Dartford Living April 2023

Page 22


New film from local actor Paige Hudson

Free Bluewater bunny hop trail

Craig Revel Horwood Interview

Healthy Living Centre Dartford

Traditional street cleaning barrows

return to Dartford streets

Walk through Dartford’s Easter history

How to look after your smile this Easter

Travel Spotlight - Mauritius

Dartford Historical & Antiquarian society

Life under the stairs

Walking with the Darts

Tips for Gardening

Auto News

Sports News

Painting Rocks Sleep: What you need to know part 2



Dear Dartford Living Readers,

Welcome to our April issue of the magazine - we hope you like it!

We continue to live in challenging times, but as usual the magazine is jam-packed with lots of local information and local businesses. Please support as many as you can - use them or lose them! Like never before, your community needs you.

In case you weren’t aware, we run Dartford Living alongside volunteer members of the local community for the local community. It’s the only independently run magazine serving the local area with information, fun, good news and positive local stories!

Please get in touch if you would like to write an article for the magazine. If writing is not for you, then perhaps you could volunteer to deliver 100 or so magazines to your neighbours. You will guarantee your copy of the magazine and get a little exercise as well!

If you email editor@dartfordliving.com we will add you to our e-newsletter mailing list and you will join over 50,000 local people who read the magazine and/or follow us on social media each month.

Take care, Vijay

(and the rest of the fantastic

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From front of house to London Independent film festival, Paige Hudson is a rising Kent actor with many links to Dartford, including family and the very early parts of her career.

New film, Doglike, where she stars as Laura, in what she describes as a “thought provoking, thrilling story between two contrasting characters” (the other played by El Anthony, directed and written by Elias Avramides), heads to Genesis Cinema in Mile End on the 15th April for it’s first public screening, as part of the London Independent Film Festival, where herself and the crew will be in attendance.

She always knew she wanted to be a performer of some kind - as a child, participating within local Mick Jagger Centre gigs, joining local choirs and drama groups.

Leading up to this, she also performed at the Orchard Theatre to audiences of 900+, and occasionally spends time there helping out within the front of house team. She says being there and being able to have conversations with audiences about theatre is a really important thing for her, but says at this current time, screen acting especially holds a huge place in her heart.

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Paige has done other projects throughout the years, one of them being a music video (directed by Emma Pitt) for Dave Sutherland’s Yorkshire Grey - two people she’s very fond of.

She has very vivid memories of putting on performances in her living room for her family whilst growing up in her childhood Dartford home.

She grew up an only child, and says growing up with Cerebral Palsy was particularly challenging. She often felt as though she was seen as a bit of an alien to the rest of her peers - and often felt somewhat alone, but felt less alone when she turned to performing - which is something that her family always supported, many of them also with local roots in Dartford.

Although she has felt tremendous love and

support from the entirety of her family, partner and friends, she believes she gets a lot of her creative spark from her dad, who is an emerging author.

Another person that’s always been a bit of a hero for her is that of actor Taron Egerton (Kingsman, Rocketman), who inspires and helps to motivate her daily, who she says encourages her to even further better her craft. Right from early on, she enjoyed watching him grow more and more within each project, and can only hope and strive to do the same.

Paige also strives for more accurate disability representation on screen, and thinks that although opportunities for disabled actors are slowly rising - there’s still work to do. And wants to encourage people of not just Dartford but anywhere, any age, regardless of their abilities, to pursue any creative goals that they have.

Paige is proud of Doglike, the whole team, and cannot wait to share it. She remains incredibly thankful to the crew and to those who continue to help her grow.

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Bluewater will unveil its ‘Bunny Hop Trail’ on the 30th of March, with families able to search the centre to find the 10 golden eggs on Easter-themed installations that have been dropped by the Easter Bunny on his adventures!

The spring-inspired installations will include a floral hopscotch area, faux vegetable patch and 8-foot-long carrot, along with other Easterthemed motifs.

Guests can pick up a free trail map and a set of bunny ears from the Concierge desk outside M&S on the lower level. Once they have found all 10 golden eggs that the Easter Bunny has dropped in the centre, they can return the completed map to the desk, and collect an Easter-themed treat! The Bunny Hop trail will be open daily from 30th March – 16th April (inclusive).

James Waugh, Centre Director at Bluewater, commented: “We’re delighted to launch our new ‘Bunny Hop Trail’ at the centre – it’s the perfect free activity to keep families entertained this Easter.

“We think the trail will add an extra element of

seasonal fun to our guests’ visits, and we are certain it will be a great success.”

Waterstones at Bluewater is also hosting childfriendly activities this Easter break. A storyteller will be reading ‘That’s Not My T-Rex” between 11-12pm on the 4th April, and guests are encouraged to attend wearing their favourite animal or dinosaur costume. To book your free ticket for the storytelling session, please visit: https://www.waterstones. com/events/.

Meanwhile, Esme Higgs will be holding a signing for her book “The Starlight Stables Gang” on 15th April at 11am. To secure tickets for the signing, please visit https://www.waterstones.com/events/. Please note there are only 150 tickets available.

On Easter Sunday, Bluewater’s stores will be closed whilst restaurants and leisure facilities remain open. Guests are encouraged to check directly with restaurants and leisure facilities before making their journey to avoid disappointment.

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What made you want to return to Annie, and what is so appealing about the role of Miss Hannigan?

I just love this character so much; I am deeply in love with her. I think she is absolutely fantastic and an extremely misunderstood woman. Playing her is like an actor’s playground, she is a tyrant and a villain, and those are always the most fun characters to play. I couldn’t believe that they wanted me to play Miss Hannigan at first, but I thought it would be great, and a real challenge for me. I play her for real – she’s not a pantomime dame, there’s no mucking about or breaking the fourth wall, she’s a very real character in a beautifully written show.

Are there any particular challenges to playing Miss Hannigan?

Well the challenges are that you need to be honest and real with it. Obviously, body language has a lot to do with that, how she speaks, and the accent of course – which I spent months perfecting. As Annie is set in 1930s New York, it’s really nice to play a part who speaks differently than almost anyone does these days.

Audiences probably know you best as a judge on Strictly Come Dancing, do you enjoy performing and dancing on the stage as opposed to judging others?

Well, I grew up on musicals. I did West Side Story in Australia and then went into Me and My Girl and La Cage Aux Folles. I joined the famous Lido de Paris and the Moulin Rouge and then that led into being part of West End shows. The last

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musical I appeared in in the West End was Crazy For You which opened in 1993. I had a really fun year that year. I then left to become a director and choreographer, and subsequently a judge on Strictly. My first hoorah back onto the boards was when I was asked to do panto over ten years ago, and that reignited my passion for performing again really. When I was then asked to do Annie a few years ago I couldn’t believe it, and I’ve not looked back since!

It’s long been said never work with children or animals, but in Annie you do both! Are there any challenges that come with this or do they bring something extra to the show?

We have several sets of children on Annie, so they bring something really organic to the show. You’ll never get the same show twice. You have to play it differently with each set of children and they are so talented and doing incredible work on the stage and are all fantastic young actors. They will come up with stuff and you’ve got to react to it live on stage which is a bit of a challenge!

What was your first experience of musical theatre?

The first show that I ever went to see was Jesus Christ Superstar in Sydney back in the 1970s. I just fell in love with theatre right there and then. I started training when I was 14, and when I saw Cats in London around the same time, I knew that was absolutely what I wanted to do, to train for and study for.

You’ve toured before with various shows, is it something you enjoy, or do you find it a bit of a challenge?

I enjoy the difference in the theatres, the public and their relationships with the stage which always change. You find audiences differ around the country and that’s what is so great about live theatre.

Do you have any ‘must-have’ items you take with you?

Eyelashes and eyelash glue.

You’re busy all year with Strictly, performing and often choreographing and directing shows as well. What do you like to do during any down time you get?

I like to cook, in my own home. I like sleeping in my own bed and cooking in my own home. There’s nothing better to pass the time – whether to test and make up some new recipes or really get stuck into cooking something. I love it, I could cook for days on end.

Have you ever been given a piece of advice, or some words of wisdom that have stuck with you?

My teacher used to say, “you need to be like a tiger and fearless”, which is of course very apt for this industry. You must be prepared to fail, and as soon as you get used to that you start learning. Personally, I feel that listening to your inner voice is the most important thing, especially when making decisions in this industry. I don’t often rule with my head; I rule with my heart.

Finally, what can audiences expect when they come to see you as Miss Hannigan in Annie?

Number one – entertainment, number two – a shock! Number three, some great singing, dancing and acting because we’ve got such a brilliantly talented cast, and of course all of the incredible songs that they know and love.


The Orchard Theatre, Dartford MON 1 - SAT 6 MAY | 2.30PM, 7.30PM orchardtheatre.co.uk/Online/tickets-anniedartford-2023

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Our aim at The Healthy Living Centre Dartford is to reduce health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing in our local community in Dartford. We achieve this by delivering and facilitating projects that offer a range of opportunities for training, volunteering, social interaction and community engagement.

Local people looking for affordable and fun activities are invited to join us at Healthy Living

Centre Dartford for our weekly or monthly sessions. Our calendar is jam-packed with a wide range of activities, classes, and clubs from exercise to language lessons to gardening and arts & crafts. Many of these activities are offered free, and those with a cost are just £2.50/£3.50 per session.

One of our newest projects is our Hygge* on The Hill group. *The Danish concept of “hygge”

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refers to finding comfort, pleasure, and warmth in simple, soothing things such as a cosy atmosphere or the feeling of friendship.

Held every Wednesday morning at Temple Hill Community Centre, we have free tea/coffee and breakfast (toast, selection of cereals) and a huge array of fun activities. We have table tennis, badminton and a pool table as well as scrabble, board games and word puzzles. And the range of activities is growing weekly. But the real beauty of our Hygge group is the warm friendly faces of the people who attend. Most of our attendees visit on their own so don’t worry if you’ve no-one to come with you – you’ll soon find someone to chat to!

Tree ‘Over 55s’ Bingo Club has been going for over 70 years and is showing no signs of slowing down! Every Wednesday afternoon at Tree Community Centre – come along and join in with a game or 2.

Starting this month we have a professional fitness coach offering sessions at Tree Community Centre. Tailored specifically for the over 40s, this 12 week course aims to improve and strengthen the entire body and our coach will provide lots of information and advice for participants to continue their fitness journey.

You can find Healthy Living Centre Dartford activities at both Tree Estate and Temple Hill Community Centres, where our team of friendly volunteers and staff will be happy to welcome

you. For all our most up-to-date information follow us on Facebook or Instagram, send us an email at info@hlcdartford.org.uk or call us on 01322 311265.


We deliver and facilitate projects that offer a range of opportunities for training, volunteering, social interaction and community engagement and our volunteers are the core of who we are and what we stand for. Our wonderful volunteers are from all backgrounds and vary from retired people, jobseekers and local people with time on their hands. Mostly they are people who want to share their skills and give something back to the community.

Would you like to learn how to teach others to cook and prepare meals or maybe you already have those skills to share with others? Would you like to share your IT skills or learn and progress in a regular IT class? Or if the outdoor life is for you, you can join the team on our community allotment to grow your own vegetables, fruit and flowers.

If you would like more information on these or future activities or have any suggestions, please email us: info@hlcdartford.org.uk and follow our social media pages: Facebook @ healthylivingcentredartford and Instagram: @ hlcdartford.

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them at first but we noticed more and more posts on social media and it was all very favourable. Residents seem genuinely delighted to see them and got in touch to praise their work.

“Traditional street cleaning barrows used to be a regular sight on local streets but over time many councils stopped using them. We decided to bring them back because although modern sweeping vehicles may be faster, our great people do a much better job armed with a barrow and a broom. They can get to places that machines can’t reach and deal with the very modern problem of cleaning between parked cars. These great people work incredibly hard and it’s lovely that residents are taking the time to tell them, and us, how much they appreciate them.”

The barrows are initially focussing on some of Dartford’s urban neighbourhoods where litter is a real problem but the Council wants to deploy them on a regular basis to more areas across the borough.

Residents are praising Dartford Borough Council’s new street cleansing barrows and the ‘splendid’ hard-working crews who are helping to keep streets clean across the borough.

The Council has worked with waste contractor Urbaser to bring back traditional ‘hands-on’ street cleaning that many might have thought was a thing of the past. Crews are using carts and brooms to tackle litter in roads around the Borough and it’s clear that residents couldn’t be more pleased.

Council Leader Jeremy Kite says that the new crews started work some time ago and the council began to notice local social media users commenting about them.

He said: “People seemed a little surprised to see

Cllr Kite added that a word of thanks and appreciation to the crews can make all the difference: “These hardworking men and women are out there rain or shine to keep our streets clean and I thank them for the brilliant job they do. There are lots of compliments online and our waste team have had great feedback too with one resident getting in touch just to say the work the barrow beats team are doing is ‘splendid’.”

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With April upon us and Spring (at last) in the air, why not discover some of Dartford’s history and traditions from the Lent and Easter period? A walk across Dartford Heath, down Watling Street or through the Brent will connect you to generations of Dartford residents past: pilgrims, plucky pilots and providers for the poor, each one part of the local Easter heritage. So, step away from the chocolate and get those walking boots on as we explore some of their stories…

Did You Know?

The bright yellow gorse plants on Dartford Heath were once used to colour Easter eggs?

Gorse has long been associated with Easter eggs and is pretty useful for wildlife generally, as a source

of food and to provide cover for birds (including our very own Dartford Warbler). Its bright yellow flowers are at their best between January-June, making the Easter holidays an ideal time to explore the Heath in all its colourful glory.

Easter pilgrimages have long been associated with this part of the country, with Dartford’s key position on the route from London to Canterbury and Dover. In fact, its original name can be translated as ‘Key Street’ from Anglo-Saxon and, thanks to the Romans, the Great Dover Road (still named Watling Street in parts of Bexley and Dartford) provided a direct route for travellers to Canterbury Cathedral. In 597, St Augustine has been credited with re-introducing Christianity to largely Pagan Britain, after arriving with missionaries in Thanet.

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Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury and his followers set about winning the hearts and minds of Britons, including the conversion of Pagan festivals into Christian celebrations – Easter being one.

Can You Spot?

Signs of Augustine’s influence throughout Kent, with streets, churches and schools named after him both locally and across the county?

The notion of Christian charity has continued throughout the centuries in Dartford. Local landowners and parish churches worked together, providing for the poor in various ways – whether contributing to the work of almshouses or on a more individual basis. In ‘The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent’ (1797) historian Edward Hasted cites a whole list of landlords who bequeathed gifts to their tenants over Lent and Easter. Amongst them, John Barton, Robert Rogers and Anthony Poulter instructed that twenty shillings be paid annually to the local poor, distributed by the clergy and

church wardens. Hasted’s work waxes lyrical on the Dartford parishes – he was very admiring of St Michaels’ and All Angels church – and he was a big fan of Wilmington, declaring that:

‘In the Spring, when the trees are in blossom, it seems a continued range of gardens.’

Residents of the Brent area can be proud of another historical April legacy from the First World War. In April 1916, the Lord Mayor of London offered a £500 prize to the first pilot or air crew able to shoot down a Zeppelin. Members of an anti-aircraft gun crew led by John Clifton and stationed on the Brent heath took up the challenge, bringing down a Zeppelin L15 and making military history. As well as the Brent, Joyce Green airfield played an important part in wartime defence operations (it’s worth an Easter trip to the Imperial War Museum for more information, or read John Clifton’s testimony on their website www.iwm.org.uk)

However, it wasn’t all doom and gloom in the early part of the twentieth century – you’ll be pleased to know that Dartford folk enjoyed their Easter holidays too! I’ve mentioned local blog www.suttonathonehistory.co.uk before and again it’s come up trumps with some fascinating recollections of Easter excursions by rail. Adverts for the South Eastern and Chatham Railway in 1914 boast of cheap fares for ‘Easter on the Continent!’ with trips to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Alternatively, locals could stay closer to home and enjoy Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday on the Kent coast, with a ticket to Herne Bay a bargain at seven shillings for a third class seat (taken from the Dartford Express, April 1914).

So, whether your Easter weekend centres around religious reflection and celebration or a fun family day out, you’ll be continuing traditions enjoyed by Dartford residents for centuries. Just to warn you: a train ride to the seaside might set you back a bit more than seven shillings these days…

Clair Humphries is a Script Consultant for ATS Heritage and Content Partner for Ordnance Survey.

Twitter: @clairhumphries

Instagram: clair_humphries

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final and no correspondence will be entered into. 3. Prizes are as stated and no cash Orchard, within 5 working days of the competition being drawn. 5. Employees and the competition is stated above. 6. We will only use your email address to contact you if www.dartfordflorist.co.uk 82 St Albans Road, Dartford, Da1 1ty info@dartfordflorist.co.uk 01322 224013 Formally known as St Albans Flowers. Same Quality customer service and flowers. Nothings changed just the name All of our designs are available for you to view in the comfort of your own home at www.dartfordflorist.co.uk Order online, by phone on 01322 224013 or call in and see us to discuss your flower options, we will be happy to help you. Same day contactless deliveries are available (If ordered by 12 noon MondayFriday, before 11am Saturdays) Thank you for your continued support DARTFORD FOODBANK OPEN EVERY TUESDAY SPITAL STREET METHODIST CHURCH - SPITAL STREET - DARTFORD 10am until 12 noon Please bring along a form of I.D and a proof of any bene ts you recieve on your rst vist to us. Providing a helping hand when you need it most FOR DONATIONS DOWNLOAD THE BANKTHEFOOD APP NOW! WWW.DARTFORDFOODBANK.CO.UK To nd out more about foodbank please visit our website: Registered Charity No: 1160597.


and you could cause more damage by brushing. Allow your enamel 30 minutes to re-harden first if you want to brush. In the meantime, drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum can help to stimulate saliva flow and wash away sugary food debris and bacteria.

Bigger is not always better

Some larger chocolate eggs can contain 8-10 times the recommended daily sugar intake for children. A large 250g chocolate bunny can contain up to 35 teaspoons of sugar. That’s a whopping 175g of sugar!

Recommended sugar intake for children:

· Babies and toddlers – should avoid sugar

Easter can be a challenging time for our teeth. Sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay. Unluckily for our patients in Kent, most Easter eggs bought in our shops are averaging around 20 teaspoons per medium-large egg!

Dartford Road Dental Centre has a few tricks and tips to help minimise your risk of decay this Easter, so you can happily enjoy your treats, guilt-free!

Enjoy your Easter treats at mealtimes

Every time you enjoy something sugary, it feeds the bacteria living on your teeth, creating harmful acids at the same time. These acids soften the enamel on your teeth, making them more susceptible to erosion and decay. It takes your saliva around 30 minutes to neutralise this acidity. If you wait 30 minutes and then eat another sugary snack the whole process starts again and your teeth are endlessly subjected to acidic conditions.

Our dentists at Dartford Road Dental Centre recommend eating your eggs in fewer sittings, preferably at mealtimes, preventing this continuous acid attack.

Damage control

There are a few things you can do to limit the damage after eating your sugary treats. Many of us would rush to clean our teeth but as we’ve learned, your teeth soften during this acid attack

· Four to 6 years old – No more than 19g of sugar per day

· Seven to 10 years old – No more than 24g of sugar per day

· Age 11 to Adult – No more than 30g of sugar per day

Switch up your Easter egg hunt this year!

Instead of scavenging lots of sugar-laden Easter eggs this year, why not try something different?

• Use plastic eggs in your hunt and make the end prize a toy/game or teddy as the grand prize?

• Use sugar-free sweets as prizes and treats

• Swap milk chocolate for Dark chocolate

• Make a fun-filled Easter hamper, including pens and colouring, Easter crafts, and puzzles

• Get crafty - Paint hard-boiled eggs, a timeless classic enjoyed by all the family!

Avoid sticky candy and sweets, stick to chocolate

Avoid sticky, sour, and hard candies this Easter. Sticky sweets are called that for a reason: they literally stick to your teeth. Remnants of sticky sweets and caramels are difficult to remove, even with diligent brushing and flossing. The remaining bits of sweet can cause rapid tooth decay.

Chocolate treats can easily be washed away by drinking a glass of water or milk, and unlike other candy that is sticky, gooey, and hard, chocolate doesn’t linger as long on your teeth.

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Travel Spotlight –Mauritius

Mauritius is a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, known for its crystal clear waters, pristine beaches, and vibrant culture. This small island nation offers a unique holiday experience that is perfect for families, couples, and solo travellers alike. Whether you’re looking to relax on the beach, explore local culture, or indulge in adventurous activities, Mauritius has something for everyone. I was recently very fortunate to be hosted in Mauritius by our friends at Air Mauritius and Beachcomber Hotels, spending five nights exploring what the island has to offer.

One of the main attractions of Mauritius is its stunning coastline. The island is surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, with soft white sands and turquoise waters that are perfect for swimming, snorkelling, and diving. The warm and clear waters are also home to a diverse array of marine life, including colourful fish, sea turtles, and dolphins. While on this trip I naturally enjoyed the beaches and waters, but also visited a tortoise sanctuary and swam with wild dolphins. Magical experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

Mauritius is also known for its rich culture and history, which can be seen in its architecture, food, and festivals. The island is a melting pot of different cultures, including African, Indian, Chinese, and European, which has created a unique blend of traditions and customs. Visitors can explore the colonial architecture of Port Louis, the capital city, or sample the island’s delicious street food, which includes dishes like biryani, samosas, and gateau piment. It is also an island that feels very safe, during my time there I spent a day out and about in a hire car and everyone is extremely friendly and the roads are easy to navigate. It’s a great island for getting out and about.

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In addition to its stunning beaches and culture, Mauritius is also home to an array of world-class resorts and hotels. Whether you are seeking a luxurious and opulent stay or a more laid-back and relaxed atmosphere, there is a hotel or resort on the island to suit your needs. This is perfectly reflected in Beachcomber’s range of hotels, and on this trip we slept at three but visited all eight. It’s impossible to pick a favourite but my top three would be the Shandrani Beachcomber, the Trou Aux Biches Beachcomber, & the Dinarobin Beachcomber.

I really liked Shandrani’s short transfer from the airport and the choice of three beaches areas to explore. Whilst at Trou Aux Biches I loved the layout of the pools and proximity to Grand Baie with it’s range of shops and activities. Lastly, at the Dinarobin I particularly enjoyed swimming with the beach in front and La Morne mountain as a backdrop.

However, I was also struck by the amount of space at every resort. They were all operating at around 80-90% of capacity and yet there was plenty of free loungers available at any time of day and the pools were calm and serene. The staff were always friendly and attentive, offering a superb level of service. Absolutely faultless. Having met many of the upper management, you can easily see how their passion cascades down to all staff members, with many of those we met having worked there for 20-30 years.

Lastly, the food and the drink were sublime and delicious. Canapes were served with drinks in the bar, and their wine was great quality and

very drinkable. The food in the restaurants was fantastic and a la carte restaurants are included in the half-board or all-inclusive packages.

For those who enjoy being active on holiday, the Beachcomber resorts have a world-class range of sports available. There are a number of sports teams from around the world who choose to train there during the off-season. They particularly excel at golf, with most resorts having a minimum of a short course, but some, like the Paradis Beachcomber, have their own clubhouse and 18 holes of exceptional golf.

For those who prefer to truly relax on their holidays, all resorts have their own spa and relaxation program. During my stay at Dinarobin Beachcomber I made use of the facilities, enjoyed a 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage, and I can personally attest to the benefits.

With beaches that would give the Maldives a run for their money, and with a lot more activities available, Mauritius makes a great Indian Ocean holiday destination. If you’d like to discuss your own trip there, then feel free to pop in our shop in the town centre and ask for Tim. For all things Mauritius and for holidays in general, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

23 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk
Dartford Town Centre www.hardenholidays.co.uk 0800 023 8974


people and not stuffy academics!

Our talks take place in the evening at the Mick Jagger Centre in Shepherds Lane, Dartford, usually on the third Friday of the month, from October until May. Recent subject matters have included work undertaken over the past 50 years by Dartford District Archaeological Group, the history of the Princesses Theatre, Crayford and a magic lantern show about the Thames. Forthcoming talks include ‘The Story of Chislehurst Caves’ in April and ‘Stone House: The City of London Asylum’ in May.

After our talks, members can enjoy refreshments, socialise and make new friends.

Dartford Historical and Antiquarian Society is an organisation for anyone interested in local history. We offer a regular programme of talks, an annual newsletter of articles on the local history of our area and coach trips to places of interest further afield. We also set up displays at some local events in Central Park.

We also offer the annual Andrus Award for a piece of work which enhances local history. This can take any form with previous winners including the authors of books and people who have restored buildings!

Our coach trips over the past few years have included visits to places such as Bristol, Avebury, Norwich, Tewkesbury and various National Trust properties.

For further information and details on how to join, please see our brand new website at www. dartfordhistorical.org.uk as well as our newlylaunched Facebook group.

Founded in 1910, we are the oldest local history group in the area and one of the oldest in Kent. However, our members are just normal local

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Hands-on session following a recent DHAS lecture on toys produced at the Erith-based Mobo factory from 1947-1972. DHAS members spot a Dartford Warbler on display in the Castle Museum at Norwich. DHAS members exploring the Neolithic stone circle at Avebury, Wiltshire.
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I was recently accused of trolling. To me, Trolls are ugly little dolls with coloured hair and were very popular some years ago.

To be called one was interesting to say the least. I wasn’t familiar with the term so looked it up. Apparently I am ‘someone who leaves intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone.’

The back story to this is simple. I had joined a national Vintage TV and Film Facebook group – I enjoy many older TV series and the interaction with other fans. However, it appears you can’t actually dislike anything on this site. Everything has to be admired, promoted as the best of its genre – you get the idea. My crime, for which I received a huge amount of nasty comments, threats and bullying, was to say I have never found ‘Only Fools and Horses’ funny.

It’s a personal thing. I don’t expect everyone to share my opinion and I know I’m in a minority. However, it is my right to say so without fear of reprisals. I don’t expect everyone to enjoy my choice of tv programme, book, film or song. That is their right.

I left the group – I don’t need them. They do need a reality check on respect!


Age is creeping up on me. I’ve just had one of those significant birthdays; it ended in a 0.

I was aware it was coming but kept thinking I can’t possibly be that old. It got nearer; I noticed my knees ached more. A month away I was certain I needed a zimmer frame at the very least!

I became rather grumpy (grumpier, according to Other Half). ‘People just mutter nowadays’, I moaned crossly. ‘Put your hearing aid in’, came back the reply.

Out for a drive recently, Other Half pointed out a care home – just in case! I considered divorce! At my slimming club, I booked a day’s holiday – I would miss a meeting due to meeting family. ‘Enjoy your birthday’, said the social team. I whispered (in an old lady voice) how old I was. They laughed. ‘That’s not old’, said one, and added that wonderful phrase ‘…you don’t look it at all’. I could have kissed her.

I woke up on my birthday starting my seventh decade. Nothing had changed. The knees still ached, but then they have for years. My hearing is still shot to pieces – far too much Deep Purple as a young lady, I still have pink hair and a collection of totally unsuitable ankle boots. I have bought some dungarees.

My age didn’t seem to affect anyone else. Friends still talked to me. Nobody treated me any different than they had weeks before. Life went on.

26 www.dartfordliving.com

It was a wake-up call. The only person remotely concerned with aging was me. I realised I could continue to act old and past it, or just get on with things and carry on. Being lazy, that solution offered the least work so here I am, seventy years old, contemplating surfing lessons and horse-riding, whether to go mauve for my next hair colour and telling myself I really don’t need a rather gorgeous pair of navy blue Timberland boots, because the warmer weather is on its way, and I can go into flipflops.

Age is a number. You can feel old at any time. By accepting we all grow older it doesn’t mean we become needy or vulnerable. Changes have to be made for sure, but it’s the mental outlook that counts.

I’m going to continue to listen, read and view what I like. If I want to try a new activity or hobby I will. I am my own responsibility, and I plan to grow old disgracefully.

Happy 2023 birthdays to all

Take care All

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DIBC is a friendly, local club celebrating 100 years old this year. We are situated just off Burnham Road, Dartford opposite the tyre shop. We are keen to recruit new members and would welcome anyone of any age group and of any standard, to come along and meet a few members and ‘have a go’ at the start of our 2023/24 Centenary Season.

Our green will be open from Tuesday 11 th April 2023 and we will have an open day on a Saturday in May specifically to welcome new members. We also have a roll-up evening once a week on Tuesdays (weather permitting) where anyone can come along from 5:30pm to try the game out. These evenings will start from 11 th April onwards and our season runs right through until October. Tuition and help from members is always available each evening. All you need for a try-out is a pair of flat–soled shoes / trainers and be willing to have a go to see if you enjoy bowling and feel that you could become a member. We are a sociable club with varied and frequent social events at the pavilion all-year round.

So why not come along on a Tuesday or get in touch and have a chat? We look forward to seeing you soon.

For more information Call Rob on 07967 364353 or Rosie on 07984 089630 Or email dibcbowls@gmail.com

29 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk Gareth Johnson, Member of Parliament for Dartford For assistance or a surgery appointment, please contact me at: Email: gareth.johnson.mp@ parliament.uk Telephone 020 7219 7047

Set s a i l fo r

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l’s BuccaneeR Bay
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Hello again, welcome to another edition of Walking With The Darts, a monthly update on all things related to Dartford FC, courtesy of Dartford Living Magazine.

We have reached what’s commonly referred to as the “business end of the campaign”, in what has been another extremely competitive National League South season. And, as the fixtures come thick and fast, the next two months will prove to be vital for the Darts’ future, with our fate more than likely being determined via the play-off route.

Since last writing in these pages, we have been a little inconsistent, particularly on the road. On our travels, the lads have had to deal with a few injury setbacks, as well as the odd suspension to key players. And, with two draws and a defeat away from Kent, Tom Bonner and Co have been relying a little on their excellent home form to maintain second place in the table.

That home form has seen Dartford collect two good victories over Slough Town and Farnborough, as well as a hard-fought stalemate against an in-form Oxford City side.

If the lads can keep up the momentum, starting with tomorrow’s trip to Concord Rangers, and then what has the potential to be a tasty encounter against Chelmsford City here at Bericote Powerhouse Princes Park next weekend (25th of March), then we’ll remain in control of our own destiny on the pitch.

Plus, at the time of writing, the Darts are still within mathematical touching distance of Ebbsfleet United and, as we all know, anything can happen in football! So, there’s still lots to play for.

To help that cause, Alan Dowson recently completed the loan signing of striker Harvey Bradbury from

Men’s team photos by Carol White-Griffiths, Women’s` team photos: Taur Everard

Dorchester Town. Harvey will remain at Bericote Powerhouse Princes Park until the end of April and made an immediate impact on his debut in last weekend’s victory over Farnborough, after coming off the bench to score the final Dartford goal in a 3-1 win!

In-between the recent league games, a young and inexperienced Dartford side succumbed to defeat in the London Senior Cup. After edging past the Metropolitan Police in the previous round, the Darts faced a strong Haringey Borough a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, despite Marvin Herschel’s excellent opener, the visitors managed to turn the game around before controlling the second-half to go through to the next round with a deserved 2-1 win. The result means that the Darts no longer must deal with the healthy distraction of cup competitions, so can now put all their efforts towards securing promotion to the National League.

Meanwhile, Connor Dymond’s Dartford FC Women’s side have also experienced a mixed bag of results during the past month. Their league form has become more consistent in recent weeks, as

they continue to prove to be competitive in the London & South-East Regional Women’s Premier League. Recent fixtures saw Lizzie Adams and Co smash five goals past Fulham, only to then be a little unfortunate to lose 2-0 at Worthing.

However, the ladies’ defence of the League Cup continues to gather momentum after they put on a superb display at Northolt at the beginning of March. Emily Vaughan bagged four goals and Paris Smith also bagged a hat-trick, while Nicha Dyett and Shauni Griffiths both netted twice in an emphatic 11-0 victory over Benfica London Ladies. The result ensures that Lizzie Adams and Co will once again play in the League Cup Final, so be sure to look out for the fixture and go along and show your support to the team!

Finally, with that being said, please do continue to show your excellent support to Tom Bonner and Co. Your support is of paramount importance to the success of this wonderful football club and it never goes unnoticed.

As always, thank you for your continued support and thanks for reading.


Welcome to the latest edition of Senior Snippets: the monthly advisory column with the older members of our community in mind, brought to you by Christina Uppenkamp, Director of Home Instead Dartford.

Gardening can be a great activity. It’s satisfying, productive and a very good way to stay active and get some fresh air. Age can make some tasks harder, but here are some top tips on how to make gardening a safe and fun activity no matter what your age is.

Build raised beds: Raised beds make gardening easier if you struggle to stretch or bend down to the plants. They are much easier to weed and maintain as you can perch on the side and use a trowel to plant and weed.

Try container gardening: This is essentially planting into a pot or a container of your choice. This is beneficial as you can place the garden virtually anywhere so that it’s easily accessible. Remember to use light weight containers for extra easy handling.

Pick your plants carefully: Choosing plants that are easy to maintain and able to withstand a variety of conditions is essential for an easy gardening experience. This ultimately makes gardening less strenuous overall. Onions and shallots are very low maintenance. Other easy to grow crops are spring onions, broad beans, and carrots. If your soil is poor, try growing hardy crops such as rosemary, sage, or thyme.

Path surfaces: Look at the surface of paths to check they don’t get slippery at any time of the year. Wood can also get slippery so keep an eye on decking, and algae and moss are dangers too. Use the right equipment: Long-handled tools

such as forks and spades will mean less digging, and use tools that are lightweight to prevent arm, shoulder, and back injuries. You can also use a stool or chair to save your legs from having to squat or sit down.

Work with your limits and enjoy: Only take on what you can manage. If a whole plot is too much, go for half a plot. Make sure you stretch and swap around activities, for example a bit of digging, a bit of watering, a bit of pruning. Most importantly, have fun!

By following these top tips, you will be able to do your gardening safely and effectively.

I welcome any suggestions for future topics from you all. All you have to do is write to me at c.uppenkamp@dartford.homeinstead.co.uk or by post to St Fidelis House, St Fidelis Road, Erith, DA8 1AT.

34 www.dartfordliving.com
35 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk Have you left work and now miss it? Become a Care Professional Home Instead Dartford 01322 923 750

In this month’s article we look at new electric SUVs and a new small electric car coming in 2025.

to start at around £52,500 when available from July 2023.

2023 Mercedes GLC Coupe – this is the new Mercedes GLC Coupé packed with new features to stand out against rivals. The rear has a sharper look and the front end to match the GLC SUV. The biggest new feature coming to the exterior is the optional “Digital Light with projection” headlight technology. The system allows the car to project warning symbols, guidelines and other useful information on to the road ahead. All petrol and diesel versions come with mildhybrid technology. There will be a small 23bhp electric motor for an extra efficiency boost with petrol and diesel versions coming in a 2.0 litre version. A plug-in hybrid (petrol & diesel) will also be available with power ranging up to 376 bhp combined, where the electric power will be 134 bhp. On this inside, the updated dashboard incorporates a 12.3in driver display and 11.9in infotainment screen operated by touch, by voice, or using controls on the steering wheel. Pricing for the new Mercedes GLC Coupé is likely

Volkswagen ID 2 electric – The new Volkswagen ID 2 small electric car will major on space and value, while offering a range of up to 280 miles. Using a shortened version of the ID 3’s underpinnings, the ID 2 will be available with two battery options. At the lower end of the spectrum is a 38kWh unit that’s good for a range of around 220 miles, while a larger, 56kWh battery will deliver an official range of up to 280 miles. As for charging speed, Volkswagen says a 10-80% top-up of the bigger battery will be possible in as little as 20 minutes at the car’s 125kW maximum charging speed. Inside, the interior of the concept is fairly minimalist, featuring a head-up display that projects key information onto the windscreen, plus a 10.9in digital driver’s display and a 12.9in infotainment screen. When it goes on sale in 2025, the ID 2 will cost from around £22,000 for the entry-level 38kWh model.

2023 Kia

SUV - New range-topping Kia EV9 electric SUV will have a range of more than 300 miles and can seat seven people. The production-ready EV9 keeps the sharp angles of the concept, including its bluff front and rear end and tall, boxy stature. Not much of the inside information is available, however, it will have two 12.3in touchscreen displays for infotainment, alongside a third 5in display that acts as a digital instrument cluster. The EV9 can be had in six and seven-seat forms, one of the few which will be in the market. The EV9’s technical details are yet to be confirmed, but power is expected to come from a 100kWh battery, providing a maximum range of 337 miles between charges. When available from late 2023 prices are expected to start from around £55,000.

36 www.dartfordliving.com
EV9 electric


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9th July Swanley Park BR8 7PW

Fun For All The Family, walk, jog, toddle or run the 5K route! Fully inclusive and wheelchair accessible Wear white and finish the colour of a rainbow!

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All proceeds go towards supporting disabled children and their families

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Jeskyns Park Swanley Park

37 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk RCN 1054129

Multi Award Winning Comedian

He is a powerhouse of a headliner who honed his skills in Los Angeles, New York City and London.

His International experience includes tours for the UN troops in Afghanistan, performing at the American University in Cairo during the Egyptian revolution and the Edinburgh fringe in Scotland, where he received three 4 star reviews from International press, immediately followed by being featured on Seth Rogen’s Hilarity for Charity event with Todd Glass and Hannibal Buress, winning The World Series of Comedy, Comedy Knockout on try TV, ‘Best of Fest’ at Big Pine Comedy Festival and three weeks later winning The Portland Comedy Festival.

He has TV & Radio credits on BBC and Sky TV in the UK as well as in the United States on Fox, HULU, Netflix, Amazon and truTV.

In 2021 he joined the writing staff of the soon to be released animated series ‘Tantrum Jesus’ as Writer/Producer.

As always there’s a great supporting line-up direct from the London Comedy Circuit.

Book Early - Limited Availability!

For more information visit https://www.houseofstandup.co.uk/dartford/

Ticket prices are £15.00 each, £12.50 for a group of 4 and just £10.00 each for a group of six adults.

38 www.dartfordliving.com

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, of football giants AC Milan, became the oldest scorer in the Italian top flight’s history.

Ibrahimovic, 41, scored his first goal since returning from a serious knee injury in the summer, after he helped Milan win the Serie A title last season.

The remarkable feat is a testament to the man - his self-belief and physical conditioning. Where most, if not all his peers have retired or nearly retired, Zlatan seems to be going strong at the highest level and age is just a number to him! Wow! Love him or hate him (and he is a marmite personality), you have to salute his achievement, particularly these days where the game is played at a very fast pace. Zlatan is a role model to young professionals across sports everywhere.

Upcoming events in April include:

2: Formula 1 - Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne

4-9: Swimming - British Championships, Sheffield

6-9: Golf - Masters, Augusta National, Georgia

15: Horse racing - Grand National, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool

15: Rugby Union - Women’s Six Nations: Wales v England, Italy v Ireland

15 Apr-1 May: Snooker - World Championship, Crucible Theatre, Sheffield

16: Football - Women’s FA Cup semi-finals

22-23: Football - FA Cup semi-finals

23: Athletics - London Marathon

30: Formula 1 - Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Baku

Local people from ‘Dartford painted rocks’ on Facebook have been busy this month painting and hiding them around the town. The rocks can be exchanged at Stephen Oliver: Studio and Gallery located at the Orchards Shopping Centre .

are some of the photos of their latest painted rocks.

39 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk
Rock Painting in Dartford cal people from Dartford Painted Rocks on Facebook have been busy this month painting hidin hanged at Stephen Oliver: Studio and lery lo e are some great photos of their painted rocks


Having problems with sleep can effect your physical and mental wellbeing. Both the amount of sleep you get and the quality of this sleep is important. Getting a good night’s sleep is about developing good habits to help you to get to sleep.

Improve your sleep hygiene

Ensure you have the right atmosphere to help you sleep. Your mattress and pillows should be supportive and comfortable. Minimise disruptions from light and sound, and ensure the temperature is right in your bedroom (15.6-19.4C is recommended by the scientists).

Reduce daytime naps, even if you are tired. Short power naps can help but sleeping for longer periods during the day can confuse your body clock and make it harder to fall asleep at night. Try to distract yourself by keeping physically or mentally active rather than napping. If you can get out into natural light, even better. This helps the body’s circadian rhythm and has been proven to improve the ability to get to sleep and the quality of sleep.

Having good habits around bedtime can help. Stick to the same sleep schedule every day, including weekends. Try to avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine in the hours before bed. Having a relaxing pre-bed routine will make it easier to fall asleep. Disconnecting from phones, tablets, laptops and TVs at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep, as the blue light will confuse your circadian rhythm. Try to relax and wind down as you move towards

bedtime. A relaxing bath or shower can help – even just bathing your feet in hot water can help you relax and improve sleep. Reading and listening to music can help, although you need to select the book and music carefully so that it isn’t stimulating. You can also try simple relaxation exercises, such as breathing exercises, visualization techniques or progressive muscle relaxation.

Sleeping tablets

Sleeping tablets are not usually a solution for sleep problems. They may work in the short term but in the long term you become dependent, can’t sleep without them and may need to increase the dose to get the same benefit. Even in the short term, they can leave you drowsy or with balance difficulties the following day and can increase your risks of falling if you get up at night.


Some people think having a night cap can help. However, alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and worsening snoring and sleep apnoea (when you stop breathing for short periods during the night).

What about children?

The same good sleep habits apply to children and teenagers. Infants may benefit from a room temperature slightly warmer than older children and adults (up to 20.5oC), but a room that is too warm increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

When to see a doctor

Doctors are reluctant to prescribe sleeping tablets as we know these can be detrimental and cause dependence in the long term. However, if you have tried the advice above but are still struggling with sleep or feeling tired when you wake, it might be worth ruling out sleep apnoea or another medical condition that may be interfering with your sleep. People who suffer from sleep apnoea often snore loudly and bed fellows may notice that this stops before they gasp and then start snoring again. Other things such as getting up in the night to pass water, restless legs, joint pains and hot flushes can interfere with sleep and are worth discussing with your doctor.

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41 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk STEVECOOK DOUBLEGLAZINGSERVICING, REPAIRSANDINSTALLATION OVER30YEARS’EXPERIENCE 747 0 1 52 2 3 Tel : 0 1 3 2 2 41 2 7 9 1 45 Knole Road, Dartford, Kent. DA1 3JN. E-mail: stevecook3@icloud.com *New address* • Misted,crackedorbrokenglass • Drafts,leaks&condensation • Sticking,looseorbrokenhandles • Window/doorsnotopening,closing • Patiodoorsnotrunningsmoothly • Catflap&letterboxfitting/replacement • Lockandkeyreplacement Mostcommonproblemsthatarise withdoubleglazingcanbesolved quicklyandcosteffectively: NO CALL-OUTFEE! NOVAT! SteveCookpostcardfinal:Layout127/1/1412:15 Page 1
42 www.dartfordliving.com EDUCATION BUSINESS LOCAL AUTHORITIES KEEPING BUSINESS LOCAL Proudly working in partnership with: We Design. We Print. We Deliver. • NCR Sets • Printed Envelopes • Calendars • Prospectuses • Signage • PVC Banners • Brochures • Promotional Items • Folders • Access Cards • Leaflets • ID Cards • Business Cards • Mail Merges • Event Programmes 01322 288627 l darenthprint.co.uk BEXLEY PARK SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB CALVERT DRIVE, DARTFORD, DA2 7GA An evening of clairvoyance with Presents Thursday 20th April 2023 –7.00pm Tickets £12.50 Includes a 125ml glass of Prosecco! Scan QR Code or Available from the club 01322 527973 The ‘Cockney Medium’


Sindhi Tairi is a sweet rice dish. It is a famous sweet dish on the Sindhi food menu.

Servings/portions - 4 people

Ingredients -

• Rice - 400gm

• Jaggery/Sugar - 200gm/150gm

• Salt - ½ teaspoon

• Cardamom - 2 cloves

• Fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon

• Orange food color - 1 pinch

• Oil/ghee - 50gm

• Water - 3 medium glass

• Dry fruits (any of your choice) - ½ small bowl


Soak rice for 15 minutes and clean it thrice with fresh water

Crush cardamom

Grate jaggery finely

Chop dry fruits into small pieces


Step - 1

In a pan, heat 50gm oil or ghee on a medium flame. Add cardamom and sauté them for 1 minute. Add water, jaggery/sugar, salt, orange food color, and fennel seeds. The water level should be at least 2 inches above the rice. Mix them well and let the water boil a bit.

Step - 2

Add rice and remix it. Half cover the pan with a lid. Cook it for 5 minutes. Once it soaks most of the water, garnish it with dry fruits. Cover it entirely and cook it on a small flame for a few minutes. Turn off the gas. Serve - It adds more taste with masala chickpeas, spicy potatoes, and Sindhi sai bhaji.

Store - It can be stored freshly for 24 hours. For more such recipes, look up the book “My Kitchen: Treasure of Indian recipes“ on Amazon. The book is available in Kindle and Paperback format.

The book is free with a Kindle Unlimited account and new users get the 1st month for free. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BKRX8KXJ

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46 www.dartfordliving.com Craft Frames Q u a l i t y P i c t u r e F r a m i n g F r e e a d v i c e a n d e s t i m a t e s N e e d l e w o r k & C a r d M a k i n g D . M . C S t o c k i s t K i n g C o l e K n i t t i n g W o o l C r y s t a l A r t C a r d s & K i t s Well Worth a Visit! 21 West Hill Dartford DA1 2EL 0 1 3 2 2 2 7 8 7 0 3 w w w . c r a f t f r a m e s . c o . u k F r e e p a r k i n g a t r e a r C l o s e d S u n d a y s a n d M o n d a y s

Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story

The Orchard Theatre, Dartford

TUE 16 - SAT 20 MAY | 2.30PM, 7.30PM

Win a pair of tickets to see Buddy, The Buddy Holly story at The Orchard Theatre.


This sensational multi award-winning West End show first opened in 1989 and has been thrilling audiences around the world ever since. Now it triumphantly returns to Dartford as part of its 2023 UK Tour.

Forget feel good, Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story is FEEL GREAT! Experience the drama, passion and excitement as a multi-talented cast of actor-musicians tell Buddy Holly’s story, from his Texas rockabilly beginnings to international stardom and his legendary final performance at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa, before his tragic death at the age of just 22.

Featuring two terrific hours of the greatest songs ever written, including That’ll Be The Day, Oh Boy, Rave On, La Bamba, Chantilly Lace, Johnny B. Goode, Raining In My Heart, Everyday, Shout and many many more, this show is just Peggy Sue-perb!

To be in with a chance of winning two tickets to this production just answer the following question.

Which one of these isn’t a Buddy Holly song?

A: Heartbeat

B: That’ll Be The Day

C: That Thing You Do

Email competition@dartfordliving.com by the 20th April to be in with a chance of winning.

RULES: 1. The winner(s) will be the first correct entry/entries drawn. 2. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 3. Prizes are as stated and no cash in lieu or an alternative prize will be offered.. 4. Winners will be notified by telephone or email by the Orchard, within 5 working days of the competition being drawn. 5. Employees and the immediate families of participating companies are ineligible to enter. 6. Closing date for the competition is stated above. 7.. All entries will be added to the Dartford Living mailing list to receive a copy of the magazine by email once a month. Please state when you enter the competition if you don’t wish to be added



Although they need time to rise, these delicious buns are surprisingly really easy to make. Try changing them up a little by adding dried fruit to the filling mixture. Delious eaten warm or cold, these are definitely worth the effort!!!

You will need:

360g Strong Bread Flour

175ml Warm Milk

2.5 Tsp Fast Acting Yeast

1 Egg, plus 1 Egg Yolk

50g Granulated Sugar

60g Melted Butter

For the filling:

125g Brown Sugar

1.5 Tbsp Ground Cinnamon

60g Softened Butter

For the icing:

100g Icing Sugar

Cold water

You will also need:

9 inch square cake tin/brownie tin

What to do:

To heat the Milk, pop into a microwave safe bowl and heat for 30-60 second until just warm.

Pour the milk into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle the Yeast onto the surface. Add the Sugar, Melted Butter, Egg and Egg Yolk and mix to combine.

Add the Flour and stir until it becomes a dough.

Transfer the dough on to a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes until it forms a smooth ball.

Use kitchen roll to wipe a bowl with a little oil to put the dough in and cover with clingfilm. Leave to rise for 1.5 hours until doubled in size.

Once it has risen, transfer onto a floured surface and roll out to a rectangle – about 9 inches by 15 inches and spread the Softened Butter over the dough. Mix the Cinnamon and the Sugar together and distribute over the butter. Use the back of the spoon to help spread and press the mixture down a little.

Roll the dough up to make a 9 inch long ‘sausage roll’.

Cut into 9 slices of about an inch each.

Line your cake tin with greaseproof paper and lay the slices in (with the spiral side up- most). Cover with clingfilm and leave to rise again for about 45 minutes.

Bake at 180° C for 20-25 minutes until just golden brown on the top of the rolls. The sugary mixture will look like it’s all escaped and be bubbling amongst the buns, but that’s OK.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool for about 10 mins.

To make the icing, mix the Icing Sugar with a little Cold Water at a time until you get a smooth paste. Spoon onto the centre of each bun and, using the spoon, spread out over the top slightly.


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9:15am - 11:30am - A&J Toddlers - St Anselms Church Community Centre, Dartford. £2.50 per one adult and child and 50p for any extra children or adults each. Tea/coffee biscuits, small snack for children with juice. Craft table and singing and dancing at end of session Contact Julie on 07917 843592.


Session 1: 9.15-10.45am, and Session 2: 11-12.30pm. Christchurch, Cross Road, Dartford. Contact Catherine on 01322 220036.

9.30am-11.30am Sticky Fingers - £1.50 per adult includes tea ,biscuits and healthy snack time for the children For pre school children up to 4 years. St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall London Road Greenhithe Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmarygreenhithe.com

9:30-10:30am Music and Rhyme Time at Fleetdown Utd FC (near Dunelm). £5 per session if you sign up for the term, siblings go free. Contact Katie on 07734661352 or Facebook.com/musicandrhymetime

10.30 - 11.00am. “Baby Bounce & Rhyme” at Fleetdown Library. Music and fun for babies and pre-schoolers. No charge. Term time only. All are welcome - just turn up!


1pm -2.45pm - Fleetdown Open House - Fleetdown Community Centre, Swaledale Road, Dartford, DA2 6JZ - £3.50 per Adult - £1 Siblings Bottomless refreshments.


10:30-11:30am, Music and Rhyme Time at Fleetdown Utd FC (near Dunelm). £5 per session if you sign up for the term, siblings go free. Contact Katie on 07734661352 or Facebook.com/musicandrhymetime


9.30am-11am Toerags Toddler Group - Adult education centre, Dartford £3 per Child - £1 Non Walkers - facebook.com/ToeRags

Mummy’s Linkup: 10am – 2pm on the 2nd Friday of each month, Tree Community Centre

Mummy’s Linkup : 10am – 12noon on the 4th Friday of each month., Temple Hill Community Centre


2-3pm - Lego Club- ages 5 and over - Chrome Road Slade Green DA8 2EL Tel: 01322 333602


Themed Football and multi skills sessions are suitable for girls and boys aged 16 months to 5 years old. Your little superstar will learn shapes, colours, numbers and lots, lots, more all through playing the BabyBallers way!

Classes in Dartford, Northfleet, Gravesend and Ebbsfleet on Fridays and weekends. Please visit https://babyballers1.class4kids.co.uk/ or email matt@babyballers.com


Award winning messy play and mark-making classes across North West Kent for ages 5 months to 5 years. We learn how to write through messy play, scribbling & more! Our classes provide ample sensory development opportunities and focus on developing children’s pre-writing skills and all the important little muscles involved in this. Contact Aisha at aisha@littlelearnersuk.com or visit the website to book a class. Littlelearnersuk.com

50 www.dartfordliving.com


THE NORTH WEST KENT BRANCH OF THE MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION meets on various date at Birchwood Country Club For more information contact Alexon 01322 228169.

DARTFORD OSTOMY GROUP SUPPORT (DOGS) meet every third Wednesday in the month at St Anselm’s Parish Centre, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm. It is for anyone who has an Ileostomy, Colostomy, Urostomy, IBS and pouch, their carers, family and friends.


is a community learning organisation for adults and young people aged 16+ with physical, learning and mental health difficulties. For more information, attend a taster session or visit our community lunch club, contact Caroline on 01322 837172 or 07570 347612

AGE UK, CRAYFORD LIBRARY POP IN PARLOUR COFFEE MORNING every Friday morning 10.3012.30 Tea, Coffee, Biscuits and a chat - Just £1



For people with Parkinsons and their carers. Dartford: 2nd Wednesday of each month, Mick Jagger Centre, 7 -9pm. Information support workers available, guest speakers and quizzes. Contact Wendy Leach.   Tel:  02083065973


The Wellbeing Link meets on Friday mornings from 10-1pm in the St. Anselm’s Parish Centre, 89 West Hill, Dartford A friendly and informative group is a support group for people with any life affecting health issues from loneliness and isolation to life limiting conditions. - call Julie On 07775875585


We are a small friendly group who meet at the Meeting Place in the Orchards Shopping Centre on the first Tuesday of the month. Join us any time between 11am and 1pm for a social chat, coffee and biscuits or a fun quiz. For more information contact mikeansell.dt@hotmail. co.uk


SURROUNDING AREAS SOCIAL GROUP more information visit: www.meetup.com/20s-30s-DartfordBexleyheath-surrounding-areas-social-group/


meets on the first Tuesday of every month (ex- cept August) at St Anselm’s Church Hall, West Hill, Dartford at 2pm, For information about meetings and interest groups visit u3asites.org.uk/dartford/welcome


We are a group of retired men who meet monthly for a lunch and a speaker at the Swanley Bowls Centre. We also have a monthly walk and occasional coffee mornings and as a side line we raise money for a local charity. If you are missing the contact with other business men since you retired, why not come and join us on the last Thursday of every month. For more details contact Phil Burt on 01322 274541 or look at our website www. waprobus.com


It’s every Tuesday 9.30-11.30am at St Edmund’s church Dartford. We have loads on offer for just £3 per week including a cuppa, crafts and a friendly chat.


The National Women’s Register (NWR) is a national organisation that meets in the Dartford area. The NWR is a discussion group for ‘lively minded women’. Contact can be made via www.nwr.org.uk or call 01603406767


Dartford & Gravesham Branch. Meets the first Wednesday of every month at the Masonic Hall, West Hill, Dartford from 1012pm.Activities include guest speakers, outings, lunches, holidays and quizzes. For more information contact Marion on 01322 402967


Wheelchair epee fencing in Dartford and Gravesham, we are delighted to announce that New Ash Green Epee club, can now introduce wheelchair fencing. If interested in taking up this para sport please contact us on 01474 871484 or alternatively look at our website www. nagfencing.eu


Sunday 10:45-12:00, Sussex Road Erith. Ages 4-16 welcome


Sundays 10:15-10:45 at Swanscombe Leisure Centre.

Call Saj on 07903 513104


Celebrating 50 years. Based in Heath Lane, we are a friendly club with super equipment, great coaches and high standards. We do lots of competitions and we do not close through the holidays!

51 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk

Visit our website www.dartfordgymnastics. co.uk for full details or contact Linda on 01322 409312 or email dartfordgymclub@yahoo. co.uk


Learn karate with Yamato Damashii – for adults & children

Every Wednesday evening at the Leigh Academy & every Saturday morning at Becket Sport Centre, first lesson free.

For more info, visit www.ydma.club or find us on Facebook, search for Yamato Damashii Martial Arts.



Coach Martin - 07944 730634. All ages from 7 years to adult welcome


I run group fitness classes as well as 1-1 and semi private personal training sessions in Darenth at Dimples Day Nursery DA2 7HT.

ENERGY Fitness & Nutrition: we offer a wide variety of group classes such as strength & conditioning, boot camps, Boxercise, mum and baby classes, inside and outside classes with great equipment and suitable for all abilities. The website is www.energyfitnut.co.uk


We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Dartford Girls Grammar School at 7.30pm. Activities include guest speakers, theatre visits and monthly lunches. New members welcome. For more information please call Judith on 01322 278703



Mondays 7-8pm for 7-16s at the Dartford Girls Grammar, Shepherds Lane Dartford DA1 2NT in the Dance Studio.

We have an adult class 8-10pm too.

We’ve been running for 20 years, building confidence, teaching self-defence, hardening the target, developing skills and always welcome new members.


A fun (different) circuit based workout with space hoppers that challenges core stability, balance and strength. It is suitable for all levels and abilities. Classes are held every Wednesday evening at the stone pavilion

starting at 8:15 until 9:00 costing £5 per person.

HAWLEY AND SUTTON AT HONE ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION is a friendly group of retired and semi-retired men and women over 55. We have a monthly meeting on the second Thursday at Sutton at Hone Scout Hut at 1.30pm. Associated activities include petanque, keep fit, short mat bowls, country walks and ten pin bowling. Come along to a meeting [£2 entrance] or call Carol on 07912 564710. You will receive a warm welcome.


Based in Erith we have a wide number of members from across SE London and Kent. A great place to come and have a game, make, paint and hobby! Or, if you prefer, come grab a cup of tea and chat about all things hobby and some things not! For more info visit - https:// emperors10th.wixsite.com/home


Dartford parkrun is a free to enter 5k run every Saturday morning starting by the Dartford harriers track in Central Park at 9am. All participants get a time a position emailed and texted after the event. To register go to www.parkrun.org.uk. Remember to bring your printed Barcode.

Every Sunday Morning in the Park there is a Junior parkrun over 2k.


A new Parkrun event with parking at Crazy Barn


Seeds is a long-established cycling Club in Dartford and we share our headquarters at Hesketh with Dartford Cricket Club. We cater for most abilities and have a social ride most Saturday mornings. For info on joining us please visit our website www.seedscycling.co.uk


We are the local British Triathlon Federation Club covering Bexley, Dartford and Swanley. We offer coached swimming sessions 3 times per week at White oak pool in Swanley and Fairfield pool in Dartford. Our members compete in many local Triathlons plus many members are training towards Iron Man distance. We also have our own Triathlon in June every year which has been running since 1989. If you are interested in joining us then please visit our website http://www.dartfordandwhiteoaktri.co.uk

52 www.dartfordliving.com

Dartford Road Runners are based at Princes Park Stadium and are one of the biggest road running clubs in Kent. We currently have about 200 members of all abilities including a beginners group. DRR teams compete in the Kent League, the Assembly League and the Kent Fitness League. To see what we offer and how to join us please visit our website – anyone is welcome to join us with all abilities. http://dartfordroadrunners.co.uk/node/440


Dartford Harriers is among the leading athletics clubs in Kent, with a history stretching back to the 1920′s, making it one of the oldest clubs in the country. If you are interested in seeing how we can help you advance your Athletics then please visit our website http://www.dartfordharriersac.co.uk


We are situated in Dartford’s outstanding Central Park and can provide access to a state of the art running track (re-laid in 2015) and the full range of track and field facilities for just £4.50 per session (we offer discounted annual memberships). Refreshments and changing facilities are also available. For no extra charge, we hold coached track sessions on Wednesday evenings for runners of all abilities.

This is a tough but very popular way to increase your stamina and running technique, and you’ll be in the company of qualified coaches and some of the friendliest runners around. For more information please visit our website centralparkathletics.co.uk

Every Sunday 10-11am – Child friendly coached sessions – Come and join the CPA Swifts – As a fledgling club we would like to give children of all ages and abilities the chance to experience training and coaching within a club environment – come and be part of the team Free first session with this advert


SLGR is a local running club with structured training sessions designed to improve runners speed and stamina.

The runs available are the free session at 7pm meeting at the Cricket club in Hesketh Park for 5 and 8k runs every Tuesday. Open to everyone and suitable for all abilities including beginners. We have run couch to 5k before covid and hope to do another in the Spring.

Our affiliated club meets on Thursdays and Sundays and is also fully inclusive of all abilities.

You can find more information on our website teamslgr.com or email us at slgr.contact@ gmail.com


Every Tuesday from 6-7pm &Thursday from 10.30am to 12.00pm at Peppercorns, 3 Orchard Street, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2DF. For more information please call The Hope Group on 07580 615206.



SOCIETY. We are a long-established camera club meeting fortnightly at Stone Pavilion. We have an exciting programme of speakers, competitions, practical evenings and would welcome new members with or without photographic experience to our friendly meetings. You can attend several meetings as a guest before taking out membership which enables you to become a fully-fledged member and enter competitions. Our website is dartphoto. org.uk. We have a spacious hall which enables us to meet “socially distanced” in the present environment. We hope to meet you soon.


Want to learn to play or sing?

For all ages and abilities, we have something for you.

We offer a variety of music learning activities based at The Mick Jagger Centre including Individual Instrumental Lessons, group sessions with Red Rooster, Dartford Youth Choir and DMS Orchestra!

What’s stopping you?

Webpage: www.themickjaggercentre.com/ dartford-music-school.html

Email: DMS@themickjaggercentre.com

Follow us: Twitter @Dartford_Music Instagram @dartfordmusicschool


We are an active retirement group who meet on the third Friday of the month from 2pm till 4pm at the Memorial Hall in Wilmington. Our activities include guest speakers, outings, holidays, theatre trips, tenpin bowling, Petanque, Kurling, indoor sports activities and a lunch club. Please come along and pay us a visit you will be very welcome!

Telephone Membership Secretary. Wendy Murray 01322 226943


Learn new techniques, make friends and enjoy interesting talks, workshops and demonstrations. Absolute beginners and more experienced stitchers welcome. We meet on the third Saturday of every month except August from 2-4pm in Southfleet Village Hall, Southfleet, Gravesend, DA13 9NX or by Zoom if necessary. Visitors are very welcome.

53 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk

website: www.northkentembroiderers.co.uk

email: info@northkentembroiderers.co.uk

phone: Eileen on 01474 324734


A warm welcome awaits newcomers to Dartford’s oldest choir - established over 100 years ago. We rehearse on Monday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at The Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, from September to June and perform four concerts annually. Just turn up to sample the delights of choral singing! For more information please contact the Chairman, Pat Everington. Tel: 01322 220124.


meets usually on 3rd Friday in the month ( October to May) at the Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford at 7.30 p.m. See website for details.


If you enjoy reading and/or writing poetry you will be given a warm welcome by this friendly and enthusiastic group. We meet on the first Monday of each month at 7pm at The

Pavilion, Punch Croft Road, New Ash Green in the Green Room. We read poems according to a different theme each month and there is also plenty of lively discussion. For further information please phone Kathryn (01474 704058)


This Club meets at the Royal Victoria and Bull Hotel on the first, second and third Tuesday of every month. Time: 12.45 for 1 pm start. If you would like further details please contact the Secretary on 07706103706.


Tuesday 6pm - 9pm The Meeting Place, Orchards Shopping Centre Dartford, DA1 1DN

All types of scale modellers welcome. Fees £1 per person per visit.


St Alban’s Church

- Stepping Stones’ Toddler Group @ St Alban’s Church, St Alban’s Road, Dartford DA1 3FT

Wednesday’s from 8:30am – 11:30am.

- Community Café Coffee Morning @ St Alban’s Church (Tuesdays) , St Alban’s Road, Dartford DA1 1FT, 10am – 12noon. Drinks, sausage or bacon sarnies, scones, fruit, friends and chat.

- Knit & Natter @ St Alban’s Church, St Alban’s Road, Dartford DA1 1FT 10:00am – 11:30am, on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Come and knit, learn to crochet (or teach someone else), have a coffee and a lot of nattering!

St Edmund’ Church

- Kindness and Wellbeing Group @ St Edmund’s Church, St Edmund’s Road, Temple Hill, Dartford DA1 5ND

- Tuesday’s from 9:30am – 11:30am. Make new friends, chat over a cuppa, mindfulness and well being resources and support.

- Café @ St Edmund’s Church, St Edmund’s Road, Temple Hill, Dartford DA1 5ND Thursdays from 10am – 12noon

- Over 60’s Club @ St Edmund’s Church, St Edmund’s Road, Temple Hill, Dartford DA1 5ND Lunch at 12:30pm (£5pp must be booked in advance). Raffles and bingo from 1pm, prizes galore.

54 www.dartfordliving.com


For Adults:

Knit & Natter:

Enjoy knitting or crochet? Come along to our friendly group, meet new friends and enjoy a chat. Everyone is welcome from beginners to expert knitters and crocheters. Sessions are free but please provide your own materials.

Ashen Drive Library - Tuesdays 10.30 – 12.45

Dartford Library - Wednesdays 1.30 – 3.30

Fleetdown Library – Friday 10.00 – 12.00

Longfield Library - Every other Thursday 11.15 –12.30

Summerhouse Drive Library - 3rd Tuesday of the month 2.30 – 3.30

Talk Time:

Come along to our free friendly group, meet new friends and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Everyone is welcome.

Fleetdown Library – Friday 11.30 – 1.00

Longfield Library - Every other Thursday 11.15 –12.30

Summerhouse Drive Library – 2nd and 4th Friday of the month 2.30 – 3.30

Reading Groups:

Share your love of books in a group, have exciting debates and consider books you would never have imagined reading.

Fleetdown Library – 1st Thursday of the month 2.00 – 3.30

Fleetdown Library – 2nd Saturday of the month 10.00 – 12.00

Longfield Library – 2nd Tuesday of the month 2.30 – 3.30

Longfield Library – 1st Wednesday of the month 10.30 – 11.30

Summerhouse Drive Library - Last Thursday of the month 10.00 – 11.00

Summerhouse Drive Library – 2nd Friday of the month 10.30 – 11.30

Other Services: IT Buddies:

Book a session with one of our volunteer IT buddies for help with basic computer queries. These sessions are not classes and our IT buddies cannot help with filling out forms due to Data Protection Regulations. Contact your local library for availability.

Touch a New World:

Touch a New World is a free service available to Kent Library customers who are not able to get to their local library. We can loan you an

iPad for up to 8 weeks and offer one-to-one training in your own home from a volunteer, so you can learn how to use the technology. Contact your local library for availability.

Home Library Service: We can deliver library items to you if you cannot visit a library due to illness, disability or your caring responsibilities. After visiting you to discuss your tastes and needs, staff will select suitable material for you. A volunteer will deliver your books, DVDs or other items and collect ones you are finished with. Contact your local library for availability.

External Organisations & Partners: We also host other organisations that provide useful information and services in our libraries, these include:

Hi Kent Hearing Aid Clinic: Call in to have your hearing aid cleaned and re-tubed and collect new batteries. Find out how to make the best of your hearing aid.

Ashen Drive Library – 3rd Thursday of the month 2.30 – 3.30

Fleetdown Library - 2nd Thursday of the month 2.00 – 3.30

Sutton-at-Hone Library – 2nd Friday of the month 11.00 – 12.00

Kent Pathways Service Help Desk: The Kent Pathways Service provide support for people with disabilities become more independent and develop life skills to improve quality of life. You can get help with:

- Filling in forms

- Claiming benefits

- Letters and bills

- Making phone calls

- Housing

- Finding activities

- Keeping healthy and safe

- Voluntary work, college and training

Dartford Library – Every other Tuesday 10.00 –12.00

To find out more about The Kent Pathways Service please visit: https://www.kent.gov.uk/social-care-andhealth/adult-social-care/care-and-support/ disability/learning-disability/kent-pathway-service

55 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk




56 www.dartfordliving.com
& A Chartered Surveyors
Wealth Downton and Ali Associates
Double Glazing Repair Man Steve Cook
SERVICES Crossways Community Church St Albans & St Edmunds Church Groups
SERVICES Dartford Borough Council
OF PARLIAMENT Gareth Johnson
Fox Estates FLORISTS Dartford Florist
SERVICES Orchard Garage CARE PROVIDERS Home Instead Avante HEALTH AND WELLBEING Healthy Living Centre Dartford Road Dental Parkinsons UK Ruby Lox- Hairdressing MAD Aesthetics PRINTERS Darenth Print and Design RESTAURANTS, CAFES, FOOD OUTLETS Efes EDUCATION My Bluewater Tutor Little Learners Baby/Toddler Sense CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS Dartford Foodbank New Life Christian Community Foodbank We Are Beams LEISURE/ENTERTAINMENT Orchard Theatre Dartford Social Club Bexley Park Sports & Social Club YDMA Karate TRAVEL Harden Holidays RETAIL Bradleys Jewellers Craft Frames SPORT Dartford Invicta Bowls White Oak Triathlon BOOKS The Colour of My Problems 4 9 59 4 34 43 54 30 29 2 16 60 35 19, 45 12 26 29 46 25 42 5 41 46 49 16 29 27 1,2,8 42 38 29 22 43 46 28 25 49

We offer amazing value advertising with adverts starting from just £37.50 for a month. We don’t just take your money and add you to the magazine. We want to work with you to promote your businesses as much as we can using our website and social media channels for maximum exposure. We can also provide advertising options solely online on your website and/ or social media channels. We feel we have every base covered.

To book in an advert call 01322 507817 or email sales@dartfordliving.com David Shafford Magazine/ Website Design YOUR



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Police 01622 690690


Fire Safety Advice & FREE Home Fire Safety Check 0800 169 1125

Dartford Borough Council

01322 343434

Gas Leaks (24 hour) 0800 111 999

EDF Energy Networks Emergencies/

Powercuts Helpline 105

Flooding 03459881180

Highways Kent 03000 41 41 41

Social Services 03000 41 41 41

Water Burst 0800 820 999 (Southern) 0800 714614 (Thames)


Darent Valley Hospital

01322 428100

Dartford East Health Centre

01322 421480

Boots Chemist Bluewater 01322 624780 (Late Night)

ASDA Greenhithe Chemist

01322 374100 (Late Night)

The National Pandemic Flu Service

0800 1513 100

West Kent NHS helpline

0800 0 850850


Heathrow Airport Enquires

08700 000123

Gatwick Airport Enquires

08700 002468

National Rail Enquires

08456 484950

Highways England Info Line 0300 123 5000


24 Hour Kent Dementia Helpline: 0800 500 3014

Alcoholics Anonymous:

08457 697 555

Citizens Advice Bureau:

Website: citizensadvicenwk.org.uk

FREE Adviceline Number: 0808 278

7810 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm)

For further information about our organisation, including office locations and times, please visit ‘Our Locations’ page on our website: https://citizensadvicenwk.org.uk/ about-us/our-locations/

Debt Councilling (CAP)

0800 328 0006

Information About Drugs - FRANK: 0800 776600

Kent Homophobic Incident Reporting Line: 0800 328 9162

Kent Racial Incident Reporting Line: 0800 138 1624

Local Breastfeeding Counsellors


01322 224072

National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hour)

0808 2000 247

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

RSPCA Kent, North West Branch Helpline 01322 286720

Samaritans: 116 123


Gareth Johnson 020 7219 7047


Bexley Rugby Club 01322 550142 or www.pitchero.com/clubs/ bexleyrfc/

Dartford Ladies Hockey Club

Dawn Hall (Secretary) 07793


Dartford Ju Jitsu Club

Mondays, Dartford Girls

Grammar School, Shepherds Lane. 6.30-8.00 Juniors, 8.00-10.00 Seniors www. dartfordjujitsu.co.uk

Dartford Sharks Basketball Club Tim Dickson - 07855 692527.

Dartford Volleyball Club

Graham - 01322 275290 or 07984 106134.

Stone Lodge Indoor Bowling Club 01322 274111.

VCD Table Tennis Club

Eric Jenkins - 0208 3038312.

‘Play & pay’, 9 hole, par 3 golf course on Dartford Football Club’s Princes Park- Contact: 01322 299990


Dartford Valley RFCwww.pitchero.com/clubs/ darenthvalleyrfc/


Dartford Living

Dartford Together

Dartford Living Community Group

58 www.dartfordliving.com Call 999 in an Emergency Fire, Police, Ambulance and Coastguard 101 Non Emergency Number for Kent Police Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Investments – whether you want to invest a lump sum, save regularly, invest in an ISA or another type of savings plan, we can help you find the best plan to suit your requirements. As there are so many di erent types of savings and financial investments available, it is wise to seek professional advice.

Retirement Planning – this is about saving enough money while you’re working to ensure you have a su cient level of income when you retire. Our pension specialists will help you plan your retirement, by assessing all aspects of your financial circumstances, from saving for your retirement to investing your retirement savings.

Estate Planning – you don’t have to be wealthy to consider estate planning. Even sentimental items, small sums of money and belongings will need to be distributed following your death. Planning for what will happen to your estate and the impact on your family, is a responsible thing to do. Circumstances can change very quickly and knowing your family will be looked after, will provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

59 www.dartfordbusinessdirectory.co.uk Downton & Ali Associates 0203 0210075 info@downtonandali.co.uk
Downton, Dartford’s Protection Champion for:
Call Brian
Download ‘The Value of Financial Advicewhatever stage of life you’re at’ Sign up to our Financial Advice Guide

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