5 minute read
Making Sense Of The Christian Faith
thought may be in store for someone who walked seriously with God
Skip forward to the day that I realised my kids would peg me as a hypocrite, I deeply desired to teach them all about God, but I knew nothing much of Him and lived sparsely in His ways So I called out to Him in prayer and said “I am here , I am ready and I desperately want to get serious with You ” I wanted everything He had to offer and nothing less
It has been incredible, majestic even, what has occurred in my life since I uttered those words. I have come to love God with a fervency that is unquenchable. I now understand the death and enters us into life. Righteous and in right standing with God. When we commune with Him in intimate relationship and in His Word and in prayer, He equips us to be shaped and changed into His likeness and to live in ways that were previously impossible to live. A life that conducts itself with the fruit of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol. A life free from the bondage of sin. A life where the tenderness and kindness of God strengthens, comforts, teaches, counsels, convicts, encourages, shapes and changes us because His Spirit resides within us. let me just finish by saying God says “Be holy, for I am holy.” And I intend to spend the rest of my life experiencing more and more of the work He is doing within me to make this so.
I could write a book on what God teaches us about these things…. but you know… God already wrote a Book.... and I have a word count limit!
Sandra Parish
God doesn’t ask us to become good enough of our own accord before we enter into relationship with Him. In contrast He says that it is His righteousness, His holiness and His goodness, bestowed to us, that allows us to enter into His presence. We cannot earn it, nor can we improve ourselves enough to become worthy to receive it.
In Isaiah, chapter 46, God describes some of the actions of the Israelites and it is clear that they are transgressing against Him. He says that the Israelites are being disloyal and rebellious, and He watched as they created their own idols and religious practices to try to save themselves. Even while they were still doing these things, He tells them that He is God, that there is no other like Him and that His desire has always been to make a way for them to receive and accept His salvation and His righteousness. This was God’s desire for Israel, no matter how depraved their actions had been or may ever become. It was God’s hope and His pleading that Israel would repent of their ways and allow Him to do for them that which they could never do for themselves.
The scriptures teach us to look to the heart, character and purposes of God. It is not His will that anyone should perish rather it is His will that everyone would choose His ways rather than their own.
God doesn’t ask us to become good enough before we decide to seek Him. Instead, He wants us to acknowledge that we are not holy, nor are we righteous and the only thing we actually have to offer Him is our desire to be saved and changed by Him so that we can enter into relationship with Him. We just simply have to repent from our own sinful ways and have faith and trust that His ways are the only good and right ways and that He has done the work and paid the price for us, on our behalf. It is then we come to understand that He alone is the One who can make us good, holy, righteous and alive.
"I bring My righteousness near, it shall not be far off; My salvation shall not linger. And I will place salvation in Zion, For Israel My glory."
Isaiah 46:13
Elizabeth Buttfield
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St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church cnr Darlington Rd and Hillsden Rd, Darlington
Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was a time of fasting and Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before beginning the Lenten fast. Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and occurs between February 3 and March 9. In 2023, Shrove Tuesday will fall on February 21 and we will be busy making and eating pancakes (with lavish toppings) in the Parish Centre from 4pm. Friends and strangers, adults and children are all invited to join in the fun and feasting of Shrove Tuesday.
Dates For Your Diary
9am weekly on Sunday mornings in the Parish Centre for children 4 years and older.
MAInlY MUSIC : Resumes Tuesday 21 February
All pre-schoolers and their carers get ready to prance into 2023 with singing, dancing and a lovely morning tea.
ST CUTHbERT’S YOUTH (SCY) Resumes 19 February 3.305.30 in the Parish Centre Middle Schoolers +
SUPPER AnD SPIRITUAlITY: Resumes February 26 @ 6pm8pm in the Parish Centre
SHROvE TUESDAY: Tuesday 21 February
Come after school to make piles and piles of pancakes and then eat as many as you can before Lent begins the next day.
ASH WEDnESDAY bIblE STUDIES In lEnT begin 24 February @ 12.30pm and 1 March @ 6pm
Wednesday 22 February at 9.30am and 7.30pm A Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes at each service to mark the beginning of Lent.
TAI zé 5 FE b RUARY and 5 MARCH AT 6.30PM
Enjoy a time of chant, silence, readings and meditation in a church lit by candles. All are welcome.
Throughout Lent, the Reverend Julie Baker will be offering Bible studies in the Parish Center with options to suit people’s availability:
* Fridays at 12.30pm from 24 February and
* Wednesday at 6pm from 1 March
The sessions will have the same content andf run for six weeks.
The facilities at St Cuthbert’s are available for community use. The Parish Centre provides space for a wide range of meetings, celebrations and activities.The standard fee is $28 per hour but rates for non-profit groups can be discounted. There is a small kitchen as well as tables and chairs for up to 40 people. Apply via our website at www.hillsanglicans.com/facilities
The parish traditionally has a quiet January when we take time to recover from the celebration of Christmas and ready ourselves for the season of Lent and Easter. To mark the beginning of a new year of worship and service there will be a parish dinner on the church lawn on 18 February.
Rector: The Rev’d Julie Baker T: 0459 471 894 E: rector@hillsanglicans.com
Parish Office: 6292 0074
Email: info@hillsanglicans.com
Mail: PO Box 77 Darlington, WA 6070 Australia Services: 9am Sunday
Find us on Facebook at Hills Anglicans Website: www.hillsanglicans.com