4 minute read
The Darlington Club
A few well attended and fun nights took place at the Club this past month. Fish and Chips and Games are always popular and well attended even with the onset of winter.
By the time you receive this edition of the Review we would have held the AGM on 23rd June. Elected office bearers will be advised in the next Review.
Sue Lavell | Club President
Coming Events:
The Club opens at 6.30pm every second Friday at Darlington Lesser Hall. BYO drinks and nibbles.
June 30th Closed for long weekend
July 7th, 14th Closed for school holidays
July 21st Sundowner
July 28th Closed
August 4th Closed
August 11th Closed
August 4th Sundowner
August 12th Fundraiser for Robert Juniper Award for the Arts. Darlington Hall 7pm “An evening of acoustic blues” Featuring Dave Hole and Glen Whisson. $40/head, $35 for members. Secure your seats via Trybooking.
August 18th Fish and Chips
Contact Sue on 0439 273 213 | email oshadhi@iinet.net.au for details or Marg Barker on 0417 183 826 | email margaret@pmdwa.com hear her delighting over her baby and cherishing the moment while speaking beautiful words of joy over her
The young baby and her mother were being captured on film in a moment of absolute delight. No words were needed, it was a textless message - the video spoke for itself I knew he sent it simply because he was captivated by his grandchild and he wanted to share his joy, and the joy was indeed shared by me.
As I watched I felt so much love for this child, a child I may never meet and may only come to know b snippets her grandfathe with me I loved that in h wanted to share some o found it an incredible p thought of as someon receiving a snippet of t beauty
This was such a small ca mother’s love which experienced daily and many different way cleaning, comforting a inconsolable child, feedin at all hours of the day and things a mother does loves and serves her chil captured on film or seen genuine connection and r the hard times and the go
As the video unfolded it of God's love for me, His child, and how He actively delights in me, and cherishes me, in much the same manner as what I had been watching His delight in me is so evident and I experience it all the time It has been there at all stages of my relationship with Him, while I was a young baby Christian right through my continued growth and maturity in connection with Him He is ever present, loving, cherishing, nurturing, shaping and changing me. He delights over me just as this Mum was delighting over her child. I know it is so because I see it, experience it and live it as do all His children
This would have captured another level of parental delight A man watching his daughter love and cherish his grandchild A man who stands as a Father to his adult daughter, delighting in her as well as delighting in his grandchild A man who displays and deepens the already beau tiful image of God as a Father. I have come to know this man because I was drawn to his wisdom and character and sought out his counsel because I had heard he has much to offer in his love of people and his wise ways of instruction. A man who I have come to respect, honour and love because of who he is - one of the wisest
Thinking on his character reminded me of God’s wisdom, because wisdom and this man go hand in hand. One of God's greatest provisions to His children is His supply of wisdom. Wisdom is something we should stand in awe of. Something we should seek for ourselves and seek out in others. You know those moments when someone speaks a wise word and you feel awe as their words inspire and bring understanding. It is like a little moment of WOW as you realise what has just been imparted and received. Wisdom is always like a little gift, something to actually be received. We should rightly be in awe of wisdom. To rebuke, brush off, despise or not even notice wisdom is lamentable. I have seen when someone has been in the presence of wise words and it has gone
One of God's greatest hopes for us is that we desire wisdom. He says if we desire it from Him we will receive it. By supplying wisdom God forms the thoughts and intents of a person's heart and fills them with understanding of who He is and how to best conduct oneself in this life. God won’t ever refuse offering His children wisdom because He knows that wisdom is a perfect way of equipping a person to become more like Himself. Wisdom transforms us to become people who carry the image of God, people who are equipped to live well and people who are enabled to equip discernment, protection, Wisdom is a to shape and equip us of life. It measure and it as there is always more of it to be received. espise wisdom simply because availability foolish thing to ill-equipped to Proverbs in the gift of a child of partake of His His wisdom the actions that forms us into His image.
The greatest thing I think the Bible says to God's children about wisdom is “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5.
Wisdom is a good, good gift that will be willingly supplied by God to His children, as He delights and cherishes them and wants them to ask for and desire it from Him, and He will supply it without measure or end.
Sandra Parish