1 52 0514 rs graduation tab

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B e l d i n g • B e t h H a v e n • C a r s o n C i t y - C r y st a l • C e n t r a l Mo n tc a l m Fe l l o w s h i p B a p t i st • G r a t t a n A c a d e m y • G r e e n v i l l e • Lakeview • M o n t a b e l l a • T r i C o u n t y • Ve s t a b u r g




Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


INDEX Belding High School pages 3-10

Beth Haven Baptist Academy page 48 Carson CityCrystal High School pages 11-13 Central Montcalm High School pages 14-17 Grattan Academy page 50 Greenville High School pages 18-32 Fellowship Baptist Academy page 49 Lakeview High School pages 33-35 Montabella High School page 36-39 Tri County High School pages 40-46 Vestaburg High School page 47-48 All graduation photographs and names were provided by each individual school. Any photographs submitted after deadline were not included in this publication.

KNOWING no limitations “ I’m hoping

that I can go out into the public and

give a different perspective.

Mary McDonough

Through writing, Greenville graduate Mary McDonough aims to change perspective on physical limitations By Cory Smith

Daily News staff writer

GREENVILLE — Mary McDonough has faced physical limitations all her life, but as she now approaches high school graduation, her experiences living with a serious condition will serve a role in informing a wide audience. Mary, 18, was born with cerebral palsy, a condition that at times has her using a wheelchair due to shortened and tightened muscles in her legs. Mary has gone through surgeries, requiring the breaking and resetting of bones, faced stresses no average student would dream of, and worked to live a life that showcases the breaking of barriers. From an early age, Mary needed something in her life to levy the stress of enduring rehabilitation and physical therapy while her classmates went about their normal routines, and in her search, she found that relief in the form of pencil and paper. “Because I couldn’t get involved in a lot of things physically, I used writing as my main expression,” she said. “It was a passion that I found that I was able to eventually excel at.” Mary combined that passion of writing with a family history of being involved in the performing arts. With her mother, Katy McDonough, an elementary school music teacher, Mary had grown up watching concerts, and embraced music from an early age. By the time she entered the sixth grade, she began playing the alto saxophone, and through writing and music, Mary is now a cultured, creative individual ready to embrace college upon graduating from Greenville High School. “I grew up in the performing arts, but I used the knowledge that I learned there in my core education,” she said. “Almost automatically, that translated to English, as I was always in the schools’ gifted writing programs. With those skills and being in the performing arts, I

Daily News/Cory Smith

Mary McDonough, 18, who was born with cerebral palsy, smiles during her high school band class after playing on the alto saxophone.

found that the two together, it was perfect.” Mary will graduate from Greenville with a 3.33 GPA, silver chord, and will attend Northern Michigan University in Marquette, where she will work to earn a bachelor’s degree with a focus on English. Mary is hoping to eventually use her experiences directly in her writing. Having also been involved in the high school’s drama program, Mary says she intends to focus on writing screenplays, movie scripts, camera shot lists, and elements of that nature, with a focus on her disability. “I’m hoping that I can go out into the public and give a different perspective,” she said. “You see a lot

where if people put a disabled character in a show or a movie or a book, there’s always something where you say, that doesn’t seem realistic, it doesn’t seem like it fits.” Mary now has her sights set on changing that, using her own perspective and experiences. “I’m hoping I can bring a new perspective to something that people don’t normally ask about, that they don’t normally see,” she said. “I just want to put it out there. I’m happy with sharing my experiences, but I want to share my perspective, because it would help so many other people.” In arriving at her career choice, Mary says much of the credit goes to several teachers who have taught her

Greenville senior on her plans to have a career in screenwriting and giving a better perspective on people with disabilities.

over the entire course of her middle school and high school years, specifically gifted writing teacher Charlotte Lothian, middle school band director Jeff Ayres and high school band director Susan Gould. According to Gould, it’s no surprise to her that Mary has not let her own limitations get the best of her. “Mary never made excuses for her situation. She asked lots of questions, and clarified expectations all the time, which was part of her success. She was always communicating with me,” she said. “Mary’s musical experiences will carry on with her, just as they do any student who has the chance to be part of something like band, orchestra or choir. She’s learned the value of team work, how to create a culture of support and acceptance, and how much our gifts as artists impact others.” Gould has gone as far as making sure Mary could participate in the school’s marching band program, allowing her mother to push her in a wheelchair during halftime performances as she played her saxophone. “My passion for teaching comes from my belief that everyone can and should have the opportunity to learn,” she said. “Exclusions are part of my thinking. Mary was a welcome addition to the band. She was fun, positive, and musically accomplished. She gave back so much to the band as a player. It never occurred to me that she should be sidelined for any reason.” Though a direct connection to writing through music may not be evident on the surface, Mary says if it wasn’t for the chance to be a part of a band program, her writing never would have came through in the way that it has. “I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself, and with day-to-day stresses, people like Mrs. Gould and Mr. Ayres can step me back and show me what I should be looking for and what I need,” she said. “The music department in general has been my safe place, since childhood. I think when I graduate, this is going to be the one thing that is really hard to give up.” csmith@staffordgroup.com (616) 548-8277

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Belding Belding Nearly 140 graduating seniors will participate in Belding High School’s 2016 commencement ceremony 7 p.m. Thursday, May 26, in the high school gymnasium. Several students, chosen through an audition process, will address their classmates. Baccalaureate will be 7 p.m. Sunday, May 22, in the high school auditorium, and Class Honors Night will be 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, in the gymnasium.

Alyssa Adair

Mason Anderson

Taylor Arnold

Logan Bannister

Connor Barker

Nickolas Barr

Nicholas Beagle

Rally Bennett

Hailee Berry

Austin Birdsley

Jordan Birdsley

Justin Blatt

Rayna Bodman

Filippo Borghi

Samantha Boss

Devin Bowers

Jessie Boyd

Shannon Brandli

Anthony Brown

Sarah Brownell

Kristen Bush

Bradley Byrne

Alexis Cahill

Kylee Chickering

“Don’t just be yourself. Be all of yourself. Don’t just live. Be that other thing connected to death. Be life. Live all of your life. Understand it. See it, appreciate it and have fun.” — screenwriter and film director Joss Whedon



to the 2016 Belding Graduates

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016



Montana Cole

Marina Corona

Nicholas Cross

Veronyka Dahl

Mekenzie Davis

Brenden Dines

James Douglas

Joseph Drabik

Morgan Echter

Austin Edwards

Jordyn Engle

Jordan Esposito

Charles Everingham

Matthew Ferman

Jalen Feuerstein

Joshua Foster

Megan Funk

Austin Gay

Congratulations and Good Luck to all

2016 Graduates!

Kristen Bush

Nick Cross



200 N. Gooding Street | Belding | 616-794-1130 228736

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Mike Geiger

Clarissa Gerwig

Nathan Gibson

Ethan Gordon

Martina Griffioen

Michael Griffioen

Alex Guernsey

Kamie Hall

Kelsey Hall

Mitchell Hall

Brendan Hamblin

Taylor Harger

Jasmine Harrison

William Harrison

Riley Haverstick

Brandon Heaton

Makayla Heintzelman

Paulbryant Holyfield

s n o i t a l u t a r g Con Class of 2016

Congratulations Class of 2016 Special Congratulations to Aaron Hogan from Greenville High School


On your graduation day, we offer our congratulations and wish you the best as you embark upon new and exciting endeavors.

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Alexander Hubbert

Brian Huddleston

Krista Hull

Reba Hulliberger

Michael Hunter

Emma Jakeway

Brooke Jenks

McKenzie Johnston

Alyssa Jones

Deven Jones

Carter Kemmis

Samantha Kreeger

Amiah Lake

Jake Larsen

Kelsey Latham

Olivia LeBel

Paige Ledin

Brooke Linebaugh

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Rebecca Loser

Kyle Mansfield

Zachariah Marvin

Nicholas McCarthy

Ryan McMahon

Samantha McNeal

Lucas McNinch

Zachary Merren

Andrew Michelin

Sydney Mikek

Allexius Millering

Sarah Mitchell

Kaitlyn Moon

Julia Moreira

Veronica Muniz

Bridget Myles

Teresa Myles

䌀伀一䜀刀䄀吀唀䰀䄀吀䤀伀一匀 昀爀漀洀 愀氀氀 漀昀 甀猀 愀琀 䴀攀爀挀愀渀琀椀氀攀 䈀愀渀欀 琀漀 琀栀攀 最爀愀搀甀愀琀椀渀最 挀氀愀猀猀 漀昀 ㈀ ㄀㘀℀



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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Caleb Nichol

Skylar Nicholson

Sarah Nummer

Kaylee O’Connor

Haley Olsen

Muhamed Omerovic

Christopher Macedo Ornelas

Alexandria Parker

Zoey Peterson

Emilee Phenix

Ariel Pinks

Michael Porter

Mychaleigha Potratz

Danielle Powers

Aaden Quinn

Tyler Reichel

Ethan Renucci

Andrew Rice II

Ryann Rich

Nancy Robinson


Blake Rodarmer


CLASS 2016

and the

Janne Rosbegal

Julia Rupert

Derek Sabin




BELDING class of




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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Belding (616) 794-0070

Stanton (989) 831-4084

Lakeview (989) 352-6621

Howard City (231) 937-4334


Class of 2016!

Logan Bannister Belding High School

Kyle Mansfield Belding High School


Haley Olsen

Belding High School

Carson Mock

Tri-County High School

Starr Beckman Tri-County High School

Logan Rios

Montabella High School

to our team members on their outstanding achievements!

Ethan Renucci Belding High School

Hailee Berry

Belding High School

Jessica Boerma Lakeview High School

Nancy Brown

Lakeview High School



Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Katherine Sailor-Wilder

Dayton Salik

Brittany Shepard

Mitchell Shepard

Christy Smith

Jasmine Smith

Nikki Snyder

Kelsey Stahlin

Carissa Stenquist

Jacob Straubel

Carrigan Strotheide

Allison Swider

Kimberly Thomas

Levi Thrasher

Benjamin Trann

Taylor Trann

Dekota Treynor

Sarah Vandenberg

Kiley Walch

Tessandra Walters

Amy Warner

Brooklyn White

Greta Wilker

Kory Williams

Tyson Willingham

Katlyn Wood

Sara Wright



“The challenge of life, I have found, is to build a resume that doesn’t simply tell a story about what you want to be, but it’s a story about who you want to be. It’s a resume that doesn’t just tell a story about what you want to accomplish, but why. A story that’s not just a collection of titles and positions, but a story that’s really about your purpose, because when you inevitably stumble and find yourself stuck in a hole, that is the story that will get you out.” — talk show host Oprah Winfrey

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Carson City- Crystal Carson CityCrystal Marc Auge

Taylor Barkley

Jaden Bierman

Kevin Blasher

Allie Brillhart

Alexander Campbell

Gavin Collins

Joshua Cowling Jr.

Andrew Dewald

Y. Duong

Bailey Dunbar

Andrew Emerlander

City-Crystal will see 75 students comprising the Class of 2016. Graduation ceremonies will be 4 p.m. Sunday, June 5, at the Community Fieldhouse. The top academic students will present graduation speeches. Baccalaureate precedes commencement and will be 2 p.m. June 5, also at the Community Fieldhouse. The senior men will don blue caps and gowns and the senior women will wear gold attire with the opposite stole color. The class has chosen the white daisy as their flower. The graduating seniors have designated “100 Years” as their class song and “You can never cross an ocean unless you have the courage to leave the sight of the shore,” by Christopher Columbus, as their class motto.

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Carson City= Crystal

Tabor Erskin

Hazel Evitts

Ethan Felzke

Jonathan Ferris

Dannielle Flick

Frank Funch

Makenna Gable

Andrea Gallagher

Parker Gee

Matthew Hanes

Dakotah Herron

Claire Hubbell

Aaron Hugenot

Lane Humphrey

Mackenzie Johnson

Tabatha Kline

Jarett Larsen

Whitney LaVictor

Haley Lutherloh

Colin Machado

Samantha McCracken

Anna McMillan

Metta Iversen

Michael Miller

Katherine Moe

Katie Moe

Brent Morehouse

Kennedy Murphy

Kendall Norton

Dallas O’Green

Karn Pantarag

Jacob Patterson II

Katelyn Peiffer

Nicole Peterson

Tyler Pinkston

Abigail Postema

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Carson City= Crystal

Zachary Pringle

Tyler Reeves


Sandra Rojas

Lauren Ross

M Denielle Sanborn

Jenna Schneider

Paulina Schoenmeyer

Talon Schrader

Bryce Stout

Garrett Tabor

Brandon Terrell

Kaleb Vargas

Sonia Velez

Autumn Vining

Katelyn Wadle

Madie Weese

any college students are struggling to graduate without accumulating substantial student loan debt. Data compiled from Market Watch, an economy and investing resource, has found that nearly 70 percent of bachelor’s degree recipients leave school with considerable debt. It’s estimated that America’s student loan debt grows almost $3,000 per second. The Institute for College Access & Success has listed the average American student debt at $29,000. The Canadian Federation of Students lists the average debt at $27,000 for Canadian students. The burden of debt may cause graduates to accept the first job offer that comes along and/or impede their ability to buy houses or make other large purchases. Only about 40 percent of borrowers are paying down their debts after landing a job. Graduates should realize that many loans only have six-month grace periods before repayment begins. Those who feel that student loan repayment may be difficult can speak to a financial advisor to go over loan consolidation, refinancing or extending the repayment period to make monthly payments more manageable. — Metro Creative

“Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition.” — technology entrepreneur Steve Jobs

“If you’re willing to stand for what you believe in … you won’t need advice from me, because you will be able to handle whatever comes.” — actress Whoopi Goldberg

Stephen Wolfert

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ChAce Wozniak

Class of 2016 r o i n e C ongrats S



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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Central Montcalm Central Montcalm Ryan Allen

Nels Anderson IV

Steve Avery II

Tyler Badge

Alexis Bannister

Ryan Barber

Mackenzie Barnwell

Paiton Bartz

Valedictorian Laura McCullum and Salutatorian Sydney Stauffer will be among those addressing the Class of 2016 at Central Montcalm High School’s graduation at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 22, in the high school gymnasium. Keynote speaker Amy Meinhardt, superintendent of schools, will be the keynote speaker, saying farewell to the 114 seniors. The graduates have chosen the school colors, green and white, as their class colors and will wear caps and gowns to match. They have chosen the peony as their class flower and “I Lived,” by OneRepublic, as their class song. The class motto is “All our dreams come true if we have courage,” by Walt Disney. Honors Night was Thursday, May 12. Baccalaureate is 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, in the Middle School cafeteria. Ben Crouse, youth pastor at Trinity Church in Stanton, will be the featured speaker. NOT PICTURED: Tyler McGuire

Sawyer Bartz

Caleb Basney

Julie Battaglia

Zachary Weber Bebow

Johanah Beech

Nicholas Bellinger

Tyler Beltz

Harlee Bennett

Michelle Betham

Chelsey Birman

Brent Border

Brandon Braman

Trenton Braman

Mirandah Campbell

Ashleigh Cardenas

Meghan Chapko

Zachary Chatman

Bryant Ciganik

Danielle Clise

David Colbath

Nicole Conover

Neena Cooper

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Central Montcalm

Madison Court

Logan Davis

Emily Devlin

JD Dey

Caleb Dora

Donta Durr

Haley Edwards

Ethan Eedy

Jorim Eldridge

Joshua Eldridge

Rory Eldridge

Wyatt Ellis

Chelsea Evans

Hanna Frost

Sarah Gibbons

Meghan Grams

Triston Graves

Whisper Greenhoe

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Central Montcalm

Alysa Hanna

Megan Hansen

Aubree Harp

Orien Harris

Kenyon Heether

Andrew Heinlein

Breanna Hendrick

Blakely Hubbard

Amanda Indrestrand

Darielle James

Caleb Johnson

Kacey Jones

Justina Kellogg

Dylan Kelly

Logan King

Luke Kitchen

Gabriella Ledesma

Taylor Leland

Trevor Lincoln

Tabbytha Linder

Lauren Lora

Austin Mason

Angelica Mata

Frank Matice

Shawn Matice

Laura McCallum

Kristen Meinhardt

Clarissa Mezquitic

Ava Miller

Joshua Mitchell

Adam Morrison

Preston Mumby

Alexander Myers

Tracee Nathan

Carolyn Nichols

Samantha Nichols

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News

Central Montcalm

Zachry Nichols

Patricia Oyler

Tatianna Perkins

Kylie Pixley

Jasmine Race

Hannah Rauch

Hannah Reames

Mario Rebollar

Cody Rockafellow

Carmen Romo

Logan Sackett

Julie Sannemo

Madison Scholten

Taylor Schultz

Mariah Sorensen

Noah Spohr

Sydney Stauffer

John Wagner

CONGRATS Kalika Wernette

Cajsa Wien



Anna Williams

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Mitchell Wagner

“The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match.

The Place to

is a fuse.” — political commentator Edward Koch


Each one of you

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Greenville Greenville

Travis Adair

Trevor Alexander

Ignacio Algarra

Tatum Allen

Nicole Ambrose

Devon Anderson

Jeremy Andersen

Kristine Andersen

Kaden Antcliff

Conner Antes

Shane Ashbaugh

Greenville Senior High will see approximately 245 seniors participate in graduation 3 p.m. Sunday, June 5, in the North Gym. Keynote speaker will be alumnus Steve Day. The school will acknowledge seniors during Honors Week, Tuesday, May 24 to Thursday, May 26 at Honors Week assemblies. SwingOut will be Friday, May 27, where three of the top academic students will give a welcoming address, the class history, the class farewell. The names of these students will be revealed at Thursday’s academic achievement assembly. Matt Stone, associate pastor of youth and worship, will be the featured speaker at Baccalaureate at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 2, in the Performing Arts Center. The 2016 seniors will wear purple and gold caps and gowns, the school colors. They have opted for the cactus flower as their class flower, and “Go the Distance,” by Michael Bolton, as their class song. A quote by Lewis Carroll, “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take,” is their class motto.


Graduates Robert Ashley

Jessica Bailey

Trent Baillargeon

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well not have lived at all; in which case, you’ve failed by default. “ — author J.K. Rowling

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Nicholas Baker

Kayla Bartosiewicz

Amber Bartrum

Nadia Battles

Lorelei Beardsley

Mackenzie Bell

Samantha Bennett

Samantha Bergeron

Austin Blaszczynski

Holden Blatt

Matthew Borowka

Megan Bouman

Kerstyn Bradley

Octavia Brom

Sabrina Brown-Fadder

Cody Buchanan

Joseph Burger

Paige Burns

from your family at


As a cooperating partner of the community, Greenville Public Schools will assure all students the education necessary to participate as responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.

We congratulate our 2016 Graduating High School Senior



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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Nelson Byington

Alexandra Campbell

Emily Campbell

Tyler Campbell

Makayla Cardosa

Jeremy Carey

Jenna Caswell

Ciara Cathey

Carolina Centemero

Benjamin Christensen

Emma Christensen

Lucas Christensen

Alex Clark

Breona Clifford

Cody Collier

Hannah Collins

Derik Compton

Madelyn Connell

Anika Cooper-Milliken

Jonathan Craig

Callum Crowley

Hannah Crittenden

Melissa Cross

Garret Deal

Megan Debri

Kearsten DeGood

Zachary DeGroat

Cody DeKoekkoek

Alexandrea Demorest

Congratulations 2016 Seniors!


JaCob straubel

Belding HigH ScHool 2016 grad




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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Congratulations Class of 2016

special Congratulations to...

Zach Earles Greenville

Trent Heintzelman Greenville

Colton Holliday Greenville

Josh Johnson Greenville

Matt Kilts Greenville

Tristen Potter Greenville

Macade Paulson Lakeview

Tony Seaborn Lakeview

Mike Parker Tri County

Hunter Throop Vestaburg

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


James Denevan

Laycie Denman

Veronica Dennis

Makayla Dentis

Dustin Despain

Brandon Dines

Stephanie Doyle

Eliana Drake

Lane Duell

Zachary Earles

Ryan Eastwood

Jonette Larsen Eckholdt

Dakota Esther

Logan Evans

Paige Evans

Kyle Farmer

Justin Ferguson

Ethan Fisher



Since 1917, Chemical Bank has been dedicated to helping Michigan grow and thrive. We’re proud to support our local communities across the state, while helping make the dreams of our customers a reality. Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2016! 228763

Saturday, May 16, 2015 • Daily News



Alec Fowler

Vincent Frank

Krysta Frye

Lucas Fuhrman

Julia Gabrysh

Adrian Juarez Garcia

Drew Gatchel

Alex Getts

Emily Gibson

Michael Preston Gillam

Dontae’ Gillis

Cole Gleason

Bryelle Gloden

Gabrielle Goins

Daniel Golden

Kinsey Golden

Madysson Goldsmith

Makayla Goldsmith



Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Parker Gough

Caleb Green

Alec Grice

Barrett Griffith

Jonathon Grube

Colin Guckes

Katelin Gyurnek

Chad Hall

Caroline Hamel

Christina Hamel

Tyler Hanes

Payton Haney

Cole Hansen

Gerrit Harding

Meredith Harter

Brekken Hayes

Trenton Heintzelman

“My father could’ve been a great comedian but he didn’t believe that was possible for him. And so he made a conservative choice and instead got a safe job as an accountant. And when I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job and our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.” — actor Jim Carey

Congratulations 2016 Graduates!

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Congratulations Class of 2016

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class of

Saturday, May 16, 2015 • Daily News



Aaron Higgins

Kaylee Hinton

Aaron Hogan

Zachary Holder

Colton Holliday

Stephanie Holtsclaw

Britney Hopkins

Trenton Hopkins

Lucas Hubbard

Dillon Hudson

Christopher Huffman

William Huiet

Hannah Huizenga

Jordan Hunting

Jake Januzelli

Jacob Jensen

Brenton Johnson

Drew Johnson


Congratulations Class of 2016



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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016



Joshua Johnson

Nicholas Johnson

Brittany Kauffman

Darian Kavanagh

Derick Kent

Charlotte Kerr

Casey Kilts

Matthew Kilts

Jenn King

Brenda Klunder

Eugene Kroesing III

Tyler Krogman

William Kronlein

Tyler Kuiper

Supakarn Laorattanakul

Jacob LeBarre

Amelia Lincoln





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Saturday, May 16, 2015 • Daily News



Chase Lincoln

Zoe Lincoln

Samuel Lindeman

Hampus Ljunglof

Lacie Lovell

Rebecca Luscher

Logan MacMillen

Nolan MacMillen

Heath Magnuson

Jacob Magoon

Kaylee Maguire

Danielle Mahar

Eva Manhart

Andrew Mason

Veronica Mason

Isabelle Matthews

Collin McCain

William McDonald

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Danielle Mahar

Kalika Wernette


Central Montcalm

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Mary McDonough

Mariah Meier

Elvia Mendez

Isabella Miller

MacKenzie Miller

Dimitry Monblanc

Konner Moore

Peyton Mount

Christopher Mourer

Trevor Myers

Suthasinee Naktnasukanjn

Tyler Navarre

Hannah Nelson

Drew Neve

Ashley Newberg

Cherish Nichols

Sawyer Nichols

Travis Nichols

Graduating Class of 2016


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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Charity Miller

Sonia Velez-Bentacurt


Stephanie Harig

JD Dey

Neena Cooper


Olivia Lebel


Kaylee Wade

We at McDonald’s congratulate our student employees for twelve years of successful studies. These young people are fine examples of the calibre of youth in our community. Their hard work both at work and at school makes us proud. Join with us in congratulating them and wishing them continued success in their lives.

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Elizabeth Sage

Nicholas Stratton

Joel Bucao

Daven LaFever

Mackenzie Haddix

Marisol Bucao


Daniel Perry

Devon Perry

Joe Vanzytveld

Katrina Buskirk

Kimberly Buskirk

Kobe Perez


Naomi Ostrander


Taylor Arnold

Nicholas Barr

Justin Blatt


Addison Cummins

Holli Thacker

Caleb Nichol

Zachary Owens


Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Adam Nicholson

Natalie Nicholson

Angelica Northern

Dakota Nostrant

Bailey O’Neal

Alec O’Connor

Bailey O’Neil

Ashley Parish

Alyssa Peckham

Kyley Pike

Kyleigh Platt

Gabriel Ploeg

Alexis Pollack

Tristen Potter

James Powell

Warren Powers

Rebecca Ramirez

Aiden Tatum-Ramirez

Peter Ramos

Sharon Ras

Elizabeth Raven

Jacob Reamer

Brendon Roberts

Nathanael Scott

Justin Sabo

Elizabeth Sage

Kyle Schlienz

Emily Schnepp

Tayler Schofield

Jessica Schutte

Community First Federal Credit Union

s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C 2016 To the class of

and especially...

Adela Sedlackova

Brianna Shanahan

Jordan Rosset

Ronald Shoner

CLASS of 2016

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Cheyenne Rasmussen

Jacob Ridgeway

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Trinity Slack

Kyle Smith

Douglas Smith Jr.

Olivia Sowerby

Mitchell Spitzley

Ryan Sprague

Donovan Springsteen

McKenzie Stephens

Rachel Storie

Brandon Swindell

Caden Swindell

Silver Swindell

Devin Taber

Michael Tallman

Kara Taylor

Maria Teles

Alex Thomason

Devon Thompson

Katrina Thompson

Linsie Thorlund

Dylan Tiffany

Kaleb Tipton

Gabriel Tower

Elise Underhill

Kathryn VanBenneKom

Rebecca VanBenneKom

Jessica Stel Vander

Morgan VanNortrick

“Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art.” — author Neil Gaiman

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Cameron Visser

Neeva Waldron

Alexia Warner

Bridget Waters

Kendra Whipkey

Shannon White

Kyle Whitten

Jacob Wieck

Chase Wietsma

Klay Wilfong

Brianne Wolfgang

Kody Wood

Veronica Wood

Spencer Wyckoff

Inego Zamora Jr.

Rylee Zayler


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Congratulations Alec Fowler Greenville High School Class of 2016 ~ and ~ 2016 Graduate of the Montcalm County Fire Academy

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Lakeview Lakeview Lakeview High School will honor approximately 90 seniors from the Class of 2016 at commencement exercises at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 5, at Kos Field. In case of inclement weather, the graduation service will be moved to the high school gymnasium. The senior class nominates speakers among their peers to give graduation addresses. This year’s speakers will be Lauren Corwin, Jordan Rosset, Jacob Ridgeway, Tony Seaborn, Camie Cooper and Jenna Tanner. Keynote speaker will be Sean Rinehart, a high school English teacher. “The Anthem,” by Good Charlotte, has been chosen as the class song, and the rose as the class flower. The seniors have opted for blue as their class color. Baccalaureate will be 7 p.m. Friday, June 3, at New Life Church.

Jacob Anderson

Trevor Arnold

Kara Baker

Patricia Beckett

Christopher Beerbower

Luke Bellamy

Jessica Boerma

Olivia Bowers

Bradley Bowser

Benjamin Bradley

Nancy Brown

Reed Carpenter

Elliot Christensen

Cheyanne Clanche

Megan Clark

Daniel Cole

Camie Cooper

Lauren Corwin

Zane Cour

Addison Cummings

Chloe Daniels

Hannah Estelle

Kaylee Eves

Ryan Finup




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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Jesse Gorney II

Brandon GundermanLake

Michael Hallada

Jonathon Hansen

Mason Hansen

Nathan Harger

Stephanie Harig

Amanda Heady

Breanna Heimbecker

Erick Hernandez

Dakota Hershberger

Andrew Howard

Dakota Johnson

Kevin Johnson

Kirsten Johnson

Jesse Kent

William Kettler

Delanie King

Kennedy Kohler

Carli Large

Christopher Lawens

Marcus Leach

Giacomo Lorenzini

Michael Madlener

Vaughan Martens

Nathan Massie

Emily Molitor

Zachariah Morris

Samantha Nadeau

Gabriela Nepomuceno

Madison Nielsen

Tabitha Nielsen

Jordan Oberlin

Arianna Ornelas

Macade Paulson

Kobe Perez

CLASS of 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Daniel Perry

Devon Perry

James Post

Cheyenne Rasmussen

Gordan Rausch

Brookelyn Reed

Trevor Rentschler

Riley Reynard

Jacob Ridgeway

Mariel Rodero

Nicholas Roper

Jordan Rosset

Justice Rummel

Penny Sapp

Brittaney Schnick

Anthony Seaborn

Dustin Shumate

Charles Staffen

Jacob Tanner

Jenna Tanner

Holli Thacker

Kaitlyn Thebo

Evan Tucker

Joseph VanZytveld

Morgan Wenzel

Dakota Wert

Hunter Willard

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Montabella Montabella Nickolas Stratton, as valedictorian, and Alyvia Karcher, as salutatorian and class president, are the top academic students from the 57 graduating from Montabella High School. Commencement will be 6 p.m. Sunday, June 5, in the elementary school gymnasium. High School Principal Shane Riely will be the featured speaker. The students will also be recognized at 6 p.m. June 2, at Baccalaureate in the high school gymnasium, and Honors Night at 7 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. The white rose tipped in blue is the flower for the Class of 2016, and the school colors — navy and white — are the class colors. “Here I Go Again,” by Whitesnake, is the class song. “Quietly chase your dreams, but always know the road that’ll lead you home again,” by Tim McGraw, is the class quote.

Allison Allen

John Amland

Analice Armbruster

Joshua Balhorn

Brennon Ball

Michael Bassett

Nicholas Boyer

Garrett Braman

Johna Brittain

Joel Bucao

Marisol Bucao

Katrina Buskirk

Kimberly Buskirk

Colby Butler

Brianna Carson

Aleeya Chaney

Emily Chaney

Alexis Cross

John Donnelly II

Kelton Eldred

Fredrika Engstrom

O’Malley Ferguson

Alex Gendreau

Michael Gibbs

Robert Gilman Jr.

MacKenzie Haddix

Shiane Hallock

Timothy Hockstra

Hunter Hunnicutt

Austin Huntoon

dance Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News

Passion for dancing has shaped Montabella’s O’Malley Ferguson’s life — past, present and future


‘Malley Ferguson will tell you she’s a good student, looking forward to attending Grand Valley State University in the fall, loves English class, adores her family and loves hanging out with friends. She may even tell you she’s just a typical teen, which may be true ... until she steps into the dance studio. There has always been something that has stood out with the 17-year-old Montabella High School senior. If not the apostrophe in her first name, then it’s her long, red hair, sparkling blue eyes and an infectious smile. But what separates O’Malley the most from the rest of her senior class of about 60 students is her love for — and dedication to — the art of dancing.

live to

By Ryan Schlehuber • Daily News


features editor


DuHadway Dance Dimensions has been a flourishing business in the MidMichigan area for the past 24 years under the ownership and direction of Jillian and Rob DuHadway. As a young instructor, Jillian worked under the tutorship of dance instructor Linda Lee Abbott, who owned a dance studio in Alma prior to the DuHadways taking it over. The dance studio was built within Linda’s home, which was symbolic in that for years, young dancers, from ages 3 to 18, have dedicated so much of their time at the studio training for recitals and competitions that it became a second home to many of them. They would come from all over Mid-Michigan, from as far as Bay City and DeWitt to as close as Lakeview, Carson City and, of course, Edmore. Since she was 3 years old, O’Malley has been making the 30-minute trip from Edmore to Alma three to four times a week to attend classes and train, oftentimes not arriving home until 10 p.m. that evening. Her mother, Stacy Fournier of Edmore, said, at times, it wasn’t easy, making several sacrifices of family time, but it was well worth it. “I have always loved ballet, but I never danced,” said Stacy, a Montabella graduate. “I love watching dance performances and plays, and when I heard about the DuHadway studio from a friend, I started O’Malley out with classes to see if she’d like it.” It didn’t take long for O’Malley’s mother or instructor to see the little 3-year-old redhead had a real love for dancing. “She’s like our daughter,” Jillian said about O’Malley. “I still remember her when she was 3. She has always loved dancing. You could see it in her eyes then and she’s still the same now. She sucks it all in, taking every opportunity she can to learn from others.” At an early age, O’Malley began learning the many different dance genres — contemporary, lyrical, jazz, ballet, point, tap and hip hop. By age 8, she became a member of the studio’s elite competitive

Photos by Hayley Hamlin Photography | www.hayleyhamlin.com

dance team, honing her skills and feeding her love of dance. When she reached high school, O’Malley began performing solo dances, both for recital and competition. “She’s always been passionate about dancing,” Stacy said. “It’s been a lot of work, but it’s been a lot of fun for her, too. It’s not just the dancing, though. She loves to dress up in costumes, get all gussied up for recitals and competi-

tions. She has enjoyed all the aspects of dancing.”


What was once a passionate hobby at a young age, dancing now is as serious a dedication as it can be for O’Malley, so much so that she will be studying it further into college, along with special education. That dedication has, at times, brought

some hardships for O’Malley, who says there are times she struggles with trying to fit in all other aspects of her life, including homework and sleep. But she believes she has gained much more than she has sacrificed over the years. “It’s taught me so much, especially about myself,” she said. “Aside from the dance aspect of it, I’ve learned how to See Dancing, Page 38


Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Daily News/Ryan Schlehuber

Montabella High School senior O’Malley Ferguson will attend Grand Valley State University in the fall to futher her dancing career as well as study special education.

Courtesy photo

Having overcome a stress fracture in her foot in December, Montabella High School senior O’Malley Ferguson was able to compete in a solo routine at a competition in February in Toledo, Ohio, earning a third place finish on the day.

Dancing Continued from Page 37 manage my time, how to get everything done while dealing with a strenuous activity, and I’ve learned how to deal with people and form relationships with them.” Though O’Malley admits there have been times she’s thought about taking a break from dancing, she’s glad she stuck with it, mostly because when she is stressed out, it’s dancing that can help her escape the realities of life. “It’s my getaway,” she said. “When I’m stressed out about school or stressed out because of family, or anything like that, it’s just something I can go to that takes my mind off it and I just go and dance. It relieves all stress, any problems that I’m having, or any doubts I’m having; I can just get away from it all and dance.” Once the music begins and her body starts in a rhythmic motion, the rest of the world could crumble at her feet and she might not even notice, or care. “There’s no place I’d rather be,” O’Malley said. “Everything is clear. There’s no gray area.” Her mother said she has always loved that her daughter has never lost her passion to dance and has shown the dedication to stick with it, however, it’s O’Malley’s ability to keep the rest of her life balanced at the same time that has really impressed her. “I’m am so proud of her,” Stacy said. “She has blossomed into a beautiful person because of dancing.

What I love most is that she has become a complete, well-minded person because of it. And she’s been a great student, great with scheduling her time. She’s been so self-sufficient.”

ONE MORE TIME Having performed solos as a sophomore and junior, O’Malley will once again take on the challenge in her final year in high school. After a performing in a recital in June at Central Michigan University with her studio dancers, O’Malley will begin focusing solely on training for nationals, which will be in Sandusky, Ohio, in the first week July. She will perform a routine with a small group from DuHadway Dance Dimensions but will also compete in a solo dance, performing a contemporary dance choreographed by Rachel Pawson of Alma, who is now a professional dancer in Detroit. For O’Malley, solos are not stressful, not to her, anyway. Not even a stress fracture to her foot she suffered earlier this winter can shake her confidence. “I don’t have stage fright when I’m up there,” she said. “It’s funny because I’ll get nervous going up in front of class to give a speech, but I can dance in front of a hundred-plus people.” The most difficult obstacle about solos is just getting through the whole routine, she said.

“Having the stamina to get through it and make sure I breath, that’s the hardest part about it,” she said. O’Malley’s favorite dance genres are contemporary and jazz, although her instructor says she’s the package deal when it comes to talented dancers. “As she has grown up, O’Malley has come into her own as far as individual style,” Jillian said. “She may say contemporary or jazz is her favorite genre to dance to, but she’s well-rounded. She can do tap, ballet, hip hop; she can do all the genres pretty well. She’s equally strong in everything. “She has the abilities to be a professional dancer,” Jillian added. “She has the skill set and natural abilities to do it. It’s up to her to do something with it.” For O’Malley, that’s the plan. “After college, I see myself dancing with a dance company or working at a dance studio teaching others,” she said. “I’d like to be a teaching figure to other kids. “I always love seeing all of my instructors at the competitions with us, helping us, supporting us and I want to be that figure for someone else.” Along with her mother, O’Malley’s family includes her father, Ryan Fournier of Mount Pleasant, and her 13-year-old brother, McKeegan. scoop@staffordgroup.com (616) 548-8279

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News



Alyvia Karcher

Jalen Kilcherman

Judson Kilcherman

Rachel Kirby

Ryan Kuczynski

Zachery Lahti

Allison Lau

Daven LeFever

Logan Loper

Denny Lunsted Jr.

Laura Main

Makala Newville

Alexys Nisonger

Jordan Papendick

Ken Parks

Megan Plaster

Ryan Raglin

Weston Renne

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tri County Tri County Economics teacher Erik Barnard will be the featured speaker at Tri County High School’s graduation. The commencement ceremony will be 7 p.m. Thursday, May 26, in the high school gymnasium. Valedictorians Dylan Matulis, Jordan Brady, Morgan Murphy, Sarah Beardsley and Jacob Sickelsteel and Salutatorians Aubrey PattersonHolsworth, Hannah Drouin, Erin Snyder and Rachel Bosley will also address their classmates. The Class of 2016 is comprised of 162 students. Honors Night was Thursday, May 5, in the high school gymnasium and Baccalaureate is 6 p.m. Sunday, May 15, with Jorge Ballivian the keynote speaker. The class motto is “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever,” by Walt Disney, and the Class Charity: Tri County High School Angel Fund provides for high school students who have needs that cannot be met by their family. The 2016 class colors are black and gold and the class song is “It’s Time,” by Imagine Dragons.

Hunter Alexander

German Perez Alonso

Cory Barr

Bradley Barrett

Noah Bashore

Sarah Batenburg

Sarah Beardsley

Cosima Becker

Starr Beckman

Johnathan Becktell

Kayla Beemer

Nicholas Bergman

Alexis Bogardus

Rachel Bosley

Zachary Bosley

Alexis Bouck

Anthony Bouwens

Nathaniel Bouwer

Etta Bowen

Alisa Bowyer

Alexis Bozek

Nathan Bradley

Jordan Brady

Joshua Brady

Kaitlin Brantley

Tristan Briggs

Sarah Caesar

Tyler Calhoun

Lauren Cater

Jesse Chatman

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Tri County

Matthew Cooper

Laurissa Cornell

Alivia Dailey

Bobbie Dillon

Brooke Dillon

William Docter

Hannah Drouin

Hoang Duong

Shelbie Elerick

Shawn Elock

Mariana Faleiro

Titus Fankhauser

Katelyn Fifield

Kayla Fifield

Matthew Findley

Zachary Flanery

Brendan Flintoff

Nichlas Flintoff

Congratulations 196732 196732


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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tri County

Cody Fockler

Felecia Free

Alexis Freeland

Cynenia Fry

Christian Fugate

Anissa Gardner

Kimberly Garner

Katrina Gilbert

Dean Gillespie

Marta Alvarez-Gomez

Megan Gould

Ruth Graham

Shawn Griffee

Zachary Griffin

Coy Hall

Marcus Hall

Melodie Hardie

Colton Harris

Congratulations & Good Luck to All 2016 Graduates! We hope you will be blessed with great success in every field you pursue! 100 S. Greenville West Dr. • Greenville, MI 48838 ph (616) 225-2730 4353 Sawkaw Dr. • Grand Rapids, MI 49525 ph (616) 363-9821

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Tri County

Jayden Hayman

Alexis Holappa

Alexandria Holdridge

Li Huo

Ethan Hysell

Ariana Imoff

Kana Ishikawa

Kaitlyn Jensen

Alley Jones

Peyton Karhoff

Kaitlynn Karl

Alexander Kerslake

Aaron Kindel

Frances King

Levi Kinsey

Joel Kinsey

Benjamin Kleczynski

Jessica Klein

Kaelee Korcal

Rebecca Larrabee

Melissa Lehmkuhle

Anthany Lesley

Madison Ludtke

Seth Male

Dylan Matulis

Zachary McCall


Eric Hayden


Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tri County

Hannah McFarland

Nicholas McGhan

Britney McNay

Gage Mendez

Maria Mendez

Joshua Meredith

Chase Michalski

Camron Miller

Carson Mock

Heather Moore

Cody Moyer

Morgan Murphy

Elizabeth Nagy

Noelle Olsen

Chelsea Otten

Anna Overbeek

Zachary Owens

Michael Parker


s e t a u d a Gr

Montcalm & Ionia County Graduation Ceremony ..... May

31, 2016 Greenville High School Auditorium ............................ 7:00 pm Keynote Speaker ........ Superintendent of Belding Area Schools, Sara


Belding AreA SchoolS Samantha Andres, Blair Ashley, Margaretta Bates, Tiffany Bush, Jade Kiko, Sarah Ritz, Devin Thomsen, Anna Hoven, Jocelyn Rigg, Tyler Anderson, Brittany Yarhouse, Sarah Moon, Nadia Rassat, Rosalba Torres

lAkeview coMMunity SchoolS Anabelle Northrup, Hannah Morgan, McKayla Denman, Whitney Franklin, Nicholas Gilbert, Kirsten Jackson Holly Moore, Iretha Wyman, Autumn Reiffer, Alexis Jones, Tori Solmonson, Ray Fish, Brandon Stressman

centrAl MontcAlM PuBlic SchoolS Trisha Cooper, Mercedes Mast, Codey Schodowski

MontABellA coMMunity SchoolS Matthew Crosby, Tiayana Dalrymple, Shasta Lunsted

ioniA PuBlic SchoolS Kaylie McCoy, Alysse Helmus, Mareesa VanSiclen, Paige Hart, Theresa Townsend

tri county AreA SchoolS Nickolas Hale, Kieley Putmon, Chelsey Ogden, Cheyenne Jackson, Chad Sissell, Somer Barnes, Nicole Tower

veStABurg coMMunity SchoolS Kiley Ingraham, Anthony TreDenick

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Tri County

Aubrey Holsworth-Patterson

Arthur Perkins

Zachariah Perkins

Dustin Prins

Logan Reed

Skylar Reed

Chase Richard

Katelyne Rollston

DoShaun Routsaw

Felicia Rubingh

Logan Rudicil

Molly Ryan

Nutsatee Saibuator

Erin Scheidel

David Schnicke

Shyanne Scott

Mackenzie Semposki

Lauren Seymour

Jacob Sickelsteel

Jordan Smith

Sylvia Smith

Erin Snyder

Tyler Sosnowski

Autumn Stearns

Danielle Stewart

Adrianna Straub

Taylor Stressman

Sarah Strutzel

Emily Sturgeon

Joseph Sytsma

Congratulations Class of 2016

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tri County

Jarrod Tague

Spencer Taylor

Brittney Terry

Lena Thompson

Justin Thurston

Ryan VanderMeulen

Jamie VanSetters

Staci Viers

Taylor Wagner

Megan Wall

Anne Wallace

Weston Watchorn

Adrianna Wheeler

Hunter Wiltjer

Miranda Womble

Cole Workman

Cody Wright

Melaina Wykes

Brooklynn Young

Andrew Zerbe

Vet tech students accept internships at KC Zoo

Courtesy photo

Graduating Baker College veterinary technology students, from left, Kaylee McCollum and Wilhelmina Klett will intern at the Kansas City Zoo, one of the nation’s largest.

College of Muskegon president. “For students who want careers working with exotic animals, interning at such a large and diverse zoo is a dream come true. We are gratified to know that our students have gained the credentials necessary to fulfill those dreams.” The internships will include a broad range of veterinary tasks and responsibilities with many species of animals. Each student will spend more than 400 hours of hands-on training that includes participating in immobilization procedures, anesthesia, radiography, preventative health, phlebotomy and more.

Klett and McCollum are passionate about their future careers and hope to work at zoos. Klett said the diversity of the animals is a big part of why she is excited to begin her internship. “I am most looking forward to learning more about the many species housed at the Kansas City Zoo, especially the new baby chimpanzee born this year,” said Klett. “I am also excited for ‘keeper days’ when I get to work side-byside with multiple zookeepers and learn what their jobs entail.” McCollum said she is especially glad she chose Baker College because the training is exactly what she

needed to get great experience through great internships. “The Baker College program has taught me a lot about exotic animals and their veterinary care,” she said. “I am currently interning at John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids where I have had amazing opportunities and experiences. In Kansas City I am looking forward to the work being hands on every day. It is going to be a great look into what working in the field is really like.” Klett and McCollum plan to take the Veterinary Technician National Exam this summer. In Michigan, those who pass the exam become Licensed Veterinary Technicians or LVTs. The veterinary technology profession is diverse, and opportunities for technicians are extremely varied. Career opportunities exist within, but are not limited to small and large animal hospitals, zoos, animal parks, research, education, pharmaceuticals and the military. For more information about the Baker College veterinary technology program, contact Kathy Jacobson in the admissions office at kathy.jacobson@baker.edu or (231) 777-5200, or visitwww.baker.edu.

Ferris OKs nursing, brew management degrees By The Associated Press

BIG RAPIDS — Trustees for Ferris State University have given approval to add a doctorate of nursing practice and an associate degree in brew management. The Grand Rapids Press reported Monday that the doctorate program is designed to take three years and be online and part-time.

Students would start enrolling in fall 2017. According to the university, an industry need is expected to be met by the new associate degree of applied science in professional brew management. Paul Blake, provost and vice president for academic affairs, says the degree will “provide entry into one of the fastest-growing segments of the restaurant industry.”

Vestaburg Community Schools


Special to The Daily News

MUSKEGON — Two students in the Baker College of Muskegon associate veterinary technology program have accepted 12-week internships at the Kansas City Zoo, one of the nation’s largest. Wilhelmina Klett of Holland will begin the internship June 14, four days after graduating; Kaylee McCollum of Muskegon will also graduate in June and will begin her internship in September. The Kansas City Zoo, Kansas City, Missouri, is a 202-acre nature sanctuary. Among its many honors is its inclusion in “America’s Best Zoos 2008,” with a number-one ranking for viewing chimpanzees and kangaroos and in “African Animals and Exhibits.” The zoo was also among the top 10 for “Australian Animals and Exhibits” and “Pachyderms: Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos.” Famed ape expert Jane Goodall said that the zoo has “one of the finest chimpanzee exhibits in North America.” “This is an extraordinary opportunity for these dedicated students and is a positive reflection of Baker College’s veterinary technology program,” said Lee Coggin, J.D., Baker

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Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Vestaburg Vestaburg Jacie Bissell and Cammi Clouse will reign as valedictorians of the Vestaburg Class of 2016, and Allison Keyes earned salutatorian honors. The top three academic students will address the graduating class of 57 at commencement at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 5, in the high school gymnasium. Baccalaureate is tentatively scheduled for Friday, June 3. The seniors have chosen the red rose as their class flower and red and silver as their class colors. “Forever Young,” by JayZ, is the class song and “Remember how far you have come, not just how far you have to go. You may not be where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be,” is the class quote. Senior Honors Night is 6:30 p.m. May 25, in the high school gymnasium.

Marcus Benavidez

Jacie Bissell

Ashley Blanks

Elizabeth Brauher

Kassidy Carll

Jake Chase

Caitlin Clouse

Cammi Clouse

Nicole Cooley

Emily Deal

Jennifer Denman

Derek Donley

Collin Dove

Heather Fishburn

Troy Freeman

Timothy Gondek

Katie Grover

Patrick Haas

Kenneth Hale

Everett Hammond

Kodie Hansen

Xochitl Hernandez

Jonathon Hewitt

Ta’Kyla Irwin

Hayden Jenison

Zachary Johnston

Trevor Ketner

Allison Keyes

Mikayla Kilchermann

Jordan Marshall

Johannah McCarty

Seth Patton


Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016


Beth Haven Baptist Academy

Beth Haven Ciarra Petersen

Zackary Peterson

Baptist Academy

Bailey Phillips

Samantha Kellogg

Tyler Ruckle

Trevor Seeley

Andrew Smith

Beth Haven Baptist Academy will have 2016 graduation at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 29, at the church. Former teacher and school principal Jacob Chavez will be the featured speaker. The four seniors have chosen royal blue and silver as their class colors and the white rose as their class flower. “The Star Spangled Banner” will be the song for the Class of 2016. Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver or gold,” is the class verse.

Steve Marticorena

Alexander Steed

Scott Stewart

Hunter Throop

Sterling Morris

Karen Tipton

Riccardo Tosato

Bailey Turnwald

Byron VanHorn

Kylee Wentworth

Shelby Wilmot

Hunter Winkelman

Brandon Wrisley

Johanna Snyder

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News


Fellowship Baptist Academy


Baptist Academy

Samantha Chandler

Abbie DeVries

Kik Panatda Khrueakaew

Charity Miller

Noah Howdyshell

Inji Kang

Kyle Prichard

Miranda Rogers

Phil Howdyshell will be the keynote speaker at Fellowship Baptist Academy 2016 graduation ceremonies. He will give a commencement address to the nine 2016 graduates. Valedictorian Tom Ross and Salutatorian Kyle Prichard will also give graduation speeches. Graduation will be at 7 p.m. Friday, May 27, at the church. The seniors have chosen the sunflower as their class flower. They have also picked sky blue as their class color. Jeremiah 29:11: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” has been chosen as the class verse and “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire,” by Jennifer Lee is the Class of 2016 motto. The class song is “Dare You to Move,” by Switchfoot.

Vacation trip to Cuba influences Belding’s Loser wraps up a high Vestaburg senior’s career goals school career of helping others By Lori Hansen

By Lori Hansen

Daily News correspondent

Daily News correspondent

VESTABURG — Jacie Bissell says some of the best things about high school are networking, and figuring out how to get done what she wants to do. The 18-year-old senior knows that once she sets her mind on something, she only has to figure out how she is going to get there. “Jacie is self-motivated, and very driven,” said Brandon Hubbard, superintendent of Vestaburg Community Schools. “Once she has single mindedly set her sights on a goal, she will do all she can to reach it.” Right now, Bissell, the daughter of Brent and Katie Bissell, has set her goals on attending Calvin College in the fall to major in biology. “I chose biology because Calvin does not have a premed major. I knew I wanted to be immersed with other like-minded students. I like how Calvin has a friendly, studious, and Christian student body,” said Bissell, who is co-valedictorian of the Class of 2016. With that major, she hopes to apply to medical school, and once she has her medical degree, she plans to travel the world, providing medical care for those less fortunate.

BELDING — Rebecca “Becca” Loser is a graduating senior from Belding High School and hopes to pursue a career in nonprofit management and global studies. She chooses that word “hopes” very carefully as she realizes that many graduates change their majors and many adults change careers. “I’m going to Western Michigan University, and that is what I will start out in,” said Loser, 18, the daughter of Patricia and John Loser, “and then we’ll see what happens.” The carefree attitude, however, doesn’t mean that Loser hasn’t thought it through or is nonchalant, but instead shows realistic forethought and planning. This kind of thinking has been a boon during her high school years as she served as president of the National Honor Society, president of the Drama Club, president of Student Council, brass captain for marching band, and is in Future Farmers of America, where she won an essay contest on the topic of Hunger in America. “Becca is one of the most positive, uplifting students,” said Belding High School Principal

Daily News/Lori Hansen

Jacie Bissell is a member of Michigan Ski for Life, where she volunteers to help those with disabilities still enjoy the sport.

Bissell had a taste of that career when she and her parents went on a two-week mission trip to Cuba, a celebration of her 18th birthday. Bissell volunteers at her church children’s program, Friends. She is president of the National Honor Society, president of the student council, and is on the school softball, volleyball, ski team, and Model UN teams, and volunteers for Backpack Buddies and Cool to Be Kind programs. One of her favorite activities is volunteering for Michigan Ski for Life, and program where skiers help those with disabilities enjoy the winter pastime. “I worked as a ski guide for a blind woman,” said Bissell. “She is an all-around

young lady, who is a role model for others and who works hard at everything she does,” said Hubbard. Along with high school, she has already completed 25 college credits. “I have never had problems with my grades, but I am not afraid of saying no to hanging out with friends to finish my school work. I have also worked on homework on the weekends,” she said. Packing her senior year with leadership roles, academic goals, athletics, volunteerism and church activities, Bissell’s advice for the 2017 seniors is “Enjoy your senior year; you will not get it back. Make the most of it and do not be afraid of the future.” Daily News correspondent Lori Hansen is a Greenville area resident.

Daily News/Lori Hansen

Becca Loser has been involved in athletics, and many extracurricular activities throughout her high school career, but still likes to kick back sometimes.

Brett Zuver. “She is involved in nearly every extracurricular activity there is, and is a very wellrounded young lady.” But it is through programs like Ionia County Trail Blazers, Big Brother/ Big Sisters and the school LINK program where she honed in on her possible college major. “The Trailblazers is a program where you help disabled people participate in sports,” said Loser, who played golf her freshmen year and ran track her sophomore and junior year. “I found out athletics really isn’t my thing, but I enjoy helping other people find the joy in it.” Loser, a french horn player and 2016 Homecoming Queen, also

paired up with students with disabilities through LINK, a program that pairs up older high school students with students new to the building. “Becca is the kind of student who makes everyone feel welcome,” said Zuver. “Her kindness and respect for each and every one is unbelievable. She walks down the halls and smiles and waves at everyone, and has this way about her that when she talks with a student, she makes them feel important. She is a great student to have in our school.” Loser also volunteers for Vacation Bible School at her church Saranac Community Church, and See Belding Senior, Page 50


Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

Grattan Academy

Grattan Academy Valedictorian Josiah Jacobsson and Salutatorian Nikolas Worden are the top academic seniors for the Grattan Academy Class of 2016 and will give commencement speeches at graduation at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, in the high school gymnasium. The Class of 2016 has 22 graduating seniors. The school-wide assembly at 1:30 p.m. May 25, will honor the seniors and other high school classmates at an Honors Assembly. The Class of 2016 has opted for the orchid as their class flower, gold and crimson as their class colors, and “Never Gonna Give You Up,” by Rick Astley, as their class song. A keynote speaker for graduation has not yet been announced.

Espen Andersen

Cheyenne Dickinson

Stella DiLuca

Bhandita Divari

Zakariah Elenbaas

Daniel Garcia

Alexis Gavitt

Iida Helander

Josiah Jacobsson

Andrew Kleck

Austin Kuiper

Hayley Lilly

Sebastian Soerensen

James Steiner

Lacey Storey

Rio Suzuki

Devon Hoard

Roberto Y Teran Mier

Austin Hudson

Jaquelle Reisner

Parents: Keep eye on ‘ABCs’ of child

Belding Senior Continued from Page 49

Nikolas Worden

participates in youth group there. There are plans in the works for her and her sister to sing a duet there as they are both home this summer. She has worked for many summers at Portage Lake Bible Camp, and will return to work in the kitchen this summer. As she walked through the halls of her school, smiling and greeting each student, she pointed out the hallway of art work created by art students, and the unique décor in the cafeteria, and bragged about the re-vamped construction of the school done during her four years there. But the place she was most pleased with, the

place she calls her part of the school, is the drama wing, where she recently had a role in “Singing In The Rain” and had the part of Frenchy in the classic play “Grease,” among other productions. “I am so proud of our auditorium and stage,” Loser said, beaming, “This is where so many dreams come true.” And for Loser, whether she someday works for a non-profit organization helping disabled children or finds a career in global studies, feeding hungry children, or something completely different, she is dreaming. Daily News correspondent Lori Hansen is a Greenville area resident.

By Metro Creative

Education experts are well versed in the benefits of students staying in school and graduating. Career opportunities are greater for those with diplomas, and much emphasis has been placed on improving school graduation rates. Data compiled by National Public Radio revealed that stepping in early to keep a student on track can pay off down the road. It is believed that warning signs that predict a child’s chance of graduating high school may surface as early as the first grade. Many have dubbed these signs ABCs, for Attendance, Behavior and Classwork. There has been a growing demand for school systems to develop warning indicators for students in elementary school, according to researchers leading early warning and dropout prevention work at the American Institutes for Research. Students with poor attendance records; behavior issues, including meeting with the

principal or getting suspended; and who continually fail or do not perform well in the classroom may be more likely to drop out of school at an early age. It should be noted that ABCs are only one measure of a child’s potential graduation rate. But early intervention by teachers, coaches or tutors may help steer students down different, more successful paths.

Saturday, May 14, 2016 • Daily News

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Daily News • Saturday, May 14, 2016

congratulations class of 2016

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