Piles treatment

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Piles treatment facts Haemorrhoid's are a very common healthcare problem. Haemorrhoids also called loosely as piles can severely degrade your quality of life if left untreated

So what are haemorrhoids? Haemorrhoids or piles are nothing but simple out pouching of the rectal veins. These piles are of two types internal piles and external piles, depending on the location of the piles mass.

Either way, both of forms of haemorrhoids require an active medical or surgical piles treatment. External piles usually are painful as compared to internal piles. Internal piles usually only causes constipation as difficulty in bowel movement as they interfere with bowel movement. An another type of piles or haemorrhoids that is extremely painful is called a thrombosed piles mass. These are painful because, they contain clotted blood. Most people with thrombosed piles cannot even site down in a place!!

What causes piles? Piles can be caused by a wide variety of factors. The most common are as follows 1. Improper bowel habits 2. Constant straining while emptying the bowel 3. Dehydration & lastly 4. Prolonged sedentary sitting jobs or travel

How to treat piles? Piles treatment can done effectively using a combination of medical, surgical and lifestyle modifications. First things first is to correct unhealthy lifestyle factors. These include prolonged travel, desk work and improper diet combined with dehydration. The next step is to use medications that are laxative in nature that will help patients with haemorrhoids clear their bowel easily and quickly. The last step of course is doing what is called as a haemorrhoidectomy. A hemorrhoidectomy can be usually done comfortably using a Holmium-YAG laser technology. The advantage of using a laser based treatment strategy is that it 1. First the treatment is relatively pain free 2. Patient recovery is fairly rapid 3. Recurrence of the problem is also fairly low At the laser gastro clinic chennai, we specialize in providing a holistic treatment strategy for a piles. Our doctors use a combination of lifestyle interventions combined with medical management for treating piles effectively Hope you enjoyed reading this article! Keep watching this space for more interesting read and medical advice! Cheers and have a great day!!

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