KárolyRóbert College’s Institution for Tourism, Regional Development and Foreign Languages offers faculties in the field of Economics and Agriculture, among them a Faculty of Tourism and Regional Development, one of the few in Hungary, with both a Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Tourism. This multidisciplinary sector of expertise is of special added value to the project since it could connect the management of cultural values with the expertise in the field of tourism. Based upon the knowledge gained so far, KárolyRóbert College has long time experience in cultural heritage and destination management. With regards to the Project objectives such as innovation, entrepreneurship, development of professional skills and cultural values for development, KárolyRóbert College is especially interested in implementing policies on education and sustainable tourism development. Within this project, the main role of the organisation was to support research activities and the Pilot Project implementation in the field of cultural heritage interpretation, protection and management, by analysing the effects of the supply and demand side at destination level and elaborate education and awareness programs for all tourism stakeholders in public and private sector as well as consumers, in order to directly engage them in the response processes.
Within the framework of SAGITTARIUS, each partner country established a Pilot Project Area in their country, in order to contribute to the establishment of a transnational heritage network, including assets of national and international significance. Due to its relatively small size, Hungary contributed to the implementation of a nationwide heritage route by organising a network of important heritage sites of the country. The elements of the network are: The treasury of Gyöngyös The treasury of the Saint Bertalan parish-church in Gyöngyös is the second richest ecclesiastic collection in Hungary, yet it is not very well-known among the visitors of Gyöngyös. By involving the treasury into the project SAGITTARIUS, the values of the treasury can be re-discovered. Castle of Eger The Castle of Eger is one of the most visited and most famous monuments in the country. Its popularity mainly stems from the fact that this is one of the best preserved old border fortresses. There are several exhibitions in the castle, but because these are all “traditional” ones, the inclusion of the site in the heritage trail will offer a new