Schumacher College Change Makers 1991-2014

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Alumni 1991-2014 Changemakers

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Columbia Yihad Ghattas MSc Holistic Science Creating a community bakery called Barakha in Columbia teaching unemployed men how to bake bread.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Amrita Bohi MA Economics for Transition Visions4Transition @TEDxWhitechapel coordinator City Forum Coordinator at St Ethel Burgas

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemakers in United Kingdom Laurel Ellis and David Markson Sustainable Horticulture Totnes Food Redistribution Volunteer programme are redistributing produce that would have otherwise gone to waste.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Israel Lior Gottesman Economics for Transition Lior has launched a social enterprise in one of Israel’s poorest towns. A cooperative catering business with and for 18 Arab-Israeli women residing, providing local school lunches for the 3,500 of Arab-Israeli students in their town. The enterprise is environmentally sustainable through energy efficiency, waste management, and minimum use of carbon.

Alumni 1991-2014 Global Changemaker Nigel Topping MSc Holistic Science Chief Innovation Officer Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Burma Sai Sam Khan MSc Holistic Science Executive Director, Metta Development Foundation, Myanmar (Burma) Sai Sam completed his MSc dissertation with distinction on the use of medicinal plants by traditional communities in his native Burma.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in USA Terry Irwin MSc Holistic Science Head of the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Tom Butterworth MSc Holistic Science Senior Advisor, Local Government and Green Infrastructure at Natural England Tom Butterworth is now working with Natural England, which is the UK government’s advisor on the natural environment.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Egypt Luzette Jaimes MSc Holistic Science Through her thesis on personal happiness as vital for organisational change, applied these principles to become Head of Operations of Ashoka in Egypt.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in the ocean Glenn Edney MSc Holistic Science Ocean Ecologist, Writer, Photographer Resident Marine Ecologist for the non-profit organisation ‘OceansWatch’ This role includes developing appropriate management strategies responsive to increasing pressures from global overfishing, pollution and human induced climate change.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Kyrgystan Almagul Djumabaeva MSc Holistic Science Almagul was given a scholarship from Kyrgystan to study Holistic Science and has taken her knowledge back to her country through a Schumacher run e-learning course. The outcome has been a reconnection of participants to their ancient Kyrgyz heritage through an appreciation of a living relation to the earth.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Mexico Simon Wyld MSc Holistic Science Project Manager, Ecological Design, Mexico City Teaching and working ecological design paradigm in Mexico City. Creating a School for Ecological Design on site with a programme of natural building and permaculture design.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Mark Burton MSc Holistic Science Director at Bristol Pound Co-founder, and responsible for Bristol getting its own currency

Alumni 1991-2014 Global Changemaker Polly Higgins Short Course Participant Chief Executive Officer, The Earth Community Trust Award-winning author of Eradicating Ecocide and Earth is our Business Barrister

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in USA Chad Morse MSc Holistic Science Head Farmer Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Greece Jock Millenson Short Course Participant Bursary Award Student Attended the Charles Eisenstein course on Sacred Economics and has translated Charles’ book Sacred Economics into Greek and has been inspired to organise workshops on Sustainable Economics and Occupy Money. Jock runs the KaliKalos Centre for Holistic Education in Greece.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Amy Henshaw Depledge Sustainable Horticulture Studied Sustainable Horticulture level 2 & 3 and now mangages School Farm Flowers a 2 acre flower business providing locally grown seasonal flowers.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Jamie Innes Short Course Participant Bursary Award Student Jamie studied on the Agroecology short course and is developing an idea for a vegetable garden at Kew Gardens where children can learn about growing vegetables and begin to understand more about where there food comes from.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in China John Green Short Course Participant 20 years ago John took a course with Vandana Shiva and Satish Kumar. He worked for Friends of the Earth Scotland as their energy and climate change campaigner and in developing countries on renewable energy projects and now his work is focussed on supporting the development of wind farms in China.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Spain Johannes Jaeger MSc Holistic Science Having researched A Cellular Oscillator Model of Animal Segmentation.for his Holistic Science dissertation with Brian Goodwin is now group leader of EMBL/CRG Research Unit in Systems Biology, Centre de Regulaci贸 Gen貌mica (CRG), Barcelona.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Ezra Blondel Short Course Participant Bursary Award Student Ezra received a bursary for the Agroecology short course and works on Saturday allotment projects with inner city school children.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Brazil Simon Robinson MSc Holistic Science Editor of Transition Consciousness, Brazil Author of Holonomics

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Columbia Adriana Puech MSc Holistic Science Co-director at Efecto Mariposa

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in USA Tom Carnac MSc Holistic Science President of CDP in North America The group, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project advises the Obama administration on climate change and green policies.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Ruth Potts MA Economics for Transition Co-Founder Bread Print and Roses Programme developer Ecological Design, Schumacher College

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in United Kingdom Olly Frankland Short Course Participant Olly recently secured a job at Regen SW after taking a short course in social enterprise - doing business for good.

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Hong Kong Wang Pin-han MSc Holistic Science Holistic Education Officer of Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong

Alumni 1991-2014 Changemaker in Bhutan Gabriela Franco Cejudo MSc Holistic Science Living in Bhutan and working for the Gross National Happiness Centre has been another incredible learning experience - I am making a difference by putting in practice with my head, hands and heart what I learnt at Schumacher.

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