11/2" h hose attacks ttackss w while water orr ffor roduce llow ow fflow low h igh p ressure fflows an p lows iin n b elt d riven CAT CAT ccan belt driven produce high pressure ith o ptional ffoam oam tthrough hrough tthe e xcess o 300 p si w he 1/2" H HP Ph hose. ose. excess off 1 1300 psi with optional


Hx3 2"D •4 46"W 6"W x 2 24 41/2" "H 32"D •R eel H eight: 42 421/2" Reel Height: 69 llbs. bs. ((258 258 kkg) g) 569 •5


iston CP h igh p ressure p • CAT CAT 7 7CP high pressure piston p ump w ith ffoam oam iinjection njection pump with rive ssystem ystem •H igh p ressure p ump b elt d High pressure pump belt drive ump •H igh vvolume olume D arley 2 BE p High Darley 2BE pump ings •B ronze iimpeller mpeller a nd sseal eal rrings Bronze and •E xhaust p rimer Exhaust primer


owder ccoated oated a luminum fframe rame •P Powder aluminum tainless p lumbing •A Allll sstainless plumbing ewind H annay R eel with with 2 lecttric rrewind •E Electric Hannay Reel 200' 00' ose, ffull ull ccapture apture lleads eads of 1/2" h hose, of •D ual S trike G un w ith h olster Dual Strike Gun with holster ((20' 20' e ffective d ischarge) effective discharge)


My phone doesn’t ring like it used to…and that’s despite an overused ad campaign publicizing my home, cell and office telephone numbers encouraging customers to call me. E-mail, on the other hand, is pretty much out of control. While emails have changed our lives from a practical and efficiency standpoint, they can be impersonal. In our rush to communicate promptly, we can lose the personal touch. You can’t build relationships sitting in your office behind your desk. In 1994, the Harvard Business Review printed an article entitled, “Spend a Day in the Life of Your Customers.” I would encourage you to read it. Over the past several months, I’ve made a concerted effort to spend more time with our customers and partners. To get the most out of our precious time together, I always ask the hard questions – those things you simply can’t discuss easily in an email. Some would call them Emotional Intelligent (EI) questions. When you listen, and I mean really listen – the power of EI in a relationship can be profound. It’s the new business buzzword these days. What I am hearing is: Municipal Fire Chiefs are clearly focused on budgets and doing more with less – they are worried about the rank and file. Volunteer Fire Chiefs have never found it more challenging to find qualified recruits. Fire apparatus manufacturers and their dealers are fighting for market share in a depressed market. And I can’t have a conversation with defense customers without the mention of sequestration several times. Today, most business gurus are preaching that organizations need to excel in one of three disciplines: a) Be the low cost producer like Walmart b) Be the most innovative like Apple c) Be the most customer intimate like Nordstrom Yes, the books say you can only pick one area, and then don’t focus on the others. Candidly, I don’t buy it. While organizations should clearly play to their strengths, I believe a business must be adept in all three areas to compete in today’s competitive markets. If forced to pick one for Darley, it would be customer intimacy, because it comes so naturally to us. That’s probably due to the sense of “family” that permeates our business – and extends well beyond our walls. We know we can’t lose the personal touch, as it’s been the foundation of our company for over a century. If you’ve found yourself caught up in the email rat race -- Hit “Ctrl, Alt, Delete.” Take a slow walk out with the troops, pick up the phone, or go visit that old colleague you’ve been meaning to see. I’d love to hear from you. If I’m not out visiting customers, I promise to pick up on the first ring.


IINDIVIDUAL NDIVIDUAL F LOWS FLOWS 2 BE23V 2BE23V U HP UHP 2 75 g 5p si ((3.8 3.8 b pm ((1040 1040 LL/M) /M) @ 5 ar) 275 gpm 55 psi bar) 200 p 8g pm ((30 30 LL/M) /M) @ 1 si ((82.7 82.7 bar) bar) gpm 1200 psi 1 75 g ar) pm ((662 662 LL/M) /M) @ 1 00 p si ((6.9 6.9 b 175 gpm 100 psi bar) ar)) 45 gpm gpm ((170 170 LL/M) /M) @ 1 40 p si ((9.7 9.7 b 45 140 psi bar)

S SIMULTANEOUS IMULTANEOUS F FLOWS LOWS UHP-HV U HP-HV® 2BE23V 2BE23V 00 p si ((41.4 3g gpm pm ((11 11 LL/M) /M) @ 6 600 psi 41.4 b bar) ar) ar) 250 g pm ((946 946 LL/M) /M) @ 4 5p si ((3.1 3.1 b 250 gpm 45 psi bar) 3 .5 g pm ((13 13 LL/M) /M) @ 7 80 p si ((53.8 53.8 b ar) 3.5 gpm 780 psi bar) ar) 160 g pm ((606 606 LL/M) /M) @ 8 0p si ((5.5 5.5 b 160 gpm 80 psi bar) 4g pm ((15 15 LL/M) /M) @ 1 050 p si ((72.4 72.4 b ar)) gpm 1050 psi bar) ar) 30 gpm gpm ((114 114 LL/M) /M) @ 1 25 p si ((8.6 8.6 b 30 125 psi bar)

1.800.323.0244 1 . 8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 0 2 4 4 | www.darley.com w w w. d a r l e y. c o m

75 7 5


New Reverse Osmosis Water Purification -Versa Pak Sea 200 The Versa Pak Sea 200 is the newest addition to Darley's PuriFire Systems water purification product line. The Versa Pak Sea 200 can produce 200 gallons of clean drinking water per day from any water source, including sea water. Designed for turnkey operation, the system delivers cradle-to-grave life cycle support for long term sustainable use. The support package included provides several water storage and compact filtration options ensuring reliable water consumption in diverse environments. Due to the increasing concerns over potable water in the event of natural disasters or war, operation and tactical planning must consider small scale water purification in difficult circumstances. The Versa Pak Sea 200 technology can be modified to your specific needs to provide a mobile, operationally flexible and proficient water purification system. See the full PuriFire product line at www.purifiresystems.com.

The Versa Pak Sea 200 can provide 200 gallons of drinking water per day from sea water.

www.darley.com • www.edarley.com

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Tradeshows - Still an Important Part of the Darley Marketing Mix

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Where should companies put their marketing dollars these days? There are so many industry tradeshows, magazines, websites and sponsorship opportunities. Most companies have seen a significant jump in their expenditures on the web. At Darley, we now have four full-time employees who just manage our web marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), blogging and other e-commerce. We blend that with a bit of traditional marketing with traditional advertising, tradeshows and yes – even direct mail with our catalogs being mailed out to over 100,000 customers around the globe each year. Today, we still invest about a third of our marketing budget in tradeshows. Being a company whose hallmark is customer relationships, it makes sense as we can visit multiple customers, suppliers and partners at one place. Throughout 2013, we’ll exhibit at over 85 tradeshows. Some can be handled by one person with a pop-up display, but others like the FDIC and Fire China can include over 50 Team Darley staff members. Our Defense Division even organizes and runs our own DoD tradeshows on different military installations. We held seven in 2013 and plan for even more in 2014. According to Defense Division Manager George McCullough, “It’s not uncommon for us to have 50 partner company exhibitors and Darley booths at the FDIC were over 4000 sq. ft. this year. over 1000 attendees come to Darley Defense Days.” An estimated 200,000 people attended Fire China.

Pierce Manufacturing Hits Major Milestones As most in the fire service know, Pierce Manufacturing celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2013. Over 12,000 people attended their celebration on July 13th in Appleton, Wisconsin. The Pierce and Darley relationship goes back to at least 1956 when Pierce and Darley worked together on an order for 41 firefighting trailers for Minneapolis, MN under the Pierce brand. Pierce also celebrated another major milestone this year with the sale of their 1000th Pierce PUC truck to Kern County, CA. Kern County are what we call “Darley Demanders” as they currently have over 60 Darley Pumps in their fleet. The PUC (Pierce Ultimate Configuration) was introduced in 2007. At the heart of Over 12,000 people attended the truck is a 1500 gpm pump. th Paul Darley, President & CEO of Darley the Pierce 100 anniversary in Appleton, Wisconsin. comments, “For Pierce to have sold over 1000 PUC trucks in the worst fire apparatus market in decades is an amazing accomplishment. Pierce truly listens to the market and their customers. Then they develop products that address both budget constraints and the fire service’s changing needs.” Chad Trinkner, Director, Product Management at Pierce says, “The PUC has been such a tremendous success because it eliminates the Paul Darley with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at Pierce. bulky pump house, maximizes the space for tools and equipment, and provides big pump and foam capabilities without compromising performance.” According to Mike Moore, VP of Business Pierce recently sold the 1000 th Development at Pierce, “Darley has been a strong PUC in less than seven years. partner on this program since we first began working together. We now offer Darley pumps in virtually all our vehicles…everything from wildland vehicles, tankers, pumpers and aerials.” Pierce is the largest fire apparatus manufacturer in North America. To learn This truck represents a traditional pumper for The Pierce PUC more about the Pierce PUC, please visit: Kern County - New pumper to be delivered in pump is mounted underneath the cab to allow for more space. early 2014. www.piercemfg.com. 1-800-4DARLEY • 1-800-323-0244

Darley® Times


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GAS & DIESEL PERFORMANCE Low Pressure 300 gpm (1125 L/M) @ 30 psi (2 bar) 200 gpm (750 L/M) @ 100 psi (7 bar) 100 gpm (375 L/M) @ 130 psi (9 bar)

Isn’t Just Producing CAFS Anymore Odin Foam introduced a new self-contained Ultra High Pressure (UHP) coupled with a High Volume (HV) pump for dual purpose firefighting. The model UHP-HV® has received global publicity including being featured on the front cover of International Fire Buyer. The system is now available in both gasoline and diesel-powered versions. Units have been sold throughout the USA as well as in Africa, the Middle East and Australia. The diesel boasts the Kubota 24.5 hp water cooled engine.

High Pressure 8 gpm (30 L/M) @ 1200 psi (82.7 bar)

Darley’s UHP-HV ® was recently featured on International Fire Buyer’s cover.

Odin Foam is a division of Darley® acquired in 1997.

POLYBILT - Maximizing Everything Lightweight, Durable and Long Lasting Truck Bodies - Built for Life Shown is our 2013 CAFS Demo Tour Truck. While it might look like a mini-pumper, it is anything but. It is really a big, bad pumper in disguise with a 1500 gpm pump system featuring AutoCAFS™, 300/25 tanks and our large rescue style compartmentation. PolyBilt’s Patented Integration of the Polymer Body and Tank provides for bigger payloads and more space. If maximized utilization of space and weight, strength and durability is important to you, then the choice is simple. Demand PolyBilt construction for your next vehicle. Ford F550 4-door 4x4 chassis - 300 hp 1500 gpm UL rating with AutoCAFS™ Four CAFS Discharges

PolyBilt® is an LLC owned by Darley® & ProPoly of America.

The diesel-powered UHP-HV ® system is now available.

Seven large compartments with ROM roll-up doors 300 gal. water tank (25 gal. foam)

OHLER PUMPS - Plant Near Completion Ohler is nearing completion of our latest expansion. (Yes, this is the third expansion at Ohler in five years.) This 11,000+ sq. ft. facility adds new finishing, assembly, painting and testing capabilities. Designed to accommodate our growth in the defense market and specifically, the LE600 (600 gpm fuel and water transfer) Marine Corps pump systems, the facility can also be used for additional growth in our other markets. The facility was designed for maximum flexibility and quick changeover to differing product lines. Darley has exceptional product development, sales and marketing capabilities. With these new capabilities and capacity, we are ready to capitalize on the new and exciting opportunities that Darley captures.

Ohler’s new 11,000 sq. ft. plant expansion is almost completed.

Ohler Pumps is a division of Darley® acquired in 2007.

DEFENSE - Expanding to Support USAF Darley Defense has been actively supporting the DoD since 2008, focused on offering a diverse line of quality products and services with a commitment to customer satisfaction. Since FY13, we have embarked on a new approach to supporting the USAF, by impacting the equipment requirements process and establishing our partner vendor products as standard issue equipment and clothing/uniform items. This process is accomplished by determining the basic requirements from the end users at the tactical level. That information is used to determine real world solutions to meet the operational and equipment requirements of the end-user’s, which are the USAF Career Fields. The equipment capability solution is then presented to the program manager at the higher headquarters echelon; each USAF Career Field has a program manager responsible for their respective equipment requirements. We are now actively supporting the equipment requirements for program managers responsible for the BAMS, AFSOC, HQ ANG, and other MAJCOMs. “Please let us know how we can support you and your command better.”

FIRE SPRINKLER PUMPS - New Partnership W.S. Darley & Co. and Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Corporation are excited to announce a formal distribution relationship. Partnership by these two family-owned companies represents an unprecedented 200 years of service in the fire protection industry. We are committed to providing the most technologically advanced products and highest level of customer satisfaction within the fire protection industry. With five different levels of packaged pump and panel options, Darley and Reliable can provide the appropriate fire solution for any requirement. As residential fire protection grows in importance, Darley and Reliable are positioned to support your needs.


Darley® Times

Darley Defense continues to expand into new markets. Darley Defense is a division of Darley® started in 2008.

Darley and Reliable are both 100 year old family-owned businesses.

FIRE SPRINKLER PUMPS STS Fire Sprinkler Pumps is a division of Darley® acquired in 2013.

www.darley.com • www.edarley.com

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oam is a of Darley® d in 1997.


is an LLC y Darley® & of America.

Pumps is a n of Darley® red in 2007.


JUST ASK ENGINEERING Question? Has Darley experienced any challenges with applications involving pumps in the Ford F550? Asked by: Grady North, Emergency One Michael C. Ruthy VP Engineering mikeruthy@darley.com


We have received some reports from customers who claimed to have trouble regarding their Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) becoming overloaded during pump tests on F550’s, though not on applications using our pumps. There were several theories floated around, such as trouble occurred under very light loads or very heavy loads. It was clear that some customers were experiencing genuine difficulties with the DPF’s and no one was clear why. Understanding that a shutdown during operations is unacceptable, Darley decided to do our own testing. One of my favorite sayings is that one test is worth a thousand expert opinions. We performed several tests that conclusively cleared our concerns about this issue. Our new 2013 CAFS Demo Tour Truck, featured in this issue, was used for these tests. It was equipped with a PSMC 1500 gpm, CAFS-equipped midship fire pump, which, we are happy to state, performed flawlessly. Our first test was the light load test. We set up the pump to run at 100 gpm @ 100 psi, and we let it chug along for four hours. The test started and ended with the dashboard DPF reading of 20% clogged. We concluded that light loads are not an issue with our pumps. To test heavy loads, we ran back-to-back NFPA 1901 1500 gpm

acceptance tests. Again, we observed no issues with the DPF during these tests. As a final test, we A Darley 1500 gpm midship pump is ideal ran the truck at max load. on the Ford F550 such as on this 2013 CAFS This was substantially Demo Tour Truck with our Model PSMC 1500. over the NFPA 1901 test points and could only be considered a highly intermittent condition, as overheating was bound to occur after some period of time, perhaps 20 minutes. Again, there were no issues with the DPF. This test was performed from draft, using two 6” suction lines, one off each side of the truck. This is an unlikely real-world situation for this model chassis. Had we been operating off a massive hydrant, the power draw would have been significantly less. Additionally, it’s highly unlikely any interior structure fire-fighting would ever be conducted at these flow rates. Please note our AutoControl™ Governor can be programmed so that an operator cannot even overload the engine temporarily by accident. Please note our tests were performed on a 2013 chassis and there is a possibility that the 2012 chassis issues reported may have had different trouble. Our final conclusion was that their trouble was caused by using something other than Darley pumps. Our pump efficiency, and our expertise, not only in pumps, but in vehicles, provides us an application understanding that is otherwise hard to find in North America. Partner with us and let our expertise in integration help you find solutions. System Solutions.

ATVs - A Growing Market Segment in Fire & Defense Markets The market for All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs) has increased dramatically in recent years in recreational, military and fire and emergency services. ATVs and UTVs, whatever you choose to call them, are an economical and practical solution for many fire departments. Just ask Kimball Johnson at KIMTEK, “We’ve sold over 2000 fire and emergency vehicles in the last 10 years. Every fire suppression system had one thing in common – a Darley Pump.” Kimball is a true Darley Demander and he’s proud to incorporate the relationship with Darley in his most recent advertisement that appears in all major fire publications. Kimball has deep roots in the fire service and knows all too well the financial burdens small, rural public safety agencies face. While serving as Fire Chief for Westmore VFD in Vermont, he was looking for a rescue trailer, rescue sled or slide in unit for his department and saw advantages and disadvantages to the current models on the market. He felt there could be a better design and he and his team of designers set out to come up with a rugged, lightweight and affordable rescue unit. The MEDLITE® Transport was born! Today, KIMTEK offers an entire series of medical rescue MEDLITE® Transports, one to meet almost any need and budget. The FIRELITE® Transport series offers an impressive lineup of fire/rescue slip on skid units. To learn more, visit www.kimtekresearch.com. Another company that has truly grown in this ATV/UTV market is RKO Enterprises, of Madison, Indiana. Under the leadership of President Kieth Olson, this company makes a wide variety of custom built quick attack and rescue vehicles. While RKO offers some base RKO can custom build units to your standard units, they carved a niche with specialized systems. Kieth comments, “Our team’s experience and diverse backgrounds exact configurations. in custom design, fire and rescue, metalworking, welding and engineering will ensure every job for every customer is world-class in quality with our promise to stand behind every order.” RKO is proud to have been picked by Polaris as the exclusive partner for the Fire Kimtek has sold over 2000 ATVs to Rescue market. To learn more about them, visit their website: www.rkoenterprises.com. the emergency services market. 1-800-4DARLEY • 1-800-323-0244

Darley® Times


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From the Office of

4,363 Days Without a Lost Time Injury

Jeff Darley

Many manufacturing companies have posters in their facilities pointing out the number of days since their last work-related injury. Most are happy when that number is higher than 365 days (a year), or 500 or even 1,000 days. The machine shop and office employees of W.S. Darley & Co.’s facility in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, went much longer than that. Our employees worked an astounding 4,363 days almost 12 years - without a lost-time Darley’s industrial complex in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin is approximately 150,000 sq. ft. injury. That’s over 1.5 million hours! Unfortunately, that record came to an end on April 9, 2013, when a machine shop employee injured his shoulder, needed surgery and then missed several days of work. Such an amazing record would not have happened without everyone’s commitment to safety. Like most companies, Darley has a safety committee, safety meetings and regular inspections. But it takes much more than that. Darley employees take pride in what they do and how they do it. They are committed to doing things even better in the future. We would not have gone 4,363 days without a lost-time injury, and our company The Darley machine shop has two shifts, wouldn’t be where it is today, without that and worked over 1.5 million hours without a lost time accident. pride and commitment.

“Made in the USA:” What does it mean? Today, the definition is provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In order to bear the “Made in the USA” label, “all or virtually all” of the manufacturing costs of a product must be incurred in the United States. Excluded from this definition are design, procurement, marketing and sales costs. To most consumers, “Made in the USA” is defined as quality, value for money, and high standards of traditional American workmanship. It could also mean, by Darley’s definition: Designed by a team of engineers using advanced software; and prototyped, tested, validated, manufactured and assembled in the US under ISO and other quality standards. Darley’s definition also includes our partnership with a skilled Teamsters union workforce. Darley has been designing and manufacturing all our fire pumps and fire apparatus since 1926 in America, or what is commonly called the good-old USA. We far exceed the simple FTC definition noted above. Darley also has a top-notch Customer Service Department based right here in the USA. How many companies can claim this today? We also have representatives in over 100 countries for global customer support. Is this important to today’s Fire and Emergency Services throughout the USA and the world? Quite simply, “yes.” The USA is recognized as the leader, with its products manufactured to NFPA performance standards. In Darley’s case, not only are our products designed and manufactured to NFPA standards for sales within the USA, Darley will meet the standards in other foreign markets. I can’t say Darley manufactured products are 100 percent free of foreign material, because some suppliers won’t provide this guarantee. Everyone knows some foreign-made material gets into almost everything some way, some how. However, you can quote me as promising that not only are approximately 98% of Darley’s manufactured goods “Made in America,” but so too are those we purchase. What other pump or fire truck manufacturer can say that? So the next time you are considering a new purchase of fire pumps or fire apparatus, please consider if “Made in America” by Darley is right for you. At the very least, ask other companies bidding on your project to provide the percentage of their product that is Made in America. Not just “Assembled in America,” but actually “Made in America!” Thank you, from all us at Darley, to all of you “Darley Demanders” around the world that have been a part of our Made in America Darley products.


Darley® Times

EMPLOYEE PROFILE A recent addition to the Darley Team, David Fieber, joined the company in NAME: June of 2013 as the Engineering Manager. “So far, everyone has been DAVID FIEBER great to work with,” according to David. TITLE: After graduating from the University ENGINEERING of Wisconsin, Platteville with a Bachelor MANAGER of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, David spent the last eight years living in the Appleton, Wisconsin area after he took a job at Pierce Manufacturing. During his almost seven years at Pierce, David was able to build an impressive resume, working his way from a design engineer to finally a Chief Engineer. “I learned a lot about the fire industry while I was at Pierce,” David recalls, “I met a lot of people, suppliers, customers, the whole industry has a great dynamic.” For a change of pace, David left Pierce and the fire industry. But soon he started to miss the industry where he cut his teeth. “Building fire trucks and components and working with customers, you get a feeling of higher purpose. We’re not just building lawn mowers, here, we’re building lifesaving equipment.” That higher purpose brought David to Darley. “I’ve always known Darley as a fire pump supplier and was intrigued by the family business and their commitment to continue to move the company forward.” While living in Appleton, David met his wife, Stacy. Together they have two children, a son, Jack and a daughter, Marie. They are currently living just south of Chippewa Falls in Lake Hallie. When he is not keeping the engineering department focused on building the best fire pumps in the world, or spending time with his family, you can find David driving dirt late model race cars at local dirt tracks in the region. FIEBER, DAVID

www.darley.com • www.edarley.com

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PUMP SCHOOL - Darley provides a comprehensive class that covers everything from pump theory to hands-on maintenance and repair of Darley pumps and accessories. Pump School is absolutely free. Students only pay for transportation, room and meals. All OEM and Service Centers are encouraged to attend at least every five years. Classes are held the first full week of May and October each year. Call Elesha Schimmel at 800-634-7812 for more details or to sign up. CAFS ACADEMY - The annual Darley CAFS Academy is a great way to learn how to maintain, service and operate your CAFS. Cost is free to all pump school attendees or only $75 for the 2-day school, $50 for a 1-day pass. Contact Troy Carothers at cafs@darley.com for more details or to sign up. Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2013 May 5 - 7, 2014 May 8 - 9, 2014

Darley Pump School Darley Pump School Darley CAFS Academy

May 2013 Pump School graduates.

DARLEY IN THE NEWS Darley Hits Inc. 5000 List...Again On August 13, 2013, Darley received notification from Inc. Magazine that we were once again one of the fastest growing companies in the USA. This is the fifth year in a row that Darley has received this important recognition. The Inc. 500/5000 list is one of the most prestigious awards given to the industry. Darley will be recognized at the 32nd Annual Awards Ceremony being held in Washington, DC on October 12, 2012. In a press statement from Inc. Magazine, “With this accomplishment W.S. Darley & Co. joins the rarified company of enterprises that have appeared on the list multiple times, many of which have grown to become national icons.” For a company to make the list is quite an accomplishment, but few companies make it five years in row. Darley is grateful to our hard working employees and loyal customers in helping us achieve this milestone.

Darley Makes Fast Fifty List On June 3, 2013, Darley has again made the Crain’s Chicago Business Fast Fifty List. This list features the fastest-growing public and private companies in the Chicago area based on five-year revenue growth. This is the fourth time in the last five years that Darley has made this list. According to Peter Darley, “Behind this growth is an incredible group of Team Darley members who change lives on a daily basis. Through their hard work and dedication we will continue to grow and service our world’s first responders and military. We could not be more excited and proud of our team and all they do.”


Michelle Bayer On a recent visit to the Chicago area, my husband and I were given the opportunity to walk through the Darley headquarters with my grandfather, Reg Darley. As I looked around at the photos and mementos hanging on the walls I was filled with pride that my family founded and continues to grow this great company. I am so proud that our family company serves to provide equipment for those who spend their lives serving others, especially our country’s military and firefighters. Although I am not an employee of Darley, I try to exhibit the values of our family company in my career as a physical therapist. I received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Iowa in December 2012. After taking my board examination and receiving my license, I began working in a hospital setting with patients with a variety of diagnoses, from traumatic brain injuries to spinal cord injuries to amputees. However, I will soon be starting a new job working for Easter Seals and will be providing physical therapy to children with disabilities. I love my job because I get the opportunity to provide rehabilitation to patients in order to empower them to become more independent and functional not only in terms of their physical health, but also their emotional and social health. There are currently 33 fourth-generation Darley family members who are descendants of William S. Darley.


1-800-4DARLEY • 1-800-323-0244

Check Out Interview with Forbes Earlier this year, Rich Karlgaard, the Editor of Forbes Magazine made a trip to our headquarters in Itasca, IL, to conduct an interview with Paul Darley. This followed a special study conducted by Forbes entitled “The Talent Imperative” which featured W.S. Darley & Co. and seven other companies. Darley didn’t seem to fit into the mold of what most companies were doing with respect to hiring and retaining good employees, yet the company maintains an employee turnover rate of less than 2%. Rich wanted to find out why. During the video interview, discussions focus on Darley’s approach to growth in new markets, hiring and retaining talent, balancing family and non-family leadership, and bringing on the next generation of family members. The interview also discusses Darley’s approach to strategy and execution and why the company feels it’s so important to have a strong outside Board of Directors to help guide the company in its decision making. Check out a video interview online at Darley.com. According the Mr. Karlgaard, “The Just hit the search feature for: Forbes Video. Darley story is certainly unique and a great success story. Their approach to hiring and retention really works. This 105 year old family business is steeped in rich culture of treating employees and customers right. They are constantly reinventing the company and achieving staggering growth while its primary market – the US Fire Service remains down over 40% over the past five years.” According to Paul Darley, “It was a real honor to be recognized by Forbes. For the editor of Forbes to make a personal visit to Darley was never expected. There’s always room for improvement and we’re constantly learning that Rich is a prominent businessman. It was exciting to have his affirmation of our best practices at Darley.” If you are interest in watching the video, go to www.darley.com and type in the key word Forbes in our search bar.

Darley® Times


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The Akron Brass Difference The Akron Brass Company, a longtime Darley Partner, is the leading global manufacturer of high performance products, engineered and tested for superior fire suppression and emergency response needs. With a culture that thrives on challenges, Akron Brass, like Darley, continues to design and develop products and systems for those we care about most – our customers. Akron Brass is committed to providing the best in life-safety equipment to help you perform your job safely and efficiently. Whether the field is emergency services, natural resource extraction, See Darley’s latest catalog for the new petrochemical processing, airline operation, Akron HydroFX nozzle technology. or other industries around the world, Akron delivers customized, complete and integrated solutions to meet the challenges we know you face on a daily basis. Since its inception in 1918, Akron Brass has been an industry leader in handline nozzles, monitors, and valves but the company has evolved into so much more. From reels, to scene lights, to multiplexing, Akron Brass continues its product development adding to its portfolio of high-quality life-safety products. With a focus on innovation, Akron Brass develops products suitable for unique applications that include fire suppression, decontamination, tank and equipment wash-down, vapor mitigation, and more. In addition, the Weldon division of Akron Brass provides a complete offering of lighting devices and customized electrical control solutions for specialty vehicle markets. Headquartered in Wooster, OH, Akron Brass has grown to include manufacturing facilities in Washington, IL, and Columbus, OH, with sales offices in Beijing, China and Dubai, UAE. At the end of the day, the difference for Akron Brass is its people. With nearly 400 employees and the largest global Sales Team in the industry, they are committed and focused Equip your vehicle with with Darley on serving you – our customer. the latest in LED lighting.

Darley Announces Partnership

Darley is proud to announce an agreement with the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company. Founded in 1863 with a social mission to support the fire service, Fireman’s Fund® renewed this commitment with the launch of its Heritage Program® in 2004. Since then, Fireman’s Fund has awarded more than $30 million in grants to fire departments for equipment, firefighter training and community education programs. With our new partnership, fire departments will be able to stretch their grant dollars further with special discounts being offered by Darley. Fireman’s Fund recognizes that funding challenges have left many volunteer and career fire departments without adequate resources. Across the country, participating independent insurance agencies are able to direct grants to fire departments based on the growth of their business with Fireman’s Fund. Fireman’s Fund employees can also nominate fire departments for grants. To learn more about the grant program, visit www.firemansfund.com/heritage or call Darley.


2013 Major Tradeshows Sept. 16 - 18

Beijing Intl. Emergency Rescue Expo


Sept. 18 - 22

AFSA Convention & Expo

Las Vegas, NV

Sept. 20 - 23


Honolulu, HI

Sept. 22 - 25

Fire Rescue Canada

Regina, SK

Sept. 24 - 26

Modern Day Marine

Quantico, VA

Oct. 14 - 15

Illinois Fire Chiefs Association

Peoria, IL

Oct. 21 - 23


Washington, D.C.

Oct. 23 - 24

Fire Shows Reno

Reno, NV

Nov. 8 - 10

Shanghai Fire


2014 Major Tradeshows Jan. 14 - 17

Shot Show

Las Vegas, NV

Jan. 24 - 26

Intersec 2014


Feb. 16 - 20

Firehouse World Expo

San Diego, CA

Apr. 10 - 12


Indianapolis, IN

May 31 - June 5

Metro Chiefs

Baltimore, MD

Aug. 15 - 16


Dallas, TX

* This is a partial list of trade shows. Darley will exhibit at over 85 tradeshows this year.

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