Inventory management software for small businesses

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Inventory Metrics You Need to Know Right Now THIS 2018


As a busy wholesaler and distributor, in between receiving purchases and fulfilling orders, I’m sure you must wonder how you’re business is doing

TOP TEN INVENTORY METRICS Let’s start with the most critical one that everyone talks about first when this topic comes up

1 Inventory Turnover

Inventory turnover is the number of times inventory is sold within a period of time, typically a year

Ideally, you want to increase your inventory turnover and reduce your holding of inventory for a couple of reasons

Firstly, increasing your turnover means reducing your holding cost

Secondly, reducing your holding cost means increasing net income and profitability

Finally, stocking items that turnover quickly means being responsive to the market and customer demand

2 Gross Margin Percent

Gross Margin Percent = (Sales – The Cost of Sales) / Sales Gross margin percent works hand in hand with inventory turnover. If you have weak gross margins, you might want to focus on increasing your inventory turnover

3 Customer Order Fill Rate

Customer Order Fill Rate = Orders that are Shipped in Full / Total Number of Orders The customer order fill rate shows how you are servicing your customers. It shows what orders your customers are getting on time

HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE? Invest in a software solution that shows you real-time inventory levels

4 Cost Of Carrying

Cost of Carrying = Carrying Costs / Overall Cost The cost of carrying is the percentage that represents the cents per dollar that is spent on inventory overhead per year

5 Average Days To Sell Inventory

Average Days To Sell Inventory = (Your Average Inventory/The Cost of Goods Sold) x 365 The average days to sell inventory is how long it takes a company to turn its inventory into sales, that is, the average length of time that your cash is tied up in inventory

6 Return On Investment

Return On Investment = (Sales / Average Cost of Inventory) x Gross Margin This is also known as Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI). It shows how much you are earning for every dollar invested in your inventory

7 Item Fill Rate

Item Fill Rate = Received Quantity / Ordered Quantity The item fill rate can be used to measure the order fulfillment performance of a single delivery or for all deliveries during a time period

8 Cycle Time

Cycle Time = Actual Ship Date – Customer Order Date The item fill rate can be used to measure the order fulfillment performance of a single delivery or for all deliveries during a time period

9 Average Inventory Level

Average Inventory Level = (Current Inventory + Previous Inventory) / 2 The average inventory level is the mean value of inventory throughout a certain time period

10 Inventory Accuracy

Inventory Accuracy = Regular Stock Takes Inventory accuracy refers to how closely your inventory records match your physical inventory

Most importantly, sophisticated inventory management systems require high accuracies of at least 95% to function well and generate the ROI on your software investment


Now it’s your turn to apply them to your business operations and gauge your performance and efficiency with stock control

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