Dartford living september

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Dartford Living • Da


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SEPTEMBER 2014 Issue 99

gfield • Northfleet • Swanley • Wilmi esend • Greenhithe • Lon ngton

What’s Inside... Dartford parkrun in Central Park Page 15 Sea Scouts Raft Race Page 16

Dartford’s Dazzling Dan! Dan Lane unveils his stunning work

Dartford Festival Was Hot! Page 29

Plus Allll your your regular regular features, features,

See Page 27

puzzles, puzzles, events, events, information information and and much, much, much much more! more!

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Dear Readers,

A big September hello from ever yone

packed with lots of local information

can - use them or lose them!

at Dartford Living! As usual this mon

and local businesses. Please support

th’s edition is jam as many as you

Don’t forget that we run Dartford Livin g alongside volunteer members of the local community FOR the local community. Dartford Living is YOUR magazine, the only independently run magazine serving the local area with information, fun, good news and positive local stories! Feel free to get in touch if you would like to write an artic le for the magazine. If writing is not for you then perhaps you could volunteer to deliv er 100 or so magazines to your local roads - you will guarantee your copy of the mag azine and get a little exercise as well! We deliver to thousands of homes and businesses in the local area, however if you don’t receive a copy directly through your door, you can pick up a copy from vario us drop off points. These include Dartford Foot ball Club, numerous local libraries, Darent Valley Hospital, What If... and Stephen Oliv er Art Galleries, numerous health cent res and various locations at Bluewater inclu ding Coffee Republic. The ‘Previous Editions’ section of the Dartford Living website (www.dartfor dliving.com) also includes electronic versions of Dartford Living magazine. Addition ally, if you email editor@dartfordliving.com we will add you to our newsletter email mailing list and contact you just once a month with an elect ronic copy of Dartford Living! Over 3,50 0 local people already do this!

Until next time, Vijay

(and Annie, Bhavesh, Dhiren, Elaine, Joanne, Ken, Mark, Nickki, Peter, Richey, Samantha, and the rest of the fantastic Dartford Living volunteer team)

Dartford Living, PO Box 283, Dartford, Kent, DA1 9BW Tel: 01322 507817 Advertising & Editorial - Contact Vijay: editor@dartfordliving.com Sales and Design - Contact Samantha: sales@dartfordliving.com www.dartfordliving.com Add us on Follow us on

www.facebook.com/DartfordLiving @dartfordliving

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Fusion Fitness UK

FUSION FITNESS UK PERSONAL TRAINING AND BOOT CAMP SESSIONS. Discounts for multi session bookings. Please contact Charlotte or see the website for more information.

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Index of Advertisers and Information Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your Dartford Living Magazine

Advertisers Accountants, FINANCe & Legal Conradi Morrison & Co..................2 Dartford Legal Services.................22 Lynton & Co...................................5 Builders, Decorators Roofing, Kitchens & Windows 4k Building Services....................39 A Baines & Son Roofing................26 Claremont Decorative Services.......36 Dream Doors...............................14 John Hargreaves Building & Home Improvment........................23 P Clark........................................33 Steve Cook - Double Glazing.........25 cleaning/DRY CLEANERS Oven Clean................................17 Cosmetic, Beauty & Health Hair Loss.......................................5 Lipo Angel Treatments...................24. Lesley Charles..............................29 The Salt Cave...............................22

Education/CHILDCARE/Home HELP Dimples Day Nursery....................28 Kip McGrath................................18 La Marelle French School..............18 Electricians AES Electricians..............................4 EsTATE AGENTS Wisdom Estates............................32 FASHION Ahadi Fashion..............................25 Garages & Vehicle Services Shenley Road Garage...................36 Home Help and SUPPORT Sue - Home Help..........................12 Jewellers Bradleys......................................26 LOCKSMITHS/HOME Security Dartford Locksmith........................23

Music/Dance & SPORTS/Fitness Dartford Bootcamps......................14 Fusion Fitness - Charlotte Roles.........4 Monkey Music...............................7 Opticians Linklater Opticians........................37 Picture Framing Craft Frames................................36 Plasterers Craig Baker.................................26 PLumbers/Bathrooms/TILING A.B Services................................17 Cannon Service (UK) Ltd................20 Nightingale Bathrooms..................17 T Broadbent.................................25 Van Services & Removals F.D Transport................................32

ARTICLES & LOCAL INFOrmation Advertise in Dartford Living................................................... 35 Alzheimers & Dementia 5k Sponsored Walk............................ 14 Alice In Wonderland at Ingress Park....................................... 23 Astro Stars.......................................................................... 37 Automotive News................................................................. 30 Contact Dartford Living........................................................... 3 Cover - Dartfords Dazzling Dan............................................. 27 Dartford Cambria Raft Race.................................................. 16 Dartford Festival Article......................................................... 29 Dartford Football Club.......................................................... 35 Dartford Living Leaflets and Advertise............................. 35 & 40 Dartfords Tastiest Cakes........................................................ 13 EllenorLions Hospices Summer Fun Fair................................... 19 Editor’s Letter......................................................................... 3 First World War Educational Project....................................... 22 Fitness Article...................................................................... 34 Five WOW Facts................................................................. 38 Gardening Tips.................................................................... 28 Gareth Johnson, MP............................................................. 11 It’s Your Letters..................................................................... 31 Orchard Theatre Competition................................................ 33 Parkrun in Dartford Park........................................................ 15 Round Table Dartford............................................................ 18 School Life: The Perspective of an Insider................................ 39 Sporting Comment............................................................... 19 Sudoku............................................................................... 30 Sudoku Solution................................................................... 38 Tips for Small Businesses....................................................... 21 Useful Numbers................................................................... 38 Wasted Medicines Article..................................................... 34 Where To Go Locally.........................................................6 -12 Wisdom Estates; Helping you make your wisest move.............. 21

Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com


Where to go locally... Mondays

...local events, clubs & groups

Parent & Toddler Groups (Term Time)

1:15pm - 2:30pm. Brent Methodist Church, St Vincents Road, Dartford. 01322 291092. 9:15am - 11:00am. St Anselms Church Community Centre, Dartford. Contact Julie on for 2-5 year olds. St Mary’s activities creative Messy Makers:10am-11am, and 3.45pm-4.45pm - an hour of messy play and email messymakers@gmail.com. or 150593 07851 child. per £3.50 Greenhithe. Road, London Hall, Church Greenhithe


Contact Catherine on 01322 220036. Session 1: 9.15-10.45am, and Session 2: 11-12.30pm. Christchurch, Crossroad, Dartford. John Atkins: 01322 272649. drinks. and snacks all including family per £2 Dartford, Hill, East Church, Little Fishes: 12 - 2pm, Net 288434 for further information. 9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 Hythe Street, Dartford. Please call us on (01322) the children For pre school children up to 4 years Sticky Fingers, 9.30-11.30 am £1.50 per adult includes tea ,biscuits and healthy snack time forwww.stmarygreenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall London Road Greenhithe. Contact 01322 382031 or see


9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 Hythe Street, Dartford. Please call us on (01322)

288434 for further information.


details. The Vineyard Centre, 24 Market St, Dartford. Contact Jane on 07956 430244 for further Crayford. Road, Manor Hall, Church Paulinus St 9:30 - 11:30am. 3 years, 10-11.30am. Springfield Lodge Day Nursery DARTFORD Fun Playtime sessions, 0 01322 228154 a chance to meet other families and make new friends, no need to book, just turn up! TEL:


adult 9.30-11am Baby and me for expectant mothers and mothers / carers of chidren up to 2. £1 per greenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road Greenhithe. Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmary 01322 380322 jeannehoadley@yahoo.co.uk 9.30-11.30 Carer & Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church Hall, Stone Place Rd, Greenhithe. Jeanne


includes healthy snack time for the children. Daddy and Me 9.30.-11.30am A group for dads and male carers of children up to 5years. £1.50 greenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road Greenhithe. Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmary

Toddler Music & Rhyme Sessions

MONDAYS Jo Jingles Music and Movement classes, Holy Trinity Church Hall, High Street, Dartford. Booking needed - phone Gill on 07525 865030. Other days/venues available. MondayS 10:30am - 11:00am & Friday 2:15pm - 2:45pm at Dartford Library - Baby Bounce & Rhyme Time Tuesdays 2 sessions, from 9.30-10.30am and 10:45 - 11:45am in Fleetdown FC Hall; Heath Lane, Dartford. Contact Judi: 07970 730736. ALSO RUN SAME PLACE/TIM E ON THURSDAYS Tuesdays 10.30m - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. ThursdayS (term time only) we will be holding 2 sessions - 10.15am & 11am Crayford Rd, Crayford, DA1 4ER. Tel: 020 8303 7777. Also: Coffee and Chat sessions at Temple Hill Library on the First Tues of the month 10am - 12noon. THURSDAYS 10.30am - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 2.15 - 2.45pm (term time only) at Greenhithe Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 10.45am - 11.15am (term time only) at Longfield Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247.

Little Bright Sparks

Fun phonics, literacy and numeracy classes for 2-4 year olds. Classes held on Weds in East Malling and Thurs in West Kingsdown £5.50 per class 07768 447657 for more info www.facebook.com/littlebrightsparks http://www.babysign.org.uk/

a b c



toddler group Springfield Lodge Da rtford

Children aged from three mon ths - four years can be brought along to Springfield Lodge Day Nursery , Powder Mill Lane. The free session will run ever y Thursday morning from 9.45 am – 11am. Giving parents or carers the opportunity to meet others, mak e friends and chat, whilst the children can enjoy some great fun and play time with a variety of age-specific activities on offer each week. Water, juic e, fruit and biscuits will be availabl e for a small donation to char ity.

Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers

Would you like to promote a local activity on the “Where to go locally...” page? If so email your suggestions to editor@dartfordliving.com

Local Libraries

Dartford Library Opening Hours: Mon to Wed 8.30am - 6.00pm, Thurs 8.30am - 8.00pm, Fri 8.30am - 6.00pm, Sat 9:00am to 5:00pm Ashen Drive Library Opening Hou rs: Mon 2.00pm - 6.00pm, Tue 9.00am - 1.00pm, Thurs 2.00pm - 6.00pm, Fri 9.00am -1.00pm, Sat 10.00am - 2.00pm Temple Hill Library Opening Hou rs: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm, closed Wed & open Sat 10.00am - 2.00pm

Dartford Ladies Probus Club

A group of retired ladies meet locally for lunch on the 4th Wednesday of each month, paying £13 each. They raise funds for charity and usually invite a speaker. Join them and enjoy meeting and making new friends. If you would like more information please contact Iris (Secretary) on 01474 703448

Toni Mount History Classes

The group meet every week at Towncentric in Gravesend and this year we are looking at Everyday Life in Medieval London. We meet every Thursday from 10.30-12.30 at £6.00 per week customers can phone me on 01474 355676 for more information or look at my website www.tonimount.co.uk

Guitars in the Shadows – join in music by the Shadows to 60s to Rock n Roll They meet at Dartford Working Mens Club (Essex Road) at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday of the month. Membership is free but we do ask for a small contribution to costs on the night. Call Ray on 07813 540131 or email guitarsinshadows@hotmail.com

Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com


Where to go locally... Yoga & Meditation Classes Every Thursday from 10.30am to 12.00pm at Peppercorns, 3 Orchard Street, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2DF. For more information please call Hope on 07905914558.


th Come and Join one of Nor Kent’s fastest and most s. successful Martial Arts club Saj For more information, call e on 07903 513104 or just com along to one of our sessions and join in the fun! With the most reasonable fees around, be you’ll find that training can ils affordable too! For all deta please visit our website www.northkentkarate.com

Erith Youth Rugby

Sunday 10:45-12:00, Sussex Road Erith. Ages 4-16 welcome 07903 590515

Dartford Orienteering Club

For more details see www.dfok.co.uk

Dartford Bellringers Holy

Trinity Church, High Street, Wednesdays 8.00-9.30p.m. Free tuition with a very friendly, sociable group. The ideal way to make new friends. Phone Ester 01322 220458 or email: esther.correia1@ btinternet.com



ASDA GREENHITHE: 01322 374100

OPEN MON-SAT 8.30am TILL 10pm. SUN 11am TILL 5pm

Dartford Gymnastics

is the only British Gymnastics Club in Dartford to hold the”GymMark” Award for 6 years. Based in Heath Lane, we are a friendly club with super equipment, great coaches and high standards. We do lots of competitions and we do not close through the holidays! Visit our website http://www.dartfordgymnastics. co.uk/ for full details or contact Linda on 01322 409312 or email dartfordgymclub@yahoo.co.uk


...local events, clubs & groups Little Tigers - Karate for 3, 4 & 5 year olds Sundays 10:15-10:45 at Swanscombe Leisure Centre.

Call Saj on 07903 513104

Bexley and dartford Branch Parkinsons UK

For people with Parkinsons and their carers. We have 2 meetings per month. Bexley: 4th Thursday of each month, at Pincott Hall, 2-4pm. Dartford: 2nd Thursday of each month, Mick Jagger Centre, 7.30-9.30pm. Information support workers available, guest speakers and quizzes. Contact Pamela Childs 0208 303 8971

Crayford and District Probus Club

meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Falcon Wood Club, 1 Falcon Wood Avenue, Welling at 10am. Contact Tony Maun 0208 306 1075 or email Crayford.Probus@gmail.com.

Kav Kavanaghs

School of Rock ‘n’ Roll

Learn To Jive Every Tuesday at 8.30pm at

The Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford, DA1 2JZ. £7.50 per session. Visit www.jiveafter5.co.uk for more informa tion ••• First lesson £2.50 discount if you mention Dartford Living •••

Baby Sensory classes

Baby Sensory classes are designed to support your baby’s development in their first year, along with having lots of fun! Sessions run on Tuesdays in Dartford - 9.40am & 10.50am 6 months to walking, 11.55am & 1pm birth to 6 months. Please prebook your place to avoid disappointment. Call Sarah on 07786 448701 or go on to www.babysensory.co.uk to book your free taster session.

Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers

Would you like to promote a local activity on the “Where to go locally...” page? If so email your suggestions to editor@dartfordliving.com The West Kent Book Club meets once a month on Saturday mornings at Dartford Library. For more information, please call 07860 963333 or find us at www. meetup.com/WestKent-Book-Club/

The Dartford Chess Club

The club meets every Thursday evening from 7.30pm at St Anselms Parish Hall, West Hill and was founded 100 years ago in 1914. All queries to Mike Wiltshire at 01322 272152 or visit www.dartfordchessclub.co.uk


is a community learning organisation for adults and young people aged 16+ with physical, learning and mental health difficulties. For more information, attend a taster session or visit our community lunch club, contact Caroline on 01322 440482 or 07570 347612

Local Sports Clubs

Bexley Rugby Club 01322 550142 or www.bexleyrfc.co.uk

Dartford Ladies Hockey Club Dawn Hall (Secretary) 07793 777250

Dartford Ju Jitsu Club

Mondays, Dartford Girls Grammar School, Shepherds Lane. 6.30-8.00 Juniors, 8.00-10.00 Seniors.1st session free www.dartfordjujitsu.co.uk

Dartford Sharks Basketball Club Tim Dickson - 07855 692527.

Dartford Volleyball Club

Graham - 01322 275290 or 07984 106134.

Stone Lodge Indoor Bowling Club 01322 274111.

VCD Table Tennis Club

Eric Jenkins - 0208 3038312.

‘Play & pay’, 9 hole, par 3 golf course on

Dartford Football Club’s Princes Park site, managed by the Club. Members subscribing annually to play the course have formed themselves into a small golf club:- PRINCES PARK

GOLF CLUB. Contact: Mr. Pat Coleman, Secretary 01322 863730. email: pat.coleman@ dartford.gov.uk

The Ashes Badminton Club

Mondays, Dartford Technology College, Heath Lane. 7.30-9.30. Jacqui 07764 182854.

Fairfield (Dartford) WI 2nd Tuesday of every month, Dartford Girls’ Grammar School, 7.30pm. Contact Judith on 01322 278703 or Evelyn on 07891 061609.

Crayford Women’s Institute 1st Thursday of every month at 1.45pm. Baker Trust Hall. Maxim Road, Crayford (near Sainsburys). Contact Secretary, Jean Monk 01322 557142

MODERN LINEDANCING CLASSES at Dance Union, Greenhithe.

Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm. Fun, social class learning routines from differing genres to popular music providing exercise for body and brain. No dance experience or partners necessary. Contact 01322 387630.


YogaBellies prenatal yoga classes at the Mick Jagger Centre, Dartford. Tuesday evenings 7-8.15pm. For more information please contact lianne@ yogabellies.co.uk 07530281704 The North West Kent Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association meets at 8pm on the 4th Wednesday evening of each month in the Pop-In Parlour, Mill Road, Northumberland Heath, Erith. The meetings last about 2 hours and the group often have a speaker on a variety of subjects, followed by tea and biscuits and general chat. For more information contact Eileen on 01322 228169.

Dartford Quilters meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford. We run a varied programme of activities suitable for the beginner through to the more experienced quilter. More details can be obtained from the club secretary on 01474 834872 RSPCA Kent, North West Branch free micro chipping

RSPCA Kent, North West Branch, offers free micro chippings for all domestic animals at its clinic at 37 Gordon Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2LX on the 1st Saturday in each month, 10am to 12.30pm. The service is free but donations are appreciated. For more information please visit www.rspca-kentnorthwest.org.uk.

Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com


Where to go locally... Play Golf - Make new friends?

Why not join a new golf society in Dartford Suitable for mid -high handicappers - very informal, new players welcome Play at local clubs in Kent

Contact Gary on TEL: 07850 376818

Yoga with Emma

Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30am-10:30am At Europa Gymnastics Centre For more information please contact Emma: emma@samadhi-yoga.co.uk TEL: 07932 621415 www.samadhi-yoga.co.uk

Gravesend Historical Tours No need to book just turn up.

Sunday 21st September 2014 – Guided historical walk of Swanscombe Marshes and the Northfleet Border. Meet: 2.30pm outside George & Dragon public house, Galley Hill, Swanscombe. £3 a head Guide: Christoph Bull 0770 2287147. Sunday 2nd November 2014: Guided historical tour of Greenhithe and Ingress Park Meet: 2.30pm on corner of Station Road and High Street, Greenhithe. £3 a head. Guide: Christoph Bull 0770 2287147.

Singalong Baby Sign

give your child a head start in communication. Classes are held in West Kingsdown on Thursdays 9.45am and Eynsford Fridays 9.45am £5. For more information please call Tracy on 07768 447 657 10

...local events, clubs & groups

Scrappy Days! A scrapbooking group

is being held at Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford, DA2 7RB on the 2nd Sunday of the month between 2pm and 6:30pm. It costs £6 which includes refreshments, nibbles and the use of a cricut (cutting machine for those that don’t know). Beginners are very welcome. Contact Michelle on 07910 488428 or email scrappydays@hotmail.co.uk

The Rotary Club of the North Downs They meet at the Holiday Inn, Black Prince, Thursday evenings 7:30pm for 7:45pm for Dinner and fellowship. For details phone 07759 863836.

Dartford Lions Club

1st Tuesday of every month Dartford Conservative Club Spital Street, Dartford DA1 2DT. Meeting start at 20:00. Further details call Cathy 01322 618640

Monkey Music!

More than 10,000 babies and children regu larly attend classes at Monkey Music and you can book your FREE class now. Join us at: - Alba ny Park Baptist Church, Bexley (Tuesday morn ings) - Baptist Church, Eynsford (Thursday morn ings) - Spital Street Methodist Church, Dartford (Friday mornings). Fun, age-specific, classes for child ren (3mths - 4 years). To book call: 01322 8620 21 or Email: bexley.dartford@monkeymusic.co.uk .

Dartford Art Group

We meet every Thursday evening from 7.30-9.30pm. We meet at the What if...? Gallery 67-69 High Street Dartford DA1 1DJ. The cost to belong is £40 per annum. For further enquiries please email ruthghoward@aol.com or ring 07940 836672

Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers


Classes for under-fives teaching the basic elements of music through whole body movement, using the Dalcroze and Kodaly methods. With action songs and games, using percussion instruments and props like hoops, balls and soft toys, the children develop musical, physical and social awareness, concentration, co-ordination and confidence - and have lots of fun! Becket Sports Centre, Thursdays during term time : babies 9-9.40am; toddlers 9.40-10.20am; 3&4 years 10.20-11am Contact Myrtle : 07763 378451 Email : myrtlebm@hotmail.co.uk The National Women’s Register

The National Women’s Register (NWR) is a national organisation that meets in the Dartford area. The NWR is a discussion group for ‘lively minded women’. Contact can be made via www.nwr.org.uk or call 08454 500 287 and ask about the Dartford group.

Crayford Town Archive

incorporating Barnehurst and Slade Green. Meet every Monday (except the third Monday) of the month at Crayford Library hall - 2pm-4pm. Call in for a chat about old Crayford and to view the large collection of local images, or bring your own for us to copy.

Wheelchair Epee Fencing

Wheelchair epee fencing in Dartford and Gravesham, we are delighted to announce that New Ash Green Epee club, can now introduce wheelchair fencing. If interested in taking up this para sport please contact us on 01474 871484 or alternatively look at our website www.nagfencing.eu

Male? Aged 18 - 44?

Want to have fun and do something worthwhile with your spare time? We’ve arrived in Dartford and we are a NEW Round Table Get involved, you WILL enjoy it! www.dartfordroundtable.co.uk

Gareth Johnson, Member of Parliament for Dartford, will be available to meet with constituents on the following dates: Bluewater, DA9 9ST (4.00 pm to 7.00 pm - Appointment required) • Friday 5th September (this surgery is from 5.00pm to 8.00pm) • Friday 10th October • Friday 7th November • Friday 5th December • Saturday 27th September, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Sainsbury’s Dartford • Saturday 22nd November, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Sainsbury’s Dartford

Open Surgery (No appointment necessary) Saturday 19th July – all day, Dartford Festival, Central Park, Dartford Thursday 31st July – 10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Sainsbury’s Dartford, DA1 2HL Friday 1st August – 11.00 am to 12.00 pm, Royal British Legion, London Road, Greenhithe, DA9 9EJ Friday 29th August – 11.00 am to 12.00 pm, Christ Church Parish Rooms, Cross Road, Dartford, DA1 3ET If you would like to meet Gareth at one of his regular appointment based surgeries in the future, please email him: gareth.johnson.mp@parliament.uk or telephone 020 7219 7047

Looking for a fun way to fitness? Beginner Dance & Dance Exercise classes for adults in the Dartford area. Call/text Linda on 07751 979 262 or visit www.mooremoves.co.uk

North West Kent Family History Society

The Dartford Branch meet at the Technology College, Heath Lane, For more information see www.nwkfhs.org.uk

Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com


Where to go locally... General Home Help Local retired lady available for small errands, shopping, gardening, cleaning, dog walking, general help with any small jobs around the house.

Reliable, friendly, trustworthy References available

Call Sue: 07758 091177

...local events, clubs & groups

Dartford Association for the Disabled

New Members Welcome. at 9th We meet on Thursday Afternoons Lane, th Hea er Low , Hall ut Sco Dartford . Dartford. 2pm till 4pm Transport available if needed. , Bingo, Activities include Games, Quizzes Outings. thly Mon uits. Bisc & Tea Raffle, and . 532 Contact Number; - 01322 381

Stone Cross Youth Club

Meet every other Tuesday 6pm- 8pm. St Mary’s Church Hall, Stone Place Rd, Greenhithe. Jeanne 01322 380322


(University of the Third Age) Charity No 1076584

Pleasure from Leisure Learning

UNA Dartford Branch

The National UK United Nations Association exist for those interested in the work of the United Nations which was formed in 1945, their Website is: www.una.org.uk The Dartford and District Branch has been in existence since 1946. Contact either S.Thompson on sathomps@aol.com or B. Judge on 01322 271272 for details.

DE-STRESSING for Mind, Body and Soul

Relaxation Workshops/Sessions Mindfulness, Meditation, CBT, EFT, Law of Attraction and more www.janetslifecoachingvpweb.co.uk TEL: 01322 311415 MOBILE: 07837 413229 jtmason22@googlemail.com


A monthly general meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month (Except August) at St Anselm’s Parish Centre, West Hill, DA1 2HJ from 2-3.30pm for retired people who would like to develop new horizons. For further information contact our membership secretary, Jean Fox on 01322 864299 or visit our website www.u3asites.org.uk/dartford

Dartford & District Stamp Club

Hold regular meetings in The Meeting Place, The Orchard Shopping Centre, Dartford. Details from Steve Alpe 01322 284491 or email steve_alpe@hotmail.com


Our Club presents a programme of workshops and demonstrations in a very informal and friendly atmosphere. We meet on the last Thursday of the each month except December. Shorne Village Hall, The Street, Shorne. DA12 3EA. Visitors are always made very welcome, entry £3. We have 30 members and look forward to welcoming anyone who loves flowers. The Club provides an opportunity for people to be creative, make friends. For further information please phone 01474 353405 or email arthurzz06-shorne@yahoo.co.uk

Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers

Dartford’S Tastiest Cakes – The Candy Cake Company Their speciality is making gorgeous hand decorated wedding and celebration cakes. The Candy Cake Company’s aim is to offer something with real flair. Using the highest quality ingredients their cakes are baked with the finest and freshest ingredients with locally sourced free range eggs, real butter, and the best vanilla and cocoa. They are a bespoke locally based cake company, designing and making bespoke wedding, celebration cakes and cupcakes. They have a score of 5 (Very Good) on the Dartford Borough Council Scores on the Doors website. Laurice is the owner and founder of The Candy Cake

Company. She is a classically trained Chef and has worked in the UK at the Hilton Metropole London, in France as a chef, and in the USA as a head baker. She’s qualified to City and Guilds 7061 and NVQ level 2 in Hotel and Catering. She has now put all her skills into her own cake business and loves to create art out of cake that not only looks fantastic but taste amazing too. Check out www.thecandycakecompany.com or call Laurice on 07830 942093. They are also are on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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parkrun in Dartford Park On 26 July in Central Park, Dartford became the 277th location in the UK to host parkrun, which is a free, timed 5km run for runners of any ability. 230 runners took part in the inaugural event, which was formally opened by Council Leader Jeremy Kite. The parkrun craze started in 2004 in Bushy Park, Teddington. Since then, it has spread to nine countries all over the world, with each location maintaining the ethos of the original event - that it’s free for all, gives runners an accurately-measured time, and welcomes all participants regardless of their background or running ability.

runners and non-runners alike. If you are interested in helping to support Dartford parkrun by volunteering as a marshal or in any role, please visit www.parkrun.org. uk/dartford/volunteer/for more information. For more information, please email dartfordoffice@parkrun.com or visit www.parkrun.org.uk/Dartford

Runners are requested to register with parkrun before attending, in order to get a unique runner barcode identifier. Once this is done, runners can be measured at any parkrun in the country. All parkruns commence at 9am every Saturday morning. To register, please visit www.parkrun.org.uk/register. Parkrun is made possible by teams of volunteers, who are typically mixture of

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Dartford Cambria Sea Scouts RAft Race On Saturday 28th June, on the banks of the River Thames at Greenhithe, competitors came to participate in the Dartford Cambria Sea Scouts annual raft race. The event has been running for over 100 years and Scout Leader Steve Newton said the Sea Scouts have organised the spectacle for the last twenty years in conjunction with the Pier Hotel.

as tiredness took its toll. The winners crossed the line in just under ten minutes, to the sound of onboard celebrations and bankside cheers. Following them home and with no chance of winning, the remaining teams seemed keener to capsize each other, than end up on the podium. Mayor of Greenhithe, Susan Butterfill presented the shield to the champions – Better

Supporters arrived from midday onwards and there were plenty of smiles on the faces of both young and old as the energetic enjoyed the bouncy castle and zorbing, while the more sedate sampled the bar-b-cue and other refreshments. Those milling around browsed stalls of local produce, bought raffle tickets, or just enjoyed the music.

Off Without – who were the sponsored team of the Pier Hotel. She noted, “You didn’t sink, in fact you floated really well, congratulations on retaining your title.”

The build up to the raft race began under increasingly leaden skies. As the competitors began launching their makeshift vessels into the Thames the 250-300 onlookers turned their attention to the water’s edge. The five rafts entered may have looked as if they had been assembled from a collection of barrels, scaffold poles, ladders and strapping, but they appeared remarkably stable once loaded with crews and headed for the start line.


Dartford Cambria Sea Scouts have been in existence for over 75 years and provide boys and girls between 6 and 18 years of age, with a variety of life skills and activities. For more details, check out their website – www.cambriaseascouts.org.

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Photos: www.travelgirl.co.uk facebook.com/JulesBTravelgirlLtd

Promptly at 2.15pm the air horn sounded and the race began. All crews paddled furiously for the first few strokes and all that was missing was the theme from Hawaii Five-O. Almost a quarter of the way into the race, the crew in last place partially sank and lost two of its’ paddlers overboard. One unfortunate rafter swam to shore asking, “Is this France?” Unperturbed the rest paddled onwards, while the RNLI observed proceedings from a safe distance. Once the half way buoy had been rounded and the teams headed back upstream towards the finish line, there was a reduction in the stroke rate

Once the raft race was over, spectators were able to resume boat trips aboard the Knoydart. Thanks to the generosity of her owners and skipper, the £3 fee for the thirty minute trip out to the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge was donated to Sea Scout fundraising. Steve Newton said the raft race was their main annual fundraiser and “last year we raised around £2,000 and hope to do at least as well this year.” He went on to say that a new Clubhouse was built in 2013 and that five new Topaz dinghies had also been purchased.

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Bav’s Sporting Comment IT’S BACK! Fear not those of you that have been waking up with cold sweats of late, for the wait is over. The Premier League is back. All those arduous days without top flight football has seen grown men break down in IKEA and whimper at the prospect of another Saturday afternoon engaging in conversation, rather than chanting on the stands. Will it be Man City and Chelsea fighting it out for the title? Will Man Utd mount a serious challenge for the title again with the arrival of Louis van Gaal? Will Arsenal be able to sustain a lead in the league, after gaining confidence in winning the FA Cup and spending early and well in the transfer market? Will Suarez’s big money move and the subsequent purchases affect Liverpool’s competitiveness? Will any of the newly promoted teams stay up? Which teams will get the UEFA cup spots? Who will win the FA cup and Carling Cup? So many unanswered questions and so much excitement – whichever team you support. The beginning of the season brings with it hope with anything possible… until the first game where these hopes are either crushed and you’re brought down to reality with a bang or confirmed, and then you’re on cloud 9. Luis Suarez’s four-month ban for biting a World Cup opponent has been upheld by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. However, Suarez can now train and play in friendly matches, with his new club Barcelona. The ruling still prevents him from playing “organised” matches but now allows him to take part in all “football-related activities”. He will still have to serve the remaining eight games of his record nine-match ban in competitive international games, while his competitive Barcelona debut is likely to be at Real Madrid on 26th October in El Clasico.

Upcoming events in SEPTEMBER:

5: Athletics: Diamond League, Brussels 7: F1: Italian Grand Prix, Monza 8-21: Sailing: World Championships, Santander 17: Women’s Football: World Cup qualifiers: Montenegro v England 21: F1: Singapore Grand Prix 23: Cricket: Final County Championship fixtures start 26-28: Golf: Ryder Cup, Gleneagles

EllenorLions Hospice’s Summer Fair Fun! Families flocked to the EllenorLions Hospice’s Summer Fair to soak up rays at the charity’s annual event. The recent event attracted people of all ages and a well-known face – antiques expert Alison Chapman who is a regular on David Dickinson’s Real Deal and Secret Dealer. A queue snaked its way through the Hospice in Coldharbour Road, Northfleet, as the bubbly TV star valued people’s antiques and other treasures in exchange for a donation. Outside children enjoyed a bouncy castle and kango jumps, while adults treated themselves to beautiful plants donated from local garden centres and tried their luck on the raffle. People’s generosity helped to raise over £3,000 which will enable the hospice to care for seriously ill adults and children in the local area. Events Manager Emma Whittington said: “We were delighted to see over 350 supporters at the Summer Fair. It was wonderful to have Alison with us for the day, and everyone loved having their antiques valued. We’re very grateful to everyone who contributed to the event and helped to raise so much in support of their local hospice.” EllenorLions Hospices’ sponsored Twilight Walk is coming to Gravesham on Friday 19 September. To register visit www. ellenorlions.org

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Voluntary VAT Registration

Tips for small businesses

Each month Paul Conradi, Chartered Accountant at Conradi Morrison & Co, will be giving us his professional advice for small businesses.. There are many businesses that are not registered for VAT as they are below the VAT registration limit, currently £81,000 turnover for the last twelve months. For many of these businesses, it would have been more beneficial if they had registered for VAT. Voluntary registration for VAT purposes can be applied for up to four years retrospectively. A voluntary registration applies when the business has never exceeded the registration threshold but wants to register because of potential input tax benefits. A business making only cold takeaway food supplies (which is zero rated) would be such a business and should consider voluntary registration. This is because it can claim input tax on its expenses, subject to the normal rules without any

output tax liability on its sales. The business could apply for retrospective voluntary registration from as far back as July 2010 and would be able to obtain a four year windfall of its input tax on all of the expenses which the business has incurred in that time, subject to the normal rules. It may also be able to obtain VAT on its fixed assets which were held on July 2010, as well as claiming input tax on services incurred in the six month period before the date of registration. As your local Accountant, I will be very glad to meet you and discuss the possibility of tax planning in your business. For more information, please see page 2 of this month’s Dartford Living and feel free to call on 01322 278188 to arrange a free meeting.

Wisdom Estates: ‘Helping You Make Your Wisest Move’ Wisdom Estates are Dartford’s local Independent Estate Agents who not only offer exceptional Customer Service, combining quality with care, but are also known for their commitment to helping the local Community. It may therefore come as no surprise that Wisdom Estates latest community project involves their partnership with the Mayor of Dartford. After being invited to meet with the Mayor recently, Robert Wisdom (Managing Director of Wisdom Estates), offered very generous support in the form of a Sponsorship Scheme for the Mayor’s Charity Appeal. This is specifically designed to help the Mayor raise funds for very worthwhile causes throughout the whole borough.

Customer Service, which combine a personal and traditional approach with up-to-date marketing tools such as links to all the major property portals including: Rightmove and Zoopla, as well as to their own bespoke website, and regular advertising in local publications.

So, if you are thinking of moving home why not ‘Make Your Wisest Move Today’ and contact Wisdom Estates on 01322 272144, or visit their website www.wisdom-estates.co.uk. Also see the advert on page 32. Wisdom Estates – Quality, Commitment & Care

In essence the scheme offers a donation of £100 to The Mayor of Dartford’s Charity Appeal (upon completion of any property sale), simply by naming the Mayor’s Charity Appeal as the beneficiary of the donation when requesting a Free Market Valuation with Wisdom Estates. The £100 donation comes directly from Wisdom Estates and has no effect whatsoever on any fee paid by their customer. In fact Wisdom Estates are very proud to guarantee their 1% Sole Agency Selling Fee and have always been confident that they offer an unrivaled level of service, whilst being committed to maintaining a realistic fee for their customers. Wisdom Estates reputation as an Independent, family run Estate Agents has grown, due to their outstanding levels of

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First World War Educational Project For Dartford Primary Schools An educational booklet produced by Dartford MP Gareth Johnson, working in partnership with the Royal British Legion (RBL) Greenhithe and Swanscombe branch, charting Dartford’s role during the First World War has secured a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £3,000.

Our aim for this project is twofold. To inform and give our young generation an insight into a conflict which became the First World War 100 years ago this month.

The booklet will inform primary school aged children and young people about Dartford during the First World War and encourage them to explore their own wartime heritage.

But most importantly for them to ask questions about their own family’s involvement and how their local area, families and the general population of Dartford and the surrounding villages were affected by ‘the war to end all wars.

Gareth Johnson MP, said: “The educational booklet we are creating about Dartford in the First World War to give to every primary school child in Dartford Constituency is to mark the Centenary of the start of the war and this grant will make that possible. It will fund the research and production of the booklet and we’re delighted to be supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The booklet is 24 pages and will feature lots of information about the war including life in the trenches, women in the war, children and stories of local people killed and where soldiers were buried in the constituency. The aim is to give bite-size bits of information with quizzes and activities so the children can go away and learn more. It will hopefully provide them with a clear idea of Dartford’s rich heritage and its role during the conflict. I hope the project will educate children about their town in the war and inspire them to research their heritage by visiting the local museum, library and any local WW1 events.� Phil Berry of Greenhithe and Swancombe RBL said: “I am delighted to be part of this local educational project, which has been supported by the HLF.


The material is primarily aimed at KS2, although I know many teachers will be able to easily adapt many parts of the booklet for upper KS1 and even KS3.� Stuart McLeod, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund South East, said: “The effects of the First World War were far reaching, touching every part of the UK and beyond. This project will play a key role in helping school children in Dartford explore and learn about their wartime past and the enormous contributions their ancestors made to the war effort. The booklet, combined with educational talks and visits to Dartford Museum, will mean that all the children involved will gain a greater understanding of how this global conflict shaped our modern world.�

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Alice in Wonderful Ingress Park By local resident Jason Jando

Cut-out characters turned the heads of Ingress Park residents recently as they decorated the area, to complement an openair production of Alice in Wonderland. Local artist and member of Dartford Arts Network (which was formed out of the Dartford Creative Project), Stephen Oliver, with a group of local residents including grandparents and children from Temple Hill and Oakfield Community Primary Schools, took on the challenge of becoming artists. Stephen sketched the characters from the original book and undertook the preparation for the artists to give their own interpretation when it came to the colouring, most stuck close to the original look, so no Gothic Mad Hatter this time! Following the success of this scheme Stephen, who runs The Stephen Oliver Gallery in the Orchard Shoppinh Centre, Dartford said: “We want to get a lot of things going artistically within the town”. Expect to see lots more projects happening including The Big Draw! Stephen has put together a photo montage of everyone’s finished work. Interested? Find out more about Dartford Arts Network by contacting him: stephen@stephen-oliver.co.uk or visit www.stephen-oliver.co.uk

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Dartford’S Dazzling Dan!

By Richey Estcourt Dartford-based artist Dan Lane unveiled a stunning exhibition of sculpture at the What If? Gallery in July. Dan, who exhibits under the moniker Mechanica, assembles his sculptures from found items to interpret what he calls “natural forms by mechanical intervention”. The resulting pieces can be vaguely reminiscent of Giger - surreal, sometimes macabre figures depicting natural and mechanical hybrids, each made from hundreds of components, meticulously assembled like some supernatural Meccano creation. So delicate and detailed are they, that each view reveals new details and features. It’s probable that the owners of these pieces will be discovering parts of these figures for a long time to come, such is the complexity and intricacy of the work. Studying Caelum et Infernum for example, the eye is drawn to the character’s Venetian mask-face, while it’s skull is opened to reveal the clockwork system within. The features are mounted in a system adorned with what I assume are an assembly of

both functional organs and decorative accessories, adorned with the icons of ancient gods, and a human skull. Yet it took me three visits to this particular piece before I noticed the presence of butterflies nesting among among the metallic architecture. Dan Lane is a former student of the Leigh City Technical College (now the Leigh Technology Academy). Remarkably, he kept his talent hidden for a long time before choosing to publicise his work. He created pieces to decorate his own home, and would pass of his earlier works as curios found at craft fairs. Since then, he has established a stunning portfolio of work, much of which was exhibited in the Castle Fine Arts Gallery in Mayfair this August. I’ve no doubt that this exhibition will take his name and reputation to a much wider audience, so the What If? event was a wonderful and rare opportunity to see these works assembled in Dartford. More of Dan’s work can be see on his website at www.mechanica.uk.com

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Gardening Tips for September Flowers • Clear away faded summer bedding plants and plant out Pansies, Wallflowers and other spring bedding plants • Sow hardy annuals outside to flower for next spring • Deadhead Roses regularly • Spray Roses to control black spot mildew and aphids • Water Camellias regularly as they are now forming next year’s flower buds • Dead head annuals, perennials and Roses • Continue spraying for mildew and other fungal diseases • Towards the end of the month prepare

to move evergreens and perennials that are growing in the wrong places • Clear up any fallen leaves and other dead plant material to prevent diseases over wintering and remove shelter for vine Weevils


• Lift onions and dry them before storing them • Harvest plants as soon as they are ready to get maximum flavour from them • Cut and dry herbs for use in the winter • Continue to take precautions against slugs and snails • Regular hoeing will keep weeds down and prevent seeds being dropped on to the soil to create problems for the following year

Tips provided by Dobbies Garden World.

Tidying • Now is the month to tidy up the garden, clearing away summer bedding and starting to plant spring bulbs and winter bedding. • Consider which annuals worked and which did not, and decide what you would like to grow instead. • Weed borders and remove faded flowers from perennials like Rudbeckia and annual plants like Busy Lizzie, this will keep them flowering longer. • Roses also need deadheading as their blooms fade - just cut off their flowers above the highest leaf on the stem.

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Dartford Festival Was Hot! As the temperature hit 30+ degrees this weekend, thousands of festivalgoers hit Dartford’s Central Park for the Dartford Festival 2014! Now in its 77th year, Dartford Borough Council has developed the Festival from a town carnival into one of the biggest free festivals in the south-east. This year’s Festival line-up proved to be a big hit with Scouting For Girls playing some of their greatest hits and lighting up Central Park with a cover of Live and Let Die to a huge crowd on Sunday afternoon. Even heavy rain, thunder and lightning didn’t stop The Beat following them later in the day, with some seriously dedicated fans dancing in the rain and mud! Thousands of fans braved the heat to see Saturday’s headline act – 17-year-old Luke Friend, fresh from this year’s X-Factor. Britain’s Got Talent’s James Smith also wowed his fans with his set. The Festival welcomed some local and up & coming acts to the stage this year including Tank Trap, Prequels and Dead Baby Birds. The bands all put on great performances and have gone away with a lot of new fans. Local dance acts also provided some fantastic entertainment earlier in the afternoons, from the very cute Baby Ballet to the fast footwork of the Linda Fryday Academy of Irish Dance. Away from the main stage, a whole host of charities, organisations and businesses worked hard in the heat to put on displays, demonstrations and activities. Councillor Jeremy Kite, Leader of the Council, said, “We’ve already had so much positive feedback about this year’s Festival. I know some councils are cutting back on festivals but not here in Dartford. We love doing it and I’m delighted that people had such a great time. From the huge crowds in early afternoon through to the dancers in the deluge it showed the very best of Dartford and we look forward to next year’s event.”

Photos: Nadine Ong

To give feedback about this year’s Dartford Festival you can email Dartford Borough Council at festival@dartford.gov.uk

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Dhiren’s Automotive News In this edition we’ll look at a new face-lifted model car available next year, the bestselling UK model car and how to keep cool during the summer.

2015 Porsche Cayenne – The current Porsche Cayenne was introduced in 2010 and this is its first face-lift. A range of relatively subtle exterior improvements have smartened things up front and rear, but the majority of the improvements have concerned the engines. The biggest news is the replacement of the hybrid model with a plug-in hybrid. This has a three-litre V6 petrol engine and an electric motor with a combined power output of 428bhp. The maximum range on pure electric running is 22 miles and the maximum speed is 77mph. Combined fuel economy is a claimed 83mpg and with emissions of 79g/km. All Cayenne models now get xenon headlights and LED daytime running lights as standard, with the range-topping Turbo getting dynamic LED headlights. Front and rear parking sensors, cruise control, an automatic tailgate and start / stop technology are standard across the range. The cheapest route into a Porsche Cayenne is the standard Diesel, which costs £49,902.

It’s been Britain’s bestselling car every year since 2009, when it overtook the Ford Focus, and now its total sales have topped those of the Ford Escort – 4,105,961 which were sold in the UK during its 32-year production from 1968 to 2000. Cheapest new cars with air conditioning When it’s hot outside the car is often one of the few places to stay cool. As long as your car has air conditioning, that is. Many, but not all, new cars come with air conditioning as standard. But what are the cheapest new cars you can buy that have air conditioning as standard – these include the Seat Ibiza (£10,920), Mazda 2 (£10,945) and Hyundai i20

Ford Fiesta – UK’s Bestselling Car Since the Ford Fiesta was launched in 1976, over 4,115,000 have been sold in the UK.



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(Solution on page 38)

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Generally speaking, Dartford is a much nicer place to live than when I first came here in 2007. My first impressio ns (especially as I arrived at the old railway station) were that the town was a bit ugly and down in the dumps. Since then, the railway station (if not the railway service) has improved beyond recognition, and there have been significant improvements to Central Park and Hesketh Park, and plent y more improvements are on the way - Fairfield Pool, open air theatre, the renovation of the old art deco Co-Op building etc. You can (and defin itely should) question the cost of these things, but serious investment in quality facilities simply must be made. I don’t want my taxes being save d in a bank, or spent on middlemanagement layers at the Civic Centre. In 2014, there’s still a lot of room for impr ovement, but people only have so much time on their hands, and there’s not much money in the system. Thing is - when you talk about the ‘qua lity’ of a town, a lot of people just want shops. I’m bewildered by the number of people who think that opening a mega-Tesco will be an impr ovement to anything - it’s just a bricks and mortar building selling low quality goods for the benefit of shareholders. Shops aren’t the totality of a town - in fact, we could all do our shopping online, save time and mone y, and use the time and savings to spend in the natural environment or at cultural events. Personally, I’d sooner spend my weekends on Dartford Heath, or the peninsula or at Princes Park than pushing a trolley load of plastic crap around Tesco. The place I lived in before moving to Dartf ord had serious problems with crime and lack of community cohesion. A man was murdered this week round the corner from my old flat, and the respo nse of the community has been one that lacks any surprise, shock or cond emnation. They’ve seen it all before. Dartford doesn’t have that problem, but if the town becomes a place full of supermarkets, and nothing for people to actually ‘do’, then the population simply divides into factions with mone y, and without. None of whom are happy. Seriously people - stop moaning !

Reg ard s, Rich ey Estc ourt

Liv in g, De ar Da rt fo rdban July. Practising d guys on Tuesday 15th of

I was with a few of the ther has been coming weekend. The wea for a Charity event over the d Scout hall was tfor Dar the at ng ctisi and pra beautiful but extremely hot ut hall for some Sco the ide outs sauna! I stepped t, beaming like trying to practice in a ligh sun of to notice a beautiful ray air (which there was none) as they are so too) rms (sto sets sun sing ver cha down towards me. I’m fore special... I quickly ray of light was something romantic! So I could tell this re there were whe the sun , the rays were fading but ut hall and out onto the field ran back through the Sco the time I reached the field By s. ry way dog eve r elf thei mys king ing wal ition people As I was standing and pos guys at football practice and across my lens! t have thought I was odd. ball mus y foot The or ly! kers fect wal per dog ng any was not, it was setti astic & clouds, trying to avoid in the end... I caught a fant t possible shot of the sun it was very much worth it imaginable to get the bes but t sho said my I’ve g as turin And cap lly! lst gnats whi t get much better rea I endured the taste of a few ing ‘La Bamber’. Couldn’ as or a sunset nd of the band guys play twinkle lights up at Christm it’s ther whe . ng. sunset on camera to the sou setti t righ the er und n it... whe t, sing gea cha s as much as I did before, Dartford always look enjoy the beauty of it still, always there! I hope you like this one, the beauty is

Th an k yo u & Re ga rds Lis

a-Anne As ke w

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Building Muscle


Despite what most people think, building muscle is not as simple as lifting some weights in the gym. Too many women are afraid to enter the weights section of the gym for fear of looking “too muscly”. And too many men think it’s as simple as moving the heaviest weight you can from A to B for a few sets of 10 repetitions.

Unfortunately for all of us - it’s not that simple. First – Women. You simply don’t have the hormones to build a lot of muscle without spending ludicrous amounts of time in the gym, and eating. Everyone should aim to get stronger, and that means lifting heavier (with good technique of course). Ironically, the myth of lifting light weights for high reps may actually make you bigger than lifting heavy weights for low reps – paradigm shift! Lifting heavy weights will train your muscle to use more muscle fibres (that are already there), making you stronger without getting bigger. This will also help with the “tone” that people are after. Higher reps stretch and tear the muscle, breaking it down to repair and grow back bigger

than before. So if you want to “tone up” – Lift Heavy! Men. For the most part men want to build muscle, but do it wrong! To break down the muscle and force it to grow bigger, you need to lift lighter weights. About 50-60% of your maximum (maybe even less). Keep the muscle you’re working under tension for the whole set. No resting between reps, no help from your gym buddy, no half reps. If you can’t complete full range movements, under control, and under tension, the weight is too heavy. Drop the ego and lower the weight. Strength training is a whole different ball game; so decide if you want to get bigger and look better (and lift lighter weights), or if you want to show off talking about how much you can bench! Bottom line is this: Women – lift heavier, don’t be afraid of getting strong Men – lift lighter, no-one cares what weight you’re using, and if they do – pity them! Train hard!

By Mark Broadbent, Master Personal Trainer & Instructor at Dartford Bootcamps. Visit www.DartfordBootcamps.com for information on Personal Training, Nutrition coaching or Bootcamp Fitness classes.

£1,000 a Day Local Cost of Wasted Medicines Doctors and health experts are asking the public to help tackle wasted medicines as new figures suggest more than £1,000 a day is being spent in Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley on unused medicines. NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) aims to reduce the number of prescription drugs issued which are not used. It comes after approximately 13,000 unused tablets and capsules worth £5,000 were returned to pharmacies in just four days. This works out at £1,250 a day. Last year, the CCG spent £36 million on prescriptions with an estimated £1 million to £3 million not being used, this excludes medicine waste in residential establishments like care homes and nursing homes. GP Dr Bhaskar Bora, the CCG’s clinical chair, and lead pharmacist Jabeen Egan met with more than 70 patients and pharmacists at an event in Princes Park where medicine waste was part of the agenda. They talked about the size of the problem and how patients, GPs, pharmacists, other health professionals and voluntary organisations can work together to reduce it. Medications Rosemary Bolton, the CCG’s lay member for public engagement, said: “We were really pleased to see such enthusiasm from our patients, public and voluntary organisations who took part in the workshops. These workshops covered what was working well, not working well and what could be done better. Patients really are at the heart of what we do and their involvement is invaluable.” Wasted medicines Dr Bora said: “Next to staff, drugs are the biggest cost to the NHS. Most are essential but unfortunately some patients end up with far too many. Costs are rising as our growing population gets older


and more treatments become available.” Jabeen said: “It is a huge challenge but with all of us working together, each making small changes, we can make a big difference and re-invest money from medicines waste for other services or treatments to support our patients. There are many reasons for waste. Medicines can be stockpiled in a house for so long they become out of date. Some medication may have been stopped or changed because the patient has got better, worse or may have suffered side-effects. Medicines may have been prescribed unnecessarily because of, say, an unneeded repeat prescription which the patient never takes. Changes in a person’s condition might be discovered in hospital which leads to a different prescription. If we all work together in reducing medicines waste we can improve patient safety whilst making re-investments where they are needed.” How to help Patients can help by ordering repeat prescriptions wisely and only ask for the amount of medicine they need so they avoid stockpiling at home. They should also take the medicine as prescribed. In a survey, a third of patients were found to be taking their medicine either incorrectly or not at all 10 days later – which leads to a huge amount of waste. If people have trouble taking their medicine, or they experience any side-effects, they should discuss the problem with their GP or pharmacist immediately and arrange for any unused medicines to be disposed of safely. Community pharmacists are essential in helping to tackle the problem. They can advise on medicines and help reassess longterm medication.

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Astro Stars Aries You may be swept away by a whirlwind of emotions, activities and romance. Taurus From the 5th, a sense of satisfaction in doing what seems right comes to the fore. Creative projects or hobbies are highlighted. Gemini All month, love, socialising, entertainment, holidays, leisure, creative ideas and projects are highlighted. Cancer The 6th and 7th, bring changes to your career, relationship, or ambition. From the 23rd, your home, family, property concerns and the past come into focus. Leo More than any time of the year, your focus is on having fun, romance and creatively. This is a time when you are more flirtatious than usual!

By Sandy Davies www.facebook.com/astrodegrees

Virgo You are starting a new personal cycle, which may mean alot of changes are going to take place. Libra All month your communication style has flair, diplomacy, charm and can be a bit flirtatious. Scorpio 14th and 21st, communicating powerful feelings on a romantic level through gestures or by practical means. Sagittarius From 14/9, you start projects or challenges with gusto, although maybe tend to abandon them rather quickly too! Capricorn 11th, Older people or people in positions of responsibility or authority will be co-operative, helpful and approachable.

Aquarius 18th, you may find yourself involved with the wrong group, wrong job, wrong kind of friends or you may be eased out of a position. Be careful not to be overly critic or picky with others. Pisces The Full Moon on 26th highlights a need to connect deeply with others and to experience the “bigger picture” of your life. Using your birth time and not just your Sun sign, to predict forthcoming events which are unique to you! Order a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month report from £20.00 contact me on 07966 307360 Email: astrodegrees@btinternet.com

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Five WOW Facts!

SUDOKU Solution

Each month Vinayak Jain will wow us with 5 facts about somewhere or something amazing in the world. This month it’s… Taj Mahal It’s maybe the most renowned monument in the world, but not many know the following about this utopian abode.

1 2 3 4


It was completed in 22 years & cost Shah Jahan 32 crore rupees, which in today’s money probably exceeds one billion pounds! An estimated 22,000 workers were employed in its construction & around 1,000 elephants transported materials. It takes on different colouring at different times of the day – pinkish hue in the morning, milky white in the evening & golden at night. It’s said that the changing colour resembles the changing mood of females. Its four sides are perfectly identical creating an astonishingly mirrored image on each side. It’s perfectly symmetrical in every way, except for one thing – the two tombs inside are not equal in size because the male tomb had to be larger than the female tomb. The pillars surrounding it are slightly tilted outwards so that in the event of an earthquake they will fall away from the tomb. No wonder it attracts 3-4 million visitors every year!

Kick off times & further information can be found at www.dartfordfc.co.uk

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✆ Useful Numbers 24 Hour Kent Dementia Helpline: 0800 500 3014 Alcoholics Anonymous: 08457 697 555 Citizens Advice Bureau: 01322 224686 Crimestoppers: 0800 555111 Darent Valley Hospital: 01322 428100 Dartford Borough Council: 01322 343434 Dartford Police Station (non urgent crime): 01622 690690 EDF Energy Networks Emergencies/Powercuts Helpline: 0800 028 0247 Gareth Johnson MP 020 7219 7047 38

Gatwick Airport Enquiries: 08700 002468 Heathrow Airport Enquiries: 08700 000123 Information About Drugs FRANK: 0800 776600 Kent Homophobic Incident Reporting Line: 0800 328 9162 Kent Racial Incident Reporting Line: 0800 138 1624 Local Breastfeeding Counsellors Judianne/Paula: 01322 224072 National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hour): 0808 2000 247 National Gas Emergency Service: 0800 111 999

National Rail Enquiries: 08457 484950 NHS Direct: 111 (free of charge from landline or mobile NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 Report a non-urgent crime: Dial 101 or go online www.reportacrime.kent.police.uk RSPCA Kent, North West Branch Helpline: 01322 286720 Samaritans: 08457 909090 Thames Water Leak Line: 0800 714614 The National Pandemic Flu Service: 0800 1 513 100 West Kent NHS Helpline: 0800 0 850850

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There is also a team of professionals involved in ‘Team Around the Family’ (it is also referred to as Team Around the Child) which is a referral for in-depth support for a family in need of support. Although it is a very frustrating process as the forms are very time consuming, in the long run, having a number of support options from a variety of outside agencies, is definitely worth investing your The Perspective of an Insider time in. You can work with your school to fill in the relevant form. Outside agencies If your child or the family are having a difficult time at the moment, get in touch with your Schools are limited financially on what outside school and see if they can help. Even if your agencies they can afford to work with. Over the years I have worked with many outside school does not offer support in-house, at least agencies: counsellors, educational psychologist, they can advise you on where to do it yourself privately. police school liaison officers, social workers, mentors (inside and outside plus students being There is no shame in asking for help, if it is going to benefit your child or your family. trained to mentor students), school nurses, Connexions, anger management, youth workers, They are some fantastic organisations in this area, so make the most of them. drug advisers and many more. Follow me on twitter - ebb_emily

School Life:

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