5 minute read
Darlington Ratepayers and Residents Association (DRRA)
May Community Meeting Summary

The community meeting commenced with Anthony Spagnolo, Chairperson of DRRA, providing an update on the North Stoneville Development proposal. He mentioned that DRRA had submitted their opposition to the proposal to the Western Australian Planning Commission by incorporating previous meeting discussions and the concept of 'Placemaking.' Anthony expressed gratitude to the attending councillors for their support, as the Shire had also opposed the proposal.
Anthony shared that he and Louise Stelfox had met with the Shire of Mundaring's Director of Infrastructure, David Lavell and other DCRAG members to discuss the proposed BBQ renovation at Darlington Oval. Peter Kitely subsequently provided specific design feedback to the Darlington Club.

The first presentation was on the NoiseBin initiative, led by Ian Crawford. The initiative involves creating an interactive functional sculpture in the skatepark, representing children's concern for the environment and the Containers for Change project. Attendees had the opportunity to deposit containers, triggering the sculpture to play music or respond with sound clips. Feedback and volunteer support were encouraged.
Mr Shane Purdy (pictured left), Director of Infrastructure Services at the Shire of Mundaring, gave a presentation on Capital Programs and ongoing projects. He highlighted the importance of asset renewal, accurate evaluation of existing assets, identification of recreational needs, and accessibility in planning. Mr Purdy provided updates on various projects, including replacing old bollards on the Darlington Oval, the renovation of the BBQ (awaiting feedback), tree planting, future work scheduled for endorsement in July 2023, and other initiatives such as the Darlington Oval Wetland Project and Glen Road upgrade.
During the Q&A session, attendees raised questions and provided feedback on topics such as the Mofflin Bridge, signage around the Darlington Oval, benches, and drainage issues. Mr Purdy assured the attendees that their concerns and feedback would be taken into consideration.
Councillor reports followed, with President James Martin informing the attendees about the LED lights project, the rejection of the North Stoneville proposal, and the non-renewal of Jonathan Throssel's role as Shire CEO. He also mentioned the Mundaring Arts Centre securing an Art Investment Grant and the upcoming feedback sessions for the Mundaring MultiPurpose Facility.

Cr Paige O'Neil shared updates on the rejection of the North Stoneville Proposal by the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring. She highlighted the opposition to Western Power's proposed tariff increase on streetlights and emphasised the implications of cost increases for residents. The possibility of solar lighting was discussed as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative.
Reports from community groups included DCRAG's upcoming meeting and tree planting in the skatepark area.
The next DRRA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 8th, 2023, at the Darlington Lesser Hall and is open to all residents to attend and participate.
DaSRA thanks the Commercial Bar + Kitchen for sponsoring a sports night, from which they will be making a donation to DaSRA to assist with new equipment at the Darlington Pavilion for use by the local sporting clubs.

Come And Share Some Time With
Kim Hughes
During the Lunch Break enjoy some time listening to some banter from the WA Test Legend
• Tickets On Sale via the websitewww.darlingtonpavlion.com.au or the QR Code above
• Tickets include your first pint (Full Strength Commercial Draft / Mid Strength Side Track XPA ) & a free burger. The kitchen will also be open for other food purchases on the night
• Doors Open whenever you get there on Friday
• Pre Game Telecast starts 5pm
• Your Free Burger and Pint are Available from 5pm to 7pm
• “Lunch” Break - Kim Hughes Talk 8pm
• Bar Closes Midnight
This is an 18+ Event. There are plenty of TV's at the venue so you can watch all the action.
– Auspiced and Supported by DaSRA
The NoiseBin is well and truly underway with several demonstrations now delivered during May at DRRA and DCRAG. The support of this important youth project is greatly appreciated and once formal approval of the site and structural details are achieved it is hoped that installation can proceed with a completion being sought by the end of September 2023. BUT we do need some additional funding for the concrete base and Landscaping.
Please consider making a donation to this amazing project. Contact geoff@pmdwa.com

The 2023-24 State Budget was introduced into Parliament on Thursday 11 May, 2023. This is the sixth budget of the McGowan Labor Government. Net debt is expected to fall to $27.9 billion at 30 June 2023, the fourth consecutive annual decline in net debt, and almost $16 billion lower than the level of debt projected under the previous Government. The lower debt levels mean Western Australians have saved around $4.3 billion in wasteful interest payments that can instead be invested in vital services.
The McGowan Government's disciplined approach to managing the State's finances has been recognised by the credit rating agencies, with S&P Global restoring the State's AAA credit rating in June 2022.
This year’s budget provides support for the community, responds to current challenges, invests our future,continues the State Government’s commitment to sound and responsible financial management and delivers genuine cost of living relief for WA families and small businesses.
The Western Australian economy continues to be the strongest of all States and is expected to have grown by 4.25 percent by 30 June 2023. Exports from Western Australia reached a whopping $272 billion and account for 45 per cent of the total for Australia as a whole. Western Australian strong economic activity has seen employment rise to 1 524 100 people as at the end of the 2023 March quarter as reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It is particularly noteworthy that full-time employment of women grew by more that 10
Much Ado at Marloo
2023 is racing by and somehow we already find ourselves in preparations for the third season of the year at Marloo Theatre. Continuing the theme of variety and contrast in 2023, the Darlington Theatre Players are well into rehearsals for the Shakespearean Classic ‘Much Ado About Nothing’. Being approached with traditional Elizabethan style and flair, this classic comedy from the Bard himself is being directed by seasoned director Siobhan Vincent, who most recently directed the critically acclaimed ‘Three Tall Women’ at Garrick Theatre.
Described as ‘delightful’ and containing trickery, jealousy, greed and treachery, the play revolves around the romances between Claudio and Hero as well as Benedick (Claudio’s friend) and Hero’s cousin Beatrice. In this intriguing tale, ‘nothing’ translates to trickery, gossip and rumours which gives the play a delightfully deceptive central theme.

Undertaking Shakespeare comes with its own challenges and expectations but with a stellar and varied cast, a striking design vision and talented production team, Darlington Theatre Players’ ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is set to be an absolute treat for all lovers of great literature, Shakespeare and quality live theatre.
‘Much Ado About Nothing’ runs at Marloo Theatre, Greenmount from July 7th - 22nd and tickets are available now at www.trybooking.com/CHTLZ
per cent over the 12 months to March 2023.
The 2023-24 Budget delivery of cost-of-living support for all Western Australians and draws on the McGowan Labor Government’s responsible budget management. I am particularly pleased that the State Government has provided a $715 million relief package to support households and small to medium businesses. The package includes a $400 electricity credit for every WA household and targeted relief of $826 for those most in need. The existing hardship utilities grants scheme will be increased by 10 per cent to assist eligible households with their bills. Eligible households will receive up to $640 or $1060 for those residing above the 26th parallel. In addition, the seniors cost of living rebate will increase in line with inflation. The net result of the budget is that the basket of household fees and charges will be kept to 2.4 per cent, which is significantly lower than the projected rate of inflation.
The Budget provides further investment in our house systems, boost housing supply and continues Western Australia’s transition to clean and sustainable energy. A record $2.7 billion of additional investment in our Health and Mental Health system brings the total new investment to $10 billion dollars in this term of government to continue the delivery of quality health care with more beds in our hospitals, more nurses and doctors, and reforms to further ease pressure on our emergency departments.
For more information, visit https://www.ourstatebudget.wa.gov.au