Think Tanks Assessment Systems

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1) RESEARCH + DEVELOPMENT + EXPERIMENTATION Collecting information. Research in a range of processes, materials, professionals etc. Analyse and organise the information. Provide evidence of use of different materials and processes. 2) TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE + COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION The idea and message must be unified with the medium, process and outcome. Explain why/how they are unified and have evidence of your process to the final outcome and choices. 3) SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE + PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Personal reflection and analysis of yourself and your project. Show and comment on your development, learning and improvement. Support this with evidence and organisation of your work.

RESEARCH + DEVELOPMENT + EXPERIMENTATION • collecting • experimenting • inspiration • process

TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE + COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION • presentation • unity • medium • message

SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE + PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • reflection • learning • improvement • analyse

Research Extensive primary and secondary research using a variety of sources. Must relate to subject and project proposal.

Experimentation Experimentng with a range of techniques and processes whilst taking risks. Show evidence of personal decision making based on opinions of peers and tutors.


There is evidence to convey personal reflection that improves on strengths and weaknesses, leading to further planning of outcomes and in depth analysis.


Leif Podajsky is an artist and creative director whose abstract and illusive style has influenced all of our working styes. Similar to Hannah Hoch, his collage style focusses on human facial features.



A6 Crop in the centre of the magazine. Restricted with working only with two elements from the magazine.

Angela, Hele and Greg’s think tank

Angela’s System: Using the triangular stencils, apply to an A4 page and cut around the shape. Think about... Layout White space Angela’s Marking criteria: Experimentation and Communication + Presentation

Hele’s view - There were extensive variations on the subject matter, including size and lay out. - Some form of questioning has taken place, but I am not sure to what extent. - A unique style has been formed and played aroud with. - I am not entirely sure of the audience, or if she needs one. -Grade: B+ Gregs view - There is a depth within the experimentation as there is a variety of methods that have been used. - The methods have developed into a more defined system and I think this shows that some questioning has been been done. - No clear audience has been defined yet -Grade: BMy own view -Following the criteria, I wanted to experiment with different shapes and sizes and cropping what is not neccesary. -I feel that I could have experimented a bit more, as one of our points was ‘to go crazy’. -Grade: B-

Overall Grade


Greg’s system I have experimented with a series of collages, exploring the relation betweem text and image. The system is to find a random peice of text and create and image based on the sentence. Marking criteria; Experimentation & Technical Competence Hele’s view -Greg was fairly experimental amd shows a variation in his creations, I am not sure to what extent he has questioned his work, but this may come later in the development stage. -Greg is very technically competant. The work is well executed and shows attention to detail. -Overall there seems to be a strong starting point but little to support this in terms of development. -Grade: CAngela’s view -He has executed the system well. However some more variations would have been nice to see. -What I like about the collages is the humour that he has added into the pieces. -Grade: CMy own view I dont think this work reflects the direction that I want to go with my project. I need to decide on a more detailed system.


Hele’s system

Hele’s system I have experimented with colour. My system was to find objects in my house and arrange them into red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. I then arranged these objects onto an A2 format. I looked into general colour theory and then more specifically, colour in branding and clothing. I used this information to analyse and consider why certain house hold objects may be certain colours, for example green means healing and plaster packet was green, blue can symbolise medicine and savlon was blue. Marking criteria; Experimentation & Subject knowledge Angelas view -Hele’s research was very thorough, as she looked into colour theories and background knowlegde of clour brands. -She personalised her work, which is part of our criteria. -Grade B+ Gregs view - Hele has done very relelvent research and it has provoked interesting options for her to work on. - the variety of research is in depth and very edited. - there has been a large amount of experimentation but i feel that each object could be more specific to the colours meaning. -Grade B+ My view I enjoyed the outcome of this peice of work, however I am aware that it could be taken to new levels and further research could be developed in discovering new criteria. -Grade B-

Overall Grade




Carry out primary and/or • Demonstrate risk taking: secondary research. different materials/ Illustrate in-depth and mediums / new ideas relevant research. explored. Understanding and • Evidence of process and applying research. direction (experiments with purpose). • Clear indication of problem solving.




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• Clear unified message and purpose. • Distinguish personal style.

• Evidence of reflection, evaluation, planning and learning. • Clear thought process. • Ability to recognise criticism and improve.

Portfolio worthy. Ideas executed well. Developing technical / craft skills to a high standard.












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24 (78%)


RESEARCH + ANALYSIS + SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE • Carry out primary and/or secondary research. • Illustrate in-depth and relevant research. • Understanding and applying research.

EXPERIMENTATION • Demonstrate risk taking: different materials/ mediums / new ideas explored. • Evidence of process and direction (experiments with purpose). • Clear indication of problem solving.

TOTAL (out of 28)

% 100 - 96 95 - 91 90 - 86 85 - 81 80 - 76 75 - 71 70 - 66 65 - 61 60 - 56 55 - 51 50 - 46 45 - 41 40 and under


Experimentation Present your series of experiments. Find an impartial judge who is unaware of your project and experiment. Ask the judge to try and identify what you are try to experiment with through no description of the project. A successful series of experiments will be identified easily by a judge.

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