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Darlington Bush & Variety Walk Series
BOOKINGS NOW OPEN (# indicates a new walk)
Residents invited.
First in, first served. Book as many walks as you wish. Sunday mornings ($5 each) & “Jolly Jurien Jaunt” Weekend.
Sun. 2 # Carmel Bushlands Loop
Sun. 9LakeLeschenaultia Bushlands
Sun. 23 # Swan River & Old Guildford July
Sun. 16 # Schipp Rd Bushlands, Piesse Brook
Sun. 30Bells Rapids and Mount Mambup
Sun. 6 # Berry Reserve and Noble Falls
Sun. 13John Forrest Nat. Park & Jane Brook
Sun. 20 # Mokine Nature Res. and Farm Walk Aug.
Sun. 3 # Banyowla Reg. Park, Water Channel
Sun. 10 # Alp Road Reserve Sawyers Valley
Sun. 17 # Sullivan Rock, Mt Vincent, Mt Cuthbert Sept.
Sun. 1 # South Darlington Bushlands
Sun. 8 # Wandoo Nature Res & Susannah Br. Oct.
Sun. 15 # Lesmurdie Falls & WIND-UP
A new year often brings new beginnings and I've been delighted to see many young families and friends move to their new homes in Darlington. One friend had a lovely note from a neighbour welcoming them and complimenting the young couple on how wonderful it was to see them walking their new baby in the neighbourhood.
I'm pleased to report that in January the Shire welcomed 29 new Australians from nine different countries in a citizenship ceremony. Congratulations to our newest citizens on joining our proud country; those in our Shire know that our land truly does 'abound with nature's gifts'.
While some are happily moving into new homes I acknowledge that there is a growing rental/homelessness crisis. Several councillors have been talking to community groups on how we can bring help, hope and homes to those who find themselves displaced.
Over the holiday period I've heard from residents who have felt unsafe due to crime and other incidents in our neighbourhood. I am sorry that this would happen in our Shire and assure you that your councillors, and Shire officers, are always there to help, and are looking at ways to make our community safer.
At present, councillors and community groups are preparing submissions for the Shire's Capital works program. These may be requests for lighting, road upgrades, trail/park upgrades or other works. Due to the upcoming Federal election, great ideas may well have the contributions of local members.
I highly recommend you write your requests to myself or your fellow South Ward councillors, Cr Trish Cook and James Martin, by the deadline of February 13th.
I recognise that in the coming days many will likely be affected by the spread of COVID and some may be affected by the government mandates. Dietrich Bonhoeffer remarked "We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer."
The strength of a community is rooted in its countless acts of compassion to its members. I am heartened by kindness I see on display in the community and hope that it may continue and be a light to others in these times.
Welcome to Glen Forrest Bridge Club
It’s officially winter! Come and enjoy the warmth of our lovely fire and the friendly atmosphere of the club. If you have been thinking about learning or brushing up your bridge skills, now is a great time to start. Glen Forrest Bridge club offers a great opportunity, right here in our nearby neighbourhood.
Glen Forrest Bridge Club, is a friendly and supportive club that caters to both experienced players and complete beginners.
Our beginners/improvers session is held on Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 11.30am. People can learn to play from scratch, refresh skills, or just play socially without the pressure of competition. No need to feel shy, everyone is made very welcome.
Regular sessions are held on Monday 1.00pm to 5.00pm, Wednesday 12.30pm to 4.30pm for those people who enjoy the more competitive playing.
The Bridge club is located at the Glenforrest Sports Club in Mc Glew Road. Fees are very modest and include membership of