Dartford Living
www.dartfordliving.com March 2015 - Issue 105
Getting Dartford Working page 18
What’s Inside... Local News: Jumping Jack Plaque page 22
Local Business: Wisdom Estates Page 24
Charity Focus Parents Consortium Page 36
Plus - All your regular
features, puzzles, events, information and much, much more in our new 48 page issue.
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Editor’s Letter
Dear Readers, A big March hello from everyone at Dartford Living! We hope you enjoy this month’s expanded magazine, with more pages than ever before. As usual this month’s edition is jam packed with lots of local information and local businesses. Please support as many as you can - “use them or lose them!” Don’t forget that we run Dartford Living alongside volunteer members of the local community FOR the local community. Dartford Living is YOUR magazine, the only independently run magazine serving the local area with information, fun, good news and positive local stories! Feel free to get in touch if you would like to write an article for the magazine. If writing is not for you then perhaps you could volunteer to deliver 100 or so magazines to your local roads - you will guarantee your copy of the magazine and get a little exercise as well! We deliver to thousands of homes and businesses in the local area, however if you don’t receive a copy directly through your door, you can pick up a copy from various drop off points. These include Dartford Football Club, numerous local libraries, Darent Valley Hospital, What If... and Stephen Oliver Art Galleries, numerous health centres and various locations at Bluewater including Coffee Republic. The ‘Previous Editions’ section of the Dartford Living website (www. dartfordliving.com) also includes electronic versions of Dartford Living magazine. Additionally, if you email editor@dartfordliving.com we will add you to our newsletter email mailing list and contact you just once a month with an electronic copy of Dartford Living! Over 4,000 local people already do this!
Until next time, Vijay (and Annie, Bhavesh, David, Dhiren, Elaine, Joanne, Ken, Kelly, Mark, Nickki, Peter, Richey and the rest of the fantastic Dartford Living volunteer team)
We offer amazing value advertising with adverts starting from just £26 per month. The advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th March All enquiries David Shafford Magazine/ Website design and Sales sales@dartfordliving.com
Contents 6-13................................................. What’s on 14........................................... Usefull numbers 18...............................Getting Dartford Working 20...........................................Wisdom Estates 21.............................. Kent Befriending Service 22................................... Jumping Jack Plaque 23.................. Famous Author Visits local school 24-25............................. Stephen Oliver Gallery 28......................................... ........Kip McGrath 29..........................Steve Cook - Double Glazing 30...............................Comfy Cushion Company 36................Charity Focus - Parents Consortium 37........................................ Banish The Blues 37................Darent Valley Hospital - A thank you 38....................................................Auto News 39...............................Tips for a small business 40..............................................Sudoku 41..............................................Gardening Tips 42....................................Basketball in Dartford 43..................From Princes Park to Old Trafford 43.........................................Sporting Comment 44........................Interview with Claire Sweeney 45.................................................Competition
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Dartford Living
Lose Weight and Get Fit Class Times
Location Acacia Hall High Street Dartford
Mon Tue Wed Thur Sat Sun
1930 0930 1845 1015 0900 1015
First class FREE with this ad! Just cut it out and bring it with you.
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Index of Advertisers ACCOUNTANTS, FINANCE & LEGAL Conradi Morrison & Co .....................................................2 Lynton & Co ........................................................................5 BUILDERS, DECORATORS ROOFING, KITCHENS & WINDOWS 4k Building Services.........................................................47 A Baines & Son Roofing.....................................................34 Claremont Decorative Services.. .................................46 John Hargreaves Building.................................................. 39 P Clark.. ................................................................38 Steve Cook - Double Glazing................................................16 SJC Fencing ......................................................................19 MSB Conversions ..............................................................24 CLEANING/DRY CLEANERS EcoClean ...........................................................................25 COSMETIC, BEAUTY & HEALTH Dia Wipes.. ............................................................17 Frenchy’s Beauty ...............................................................39 Persona Cosmetic Mediciine ..............................................31
Dartford Bootcamps............................................................4 Peaches Personal Training .....................................................4 Monkey Music.. ..........................................................7 Roundel Recording Studio ...................................................24 NURSERY Dimples....................................................................... 23 OPTICIANS Linklater Opticians.............................................................16 PICTURE FRAMING Craft Frames.. ...........................................................35 PLASTERERS Craig Baker...................................................................34 PLUMBERS/BATHROOMS/TILING Nightingale Bathrooms.......................................................35 .Theatre Orchard Theatre...............................................................47
EDUCATION Kip McGrath.....................................................................285 ELECTRICIANS AES Electricians...............................................................4 ESTATE AGENTS GPS Lettings....................................................................17 Wisdom Estates..............................................................33 FASHION Ahadi Fashion..............................................................23 GARAGES & VEHICLE SERVICES Shenley Road Garage..........................................................35 Chipsaway................................................................48 JEWELLERY Bradleys............................................................................34 LOCKSMITHS/HOME SECURITY Dartford Locksmith.............................................................39 LEGAL SERVICES Dartford Legal .................................................................19 MEMBER OF PARLIMENT Gareth Johnson.............................................................7 MUSIC/DANCE & SPORTS/FITNESS Adult Dance Classes..........................................................12
in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com InterestedInterested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living
Where to go locally...
...local events, clubs & groups
Parent & Toddler Groups (Term Time) Mondays 1:15pm - 2:30pm. Brent Methodist Church, St Vincents Road, Dartford. 9:15am - 11:00am. St Anselms Church Community Centre, Dartford. Contact Julie on 01322 291092. for 2-5 year olds. St Mary’s Messy Makers:10am-11am, and 3.45pm-4.45pm - an hour of messy play and creative activities s@gmail.com. Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road, Greenhithe. £3.50 per child. 07851 150593 or email messymaker Tuesdays Catherine on 01322 220036. Session 1: 9.15-10.45am, and Session 2: 11-12.30pm. Christchurch, Crossroad, Dartford. Contact 01322 272649. Atkins: John drinks. and Little Fishes: 12 - 2pm, Net Church, East Hill, Dartford, £2 per family including all snacks information. further for 9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 Hythe Street, Dartford. Please call us on (01322) 288434 For pre school children up to 4 years Sticky Fingers, 9.30-11.30 am £1.50 per adult includes tea ,biscuits and healthy snack time for the children reenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall London Road Greenhithe Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmaryg Wednesdays for further information. 9.30am -11.30am. The Salvation Army, 66 Hythe Street, Dartford. Please call us on (01322) 288434 Thursdays The Vineyard Centre, 24 Market St, Dartford. Contact Jane on 07956 430244 for further details. 9:30 - 11:30am. St Paulinus Church Hall, Manor Road, Crayford. - facebook.com/ToeRags 9.30-11am Toerags Toddler Group - Adult education centre, Dartford £3 per Child - £1 Non Walkers facebook.com/ToeRags Walkers Non £1 Child per £3 Dartford centre, education Adult Group 1-2.30pm Toerags Toddler Fridays 9.30-11am Baby and me for expectant mothers and mothers / carers of chidren up to 2. £1 per adult reenhithe.com St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road Greenhithe. Contact 01322 382031 or see www.stmaryg - facebook.com/ToeRags Walkers Non £1 Child per £3 Dartford centre, education 9.30-11am Toerags Toddler Group - Adult jeannehoadley@yahoo.co.uk 380322 01322 Jeanne Greenhithe. Rd, Place Stone Hall, Church Mary’s St Group, 9.30-11.30 Carer & Toddler 1-3pm Gigglekidz, Tree Estate Community Centre on Cedar Road - £2 Per Child Saturdays
healthy snack time for the children. Daddy and Me 9.30.-11.30am A group for dads and male carers of children up to 5years. £1.50 includes reenhithe.com www.stmaryg see or 382031 01322 St Mary Greenhithe Church Hall, London Road Greenhithe. Contact
Toddler Music & Rhyme Sessions
MONDAYS Jo Jingles Music and Movement classes, Holy Trinity Church Hall, High Street, Dartford. Booking needed - phone Gill on 07525 865030. Other days/venues available. MONDAY S 10:30am - 11:00am & Friday 2:15pm - 2:45pm at Dartford Library - Baby Bounce & Rhyme Time TUESDAY S 2 sessions, from 9.30-10.30am and 10:45 - 11:45am in Fleetdown FC Hall; Heath Lane, Dartford. Contact Judi: 07970 730736. ALSO RUN SAME PLACE/TI ME ON THURSDAYS TUESDAY S 10.30m - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS (term time only) we will be holding 2 sessions - 10.15am & 11am Crayford Rd, Crayford, DA1 4ER. Tel: 020 8303 7777. Also: Coffee and Chat sessions at Temple Hill Library on the First Tues of the month 10am - 12noon. THURSDAYS 10.30am - 11.00am (term time only) at Fleetdown Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 2.15 - 2.45pm (term time only) at Greenhithe Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247. THURSDAYS 10.45am - 11.15am (term time only) at Longfield Library - Baby Bounce and Rhyme session. Tel: 08458 247 247.
Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
Gareth Johnson, Member of Parliament for Dartford, will be available to meet with constituents on the following dates: Bluewater, DA9 9ST (4.00 pm – 7.00 pm - Appointment required) Friday 6th February Friday 6th March Open Surgery (No appointment necessary) , - Thursday 29th January, 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm, Sutton Court, 12 Main Road, Sutton at Hone, DA4 9EX - Thursday 12th February, 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm, Darenth Hall, Ladywood Road, DA2 7LL - Thursday 26th February, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Sainsbury’s Dartford, DA1 2HL - Saturday 21st March, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Sainsbury’s Dartford, DA1 2HL If you would like to meet Gareth at one of his regular appointment based surgeries in the future, please contact him at gareth.johnson. mp@parliament.uk or telephone 020 7219 7047.
Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com
Dartford Living
Where to go locally... YOGA & MEDITATION CLASSES Every Thursday from 10.30am to 12.00pm at Peppercorns, 3 Orchard Street, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2DF. For more information please call The Hope Group on 07580 615206.
th Kent’s Come and Join one of Nor Martial ul essf succ t mos and fastest tion, Arts clubs. For more informa just or 104 513 03 079 on call Saj ions come along to one of our sess t mos the h Wit fun! the in and join ’ll reasonable fees around, you rdable find that training can be affo our too! For all details please visit website www.northkentkarate.com
...local events, clubs & groups
Sunday 10:45-12:00, Sussex Road Erith. Ages 4-16 welcome 07903 590515
Dartford Orienteering Club
For more details see www.dfok.co.uk Dartford Bellringers Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Wednesdays 8.00-9.30p.m. Free tuition with a very friendly, sociable group. The ideal way to make new friends. Phone Ester 01322 220458 or email: esther.correia1@ btinternet.com
Meet at Dartford Working Mens Club (Essex Road) at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday of the month. Membership is free but we do ask for a small contribution to costs on the night. Call Ray on 07813 540131 or email guitarsinshadows@hotmail.com
Dartford Gymnastics
is the only British Gymnastics Club in Dartford to hold the”GymMark” Award for 6 years. Based in Heath Lane, we are a friendly club with super equipment, great coaches and high standards. We do lots of competitions and we do not close through the holidays! Visit our website http://www.dartfordgymnastics.co.uk/ for full details or contact Linda on 01322 409312 or email dartfordgymclub@yahoo.co.uk
Erith Youth Rugby
3, 4 & 5 YEAR OLDS Sundays 10:15-10:45 at Swanscombe Leisure Centre. Call Saj on 07903 513104
BEXLEY AND DARTFORD BRANCH PARKINSONS UK For people with Parkinsons and their carers. We have 2 meetings per month. Bexley: 4th Thursday of each month, at Pincott Hall, 2-4pm. Dartford: 2nd Thursday of each month, Mick Jagger Centre, 7.30-9.30pm. Information support workers available, guest speakers and quizzes. Contact Pamela Childs 0208 303 8971
Crayford and District Probus Club
meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Falcon Wood Club, 1 Falcon Wood Avenue, Welling at 10am. Contact Tony Maun 0208 306 1075 or
email Crayford.Probus@gmail.com.
Dartford & District Stamp Club Hold regular meetings in The Meeting Place, The Orchard Shopping Centre, Dartford. Details from Steve Alpe 01322 284491 or email steve_alpe@hotmail.com
Our Club presents a programme of workshops and demonstrations in a very informal and friendly atmosphere. We meet on the last Thursday of the each month except December. Shorne Village Hall, The Street, Shorne. DA12 3EA. Visitors are always made very welcome, entry £3. We have 30 members and look forward to welcoming anyone who loves flowers. The Club provides an opportunity for people to be creative, make friends. For further information please phone 01474 353405 or email landaclatworthy@btinternet.com
MALE? AGED 18 - 44?
WANT TO HAVE FUN AND DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE WITH YOUR SPARE TIME? We’ve arrived in Dartford and we are a NEW Round Table Get involved, you WILL enjoy it! www.dartfordroundtable.co.uk Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
Would you like to promote a local activity on the “Where to go locally...” page? If so email your suggestions to editor@dartfordliving.com The West Kent Book Club meets once a month on Saturday mornings at Dartford Library. For more information, please call 07860 963333 or find us at www.meetup. com/West-Kent-BookClub/
The Dartford Chess Club
The club meets every Thursday evening from 7.30pm at St Anselms Parish Hall, West Hill and was founded 100 years ago in 1914. All queries to Mike Wiltshire at 01322 272152 or visit www. dartfordchessclub.co.uk
is a community learning organisation for adults and young people aged 16+ with physical, learning and mental health difficulties. For more information, attend a taster session or visit our community lunch club, contact Caroline on 01322 440482 or 07570 347612
Dartford Floral Club
The club meet on the 3rd Friday of the month at Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Rd.(opp Papermakers Arms) at 7.30 Come along for an evening of beautiful flowers, fun and friendship. Entrance £6.00, refreshments and a raffle with the chance to take home a beautiful Floral Arrangement. Contact Chris 01322 836026
Come and join your local Morris side, dancing and performing in Dartford, Gravesend and Bexley areas and throughout Kent in the Summer. We are a mixed and very sociable side, and can always find room for new dancers and musicians. It’s a great way of keeping fit and you’ll be helping to conserve a great English tradition. We practice alternate Tuesday evenings at Bexley, from September to April, then dancing out at Pubs, Clubs and Fetes, throughout Kent, from May to August. Private Bookings taken. Contact Alison on 01322 862298, e-mail alisondukes@btinternet.come
Fairfield (Dartford) WI 2nd Tuesday of every month, Dartford Girls’ Grammar School, 7.30pm. Contact Judith on 01322 278703 or Evelyn on 07891 061609. Crayford Women’s Institute 1st Thursday of every month at 1.45pm. Baker Trust Hall. Maxim Road, Crayford (near Sainsburys). Contact Secretary, Jean Monk 01322 557142
MODERN LINEDANCING CLASSES at Dance Union, Greenhithe. Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm. Fun, social class learning routines from differing genres to popular music providing exercise for body and brain. No dance experience or partners necessary. Contact 01322 387630.
Age UK, Crayford library Pop in Parlour Coffee Morning every Friday Morning 10.30 - 12.30 Tea, Coffee, Biscuits and a chat - Just £1 The North West Kent Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association meets at 8pm on the 4th Wednesday evening of each month in the Pop-In Parlour, Mill Road, Northumberland Heath, Erith. The meetings last about 2 hours and the group often have a speaker on a variety of subjects, followed by tea and biscuits and general chat. For more information contact Eileen on 01322 228169.
Dartford Quilters meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford. We run a varied programme of activities suitable for the beginner through to the more experienced quilter. More details can be obtained from the club secretary on 01474 834872 RSPCA KENT, NORTH WEST BRANC H FREE MICRO CHIPP ING
RSPCA Kent, North West Branch, offers free micro chippings for all domestic animals at its clinic at 37 Gordon Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2LX on the 1st Saturday in each month, 10am to 12.30pm. The service is free but donations are appreciated. For more information please visit www.rspca-kentnorthwest.org.uk.
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Dartford Living
Where to go locally... TONI MOUNT HISTORY CLASSES
The group meet every week at Towncentric in Gravesend and this year we are looking at Everyday Life in Medieval London. We meet every Thursday from 10.30-12.30 at £6.00 per week customers can phone me on 01474 355676 for more information or look at my website www.tonimount.co.uk
Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30am-10:30am At Europa Gymnastics Centre For more information please contact Emma: emma@samadhi-yoga.co.uk TEL: 07932 621415 www.samadhi-yoga.co.uk
BABY SENSORY CLASSES Baby Sensory classes are designed to support your baby’s development in their first year, along with having lots of fun! Sessions run on Tuesdays in Dartford - 9.40am & 10.50am 6 months to walking, 11.55am & 1pm birth to 6 months. Please prebook your place to avoid disappointment. Call Sarah on 07786 448701 or go on to www.babysensory.co.uk to book your free taster session.
DE-STRESSING for Mind, Body and Soul
...local events, clubs & groups The National Women’s Register
The National Women’s Register (NWR) is a national organisation that meets in the Dartford area. The NWR is a discussion group for ‘lively minded women’. Contact can be made via www.nwr.org.uk or call 08454 500 287 and ask about the Dartford group. CRAYFORD TOWN ARCHIVE incorporating Barnehurst and Slade Green. Meet every Monday (except the third Monday) of the month at Crayford Library hall - 2pm-4pm. Call in for a chat about old Crayford and to view the large collection of local images, or bring your own for us to copy.
Kent Exiles American Football Club www.kentexiles.co.uk.
Coach Martin - 07944 730634. All ages from 7 years to adult welcome
The Rotary Club of the North Downs
They meet at the Holiday Inn, Black Prince, Thursday evenings
7:30pm for 7:45pm for Dinner and fellowship. For details phone 07759 863836.
Monkey Music!
More than 10,000 babies and children regul
arly attend classes at Monkey Music and you can book your FREE class now. Join us at: - Albany Park Baptist Church, Bexley (Tuesday mornings) - Baptist Church, Eynsford (Thur sday mornings) Spital Street Methodist Church, Dartford (Friday mornings). Fun, age-specific, classes for children (3mth s - 4 years). To book call: 01322 862021 or Email: bexle y.dartford@ monkeymusic.co.uk.
Now also holding sessions for nerves, driving tests/interviews etc. www.janetslifeoachingvpweb.co.uk tel:01322311415/07837413229 jtmason@googlemail.com
Dartford Art Group
We meet every Thursday evening from 7.30-9.30pm. We meet at the What if...? Gallery 67-69 High Street Dartford DA1 1DJ. The cost to belong is £40 per annum. For further enquiries please email ruthghoward@aol.com or ring 07940 836672
Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
The Rendezvous Club (50+)
Every Monday Time: 8pm - 10pm Location: The Pop in Parlour, Graham Road, Bexleyheath DA6 7EG we enjoy a Description: We are a friendly social group open to anyone over fifty. As a social group number of activities including bingo, a Beatle drive, quizzes, to name but a few. On occasions We also take part in outside activities including going for a meal or a trip to the theatre. we welcome a guest speaker. Admission: Subs £2.50 per week. Annual membership £6 (payable in January ) Tel: 01322 287356 or 020 8304 6414
Wheelchair epee fencing in Dartford and Gravesham, we are delighted to announce that New Ash Green Epee club, can now introduce wheelchair fencing. If interested in taking up this para sport please contact us on 01474 871484 or alternatively look at our website www.nagfencing.eu
Is an amateur dramatics group based at the Joydens Wood Community Centre, Wilmington, Kent. We meet every Tuesday from 8-10pm. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/pavilionplayers or call us on 07505 006539. Alternatively just pop down on a Tuesday night! Everyone welcome!
North West Kent Family History Society
The Dartford Branch meet at the Technology College, Heath Lane, For more information see www.nwkfhs.org.uk
1st Tuesday of every month Dartford Conservative Club Spital Street, Dartford DA1 2DT. Meeting start at 20:00. Further details call Cathy 01322 618640
A group of retired ladies meet locally for lunch on the 4th Wednesday of each
month, paying £13 each. They raise funds for charity and usually invite a speaker. Join them and enjoy meeting and making new friends. If you would like more information please contact Iris (Secretary) on 01474 703448
Who? Were you a student or teacher of Dartford Central, Dartford West Girls School, Dartford Technology College or Dartford Science and Technology College? What? Then some great news! We are having a reunion for all former students and staff. Come and meet old friends, have a tour round the new school, have some cheese and wine, and also have the opportunity to be involved in the next exciting phase of the school. When? Tuesday 31st March 2015 from 6pm – 9pm Where? Dartford Science and Technology College, Heath Lane, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2LY. 01322 224309 RSVP to http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s.asp?sid=hm95eb97bmfp00x6 06417 Any Problems? Contact alumni@dstc.kent.sch.uk
Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com
Dartford Living
Where to go locally...
...local events, clubs & groups
TEL: 01689 867358
Wii, Playstation, Arts/Crafts and plenty more activities...come along!
is being held at Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford, DA2 7RB on the 2nd Sunday of the month between 2pm and 6:30pm. It costs £6 which includes refreshments, nibbles and the use of a cricut (cutting machine for those that don’t know). Beginners are very welcome. Contact Michelle on 07910 488428 or email scrappydays@hotmail.co.uk
P Dartford & Gravesham Branch Meets the first Wednesday of every month at the Masonic Hall, West Hill, Dart ford from 10-12pm.Activities include guest speakers, outings, lunches, holidays and quizzes. For more information contact Marion on 01322 402967
Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
Useful Numbers
We Need You
meets on the first Tuesday of every month (except August) at St Anselm’s Church Hall, West Hill, Dartford at 2pm. For information about meetings and interest groups call 01474709068 or visit our website.
Hi all, if you went to DSTC, DTC, Dartford West Girls or any other name that the school has been known as we would love to hear from you! The school is looking to make links with former students to help raise the profile of the school but also as a way of getting back in touch with people. There will be an event later on in the academic year and we are planning some exciting things for the group so get joining and let’s get reminiscing!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/DSTCAlumni/
Little Bright Sparks
Fun phonics, literacy and numeracy classes for 2-4 year olds. Classes held on Weds in East Malling and Thurs in West Kingsdown £5.50 per class 07768 447657 for more info www.facebook.com/littlebrightsparks http://www.babysign.org.uk/
a b c +=
meets on the 1st and 3rd Thu rsday each month at Sutton at Hone Village Hall . 1.30pm until 4.30pm. £2.0 0 per afternoon. £10.00 yearly fee. We are a small, friendly club , not expensive. Tuition give n. All supplies can be bought in situe. Com e and see if you like it, free tea And biccies. You will be very welcome. Contact - Maureen Beckham 01322 287214. Marie Blake 01474 704581. Doreen Goddard 0147 4 707357.
Established for 36years - No Expensive courses Puppies from 3months - Older dogs any age. Tel. Barbara for more details 01322 663956
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Dartford Living
Useful Information 24 Hour Kent Dementia Helpline: 0800 500 3014 Alcoholics Anonymous: 08457 697 555 Citizens Advice Bureau: 01322 224686 Crimestoppers: 0800 555111 Darent Valley Hospital: 01322 428100 Dartford Borough Council: 01322 343434 Dartford Police Station (non urgent crime): 01622 690690 EDF Energy Networks Emergencies/Powercuts Helpline: 0800 028 0247 Gareth Johnson MP 020 7219 7047 Gatwick Airport Enquiries: 08700 002468 Heathrow Airport Enquiries: 08700 000123 Information About Drugs - FRANK: 0800 776600 Kent Homophobic Incident Reporting Line: 0800 328 9162 Kent Racial Incident Reporting Line: 0800 138 1624
Local Sports Clubs Bexley Rugby Club 01322 550142 or www.bexleyrfc.co.uk Dartford Ladies Hockey Club Dawn Hall (Secretary) 07793 777250 Dartford Ju Jitsu Club Mondays, Dartford Girls
Local Breastfeeding Counsellors Judianne/Paula: 01322 224072 National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hour): 0808 2000 247 National Gas Emergency Service: 0800 111 999 National Rail Enquiries: 08457 484950 NHS Direct: 111 (free of charge from landline or mobile NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 Report a non-urgent crime: Dial 101 or go online www.reportacrime.kent.police.uk RSPCA Kent, North West Branch Helpline: 01322 286720 Samaritans: 08457 909090 Thames Water Leak Line: 0800 714614 The National Pandemic Flu Service: 0800 1 513 100
Local Libraries
Dartford Library Opening Hours:
Mon to Wed 8.30am - 6.00pm, Thurs 8.30am
- 8.00pm, Fri
8.30am - 6.00pm, Sat 9:00am to 5:00pm
Ashen Drive Library Opening Hou
Mon 2.00pm - 6.00pm, Tue 9.00am - 1.00p
- 6.00pm, Fri 9.00am -1.00pm, Sat 10.00am - 2.00pm
m, Thurs 2.00pm
Temple Hill Library Opening Hou
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm,
closed Wed & open Sat 10.00am - 2.00pm
West Kent NHS Helpline: 0800 0 850850
Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers Coleman, Secretary 01322 Grammar School, Shepherds Bowling Club 863730. email: pat.coleman@ 01322 274111. Lane. 6.30-8.00 Juniors, dartford.gov.uk VCD Table Tennis Club 8.00-10.00 Seniors.1st The Ashes Eric Jenkins - 0208 3038312. session free Badminton Club ‘Play & pay’, 9 hole, par www.dartfordjujitsu.co.uk Mondays, Dartford Technology 3 golf course on Dartford Dartford Sharks College, Heath Lane. 7.30Football Club’s Princes Park Basketball Club 9.30. Jacqui 07764 182854. site, managed by the Club. Tim Dickson - 07855 Dartford Valley RFC - http:// Members subscribing annually 692527. www.pitchero.com/clubs/ to play the course have formed Dartford Volleyball Club darenthvalleyrfc/ themselves into a small Graham - 01322 275290 or golf club:- PRINCES PARK 07984 106134. GOLF CLUB. Contact: Mr. Pat Stone Lodge Indoor Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
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Available to order from leading insulin pump pouch and diabetic accessory supplier: Funky Pumpers www.funkypumpers.com or www.dia-wipe.com Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com
Dartford Living
Getting Dartford Working by Gareth Johnson, MP for Dartford
In the five years since I became MP for Dartford, I have been lucky enough to visit many places in the constituency, including a huge range of businesses. I have been fascinated to discover that we have a variety of firms, from coffee roasters and beer makers, to mine disposal experts and specialist movers here in Dartford. It is businesses like these which contribute to a successful economy here and have led to unemployment falling by more than two-thirds since 2010. The number of new businesses being launched has also grown substantially in the past five years and it is these start-ups, as well as the long-established companies, which are creating new jobs and apprenticeships in the area. In Dartford, there are double the number of apprenticeships available now than there were in 2010 and during a visit to Beck and Pollitzer last month, I met some of the apprentices. This company has its world headquarters in Dartford and employs around 500 people in its group. Beck and Pollitzer has the annual job of taking delivery of the Norwegian Christmas Tree gift in the north of England, transporting it to Dartford, storing it overnight in the town and then putting it up in Trafalgar Square. Enriching our skills base locally is essential and the opening in Dartford of the first UTC in Kent will help provide the engineers of the future. Last year saw a record number of new businesses in Dartford and these new enterprises will soon be joined by Paramount, who have recognised the huge potential in the area by committing themselves to the new theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Another company which has been recruiting locally, including many of our up-and-coming young people, is DPD, which is an express parcel service. DPD has recently opened a new state-of-the art depot in Dartford. On a recent visit there it was a pleasure to meet the staff, who are enjoying working hard for a company which is a market leader in its field. Dartford will always have a heavy reliance on London’s economy but increasingly businesses are choosing to make Dartford one of the most exciting places to live and work. It is no coincidence that now more people from London have decided to make Dartford their home than anywhere else outside of the capital. Whilst there is more to be done to improve the business opportunities in Dartford, it is a very positive time for Dartford and I, for one, am extremely proud of the contribution local businesses make to our town.
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DAODS goes back to its roots with new spin on Gilbert and Sullivan classic Dartford Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (DAODS) are starting to feel the ‘heat’ as they enter the last few weeks of rehearsals for their latest show. The y are perf orming Hot Mikado a t Hea thfields Hall in April and the cast have been enjoying working on this updated version of such a well-known piece. The Gilbert and Sullivan original, The Mikado, opened in London in 1885 and ran for 672 performances. Just over 20 years after this, it became the first ever show produced by DAODS. The Society was formed in 1906 but their first production was of The Mikado, in April 1907, at the Conser vative Hall in Spital Street, Dartford. Hot Mikado uses the same characters, themes, song titles and storyline but has updated the setting and the numbers to the 1940’s. “People who know Gilbert and Sullivan, and in particular The Mikado, will see much that they recognise in Hot Mikado”, says Director David Street. “I suppose the biggest change that people will notice is that the songs have been updated from the comic opera style of the original to incorporate more modern forms of music such as blues, swing and gospel. It’s
a really fun, toe-tapping show with lots of dancing for the cast to get involved with.” David is Directing and Choreographing the show for DAODS and it is his first time working with the Society.“I was only too happy to take on the job when they approached me. It’s always exciting to work with a new group of people and everyone here has been so welcoming. The cast have been working really hard over the last few months and I can’t wait to see how it starts to come together in the weeks ahead.” The Society performs a range of different shows including both musicals and plays. They’ve also performed at least one show each year at The Orchard Theatre in Dartford, since it opened in 1982. After Hot Mikado the group will start rehearsing for their next show at The Orchard, which will be Boogie Nights in October 2015. · Hot Mikado is being performed from 21st – 25th April at Heathfields Hall, Dartford. Tickets: 07516 253638 or daods.ticketsource.co.uk If you are interested in joining DAODS then send an email to daodscom@gmail.com For more information on this release or DAODS, email patwalsh100@hotmail.co.uk or call 07984 863642.
Dartford Legal Services Ltd Commercial & Residential Conveyancing Probate & Wills Commissioner for Oaths Reasonable fixed fees
Regulated by Council for Licensed Conveyancers Fully Insured Tel: 01322 291379 Email: Info@darfordlegalservices.com Website: www.dartfordlegalservices. com
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19 19
Featured Local Business M A K E YO U R W I S E S T M OV E TO DAY ! Wisdom Estates are your local Independent Estate Agents who have a real passion for selling homes. They believe in treating all their clients with fairness and honesty, and these are the core values on which they base their business. Located within the heart of Dartford, Wisdom Estates are proud to serve the local Community, [however] it is worth mentioning that they also cover many other areas within London and throughout the South East. This is due to the fact that a large proportion of New Instructions are often the result of personal recommendations from both Vendors and Purchasers, who are highly impressed with the personalised, friendly and professional service they received.
and viathe Wisdom Estates bespoke website. The Directors and staff of Wisdom Estates regularly support local charities and organisations, and in 2014 this community involvement led to a meeting with Cheryl Fergison (best known for her role as Heather Trott from BBC’s Eastenders). Cheryl visited the offices of Wisdom Estates to thank them for being the first business
to sponsor underprivileged children at her School of Creative Arts. This meeting led to a firm friendship with the actress, and Wisdom Estates have since supported a number of charitable events run by Cheryl Fergison, especially those raising funds and awareness, for CHYPS, who provide dedicated care for children with lifethreatening and life-limiting conditions. Wisdom Estates are delighted with their consistently growing positive reputation, which is due to their commitment of always ensuring excellent Customer Service. Wisdom Estates believe that this is what has led to many customers leaving exceptionally good feedback, which can be viewed on their website (www.Wisdom-Estates.co.uk/Testimonials). These Customer Testimonials are some of the best you could hope to find, and Robert Wisdom (Managing Director of Wisdom Estates) is very proud to publish these on their website, as well as publishing them on Wisdom Estates’ social media pages. You might expect that this exceptionally high level of service would result in high fees, but Wisdom Estates only charge a standard 1% Sole Agency Selling Fees, which has proved to save vendors who have switched from a local competitor hundreds, if not thousands of pounds. Furthermore, there are absolutely no extra costs or hidden fees, which some unscrupulous Estate Agents try to charge. Marketing consists of superior quality photography, extensive exposure across all of the major property portals (including Rightmove, Zoopla and Prime Location), alongside advertising within the News Shopper
The Mayor of Dartford’s Charity Appeal also continues to be a very important Community Project, and Wisdom Estates have proudly sponsored and attended various events held by the Mayor. They also held their own Charity Fun Day, which the Mayor and his wife attended Furthermore, Wisdom Estates are also very proud of their association with Dartford Football Club, and alongside advertising at the club they also offer discounted selling fees to all of the staff, players and supporters. The children of the borough haven’t been forgotten either, as for the past two years Wisdom Estates have donated the Christmas trees at both Oakfield and Temple Hill Primary Schools, and this year have plans to donate funds to another local school to help with their summer fete. So, if you are thinking of selling and would like to use an Estate Agent that is proud to give something back to the community, and who also offers an outstanding and traditional personal service, without paying u n n e c e s s a r i ly h i g h s e l l i n g fees, please call: 01322 272 144 or e-mail; dartford@wisdome s t a t e s . c o . u k a n d ‘ M a k e Yo ur Wi s e s t Mo v e Tod a y ’
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Lonely and isolated? You don’t have to be……. According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, there are 800,000 people in England who are constantly lonely. Age UK in North Kent provides a Befriending Service which aims to help reduce the loneliness and isolation felt by many people, both at home and within their local communities. Beth felt sad and isolated after the death of her husband and moving to retirement living. Although she had family nearby she didn’t want to worry them about how she was feeling. Despite having people her own age around her she found making new friends difficult and did not have the confidence to socialise and use the communal areas. Beth contacted us. Karen, the befriending coordinator visited Beth to find out a little more about her and how they could help. Karen discovered that Beth particularly loved gardening and was a talented seamstress. Beth decided that she would like to try the befriending service. Shortly after meeting Beth, Karen
introduced her to befriending volunteer David. They got on very well and David agreed to visit Beth regularly. They chatted about all sorts and enjoyed strolling round the gardens. Ver y quickly Beth realised how much better she felt just chatting with David each week. She decided to put a notice on the notice board offering to help with any small sewing jobs. This proved to be a blessing as many residents were soon knocking her door with requests and Beth soon found she had many new friends within the retirement home. When Karen next visited Beth the difference in her was amazing. Beth was very thankful for the ser vice but decided she no longer needed the support of befriending, however she still sees David occasionally when her new busy schedule allows! To volunteer with the West Kent Befriending Service, or if you would like a volunteer to visit you or you know someone we could help, please call 0800 048 4668.
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21 21
Local News
Jumping Jack Plaque!
Dartford Station Platform where Rolling Stones’ friendship was forged gets its own heritage plaque Dartford Borough Council has unveiled a heritage plaque marking the spot where two teenage rail passengers with a shared passion for music struck up a conversation before going on to form the greatest rock and roll band in the world. The blue plaque has been installed on platform 2 at Dartford Station to mark the moment on 17th October 1961 when Mick Jagger met Keith Richards for the first time since primary school, and forged a friendship that resulted in the formation of the Rolling Stones the following year. Jagger was on his way to the London School of Economics carrying a pile of his favourite blues records and Richards was heading to Sidcup Art College with his beloved Hofner Cutaway guitar. The two struck up a conversation on platform 2 and the rest is history.
history. I hope that in the years ahead many thousands of rail passengers will enjoy looking at the plaque and realising the part the station played in bringing The Rolling Stones together.” Dartford Borough Council has unveiled a number of plaques around the Borough over the past decade to celebrate famous residents, visitors and places. For a full list please visit www.dartford.gov.uk/heritage The next plaque unveiling will take place in Carrington Road, Dartford, in mid-March 2015. It will mark the spot where a V1 flying bomb fell in 1944, killing 10 people, causing injuries to 107 and damaging nearly 700 homes.
Inviting the Mayor of Dartford, Councillor Avtar Sandhu MBE, and the current Head of Mick Jagger’s old school, John Oakes, to unveil the plaque, Council Leader Jeremy Kite said, “Platform 2 has a small but important role in pop music
Dartford Festival 2015 Fresh local talent wanted for the Dartford Festival 2015 Plans are underway for this year’s Dartford Festival and we’re looking for music acts and local dance schools & groups to appear on the main stage. Singers, bands and dance groups will be given the chance to show off their talents at this year’s Dartford Festival in Central Park on 18 & 19 July. The lucky acts chosen will be following in the footsteps of Tank Trap, Dead Baby Birds and Prequels who shared the main stage last year with the likes of Scouting For Girls and The Beat and gained themselves lots of new fans. Each of the acts will be allocated a short slot on the Saturday or Sunday to wow the crowd. For the music acts, the Festival team will supply the backline – full drum kit, guitar and bass amps,
so each act will just need to bring their instruments, keyboards, leads and sticks. There will only be five minutes changeover time between the slots so no sound checks will be permitted. Music and performances must be suitable for the Festival’s family audience. Representatives from Dartford Youth Council will be getting involved again this year, helping to shortlist the lucky performers. To be in with a chance of playing at the Festival, email your details and relevant YouTube links to festival@dartford.gov.uk by midday on Wednesday 8 April 2015. Successful applicants will be notified in early May. Councillor Jeremy Kite, Leader of the Council, said, “Once again we’re looking forward to welcoming some local acts to the Festival stage and helping them showcase their talents to a wider audience. The bands featured last year were fantastic and well-received by the crowds. They had a great time and won themselves lots of new fans in the process.”
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Author Brian Moses visits Horton Kirby CofE Primary School On Friday 6th February, the rest of the school got a chance to meet him. He uses lots of percussion and movement to perform his poems and really involved the children with the readings during a whole school assembly. He then went on to do writing workshops with KS2 children, who were inspired to write poems of their own. Some of these poems will be available to view on the Horton Kirby blog pages (http://www.hortonkirbycesch. org/#!class-pages/c9di ) so feel free to have a read.
Children at Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School were very lucky last week as they received a visit from the famous author Brian Moses. Brian Moses has sold over 1 million poetry books and anthologies and even wrote a poem for the Queen’s 80th birthday.
One parent, who attended the evening session, said; ‘That was fantastic - we really enjoyed writing as a family’. While comments from the children ranged from “That was so exciting and fun!” to “He scared me when he hit the drum during The Snake Hotel poem!” Overall, our Brian Moses visit was a huge success. Children have been inspired to both read and write poetr y, families have been able to create something together and teachers have a wealth of exciting new ideas to use in the classroom.
On the 5th February 2015, Brian visited Horton Kirby Primary School in the evening to work with children and their families. Families had been specially chosen and invited to the event and were able to listen to Brian perform followed by having a go at writing a poem based on embarrassing family moments. It was a real eye opener for teachers that attended I can tell you!
Dimples Day Nursery, Green Street Green Road, Darenth, Kent, DA2 7HT
TEL: 01322 285885 Email: enquiries@dimplesnursery.co.uk website: www.dimplesnursery.co.uk
If you’re inspirational, passionate, caring and love the outdoors you may be just what we are looking for. To join our large, busy, outstanding children’s day nursery in Darenth please email your CV. Vacancies: - Nursery Nurse F/T 40 hrs p/w Level 3 or above - PT Lunchtime assistant 15 hrs p/w - End of Day Assistant 11.25 hrs p/w - Apprenticeship - Holiday Club Play Worker
Full details of all vacancies can be found on our website. www.dimplesnursery.co.uk. Please email CVs to enquiries@dimplesnursery.co.uk IntInterested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com
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REL have a vacancy for casual Reservation/Sales staff until 30th September 2015: 3 hours per day initially – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: Based at Sidcup. Potential for further hours April to September by arrangement. Cover on an ad hoc basis. Please send CV in writing only to Director Road Express Limited, 233a Main Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 6QS. Email keith@roadexpress.co.uk
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by qualified teachers Now Ofsted Registered Maths Reading English Spelling Comprehension
DARTFORD • 01322 285685 67 Darenth Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 1LU
What are Kip McGrath Educational Centres? Kip McGrath has been running successful educational centres for more than thirty years and has more than six hundred branches throughout the world. The basic philosophy of all the centres is: ‘all children can succeed if given the right support.’ We employ fully qualified teaching professionals – not tutors - who work with children aged six to eighteen to help them build confidence; self-esteem and to make real progress. We aim to improve your child’s confidence; make learning fun and engaging and to help all of our students reach their full potential.
Kip McGrath Dartford.
Kip McGrath Dartford has been open for more than ten years and during that time has helped thousands of children make progress in their studies. We offer programmes in the following areas: Reading and Comprehension; writing and spelling; English and Maths (Key Stages 1-4) and preparation for the 11+ test. We are registered with Ofsted, accept working tax credits and childcare vouchers and all of our staff have been vetted via a CRB or DBS. Your child would be working in a safe and welcoming environment that is designed to help them.
The Kip McGrath difference:
We offer an initial free assessment that will enable you to find out your child’s current levels and which will indicate any weaknesses they may have. Your child will have an individual learning programme based on that assessment drawn up and feedback is available at every stage. We have a mixture of unique resources that will keep your child engrossed in their learning. Your child will use a mixture of computer and book based activities that have been written by qualified and experienced teachers. Children enjoy their learning and make real progress.
What does a typical Kip McGrath lesson entail?
We are open during term times on the following days: Tuesday to Friday 3.40-5.00 and 5.10-6.30 and Saturday morning 9.30-10.50 and 11.00-12.20.Each session is eighty minutes long and your child would be taught by teachers in small groups. There is one on one tutoring within that lesson and your child follows a structured learning programme. Homework is set every week and checked by the teacher. In addition to this, if you teach your child at home, or there is a change in circumstances, we can also provide lessons that your child can do at home.
How do I book an initial assessment?
Yo u c a n e m a i l u s o n : d a r t f o r d @ k i p - m c g r a t h . c o m o r p h o n e o n : 0 1 3 2 2 2 8 5 6 8 5 . We look forward to hearing from you.
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Enrol now for 11+ preparation
Tuition for English and maths by qualified teachers Now Ofsted Registered Maths Reading English Spelling Comprehension
DARTFORD • 01322 285685 67 Darenth Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 1LU
Call today for a FREE assessment
For everything and anything double-glazing By Steve Cook
I’ve been in the double-glazing business for over 30 years and so it’s fair to say I’m quite well known in the area. So nine times out of ten when my phone rings it’s either someone with a double-glazing related problem who has seen my ad in Dartford Living or someone to whom I have been recommended by a friend that has previously used my services. Either way, and as with all things associated with double-glazed windows, doors and conservatories, I’m pretty sure I can solve their problem. The fact is you can extend the life of your double-glazing significantly with some relatively simple and cost effect repairs or maintenance, thereby avoiding the cost and disruption of complete replacement. At this time of year, during the cold weather, I’m often asked about draughts coming through what were once snug-fitting windows. It’s a typical problem that comes with ageing double-glazing, but can usually be sorted by upgrading the gaskets or changing worn hinges.
Other common problems that can be easily sorted include doors that you have to wrestle with to close or lock, sealed glazing units that have misted up or cracked, leaking conservatories and coloured fanlights that have faded and lost their sparkle. All of these things I can service, clean and repair to bring them back to life. Sometimes I’m asked to change all the glass in a house to a more energy efficient type, along with some simple upgrades that will bring windows up to modern day standards – all for a fraction of the cost of replacing them. Fitting cat flaps and letterboxes, replacing handles, and changing locks for people who have just moved house are other regular requests. So for a free consultation or to discuss anything and everything double-glazing related please feel free to get in touch. You can see my advert on page 16.
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Local Crafts
The Comfy Cushion Company
When Julia Osborne learned that her hours were being cut to a three day week last year she decided she had to do something to supplement her income. Since secondary school Julia has been a keen seamstress and for her wedding made the bridesmaid’s dress, waistcoats for the groom and groomsmen and outfits for herself and her mum. When her daughters were young she made curtains and blinds for family, friends and often friends of friends. Julia decided to make something that would make an ideal Christmas gift, not too expensive but well-made and as a result The Comfy Cushion Company was born. As it was nearing Christmas, Julia decided to attend a few school fayres and found this to be very profitable; her cushions sold well and she took lots of orders. Another outlet which has proved to be very successful is Facebook; Julia’s Cocker Spaniel design has been a best seller with customers ordering up to four at a time. The Comfy Cushion Company boasts a large range of designer fabrics which are sourced locally and online. Popular designs include campervans, dogs, pandas, and Frozen and Minion designs were a big hit at school fayres last year! If you can’t see a fabric you like Julia is happy to source something especially for you.
New for this year are embroidered cushions which can be made to order with a name or design of your choice. These make lovely gifts for Mother’s Day, birthday or wedding presents or for someone moving into their new home. All cushions are washable and come with a safe polyester fibre filling. Prices range from £5.00 to £15.00 and postage is available. Julia’s daughter Emily is her trusted assistant and saleswoman and brings along her handmade Sock Monkeys which usually sell out at each event! What started out as an idea to make an extra bit of money has now turned into a part-time job for Julia who is booked to attend lots of Craft Fayres including her first Getthrifty Craft Fayre on 7th March and she hopes to attend more Christmas Fayres during 2015. Julia is always looking for new outlets and would be interested to hear from anyone holding a fayre or even small shop owners who might like to stock some of her cushions. She would love to give up work one day and open her own shop selling cushions. You can see Julia’s full range of cushions on her F a c e b o o k p a g e a t h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / Thecomfycushionco, contact her at julesozzie@hotmail. com or visit her stall at Getthrifty Craft Fayre on 7th March.
The article provided by Getthrifthy crafts fairs, who organise craft fairs in Kent. . For more information visit thier Facebook page www.facebook.com/thriftyfairs Please mention Dartford Living when contacting our advertisers
Aesthetic & Laser Clinics
We’re shaving £100 off our PAIN FREE laser hair removal courses throughout March, so you could be hair free this summer.
Laser Hair Removal Courses of 8 Upper Lip NOW only £180 Underarm NOW only £320 Bikini Line NOW from £320 Lower Leg NOW only £845 Upper or Lower Back NOW only £950 Full Leg NOW only £1300
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Persona Cosmetic Medicine, Stable Lane-off Vicarage Road, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW W - www.personamedical.co.uk E - Info@personamedical.co.uk Join us on facebook & twitter for regular promotions Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living facebook.com/personacosmeticmedicine twitter.com/#!/personamedical
Kids Zone
Max's Makerspace By MicroHackers - A Dartford Edtech Startup
Hello, it's lovely to meet you, I'm a robot, and my name is Max. I'm going to share an activity with you, but first a few safety facts. Sometimes a task might be dangerous, so you really have to take care. Please promise you won’t play around with this stuff, unless an adult is there. Follow the instructions I’ve written, and if you get stuck then please ask. I’m happy to help, just send me a mail, I do love a puzzling task.
Hovering Spacecraft
Materials: • 1 x Shoebox • 1 x Paperclip • 1 x Piece of thread • 1 x Piece of card • 1 x Magnet • 1 x Pencil
Tools and equipment: • Scissors • Sellotape
Instructions: 1. To make yourself a spacecraft that hovers in the air. 2. Grab yourself a shoebox, without the shoes in there. 3. Put the shoebox on its side, the long one, not the short. 4. Tie a paperclip with thread, to give the taut support. 5. Draw yourself a spacecraft, and with scissors cut it out. 6. Now tape the paperclip on it, it wont hover there without. 7. Put a magnet on the box, and hold your craft below. 8. Now tape the thread inside the box, and then just let it go!
www.microhackers.co.uk max@microhackers.co.uk
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An Exhibition of Local Artists Friday 6th - Friday 27th March 2015 Peter Blake Gallery, in Dartford Library Curated by Charlotte Johnson Mon - Fri (except Thurs) 8.30am - 6pm Thurs 8.30am-8pm Sat 9am-5pm
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35 27
Charity Focus
Each month we will be featuring a local charity. If you represent a charity and would like to be featured please email charity@dartfordliving.com
The Parents Consortium is a charity providing services to disabled children, young people and their families living in the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley areas of Kent. We encourage families to become members to access our help and we have 350 parents registered as members of our consortium. All of these will have a child with a disability. As a local charity we need to raise £1.2 million in order to offer support and advice to families and play schemes for the children. The children we support will typically have one or multiple learning difficulties, complex health needs, physical or sensory impairments, challenging behaviour, cerebral palsy, Downs Syndrome, Autism or ADHD. They may also be wheelchair users. We have just set up a new public appeal to support our play schemes that we offer disabled children, both at our base at Allsworth Court and at local leisure centres across the three areas that we serve. Disabled children need better play scheme provision and more opportunities to interact with other children. The families and carers will have a little respite from the daily cycle of “constant care”. More children will be able to access the Leisure Centre’s equipment, stretching them to their full potential. They will be able to join in with ball games, trampolining, team ball games, table tennis football swimming and outings. Things that other children take for granted. Ensuring that young people and adults can all socialise, play and be part of a community together enables them to gain a greater awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of others.
In addition to the play schemes we will also offer the children contact outside of their schools with after school clubs, helping them to develop confidence and life skills with the community. We currently operate a Monday and Tuesday biweekly afterschool club for children with high level special needs and weekly clubs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. An additional afterschool club is held in Northfleet each week. Parents Consortium does not currently have funding for play schemes or after school clubs from April 2015. In the past we have received grant funding from Kent County Council, but this year KCC has put out a tender out for inclusive playschemes. This may result in a reduced number of children that will have access to this playscheme than in previous years and we hope to capture these children within this appeal. How can you help? The appeal can be found online at https://www.justgiving.com/playschemes or by text -Text PCPS15 £3 or £5 to 70070. You can also call the office on 01322 668501 and we can take donations over the phone. For more information on the parents consortium their website is www.parentsconsortium.org.uk
Our staff are trained to provide an exciting and stimulating time for all the children. Above all the children have fun, learn new skills and make friends in a safe and friendly environment. The three areas we serve are also recognised as being in the top 10% nationally for deprivation and poverty. This means that families can not pay for play and activities for their disabled child and need our support. Most have additional high support needs related to poverty, discrimination, social isolation and non working households.
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Thank you from Darent Valley Hospital Our thanks to all our volunteers who help in all sorts of ways; meet and greeting, office work, on the wards at mealtimes and helping with our dementia buddy scheme. Keeping people’s minds alert and active while in hospital is so important. Chaplaincy volunteers who help to give spiritual comfort; our Governors who are the voice of the community not forgetting Valley Park Radio volunteers who help bring a bit of cheer, through radio, to patients in bed. Our thanks to our fundraising volunteers and organisations that have raised money to help our hospital to introduce some highly specialised equipment which continue to make such a difference to the lives of people with serious conditions. Charitable support also means we can introduce items like special rehabilitation chairs to support people who cannot move their limbs because of a stroke or accident, to the very latest technology to help diagnosis and treatment move faster. Comfort items are also important, it may be a request for a warm dressing gown for an elderly patient admitted with nothing and no one visits, to special memory picture books for our staff and volunteers to use to help calm dementia patients. Your support can and does make such a difference.
Banish the blues in 2015
NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which plans and pays for most of the area’s health services, is urging people with depression to seek help in 2015. The CCG’s clinical lead for mental health, Dr Elizabeth Lunt, said: “The beginning of a new year can be quite depressing for many. The dark mornings and dreary days can make a low mood worse. And when post-Christmas bills are added to the mix, some people have difficulty coping.” She added: “It is unrealistic for all of us to be happy all of the time and low moods are part of the human experience. But depression is an illness which needs to be treated.” Depression has many symptoms including sadness, hopelessness and low moods that can last a long time. Other symptoms can include: • Getting little or no enjoyment from life, particularly from things that you used to enjoy. • Lack of motivation, even for small everyday tasks such as
Over £30,000 was raised last year at our Stride 4 Life sponsored walk and funday with the help of 96 volunteers. The money will benefit our Cancer Fighting Fund which has enabled the hospital to introduce a ‘One Stop Breast Cancer Service.’ This year this event will be held on the 12th July and packs will be available from April 2015 so please give your support as well as enjoying the day out. Hospital staff always aim to do their utmost for the patients in their care. Budgets are very tight within the NHS and the support given by the public is invaluable in allowing your hospital to offer more to patients. We receive many thank you letters throughout the year and every single one matters. From the simple cards that say thank you for looking after me to the long letters filled with feeling, compassion and gratitude. Some are sad and some are happy but they all tell their own unique story. Fundamentally they are all individual and tell about each person’s experience of his/her time remembered in hospital, as a patient, carer or a visitor. What they have put into words stay with them a lifetime. I only hope that all our volunteers and supporters feel as proud as I do, as they have been a part of making our local Hospital Trust the success it is. Tracey Cummins Fundraising & Voluntary Services Manager, Dartford and
Gravesham NHS Trust
housework. • Low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. • Feeling anxious. • Irregular sleeping patterns. This can involve sleeping too much or too little or waking too early and failing to get back to sleep. • Poor memory and difficulty in concentration. • A change in appetite that can result in weight loss or weight gain. • Limited interest in friends, family or work. • Loss of interest in sex. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as aches and pains. Dr Lunt, who works at The Oaks, Swanley, said: ““Anyone experiencing depression should talk to their GP. Men can be particularly reluctant to talk about their problems but by making that first step you can change your life for the better.” The Live It Well website www.liveitwell.org.uk has a range of information, services and activities near you that can help beat depression.
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Business and Dhiren’s Automotive News Automotive In this edition we’ll look at few of the new models for 2015
2015 BMW 1 Series – BMW has given its entry-level 1 Series range a mild face-lift with revised front and rear styling, upgrades to its infotainment system and options list, a new range of three-cylinder diesel engines and revised four-cylinder units. The entry-level model will be the 116d, which gets a three-cylinder 1.5-litre unit producing 114bhp (94g/km). There are also three 2.0-litre diesels, badged 118d (148bhp and 110g/km to 99g/km), 120d (188bhp and 118g/km to 109g/km) and 125d (221bhp and 121g/km). The 1 Series’ cabin gets more modest upgrades, including a piano-black finish to the centre console. All 1 Series will now get single-zone climate control as standard, with the option of a dual-zone system, and the infotainment system has also been revised. BMW has confirmed that the three-door 118i SE starts at £20,245, while the five door version starts at £20,775. Other prices are yet to be announced, but will be available from this Spring.
also be seen as an RS3 saloon in the future. The RS3 is powered by a 2.5-litre five-cylinder engine. It produces 362bhp and 343lb ft, enough to give the RS3 Sportback a 0-62mph time of 4.3 seconds and a top speed of 155mph - which can be raised to 174mph on the options list. The RS3 comes well equipped, with leather sports seats, an Alcantaracovered, flat-bottomed steering wheel, unique instrument graphics, stainless steel pedals and Alcantara door trim, plus an MMI infotainment system. The RS3 is priced at £39,950, the same as the outgoing car.
Vauxhall in-car connectivity – Vauxhall will preview its latest in-car technology at the March Geneva motor show, with a planned introduction to its lineup in the second half of the year. It’s the result of a collaboration with connectivity firm OnStar. The system includes various features including roadside assistance, 24-hour emergency assistance, wi-fi hotspot and vehicle data access through the company’s own smartphone app. The emergency assistance works by GPS satellites locating the car’s position when the emergency function is activated via the app, or when the car’s airbags are deployed. The vehicle’s data is then sent to one of OnStar’s 2015 Audi RS3 Sportback – The new emergency advisors, who can direct Audi RS3 Sportback will have a best-inemergency services to the car’s exact class 362bhp and a 0-62mph time of location. Connection to the smartphone 4.3sec when it goes on sale this March. app also allows users to lock and unlock The RS3 Sportback is Audi’s five-seat, the car, request vehicle diagnostics five-door performance hatchback. The RS3 is distinguished from other information and monitor data such as A3 models by its aggressive front styling, which includes a unique grille engine oil condition and tyre pressures. and30 LED headlights. It will be available in amention five-door hatchback could when contacting our advertisers Please Dartfordbut Living
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Tips for small businesses Each month Paul Conradi, Chartered Accountant at Conradi Morrison & Co, will be giving us his
If you are in business either trading through a company, or self-employed as a sole trader of partner, it is always important to keep your affairs legal. Persons who do not do this generally have difficulty sleeping at night and eventually lose more money than they gain. There are plenty of ways in which you can legitimately minimise your tax liability, including claiming all available allowances and reliefs, claiming tax relief for expenditure incurred for business purposes and planning your affairs to keep your tax liabilities as low as possible within the law. However, deliberately/ dishonestly evading tax is illegal and includes claiming tax relief for non-business expenses and failing to include all taxable income in your accounts or tax returns. Illegal acts may cause the Revenue to investigate the tax-payer and if it is proved, you will have to pay back taxes, interest on unpaid taxes, as well as penalties, which could be up to 100% of the tax which is due. You may also be required to go to a number of meetings with HMRC to discuss your tax affairs and this would cause considerable professional fees to be payable. All businesses should keep accurate records of income and
expenditure. They should retain all expense receipts and for non-receipted items, keep a note in a diary of the same, showing the date paid. Keep a note of all income and copies of all receipts and sales invoices rendered. It is also advisable to keep evidence of all non-business credit you have banked into your business bank account or private bank account, as in the case of an Inquiry with HMRC, they would want to know what these items were. All records should be retained for six years after the end of the relevant tax year.In the case of expenses which are business and private related, such as motor expenses, you need to record all business mileage, showing the miles covered and the reason for the journey. At the end of the tax year, you would then be able to pro-rata all your motor expenses between business miles and private miles as long as you take a meter reading from the motor vehicle at the accounts’ year end. As your local Accountant, I would be very glad to meet you and discuss the possibility of tax planning in your business. For more information, please see page two of this month’s Dartford Living and feel free to call me on 01322 278188 to arrange a meeting without charge.
Coffee break
SUDOKU HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through to 9, with no repetition. That’s Grid n°7173 medium all there is to it! 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
9 5 1 9 2 2 5 6 3 4 1 8 6 5 4 3 1 8 5 9 3 1 2 6 9
123456789 123456789
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123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789
A number may not appear twice in the same row or in the same column or in any of the nine 3x3 subregions.
(Solution on page 46)
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Gardening Tips for December Gardening Tips With the approach of winter, a more leisurely pace can be taken in the Lifestyle
Tips provided by Dobbies Garden World.
Spring is on its way! the new season starts in earnest this month. Nature stirs into growth as the weather improves and the soil warms. Drifts of bright yellow Daffodils proclaim that spring is really here. Follow the tips below to get your garden into shape for the months ahead. Flowers • Finish off pruning Roses • If not already done lift and divide congested clumps of Snowdrops while still in leaf • Prune back autumn flowering Clematis • Take the old flower heads off winter flowering heathers and trim the plants to shape • Feed Rose bushes • Mulch any areas of garden missed in the autumn • Cut back Cornus and Salix stems
to encourage new growth next year
• Plant hardy herbs e.g., Mint, Sage, Thyme
Vegetables • In mild areas plant early crop potatoes and shallots • Finish digging over ground General Tasks • Construct or modify rock gardens • Keep greenhouse heaters working efficiently • Re-pot houseplants into bigger pots
A Guide to Snacking
A good way to prevent overeating at meal times is to snack between meals, but many people get this very wrong and end up increasing their food intake and eating the wrong things. Smaller meals mean smaller insulin spikes (which will cause fat storage) and a steadier blood sugar level. But without adopting the “8 meals a day” or “eat every 2 hours” type strategies which are simply inconvenient, if not impossible for many people, we need a way to get enough food in without resorting to 2-3 giant meals a day, or worse, half-starving yourself all day then scoffing 2,000 calories in the evening. So snacks are a great and convenient way to boost your calories/nutrition, stop overeating at meal times (because you won’t be so hungry and maintain more steady energy levels. Remember, the idea of a snack between meals is to take the edge off your hunger before your next meal, not to fill you up. Lots of people tend to have large snacks, almost the size of a full meal, so they’re no longer hungry. Make sure your snack is small, and won’t fill you up to the point you’re forcing your next meal down. Drink plenty of water to keep snacking lighter and make sure you’re actually hungry, not just thirsty.
Don’t snack on sugar! Again, one of the benefits of snacking is to keep energy and insulin levels steady and not spiking and falling all day long. So sweets, biscuits, crisps, cakes, fruit, polystyrene (rice cakes), and weight management bars (you know the ones!) are all OUT !!In this instance, carbs are the enemy. Av o i d t h e m a n d o p t f o r p r o t e i n a n d f a t Some good snacks could be the following: - Boiled egg - Handful of nuts and/or seeds - Tinned oily fish (mackerel, sardines etc…) -Coffee with butter and/or coconut oil (instead of milk) [*before midday only] - A small portion of meat (20-50g of chicken, beef, fish etc…) Follow these guidelines for your snacks and you should find you’ll be less hungry and won’t overeat so easily. Combined with the extra nutrition from healthy snacks and a good exercise routine, you should see improvements to your health and body shape soon enough.
By Mark Broadbent, Master Personal Trainer & Instructor at Dartford Bootcamps. Visit www.DartfordBootcamps.com for information on Personal Training, Nutrition coaching or Bootcamp Interested advertising? 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Fitness classes.in-inadvertising? MarkOneFitness.blogspot.com Interested Tel:Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Interested in advertising? Tel: 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com Dartford Living 33 41
Local Sports News
Basketball in Dartford Many people in Dartford are unaware that the town has a local league basketball team that has been around for over 50 years. Dartford Basketball Club was started at the Dartford Y.M.C.A. on West Hill in 1948/1949. They played in the Thames Basketball League, later to be known as the South Thames League. In the 1950’s they had three teams – Dartford ‘A’, Dartford ‘B’ and the Y.M.C.A Saints. In the summer of 1960, Joe Jagger (father of Mick Jagger) came to the Y.M.C.A to coach the team for one year. Over the next few years the Club went from strength to strength and left the Y.M.C.A due to the fact the gymnasium size did not meet the requirements of the South Thames League. They then became known as Dartford Basketball Club. In 1975 they reached the finals of the ‘Hundred Cup’. The following season they entered the Medway League, where they are still playing today and managed to win the League and Cup on several occasions. Our current teams The club currently has two senior men’s teams that play in the first and second divisions of the Medway league. This is a local league that comprises of teams coming from the Medway area and beyond in some cases. The age range of the men’s teams have a broad spectrum ranging from 17 up to over 40 for some players. A lot of our players have played at a good level in the past, some even making it to GB standard at a junior and cadet level. But for now we mainly play for fun as a lot of us have families and cannot commit to the hectic schedule of the national leagues!
And last but not least we have a newly formed women’s session that is now coming on leaps and bounds. Again we take women from around 15 upwards and of all abilities. This is coached by two of the men’s first team and we recently had our first friendly game that was a great success. There are rumours of a new ladies league being created in the Medway league and we hope to be part of that when it starts. Links with our German friends For the last 40 years Dartford basketball club have maintained a link with German team, TG Hanau, from Hanau, just outside of Frankfurt. Hanau is twinned with Dartford and every Easter we take it in turns to either host the Germans in the Dartford or take the trip out to Hanau. This is a great tradition and still sees the older generations staying in contact with each other all these years later. The weekend consists of basketball and socialising and the length of time this has lasted only goes to show how great this bond is. So if you see a group of overly tall people around Dartford on the Easter weekend speaking in an odd accent, you now know who they are! Home games Our home games are played at Becket Sport Centre (next to the Mick Jagger Centre) on Thursday evenings from 20:00. If you fancy watching a game feel free to come down and introduce yourself. A list of home games can be found on the fixtures page of our website. New players We always welcome new members of all ages and abilities. Feel free to drop down to one of our sessions or contact us via our website.
We have a junior session that has been running for quite some time now. This caters for kids aged 11-17 and gives them a great understanding of the game. The coach is Canadian but is now teaching in the UK. Each session will focus on the fundamentals of basketball and by the time the kids are 17 they will be in a great position to advance their basketball future. As well as this we are also affiliated with another club, Franklin Basketball UK, which coach younger kids from the age of 5 upwards. This is an excellent programme coached by an ex New Zealand international who teaches the fundamentals of the game in a fun and interesting way for the youngsters.
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Session times Men’s – Tuesday @ Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy 19:30 - 21:30 Men’s – Thursday @ Becket Sports Centre 20:00 - 22:00 (Game day) Junior’s – Tuesday @ Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy 18:00 - 19:30 Junior’s – Saturday @ Harris Academy Falconwood 9:00 - 10:30 (10-14 year olds) or 10:30 - 12:00 (15+ year olds) Women’s – Thursday @ Becket Sports Centre 20:00 - 22:00
Website - www.dartfordbasketballclub.co.uk Facebook - www.facebook.com/dartfordbasketballclub
From the 2000 fans at Princes Park, to 50,000 at Old Trafford by Henry Clark
On Tuesday 3rd February ex-Dartford midfielder Tom Champion will be lining up against the second richest club in the world. This is quite a way from an ex-office workers’ usual comfort zone. In 2012 he was starting for Dartford against Welling United in the Ryman South conference league playoff; a game Dartford went on to win 1-0 and secure promotion to the Conference premier. His performances for Dartford between 2010 and 2013 attracted the attention of conference giants Cambridge United, and they snapped up Dartford duo Tom and defender Tom Bonner in May 2013. For Champion it only got better. In his first season at the Abbey Stadium he appeared in every Football League 2 game, earning a solitary goal to his name in the process. Cambridge were then drawn against Manchester United in the FA cup fourth round – a huge coo for the club, both financially and just the sheer experience of coming up against some of the world’s greats. And after showing fight in the tie, they earned a replay at Old Trafford; the biggest ground in England. Champion’s success can be used as inspiration for us all: he fought from the bottom, and after many niggling injuries and 50:50 tackles he has made it to the top. youngsportsjourno.wordpress.com
Bav’s Sporting Comment Richard Scudamore, the Premier League’s longstanding ringmaster, is continually under pressure to redistribute more of the Premier League’s TV billions to what it likes to call “good causes” and what others might call the rest of football He makes the somewhat valid point that without investing huge sums in the best players and facilities there would be less of everything to go round. He has been proved right. The total figure of £5.136bn represents a 70% increase on the last UK television deal for Premier League football. Between them, Sky, who again won the pick of the seven packages, retaining both the prestigious Sunday and Monday evening slots, and BT, who kept two of the smaller packages, are now paying over £10m per Premier League fixture. In pure cash raising terms, Scudamore and his small group of lawyers+ and rights experts, deserve the backslapping reception they will receive from the 20 clubs for vastly increasing their income once again. Scudamore warned clubs, three years ago after the last auction, not to lavish their 70% increase entirely on agents and wages.
They proceeded to largely ignore him and, without intervention, there is nothing to suggest they won’t do the same again. The first £500,000-a-week Premier League footballer cannot be far away. Upcoming events in March include: FA Trophy 1st 1: Football - League Cup final, Wembley Round 13th Dec, 3.00pm 6-8: Tennis - Davis Cup - Great Britain v United States, (TBC) Glasgow 6-8: Athletics - European Indoor Championships, Prague, Czech Republic Braintree 7-10: Football - FA Cup quarter-finals 26th Dec, TBCpm 10-11: Football - Champions League round of 16 first leg 14: Six Nations - Wales v Ireland, England v Scotland 15: F1 - Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne 17-18: Football - Champions League round of 16 second leg 21: Six Nations - Italy v Wales, Scotland v Ireland, England v France 29: Cricket - World Cup final, Melbourne 29: F1 - Malaysian Grand Prix, Kuala Lumpur
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Dartford Living 43
the same – they can relate to everyone, wherever they’re from. Q: Have you included your own experiences of dating?
A: Yes, all the material comes from me and my friends. I’m the woman who goes on all these dodgy dates looking for love and then reaches a stage in her life when she would like to settle down and become a Mum! Q: What kind of baby-related stories are in the show? Claire Sweeney talks about Sex In Suburbia, the new production coming to Dartford in April Q: Where did the idea for Sex In Suburbia come from?
A: All the appallingly bad dates my friends and I have ever experienced. We’d tell each other what had happened and get over the horror of the experiences by laughing about them. Then, about two years ago, my close friend Mandy Muden and I started writing them all down in my front room with the notion of turning them into a comedy. At first we weren’t even sure if we were funny! But the play went down a storm with the audiences last year when it first opened in Liverpool. We take them through every emotion and they enjoy themselves so much that they get up to dance in the aisles and sing along to the big musical anthems we’ve included, such as I’m Every Woman, I Want To B r e a k F r e e a n d , o f c o u r s e , I W i l l S u r v i v e . Q: What happens in the show?
A: It’s all about the eternal subject of love and romance, and the quest to find Mr Right through a series of mainly unsatisfactory dating experiences. But we’ve tried to take the bad out of the date and make the audience laugh by helping them to see the funny side. In our comedy the host of a late-night radio show is Britain’s leading agony aunt and she takes calls from listeners # about their dates from hell – and the occasional one from heaven – and dishes out her advice. In the original show I played a relationship expert, but this time around I play myself – a working mum with a baby.I decided to update it because my baby boy Jaxon, who was born in September, has changed my outlook on life around. As a result, I’ve injected my own personal experiences of motherhood into the show.
A: Funny anecdotes about pregnancy and breastfeeding. I had the most gorgeous pregnancy and loved my growing bump and being able to eat what I wanted. A few weeks after I had Jaxon, people came up to congratulate me on being pregnant. I hadn’t lost baby weight and they thought I was still expecting! I was a bit embarrassed and replied indignantly, ‘Actually my baby’s six weeks old.’ You can’t ping back into shape immediately. Q: Will the show appeal only to women?
A: At first we assumed it would be a comedy for women, but we’ve seen men coming, too. During a matinee performance I saw a whole group of fellas fill a row, and at the bar in the interval I asked them why they’d come. They replied that one of their mates had seen it, loved it and recommended it and so they’d come along as part of a lads’ day out. There are elements of the show that men can definitely relate to. Q: You starred in panto in Liverpool just seven weeks after Jaxon was born. Has it been difficult getting the baby/work balance right?
A: It was hard at first and Jaxon probably wants to know why he’s no longer being breastfed by a genie! I was playing the genie in Aladdin, wearing fabulous sparkly purple costume, and used to feed Jaxon in the interval. He seemed to love the music, the magical surroundings and all my theatre friends who’d help me look after him. Some people said, ‘You should take time out and stay at home with your baby,’ but I’m a working mum who has bills to pay so going back to work so early wasn’t a case of getting my life back and getting back on stage; it’s what I do and I believe it’s possible to combine both successfully and so far so good! Q: Will you be taking Jaxon on tour with you?
Q: Have you changed anything else?
A: Yes, I’ve de-Scoused it so that it will appeal more to a national audience. It was very localised before, about famous names and places in Liverpool, so I’ve taken out those references and made it more generic. However, all the dating stories remain
A: Yes, a close friend is coming with me who will look after him while I’m on stage but he’ll be with me the rest of the time. I love him so much that I don’t want to be away from him. How lucky am?!
Astro Stars ARIES Use this time to recuperate or work behind the scenes on projects and to create your own opportunities. TAURUS Good time to make new friends which help you to manifest your goals and dreams that you have. GEMINI You may finally be presented with an opportunity to pursue your dreams/goals that allow you to make a big leap. CANCER You start a new direction in your life by returning to further education, start a business or anything that removes you from the mundane routine. LEO You have the opportunity to start a joint business venture, making a long term deal/ contract or receive a surprise windfall.
VIRGO A serious relationship may be taken to the next level (this could also imply to a business relationship) and if single this is an ideal time to form a serious relationship with someone who is very talented.
CAPRICORN This is ideal time to start a new venture, business or learn a new language as this could imply a major shift to your life that will be beneficial and rewarding.
LIBRA You may be presented with an opportunity, have a major breakthrough to your work or hobbies that allows you to make a big leap towards success.
AQUARIUS A great time to renegotiate a business contract, sign a new contract/lease as the financial gains you receive through this process will be immense.
SCORPIO Celebration parties come in thick and fast and a sudden attraction has the potential to completely transform your life.
PISCES You are making profound changes towards personal relationships or making physical changes to your appearance.
SAGITTARIUS If you are thinking about selling/buying a home or doing major renovation, this is an ideal time that the venture will succeed and will be beneficial.
Using your birth time and not just your Sun sign, to predict forthcoming events which are unique to you! Order a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month report from £20.00 contact me on 07966 307360 Email: astrodegrees@btinternet. com
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By Sandy Davies
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no cash in lieu or an alternative prize will be offered. 4. Proof of posting will not be regarded as proof of delivery. 5. Winners will be notified by telephone, within 5 working days of the competition being drawn. 6. Employees and the immediate families of participating companies are ineligible to enter. 7. Closing date for the competition is stated above.
FEBRUARY’S COMPETITION WINNER: LORETTA Interested in advertising? Tel:HUTCHINSON 01322 507817 www.dartfordliving.com
Five WOW Facts! Lavenham Crooked Houses Lavenham is a delightful little town located 70 miles north-east of London. . - by Vinayak Jain
Lavenham is a medieval town with a rich history and founded on its flourishing wool trade. The town grew so fast that many of the houses were built in haste with green timber.
As the wood dried, the timbers warped causing the houses to bend at unexpected angles. Not only are the houses half-timbered, but many are painted in rich colors and noticeably crooked, literally.
Unfortunately, Lavenham’s good times didn’t last long. When Dutch refugees settled in Colchester and began producing cloth that was cheaper, lighter and more fashionable than Lavenham’s, the town’s cloth industry went bust.
By the time the dried timber started twisting, Lavenham’s families had lost its wealth and with no money to rebuild their homes, the houses were left as they were.
In popular culture, in 2010, under conditions of strict secrecy, scenes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 & Part 2 were filmed in the town.
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