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Trolleys in the spotlight (continued from page 21) advertising vehicle or an element integrated into its environment,” he said.
“Trolleys can also become an effective advertising medium and an excellent communication tool, which is why requests for impact graphics have become increasingly frequent.”
Filmop’s Alpha trolleys offer unlimited customisation possibilities and can be used to incorporate images, graphics, drawings and logos, according to Scapinello. “However, aesthetics must always go hand in hand with functionality,” he adds.
Export area manager of IPC by Tennant Company Stefania Bin agrees with other commentators that today’s cleaning trolleys are no longer expected to blend into the background.
More visible
“Cleaning now needs to be carried out continuously to maintain a hygienic environment, particularly in busy places such as airports,” she said. “So the aesthetics of a trolley play an important role and can be a great way for manufacturers to be recognised in our competitive market. Trolleys are no longer items that need to be hidden away from public eyes.”
The pandemic helped to raise awareness of the importance of cleaning, she says. “The daily cleaning of public places remains at the heart of a society that respects its neighbours and the environment,” she said. “So deploying aesthetical- ly-pleasing tools in public environments helps to make cleaning less intrusive.”
On raconte que la chanteuse Taylor Swift s’est cachée dans un chariot de nettoyage pour entrer sur scène de manière inaperçue. Cette anecdote aurait apporté une touche de glamour au marché des chariots de nettoyage. Il reste toutefois que les fabricants cherchent depuis longtemps à proposer des produits de plus belle facture et esthétiques. Une ère nouvelle de glamour a-t-elle commencé pour les chariots de nettoyage ? L’aspect de cet outil de travail compte-t-il vraiment ?
Today’s cleaning trolleys can also be used to advertise and communicate when working in public spaces, Bin adds. “For example, we can customise the doors of our Brix trolleys with any communication.”
Kärcher’s product management manual tools Beyza Gügercin agrees Covid has had a dramatic impact on our lives and our habits. “Cleaning is now perceived as a must, while trolleys have become an important means for operators to perform their tasks with increased frequency and to higher standards,” she said.
“Cleaning operators used to be expected to hide their equipment but now cleaning has become more visible and people want to see it being carried out. This means aesthetics are increasingly important.”
According to Gügercin, large trolleys are frequently being used to deliver advertising messages in shopping centres while coloured cartoon stickers are being used to brighten up the trolleys used in children’s hospital wards.
“Cleaning means safety, and its visibility is appreciated,” she said. “And at Kärcher we are adapting our offer to meet this market demand.” The company’s Flexomate trolleys – which have received two design awards – feature large doors and flat surfaces where customers can display their messaging.
Die Nachricht, dass sich Sängerin Taylor Swift offenbar in einem Reinigungswagen versteckt hat, um es ihr zu ermöglichen, die Bühne ungesehen zu betreten, hat dem Reinigungswagen-Markt einen Hauch Glamour verliehen. Doch die Hersteller haben dies bereits selbst getan, indem sie intelligente neue Designs und ästhetisch ansprechende Produkte entwickelt haben. Bricht eine neue Ära der glamourösen Reinigungswagen ein? Und ist das Aussehen wirklich wichtig?
Factors such as compactness, ergonomics and a hygienic construction are all still more important in a trolley than aesthetics, she adds. “But if you can incorporate these attributes and make it look attractive as well, you can take a trolley to a whole new level,” she said.
“It should be a helpful tool rather than a cumbersome one that becomes a burden for the cleaner. So it should be adapted to the operator’s natural body posture in order to reduce health issues.”
So the profile of trolleys definitely appears to be on the rise. But how far did the story of Taylor Swift riding in one help to glamourise the trolley sector?
Greenspeed’s marketing executive Rosaliene Verhoef says she appreciated the media buzz around the event. “Cleaning is not usually associated with entertainment and is rarely covered in mainstream media, so this story was a fun anecdote that helped to draw attention to the industry sector,” she said.
Moment in the spotlight
“I may not be a ‘Swiftie’, but given our focus on trolleys it was an entertaining story to follow. Who knew that trolleys would have their moment in the celebrity spotlight?”
As a fan of the singer, Kärcher’s Beyza Gügercin said she followed the story. “Though I’m surprised she could fit into a trolley since she is quite tall,” she adds. “And trolleys are not designed to carry people which means concealing oneself in a trolley should be discouraged since it could be dangerous for various reasons.
“But since our own Flexomate trolleys are larger than most on the market, I feel she would probably have felt more comfortable in one of ours!”
IPC by Tennant Company’s Stefania Bin claims the singer brilliantly transformed a typically unglamorous product into a glamorous one by showcasing its potential.
“However, there are definitely more suitable manual modes of transport for concealing a person,” she adds. “And it’s a shame it wasn’t an IPC cleaning trolley. Hey Taylor - next time, give us a call if you’re in need of a designer and glamorous trolley to conceal yourself in!”
Le notizie che la cantante Taylor Swift sembra che si sia nascosta in un carrello per le pulizie per permetterle di arrivare sul palco senza essere vista ha dato un tocco di glamour al settore dei carrelli. Ma i produttori hanno fatto questo da soli creando nuovi design intelligenti e prodotti esteticamente piacevoli. Stiamo forse entrando in un’era di carrelli prestigiosi? E l’aspetto conta davvero?
Certified safe
The Magic trolley range from TTS is made up of EU Ecolabelcertified trolleys. Sustainable throughout their entire life cycle, they are made from at least 30 per cent recycled plastic and are easily disassembled for repair or recycling at the end of their life. They are also produced without the use of heavy metals the needs of the application. www.ttsystem.com
More storage
Said to reduce the need for frequent trips back and forth for supplies is the Janitorial Cleaning Cart from Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP), boasting 40 per cent more storage space than traditional models.
and a removable platform which allows the user to easily expand or reduce the footprint to meet specific needs.
Not just a trolley
• TTS affirme que sa gamme Magic de chariots accélère et simplifie les opérations de nettoyage.
• Rubbermaid a lancé un chariot de nettoyage et d’entretien dont l’espace de rangement dépasserait de 40 pour cent celui de modèles concurrents.
harmful to humans and dangerous to ecosystems.
Also boasting strength, stability, durability and operator safety, Magic trolleys have been designed to speed up and simplify cleaning operations. The modularity of the range and the wide selection of accessories allows configuration according to

Ergonomic design and ballbearing wheels and casters allow for maximum lightweight manoeuvrability - says the company - making it more comfortable and efficient to collect and transport waste and equipment. And the trolley can fit any area, with interchangeable handles www.rekola.com
For Rekola Oy Trolley Systems a cleaning trolley is more than just for transporting cleaning supplies and tools. It says the optimal trolley allows cleaning appliances and accessories to be ergonomically available, optimally positioned, each item easily accessible during the cleaning process - while also facilitating waste collection and separate return of dirty textiles.
The company has designed its trolley models so that compact cleaning machines such as small scrubber dryers can be attached. This means no time is lost in transporting machines, they are easy to attach and detach and instantly operational.
• Rekola propose des chariots de nettoyage auxquels il est possible de fixer une machine de nettoyage.
• Laut TTS beschleunigen und vereinfachen die Reinigungswagen der Produktreihe Magic die Reinigung.
• Laut Rubbermaid verfügt der Hausmeister-Reinigungswagen über 40 Prozent mehr Stauraum als andere Modelle.
• Rekola bietet Reinigungswagen an, an denen auch eine Reinigungsmaschine befestigt werden kann.
• La TTS afferma che la sua gamma di carrelli Magic velocizza e semplifica le operazioni di pulizia.
• La Rubbermaid afferma che il suo Janitorial Cleaning Cart ha il 40 per cento di spazio portaoggetti in più di altri modelli.
• La Rekola propone dei carrelli ai quali può essere attaccata una macchina per le pulizie.