Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin & More

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Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin & More

Many say that eating healthy can improve your life, but did you know that it can also improve your looks? That’s right! In fact, according to the article “Healthy Eating Facts and Statistics” by Yuri Elkaim, Fruits and Veggies are the richest sources of essential nutrients that we need in order to function, including vitamins and minerals. Medical studies show that creams containing vitamin A have reduced lines and wrinkles, controls acne, and some psoriasis. Studies also show that washing your face with mineral water can help reduce many common skin irritations. Without these vitamins and minerals, our bodies won’t have healthy cells, an immune system, or even perform the basic function of breathing. So here are the top 5 foods that help improve how you look.

1. Berries

These tasty fruits don’t just taste delicious; they also can help improve your skin! Berries are high in antioxidants such as anthocyanins that protect cells from the damage of free radicals, atoms or molecules that are highly reactive with other cellular structures due to them having unpaired electrons. If left untreated, free radicals can cause damage to parts of cells such as DNA, cell membranes, and proteins. Strawberries and blueberries are known for being high in health

improving vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin K1. Vitamin C is a water-solute nutrient found in some foods. It acts as an antioxidant in the body, helping to protect cells from free radical damage, which are formed when our bodies convert the food eaten into energy. Vitamin K1, a form of Vitamin K, is mostly found in plant foods such as leafy green vegetables. It’s used to treat and prevent lower blood levels of specific substances that’s naturally produced in the body; these substances aid your blood in thickening and stop bleeding normally (e.g., after an injury).

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes aren’t just useful to make pies; they’re also can help you live a healthier look. According to the article, “7 Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes” by Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, nearly half of your daily vitamin C needs are in one cup of baked sweet potatoes. The same portion also supplies 400% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin A. Both vitamins are important for supporting immune function, as well as clearing your skin. Vitamin A helps prevent dead skin cells from cumulating on the surface of the skin; as well as preventing clogging inside the pores. Vitamin A has also been professed to promote collagen production, which decreases the appearance of wrinkles and lines and leaves your skin feeling smooth. Sweet Potatoes don’t only clear your skin; they can help you lose weight too! Referring back to the article, sweet potatoes are high in fiber. In fact, they’re an excellent source of fiber. Each one contains 4g of dietary fiber, which is 1 cup in quantity! Foods with more fiber are more filling, meaning if you eat high-fiber foods, your body will take more time to digest the food, thus making you feel like you have a full stomach.

3. Kale

It’s been called “the new beef” and “the queen of greens”. It doesn’t matter what crazy nickname you give it, the point is it can make you look and feel better. According to the article, “Amazing Benefits of Kale” by Ravi Teja Tadimalla, kale is full of antioxidants. Vitamin C, Betacarotene, and other flavonoids and polyphenols overflow in kale. Every one of these antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which could speed up aging and can even lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer if not treated. Kale can be very helpful in your journey of obtaining beauty. Just don’t eat it raw. According to Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute, kale and vegetables like it contain both thiocyanate ions, which can crowd out the iodine your thyroid needs, and progoitrin, which is a compound that can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis. Eating raw kale can be very dangerous, especially eating large amounts of it. The Institute also says that eating a ton of raw kale could give you the experience of hormonal irregularities that lead to fluctuations in weight, blood sugar, and overall metabolic health. Don’t worry, you can still eat a kale salad from time to time, just don’t consume it in excess. Such action could lead to thyroid swelling.

4. Tomatoes

A fruit or a vegetable? Who knows? Who cares? All that matters is that tomatoes can help you protect your eyes, improve your skin, and lighten your skin! According to the article, “Tomatoes for Skin Care” by Suparna Trikha, tomatoes can

reduce oiliness; they can also help keep your skin tight and clear. Since they’re loaded with Vitamin C and A, tomatoes can also reduce effects of sunburn as well. To get the best results as possible, mix tomato juice with some buttermilk and apply to the skin letting it soak in the coolness of this magic combination. It will soothe the skin even if the sunburn rashes and it can reduce heat on the skin’s surface and also even out the redness caused by sunburn. Carotenoids, including lycopene are packed into tomatoes; they help give the food its vibrant color. Research shows that the lycopene present in ocular tissues aid in preventing light-induced damage to the retina and other areas of the eye. Not only can tomatoes act as an eye protector, it can also act as a skin lightener. To get the best possible results, mix the pulp of one tomato with 2 tsps.of fuller’s earth and add 1 tsp. fresh mint paste; then apply this to the clear skin until it’s dry and see the amazing results for yourself! Not only will your skin be lighter but you’ll also feel refreshed and taut.

5. Almonds

Almonds. You love ‘em, but don’t truly know about them. Here’s some facts to make you love them even more……or AT ALL! I mean, how can you love something if you don’t know anything about it? Like other seeds and nuts, Almonds are generally good for your eyes, since they contain Vitamin E. Vitamin E protects against any unstable molecule that targets healthy eye tissue. According to the article, “7 Best Foods for Eyes”, Eating regular amounts of Vitamin E can help prevent age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts.

So those were the top 5 healthy foods that help build beauty. I hope you found valuable information in here so you can get your beauty on! Now, if you want a guide to help you on your journey of being beautiful and healthy that goes step by step in what actions you should take on your journey, I would recommend Primal Beauty Secrets, a dayby-day, step by step program to enhance your radiant glow and natural beauty. In 21 days, it’s guaranteed to help you lose weight around your waist, thighs and tush, reduce fine lines and wrinkles; smooth your complexion, and much, much MORE!

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