ERDF PP6 E-ZAVOD - INSTITUTE FOR COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS, SLOVENIA 1. Describe your institution? E-zavod is an institute focused on sustainable society development with a multidisciplinary working team of 9 employees. It cooperates with different local and national stakeholders across the country. Its activities are oriented on supporting the sustainable development with a focus on programs and projects from the fields of ecology, energy, economy, e-business and utilization of European funds. E-zavod achieves its goals with the development and realization of applicable (concrete) projects that are based on integral and multidisciplinary approaches. E-zavod contributes to a successful implementation of national strategies; its efforts are therefore oriented towards European integration and realization of quality projects, supported with funds or policies from the European Union.
3. Who conceived the idea? in what forms? The idea was conceived by several actors. In E- zavod we injected an idea and wanted to attract as many participants as possible. There have been many initiatives in the field of cultural heritage in the past. Some of them were co-financed through EU programs (Leader, ERDF, etc.). We made the review of past investments and activities in the field of cultural heritage, organized meetings with interested organizations and individuals, organized a daily seminar and a round table about the project. In that way we formed a broader range of potential heritage assets and locations to be included. When making a review of the location, we also took into consideration the fact that the interpretation of an asset or location was an important landmark for presentation. This meant that when selecting the assets we had to focus on different stories, interesting facts, important events, etc. Then we met again with interested partners and reviewed possible locations through these aspects and criteria. With this the selection of assets and locations began narrowing down. At the later stage one partner dropped out because he was not able to provide all the necessary information and descriptions of assets on time. In summary, the idea for selected assets and locations in the pilot project was the result of teamwork, where we took into account the importance of the individual asset, the possibility of interpretation, the engagement of the partner, accessibility, etc.
2. What was the history/idea behind your pilot project: rationale, objectives, aims? In the project E-zavod Ptuj presented 10 assets of cultural and natural heritage in eastern Slovenia. We did not identify all assets in one city, so we turned to other municipalities, associations and institutions in the region. Most of them have become the project satellite partners. It is important to note that we have cooperated with them before, and we knew that they were reliable partners. In the past, we have worked with numerous municipalities that have restored their cultural assets also through cofinancing from the EU funds. We suggested them to get involved in the Sagittarius project to upgrade their previous investments in the restoration of cultural heritage with new content, to promote their heritage and to develop heritage entrepreneurship and tourism. We have found that in recent years quite a few heritage assets have been renovated without real content, presentation and promotion. This is exactly what we offer to all interested participants to attract them to join the project. We also explain to local communities that awakening and activation of heritage is an opportunity to create new jobs. This is particularly important for municipalities and organizations from rural areas. In this way younger people will see the opportunity for their existence and stay at home after completing their education.
4. What was professional and social background of your project? is your project relevant, and how for regional/ national and community development? The Project background is very colourful. It is important to come up with a good idea and a good story. A large emphasis should be placed on cooperation with the local community, with associations, organizations, businesses, individuals, etc. They are important because only through them the heritage asset or location comes to life in full glory. The local community can give the complete and most interesting information. They have to feel that this is important for their town, city or area. In order for them to give their presentation of the asset, they have