7 minute read
Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
The ComCen will page our members who are on duty. For general Brigade enquiries please ring 9299 7217. Station hours: Saturday 9am-10:30am. Web: darlingtonfire.org.au • Facebook: Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade • Instagram: dvbfb_ Next meeting: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the Darlington Fire Station.
On Tuesday May 9th the Brigade held its AGM, and the following key Office Bearers were elected for 2023/2024; Captain – Neil Inwood, 1st Lieutenant – Steve Dryden, Chairman – John Struckman, Secretary – Richard Dymond, Treasurer – Heather Curley, Team Lieutenants – Grant Goodfellow, Cedric Griffiths, David Lefroy, Chris Kendrick and Colin James, Training Officer – Simon Sharp. Nigel Morgan was also awarded the Shire of Mundaring Outstanding Service medallion.
There are now well over 75 community members volunteering with our fire brigade. DFES, the Mundaring Firefighters School and the Brigade undertake theory and practical training, and team activities all through the winter months, and we encourage new members to join us in this valuable contribution to the community.
We would again like to take this opportunity to thank the Darlington, and surrounding communities for your continued support during this past fire season. Whilst the Darlington brigade had a lower number of turn outs in our own district compared to previous seasons, it is heartening to know that the Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade continues to enjoy the ongoing support of, and a strong relationship with, the community we strive to protect.
With the onset of winter and the cooler, damper weather conditions we see the Restricted Burning period ending within the Shire of Mundaring. The “open”, or unrestricted burning season commences on Thursday June 1st, with permits no longer required to burn. If you are undertaking fuel reduction burns on your property, it is YOUR responsibility to check the current restrictions and weather conditions prior to burning. Contact the Shire of Mundaring, check their website, or contact your local volunteer Bush Fire Brigade for the latest information. Please take great care when burning, and follow the guidelines set out on the Shire’s website.
These include;
• Keeping a clearance zone free of combustible material, or fire break around any fire
• Always have a reliable means of extinguishing the entire fire available
• Never leave a fire unattended, with at least 1 responsible adult present, at the fire, at all times
• Consider the impact of fire and smoke on your neighbours
• Register your burn with DFES on 9395 9209.
Anyone planning to do fuel reduction burns should consider attending the FREE Shire of Mundaring Winter Burning Workshops. Residents in the Shire are invited to register their interest for these free workshops held between now and September. Attendees will be shown how to safely prepare, start, and manage small mosaic fires, with the help of Shire officers and qualified local volunteer brigade members. Workshops are run annually in the cooler months as the conditions are ideal to safely burn and reduce fuel loads around properties. Residents who are interested in taking part in a workshop can register their expression of interest via email at winterburning@mundaring. wa.gov.au or by calling 9290 6696. Once registered, residents will be notified of an upcoming workshop approximately seven to 14 days in advance, as appropriate weather conditions arise. If you are intending on burning piles of garden refuse, please be aware of weather and environmental conditions, and take extra care.
Over the previous few weeks the Darlington brigade has started its hazard reduction burns program in the area, with more still planned. These burns provide an important part of the training required for our members. When we are conducting burns please be mindful of fire trucks and fire fighters around the area, and drive with caution if smoke is present. Whilst we can’t promise to conduct all the burns we currently have listed, we will be endeavouring to do as many buns as we can before the weather conditions become counterproductive.
“You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich man.”
~ Seth Parker

The Albanese Labor Government is working to deliver the positive change that Australians voted for.
This responsible Budget is part of our plan to deliver a strong foundation for a better future for all Australians. It strikes an appropriate balance, providing cost of living relief for the most vulnerable in our community without exacerbating inflation.
We know family budgets are under pressure. I speak to people in our community every week about this. That’s why, at the heart of this Budget, is a $14.6 billion cost-of-living package to assist people in Hasluck who are doing it tough.
The package includes a record investment in bulk billing incentives to make it cheaper and easier for families to take their children and Health Care Card holders to see a doctor.
At the last election, Labor said we would strengthen Medicare, and we are delivering on that promise.
We have already saved Australians money through our cheaper medicines policy, reducing the maximum cost of a PBS medication to $30, and now Labor is taking the hassle out of filling your script and making medicines even cheaper.
Many patients will no longer be required to attend a pharmacy every month and will now be able to fill a script for two months at a time.
That’s fewer visits to the doctor to get a prescription, fewer visits to pharmacies, and fewer fees.
I know the anxiety that many households face when receiving their quarterly power bills.
That’s why I am pleased to share with you that many residents and businesses in our community may be eligible to receive rebates of up to $350 off their electricity bills under the Albanese Government’s Energy Price Relief Plan.
The scheme will be delivered in partnership with the State Government and will come into effect from the 1st of July this year.
We also understand the urgent need to conserve our environment and the risks climate change poses to long-term budget repair and our shared prosperous economic future.
We’re investing more than $1.6 billion into home electrification and energy efficiency – keeping Australian homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer while transitioning away from a reliance on gas.
There is $2 billion to supercharge the Hydrogen sector and incentivise a greater commercialisation of Green Hydrogen. Unlocking the potential of Green Hydrogen will put Australia at the leading edge of Green Energy and decarbonisation, creating jobs and opportunities in a cleaner future.
Budgets are often understood to be an indication of a Government’s priorities and this responsible Budget makes it clear we taking action on cost of living issues being experienced by many in our community, while also investing in a cleaner, greener future for our country.
Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre
Event: Author Chat and Book Reading with Brooke Dunnell
Sunday 4 June 2023, 12.30-2.30pm
Join us for a FREE, 2023 Love to Read Local Week, author talk and reading with Brooke Dunnell, winner of the 2021 Fogarty Literary Award for her novel The Glass House.

Brooke will read an excerpt from her novel and have a chat with Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre Board Member, Marilyn Chin, talking through all the highlights (and the surprises and challenges) of writing her novel. There will also be time for a Q&A with Brooke at the end. This event is courtesy of Love to Read Local Week and the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, with thanks to Writing WA.
2024 Emerging Writing Residency
Applications are closing soon! Deadline 26 June 2023 Salary $1,000 AUS. Two to four weeks duration.
Applicants in this category should be a current resident of Australia and a current KSP-member. They will have published at least one but no more than two full works or have published a substantial amount of minor work in the print, visual or broadcast media and are working towards achieving their first major full-length publication. (Refer to our Guidelines for more details on this point).
Applications close on June 26, 2023. To apply please visit the KSP Writers’ Centre website.
For more information on our residencies, competitions or other activities please visit the KSP website www.kspwriterscentre. com or phone the office on 9294 1872. KSP Writers’ Centre is proudly sponsored by the Shire of Mundaring.

Contact Details
Phone: 9299 6696 Email: cliffburns@iprimus.com.au
Walking Improves Brain Power!!
What's the easiest and quickest way to increase your brainpower?
If you check out university studies regarding the benefits of walking, you will find that the overwhelming evidence proves that physical activity (such as walking) for 30 minutes every day can cut your risk of memory loss and Alzheimer Disease to a massive degree.
There are countless other benefits as well. Walking improves muscle, bone and organ fitness including your heart, lessens the chance of stroke and diabetes, reduces your stress levels, improves mood and energy, helps maintain a healthy weight and what’s more, it is free. Best done with a friend.
Full Steam Ahead
Bookings for the 2023 Bush and Variety Walks Programme are well underway with most walks heavily booked. Some vacancies are still available. The programme is summarised below. Email Cliff cliffburns@iprimus.com.au to make a booking or to receive full details of the 2023 Programme. You can book all or individual walks.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
So said Chinese philosopher Laozi in the 6th Century. Referring to life’s aspirations and personal dreams, Lao’s famous statement can also be true for all those “bucket list” ambitions that we dream of. If your “bucket list” includes walking in and experiencing remote and wonderful places on Earth, have a chat with Cliff and Sharron. Besides many other destinations, they have recently returned from 6 African countries and have a wealth of information ready to share. Maybe they can assist with your first step. It costs nothing. Meanwhile join us on the local Walks Programme.
Receive the latest information with “Bushwalk News”
Ask to be placed on the “Bushwalk News” email list to receive all the new information hot off the press.
Darlington “Walk Trails &
Circuits”–2nd Edition
This 26 page book includes almost every trail or track around Darlington. $10, Contact Cliff or Sharron. See you on the track.
Cliff Burns (Organizer and Guide) 9299 6696