What you need to know about spiritual satanism

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What You Need To Know About Spiritual Satanism Spiritual satanism, satanic religion and Satan worship have been given negative connotations from other faiths and those who perhaps don’t understand it. It is no surprise that people view spiritual satanism negatively. After all, ‘Satan’ in Hebrew means ‘adversary or enemy’, and spiritual satanism will often be associated with the devil. However, spiritual satanism can be incredibly enlightening going back thousands of years and is arguably much older than Christianity and the mainstream religions’ perception of Satan worship. Ready to find out more about the satanic religion? Here are some key facts you need to know;

Three Things To Know About Spiritual Satanism 1. Satan Means Truth In Sanskrit, Satan means truth. In fact, Satan comes from the primal sounds in ancient Sanskrit of Sa Ta Na Ma. Sa means infinity, Ta means life, Na means death and Ma means rebirth. However, some who follow satanic religion prefer to use the Hebrew term of Satan meaning adversary. However, they say this as an adversary to what they consider the lies of Judeo/Christianity. 2. Lucifer Isn’t Satan Christian studies will often talk about Satan initially being an angel called Lucifer who turned on God. However, there is no record of this story in the Bible. Hebrew text talks about a Lucifer as a Babylonian king who fell from his throne after he began persecuting Israelites. However, Lucifer is actually the Roman term for the planet we know as Venus. ‘Luc’ means light and Venus provided the first celestial light (visible planet) to appear near dawn. In fact, many people who follow a Satanic religion will refer to Satan as Father Satan. 3. Demons Are Not Evil Many mainstream religions consider demons as evil due to the ‘good vs evil’ teachings which leave many people confused. In fact, demons are gods of Gentiles. Christian scriptures declare that the gods of Gentiles are demons. Demons can provide protection and teach the value of ethics. Those who practice spiritual satanism learn a lot from demons, whom they consider to be very intellectually, physically and spiritually advanced. Want to know more about spiritual satanism? Visit Satan’s Cathedral for more knowledge, understanding and satanic merchandise.

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