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DAL INTERNATIONAL NEWS Wednesday 18th Decemberr, 2019

Facts are the lifeblood of

Journalism Volume 105

UK ISSN: 2633-2728



DEATH IS INEVITABLE Written by Dauda Awwal It is always painful with wonders when death snatched you 15 years ago. Late Alhaji Alao Muhammadl-Awwal Ibn Raheem Ibn Sulayman Alfa Hajji is a man of integrity, resourceful to humanity. Some people live to die while some die to live.

In memories that are native to generational transcending. Alhaji Alao's family therefore consoled with the fact that only Almighty Allah gives and takes life when he pleases. 15 years ago, if it was possible to bail out his soul from the angel of death we could but, the Holy Quran says: ''Kullu Man(i) Alayhaa

Faani''- 'Every living things and non-living things shall end on earth' -'Dukan Wanda Ke Kanta Mai Karewa Ne'Quran 55 Verse 26. Alao died peacefully at general hospital Ilorin aged 78 and survived by wonderful children, grandchildren and good wives. He loved poor and was able to master the loyalty of his people for years. We should remember death; we shall leave all those worldly pleasure, desires, and ambition. I urge all his children to emulate his philanthropic philosophy. May Almighty Allah accept the special fidau prayers organized by all his children and his 55 grand children for him today. May Almighty Allah grant him more eternal peace and grant him Jannatul Firdaous. Salaamu Salaamu fun Alao Baba re // Salaamun Salaamu fun Alao Baba wa 7x

ALAO OMO SALAMATU SUN RE O Signed The family of Alhaji Alao Muhammadl-Awwal

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