Having served 17 years on Fingal County Council, I want to thank you for re-electing me for another term last June. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
There are a number of projects that we are working on, including ensuring that Metrolink is finally delivered to Swords once and for all, that the the new Swords Cultural Quarter building is progressed without delay and the fantastic work that is taking place within the Ward Valley Park is completed. We have worked with various sports clubs to deliver record levels of grants in Swords and of course while we work to deliver new homes we are also working to ensure we're delivering the necessary amenities and facilities alongside them.
Working with Minister Darragh O’Brien TD and having a local Minister sitting at the cabinet table has really helped with these and many other local issues. We work very closely together attempting to deliver for community groups and local sporting clubs and we have achieved a lot to date, and we need your support and your vote to continue this work.
Please Vote to re-elect Minister Darragh O’Brien TD and we can continue to work together for the betterment of Swords and Dublin Fingal East.
Le gach dea ghuí, Cllr. Darragh Butler
Manju Devi, originally from Kerala, India, has been a dedicated nurse at the Mater Private Hospital since 2005. Living in Dublin for nearly 20 years with her husband and two daughters, one of whom represents Ireland’s U15 Cricket Team, she is passionate about healthcare, education, and the power of sports to shape young lives.
With a BSc in Nursing Management (RCSI, 2016) and a Level 5 in Human Psychology (2022), Manju brings 29 years of frontline experience to her role. Proud to represent Fianna Fáil in Dublin Fingal East alongside Minister Darragh O’Brien.
A few weeks ago in October, Minister Darragh O’Brien T.D. and the Mayor of Fingal laid the foundation stone for the new Cultural Centre within the Swords Cultural Quarter.
The multi-purpose Cultural Centre will contain a new County Library and a 165-seat theatre along with an art gallery, arts spaces, a maker space and a café and is expected to open early 2027.
Significant upgrade works will be carried out on North Street to create an enhanced public realm creating a link between the Cultural Centre and Swords Castle.
The provision of community infrastructure alongside housing is very important and this building, when it is eventually opened in 2027, will serve not just the people of Swords but also those who live in other parts of Fingal.
Since 2020, Minister Darragh O’Brien has been delighted to support restoration work on St. Columba's Church and Towers and would like to see this work continue as part of a potential fantastic heritage trail from Lissenhall Bridge to Knocksedan Bridge all along the Ward River.
He also supported the restoration of Carnegie Library on North Street earlier this year. Great work is continuing within the Ward River Regional Park, restoring the iconic water cascades and art the Knocksedan Walled Gardens. This includes a proposed mid-level Walking / Cycling bridge crossing of the valley between River Valley and Swords Manor, together with a new Recreational Hub, East-West Greenway / Active Travel infrastructure and destination playground and events area. These works also include a pedestrian link between Knocksedan Demesne and Swords Manor. Detailed plans should be published shortly and Minister O’Brien has committed support to Fingal County Council and local Councilors to see these delivered
Minister DarraghO’BrienTD
Housing remains a top priority and we are working to sustain the upward momentum of housing delivery in Fingal East and across the country. We hear from residents every week about their concerns whether it’s high rents or the challenge of owning a home. The good news is that after years of undersupply, the tide is turning, and we’re making real progress. We are also very conscious that we are not just building new homes, we are building communities, as we must deliver the services we need alongside the homes. Here in Fingal:
• 8,964 new homes were completed in Fingal since 2020, the year this Government took office. This isa 20% increase onthe 7,474 homes completed in the previous four years.
• Buildinghasstartedon4,809 newhomes in Fingal sincethebeginning ofthe year.This isa197% increaseonthesameperiodin2023andismorecommencementsthanthe whole of 2023.
• There were 5,812 households on the social housing waiting list in Fingal in 2023. This isa15% decreaseon2016 when social housingwaiting listswerefirst captured.
• Since 2020, the year this Government took up office, 605 vacant social homes have beenbrought backintoproductive use in Fingalthroughaninvestmentof€7.9million.
• There have been 161 applications to the Vacant and Derelict Property Grant in Fingal with 101 already approved.
• There have been 573 approvals for the First Home Scheme in Fingal (average approved €70,000). There have also been more than 10,000 Help-to-Buy claims by Dublin First Time Buyers (up to €30,000.)
In Swords, we recognise the pressure on school places. It's a serious concern to parents and teachers alike and at both national and secondary school level. We are working to deliver more primary and secondary school places, with a robust school building program now in place. We’re also pushing for better facilities in existing schools.
As well as that, since 2020, we’ve introduced free schoolbooks for all primary and second-level students, reduced the primary pupil-teacher ratio to a historic low of 23:1, and cut school transport fees significantly. With respect to special education, we’ve doubled the number of special classes since 2019, added 11 new special schools, and increased funding for special education. Supporting families in Swords remains a top priority.