ERDF PP8 INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL ECONOMY, ROMANIA 1. Describe your institution The Institute of National Economy (INE) is the oldest public institutional establishment of economic research in Romania, set up in 1953. As of 1990, it has been part of the Romanian Academy research network, as an autonomous entity of fundamental and advanced research in economics. Its main activity consists in providing inter, intra and trans-disciplinary research projects, based on (inter)national cooperation with interested public/private stakeholders. Based on the principle of sustainable development of the national economy, the research activity is focused on innovative approach, comparative studies, economic, social and cultural impact measurements, on providing policy recommendation for increasing economic performance, competitiveness development and active social inclusion, for better youth participation in innovative business for local/national heritage valuing and entrepreneurship.
In Bucharest: a) visible is a mix of historical evidences (ruins, architectural components, museums, art collections, traditional parks/locations); b) invisible are traditions, habits, myths, stories, legends and vestiges less known or with limited public access (as the underground city) and c) indivisible is the unity and sustainability of development in the same geolocation of the Romanians, despite several adverse influences on the disintegration of its territory or its people’s unity, but opened for multiculturalism. Following this idea, for each asset selected for the Pilot Project, the visible, invisible and indivisible elements were defined. The cultural interpretation is based on significance of the 13 assets from Bucharest area divided in 3 trails. Because for foreign tourists Romania is in most cases associated to Vlad Dracula, an interpretative story was developed related to the real ruler of Wallachia and his activity’s significance over time. We reveal another face of Vlad Dracula better related to his more relevant and realistic historic side, and the present significance of his heritage. As a tourist product, we relate our assets in the area of Bucharest surroundings and also with other assets/geolocations from EU countries, mainly from SEE region, as a framework for innovative and modern tourist products.
2. What was the history/idea behind your pilot project: rationale, objectives, aims? The history and culture of the old and new Bucharest are in(di)visible. For better understanding the today Bucharest we have to provide an integrated approach of the well-known and less known historic events and we have to integrate the cultural heritage both from old and new, above (a fortress without defensive walls) and underground (the network of strategic tunnels developed since 15 century until today) Bucharest, as a surviving fortress over the time and several migratory flows, and its more or less visible impacts on economic, social and cultural life.
3. Who conceived the idea? In what forms? The PP8 Pilot Project (PP8PP) was conceived by the PP8 Sagittarius Project Team, together with local stakeholders, a national cultural designer expert and an international advisor for heritage interpretation using ITC newest devices, based on the idea of providing in an inno-