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ABOUT ME Darya Nikkar

If I look at myself from a third person’s view, according to what I have always been told; Darya is a seventeen-year-old Iranian who is interested in Art, Geometry, Theatre and altruism as well as meaningful connec�ons. Also, reflec�ng on my journey so far, I consider immigra�on a turning point in my life that helped me discover many layers of my personality. As my school’s council supervisor puts it, throughout this year, with being a student chair council I built on my pa�ence and effec�ve listening skills. Moreover, I have learned lessons from the weaknesses I had and worked as a team member to resolute conflicts and organize school events as a student counselor which I am proud about. I am also proud that as a newcomer I could get the confidence to work in a team and share my vulnerability and that I have been chosen as a leader where I considered everyone, delegated tasks, followed up, and worked in the given �me frame and ul�mately, rebuilt my iden�ty in the new se�ngs. My experience taught me to take a leap when there is a calculated risk involved and not be afraid of my failure since every �me, I have learned how to find the way with the help of the people around me. I am a firm believer that my IDENTITY has been shaped in the face of changes I experienced this year and what I learned before this �me as a girl who is brought up in the East. 1

Honors + Awards • Cer�ficate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of Honour Roll, Pa�son High School, November 26th, 2019

Cer�ficate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of Exep�onal performance – Ar�s�c Merit, Art Studio 10, Pa�son High School, November 26th, 2019

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Academic Achievement – Top Student, Academic Readiness 3/4 Support, Pattison High School, November 26th, 2019

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Exemplary Attendance, Pattison High School, November 26th, 2019

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Principal’s List, Pattison High School, April 17th, 2020

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Exceptional Participation, Biology 12, Pattison High School, July 31st, 2020 2

Honors + Awards •

Cer�ficate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of Excep�onal Par�cipa�on, English Studies 12, Pa�son High School, July 31st, 2020

Cer�ficate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of Academic Achievement – Top Student, English Studies 12, Pa�son High School, July 31st, 2020

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Exemplary Attendance, Pattison High School, July 31st, 2020

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Commendable Performance – Most Diligent, Pre-Calculus 11, Pattison High School, July 31st, 2020

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Principal’s List, Pattison High School, July 31st, 2020

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Academic Achievement – Most Diligent, Social Studies 10, Pattison High School, July 31st, 2020 3

Honors + Awards •

Student Volunteer Recogni�on presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of comple�ng over 17 hours of communty and volunteer services as a student of Pa�son High School, Student Council, Pa�son High School, November 5th, 2020

Par�cipa�on in The Genius Olympiad Compe��on, accepted for the Final round, March 2020 – wai�ng for the results

Participation in The Shanghai International Youth Science and Technology, July 2020 – waiting for the results

• Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of participating in Theatre Competition, Bahar Idea Institution, October 2013

• Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Participating

in the Third National Festival of Children and Adolescent Theatre of Sureh, 2013

Certificate presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Achieving the Yellow Badge – Taijiquan, Taijiquan Committee, November 2014 4

Honors + Awards •

Cer�ficate of Proficiency presented to Darya Nikkar in recogni�on of Proficient, Australian Mathema�cs Compe��on sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank, Kooshesh High School, 2015

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of being Second in Acting and Playwriting, Bahar Idea Institution, June 2015

Certificate presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Achieving the Green Badge – Taijiquan, Taijiquan Committee, October 2015

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Attendance, Kings Summer Camp, August 9th, 2017

Certificate of Award presented to Darya Nikkar in recognition of Excellence and Commitment to Achieve Educational Goals, Kings Summer Camp, August 8th, 2018


Educa�on + Skills Kooshesh High School, Tehran, Iran

• • •

Relevant Coursework: Mathema�cs and Physics

Honors: Member of Student Council, Member of Basketball Team Clubs: French Club, Germany Club, Robotic Club, Aerospace Club

Pa�son High School, Vancouver, Canada

• •

Relevant Courses: Intro to Art and Mathematics Honors: Accomplished Certificates of Awards, Member of Student Council, Vice Chair of Student Counci • Clubs: Student Council

Educa�on Skills

• • • •

Microsoft Office 365 Photo Editing Theatre Drawing and Painting

• Photoshop • Playing Hand pan and Piano • Wood carving 6



01 Co l or 02 Pho tog ra phy A rch i tec t u ra l 03 D raw i n g s 04 H a n dm a de C raf t s 7



City of colours I wanted to show the variety of colours and shades by pain�ng this work.


Crea�on of love I used cubism method and the idea of abstract art by combina�on of different colours and shapes.


Waves This pain�ng was one of my first acrylic pouring project mixed with the aesthe�c theme.



By pain�ng this project, I wanted to show the idea of hallucina�on and dreams by using pop art method.


You are the sun of the world This pain�ng is a mixture of Iranian art, calligraphy and abstract art.

COLOR Hidden conflict This project was for the Genius Olympiad compe��on, showing the common difficulty in today’s world, which is global warming. 14


PHOTOGRAPHY April 2020, Ambelside


PHOTOGRAPHY July 2020, Vancouver, BC


PHOTOGRAPHY August 2020, Banff, Alberta



A R C H I T EC T U R A L D R AW I N G S 20

Footstep This project was my second submission for the Genius Olympiad compe��on presen�ng the cost of humans’ ac�vity on the environment.

A R C H I T EC T U R A L D R AW I N G S 21

Shadow on the building In this work of art, I wanted to show the idea of architecture and design and art.

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Shadow on the building In this work of art, I wanted to show the idea of architecture and design and art.

A R C H I T EC T U R A L D R AW I N G S 23

Building in Greece For this work, I got the idea from buildings in Greece and wanted to show dierent perspec�ve of it.

A R C H I T EC T U R A L D R AW I N G S 24

Saint Basil Cathedral This pain�ng represents the combina�on of colors, shapes and details from the Saint Basil cathedral.



Eden This woodwork is one of the examples of the used woodwork in Iran.


Blossoms This work is a mixture of wood mosaic and resin art.


Emerald celebration This jewelry sketch is my idea from combina�on of different features and shapes.


River This jewelry sketch is my idea from combina�on of different features and shapes.


Blue bloom This jewelry sketch is my idea from combina�on of different features and shapes.

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