Beer Today newsletter, July 29, 2016

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4 | Beer Today Newsletter | July 29,

Brews in Brief


From the editor’s chair

 Wadworth has created Espirito de Carnaval (4.3% ABV) to celebrate the Rio Olympics. A punchy beer, with a dry malt base, spicy pepper notes combine with fruity citrus hops to give a vibrant citrus taste. It is a well-balanced, easydrinking ale, says the brewer, combining English malt with vibrant hops from the US and Brazilian spices.

Imperial rules at the beer bar

 Working with hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics along with professors at universities including Birmingham and Imperial College, Cobra has created a smooth pour glass with a unique channel in the interior allowing liquid to flow smoothly around the glass to the base. Creating a whirlpool effect, the design helps release flavour and aroma to achieve the perfect head, says the brewer.  Paradigm Brewery in Hertfordshire has created a beer using local watercress. Chief executive, Neil Hodges, said of Sarratt Watercress Ale: “It tastes delicious. It’s a pale ale, so it’s light and summery but with a nice peppery taste to it.”  Orange Blaze (4% ABV) is a new seasonal beer from St Peter’s Brewery featuring First Gold and Cascade hops. Orange peel is added to the golden brew to give a marmalade note.  Old Dairy Brewery’s Jazz Ale, a 4.6% ABV golden beer created for Rye Jazz Festival, will be on sale in the brewery shop from mid-August.  Online retailer EeBria has new beers from 6º North and Milk Street breweries.  More at brews-in-brief/

I know what you’re thinking: late again. Little was I to know that there’s a glitch in Publisher when you switch between two machines running respectively, Windows 7 and Windows 10. I’ll make sure next week’s newsletter is on time, but the publication date will switch to Saturday as it fits in better with my routine. As you may know, I have my office in the bottled beer shop attached to Coastal Brewery in Redruth, Cornwall Specialist Beer (do follow on Facebook!) and there’s a bar attached where I do a bit of serving on, generally, Fridays and Saturdays. This week the go-to beer has been a new brew of Coastal’s Kernow Imperial Stout (9% ABV, pictured), which is in tip-top form. There are big dark fruit and molasses flavours, with coffee and lactose notes. Delicious! You can see now why I don’t regret leaving a newspaper office with its constant stress and 14-hour days. So, what’s new on Beer Today this week? As ever, there’s lots of news, from the likes of London Beer Factory, Camerons, Little Valley Brewery and Carlsberg (yes, breweries of all sizes). Among items of interest is a guest blog by Prof John Colley, of Warwick Business School, on how the protracted purchase of SABMiller by AB InBev is affecting shareholders in the latter. There’s also the tale of how a bottle of Innis & Gunn Vintage beer has been placed in a time capsule, to be opened in 100 years’ time, and a mass collaboration brew at Hawkshead Brewery, involving 13 big name brewers. As ever, Beer Today is updated every day, often several times a day. Uploads generally take place first thing in the morning, at lunchtime and at the end of the afternoon, although important

July 29, 2016  Issue 4  website:  e-mail:

breaking news is always added to the site immediately. Please visit regularly and do tell your beer-loving friends!

Job vacancies A new jobs section launched last week within the trade and professional section on the site. Brief job listings are free, with a small charge for longer descriptions. For a media pack, e-mail

Diary dates The event listings have been updated until the end of October, with mainly beer festivals all over the country. Event listings are free and can include links to event websites. Again, e-mail

Most popular on Beer Today 1. Drygate to can small-batch beers: 2. Concern over Camden licensing proposals: 3. Carlsberg launches Crafted beer range:

The London Beer Factory has launched its entire range of beer in 360-degree can technology, a design that enables the drinker to completely remove the lid of the can, allowing for the full spectrum of flavours and aromas to leap out. The unique ring-pull is easily pulled away from the curved lip, instantly turning the can into a cup. Read the full story at

Beer sales up says BBPA Buoyant British beer sales in the second quarter of 2016 showed further signs of reversing a long period of decline, with sales up 1.5%, it was announced this week. The rise means Britons enjoyed 31 million extra pints from April to June, compared with the same period in 2015. The figures are published in the British Beer & Pub Association’s Quarterly Beer Barometer. Buoyant off-trade sales during the European Football Championships were a big source of the boost, with sales rising by 4.8%. On-trade sales (pubs, bars and restaurants) fared less well, slipping by 1.9%, although this was one of the lowest second quarter drops for the on-trade in recent years.

Beer sales have risen by 1.2% over the past year, and have been relatively stable since early 2013 following years of decline. The marked change in trend coincides with reductions in beer duty, which began with a pioneering one penny cut in the March 2013 Budget. Confidence This was followed by two further 1p cuts and a freeze this year, putting an end to years of steep beer tax hikes. Increased confidence in the sector has been accompanied by greater investment and campaigns. BBPA chief executive, Brigid Simmonds, said: “These are yet more

encouraging figures, and the football has given a real boost to sales. “It is quite clear we owe a huge debt of thanks to the cuts in beer duty from 2013. “I hope the Government continues with this pioneering change in approach, and we continue to see support for fairer taxes for British beer.” David Cunningham, programme director at the There’s A Beer For That campaign, added: “We can see that the campaign messages of quality, diversity and versatility of beer, and our focus on encouraging people to pair different styles of beer with their meals, is beginning to have a positive impact on consumer perception behaviour. “This, in turn, is playing a part in the recovery of the category.”

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