Darwin High School Term 1 Newsletter 2014

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School Newsletter—Contact Volume 14 Edition 1 Term 1 April 2014

From the Principal Welcome to the first edition of Contact for the 2014 school year. It provides parents and guardians with an indication of just how busy the beginning of the school year has been for all staff and students. 2013 NTCET Results Darwin High School’s 2013 Year 12 results were outstanding:

       

94% of all Year 12s successfully completed their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training. Our Dux, Asim Rasi, achieved an ATAR of 99.95 and was the top student in the Northern Territory. Our top Indigenous student, Daniel Hamilton, achieved an ATAR of 93.5. Six of the top 20 students for the Northern Territory were from Darwin High School. 10 perfect scores and 10 merits were achieved in a range of subjects. 47 students achieved an ATAR over 90, 78 students achieved an ATAR above 80, and 108 students an ATAR above 70. The Northern Territory VET in Schools student of the Year was Tre Manning-Watson The Northern Territory School Based Apprentice of the Year was Louise Austin.

These results are only possible when we have dedicated, outstanding teachers, high expectations of all students and an orderly, supportive, structured learning environment - which encompasses our five values - Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Cooperation and Achievement. I congratulate the 2013 Year 12 students and thank the Darwin High School staff for their commitment to the students, ensuring they all achieve their personal best. Course Reimbursements and Voluntary Parent Contributions Thank you to parents who have paid the Textbook Technology Resource Hire Scheme levy and course reimbursements. Your assistance allows the School to offer quality educational programs. Parents can use the credit card facilities by calling on


8999 1283 or by visiting the Finance Office attached to the School Library, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Annual General Meeting Congratulations to the following members of the 2014 School Council elected at the AGM held on Tuesday 11 March. Parent Executive Mr Hully Liveris Mr Wally Mauger Ms Diem Tang Ms Wendy Strawhorn

Chair Deputy Chair Treasurer Secretary

Parent Representatives Mr Paul Usher Mr Desmond Campbell Dr Janice Warren (co-opted) Mrs Nicky Purser Mr Michael Jones Ms Sally Hodgson (co-opted) Mr Michael Duffy Ms Kaye Henderson

Parent Teacher Night Parent Teacher Night will be on 28 April, 3:00pm—7:00pm for all year levels. Interviews will be a maximum of eight minutes duration. We are using the internetbased booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). Please access the system as follows:

Go to the school’s home page http://www.darwinhigh.nt.edu.au/

Click the Parent Teacher Online tab.

Enter you login details found on the slip provided or click ‘Obtain PIN/Password ‘and enter your email address. Your PIN will be emailed to you. If you encounter any problems using PTO please contact the school office by phone on 89991263, or by email to shannon.foy@ntschools.net.

Please note that PTO will be available for bookings from 14 April after 3:30pm.

Assistance If you require clarification or assistance with any matter whatsoever, you may wish to contact some of the following people: Mr Rohan Ford

Year 10 Coordinator


Mr Marty Isaksen

Assistant Principal Year 10


Mr Aaron Dalgleish

Year 11 Coordinator


Mr Kevin Northcote

Assistant Principal Year 11


Ms Ros France

Year 12 Coordinator


Ms Patricia Cryer

Assistant Principal Year 12


Ms Meg Davis

Careers Practitioner Year 10


Ms Anne Donnelly

NTCET Coordinator


Ms Kerry Williams

School Counsellor


Ms Linda Sanders

Home Liaison Officer


Mr Paul McConnell

Defence Liaison


Principal Mr Trevor Read

Ms Barbara Tapsell



Ms Lily Zhong

International Students Coordinator


Business Manager Ms Penny Beissbarth

more difficult and expectations escalate. It is far easier to overcome problems at this stage rather than later in the year when it becomes increasingly difficult to salvage a situation.

Staff Representatives Mr Marty Isaksen Ms Penny McIntyre Ms Jackie Dupe Ms Anne Donnelly

The next Darwin High School Council meeting is on Wednesday 16 April at 7:00 pm in Café Ah Toy. All welcome. Term 1 Progress Reports Term 1 reports are included with this edition of Contact. These interim reports are formative. That is, they are designed to let parents and students know what needs to be done during Term 2 to either maintain or improve grades. There is still ample time to rectify problems and I urge parents to contact relevant staff to discuss any concerns. To those students who have done well, keep up the good work. Our students face some very real pressures in their senior secondary years. Courses become

Bombing of Darwin Once again our students were outstanding in representing Darwin High School at the Bombing of Darwin Ceremony on February 19. After the Ceremony, students were invited by the Chief Minister, Hon Adam Giles, to Parliament House to share morning tea with Veterans and other dignitaries. Again and again members of the public and officials complimented the students on their presentation and manner. Thanks must go to Judy Boland who manages this important event in our School Calendar. Trevor Read Principal Update Your Contact Details If you have moved, changed work or home telephone numbers, please contact the Darwin High School Front Office on 89991222. It is important that the School has up to date information in case of emergencies. 2

Year 12 News Here we are at the end of Term 1 and which means that our Year 12 students have completed about 30% of their courses. The pace of learning and the depth of material increase for Stage 2 courses and most students have realised this and responded accordingly. However, there are still some who are yet to step up. Students who are feeling stressed or in need of advice can touch base with Mrs Cryer and Mrs France for help. Queries about NTCET patterns and completion should go to Ms Donnelly. For apprenticeships and school to work transition queries please contact Ms Davis. Mentor Group News Year 12 students are expected to attend Mentor Group. This term students have received important information and participated in several activities including: 

completing their NTCET pattern check

learning about and planning for effective time management

signing SACE board paperwork

attending a talk on Scaling and the ATAR

discussing stress management strategies

watching TED Education talks on 8 steps to success, GRIT and Genius or 10,000 hrs of work? Next term, the focus will continue to be on supporting student success at school but also planning for the school formal and graduation. Year 12 Jerseys Year 12 jerseys can be ordered by paying $75 to the book room and then presenting the receipt to Mrs France. Last order will be sent Week 5, Friday 16 May. Dates for the Diary External Mathematical Applications Exam Year 12 Last Day of Attendance End of year External Exams Year 12 Graduation and Formal Presentation Evening

12 June 24 October 3 -19 November 24 November 8 December

Patricia Cryer Assistant Principal Year 12

Assessment Schedules For All Year Levels

From the Home Liaison Officer Darwin High School has had a positive start to Term 1 2014, student attendance is sound with the majority of students attending every day. We are pleased that our attendance rate for Term 1 was 93%. However, there is room for improvement. I would like to thank parents and guardians who contact the school when their child is absent. Darwin High School closely monitors student attendance. The Home Liaison Officer, Year Coordinators and Assistant Principals meet each week to plan and follow up student absences. Concerns about attendance will generally be followed up with a phone call, email or letter to the parent/guardian. There are several ways to notify the School when a student is absent. Parents can: 

email dhs.attendance@ntschools.net

click on student absence button on the DHS webpage www.darwinhigh.nt.edu.au

Phone the Front Office 8999 1222

Give parental note to the Front Office.

We understand that there are legitimate circumstances when students may be late for school. Darwin High School would like parents and guardians to actively support students to arrive on time for school. If your child is late for school, please provide your child with a parental note or, telephone the Front Office to notify their late arrival. Students who are late should sign in at the Front Office before going to classes ensuring the time of arrival is recorded in the student’s attendance records. If your child needs to see a doctor and is absent as a results of a medical condition, please ask your GP to write a Medical Certificate. The certificate will be held in the student’s file for any future reference. If parents and guardians have any concerns about their child’s attendance at school please contact the Home Liaison Officer, Linda Sanders, on 8999 1205, or email linda.sanders@ntschools.net Linda Sanders

Available on our website under ‘Curriculum’

Home Liaison Officer


NTCET Information

You are not alone

Of late I have been talking to many parents who are struggling with Special provisions are special arrangements in assess- their teenage children. At times it can be quite stressful for everyone, but things will get better. ment for students who may be in a situation where an illness, impairment, learning difficulty or an unforeseen incident significantly impacts on their ability to participate I have been reading some of the work by Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist. I also attended a Well Being Conferin assessment tasks. These special arrangements may ence where Andrew spoke. What he had to say made sense and include granting of an extension, predicting a grade based on other work that the student has done, or reduc- gave me some useful tips. His website is worth having a look at and there are quite a few free articles available. Below I have republished ing the number of assessment tasks. with permission, a summary of one of the articles. I hope you find this useful. Special provisions cannot be used to compensate for Kevin Northcote work that has not been done due to matters of personal Assistant Principal Year 11 choice such as holidays, work commitments or other things that could have been avoided. It is solely to compensate students who are significantly impaired by circumstances beyond their control. The granting of special provisions is always dependent on the provision of evidence to demonstrate the impairment. This is often from health care professionals. Students who believe they have grounds for special provisions should contact me to discuss their issues and determine if they are eligible.

Don’t Waste Your Breath!  Realise that adolescents are not just a smaller version of adults. The adolescent brain is in transition. It differs neuro-chemically and anatomically from an adult brain. 

Remember that adolescents’ frontal lobes are ‘closed for construction’. Expecting teenagers to show a lot of forethought, planning, consideration and impulse control is like expecting a goldfish to recite Shakespeare.

The brain is re-structuring to become more efficient. Therefore we need to capitalise on this re-structuring. Help them to develop the habits and routines that allow them to work smarter not harder.

Consent To Release NTCET Information This form gives consent to release NTCET results and  information to the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC), Darwin High School and the media. All Year 12 students must complete and return this form to the school. It must be countersigned by a parent or  guardian if the student is under 18. It is in a student’s best interest to answer yes to questions 1 and 4. If ‘no’ is selected for question 4, then an ATAR and TAFE selection rank will NOT be calculated.

Parents need to be their teenage children’s frontal lobes. Asking an adolescent to do a lot of forward planning is like asking a dog to study physics. This is also the reason why too much freedom too soon does not seem to help too many young people. Last but not least, never underestimate your power. Adolescents need someone around them — an adult who has more options than they do. Someone who they may battle with, but someone who ultimately they imitate and emulate, and believe it or not, that someone is you.

In consenting to release information to the media, stuReproduced with permission from www.andrewfuller.com.au dents are consenting to release results of their subjects ONLY in the event that they are outstanding. All completers will have their surname, initial and school published Keeping parents in the loop in the paper. The ‘Consent to Release NTCET Information’ form has We send regular emails to parents on our year level mailing been distributed to students in Mentor Group. It is also lists advising them of career opportunities, university inforavailable in the NTCET folder on Student Public and on mation and general information about what is happening in the Darwin High School website by clicking on the the school. ‘Curriculum’ tab. Please contact me if you wish to clarify any information regarding the NTCET. Anne Donnelly NTCET Coordinator

If you are not receiving these emails and would like to, please email dhs.emaillist@ntschools.net and request to be added to the relevant year level mailing list. Students may also request to be added.


From the Defence Transition Mentor Bombing of Darwin DHS students participated in the 72th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin. Students accompanied Veterans to the Darwin Experience Museum, Robertson’s Barracks and attended the Commemorative Service at Adelaide River. The feedback from Veterans and their families has been very positive and shows appreciation of the students’ efforts. Education Assistance Scheme If your child requires tuition assistance with their studies while at Darwin High School, the Department of Defence may be able to help. For more information and an application form, contact the DTM. DCO Family Day On 15 February, the DCO hosted a family day and expo to welcome Defence families to Darwin and Palmerston. It was extremely well supported by service clubs, government departments and many community organisations, allowing defence families to take the opportunity to learn more about living in the wonderful Top End. The Top Ender This is a great tri-service publication created by defence families for defence families. The February/March edition is chock full of articles, features and useful information including an excellent directory. If you are not receiving the this magazine, email: thetopender@aapt.net.au Taylah Peters, Shannon McSkimming, Luke Jettner, Amy

The Defence Family Helpline 1800 624 608 The Defence Family Helpline is Chittick and Brodie Fraser assisting with the Bombing of your first point of call for support, information and connection with your commu- Darwin Commemorative Service at Adelaide River nity, including your local DCO team. The Helpline is available 24-7 and is staffed by qualified human services professionals including social workers and psychologists. You can also email the Helpline on DefenceFamilyHelpline@defence.gov.au and receive a response within 24 hours. Paul McConnell 2nd Place Senior team, NT: Aurora Jan, Mariah Hender, Rachael Dodd, Tom Burchett.

Australian Computational Linguistic Olympiad On February 27, 80 students from Darwin High competed in the Australian Computational Linguistic Olympiad (OzClo). This competition involves students working in teams of four to solve problems presented in languages other than English. Students are required to apply their knowledge of languages and language learning to crack linguistic codes. From this three Darwin High teams were selected to compete in the national competition on March 25. These teams were: 1st Place Senior Team, NT: Chetan Ganesh, Tarun Ponneri, Justin Hurley, Jessica Harpur

1st Place Junior team, NT: Angla Mota Torres, Harry Booth, Jun Tao Lin, Kyung Min Baek. Results for the national round of the competition have not yet been released. Congratulations to these teams, as well as the many other Darwin High teams who received Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates in Round One.


World Challenge 2013 World Challenge is a schools’ expedition organisation that takes students on exciting trips to over fifty countries throughout the world. There are four stages to the journey, acclimatising to the environment, working on a community project, trekking and rest and relaxation. Last year, Aaron Dalgleish and Jennifer Johns accompanied our group of thirteen students from Darwin High School, on a once-in-a-

transport or accommodation, supervising the budget, purchasing and cooking food, taking care of the environment or leading the group. We had group meetings to discuss how to successfully manage any problems. At times stress and exhaustion got the better of us and we had to push ourselves and support each other. Every day was jam-packed, moving from one activity to another and by the time we had set up our tents the only energy we had left was reserved for sleeping. We visited the Skeleton Coast to experience the thousands of seals up close; the The grade 1 class room looking better after a coat of paint smell, the noise and the cold air thrilled us. The competition amongst the team heated up when we went sand boarding and 75km/h was the top speed reached.

Hanging out with the kids on the village trek

lifetime journey to Botswana and Namibia, Africa. No longer were we able to depend on the luxuries that Australia can provide, or the reliance we have on our parents. It was time to take on the challenges that the world had on offer and to learn to live with each other for a month!

Being poled through the Okavango Delta

Planning for the adventure started 18 months beforehand. We all worked part time jobs and or joined in group fundraising activities in order to fund the trip. The first week we spent clambering up the rocky escarpments of Namibia, admiring ancient rock art and gazing at the stars. Right from the start we had to work together. We all had a role like organising

While in Namibia, we travelled to a remote community for a week where we stayed and worked at the Ben Hur School, painting the exterior of the 1st Grade classroom. This amazing hands-on experience gave us the chance to help out the village and meet some of the local kids, who were keen to spend time with us. Other people from the village invited us to play netball and soccer and they shared their culture. Before leaving we decided to use the remainder of our project money to purchase school books, uniforms and sports equipment to donate to the school. From the project phase behind us, we moved onto our village trek in Botswana. Each day our team would wake early and the villagers would treat us to a breakfast of sweet bread and tea, before walking for six or so hours to the next village. Each new village brought new surprises as we explored the environments and got to mingle with the local kids. At the ‘cultural village’ we were treated to a surprise performance of African tribal dancing. One of the most amazing parts of the trip was going to one of the world’s largest inland water systems, the Okavango Delta. Thin dug-out canoes called mokoros were poled through the shallow, reedy waters of the Delta. We camped on an island surrounded by wildlife. As our trip came to an end in Botswana, we went on Safari in Chobe National Park. Hippos, impala, baboons and lions were just a few of the wild animals that crossed our path. All the team members would agree the World Challenge trip was an experience we will never forget. This opportunity has opened our eyes to other cultures and we have all grown from the experience. By Jess Bloom Do you want to have the trip of a life time? Any Year 9 or Year 10 interested in going on a World Challenge expedition in 2015 should email Aaron Dalgleish aaron.dalgleish@ntschools.net to find out more. 6

Singapore Trip 2013 On 3 December, 32 students and four teachers travelled to both Singapore and Malaysia as part of the Centre for Excellence program. The annual Singapore Trip kicked off at 4 pm that day, where we, as a group, waited eagerly in the Darwin International Airport. With much anticipation, we arrived in Singapore to be greeted by the same humid temperature as in Darwin, with the addition of captivating city lights. Some of us experienced a bit of culture shock. However, all of us were ready for the best trip of our school life. Over the next ten days we experienced all the tourist destinations including the Singapore Zoo, Night Safari, the Genting Highlands, the Batu Caves, the Petronas Towers and Universal Studios. Educational adventures were also enjoyed which included the NeWater Plant, the Singapore Discovery Centre, the Marina Barrage in Singapore and the Elephant Sanctuary and the Selangor Pewter Factory in Malaysia. Throughout the whole trip, everyone bonded, new friendships were formed and overall every single person had an excellent time. I am honoured to have been able to be a part of this excellent program and to have been given the opportunity to go on this trip. On behalf of all the students, I would like to thank Ms Esther Tan, Ms Eileen Bell, Mr Kevin Northcote and Mr Darren Clayton for all their efforts. I recommend this trip to any future students as it is definitely an awesome trip and will be one of my fondest memories of high school. Jeremy Kimm Year 12


Darwin High School Science Term 1 Year 10 Science What a busy start to the year! The DHS Science Faculty welcomed its Year 10s by beginning straight away on Chemistry. We have been very pleased with the way our newest members of the school have embraced the topic and all of its activities and tasks. Some Year 10 Chemistry students taught the Year 12 Accounting students ow to do Bohr diagrams. After all, the best way to learn is to teach! Year 10 students have now

work on material they have covered in class and to put in routine hours towards knocking off assessment so that it does not become insurmountable. Students are welcome to come and see their teachers during their study periods and other free time if they are looking for assistance. Congratulations to Hamish Wiltshire for his selection as a semi-finalist in the BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards. Hamish’s project “Bicycle Luggage and Balance Investigation” has won him a prestigious award and some very valued prize money. The Science Faculty runs a number of competitions throughout the year and notes about these will have already gone home. Should your son/daughter be interested in entering any of our competitions please contact the Science Faculty Senior on 8999 1278. Mandy Vale Science Faculty Senior

completed assessment this term and have gained some valuable feedback about their progress. All Year 10 Science teachers have access to the Pearson e-book to study and practise the concepts covered in class. The e-book can be used on their own personal devices anywhere there is internet, so it is great for students who may miss school due to illness or other reasons. Please ask your son/daughter about the e-book and for a demo. Stage 1 and 2 As always our Stage 1 and 2 students are busy with formative and summative activities and tasks across our many Science subjects. Students are encouraged to regularly revise and

DNA Modelling

Mrs Reimers’ Year 12 Biology Class


Secondary Intensive English Unit (SIEU) celebrates Harmony Day

Mathematics Competitions

Harmony Day with its celebration of cultures was well supported by our SIEU students. Concert items included a Thai and Cambodian dress parade, mimes from Mr Stretton’s Exiting ESL Drama class, a tasting competition, a mini drama starring both students and bilingual officers and a group quiz on general knowledge.

This year there are a number of mathematics competitions that students can enter. Australian Informatics Competition was held on 25 March. It is organised by the Australian Mathematics Trust. There were 42 students from Year 11 and 12 who sat the Senior Paper and 25 students from Year 10 who sat the Intermediate Paper. Results for this competition should be available in a month. The Olympiad Programming Competition is to be held on Thursday 4 September. The school will receive an invitation and more details in June. In the meantime, check the website www.amt.edu.au/aio.html Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) is organised by the Australian Mathematics Trust and is sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank. ‘This event was introduced in Australia in 1978 as the first Competition in Australian Schools. In this time it has served almost all Australian secondary schools, providing feedback and enrichment to schools and students. It has become the largest single event on the Australian Education Calendar, allowing students to attempt the same tasks, on the same day in about 40 countries. It has become a truly international event, with countries throughout the Pacific and South East Asia, and some from even further afield taking part.’

SIEU Health Gets Street Wise SIEU Health class did four sessions of self-defence with StreetWise Self-Defence at Palmerston. The students learnt some basic skills on how to stay safe and protect themselves in dangerous situations.

It will be held on Thursday 7 of August. The cost is $6 per student. and the closing date for payment is Friday 2 May. Further information about this competition can be found on the Australian Mathematics Trust website www.amt.edu.au. International Competitions and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics Competition is organised by the University of New South Wales. Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year. The ICAS Mathematics assesses students’ skills and knowledge across five strands: Algebra and Patterns, Chance and Data, Measures and Units, Number and Arithmetic and Space and Geometry. There are differences in content across papers to ensure they are appropriate for year levels. In the papers that the students complete calculators are required; formal algebra and formal geometry is tested and students are expected to be familiar with some conventions of both of these topics. This competition will be held on Tuesday 12 August. The cost per student is $8.80 and the closing date for payment is Thursday 19 June. To find out more about the mathematics skills assessed in this competition go to the website https://www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/ icas or ask the class teacher. Students are encouraged to enter these competitions as they are a fine record of their mathematical ability. Eileen Bell Mathematics Faculty Senior


The World’s Greatest Shave This year’s event at Darwin High School on 14 March raised even more support compared to the past with one of our very own students being afflicted by Leukaemia. Darwin High School’s own “World’s Greatest Shave “ event definitely helped to highlight the fantastic job that the Leukaemia Foundation is doing and to raise awareness not only within the School but also publicly. As a school we managed to raise over $4000, both in cash donations and on online. Some highly committed students are still continuing in their efforts to reach their set targets. More than twenty students and one staff member participated in the actual shave with most baring it all and others going with it half way. As usual, Ms Linda Low and Ms Samantha Deacon offered their great hair shaving skills assisted by Ms Kimberley Buckley and Ms Natalie Stephenson. It was also very interesting to note that people who were passing the school

grounds on their daily walks with their dogs came over to congratulate the School for showcasing the really good things that young people are doing as opposed to all the negativity presented in the media. The day would not have been such a success without the support and help of so many people. To them I want to place on record my heartfelt thanks for everything they have done. Premilla Naidoo Organiser 10


A Country Too Far On Wednesday 26 March, seven Year 11 students had an opportunity to go and listen to award winning authors, Tom Keneally and Rosie Scott, speaking about their recent publication of stories about Australia’s history with asylum seekers, A Country Too Far. Students listened as the authors spoke about their thoughts and experiences with asylum seekers, learning about the concept of ‘Them’ and the basic rules of law. The renowned author of Schindler’s List, Tom Keneally, spoke specifically about his own personal experiences from those with the Aboriginal community he lived near as a child in northern New South Wales, to his interactions with refugees in northern Africa. Students came away from this passionate and informative presentation with a much firmer understanding of Australia’s history with asylum seekers. Uni Visits Christian Discussion Group The Christian Discussion Group gives students the opportunity to Earlier this term, with the help of Flinders University and Charles Darwin University, Josie Wright (a former Darwin talk about what they believe and to hear what is written in the Bible. The group is held in room B17 every Tuesday lunchtime. Stu- High Student) and Indigenous Health lecturer Cheryl Davis, gave an informative and entertaining presentation on Medidents bring their lunch with them. cine in the NT and the part that the UMAT plays. The Anglican Youth Minister, Rev. Bruce Chapman, also comes to the meetings and assists with the programme. The group On 6 March, Kinetic IT presented to all the IT classes in meets throughout the year and financially sponsors a young girl Darwin High. The three presenters gave some real insights in India. Donations towards her sponsorship are welcome from into the possible career paths for IT. anyone at any time. The monthly support is $48. Our school community has students from many different backThe University of New England presented on 13 March. NT grounds and faiths. This group provides a forum for discussion Students do very well with Bonus Points with this university. and opportunities for integration with others in the school commuOn 26 March Monash University came to Darwin High and nity. students learned about the Monash Guarantee . Any questions can be directed via email or in person to rosie.reimers@ntschools.net. Rosie Reimers Convener Work Experience All Year 10 students in PLP classes this semester are expected to participate in the DHS Work Experience Program in Week 1, Term 2. The most successful work experiences occur when students select workplaces that reflect their future career plans. Therefore, careful planning is necessary prior to selection. The process for Work Experience is as follows: Students should: 

arrange their own position by contacting prospective employers themselves

collect the School Work Experience Application Form from their teachers

have the form completed and signed by the prospective employer and their parents before they start Work Experience

return the form to their PLP teachers

Attendance at school will be compulsory for those students who are not to be involved in the Work Experience Program. Contact details for are 8999 1280 or meg.davis@ntschools.net . Ms Meg Davis Coordinator 12

Bombing of Darwin Activities Darwin High School students were well to the fore at the various events marking the 72nd Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin. The Veterans, all aged over 90, were escorted and assisted by students on their tour of the Darwin Military Museum on Monday; accompanied by

wreath for Darwin High School and Amy Chittick, who was part of the Official Party, recited the Ode. After the ceremony, the students met the Japanese Ambassador to Australia, His Excellency Mr Yoshitaka Akimoto, who was impressed that students from the Japanese Language class were able to greet him formally. Following the Service, the senior stu-

Chair, and then walked through the nerve centre of the ship, where everything is bathed in an eerie blue light. They also corrected the American pronunciation of the word ‘Melbourne’ and extolled the virtues of vegemite! Thursday was a 7:00am start for the students as they gathered at the Darwin Civic Centre to board the buses to the Adelaide River War Cemetery. The som-

them on their inspection of Robertson Barracks on Tuesday and looked after by them at the Lord Mayor’s Dinner at the RAAF Base on Tuesday evening. At the Service on Wednesday, they provided a steadying hand for the Veterans as they approached the Darwin Cenotaph to lay their floral tributes. Erin Barker, Fiona Lay, Luke Jettner and Brodie Fraser laid the

dents moved to Parliament House where they engaged the Veterans and Bombing Survivors in conversation as they enjoyed the Chief Minister’s hospitality. At the Chief Minister’s Reception, CDR Gabe Varela, Commanding Officer of the visiting US warship USS KIDD, invited our students to a private tour of his ship. Students were taken to the Bridge where they sat in the Captain’s

bre service was followed by an emotional period, as the Veterans with the help of ‘young eyes’ searched for the headstones of former mates. This year, the Caretakers of the Adelaide River War Cemetery had placed A6 sized photos of those interred alongside their headstone. The youthful faces so full of promise, which gazed out at us, brought many emotions to the surface, and the students were magnificent in the way they com-


forted the deeply moved Veterans. All students were a credit to the School and their parents. VIP Ushers Chris Bryant, Nathaniel Kelly, Lailani and Laura Triffitt assisted with VIP arrivals and escorted them to the registration table; Veterans’ Bus Ushers Joyce Yeum, Lailani Triffitt, Laura Triffitt and Erin Schipp met the Veterans and assisted them to their seats; VIP Ushers Bella Macdonald, Cassie Wright, Alex Perrett, Taylah Peters, Mickey Teng, Joyce Yeum and Tyra Chatram escorted VIPs to their seats; General Ushers Ambar Ambarwaty, Lisa Lu, Linh Roberts and Jessica Tasawang provided assistance to Bombing Survivors, handing out ear plugs and programs; Information Table Assistants Aurora Jan, Tina Cheng, Jacklyn Debuque, Moritz Rath and Clara Sievering provided information, handled public enquiries and provided general assistance; Coolroom attendants Laurence Jinyola, Raissa Uwase, Chayanee Sukkun and Monika Yin monitored water supplies and distributed as and when required, and Bus Escorts Amy Chittick, Luke Jettner, Brodie Fraser, Shannon McSkimming and Taylah Peters made such an impression on the Veterans. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Ms Katrina Fong Lim, herself a former Darwin High student, personally thanked the students for their valuable contribution to the events. Special thanks to our Bilingual Officers Jennefir Harker and Sandy Ho for their management of the SIEU students and to Defence Transition Mentor, Paul McConnell, and Assistant Principal, Trish Cryer, for their supervision of the main body of DHS students. Judy Boland Events Coordinator

19th National Schools Constitutional Convention From the 12 -14 March, over a hundred student delegates across Australia including myself, gathered in Canberra where we learnt more about the Australian Constitution and the system of government, at a federal and state level. The topic this year, Australian Federalism: States’ Rights and National Priorities, provided an understanding of how our Constitution worked by outlining the Commonwealth and States’ responsibilities for issues concerning everyday Australians, more specifically, who should have control over health and water in Australia. On Day One, students visited the Main Committee Room at Parliament House in which we role played the passing of a mock Schools Resources Bill 2014. Luckily enough, I was selected to take on the role as the NT Minister for Education. For two hours, student delegates debated and discussed the resources that schools needed in terms of the states and territories percentage of population and number of schools (noting the fact that the NT only took up 1%-2% of Australia’s population). Before we finished at Parliament House, we had the pleasure of meeting The Hon Bronwyn Bishop, MP Speaker of the House of Representatives, representing the Prime Minister. Later in the afternoon, we boarded a bus to visit the National Archives. There, we were given a description on almost every element of Australia’s preserved history, such as the famous facsimile of the 1972 Larrakia petition, which called for land rights and political representation. On Day Two the student delegates visited the Old Parliament House where we were greeted by our Convention Facilitator, Emeritus Professor John Warhurst AO, and attended a speech by Senator The Hon Scott Ryan. This was followed by panel discussion with Dr Andrew Banfield and Professor Fiona Wheeler on the question “What do we mean by Federalism?” After lunch, students worked in groups — mix from each state and territory. Although some people in my group had conflicting views and opinions, it was a pleasure to work with people who I had never met. The working groups discussed the Australian Constitution and whether the Commonwealth should assume full powers over water and health. The main highlight for me personally was the dinner at the High Court of Australia. It was a privilege to not only have dinner at one of Australia’s most political locations, but also to attend a speech given by Huy Nguyen (ACT Young Australian of the Year 2014). Mr Nguyen, a humanitarian engineer and a mentor, entrepreneur, traveller and an advocate for people with a disability, inspired delegates with his heartfelt speech and engaged us with his description of his innovative approaches across humanitarian engineering. On the last day of the program, at the Old Parliament House a representative from the Australian Electoral Commission talked about referenda - how they are initiation and the process used. Delegates were also welcome to ask any questions, and seeing as how states were much more powerful than territories, my question for the panelists was, “Do you think it is time we conduct a referendum in order for the NT and ACT to become states?” At around 12pm, all the delegates voted for the referendum on health and water, and the communique was finalised incorporating referendum results. I enjoyed every moment of this convention, and the only negative feedback I have


Foelsche Centenary

On Your Bike!

January 31, 2014 marked the centenary of Territory pioneer, Paul Heinrich Mathias Foelsche, and the Darwin community took the opportunity to commemorate this leading public figure and community man. A ceremony was held in his honour at the Masonic Hall in Stokes Street.

Nathan York Morris loves his BMX and travels regularly to compete in State titles interstate and Australian Champion events.

Darwin High School students added to this important occasion by dressing in period costume and certainly helped to connect the event to Darwin’s past. After the ceremony, the students were privileged to be taken upstairs to the Lodge Room, where items of regalia and ceremony were explained to the students by The Hon Austin Asche.

Nathan is currently a Junior BMX coach at Jingili BMX. A “Come and Try’ day will be held on the 25 May 2014. Bikes and equipment available to use for all sizes.

Also in his honour, the NT Archives Centre mounted a display of some of Foelsche’s photo albums and letters; the NT Library courtesy of the SA Museum, staged a photographic exhibition of some of Foelsche’s works, officially opened by The Hon Austin Asche AC, QC. Paul Foelsche was born in Germany in 1831 and at the age of 23, migrated to South Australia in 1854. In December 1869, he arrived in Port Darwin to establish law and order in the embryonic settlement of Palmerston as Darwin was then called. Inspector Foelsche was a remarkable man: a policeman, a freemason (assisting with the establishment of the first Freemasons Lodge in Darwin in 1896), a Justice of the Peace, a Special Magistrate, an armourer, a dentist, a photographer, a botanist, an anthropologist, an ethnographer and an amateur linguist. Inspector Foelsche is regarded as the father of the NT Police Force, which, until their recent colour change, proudly wore the Brunswick Green trim with their khaki uniforms to honour their founder. Judy Boland Coordinator is that it was not long enough! In three days I met so many amazing and inspirational delegates who I quickly became friends with as they too shared a similar political and legal stance as I did. And lastly, the amount of knowledge I have gained from the 19th National Schools Constitutional Convention 2014 is unbelievable. Being selected to represent Darwin High School and the Northern Territory is one of my most rewarding achievements, and I could not have been more proud. Jacinta Mu Year 12 15

Year 10 Life at Darwin High



Driving to School Thank you to those parents and students who have had their vehicles registered with us. The response has been excellent. There are still some students who are leaving the school grounds with other students in their vehicles who do not have parental permission. Year 10 & 11 students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at all during the day. Year 12 students who leave the school grounds for whatever reason are asked to sign in and out at the Front Office. A reminder that the speed limit in the school grounds is 25kph and on Atkins Drive it is 40kph. When leaving the school, students should not use the bus lane.

NT Swimming Championships

Lapping up the Honours

During the four days, 13 to 17 March, several Darwin High School students participated in the NT Open and Age Swimming Championships which were held at Casuarina Swimming Pool. Lucy Quinlan, Shannon McSkimming, Amy Messenger, Emily Milikins, Umim Shar-Manroe, Chad Blenkinship, Aaron Berthan and Chris Milikins competed in many individual events and club team relays over the six sessions. Swimmers, schools, clubs and parents can be very proud of the excellent swimming times achieved and good sportsmanship displayed. Also congratulations to Lucy for winning the 15 Year Girls Age Champion and being selected in the NT Schools Swimming Team. She will compete in the Australian Schools Swimming Competition in Melbourne in July.

Bryce has achieved a lot in his short career, too much to write down, but here is the short version. He is the first Territorian to ever win a national title which he did in 2013 at age 14. He is a six time state title winner and apart from one state title event, has made it onto the podium at every state title event he has contested. He was chosen last year to be a part of the Australian Motor Sport Foundation Rookie Program which enabled him to go to a Motorsports camp at the AIS in Canberra. He was also chosen in 2013 to be a “Fujitsu Cool Driver� as part of the Fujitsu Cool Driver Program with Gary Rogers Motorsports.

In January 2014, he was awarded the title of the Best Junior Driver 2013 in Andie Mofat Australia after his outstanding results Junior Coach throughout the year. He was nominated and was chosen as one of the finalist for the 2013 NT Junior Sportsman of the Year Award. Recently he won the Junior Top Guns in Junior Clubman and J-Max held in Melbourne in January and was awarded a test drive in a Formula V. Early this month he competed at the Victorian State Title where he came third in Junior Clubman and J-max.

From top left: Chad Blenkinship (Yr10) and Ben Cooper (Yr12 2013), Lucy Quinlan (Yr12) (left) with Leisel Jones 3 x Olympian and former world record holder at the NT Swimming Championships. Bottom left: Emily Milikins (Yr12), Shannon McSkimming (Yr11) and Her Honour the Honourable Sally Thomas AC. 18

Darwin High School Students Out in the Community In this section we would like to highlight some of the achievements and contributions our students make outside of school. Please send items of interest with photographs to the Editor: kevin.northcote@ntschools.net.

U18 NT Basketball James Smith, Tobias Dockery, Donald Sanger, Henry Calendar and Harry Fuge will be representing the NT in Canberra in April.

Hockey U18 Women—Mariah Hender, Marissa Higgins, Lauren Northcote and Natalie Strawhorn will be representing the NT in Melbourne in April. U15 Women Amy Conca , Angela Heath and Emily Stephenson will be representing the NT in Hobart in April. U18 Men Jaiden McGregor, Joshua Southwood, Matthew Southwood, and Sheldon Wills will be representing the NT in Canberra in April.

National Class Clowns Year 12 student Grace Buxner has gone into the National Class Clowns competition after winning the Northern Territory heat in March at Brown’s Mart. She will perform at the Melbourne Town Hall.

A huge congratulations to all students of Darwin High School who raised $520 for

U15 Men Aaron Chin and Joseph Baronio will be representing the NT in Perth in April.

Mindil Beach Surf Lifesaving Club on Boardies Day last Friday. The money will go towards buying much needed rescue equipment for the busiest

Sailing Champion

beach in the Territory!

NT Sailing Team sailor, Hamish Wiltshire, takes a triple victory by winning the 2014 Australian Youth Championship and the Yachting Australia Grand Prix

Thank you all for supporting your local surf

Series in the Laser 4.7 Class after winning the Australian 4.7 Laser Champion-


ship. Hamish sailed consistently throughout the Youth Championship to finish with three firsts, one fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth and eleventh after two drops to give a final score of 42. This was equal points with Victoria’s Jack Graves. However, after a count back, Hamish was awarded the win and is the 2014 Laser 4.7 Youth Champion. Hamish's consistent performance throughout the year winning the Australian 4.7 Laser Championship, Australian Youth Championship, Queensland Youth Championship, finishing second in the NSW State Championship and third in the ISAF World Cup put him ahead of the rest of the Australian Youth Sailors giving him the Yachting Australia Grand Prix overall win. by Gary Martin, Yachting NT


Sports News In Term 1 Darwin High School had teams participating in netball and tennis. Our tennis players, Shianne Hawke, Joshua Vaughan, Moss Kirby and Alan Egan were successful coming first place in the competition. Congratulations to those students. Congratulations also goes to our netball teams. Please see their report below. In Term 2 our students have the opportunity to participate in cross country, basketball, soccer and touch. All students will be emailed specific details as they become available. For any further questions email steve.mcgugan@ntschools.net. Steve McGugan Sports Coordinator

Netball On Monday 3 March, Erin Crook and Kerryn Fulton took two teams of girls, a mixture of Year 10s, 11s and 12s, to Sitzler Courts at Marrara to compete in the City Cluster Championships. Both teams did extremely well to battle the heat and play five games each, as well as umpire and score for other teams, in between playing. The Darwin High 1 team won every game they played to acquire the premiership points, and were crowned Champions of Senior Netball 2014. Outstanding players included Franjesca Cercarelli as shooter, Brytne Bunnett in defence and Kynsha Bunnett in the centre. Darwin High School 2 battled hard and played some exciting netball to end up in fourth position. Outstanding players included Katarina Thompson playing both ends of the court and Euphrasie Camille in the centre, who were consistent all day and are both new to the game. Special mention to Sophie Clark for always putting her hand up to umpire. All players should be congratulated on their maturity, commitment and sportsmanship throughout the long, hot but very enjoyable day.

Darwin High School 1 (white) and Darwin High School 2 (blue) Back: Shiyon Bunnett, Jacinta Edwards, Sophie Clark, Euphrasie Camille, Kylie Brassey, Cassie Wright, Amberlyn Pratt, Katarina Thompson & Tepora Turva Front: Franjesca Cercarelli, Brytne Bunnett, Helena Bammant, Rachael Tynan, Gemma Gray, Ella Clarke, Kynsha Bunnett & Erin Schipp

Amberlyn Pratt and Katarina Thompson defending against a strong opposition

Franjesca Cercarelli doing a score keeping duty in-between playing


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