Dartford Living June 2016

Page 1


June 2016 - Issue 120

MP’s charity cricket game to raise vital funds Page 19 WHAT’S INSIDE... New Mayor for Dartford Page 25

London to Canturbury Charity Ride Page 42

Dartford FC Season Review Page 49

Plus - All your regular

features, events, information and much, more in your expanded 56 page issue.

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Welcome to your


Dear Readers,

As usual this month’s edition is jam packed with lots of local information and local businesses. Please support as many as you can “use them or lose them!” Don’t forget that we run Dartford Living alongside volunteer members of the local community FOR the local community. Dartford Living is YOUR magazine, the only independently run magazine serving the local area with information, fun, good news and positive local stories! Feel free to get in touch if you would like to write an article for the magazine. If writing is not for you then perhaps you could volunteer to deliver 100 or so magazines to your local roads - you will guarantee your copy of the magazine and get a little exercise as well! We deliver to thousands of homes and businesses in the local area, however if you don’t always receive a copy directly through your door, you can pick up a copy from various drop off points. These include Dartford Football Club, numerous local libraries, Fairfield Leisure Centre, The Priory Shopping Centre, Stephen Oliver Art Gallery, numerous health centres and local Barclays branches. The ‘Previous Editions’ section of the Dartford Living website also includes electronic versions of Dartford Living magazine. Additionally, if you email editor@dartfordliving.com we will add you to our newsletter email mailing list and contact you just once a month with an electronic copy of Dartford Living! Over 4,500 local people already do this!

Until next time, Vijay - Editor, Dartford Living (and Annie, Barbara, Bhavesh, Christine, David, Dawn, Derek, Debbie, Dhiren, Elaine, Eleanor, Emma, Holly, Jackie, Jane, Jenny, Joanne, John, Ken, Kelly, Mark, Nickki, Nicola, Pat, Richey, Steph, Steven, Teresa and the rest of the fantastic Dartford Living volunteer team)

check out our new website for even more local news and articles



6-14....................... .................... What’s on 15...................................... Useful numbers 19............................. Charity Cricket Match 23.............................Dartford Living Meets 24...............................................Pet Corner 25.........................New Mayor for Dartford 31............Local Business joins Homeserve 34...............................Life Under The Stairs 36.-37.....................................News in Brief 42...................................Charity Cycle Ride 43..............................................Colour Run 44..............................................Auto News 45...............................................Gardening 46.....................................................Fitness 47...............................Small Business News 48......................Dartford Sharks Basketball 49.....................Dartford FC Season Review 50.............. Team Hard - Local Racing team 51..................................Sporting Comment 52....................................................DAODS 52.................Orchard Theatre Competition 58....................................Theatre Roundup



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Advertisers Index

Directory of Local Businesses advertising in Dartford Living

AUCTION HOUSE Watermans.................................................32 ACCOUNTANTS, FINANCE & LEGAL Conradi Morrison & Co .....................................................2 BW Accounts......................................................................18 Buss Murton ..................................................................... 39 GF+Co......................................................20 Lynton & Co ........................................................................5 Smith Kiew Partners...........................................................30 BUILDERS, DECORATORS ROOFING, KITCHENS & WINDOWS A Baines & Son Roofing.....................................................32 Claremont Decorative Services.. .................................54 Steve Cook - Double Glazing............................................33 CHILDCARE Dimples.. ...........................................................28 CHURCHES Grace Centre......................................................................30 Crossways Community Church.............................................38 CLOTHING Tots and Frocks..................................................................35 COSMETIC, BEAUTY & HEALTH Dia Wipes.. ............................................................17 Slimming World .................................................................56 COUNCIL Dartford Borough Council ....................................................29 DOG GROOMING Cruffty Cuts........................................................................35 EDUCATION Kip McGrath.. .........................................................33 Leaders are Readers..........................................................22 The Leigh UTC ..................................................................26 ELECTRICIANS AES Electricians...............................................................4 Mr Electric.........................................................................47 ESTATE/ LETTING AGENTS GPS Lettings.....................................................................17 Virotti.............................................................26 Wisdom Estates..............................................................21 GARAGES & VEHICLE SERVICES Shenley Road Garage..........................................................40 GARDENING SERVICES The Plant Centre................................................................35 HAIRDRESSERS Sylvia’s Hair Salon................................................................41 HOTELS Campanile...................................................................4 HEATING AND PLUMBING JA Projects........................................................................40

JEWELLERY Bradleys............................................................................32 LOGISTICS/ REMOVALS FD TRANSPORT ...........................................................41 MUSIC/DANCE & FITNESS Dartford Bootcamps............................................................4 Monkey Music.. ..........................................................7 Vibe..................................................................................21 OPTICIANS Linklater Opticians.............................................................39 PICTURE FRAMING Craft Frames.. ...........................................................40 SANDWICH BAR Sally Sues..........................................................................25 SECURITY SYSTEMS Excel Security...................................................................20 SPORTS Fairfield Leisure Centre.......................................................16 STOVES AND FIREPLACES The Stove and Fireplace ....................................................54 WILL WRITING SMN Will Writing .........................................................54

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Where to go locally...

...local events, clubs & groups

Parent & Toddler Groups (Term Time) Mondays 9:15am - 11:00am. St Anselms Church Community Centre, Dartford. Contact Julie on 01322 291092. St Mary’s Greenhithe Church Hall, Messy Makers:10.15am-11.15am - an hour of messy play and creative activities for 2-5 year olds. at messymakers@gmail.com or call London Road, Greenhithe. £4.50 per child. For further information and to book, please emailus 07851 150593. Tuesdays Catherine on 01322 220036. Session 1: 9.15-10.45am, and Session 2: 11-12.30pm. Christchurch, Crossroad, Dartford. Contact and drinks. John 01322 272649. Little Fishes: 12 - 2pm, Net Church,, (Formerly Gala Bingo Hall) Dartford, £3 per family including all snacks information. further for 288434 (01322) on us call Please Dartford. Street, Hythe 9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 school children up to 4 years pre For children the for time snack healthy and ,biscuits tea Sticky Fingers, 9.30-11.30 am £1.50 per adult includes reenhithe.com www.stmaryg see or 382031 01322 St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall London Road Greenhithe Contact Wednesdays for further information. 9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 Hythe Street, Dartford. Please call us on (01322) 288434 term, £5 weekly dependent on 6-weekly 1pm-2pm - Fleetdown Community Centre, Swaledale Road, Dartford, DA2 6JZ t - £30 for Kent “Happi-Mess Facebook on us find or il.com kent@hotma availability, paid in advance - happi-messThursdays The Vineyard Centre, 24 Market St, Dartford. Contact Jane on 07956 430244 for further details. 9:30 - 11:30am. St Paulinus Church Hall, Manor Road, Crayford. - facebook.com/ToeRags 9.30-11am Toerags Toddler Group - Adult education centre, Dartford £3 per Child - £1 Non Walkers - facebook.com/ToeRags 1-2.30pm Toerags Toddler Group - Adult education centre, Dartford £3 per Child - £1 Non Walkers Fridays 9.30-11am Baby and me for expectant mothers and mothers / carers of chidren up to 2. £1 per adult reenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road Greenhithe. Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmaryg - facebook.com/ToeRags Walkers Non £1 Child per £3 Dartford centre, education Adult Group Toddler Toerags 9.30-11am jeannehoadley@yahoo.co.uk 380322 01322 9.30-11.30 Carer & Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church Hall, Stone Place Rd, Greenhithe. Jeanne 1-3pm Gigglekidz, Tree Estate Community Centre on Cedar Road - £2 Per Child Saturdays

healthy snack time for the children. Daddy and Me 9.30.-11.30am A group for dads and male carers of children up to 5years. £1.50 includes reenhithe.com www.stmaryg see or 382031 01322 Contact Greenhithe. Road London St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall,

Toddler Music & Rhyme Sessions

MONDAY S 10:30am - 11:00am & Friday 2:15pm - 2:45pm at Dartford Library - Baby Bounce & Rhyme Time TUESDAY S 2 sessions, from 9.30-10.30am and 10:45 - 11:45am in Fleetdown FC Hall; Heath Lane, Dartford. Contact Kate on 07770 860450.. ALSO RUN SAME PLACE/TI ME ON THURSDAYS TUESDAY S 10.30m - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS (term time only) we will be holding 2 sessions - 10.15am & 11am Crayford Rd, Crayford, DA1 4ER. Tel: 020 8303 7777. Also: Coffee and Chat sessions at Temple Hill Library on the First Tues of the month 10am - 12noon. THURSDAYS 10.30am - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 2.15 - 2.45pm (term time only) at Greenhithe Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 10.45am - 11.15am (term time only) at Longfield Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247.


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Little Bright Sparks Fun phonics, literacy and numeracy classes for 2-4 year olds. Classes held on Weds in East Malling and Thurs in West Kingsdown ÂŁ5.50 per class 07768 447657 for more info www.facebook.com/littlebrightsparks http://www.babysign.org.uk/

Slade Green and Howbury Community Library Baby and Toddler Action Rhyme time group Every Wednesday (Term Time only) at 11.15am LEGO Club Every Saturday 2-3pm for ages 5 and over Chrome Road Slade Green DA8 2EL Tel: 01322 333602


07891 545965 sarah.h@hartbeeps.com

Parent and Baby Sing and Sign classes Learn baby signing the fun way! Help your baby to communicate before speech, using music and play with weekly themes, instruments, and physical fun. Dartford, Bexley, Greenhithe, coming soon to New Ash Green and other areas. T: 07958 455699 E: jenettehawkes@outlook.com W: www.singandsign.com

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Where to go locally... The North West Kent Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association meets at 8pm on the

4th Wednesday evening of each month in the Pop-In Parlour, Mill Road, Northumberland Heath, Erith. The meetings last about 2 hours and the group often have a speaker on a variety of subjects, followed by tea and biscuits and general chat. For more information contact Eileen on 01322 228169.

Dartford Ostomy Group Support (DOGS) meet

every third Wednesday in the month at St Anselm’s Parish Centre, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm. It is for anyone who has an Ileostomy, Colostomy, Urostomy, IBS and pouch, their carers, family and friends.


is a community learning organisation for adults and young people aged 16+ with physical, learning and mental health difficulties. For more information, attend a taster session or visit our community lunch club, contact Caroline on 01322 440482 or 07570 347612 YOGA & MEDITATION CLASSES Every Tuesday from 6-7pm &Thursday from 10.30am to 12.00pm at Peppercorns, 3 Orchard Street, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2DF. For more information please call The Hope Group on 07580 615206.


Our Club presents a programme of workshops and demonstrations in a very informal and friendly atmosphere. We meet on the last Thursday of each month except December. Shorne Village Hall, The Street, Shorne. DA12 3EA. Visitors are always made very welcome, entry £3. We have 30 members and look forward to welcoming anyone who loves flowers. The Club provides an opportunity for people to be creative, make friends. For further information please phone 01474 353405 or email landaclatworthy@btinternet.com


Swanley History Group Meets 1st Tuesday of every month. Presentations on local social history. Venue Swanley Indoor Bowls Centre Garrolds Close Swanley BR8 7BF. Doors open 7.15 for 7.30 p.m. Members £1 Visitors £2. Everyone welcome. Email swanleyhistorygroup@ hotmail.co.uk for more details or visit our website https://swanleyhistorygroup.weebly. com or Facebook page. Annual membership £5 includes a monthly newsletter. NORTH KENT EMBROIDERERS’ GROUP Meets on the third Saturday of every month (except August) from 2pm - 4pm in the Community Room of Gravesend Library, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1BE. The programme of activities is varied with workshops, talks and sit and stitch sessions. Visitors are very welcome. More information can be found on our website www.northkentembroiderers.co.uk or phone 01474324734.

Age UK, Crayford library Pop in Parlour coffee morning every Friday morning 10.30 - 12.30 Tea, Coffee, Biscuits and a chat - Just £1


For people with Parkinsons and their carers. We have 2 meetings per month. Bexley: 4th Thursday of each month, at Pincott Hall, 2-4pm. Dartford: 2nd Thursday of each month, Mick Jagger Centre, 7.30-9.30pm. Information support workers available, guest speakers and quizzes. Contact Pamela Childs 0208 303 8971


at Dance Union, Greenhithe. Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm. Fun, social class learning routines from differing genres to popular music providing exercise for body and brain. No dance experience or partners necessary. Contact 01322 387630.

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Would you like to promote a local activity on the “Where to go locally...” page? If so, email your suggestions to editor@dartfordliving.com Dartford & District Stamp Club Hold regular meetings in The Meeting Place, The Orchard Shopping Centre, Dartford. Details from Steve Alpe 01322 284491 or email

Dartford Books and Culture Club meets once a month on Saturday mornings at Dartford Library. For more information, find us at www.meetup. com/West-Kent-BookClub/

20s 30s Dartford Bexleyheath surrounding areas social group more information visit: www.meetup.com/20s-30s-Dartford-Bexleyheath-surroundingareas-social-group/


meets on the first Tuesday of every month (except August) at St Anselm’s Church Hall, West Hill, Dartford at 2pm, For information about meetings and interest groups call 01474-709068 or visit our website. Michael Fish, the famous weather forecaster, will give a talk on Climate Change on Tuesday, 7th June 2016 at the David Lloyd Sports Centre, Princes Road, Dartford at 2pm. Entry is by ticket only.

Dartford Floral Club The club meet on the 3rd Friday of the month at Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Rd.(opp Papermakers Arms) at 7.30 Come along for an evening of beautiful flowers, fun and friendship. Entrance £6.00, refreshments and a raffle with the chance to take home a beautiful floral arrangement. Contact Chris 01322 836026

Dartford Quilters meet on the 2nd Saturday of each

month at the Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford. We run a varied programme of activities suitable for the beginner through to the more experienced quilter. More details can be obtained from the club secretary on 01474 834872

The Dartford Chess Club

The club meets every Thursday evening from 7.30pm at St Anselms Parish Hall, West Hill and was founded 100 years ago in 1914. All queries to Mike Wiltshire at 01322 272152 or visit www.dartfordchessclub.co.uk

GUITARS IN THE SHADOWS – JOIN IN MUSIC BY THE SHADOWS TO 60S TO ROCK N ROLL Meet at Dartford Working Mens Club (Essex Road) at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday of the month. Membership is free but we do ask for a small contribution to costs on the night. Call Ray on 07813 540131 or email guitarsinshadows@hotmail.com


meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month at Sutton at Hone Village Hall. 1.30pm until 4.30pm. £2.00 per afternoon. £10.00 yearly fee. We are a small, friendly club, not expensive. Tuition given. All supplies can be bought in situe. Come and see if you like it, free tea And biccies. You will be very welcome. Contact - Maureen Beckham 01322 287214. Marie Blake 01474 704581. Doreen Goddard 01474 707357.


RSPCA Come andKENT, join your local Morris side, dancing NORTH and performing Gravesend and WEST BRANCinHDartford, Bexley areas and throughout FREE MICRO CHIPP ING Kent in the Summer. We are a mixed and very sociable RSPCA North West side, andKent, can always find room foroffers newfree dancers Branch, and chipping musicians. great way of keeping micro s forIt’s alladomestic animalsaatgreat its fit and you’ll be helping to conserve clinic attradition. 37 Gordon Road, Dartford English We practice alternate , Kent,Tuesday evenings at Bexley, from September to April, DA1 2LX on the 1st Saturday in each month, then dancing out at pubs, clubs and fetes, 10am to 12.30pm is free but Private throughout Kent,. The fromservice May to August. Bookings Contact Alison on 01322 donation s aretaken. appreciat ed. For more informat ion 862298, e-mail alisondukes@btinternet.com please visit www.rspca-kentnorthwest.org.uk.

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Where to go locally... TONI MOUNT HISTORY CLASSES

The group meet every week at Towncentric in Gravesend and this year we are looking at Everyday Life in Medieval London. We meet every Thursday from 10.30-12.30 at £6.00 per week customers can phone me on 01474 355676 for more information or look at my website www.tonimount.co.uk

Hi all, if you went to DSTC, DTC, Dartford West Girls or any other name that the school has been known as we would love to hear from you! The school is looking to make links with former students to help raise the profile of the school but also as a way of getting back in touch with people. There will be an event later on in the academic year and we are planning some exciting things for the group so get joining and let’s get reminiscing!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/DSTCAlumni/

The Players Crayford We meet every Tuesday at 8.00 in the Community hall (opp St Paulinus church) Crayford. We are looking for anyone who could help us with sound, lights, scenery or singing/ acting on the stage - everyone welcome. Email me (Carolyn) for more details at c_sawyers@hotmail.com.

Everybody welcome, join us for a friendly chat and light refreshments. SCRAPPY DAYS! A SCRAPBOOKING GROUP

is being held at Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford, DA2 7RB on the 2nd Sunday of the month between 2pm and 6:30pm. It costs £6 which includes refreshments, nibbles and the use of a cricut (cutting machine for those that don’t know). Beginners are very welcome. Contact Michelle on 07910 488428 or email scrappydays@hotmail.co.uk


Is an amateur dramatics group based at the Joydens Wood Community Centre, Wilmington, Kent. We meet every Tuesday from 8-10pm. For more information please visit www.facebook. com/pavilionplayers or call us on 07505 006539. Alternatively just pop down on a Tuesday night! Everyone welcome!

CRAYFORD TOWN ARCHIVE incorporating Barnehurst and Slade Green. Meet every Monday (except the third Monday) of the month at Crayford Library hall - 2pm-4pm. Call in for a chat about old Crayford and to view the large collection of local images, or bring your own for us to copy. Haven (LGBT) Social Group. London / Kent area. Every Friday a safe Place to Meet. For more information please contact 01322 287356 or 07503 306467 or email - havenx35@gmail.com



TUESDAY 2.00 - 3.00PM (TERM TIME ONLY) Fleetdown Library

Dartford Bellringers Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Wednesdays 8.009.30p.m. Free tuition with a very friendly, sociable group. The ideal way to make new friends. Phone Ester 01322 220458 or email: esther.correia1@btinternet. com

North West Kent Family History Society

The Dartford Branch meet the 1st Saturday of each month from 10am-12:30pm at the Dartford Science and Technology College, Heath Lane, For more information see www.nwkfhs.org.uk or ring Janet 01322384836

Dartford Art Group

We meet every Thursday evening from 7.309.30pm. We meet at the What if...? Gallery 67-69 High Street Dartford DA1 1DJ. The cost to belong is £40 per annum. For further enquiries please email ruthghoward@aol.com or ring 07940 836672

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Mummy On The Mend

A support group for parents affected by pre and post natal depression Fridays 12:30 til 14:00 at St Marys Church Greenhithe Email mummyonthemend15@gmail.com for more details. The Rotary Club of the North Downs

They meet at the Holiday Inn, Black Prince, Thursday evenings 7:30pm for 7:45pm for Dinner and fellowship. For details phone 07759 863836.

The National Women’s Register

The National Women’s Register (NWR) is a national organisation that meets in the Dartford area. The NWR is a discussion group for ‘lively minded women’. Contact can be made via www.nwr.org.uk or call 08454 500 287 and ask about the Dartford group.


The Rendezvous Club (50+) Every Monday Time: 8pm - 10pm

Location: The Pop in Parlour, Graham Road, Bexleyheath DA6 7EG Description: We are a friendly social group open to anyone over fifty. As a social group we enjoy a number of activities including bingo, a Beatle drive, quizzes, to name but a few. We also take part in outside activities including going for a meal or a trip to the theatre. On occasions we welcome a guest speaker. Admission: £2.50 per week. Annual membership £6 (payable in January ) Tel: 01322 287356 or 020 8304 6414


A group of retired ladies meet locally for lunch on the 4th Wednesday of each month,. They raise funds for charity and usually invite a speaker. Join them and enjoy meeting and making new friends. If you would like more information please contact Iris (Secretary) on 01474 703448

Dartford & Gravesham Branch Meets the first Wednesday of every month at the Masonic Hall, West Hill, Dartford from 10-12pm.Activities include guest speakers, outings, lunches, holidays and quizzes. For more information contact Marion on 01322 402967

MALE? AGED 18 - 44?

WANT TO HAVE FUN AND DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE WITH YOUR SPARE TIME? We’ve arrived in Dartford and we are a NEW Round Table Get involved, you WILL enjoy it! www.dartfordroundtable.co.uk

Fairfield (Dartford) WI 2nd Tuesday of every month, Dartford Girls’ Grammar School, 7.30pm. Contact Judith on 01322 278703 or Evelyn on 07891 061609. Crayford Women’s Institute 1st Thursday of every month at 1.45pm. Baker Trust Hall. Maxim Road, Crayford (near Sainsburys). Contact Secretary, Jean Monk 01322 557142

Over 55’s Club - We meet every Wednesday 2pm to 4.30pm at Tree Community Centre, Cedar Road. We play bingo, tea and biscuits, and socialise. We also run regular coach trips to the coast throughout the year. Our club is open to anyone over 55 wherever you live and costs just 60p to come along and join in. So why not come and join our friendly welcoming social club? For further information please call either John Letchford on 01322 270732 or Pam Carr on 01322 222195. Joydens Wood Women’s Institute meet on the third Tuesday of every month, with meetings beginning at 7.45pm. We meet at the Community Centre, Birchwood Drive, Wilmington, DA2 7NE. More information can be found at joydenswoodresidents. co.uk (under Local Clubs and Societies).

Crayford and District Probus Club

meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Falcon Wood Club, 1 Falcon Wood Avenue, Welling at 10am. Contact Tony Maun 0208 306 1075 or email Crayford.Probus@gmail.com.

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Dartford Living


Where to go locally... WHEELCHAIR EPEE FENCING

Wheelchair epee fencing in Dartford and Gravesham, we are delighted to announce that New Ash Green Epee club, can now introduce wheelchair fencing. If interested in taking up this para sport please contact us on 01474 871484 or alternatively look at our website www.nagfencing.eu

Erith Youth Rugby

Sunday 10:45-12:00, Sussex Road Erith. Ages 4-16 welcome 07903 590515

Kent Exiles American Football Club www.kentexiles.co.uk. Coach Martin - 07944 730634. All ages from 7 years to adult welcome

Hartley Swimclub at White Oak Pool, Swanley

We are a friendly group of adults who meet for a social swim every Thursday at 9pm. We’re looking for new members. Why not give us a try? Contact Diane on 01689 871846 or join us one Thursday.


Come and join one of North Kent’s fastest and most successful Martial Arts clubs. For more information, call Saj on 07903 513104 or just come along to one of our sessions and join in the fun! With the most reasonable fees around, you’ll find that training can be affordable too! For all details please visit our website www.northkentkarate.com

LITTLE TIGERS - KARATE FOR 3, 4 & 5 YEAR OLDS Sundays 10:15-10:45 at Swanscombe Leisure Centre. Call Saj on 07903 513104

Dartford Gymnastics

is the only British Gymnastics Club in Dartford to hold the”GymMark” Award for 6 years. Based in Heath Lane, we are a friendly club with super equipment, great coaches and high standards. We do lots of competitions and we do not close through the holidays! Visit our website http://www. dartfordgymnastics.co.uk/ for full details or contact Linda on 01322 409312 or email dartfordgymclub@yahoo.co.uk

Learn Karate

Learn karate with Yamato Damashii Every Saturday morning at Becket Sport Centre. Kids start at 9am, adults at 11am. Just turn up, first lesson free or visit www.facebook.com/yamatodamashiimartialarts [1] for more info.


Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30am-10:30am At Europa Gymnastics Centre Fridays 7.00pm – 8.00pm at Becket Sports Centre For more information please contact Emma: emma@samadhi-yoga.co.uk TEL: 07932 621415 www.samadhi-yoga.co.uk


Dartford & Crayford Sea Cadets based at Brooklands Lake Dartford, next to Homebase on Princes Road. We parade every Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7pm- 9.15pm and is open to new recruits, junior cadets aged 10-12 and Sea Cadets aged 12-18. email dartfordscc@gmail.com for more details.

Dartford Orienteering Club

For more details see www.dfok.co.uk

Based in Greenhithe, FREE FIT is a community fitness club designed for people of all ages looking to gain basic levels of fitness, drop a few pounds and enjoy meeting and training with like minded people. So if Gyms are not your thing and you are looking to take your first steps in fitness and weight loss, come and train with free fit. www.freefit888.co.uk for more info

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Useful Numbers Where to go locally... The Annual Hartley Music Festival & Picnic (formerly the Jazz Picnic) takes place on Sunday, 26th June at Manor Field, Church Road, Hartley DA3 8PD at 12noon to 6pm. Featuring the Mike Richards Firebird Band and soloists, plus Dave Gelly and Annie Bright & Band and the community choir ‘Local Vocals’. There will be the usual stalls, special guests, an auction, hog roast, tea and cakes, Pimms, ice creams and lots more. Tickets at £7.50 (children under 16 free) at the gate or £6.50 if bought in advance at Clifton & Co, Pets Pantry. Longfield Hardware or Image Hair Studios. All proceeds to ellenor hospice. For more information, visit www.hartleymusicfestival.co.uk ‘

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Bandstand Concerts in Central Park Free concerts take place at the Henry Wellcome Bandstand in Central Park on Sundays throughout the summer from 2pm to around 4pm. Borrow a FREE deckchair or bring your own chair or picnic rug. Refreshments are available from the Cafe in the Park.


1st May - Dartford Concert Band 8th May - Tilbury Brass Academy 15th May - UK Paper Band 22nd May - East Peckham Silver Band 29th May - Orpington Concert Band 5th June - Invicta Jazz Orchestra 12th June - Bromley Concert Band 19th June - Medway Concert Band 26th June - Edenbridge Town Band 3rd July - Don Steele Jazz Band 10th July - Northfleet Brass Band 24th July - Doctor Jazz 31st July - Kent Police Band 7th August - Tilbury Band 14th August - Gravesend Borough Band 21st August - The Emeralds Steel Band 28th August - Dartford Concert Band

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Useful Numbers KEY NUMBERS Police 01622 690690 NON EMERGENCY ONLY Fire Safety Advice & FREE Home Fire Safety Check 0800 169 1125 Dartford Borough Council 01322 343434 Gas Leaks (24 hour) 0800 111 999 EDF Energy Networks Emergencies/Powercuts Helpline 0800 0280247 Flooding 03459881180 Highways Kent 03000 41 41 41 Social Services 03000 41 41 41 Water Burst 0800 820 999 (Southern) 0800 714614 (Thames) HEALTH Darenth Valley Hospital 01322 428100 Dartfordf East Health Centre 01322 421480 Dartford West Health Centre 01322 222998 Boots Chemist Bluewater 01322 624780 (Late Night) ASDA Greenhithe Chemist 01322 374100 (Late Night) The National Pandemic Flu Service 0800 1513 100 West Kent NHS helpline 0800 0 850850 TRAVEL Heathrow Airport Enquires 08700 000123 Gatwick Airport Enquires 08700 002468 National Rail Enquires 08456 484950 Highways England Info Line 0300 123 5000

Call 999 in an Emergency Fire, Police, Ambulance and Coastguard 101 Non Emergency Number for Kent Police Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 111 NHS Non Emergency Number HELPLINES 24 Hour Kent Dementia Helpline: 0800 500 3014 Alcoholics Anonymous: 08457 697 555 Citizens Advice Bureau: 01322 224686 Debt Councilling (CAP) 0800 328 0006 Information About Drugs - FRANK: 0800 776600 Kent Homophobic Incident Reporting Line: 0800 328 9162 Kent Racial Incident Reporting Line: 0800 138 1624 Local Breastfeeding Counsellors Judianne/Paula 01322 224072 National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hour) 0808 2000 247 NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 RSPCA Kent, North West Branch Helpline 01322 286720 Samaritans: 08457 909090 LOCAL MP Gareth Johnson 020 7219 7047 LOCAL SPORTS CLUBS Bexley Rugby Club 01322 550142 or www.pitchero.com/clubs/ bexleyrfc/ Dartford Ladies Hockey Club Dawn Hall (Secretary) 07793 777250

Dartford Ju Jitsu Club Mondays, Dartford Girls Grammar School, Shepherds Lane. 6.30-8.00 Juniors, 8.00-10.00 Seniors www. dartfordjujitsu.co.uk Dartford Sharks Basketball Club Tim Dickson - 07855 692527. Dartford Volleyball Club Graham - 01322 275290 or 07984 106134. Stone Lodge Indoor Bowling Club 01322 274111. VCD Table Tennis Club Eric Jenkins - 0208 3038312. ‘Play & pay’, 9 hole, par 3 golf course on Dartford Football Club’s Princes Park- PRINCES PARK GOLF CLUB. Contact: Mr. Pat Coleman, Secretary 01322 863730. email: pat.coleman@dartford.gov.uk The Ashes Badminton Club Mondays, Dartford Technology College, Heath Lane. 7.30-9.30. Jacqui 07764 182854. Dartford Valley RFC www.pitchero.com/clubs/ darenthvalleyrfc/ USEFUL FACEBOOK GROUPS Search facebook for: Dartford Living Dartford Today and Tomorrow Dartford Remembered Dartford Gossip Dartford Hour Love Dartford

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Gareth Johnson, Member of Parliament for Dartford, will be available to meet with constituents on the

Gareth Johnson, Memberfollowing of Parliament for Dartford, will be dates: available to meet with constituents on the following dates: Bluewater, DA9 9ST (4.00 pm to 7.00 pm - Appointment required) Bluewater, DA9 9ST (2.00 Friday pm 4–September 5.00 pm - Appointment required) Friday OctoberJune Friday 210th Friday 6 November Bluewater, DA9 9ST (4.00 pm – 7.00 Friday 4 Decemberpm - Appointment required) Friday 22nd July Open Surgery (No appointment necessary) Friday – all day, 9th DartfordSeptember Festival, Central Park, Dartford Saturday 18 July Friday 14th October If you would like to meet Gareth Friday at one of his 4th regularNovember appointment based surgeries in the future, please Friday 2nd December contact him at gareth.johnson.mp@parliament.uk or telephone 020 7219 7047. Dartford Festival (No appointment necessary) Saturday 16th July If you would like to meet Gareth at one of his regular appointment based surgeries in the future, please contact him at gareth.johnson.mp@parliament.uk or telephone 020 7219 7047. th





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MP’s charity cricket game to raise vital funds

Featured Article

On Sunday, 10th July I will once again be holding my annual charity cricket match at Dartford Cricket Club’s Hesketh Park ground.

Like many charities, Arrow is self-funding, and has to raise in excess of £140,000 annually. This event plays a small part in helping to raise some of those vital funds.

Following a year off due to the General Election, I am delighted to be back and organising this fantastic event which in the past has raised thousands of pounds.

All activities on the day will start at 9.30 am with a series of ‘kwik cricket’ matches, followed by the main event at 1.30 pm when Dartford Cricket Club’s first XI team will take on my team.

As in previous years, all proceeds from the day will be shared between the Arrow Riding Centre for the Disabled and Dartford Cricket Club to help promote their youth teams. This year’s event will be a great opportunity to showcase the new pavilion and facilities at the cricket ground, which were completed just last year. Hesketh Park, the former home of Kent County Cricket Club, is a real asset to our town and it is the perfect venue for this summer’s event.

As well as enjoying the cricket, visitors will have the chance to watch a variety of performances by local groups from 12.30 pm and there will be a number of charity stalls running throughout the day. There will be entertainment for children including a bouncy castle and face painting, as well as refreshments for all on sale. This event is one of the highlights of my year, as it is a chance to put politics to one side and for people of all ages to come along, relax and enjoy a day at one of the premier sporting venues in the county whilst at the same time raising some vital money for good, local causes. Anyone who would like to donate raffle prizes or brica-brac to sell on the day, please drop it into the cricket club or email me at gareth.johnson.mp@parliament.uk

The Arrow Riding Centre for the Disabled was founded in 1982. This non-profit organisation has more than 55 volunteers providing valuable therapy and riding lessons to individuals and special needs schools. It is run largely by volunteers under the stewardship of husband and wife team Ken and Valerie Blake. I was delighted to hear that Valerie Blake was awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list last year for all her hard work and dedication. Interestedinin advertising? 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested advertising? Tel:Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living

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DARTFORD LIVING MEETS....... BY KELLY GOLDSWORTHY Our site is called an apary apiary. We have ten standard colanies colonies there and use it mainly for teaching- we have various community groups come up along to learn more. We also have an excellent wildlife garden and have gold badges from Kent’s Wild About Gardens Scheme.

Swanscombe resident Kevin, has lived in various places around the borough and attended Oakfield Lane and Dartford West Boys Schools. He currently lives with his five boys. Kevin explained that he got involved with Dartford Beekeepers six years ago ‘ I like gardening and foraging so needed pollen pollinators and bees are the final start first stage in the process so I came along. Looking after bees does not take up much time. We need to protect them against diseases that we have entered the country imported, provide them with enough food and ensure we protect our neighbours against swarms forming. This can happen because the colony will divide to try to form into two separate colonies in order to increase overall numbers. We can reduce the likelihood of this happening by making sure the bees have enough space forage and room.

Outside of the apary apiary I have two hives at home and another three at Lullingstone. The honey you get from beekeepers like us is really good quality: it hasn’t been heat treated like the ones those from the supermarket so it has lots of good enzymes. It is always in demand. For anyone interested in beekeeping I would say come down and try it. I know people are funny about insects, I don’t like spiders myself. I’d been stung once as a child, and quickly learnt how to get stung as a beekeeper! But you quickly learn to recognise the moods of the bees are in and to dress accordingly!’ To find out more about the Dartford Beekeepers visit www.dartfordbeekeepers.com

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23 23

Pet Corner Help Your Pet Handle The Heat! I hope you have all been enjoying this fabulous weather we have been having?! What better opportunity to get out and about with your wonderful pets? From beach walks, to games in the garden; cats, dogs and small furries alike enjoy the freedom that the nice weather can bring them.

The British summer provides the perfect opportunity to enhance your wonderful pet’s life, so go for it… but with caution With sunny wishes, Judy. xxx

Now I am all for encouraging playtime as much as possible but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t share a warning regarding your pets in the heat! The Metro comments that pets do actually handle heat much better than us humans (no surprise there!), but it is of course key to be aware “of their potential discomfort and know how to tell if it’s too much for them”. There are many tips and tricks you can you to ensure your pet remains chilled at this time of year – the Metro covers some great tips for cats and dogs in their article found online. Actions such as ensuring fresh, cold water is available throughout the day and avoiding the midday heat are advocated, whilst warning signs to look out for include panting, lying down more than usual and even vomiting. The Sainsbury’s Money Matters team also have some fab tips for pets at this time of year including some great activities! For dogs they recommend cooling them down by “splashing water on their paws, then hold a watersoaked towel on their stomach. If there’s a cool muddy puddle to hand, even better”! And for cats… “Cats might hate water, but they love ice! Fill a balloon with water, freeze it, then remove the balloon and place the ice ball in a deep dish — it’ll make the perfect ice pop for your feline friend”. There are lots of hints and tips available online and you can have some fun finding quirky and engaging ways to help your pet! Of course, if you do find your pet is struggling or you have any concerns at all, do take them to your nearest vet for attention. All of our teams are perfectly placedto offer you advice at this time of year.


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Councillor John Burrell elected as Mayor of Dartford Councillor John Burrell has been elected as Mayor of Dartford for the year 2016/17.

Local News • Arrow Riding Centre The Deputy Mayor will be Councillor Rosanna Currans and she will be escorted by Councillor Denzil Reynolds.

Councillor Burrell became the 38th Mayor of Dartford at the Annual Meeting of the Council on Wednesday 11th May 2016. He was first elected to Dartford Borough Council in 2011, and re-elected in May 2015, representing Stone Ward. Councillor Burrell is currently Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee and a member of the Development Control Board, Cabinet Advisory Panel A and the Treasury Management Committee and is a Trustee of Dartford’s Citizens Advice Bureau. He has also been a member of Stone Parish Council for the last eight years, elected as Vice-Chairman in 2010, and Chairman in 2011, continuing to the present day. Councillor Burrell retired as a sales director of a multinational drinks company in 2009 and was awarded The Freedom of the City of London as a result of his charitable work with the company. Councillor Burrell has lived in Stone Parish since 2002 and is married to Eija, who will accompany him as Mayoress. Together they have three children, Councillor Burrell’s son who resides with his wife in the USA, and Eija’s two daughters, who both live in Stone Parish with their families. In their spare time, the Mayor and Mayoress enjoy travelling, especially to Eija’s native Finland. The Mayor and Mayoress are looking forward to working with the local community during the coming year and raising funds for their chosen charities: • ellenor • Cancer Research UK • Darent Valley Hospital’s Cancer Fighting Fund • Darent Valley Hospital with a special focus on juvenile diabetes in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested inInterested advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living

23 25

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Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 July – Fire Engine Rally - Lullingstone Castle - 11am - 5pm The Fire engine rally returns for another action packed ‘special event’ for all the family. A spectacular showcase of fire-fighting history with 20 fire engines and carts from the Victorian hose carts of the 1890s and the Edwardian period right up to present day, courtesy of the Kent Firefighting Museum and the Kent Fire and Rescue Service. Experience epic live fire displays run by the Fire Service Preservation Group South East Branch enthusiasts, demonstrating how to put out various kinds of fires! Younger visitors can get a slice of the action and learn how they operate, with the opportunity to even squirt the hoses! This ‘special’ event is £10 – adult entry and all children under 15 with an accompanying adult have FREE entry. www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk

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Vacancies for: Team Leader/Deputy Team Leader vacancy Nursery Nurse level 2 or 3 Lunchtime Assistant End of Day Assistant Level 2 & 3 Apprenticeships Full details on our website www.dimplesnursery.co.uk

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Heating and plumbing specialist GCSI Ltd joins HomeServe family New partnership will see Dartford-based company enter domestic heating market as ‘HomeServe North Kent’ Dartford-based heating and plumbing specialist GSCI Ltd has joined forces with leading UK home assistance provider HomeServe to launch a new ‘HomeServe North Kent’ franchise. GCSI Ltd, which employs nine staff and provides commercial heating and plumbing services across North Kent, will now offer boiler installations and gas-related heating services to residential Customers across the region through the HomeServe North Kent brand.

service to our Customers across the region, through our combined local, specialist skilled engineer networks.“ HomeServe North Kent will provide services including boiler installations, boiler servicing, boiler repairs, emergency boiler repairs, power flushing, appliance services and smart thermostat installations. For more details about HomeServe North Kent, visit www.homeservenorthkent.co.uk or follow the company on Facebook (search for ‘HomeServe North Kent’) or Twitter @HSNorthKent. For more details about GCSI please visit http://www. gcsilimited.co.uk.

Commercial work will continue under the GCSI Ltd name but services offered to local homeowners across the region will be branded as HomeServe North Kent. The new partnership is part of HomeServe’s ambitious plan to increase the share of domestic boiler installations and repair services across South East England. “We’re thrilled to be joining the HomeServe family at what is an incredibly exciting time for our business”, said Grenville Clay, Managing Director of GCSI Ltd. “Combining our team of locally-based, highly skilled engineers with HomeServe’s nationwide network of specialist engineers and rich home assistance experience means we’ll collectively be able to help even more local people, installing new boilers and providing heating services throughout the region. We’re really looking forward to what we can achieve together.” GCSI Ltd joins an established network of HomeServe franchise businesses based across the UK. The company’s new website is available at www.homeservenorthkent.co.uk. Richard Shepherd, Chief Operating Officer, HomeServe, said; “The creation of this new partnership to form HomeServe North Kent is an important step forward as we look to expand our franchisees across the UK to offer increased boiler installations and heating services. “HomeServe North Kent will help provide effortless Interestedinin advertising? 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested advertising? Tel:Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living

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Local News

Life Under The Stairs by Jane Stevenson

GROWING OLD DISGRACEFULLY I left university last year full of hopes and plans. Three months later, the reality set in. At sixty two I was virtually unemployable. The nice lady at the Job Centre told me B&Q employ ‘old people’. I thanked her and never went back. So, what was left for this old, unemployable relic? Cosy afternoons knitting and watching TV? A totter down to the local library for the latest Mills and Boon romance? Not really me, to be honest. I like doing and being as it were. So I joined the thousands busy on social media. Living in Dartford, there were a number of sites to choose from, all dedicated to the those of us who live here. Everything started off well: however I found some sites strident and opinionated. Others were aimed at particular communities or age groups. There’s nothing wrong in that at all, but it wasn’t what I was looking for. I had a brief dalliance with a creative group but the egos filled the room leaving no space to breathe, so I left. Then I discovered Dartford Daily, a Facebook group with guidelines on posting and no adverts. Tentatively I applied to join and was duly accepted. Since then I’ve had a wonderful time. It’s rare for a group to be well moderated, but this one is; no nonsense taken, no quarter given. Instead it is a community of funny, intelligent and sociable people who have some connection to Dartford. The ethos is simple “Dartford Daily is a group for people to have a chat, a laugh and discuss anything they would like to. All we ask is be nice to people and don’t swear or be racist. Also please be aware we are not an advertising group. Apart from that, enjoy!” It is a daily site too. Posts greeting each other, sharing news and views are routine. First and foremost there is a fun element. It has a serious side too. Members feel able to post queries about reputable tradesmen, family life and worries, or ask for advice. Response is thoughtful and kind. It takes guts to admit you have severe depression, a weight problem or are just feeling lonely. Dartford Daily members take these admissions to heart, and I have yet to see anything negative in the advice and support given. Through the site I have found old friends and made new ones. It is an unusual way for my generation to meet people, but the world is changing, and I consider it my duty to adapt and adopt, or be left behind.


Mind you, I still can’t upload to my iPod or get my head round Twitter – but I’m learning. THE WHOLE CHILD I promised myself I wouldn’t be drawn into the debate about testing children in primary school, or the amount of testing done in secondary schools. The Offspring are out of education (well almost) and SATS tests hold no importance for me at all. My mum was primary school teacher for many years, so I was privy to the behind the scenes work that teachers were expected to do. It’s a whole new ball game now, and I’m not sure it’s for the best. Of course I speak with hindsight, as well as having a few years on my clock; but the Offspring were the product of an old mother, I worked in schools and indeed to this day still do (yah boo to the Job Centre lady) so feel somewhat qualified to offer an opinion. Children need to learn to read, write and do basic maths and science. They should know about the history of the UK, the overall picture of culture and religion. They should experience art, drama, music and sports. They should also learn those life skills that they will always need: self confidence, respect for self and others, compromise and not to fear failure. Schools are shoe horned into ‘teaching for testing’, leaving little time for nurturing other skills. In secondary education it seems to be ever more pressurised. Choosing options at aged 13 seems wrong. Do children really know what they want to do at that age? What subjects would be best suited to their future?. They are tested internally and externally all the time; I’ve heard of teenagers on anti depressants and can understand why so many have the poor attitude towards education that they do. This is not the teachers’ fault. They are hamstrung by Government edicts and interference. It’s about time we took a step back and began to see our children as individuals. One size does not fit all! Some are far more academic than others, while others are naturally better at the practical skills in life. Each child should be encouraged to find their own way through the minefield that education has become. It’s a group effort between families and schools with no real place for the Government. We need teachers, scientists, doctors, nurses, plumbers, builders and electricians. Not everything needs a degree. Above all we should show schooling as something not to be feared in case a test is failed, but as the beginning of life’s journey.

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Local CraftsNews

News In Brief

Is Dartford home to the UK’s brightest young linguist? The Junior Language Challenge is an exciting national competition for children aged 10 and under across the UK. It’s loads of fun, will keep the kids quiet for hours, there are some great prizes to be won (including a family holiday to Africa!)… and it only costs £5 to enter – all of which goes to charity.

Registration is easy: just pop over to juniorlanguagechallenge. com, where you can sign up either a school group or an individual child. They need to be 10 or under on 1st September 2016 to enter, and round 1 will finish on June 24th, so don’t delay! You can also watch a video from last year’s final or email jlc@eurotalk.com for more details.

Tell me more! I hear you cry… The JLC is a three-stage competition, with children learning a new language (via an app – no teaching required!) for each round. The goal is to get kids excited about languages, and not just the standard ones they might be learning at school. So this year they’re starting with Romanian, and last year the 33 children who made the final had learnt Portuguese, Mandarin and Arabic. And if they can learn those languages, they can learn pretty much anything.

Toyah announced as first headliner for Dartford Festival 2016

Teachers who’ve taken part before say the JLC teaches their pupils a lot more than just languages; they also develop nerves of steel, a brilliant memory and the ability to learn independently, without any need to bug teachers or parents, which can only be a good thing.

Toyah’s career spans nearly 40 years and during that time she has amassed 13 top 40 singles, recorded 20 albums, written two books, appeared in over 40 stage plays and acted in 15 feature films. She has also presented several TV programmes including Watchdog and Songs of Praise.

Former JLC competitors have included Outnumbered star Tyger Drew-Honey and Child Genius runner-up Tudor Mendel-Idowu (who won the JLC last year, on his third attempt).

Toyah is currently touring and performing at festivals up and down the country. She also continues to act in feature films including a cameo role in British film Extremis which will be released this year.

And it’s all for a great cause! onebillion is a charity that develops apps to teach basic maths and literacy to children in developing countries, where knowing how to count and read can literally save lives. Last year the JLC raised £5,500, which went towards testing a solar-powered projector for teachers in Malawi, where classes often have hundreds of pupils.

Welcoming the announcement Council Leader Jeremy Kite said, “Every year, we put on the sort of show that usually attracts a high ticket price and then we make it free! The Festival’s success is built on some of Britain’s most talented and successful live artists and I’m delighted Toyah has accepted our invitation to feature on the Saturday stage. She is the first of many great Festival acts to be announced in the coming weeks.”

Now for the bad news. In the fourteen years the JLC’s been running, there’s never been a winner from Kent, and I think it’s about time that changed. So as a Dartford resident, I’m issuing a challenge to local primary schools to lead the way. Let’s show the rest of Kent – and the UK – how it’s done!


Dartford Borough Council is excited to announce the first act in a fantastic line up for this year’s FREE Dartford Festival in Central Park. Birmingham-born Punk princess, award-winning rock legend, actress and composer, Toyah Willcox will be appearing on Saturday 16th July.

For updates on this year’s Festival follow @welovedartford on Twitter, visit www.dartford.gov.uk/festival or like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/dartfordfestival.

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Save the Date! Outdoor Cinema Nights return to Central Park

performances. Council Leader Jeremy Kite explained the thinking behind the new ticket pricing.

Dartford Borough Council’s hugely successful outdoor cinema is returning to Central Park this summer. Just bring family and friends, a blanket and a picnic, and settle down to watch one of three classic films in the park’s beautiful surroundings.

“These performances are amazingly popular but when tickets are free we tend to have the entire allocation snapped up almost immediately only to find that a proportion of guests don’t turn up on the night. It’s particularly disappointing because space at the Outdoor Theatre is limited and we could have allocated more tickets. We’re hoping that a small charge will reduce the number of ‘no-shows’ even though it’s only a fraction of the price theatre fans are paying for these very same performances elsewhere in Kent”

- Family favourite, Disney’s The Lion King will be shown on Wednesday 17th August. - 1969 classic The Italian Job, starring Michael Caine, roars into the Park on Wednesday 24th August. - John Travolta will be strutting his stuff in Saturday Night Fever on Wednesday 31st August. Once again tickets to the cinema screenings are free for Dartford residents but will need to be booked in advance. Councillor Jeremy Kite, Leader of the Council, said, “The Outdoor Cinema has proved to be a huge success and we’re grateful for suggestions for this year’s movies. The films have been chosen to appeal to everyone and we look forward to seeing you there!” Tickets will be available from Tuesday 12th July at www. dartford.gov.uk/events. Verily and forsooth! The Bard returns to Central Park for another season of great performances at Dartford’s Outdoor Theatre Plays by Shakespeare and Oliver Goldsmith are heading to Central Park’s Open Air Theatre as part of Dartford Borough Council’s Summer Season of arts and events for local residents. The second annual season at the town’s purpose-built outdoor stage kicks off on 21st June with a timely performance of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ followed on 27th July with ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ – Oliver Goldsmith’s 18th Century comedy of deception and seduction. Shakespeare returns on 10th August with ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’. A small charge is being levied on tickets this year in an attempt to maximise attendance and help fund more

Jeremy has confirmed that ticket prices for all performances will be just £5 for Dartford residents and £15 for nonresidents. “I suppose residents from outside the Borough might be disappointed that we are charging them more but the simple fact is that I believe the Council should provide great value services to the people we represent and I want Dartford residents to have the best deals. We’re elected to look after them, not others.” All the proceeds from tickets will be ploughed back into further outdoor performances. As always, guests are invited to bring along a blanket and picnic to make a real family ‘night out’ of it. Summing up the success of the Outdoor Theatre, Jeremy said, “Quite honestly, there are few finer places to be on a Summer evening than in a gorgeous park enjoying some of the most beautiful words in the English language as part of a wonderful community event. If you haven’t been before, make this the year you join us.” Rob Forknall, Artistic Director of the Changeling Theatre who have performed many of the Summer Shakespeare plays, said, “We have performed in Dartford Park since 2012 and its beautiful setting and warm and enthusiastic audiences always make for a great show.” Tickets for these performances must be booked in advance at www.dartford.gov.uk/events. Bookings will open on Tuesday 24th May 2016.

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WORSHIP, WORD, CHILDRENS FACILITIES, REFRESHMENTS AND DISABILITY ACCESS For more information please visit our website: www.crosswayscommunitychurch.co.uk Email: crosswayscommunitychurch@mail.com or join us every Sunday 10:30am at the Stone Pavilion, Greenhithe, Dartford, DA9 9DS.

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Charity Focus

Each month we will be featuring a local charity. If you represent a charity and would like to be featured please email charity@dartfordliving.com

London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge 2016

riders back from Canterbury to Greenwich Park at the end of the day. Places on both of our coaches are available to book via our website or over the phone.

Help children with brain injury by taking on the climbs of the Pilgrim’s Way in The Children’s Trust London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge on Sunday 11 th September 2016! Described as “one of the best charity rides in the calendar”, the ride gives even the most seasoned of cyclists a thrill with over 1500 metres of climb between its start in London’s Kidbrooke and finish in Canterbury, Kent.

Feedback from our 2015 riders:

Hot and cold breakfasts will be available to purchase at the start line in Kidbrooke, London, before riders are given a staggered start between 8 and 9am. Choose from a challenging 65 or 80 mile route, both fully signed and marshalled throughout. Riders will enjoy regular and well stocked feed stations, described by one of our 2015 riders as “the best of any ride I’ve done”.

Cyclists will be provided with route maps, training plans (if required), a Children’s Trust fundraising pack, and GPX and TCX files will also be available on signing up.

Cyclists can complete the challenge safe in the knowledge that help is always at hand from support and recovery vehicles, mobile mechanics, and first aid, all of whom will be patrolling the ride throughout the day. Panoramic views over Canterbury Cathedral await all finishers, as well as a medal of achievement, plus an exclusive rider goody bag. Cyclists are then invited to enjoy a complimentary sports massage, and can look forward to a BBQ, music, and stands & stalls, as well as complimentary bike cleaning provided by our friends at Bike Tart. Friends and family are encouraged to cheer their cycling stars through the finish line, where there’ll be activities for the kids including a bouncy castle and face painting! Two coaches will be available to transport cyclists and their bikes; one from Canterbury to the start line in Greenwich Park on the morning of the event, and the other taking

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“One of my favourite sportives” “Would do it again tomorrow!” “Already signed up and looking forward to next year” “Having done the ride five times before, I think that speaks for itself. I’ll be back next year”

Single and discounted team entries available & riders are asked to raise a minimum of just £1 per mile cycled to help children with brain injury. To secure your place in our London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge 2016, simply visit The Children’s Trust website at www.thechildrenstrust. org.uk/ltc or give us a call on 01737 364323. Enquiries can also be sent to ltoc@thechildrenstrust.org.uk. Help children with brain injury by taking on the climbs of the Pilgrim’s Way in The Children’s Trust London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge on Sunday 11 th September 2016! Described as “one of the best charity rides in the calendar”, the ride gives even the most seasoned of cyclists a thrill with over 1500 metres of climb between its start at David Lloyd in London’s Kidbrooke, and finish in Canterbury, Kent. Transport is available for cyclists and their bikes up to the start line on the morning of the event. For more information on the event and to sign up, please visit www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk/ltc or call 01737 364323.

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IT’S A WHOLE LOT OF BUBBLE Demelza Hospice Care for Children is bringing the hugely popular Bubble Rush back to Dartford this year – and places are filling up fast. The fun family event is coming to Central Park on Sunday 7 August, when ‘bubblers’ of all ages will be making their way through 4ft (1.2m) walls of coloured foam around the Dartford Harriers’ track in aid of the charity. Places cost £25 for adults and £7.50 for children under 12 – but anyone who raises £100 or more via JustGiving before the event will have their registration fee refunded. Everyone signing up will receive a Bubble Rush T-shirt, a commemorative medal and a goody bag. Demelza’s Events Manager Emma Middleton said: “Bubble Rush is all about fun but it has a serious purpose. All the money raised will go directly to providing vital care for seriously ill babies, children and young people, plus support for their families. We are here for families in need right

across Kent.” To sign up now, visit www.demelza.org.uk/support-us/ challenges- and-events/detail/bubble-rush-2016. Find out more about Demelza at www.demelza.org.uk, follow the charity on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ demelzahospice or @demelzahospice on Twitter.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia S U P P O RT S E R V I C E S Registered Charity No. 1024385

FREE MEMORY CAFÉS Hartley Wellfield Community Hall DA3 7EG 1st Thursday of The Month 10am - 12pm

West Kingsdown Kingswood Court TN15 6LN 1st Tuesday of The Month 10am - 12pm

Swanley White Oak Court BR8 7WF 2nd Friday of the month 2pm - 4pm

Meopham St John’s Church Hall DA13 0AA 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am - 12pm

Dartford The Orchard Shopping Centre DA1 1DU 3rd Wednesday of The Month 10am - 12pm

Gravesend The Woodville Halls DA12 1AU 4th Wednesday of The Month 11am - 1pm

Living well with dementia, Practical information, Refreshments Chance to relax in a safe environment

Call Us On - 01474 533 990

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Dhiren’s Automotive News

In this month’s article we’ll bring you a selection of the newest special-edition and limited-edition cars which can be ordered right now.

Porsche Cayenne Platinum Edition

extra equipment to the standard model. Its colour scheme is said to be ispired by the Union Flag and, unsurprisingly, it’s available in Caldera Red, Glacier White and Ultra Blue as well as Ultimate Black. You also get 20-inch ‘Cyclone’ alloy wheels and a 380-watt Meridian stereo, with the option of a 770-watt system, too. Inside, you get the full InControl Touch infotainment system and access to the InControl Remote App, which allows you to check various features of the car – including its fuel level – as well as allowing you to lock and unlock it remotely. This can be controlled from a variety of smartphones, as well as the Apple Watch. You also get a higher-quality leather interior, the seats of which are embossed with the British Design Edition branding. Outside, you get the Sport Design pack as standard – this adds a gloss-black front lip spoiler, side skirts and a black rear diffuser. Coupe models get a fixed rear boot spoiler as well. The car is on sale now, with the coupe starting at £75,225 and the convertible priced from £80,390.

In this edition we’ll look at new models launching later this year from Italian manufacturers.

A special version of the Porsche Cayenne SUV – the Platinum Edition – has been announced, with plenty of extra equipment. They sit on 20-inch alloy wheels that are housed in wider wheel arches, while there’s also the choice of five extra paint colours. These models also get bi-xenon headlights, which are fitted with the Porsche Dynamic Light System that can move the light beams when cornering in the direction of travel. Inside, there’s the latest infotainment system that includes satPlease Dartford nav,30 a 665-watt Bose stereo withmention 14 speakers and Living extra when contacting our advertisers mobile connectivity (including Bluetooth). There are also Abarth 595 Tricolour pack eight-way electrically adjustable leather sports seats at the front, some Alcantara trim and the Porsche badge is embossed on each headrest. All cars also get front and rear parking sensors, as well as a reversing camera. Orders for the Platinum Edition Porsche Cayennes are open now, with first deliveries starting in June this year. Prices for the diesel start at £55,134, while the hybrid model will cost from £66,919. Jaguar F-Type British Design Edition

Based on the V6 S version of the Jaguar F-Type Coupe and Convertible, the British Design Edition adds a host of


Fiat has announced a new Tricolour special-edition version of its Abarth 595 hot hatchback. Available, unsurprisingly, in a choice of red, white or blue paint, just 300 examples of the car will be available. As well as the exclusive paint job, the special edition gets 17-inch titanium alloy wheels, red brake callipers and black exterior detailing. Inside, there’s a special tricolour steering wheel, too. You also get air-conditioning and Bluetooth mobile phone connectivity as standard. The Tricolour is available to order now and costs from £15,150.

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Gardening Hints and Tips June Plants of the Month

Cuttings This is a good time to take cuttings of pansies, violas and pinks for a supply of young, vigorous plants for next year. You can strike six or seven cuttings in a 10cm (4 inch) pot using a gritty cuttings compost, or make your own from equal parts peat or coir and sharp sand or vermiculite. Using hormone rooting liquid or powder will improve the results. Baskets and containers Make the most of your hanging baskets and containers this year and ensure they provide a display to be proud of by using a controlled-release fertiliser and water-retention gel in the compost Check that hanging basket brackets will hold the weight and replace any that are suspect. You could use self-lowering brackets or install a drip watering system to make watering easier.

Brighten up your garden with our Plants of the Month. During the summer there’s so much to choose from for instant colour, including: roses, buddleia, cistus, deutzia, hebes, philadelphus, lilacs and weigela together with: aquilegia, delphiniums, hardy geraniums, irises and lupins. Summer bedding June is the month to plant out your bedding and other half-hardy plants. These plants can’t tolerate cold weather and have some fleece handy to provide extra protection. If you’ve grown your own, make sure they’re hardened off first – that is, acclimatised to the cooler outdoor conditions – again, using fleece will help. And water the plants well before and after planting out. Remember to feed regularly for a summer display to be proud of. Strawberries Strawberries need pampering if you want to enjoy the juiciest of fruits this summer. Water regularly – especially plants in pots or strawberry towers – and feed weekly with a high potash liquid fertiliser. Also watch out for slugs and birds who love the fruit as much as we do. The easiest way to deter birds is to cover the plants with netting.

Greenhouse care As summer temperatures rise, make sure the plants in your greenhouse are looking their best. Shading the glass with Bio Coolglass or shade netting will help keep temperatures at a bearable level. Automatic vent openers are another worthwhile purchase, as they work even when you’re not at home. Damping down floors and surfaces will keep humidity high and help deter red spider mite and powdery mildew disease. Spring Bedding Plan ahead for next year’s spring bedding displays Now’s the time to sow seeds of all your spring favourites, including wallflowers, sweet Williams, polyanthus and primroses and winter-flowering pansies. Some can be sown outdoors in a seed bed, while others will need to be sown indoors with gentle heat.

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Fitness How Much is Too Much? So as with most things in life, people tend to head straight for the “more is better” camp. But with exercise that’s not always the case. If your exercise of choice is say, walking, then yes, it’s unlikely you’ll overdo it, and it’s unlikely that you’ll over-train (though, dependent on goals, your time could be spent far more effectively with other training modalities). If you train in the gym however - lifting weights, flipping tyres, pulling sleds, doing sprints or other intervals, or lifting heavy – you need to rest. Your body recovers, repairs and grows stronger when you rest, NOT during exercise. If you fail to take adequate recovery, you risk injury, illness, fatigue and more. There’s only so much your body can take before it begins to rebel and if you don’t take time to rest now, you’ll be forced to take time off soon enough. So how much should you be doing? It’s impossible to answer that question here since it’s a very individual thing (you would need to take into account what you’re doing, what you’re eating, sleeping patterns, work, any supplements you’re taking, medications, medical conditions, training history/experience, training intensity and more...) BUT as a general guide: If you’re new to training (less than 1 year) 3 days a week training (weights, intervals, sprints etc.) isenough to see results without overtraining. Then if you want to burn some more calories (i.e. if fat loss is a goal) then you can do some light (and I do mean light) work on the recovery days – walking (NOT jogging), yoga, swimming, pilates, tai chi, or something along those lines to burn some extra calories – just being active and not sitting around all day is enough.

Less is more. Train smarter and with more intensity, rather than doing more. I’ve seen people walk out of one gym class straight into the next and have always questioned how hard people can be working for two classes in a row... Put your all into the first class and there’s no need, and you probably won’t be able, to do the second. Go easy in the first class to save energy for the second and you’ve just wasted an hour. Pick your [one] class, and work your backside off in it! Crawl out like it was your first time, every time! The benefits (and the efficiency) of training harder for one session, rather than taking it easy to get two done are far greater. Not that I’m saying those people don’t work hard – just that they could work harder for a shorter time and get better results, and save a bit of time. Needless to say you need to support all of this with good nutrition. It sounds a bit cliché now but the old saying “you can’t out-train a bad diet” stands true. If you’re not eating right, then you definitely don’t want to be stressing your body with exercise.Get control over your eating habits, train hard, and recover harder. By Mark Broadbent, Master Personal Trainer & Instructor at Dartford Bootcamps. Visit www.DartfordBootcamps.com for information on Personal Training, Nutrition coaching or Bootcamp Fitness classes. - MarkOneFitness.blogspot.comAnd follow us on Facebook and Twitter (do it now……) for extra tips, advice and motivation.

If you’ve been training (consistently) for over a year, you can up it to 4 or even 5 days a week. Any more than this and you risk under-recovery. Again, you can do some active recovery work on your rest days, but go easy and rest.


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Small Business

Company Control Each month Paul Conradi, Chartered Accountant from Conradi Morrison & Co will be giving us his professional advice for small businesses. From 5 th April 2016, all companies and LLPs must contain a register of people with significant control (PSC). The register aims to assist the combating of money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion. An individual exercises control over any company or LLP if any of the five conditions below is met:-

The information for the Register must be supplied to Companies House from 30 th June 2016 as part of the filing of the Confirmation Statement which is replacing the Annual Return. As your local Accountant, I would be very glad to meet you and discuss the possibility of tax planning in your business. For more information, please see page two of this month’s Dartford Living and feel free to call me on 01322 278188 to arrange a meeting without charge.

1. Holds (either directly or indirectly) more than 25% of a company’s shares. 2. Holds (either directly or indirectly) more than 25% of voting rights of a company. 3. Appoints or removes a majority of the Board or directors of a company. 4. Has sufficient influence or control of a company. 5. The Trustee of a Trust or a member of a firm that is not a person who meets any of the other specified conditions in relation to the company. Individuals who believe they are a serious risk of violence or intimidation as a result of their PSC registration can apply to the Court for their information not to be made available. Information on the PSC Register will record identifying information such as name, address, nationality, residency and date of birth. It will also record the nature of the person’s control and prescribed wording exists which must be used for that. Companies and LLPs must file the information on its PSC Register at Companies House with a confirmation statement and this must be done at least every twelve months from 30 th June 2016. The Register from Companies House is freely searchable online. The Register can never be blanked and failure to comply is a criminal offence.

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Local Sports News Dartford Sharks - Medway Cup Winners Fresh from winning the Medway league and ready to defend the title they had won last year against the Walderslade Wizards, Dartford’s first team were once again in the limelight as they had progressed to the final of the Medway Cup against a highly competitive Bromley Fury I – runners up of the Medway League. As Dartford turned up at Longfield Academy on the Saturday of the bank holiday weekend, they missed two key players, Ben Maher and Kieran Long, who had other prior plans for the long weekend. Fans were in abundance for both teams and the Bromley team were fuelled with adrenaline due to their second team having just won the Medway Plate against League two winners LTU.

friends and family out their showing their support. With the league won a few weeks back, that is now two titles we have to our name this year but it does not end there. Dartford Sharks next job is to win the Rosebowl cup that comes with a whole host of other difficulties like 55 point head starts as a handicap to deal with. Great job guys, let’s try and take the triple this year... Final Score : 55 - 64 Sharks Scorers : Neverauskas 22, Braknys 18, Kraft 11, Schreiber 6, Marsh 3, Demmon 2, Andrzejewski 2

The game started fairly evenly with Bromley going ahead by 2 into the close of the first quarter, but with injuries starting to mount up on the Dartford bench and frustrations being vented with refereeing decisions, it was always going to be a tough rest of the game. After some strong words from stand-in-coach, Soren, Dartford sucked up the injuries and battled on in the second quarter to end the first half turning the deficit into a 6 point advantage with the score a relatively low 24 – 30 in favour of Dartford. A short break at the half and the game was back underway. Bromley wanted this more than anything but this was Dartford’s quarter. Our defence really stepped up which lead to a number of fast breaks including one of the two crowd pleasing dunks from Rokas (even if there was a slight stumble after, all caught on film…..) increasing the lead by another 8 points. A last ditch effort from Bromley was just too little too late as Dartford managed to keep the quarter’s score even and slowed down the game, making sure we used the full allotted time for each play. The final buzzer sounds and Dartford are once again crowned champions of the Medway Cup 2015/16. Many thanks to the league, refs and officials for all the organisation that has gone in to this year and for all the


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Dartford FC Season Review - 2015/16 It was always going to be a season of consolidation for Dartford after their relegation from the Conference National. With a number of new players coming into the side, and also a number of graduates from the academy getting their chance, it was always going to take a while for the team to gel. This showed early on with an opening day defeat to Hemel Hempstead. A win at home to Eastbourne and then a draw with eventual league winners Sutton settled the team and after their 3-2 victory over Concord Rangers it looked as though the team could really make a challenge to go straight back up to the National League. Unfortunately, after a defeat to local rivals Ebbsfleet, Dartford went on a run of 1 win in 7 games that really put a big dent in their push for promotion. It was hoped that a cup run would help lift Dartford but a defeat to lower league Uxbridge in the FA Cup did nothing to help this bad run. There was some unrest amongst supporters who felt it might have been the right time for a change in management but Dartford have never been a club that changes a manager just because of a dip in form and their faith was rewarded with a run of only one defeat in 12 games that really pulled Dartford back into the promotion scrap. Dartford’s season followed a pattern of a number of wins followed by a run of defeats for most of the season but as we got near the end of the season there was a good chance that we could make the playoffs but after all the teams had played their games in hand and a few ill-timed defeats ultimately Dartford finished outside the playoffs in a still respectable 8th position with something to build on for the next season.

Dembele ìn the first team squad. After a tricky start to the season, the blend of experience and youth began to gel a side that challenged for a place in the play offs right up to the end of the season. Ebrima Adams was rewarded with a transfer to Premier League Norwich City in January and we ended the season in eighth place plus winning the Kent Senior Cup with a fine win over Charlton Athletic. In an attempt to increase attendances to assist the push for promotion back to the Premier Division, we have reduced our season ticket prices to a record level of just £199 for an adult ticket - only £9.47 per game. For more information, please visit www.dartfordfc.com The first pre-season friendly is against Millwall on 26th July plus a testimonial for long serving player, Ryan Hayes, on 17th July. Come along and help the push for promotion.’ Goalkeeper Deren Ibrahim said: “The season as a whole has been a big achievement for myself. Playing 30 plus games for the season has been excellent, and it has been my first full season as the number 1 which is something I have been waiting for now for quite some time. Getting voted for Player of the Year was also fantastic, not only for myself but for my goalkeeping coach Tony Kessell, who throughout the season has kept me on my toes and kept pushing me more and more at every session. Next season from a personal point of view I want to improve on the season just gone and keep putting in the performances to help the team. From a team point of view we must try to be consistent and if we are there is no reason we can’t be challenging for the promotion.”

To cap off the season Dartford won the Kent Senior Cup with a 3-1 victory over Charlton Athletic. Speaking after the season finished, Chairman Steve Irving said: ‘Our first season back in National League South, after three seasons in the Premier Division, was one of transition. Our thriving Academy has started to pay dividends with the inclusion of Ebrima Adams, Ronnie Vint and Kaka Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817www.dartfordliving.com

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Team HARD going from strength to strength

Hampshire. for what was a scorching weekend.

There have been three meetings of the British Touring Car Championship so far this season and Team HARD are starting to show their potential. With the new drivers and a new car it has taken a bit of time for everything to gel but things look to be on the up.

Things starterd badly for Chris Smiley (running under the team TLC banner (but with Team HARD Support) with Driveshaft, Gearbox and Fuel pressure issues putting him on the back foot for most of the weekend but he was able to take a 17th place finish in the final race.

At the first meeting of the season at Brands Hatch the team scored a 13th placed finish with, rising star, Jake Hill in the first of 3 races that day, but that was as good as it got for the team after a fuel pressure issue robbed Jake of a 10th placed finish in the second race of the day .

The two Pink and Green cars had a great weekend with points socring finishes in all the races. After the race Michael Epps said “Qualifying wasn’t the strongest showing, but we didn’t get the perfect lap and we know the race pace would be stronger than where we started. A lot of people were impatient and we were there to pick up the scraps.” “A first top ten and 3 points finishes are a couple more milestones reached for us and to be consistently in the top 15 across all 3 races shows that the car is there and I can race with these drivers.” The series now moves onto Oulton Park in Cheshire on the 4/5th June where Team HARD will be hoping to improve even further.

Jakes team mates Michael Epps and Chris Smiley had a steady start to the weekend, finsihing towards the back of the 32 car field, as they both got to grips with the new car and thier first races in the BTCC.

As well as the BTCC Team HARD run cars in the British GT championship and also in the VAG Trophy, where they regulary lock out the top 6 positions. Things are really looking up for this local team.

After the race Jake Hil commented “I made a great start in both races and had a mega first lap in race one, passing four cars and was on for a top 10 finish in race two. As frustrating as it was to retire at least it showed we have some real potential and the pace is there.” The series then moved onto Donington Park in Derbyshire. It was not the best meeting for Team Hard with a 13th place finsihed for Michael Epps the standout result from the weekend. The weekend of the 7th and 8th May saw the BTCC make the trip to the fastest circuit in the country, Thruxton in


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Bav’s Sporting Comment There’s hope for Dartford FC - copy Leicester City! Leicester City’s 2016 Premier League triumph is an astounding sporting story. They celebrated their coronation as Premier League champions and the first title in their 132-year history with victory over Everton on a day of elation at the King Power Stadium. Leicester concluded the story that has captured the world’s imagination when captain Wes Morgan and manager Claudio Ranieri jointly lifted the Premier League trophy as they completed the journey from relegation battlers and 5,000-1 outsiders to champions in the space of 12 months. Relegation favourites, led by a new yet simultaneously tarnished manager, driven on by a former non-league striker, prevailing over teams with incomparable resources and title-winning pedigree. There’s hope for Dartford FC! This is probably the most remarkable sporting story… at least in my generation

Upcoming events in JUNE include: 4: Horse Racing - Derby Day, Epsom 9-13: Cricket - England v Sri Lanka, third Test, Lord's 10 (until 10 July): Football - Euro 2016, France 10-12: Formula 1 - Canadian Grand Prix, Montreal 14-18: Horse Racing - Royal Ascot 16-19: Golf - US Open, Oakmont CC, Pennsylvania 17-19: Formula 1 - Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Baku 18: Rugby Union - Australia v England, New Zealand v Wales, South Africa v Ireland, Japan v Scotland 24-26: Athletics, British Athletics Championships & Olympic Trials, Birmingham 25: Boxing- Anthony Joshua v Dominic Breazeale (IBF world heavyweight title fight), London 27-10 July: Tennis - Wimbledon

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Ticket Office orchardtheatre.co.uk

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The award-winning production Let’s Hang On takes you on a musical journey through the prolific career of one of the most successful bands of all time – Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons.

Dartford Living and The Orchard have teamed up to offer a pair of tickets to this event, To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize just answer the following question... Which if the following is NOT a Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Hit? A) Grease B) Bye Bye Baby C) December ‘63 D) Good Vibrations Send the answer to Dartford Living, 7 St Ronans View, Dartford, DA1 1QD or email competition@dartfordliving.com This competition closes on 15th June. Good luck! RULES: 1. The winner(s) will be the first correct entry/entries drawn. 2. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 3. Prizes are as stated and no cash in lieu or an alternative prize will be offered. 4. Proof of posting will not be regarded as proof of delivery. 5. Winners will be notified by telephone by the Orchard, within 5 working days of the competition being drawn. 6. Employees and the immediate families of participating companies are ineligible to enter. 7. Closing date for the competition is stated above.

DAODS gets Dartford dancing

The show is also a nostalgic one for the society as it was the first ever show performed in their headquarters, Heathfields Hall.

Hot on the heels of their sell-out production of Sweeney Todd comes a play with an altogether different feeling. Stepping Out is the well-known comedy by Richard Harris that chronicles several months in the life of a beginners’ dance class and is being performed at Heathfields Hall, Heath Lane from 27th June – 2nd July.

“When we built the Hall in 1992 it completely changed what we were able to do. Not only did we have our own home where we could rehearse but it also meant we could put on shows basically whenever we wanted to. Stepping Out was the first show we performed and it quickly prompted changes in the Hall because at the time the audience were all seated in chairs on the floor. We had complaints that some people couldn’t see the performer’s feet so ever since then we have raked seating that we put out so everyone gets a good view!”

Dartford Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (DAODS) is in toe-tapping mood as it prepares for its next production.

The play is a firm favourite with amateur societies around the country and this should come as no surprise, says Director Fred Hall, given the themes that run through the show. “Although at first glance it’s about a group of people struggling together to put on a show”, says Hall, “it’s also about how these people help each other overcome their own personal problems and ultimately it is the bonds they create that matter the most. I think that is what resonates with many theatre groups like ours.”


After Stepping Out DAODS return to their second home, Dartford’s Orchard Theatre for the Irving Berlin classic Annie Get Your Gun in October this year. Stepping Out is being performed at Heathfields Hall, Heath Lane, Dartford from 27th June – 2nd July . Tickets: 0208 300 8148

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Local Entertainment News

May/ June Theatre Roundup by Liz Dyer

It’s been another fantastic few weeks of entertainment: at the Orchard there was murder in The Mousetrap (I finally know whodunnit - and no, I’m not telling), toe-tapping tunes in That’s Entertainment, featuring guest stars The Overtones, and hot flushes galore in Menopause the Musical. Bromley’s Churchill Theatre kept it light with the ultimate feel-good show Hairspray and romantic comedy Legally Blonde, while the Marlowe in Canterbury introduced us to the James Plays, a new historical trilogy about three generations of Scottish kings. June at the Orchard gets off to a great start for young and old alike with family favourite The Cat in the Hat (2nd-4th), followed by the extremely un-child-friendly Graeme of Thrones (also on the 4th - don’t get the two mixed up!). This parody of the smash hit TV show has had great reviews in London and been described as a must for any Game of Thrones fan - although I’ve heard it’s also full of spoilers for anyone not completely up to date. You have been warned. Get ready to do the Time Warp (again) when Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show arrives in Dartford on 6th June (until 11th). Then go back to the 70s with Jackie the Musical (14th-18th), to relive the days when all we

needed to know about life, love and everything could be found in our favourite teen magazine. The Orchard Youth Theatre are back on 19th and 20th with Myth’d, which explores the myths and legends of ancient Greece, and children from 14 local primary schools will be taking part in Dartford Choral Project’s What a Wonderful World on 21st and 22nd. Fans of Channel 4’s The Last Leg can enjoy an evening with the show’s host Adam Hills on 26th June, and the month comes to a close with Let It Be (27th June-2nd July), the Beatles reunion gig that never was. Fresh from the West End, the show packs in over 40 classic hits, so get ready to twist and shout the night away! But that’s not all - because summer’s here now (so they tell us). And that means an unmissable programme of open air events in Central Park, including free concerts at the Henry Wellcome Bandstand every Sunday from 2pm. There’s also a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on 21st June, and Changeling Theatre return on 27th July with She Stoops To Conquer; tickets are just £5 for Dartford residents. Bring the family and a picnic, cross your fingers for sunshine, and enjoy!

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