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Mundaring and Hills Historical Society
The original name for Chidlow was Chidlow's Well, named after pioneer William Chidlow, who discovered a watering hole near the present-day intersection of Old Northam and Liberton Roads, and dug a well there. William and his brother Peter would frequently utilise this as a stopping place, as would other travellers, while journeying between Guildford and Northam or York. Chidlow’s Well was used as an overnight camp until the mid-1830s, although it was not officially surveyed until 1847, where it was described as ‘a shallow waterhole dry in summer’. In the ensuing years, the well was deepened and lined, but failed to be a reliable source of water and, by the 1880s, a larger well was dug further up the same gully. Water would become a constant refrain throughout Chidlow’s development.
In September of 1883, Governor Broome was asked to suggest a name for the location. He decided to stay with its unofficial name, Chidlow’s Well. It was officially gazetted as a townsite in February 1884, the first town in what would become the Shire of Mundaring. Chidlow’s Well grew rapidly and its role as the eastern railway terminus brought both people and employment opportunities to the town. When John Symonds, the licensee of the Oxford Hotel in Mahogany Creek, heard that a new township was to be established at Chidlow’s Well, he advertised his intention to apply for his license to be transferred. With financial assistance from the railway contractor and land leased from the railways, Symonds built his premises from local, hand-hewn timber. He opened for business on Saturday 12 April 1884, operating 24 hours a day. The railway service from Bellevue to Chidlow ceased in 1966, when the railway was finally decommissioned.
Chidlow was also home to WWll Army camps which were established between 1942 and 1944 and as a training ground for over 50,000 troops.
Mundaring and Hills Historical Society has much more information about Chidlow, if you would like to know more, don’t hesitate to contact us.
3060 Jacoby Street, Mundaring. Email: mhhs@mundaringhistory.org | Phone: 9295 0540
Rotary Club of Midland Swan Valley (Swan Rotary)
Rotary Fellowships are international groups which share a common passion. They are a way for Rotarians and nonRotarians to connect with each other, enjoy a hobby or profession, and enhance their Rotary experience. There are more than 90 Rotary Fellowships covering a variety of topics, such as sports, culture, hobbies, professions, and social issues.
To join a Rotary Fellowship, you can contact the fellowship directly by using the links on the Rotary website: Rotary.org. Some of the benefits of joining or forming a Rotary Fellowship are:
• Making new friends around the world
• Learning from experts in your field or interest area
• Exploring new cultures and languages
• Having fun and enjoying your passion
• Serving local and international communities
• Promoting Rotary values and goodwill.
Some popular Fellowships:
• International Travel and Hosting: Promotes international understanding and friendship through travel and hosting opportunities among Rotarians and their families. Active in over 70 countries.
• Rotary Peace Fellows: Connects alumni of the Rotary
Peace Centres program, which offers master’s degree and professional development certificate fellowships for peace and development leaders. Active in over 140 countries.
• Wine: Fosters appreciation of wine and food as a cultural experience. Active in over 60 countries.
• Rotary Means Business: Encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them and by referring others to them. Active in over 80 countries.
• Cycling: Promotes cycling as an opportunity for fellowship, service, and health.
• Active in over 40 countries.
Several Swan Rotary members have joined the local branch of https://rvfr-aus.org.au
The Australian Golfing Fellowship of Rotarians has been in existence for over 40 years and in 2024 it will hold its 46th annual tournament in Busselton, Western Australia. The event is from 14th April through to 19th April and is to be hosted by the Ascot Satellite Rotary Club and Busselton Geographe Bay Rotary Club. (https://agfrtournament2024)
Swan Rotary - come and make a difference with us!
We meet at 7th Avenue Tavern, Midland, Mondays 6.30pm. Contact: Betty Pitcher: Mobile 0408 912 101.