QUALITY FOR HUMANS Management is different from engineering or medical science because any of the material natures is law bound and can be formally known and taught. Knowledge of nature of steel and laws of mechanics make one become engineer. But how much do we know about nature of the human? How can management be a formal and reliable tool to work with, when human nature is undefined? What is a proof that management can indeed work and is universally applied? Human nature is a continuum between evil and divine. Evil means human nature that, in its free state, cannot be trusted. Getting work done by the people who we cannot trust is a ticklish issue. Management with ‘man as evil’ principle considered design of controls as the only means of assurance. By this reason, complexities of management and of products kept rising, and cost (pain, effort and conflicts) could never come down. This high cost assurance, using high effort in control of processes is unsustainable and prone to fail. Meaning of quality, limited to product satisfies the only goal of beauty and pleasure. It may or may not transform human nature from evil to divine. As a result, some product or choices of work can make human nature more protective, unnatural and insecure. Fear, greed, secrecy, and comparison act as raw materials to this product centric defense, unequal success, and ‘high cost assurance’. Can this direction of thoughts of management be reversed? Yes, it can. This is no secret how great philosophers and leaders find the quality in happiness, much quick, equal, natural (effortless), and by not following the said traditional path of management. Such a management can transform human nature, and any work or product or goals set forth serve as a means to it. Choices of work, personality or any goals are byproducts of human nature and it keeps changing. Product or technology or any other object gets deteriorated by the same laws that make it or requirement gets changed, and
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therefore it requires continuous control to retain its shape, character and relevance. But human is a re-source and, in its independent state, it develops on its own, effortlessly. ‘Higher control giving higher assurance’ is true for materials and products but for humans the law acts just the reverse. Introspection or selfrealization is instant proof of this truth. The Bhagwat Giita says … self-realization does not come by what one knows intellectually but what one becomes as a result of that knowledge. Transformation is an instant effect of self-knowledge. [1] Knowledge + Communication [2] Transformation + Distribution [3] Realization + Enlightenment Thoughts become knowledge. Knowledge makes us free of worries, and we finally realize Happiness by truth. This is very similar to electricity power generation [1], transformation [2] and uses [3]. 1. First, it collects stray and violent energy from anywhere and makes it an organized force by turbine. The electricity or knowledge is highly potent but not violent. The disorder is brought into order in the form of electricity. This is also the aim of developing knowledge. 2. Knowledge is a power (in acts of change, transformation). It can be harmful unless its voltage is made appropriate for different requirement of users. Delivery of knowledge is, by humanly love and discipline. The users must find it easy to relate the concepts in their situation of work, and practice it with awareness and faith. Idea of transformer used in electricity distribution applies to knowledge, and its ability to grow, in step by step, for users’ need and expectation. 3. Third is the 'enlightenment'. This is actual use of knowledge in work, behavior and developing the intellectual capacity. Knowledge, like road, ends at Happiness or Truth (… destination of all knowledge).
QUALITY FOR HUMANS 735 Sector-39, Gurgaon 122002 India
www.qualitymeter.com e| qualitymeter@gmail.com t| 093 1240 1302
This would be an intensive intellectual investment for participating delegates. Communication means, where everyone would see the same thing, and not at each other, and allow points of view to converge. Knowledge overcomes internal resistance to change and reducing or getting rid of any handicap, rigidity or inflexibility of points of view. Intended Audience: The program is useful to practicing organization managers and task/product leaders with high fire … only waiting to grow more peaceful and orderly. Delegates are expected to be of educational background at least graduates in management or engineering or sciences and, working knowledge of English. Duration: 6 hours of conference Plan: small group (<12), when requested by organizations. Countries: India and USA and Canada
QUALITY FOR HUMANS 735, Sector-39 Gurgaon 122002 India www.qualitymeter.com e| qualitymeter@gmail.com t| 0 93 124 0 1302 (India) t| 0091 124 4015316
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Krishna Gopal Misra http://www.linkedin.com/pub/krishnagopal-misra/32/401/704 "Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein Mentor at qualitymeter.com Lead Auditor, Lead Tutor (LA Courses) for URS Certification Limited Past: Chief Executive (India Operations) at Chamber Certification Assessment Services Limited, Lichfield, England Vice President and Director on Board at Golden Locks Production Manager at Wires & Fabriks (S.A) Ltd Assistant Engineer at National Seeds Corporation Limited, New Delhi / Kanpur Junior Engineer (Soil and Water Conservation) at Department of Agriculture, Government of Rajasthan, Jodhpur Education M.Tech. (Industrial Management) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur B.Tech. Honors, G B P University, Pantnagar India
HAPPINESS ENGINEERING (Formerly, ‘Quality Management’) All of us are in different fields pursuing our various goals. Those goals which are very high and not achievable individually require organization and its management. Because if goals are low and anyone can have it easily, this is a cause of conflict and disorder. Need of organization and management does not therefore exist. Management means, a journey from disorder to order, by pushing up goals higher and higher. High goal keeps an organization intact i.e., without conflict. And to reach the goal successfully depends on the process chosen or designed. A success or satisfaction not achieved means it is either a failure of process or low goal (absence of team work), or both. Success increases risks. Higher you will go up higher would be fear of falling down. Risk and reward are opposite but equal. The process is of no solution of assuring (free from worries) that you cannot fall down. At first thought, processes need control. And if control over process is over looked, goals cannot be achieved and that can have unknown consequences. But, is control of process really a means of an assurance? How long is a control sustained? Assurance or loss of worries is aim of the system. Solar system is example of an obvious assurance and no prizes for guessing it. Natural effortlessness in control of a process only makes it assured. The manner in which processes get stability on its own is called the 'system'. System, is although goal independent but, is capable of assurance of any process with the knowledge of nature (cause-effect relationship). This is the way control of process is minimized or made effortless, wherever and whatever the goal. With the use of 'system', one if wants hell he will definitely go to it, and similarly for heaven.
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Process, in conflict with natural system, can somehow find a certain goal or develop a product. But control of such processes is very difficult and complex. A process against any natural law or system is an unsustainable defense, called ‘high cost assurance’. Increases in effort, complexity or cost of assurance are indication of unsustainability, as prisoners kept in best of process control escape. System does not decide goal but offers assurance to every process for whatever be its goal. Laws of physics called physical ‘system’ do not decide goals of its uses whether be it electricity or atomic bomb. Bin Laden and Buddha both achieved their spectacular goals of showing the world two different directions. Process of Buddha is 0% controlled yet 100% assured; and process of Bin Laden substituted the total absence (0%) of assurance by 100% control. Bill Gates made Microsoft by process relied at 50% control and 50% assurance. Processes chosen by all of these differ in its degrees of control and assurance. A good process is more stable and needs less control, and this wisdom is ‘system’. Buddha is Master of Science ‘system’. This means, any of his processes work perfect without need of any control. Cost (or pain, effort, lack of interest, conflict) of work reduces when processes get naturalized or made effortless by ‘system’ or laws of nature. This is ‘system understanding’ or ‘system realization’ through work. Happiness (formerly called ‘quality’) is not 'system'. This is ‘self’ realization instead of ‘system’ realization. Peace of mind by system realization is a complete worry-free state or endless assurance. This marks a beginning of ‘self-realization’, and discovering itself every moment, as a source of love and abundance of everything, and no reasons of conflict. He/she becomes full of compassion, kind and sacrificing for all others, and shows them the same journey which made this lasting happiness possible.
OPERATION gives COMFORT (AARAM ‘not moving’) by repetitive action, bound by rule of law for security but, without a goal or its independent ambition or challenge. Operation is STANDARDIZED. Stand (like bus stand or cycle stand) provides comfort or operational ‘unchanging or repetitive’ efficiency, and purpose of any standardization is to be COMFORTABLE. Standards (like bus stands) do not often change, and are used as references.
PROCESS gives SATISFACTION (SANTUSHTI) by successfully achieving a goal. Process, like a traveler, has a beginning and an end, and uses different operations such as train, taxi, and riksha in the journey. Operations give it comfort and efficiency. Process is VALIDATED by its ability and satisfaction of reaching goal. A process can also be unique to itself like an adventure which care least about comfort and reduced cost (another term of pain). Process keeps changing to make it goal focused and with least error from target. Control over process needs leadership-teamwork, planning-control, and problem-solution.
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SYSTEM gives ASSURANCE (absence of worries or NISHCHINT) or RELAXATION. By consistently achieving the goal, the insight of process is revealed which works in all process and any goals. System is about understanding laws of nature, without individual biases or points of view or rigidity of perception. System is MANAGED (act of balancing cause and effect by the knowledge of natural laws). This system realization is Self-confidence i.e., ‘scientific’ logical imagination, ability of prediction, or seeing (by mind) which is yet to be actually seen.
HAPPINESS is self-realized which cannot be taken away. EQUALITY or end of all differences, by any means and goals, is the aim of QUALITY. Happiness requires infrastructures of System understanding for relaxation by ‘assurance’, process approach for success/satisfaction ‘of goal’ and operational ‘efficiency’ for comfort. Choices of product and goals merely suggest routes of transformation. The scale of work is not important and, therefore, same happiness is achieved by some after conquering the world by sword or by staying in a hermit.
Management Management is a ‘risk based’ approach of ‘problem solving’. Risk (of falling) is higher when goal is higher. High goal is difficult to achieve by individual action and it makes teamwork or organization a compulsion. On the other hand, problem with low goals which is easily and individually achievable make it a chaos and leg pulling competition. Low goals have no risk and, high goals have no problem. Management is a choice of increasing the goal and yet be free of risk of falling. Assurance (peace of mind, freedom from worries, relaxation) is the aim of management. Organizational stability, by reducing problem and risk both, is called Management. Choice of goal and its height serves the purpose of peaceful mind (...free of conflicts). This is a journey from disorder to order. It demonstrates achieving high goals sustainably, by an organized effort s with use of acceptable and agreeable controls.
1. People in self-interest, united for a high goal accept controls … conditionally and with reluctance. The stability of organization depends on overcoming inertia of the minds in becoming one and loses fear of inequality. When people realize equality of oneness in all, this transforms their individual character, organizational behavior, and aim of work. When individual differences end, this is ‘unconditional’ love. Model of gradual transformation is visualized on following scale from 1 to 7.
1. Chaos: Fear, uncertainty and no faith in one another
2. Acceptable Disorder: Chaos ‘do what you like doing’ of individual liberty
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but with separation or independence or geographic or logical boundaries i.e., acceptable lawlessness ‘democratic state’. 3. Compliance: Conflicts get alarming, master-slave relationship, acceptance of control and enforcement with laws or/and order i.e., ‘prison state’.
4. Success of Agreement: Conflicts help in removal of weaknesses (inertia) of one another. And in this way, negotiate high goals. Agreement thus replaces laws and ends conflict. This state is neither a lawless state nor a prison state. I.e., market ‘animal state’. 5. Joy of Work: Reunion/ peace of mind, act of creation with the energy saved from conflict, product development i.e., trust, conflict free and fearless ‘human state’. 6. Love or Sacrifice: ‘Do, what must be done’. Unconditional work … without personal differences or any fear or favor, conflict or relationship i.e., yoga ‘divine state’ 7. Peace of mind: non-duality, truth of self in all is realized. The former is included in the later. For example, success of agreement includes acceptable disorder and compliance, by default. Products and visibility of its successes are byproducts, and these come by default and without any additional effort.
2 Aim of management is finally, to make mind (‘man’ in Sanscrit) at peace, by end of chaos and uncertainty. Quality for Humans therefore is, about ‘peace of mind’ by knowledge (ability of prediction, degree of certainty, stability of decision,
self-confidence) on the way, to finding the truth. As long as we are in influence of nature and limit ourselves by a fixed point of view, each one of us would perceive things and situation by our different minds, in a relativity or action of reaction. Choice of our thoughts determines our changing belief, action and decision. With knowledge, thoughts instead of causing conflicts begin to merge and get universalized (free from relativity, free of biases of perception), and mind finally becomes peaceful. Stability of decision by knowledge (degree of certainty in prediction) of natural system free of personal bias is called character. With improving character, personal differences or perceptions caused by mind end and is, by default, becomes free of fear, uncertainty and defense. Action of nonreaction is act of an individual with peaceful mind which is free of personal limitation and responsibility. This ‘management’ is step by step transformation of mind by product and organizational personality (echo, image) realization, natural system-realization and finally self-realization. In words of Gautam Buddha … realize the ‘Sangha’ mutual goodwill by fruitful action aimed at end of all conflicts, realize the ‘Dharma’ or natural and independent order, and realize the ‘Buddha’ or truth of self. Mind composed of following seven colors is like transparent light. Things have no color but we see object in colors of light which is itself transparent. The world is similarly a natural system of its own but is perceived by each one of us differently by differing combination of these colors of the mind.
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Information (decision enabler): assorted pieces of facts or historical record or indirect perception which is or can be a matter of actual or potential concern. Not all records are information. Imagination: mental picture, drawing or construction of possibilities using information, reason and preference. Experience: realization (partial, complete, and incomplete) or avoiding realization Memory (recall requirement): measurement, need of references in unfulfilled event or with potential of recall. Knowledge (degree of certainty): ability to predict in any time scale by discovery of natural law (cause effect), and use of it in stability of mind. Effect of knowledge is in assurance (free from worries and fear), innovation, creativity and mutual trust and goodwill. Dream: out of body experience, extra sensory awareness or subconscious awareness (even in awakened state) Intuition: truth i.e., involuntary and universal state of being in self, free of individual bias by different points of view, personal differences and conflict. Effect of intuition (truth) is love, happiness and non-violence.
We exist in our mind. Our all appearances, our relationships, action and behaviors from various birth-death cycles are in mind. Individuality in us exists by separation of mind and, perspectives of observes depend on differences in points of view. This relief from handicap or fixed point of view or individuality is truth. Knowledge is a journey to the truth, or gradually accepting changes in our own viewpoints.
We can satisfy our life only when we can choose our mind correctly. This is a test of our ability to decide. Decision ends option (duvidha in Sanscrit) or proliferating alternatives across our lives. Worldly information or external imports are stimulus to decision. Some of these later are cast in imagination. Imagination compels to get experience. Experience which remains incomplete is retained in memory. Memory is burnt by logic or reason. Reasons can be many, and conflict in these is resolved by out of body experience, called dream. And finally, it is the intuition or truth of self. When people fight or go in conflict, it is not because they want it to, but the chosen mind compels it to do it by rules in that role. They become opponents in game of chess or politics or business or war as these all are choices of our own. Mind is natural law or game of the world. One can be successful in mind games and yet increased ego fails all success. Peace of mind is true successes for all. Appearance is not life. Disappearance is not end of life. Life stays in mind and acts from there irrespective of appearances in bodies in action. Unrestricted thoughts are called life (Prana). What else are we, except a bundle of thoughts? And body, just an appearance or a tip of iceberg. Every changes (including birth-death) occur by acts of thought. Thoughts separate, they also merge, and make us transform instantly. Thoughts make us change our looks and character, and our cycles of birth-death, till it finds its origin i.e., reaching at absolute truth. Great souls and their chosen paths are roadmap available to all of us but each one has to walk on its own.
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Life (thought, prana) begins with a spark (Rik veda), it becomes a violent flame (Atharva veda) and then stays calm in an orderly fashion like music (Saam veda) and finally gets universally united in one light (Yajur veda) .
Economics and Work Aim of human nature is to have peace of mind and equality. Unless this is achieved, activity or any unrest cannot come to an end.
1 Purpose of life is that we should be convinced that all of us are independent, one and inside like any other, but lack this self-awareness. Echo or reflection of self in the mirror of world is our own creation i.e., our own action equals the reactions we get. And all these reflection, echo or interactions in world help us to learn only this law â&#x20AC;Śto know ourselves. All our action of give-take, feedback or any interaction aims at to know the Self. Economics is natural law (or system) which bridges Demand Supply gap in the same way as different rivers flow (from mountain to ocean) continuously till inequality, imaginary or potential differences end. Economics or any natural law is, universal and not specific to any particular product or condition of work. Market (buy-sell) is just one of the conditions in Economics (demand supply). There can be 6 conditions, and economic development is increased humanity by changes in condition i.e., TRUST and FREE-WILL i.e., from 1 to 6. 1.
War-Extortion-Loot [Militancy 'Rejection']
Beg-Borrow-Steal [Politics, 'Not accountable' i.e., Emergency situation] Enforcement-Obey-Agree [Government 'Monopoly, no choices' Legal Prison, Laws in name of 'public protection' within a territory, within a jurisdiction] Buy-Sell-Profit [Market or network of agreement i.e., free 'equal opportunity' to negotiate, customize, agree, be accountability to law and measurement, and go up to any size and spread] Produce-Save-Share [Community 'natural order ' effortless within relationship] Free Giving-Care-Self Sacrifice [Family 'divinity', free of conflict and of relationship]
‘Natural laws’ are not necessarily ‘legal’ and vice versa. Legal system is a political (defense) construction and not scientific or natural. For example, theft of electricity in India is common by those who are without sources of money supply. And when electricity can be bought only against money, people (with no money) draw electricity without pay (called theft). This is a natural law of bridging demand-supply which is scientific but not legal. On the other side, action of electricity supplier can be legal but not scientific. Political laws are bipartisan and fail unless corrected by trial and error. Natural sciences are equal, universal, assured and without an authority.
2. The demand-supply scenarios differ by changes in human nature and its ability of evaluating different risks with respect to one another. Value is a sort of judgment of fear or risk in relationship.
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Invaluable (unique and nondifferentiable), Equal (E + quality): Laws of nature are equal for all of us, and do not differ from one another. By nature, each of us is unique and equal, and therefore none of us take place of others or, get exchanged or replaced by any value judgment. All natural resources like food, water, air, sun and natural relationships like mother-son, are renewable effortlessly, are invaluable and yet freely available. Value (of quality or distinguishable character): Quality is value. Value is measurement or recognition of risk or liability thereof including fear, effort, discomfort or cost or pain. One, by paying a certain value in exchange, easily get rid of a relationship or an agreement. Idea of market uses this tool of valuation (enforced by measurement and law) as a safeguard in arbitration. Price is example of a value of product at which it changes hand. With this tool, a product not meeting requirement can be returned or exchanged by some other product of the same value. Valuation is tool of comparison in products and positions which are not unique, can be replaced or exchanged (if not found good) i.e., not letting it stay forever. High value or high cost products or highly priced jobs are short lived, as it gets easily replaced by competition. Strength to survive in competition is ‘Quality with a Value’. Things, where judgment of good or bad are inapplicable, which cannot be exchanged or bought-sold, have no value and are priceless. Price (as defense or restriction): Highly priced products or where value (of risk) is not negotiable such as monopoly or emergency situation,
are acts of defense. High risk is neither valued because it has no option, or cannot be exchanged in freewill nor it is priceless or free. Rulers have a risk of safety of life, and therefore their travel arrangements become restrictive and highly priced. Expensive cars and houses are more of a status symbol than the utility. High prices act as defense, of which value is nonnegotiable. Status is defense of ego, and people can pay any price. Cost of medical emergency or corruption in government is typical example of defense or political costs. Businesses of drugs, weapon, and police service must be â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;legalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and regulated by price, expertise and public scrutiny. These products of potential harm, for this reason, cannot be left to voluntary valuation (in exchange or replacement) of market.
3. All relations and agreements have cost or intuitively judge valuation of its discomfort. Laws of value (discomfort, exchange judgment) are of three types. 1.
Character (Sato Gun): This principle says people with same goal will have same character, and will automatically join one another irrespective of their individual identity and utility. Magnetism is a natural law. For example, iron attracts only iron whether it is ship or cutlery or nail. People with similar character join regardless of utility, cost, ability in their different works and positions. In Ramayana, Sri Ram fought a war with an army made of monkey, bear, vulture and human. They all had different abilities and yet non-differentiable.
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Utility (Rajo Gun): This principle says that people value not the character but utility. Priority of choice depends on utility or how difficult or effortful it was to make. Idea of utility is, to save effort or cost or pain. This discretion applies in determining value of utility. Upon this reason, ship would be more valuable than cutlery and cutlery is more valued than nail. Ownership (Tamo Gun): This principle says that value is neither in character nor in utility but in the ownership. If cutlery belongs to one, he/she would not care if ship (which is not its property) sinks. People in industrialized world care least for natural resources like water in rivers and ponds, and protect at all costs bottled water which is their private property. Wars and politics occur for time immemorial not for the utility or natural character but on issues of ownership. People with rights of ownership, are safely made greedy. And this transitory peace and conflicts with value in exchanges stay as a never ending chaos in business and politics.
Values of the types as said can be complimentary or act in conflict. For example, ownership or market based greed is well managed and protection is with personal interest but it can also destroy natural resources that are priceless and are available freely to all. Natural resources on the other hand do not respect laws of market because of its ability to satisfy hunger effortlessly. Strangely, all three distinctive value types when are combined, become neutral. Like three phases of electricity which make it neutral. All things are our own (Tamo Guna), all things are useful and have their
unique utility (Rajo Guna) and all things are one, within itself.
4. Theory of economics Demand and supply are mirror images or reflection, feedback, echo of one another. When supply becomes zero, demand is zero too, and vice versa. Alternatively, higher is the demand higher would be need of supply to fill it up.
Rivers flow from mountain to ocean by forces or law of nature to bridge inequality. Similarly, electric circuits have voltage different, current, resistance of conductor for letting flow different products and capacitance or interim storages. Same models in market (buy sell) reflect in Demand-Supply, Waste, Conflict, Agreement, Cost (pain or minimum discomfort) and naturalized ‘free of cost’ Relationship. ABDF = Demand AECG = Supply
BC = Conflict [Demand is higher than Supply] DE = Waste [Supply is higher than Demand] FG = Agreement [Demand = Supply, and zero Waste and zero Conflict] I = distance [F-G] indicates cost or minimum discomfort of agreement J = distance F-G indicates Relationship agreement with reduced Cost When distance between G and H becomes, zero, [A] i.e., Demand =Supply = Agreement = zero When demand is more than supply, it is Conflict. When Demand is less than supply, it is Waste. When demand and supply both become equal, this is a state of Agreement with zero Conflict and zero Waste. The minimum discomfort (MD) of an agreement makes receiver and giver to stay together. This cost or minimum discomfort is agreed mutually, and both can stay longer in business by not letting it increase (if cannot reduce it). With improved relationship between the two, the exchange agreement becomes informal and simple, and resistance or minimum discomfort reduces and, it finally tends to zero. This means, with increasing naturalization of agreement, need of control gradually reduces. Food made at home is ‘just in time’. It has neither Conflict nor Waste, nor an Agreement. However, in hotel, same food is produced expecting a certain number of unknown clients. With money coming as third party tool of control in buy-sell, demand-supply mismatches are bound to occur. Money is an additional cost to business. Conflict ends by agreement with a certain minimum discomfort (or resistance or price) and money is valuation mechanism. Here,
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money acts as a legal defense of agreement, and cost of this ‘third party’ defense gets added to costs of mutual ‘two parties’ exchange or business agreements. Money is a measurement device. Ten rupee note is a promise to return value of product or services in exchange at which buyer and seller agreed to, as ten units. The standard of money is not as scientific as any technical measurement and this ‘error’ is cause of unstable markets. Agreements of buy-sell which are valued in money have inherent risk of failure because money is itself uncertain. Governments operate this system of money for sanctity of agreements in market as much as practicable. Need of money or measurement is to service mathematical urge for the goal to achieve by mutual or collective effort. It is the height of the goal which makes people united. Measurement or money acts just as a means or indicator to it. 1. People work together only because they have a common goal. If there are different goals and often conflicting, this is unsustainable or make and break situation. 2. Money is a means to the goal. If money becomes the goal, there will be no goal except it, and people cannot remain united. 3. When Goal goes up, money supports it. And this way, economic development takes place. 4. When goal which unites people starts falling and economic environment downslides, value of money goes down. Design of market is not exactly natural. Market is a process with ability to correct and control itself. Any electric circuit is application of natural system of demandsupply in artificial model of the market or
buy-sell. Demand-supply scenario in a market is very similar to flow of electricity across a conductor. Voltage difference across the cable is Demand ‘V’ and Current is the Supply ‘I’. Resistance or discomfort to flow is called Price ‘R’ which depends on the material of cable (Business Relationship) and viscosity (Effortless, Goodness, Quality) of material flowing (Product). Capacitance is artificial storage which stores materials in network.
V = I R or R = V/R Rational pricing [competitive market] R>1 Conflict i.e., Demand > Supply R<1 Waste i.e., Demand < Supply Pricing arrived at by heightened conflict (biding or auction) R = constant, hurdle race Unchanging minimum pricing [perfect market] R = 1, V=I Fixed Price Home, priceless, free of cost [relationship] R =0, neither demand nor supply matters, just in time. Idea of management aims at reducing Conflict and Waste, by acts of agreement on minimum discomfort (cost, effort, pain), and to further aim at improving the Relationship by reduced cost, fear, effort, discomfort or any other pain, and role of money in it.
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System, Character and Self
System, Science or natural law merely states the involuntary cause and effect relationship. System or any law is extreme powerful because of the inertia i.e., does deviate from its rules, but it cannot decide on its own. A book of law is inert unless used by a judge in its decision. Decision making is the ability of human and laws of nature, however powerful, act upon it.
A s s u r a n c e
If one knows the law, laws do the rest and, no efforts are then necessary. And if one does not know the law, efforts are required to offset resistance of law or using one law against another, and results remain uncertain. Gravity is a natural law, and running water by gravity can do many mechanical works. Machines, as example, make work effortless by use of natural system (sciences). Decision, by those who know laws and those who do not, differs. Knowledge of law or system helps in taking decision to make a work effortless. Human character is result of the knowledge (degree of certainty) of natural law in ‘stability of decision’. People uncertain in character means, their decisions are unstable, with high efforts of defense and personal biases. Weakness in character or bad decision is synonym of loss of faith that requires increased effort in control or defense. Character is a degree of stability of decision. Divine (‘sur’, musical) character is highly assured and effortless. On the other hand, evil (‘asur’, uncertain) is never free from worries and this absence of assurance is substituted by control. Both of these have their merit and demerit. Teachers, engineers, doctors are required to be trust worthy (divine), whereas defense and security personnel act best when remaining unpredictable (evil). Choice of a given character is matter of decision making of an individual in maintaining trust: control ratio for its work preferences.
dy/dx = Incremental increase in assurance by incremental decrease in control
Prison Y
(100,0) Control [X]
In strategic (hostile, enemy oriented) approach, assurance and control are directly proportional. But, self-system approach finds assurance and control as inversely proportional. Prison, for example, uses best of controls by laws and technology but offers no assurance and prisoners escape at minor lapses. Defect free ‘best managed’ prison maintained by huge amount of effort in control fails finally. Controls are not a means of assurance. How much to control and how much not to control is, decision making, and about state of character. Control and assurance ratio depends on how knowledge made human characters to transform (evil to divine). Stability of decision by knowledge of cause and effect or natural law, therefore reduce effort (cost, pain, fear, uncertainty).
Prison is highly controlled i.e., 100 at control axis ‘X’ and yet assurance is 0 ‘Y’. Prisoners flee even if it by chance is unattended for few minutes. On the other hand, home has no control and yet people stay assured.
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The manner of incremental increase in assurance by incremental decrease in control is development. Laws that apply to machines i.e., higher control for higher assurance, act just the opposite with humans. If humans are treated like machines, controls and complexity of controls would have to increase infinitely in order to expect people to obey its orders. Best efforts and control of processes of technical precision are not guarantee of sustained development. Assurance is obtained effortlessly when it is a result of naturalized process by character i.e., knowledge of system. Industrial and market societies can be highly comfortable and yet feel heat of unsustainability …naturally, psychologically and socially. It is strange paradigm to have scenarios of low managed-low developed, highly managed-highly undeveloped, highly developed-highly unmanaged, and highly managed-highly developed. Purpose of work is to transform character of mankind by footwork in steadily climbing up, by step by step movement of management and development First, manage ‘disorder to order’ and then go to the next step ‘order to liberation’. [1] Management = journey from disorder to order. It is Action of Reaction. This is organizational approach with high risk-high reward. System realization plays a key role and people need to accept discipline and control to keep goals and its processes stable, and effort or cost reduces. [2] Development = journey from order to liberation. It is Action of Non-Reaction. This is self-realization, risk free and independent of any organization and need of high goal in a compulsion to organize.
“Do not consider work just as a means of livelihood and success against one another. This is not business. You can never leave it, incomplete. You will be recalled all over again till the work you initiated is perfect. This is Quality. Quality is finally, liberation from work or order of the natural laws. That one, free or unaffected from bondage of natural law is Bhagwan. Work place is a university, for all of us, to learn, practice and develop our character. Character is a state of mind with which decision stability comes by knowledge of the system (cause and effect,) and errors of perception end. This ends conflict and waste, and makes mind peaceful. Peace of mind thus, reveals the purpose of life and way to achieve it. Work has two parts. By which it is multiplied and what is multiplied. Former (with which to multiply) is the operation of business which depends on demand or the market situation and is responded instantly. Later (what is multiplied) is process with aim of the product, or improvement in product or set new goal. While driving a car, we watch in rear view mirror (mind) for our concern that no other cars hit us from the back. This way, we look future in our past, and can logically explain (in the rear mirror, mind) anything of past or repeatable event but it cannot make any truthful prediction. Here, reality (historical mind, rear view mirror) which is a tool to scientifically explain and remove past errors is a safety belt called the management while the development is the frontal view or the forward vision which takes us forward. “ Krishna G Misra
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Work Quality
Operati on
Unforgetta ble experience
Love and discipline
Selfrealization Knowledge (degree of certainty in prediction)
Self realized Relaxation
Selfconfidence (system realization)
Management (control at least cost or no cost, effort or pain)
Transforma tion with an intent Product or personality realization
Goal (Risk and Reward)
Efficiency in repetitive or bulk action Business volume
Controlled references
Cause-effect relationship (establishing natural order)
Control (with effort, cost, pain)
Success of agreement Assured (freedom from worries or uncertainty ) Success / Satisfaction Validated (by reaching goal) Comfort
Mind Information Imagination Experience Memory Logic Dream Intuition
Acceptable disorder Compliance
Decision enabler Preferred mental picture Sensory realization Recall reference Scientific understanding Out of body experience in resolving errors in logic Truth, peace of mind
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Joy of work Sacrifice
Uncertainty (cannot be trusted) Individual liberty Acceptable Control Conflict with settlement at high goal/risk Natural creativity Nonpersonal goals Peace of mind / truth
Democracy Rule of law Market
Development ,total quality, Love