4 minute read
Learning through Experiencing
from Volume 80 Issue 3
Navigating the Unkn wn
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how basketball looks this year and new varsity leaders have plans to make a difference within the basketball program.
Story by Lauren Brackney | Twitter Editor Photos by Sydney Allen | Photo Editor
This basketball season will be like no their season is interrupted that she can still “I think our biggest goal as other. Along with the COVID-19 pan- be a role model for the players. coaches is really to work on helping the girls demic, there are several coaches that “I want to be their role model,” Hardy become better people instead of looking have moved up to lead varsity. Players and said. “I have a lot of respect for my players, at just them as basketball players, it's coaches will be following additional safety my players have a lot of respect for me. But I important we look at them as people first,” protocols, but even still, many fear the sea- just want to be their leader, I want to lead by Lueke said. son being cut short. First year head varsity example and I want to be able to guide them The coaches try to make the players feel basketball coach Kiera Hardy believes that not just on a basketball court but through like they can succeed and they have already they can do it all — be safe while building a life.” started setting their own goals for this stronger varsity team. As long as the players are safe, Hardy season “A challenge for the season would be just believes that they should be able to set and “As a team, going back to like figuring to navigate through the unknown, coming accomplish all of their goals for the season. out who we have,” Gibson said. “I think a to my first year as a head coach that is one “Some goals that I have for the season is team goal is everyone should be able to do thing that I want to prepare my student to create a competitive atmosphere within something on the court, not like five girls do athletes for is being okay to go through my program, to build teamwork amongst everything and then bench everyone else. It adversity and face different challenges,” my team and also just a community within makes a difference when they are all on the Hardy said. and outside of our basketball program,” court.” Hardy played basketball at the University Hardy said. “Also I want them to be as As for the pandemic, juggling coaching of Nebraska. She also has coached at the productive members of society and evaluate varsity basketball and practicing safety college level for NAIA division one junior their academics as well.” guidelines is a daunting task, but Lueke college. Hardy decided to coach at the Assistant varsity basketball coach feels confident that they can work through high school level because of STA’s unique Eleanor Lueke looks forward to working it. environment. with Hardy. “I think that's going to be difficult “[STA] is a family atmosphere, I mean “This is my first year working with just because there's so much unknown,” there's so much support that I absolutely her, last year I did every once in a while, Lueke said. “And with quarantining and love, there's so many resources, the facilities you know, she would help out with the everything, it's going to be difficult for are nice,” Hardy said. “It's just a great sophomore team, I would help out with everybody. So I think what's important is environment for the student athletes as varsity but this is my first year working that we stay positive through it all.” B people first and then athletes second.” closely with her and I'm super excited,” The COVID-19 pandemic has made a few Lueke said. of the players unsure about playing this year Lueke has been a part of the athletic and how the game will look. Senior varsity department at STA for the past three years, basketball player Kate Gibson has played for coaching the freshman and sophomore STA since her sophomore year but believes teams. Her experience playing basketball at this year will be difficult. STA goes beyond that. “I mean it's really hard running in “I went to STA, I graduated in 2016 and [masks], especially in a really hot court,” I just love the school,” Lueke said. “I love Gibson said. “But really close contact and basketball and so when I stopped playing like all touching the same ball and sweating, basketball in college, I knew that I wanted I don't know, I'm curious to see if our season to come back and coach and be part of the goes on like full, it's hard to say.” basketball program.” Even though there is so much that is still Lueke has been playing basketball unknown, Hardy plans to navigate through for a majority of her life because of its it and make sure that the students’ safety competitive atmosphere and team work. comes first. “I love basketball because it's a team “There are guidelines that we will follow sport,” Lueke said. “I grew up in a big family just to ensure that everyone is safe,” Hardy so I've always just kind of been a big team said. “We understand that our student player, and I love basketball because it's athletes have families. That is our biggest super competitive. I'm a very competitive goal is to make sure we follow all the person, I love to win and I love working protocols for the state and here at STA, you towards a goal as a team.” know, just to make sure that we are able to Working alongside the competitive continue to play this game.” varsity players, the coach to player bond Hardy wants to make sure that even if becomes strong.