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No. '797.3371



APPLIOATIQN 211.21) AER. 22,'1e04.


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@6313“¿4 @Visana




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ENvçLofP. iro. 767,337. Y

Specification ofLetters Patent;

' »

' ' Patented. Aug, 15, 1905,

Application ned' iip'rii 22,1901, `einem'.204,318.' _






dinaryïenvelop, _butl carried beyond the Annu-l

TaiallfwÍz/nmf if iimg/ erinnern.:

- flße it known that I, ROBERT M.-.\YILsoN, a ‘dle in a flattened curve e3 _to its junction with _ x edge e* is al eon- _ citizen of theUnited States, residing in the bor-_ . the- straight »edge L_ß‘. This

oiigli of Bi'ooklyin'cityof vNew York, county4 tinuation ot theedge line of the envelop after

' of l_\'ings, State of 1N ew York, have invented „itis folded. The fiap lE at itsA widest part is -

,certain _new,and 'useful'Iniproveincnts'in En-v

` of the same width as the envelop, and thus en-` .

_'Fig.- ‘lis the' reverse face of the envelop fold-_ ed and sealed;- Fig. 3, a longitudinal' section of Fig.'2¿t'o`show_ the relation of the end,v fia-ps; and l<`ig.„-t shows the reverse face oían'

laterL described. ~'l‘lieapex o?this triangular _ i

velops, of whichtlie following is a specifica-_ tirely covers the reinforce or opening ña'p C. _ tior_i,'refei'ence- being. had to the accompany » e” arc-two y lines rof perforations ïwhich- 1 ivith the end il* iiiclose- a ti‘iaiigularspaCe o_n Figure l is an inside face view ot the blank the end of flap E, the portions ¿f7 of tlie iiap. fronijwlncli ni)v improvedl envelop is made. _thusinclosed performing a function to ,lie

ligure ‘is formed by aei‘irved or angular slit e‘Ä-and vthe _space incloscdwitli'in‘theabovef described triangular ligure is coated withniuî'

envelop, the end flap being tornopen, the cilage, guin,'_or paste, (indicated bythe ietf." covered voutlines ofthe _fia iis~ shown dotted, _ v ~ M?" invention relates tu envelops, andin'ore

-The end flapvC'is triangularinlsliape, inadeg-l

pip'ticularlivv to that forni offenvelops where -in _one piece withjtlie body of, theblank, and.,

' a portion thereof is perforated along 'eert-ain - preferably of the samelsii/.e as the triangular

alines, whereby xt_niay be ~easily opened with-. portion 1", so that when-tlieenvclopis folded,f„p out irregularly tearing or marring the envelop as in Fig;A _Q,_tlie‘ edges of tlieliiapj()willfsubr'¿f-` _ stantially coincide with- t. ' lines .ofpeiîfora

or damaging the contents. ’

I ' kobject-is,yto. provide anenvelop o_f 'I this _ tiens er’ and _Slit ¿t _

[n_niakingup the, cnveloptl

. folriiiîivliiclifj inny lie _entirely-opened’ in one


, 'metion‘ïivhi'cli'may_be made on the Apresent `>envolop-maclimes with onLv'sligl'it changes in .

over pntlieni,

_l _

the-forni of. tlieîblank, which is iiiade in-one< paste «I lioldinggitto tlief Hap-B

of' the triangular".portion e' bei

,i ofiusiiigextra' pieces of l material, and which

'triangulai‘ll'ap C,




is sosiinpl'ein a‘i'i'angenientkt-hat it‘_ma_v be _andFig. in 'additioirsealed, 2 shows vand 'the coinpletely'foldedg positioii'of ,the ' . Aused with no additional expense in the mak ing of the cheapest g 'ade of envelopsas well ,iia'ps being 'shown -in dotted _linesiii 'Fig'.v -1._ _ So'?olded and sealed 'therenvelop is. of the

>as the lineSt. i _

'l‘o' this end ‘my invent-ion consists in cer-'_ _same formas any ordinary envelop, but _dif tai'iiuli'itails of foi-in and _arrangement to be fers therefrom in the fact tliat'tlie end tlap C__

niori"deliiiitely'stated in the claims. i'


is entirely pasted'to the bottoni flap E instead

. .f »lnftlie drawings, where. like letters refer to of only along the margin. ' __ y Thefunctionof the slitä‘yis to forma tongue 1 like parts, A designates the front of anfen~ volop vo'f ordinary forni, having the end fiaps which may l'ie graspedby the tingersto _open BC, the top (ii-_sealing flap __l'), arid the betteln tli'e end of the envelop on ¿the line ofthe por-_

„ Hapl‘L'all- niade _fi-oni' one:Y piece or blank.`

The ilap‘D'is off4 the ordinary forni and pro

forations ff". _In fig. Q__PI have shown 'the .tongue so formed iis projecting upwardly. i

yvided_'\vith the niiicilage-gi'immed,margin a'. have‘sliown it tliiis'ìforthe sake o_f drawing -_ _ '.l‘lie 'iiapdi is approximately ofthe ordinary attention to its function; bnt'normally lsaid ' forin.`



tongue does' not project beyond the plane' off

ln the coin'mon forni of envelop the flap C _the paper, unless,tlieenvelop vbe _bent trans woi‘il’d'be 'of tlie'sanie sliape as the other end versely about on, a yline witlifsaid tongue. _,

Hap ß;'but in the blank vof in_v envelop this 'l‘lien the tongue will project slightlyY and may v_lie'i.‘,asily grasped. ' A tearing-action on the ~tongue will now open _the envelop along' the -lines‘of the perforatioiis u“, thus opening the envelop, as shown in Fig. 4, and leaving aniaiiider otlthat faire of tlieenvelop. 'l‘otliat triangulai-_i'lap at one end of a double tliiek. , p _ v end the (lap E is niiide with an inclined edge ness of paper. lla p (Y being smaller and used :is an opening reinforce as well =as to elose the end of tlie’en velop the lower llap E niust be so shaped asA todo the work of llap IC and -to close the i‘e

v” of about the saine roiitour'as that of an o'r-v '

'l‘lie necessity-jef -pasting the Hap C _linder

, neath the triangular portion el is

follows: ~a protectingêflap still attached-'to the envelop.-y

. If there was butfone thickness of thin paper 'The opening of the envelop does not tear' away.'v .

forming .such triangular section, when the `any portion. Thus there is no danger of the'

tongue was pulled the paper would tear from 'contents being injuredor torn. _The openin the base of the tongue-_ almost straight back' made by severing the'fiap is of the full widt _ toithe edge e‘instead of :following theline of' 4of the envelop and‘does not 'requireto be _made

the perforations. Thisïisgierìause-the direo?. larger in order to> get_out 'the'contents- ' tion of the applied force is net the same the ‘ `A particular and important advantage lies

. direction of said perforations ‘and the paper' _ in the fact that the blank is in one piece only', _ tears in the 'line'ofdéast resistance." By r6 voi’ a shape easily formed,~,necessitating no

‘inforcing it, however, the paper,- has more ref- material’ changes' in the ordinary .envelop-l sistance to tearing` strain than 'the- perl’<_>rar'-_A makingfmachifnes, -and' 'requiring the addition i tions and the tear follows the angular; line.> .of- no supplementary and extra reinforcing.' In addition-to this whenthe tongue is’ pulled _or cutting pieces in Aorder to make it opera--the edge of' the' Hap _C being immediately be tive and complete. ’ Again', the gumming is

' neath the perforations acts aîsasevering edge all on one side of-fthe'blank, _as in ordinary


to break the paper between them, thus mak- . envelope, thus making it practicalto manu-A .

ing `it additionally'certain that aï- triangular _facture with machines already in the marketl and'regularly-shaped iiap of, full width will While I havesh'own the blank'as 'adapted

be opened out. Indeed, with very thin paper to an oblong envelop andloné whose-end it is ’ it would not be Aabsolutely'necessary to' have' desired to open, -it will' be obvious thatthe. the perforations e“, as the edgeof the ñap- C, principle of my invention maybe applied-_asv

' A

reinforced andinade stiff. by. being gummed vw’el-l to envelope of other shapes and to'iiaps to the flap E, would itself' _eut 'the paper on ~opening on any other ofthe four sides. Also " the angular lines." It is to benoted in this it will -be understood that the -exaet- figure ' connection _that when ~the flaps C and E are ` given _tothe 'various flaps may be varied with-_ »

pasted Itogether the apex of fiap‘Ccom'es just

»out'departing therefrom.








to the slit e‘ and that therefore they apex of . ¿Having described my 'in_vehtiom'.v whatï 'IÍ

iiap C, as well as_the apex of the~ triangular

1-„vAn envelop -having-__` a reinforcing out?>

portion e', forms. the _opening-tongue, both' `

thicknesses of paper being grasped to' open ting-fiap made in one piece with the body of u theenvelop.








the envelop _and turned in 4from lone of its side ._

In order that the opening-flap may _tear edges, and a. .covering-flap turned in from> an properly, following the cutting lines or per other of its side edges, the said reinforcing forations, -it is necessary that the reinforcing cutting-flap lying wholly beneath that portion

_ 'A ' "

l , and cutting Hap be not gummed to the'body of the envelop >designedto be torn open, andA V

of the envelop beyond the tearing-lines, but the said covering-flap being provided: within -f . be gummed> tothat portion only of'the en-> slit whereby- the reinforcingeutting-flap may'l


velop within the cutting-lines,'_preferably over be grasped, substantiallyas described. 2. An envelop having a reinforcing cut-- ` .the entire area inclosed withiusaid lines, but at "any ratel along thej lines; otherwisethe ’ting'fiap made'in one piece therewith, and a material on one side of the cutting edge is as covering-'flap dapted to be folded over’ upon strong as the-material on'the other, and it is the said cuttihgfña , the said cutting-ñap ly as if the' envelop were simply made of two ing wholly heneat that portion of the cover thicknesses of material, asfar' as tearing is ing-Hap designed to be torn open andbeing'l' l concerned. Again, it isl necessary to a prop'er gummed thereto, andthe said-covering'-ñap _

opening of the envelop that the cutting edges having perforations coincident with the edge of the cutting-flap extend back to that edge of> the cutting-Hap and a-slit whereby the cut -of the envelop-body which is to form the ting-flap may begrasped,- substantially as dle«vv base of the opening-flap and that the rein scribed. -,

3. An envelop-blank having asealin-gl-ñapfï‘i... j.

force so given be beneath that part of the en ' velop which is to be torn open, else the tear

with a gummed inside margin, triangular flaps ‘

at the ends of the blanks, and a bottom Hap, envelop, but will be parallel to the line of ap~ said bottom flap being gummed on one side plied force, and the edges of such reinforc margin andforhaving engagement a triangular with ‘one gummed of the por-_ side ing-Hap should extend back to the edge of Haps the envelop which forms the base of the fiap tion on its rinside face adapted to cover and in order that the cut may be regular along its. be gummed to the other of the end flaps, said entire length. Preferably ._ the reinforcing bottom flap having a slit forming the apex cutting-flap is of a triangular shape, extend of the triangular gummed portion, substan or cut will not diverge to the -corners of the -

inglto the corners of the envelop, so that the tially as described. , envelop may be opened to its entire width.

The advantages of my> improved envelop are obvious. It is easily opened at one mo tion of the hand, and the opening of it leaves







'W. H. RUBY,



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