3 minute read

Shire of Mundaring Library Service

Story and Rhyme Times Back for Term One


Baby Rhyme Time and Story Time sessions recommence from Tuesday 31 January. Baby Rhyme Time is a time of language enrichment through stories, songs and rhymes for 0-2 year olds. Story Time is a fun time of stories, songs, rhymes and craft for 2-5 year-olds. Baby Rhyme Time sessions are on is on at 9.30am and Story Time sessions are on at 10.30am. Boya Library sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Mundaring Library sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Under a Venice Moon

Author Talk with Margaret Cameron Boya Community Centre, Monday 13 February, 10.00am

Join us during Library Lovers’ Week in hearing Margaret Cameron talk about her experiences and the stories and the history of this incomparable and magical place. A week in Venice ignited Margaret Cameron's interest in the private city behind the tourist facade and the obscure tales from its history. Tantalised by stories of this lesser-known Venice she returns the following August for a month-long stay, determined to uncover the Venice of the Venetians. Under a Venice Moon (Hachette) is part memoir, part history, part love story, and a great read. Bookings essential at https://130223b.eventbrite.com.au

Seed Library Donations Wanted!

We would really appreciate donations of seeds for the Mundaring Seed Library. The seed library cupboard is bare and needs replenishing.

The lovely folk at Mundaring Seed Savers sort, clean and prepare donated seeds to be added to the seed libraryquite a task! Library staff catalogue and add the seed packets to the library system. Library members may then "borrow" seeds, plant and grow them, then harvest seeds to "return" to the library - a lovely cycle of giving and receiving and sustainability.

If you have seeds you can donate, bring them in to the Boya or Mundaring libraries. You simply need to supply details of the seed variety along with the seeds. It would be greatly appreciated if a note is included on where the seeds were harvested and any tips on growing. The libraries have donation envelopes or you can just use your own bag or container and drop them in to the libraries.

You can find out more about the Seed Library as well as hints and tips on how to harvest seeds at https://bit.ly/ MunSeedLib.

A Perth Camera

Author Talk with Richard Offen Boya Community Centre, Monday 27, 10.30am

A Perth Camera is a treasure trove of rediscovered images by the late Ernie Polis from a lifetime spent photographing the city.

Following his high-profile success with Perth Then & Now and Lost Perth, Richard Offen was contacted by the son of the late Ernie Polis, the long-time Perth City Surveyor. Ernie had been both a keen amateur photographer and a collector of historic photos of the city. This trove of previously unpublished images gives a unique view of the city from the 1950s through to the 1990s. Along with Richard's insightful captions, the photos show both what was lost and give a "then and now" comparison between modern-day Perth and the one wellknown to Ernie Polis. Bookings essential at https://270223b. eventbrite.com.au

GARDENING, pruning, weeding, mulching, whipper snipping, gutters cleaned, general tidy up. Phone: Geoff 0409 088 936.

60+ DANCE CLASS, Mondays 9.30am Darlington Hall, cost $15. All welcome, no experience needed. Contact Lynne 0409 520 023.

Hillside Outdoor Blinds

Your hills specialist in all styles of blinds & awnings. Mesh blockout fabrics offer views whilst blocking out 95% of the sun, wind, rain & protection from bugs. All blinds made inhouse from 100% Aussie parts, stainless steel & aluminium NO RUST! Fully auto with remote control options available. For a demo & to discuss creating your perfect outdoor entertaining area. Phone Yvonne 0416 233 277.

Kindy Dance Time is an early childhood dance school, providing a unique dance syllabus that has been expertly crafted just for 2-5 year old girls and boys. Offering quality age-specific classes, this highly acclaimed programme establishes solid dance foundations in a fun and nurturing environment. Delivered by fully trained and passionate teachers, thousands of toddlers and preschoolers nationwide attending Kindy Dance Time are gaining the finest introduction into the magical world of dance.

Thank you to everyone who attended our first meeting of 2023 which was a “Bring a Friend” night. We welcomed some lovely new members and started to map out our plans for the year ahead.

The key areas that our branch is focused on are: craft, catering, charity and community. We have been very fortunate to receive a number of generous donations of fabrics, wool and craft

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