DAL INTERNATIONAL NEWS Saturday 12August,2017
Facts are the lifeblood of Journalism
NEW HOPE FOR LEWISHAM Support BRENDA DACRES to be a new Mayor for Lewisham -Dawn Butler Story by Dauda Awwal Brenda Dacres is a councillor representing New Cross Ward & London Borough of Lewisham in United Kingdom.
Brenda Dacres
Her campaign ground to be a new Mayor for Lewisham took place at Deptford Lounge, Giffin Street Deptford on Saturday 12 August,2017. The theme of the event was 'Support Brenda to be a new Mayor of Lewisham'.' Among strong politician attended the event include Dawn Butler (MP) Labour Member of Parliament for Brent Central, Councillor Joe Dromey.
L-R:Awwal,Dawn Butler (MP),Cllr.Brenda,Carolyn Kalu
Brenda Dacres is ready to be in office as mayor of Lewisham. Brenda is tested and trusted and she needs total support of every UK citizen living in Borough of Lewisham to continue her unique jobs she has done for the Borough, Dawn Butler (MP) Labour Member of Parliament for Brent Central, said: ''Support Brenda Dacres to be a new Mayor of Lewisham. We appreciate her in Borough of Lewisham, she is tested and trusted, God will continue to give her more wisdom to remain victorious always. She had performed well and
transformed her Council as a Councillor. We are supporting her ambition to be mayor of Lewisham, she a good labour politician who has touched lives positively''. Brenda disclosed in her ten minutes speech ''I 'm standing to be Mayor because I believe that together we can build a better future. My parents came to England from Jamaica in the 1960s in search of a better life. They have worked hard and contributed to our community. My Dad is a retired taxi driver and my Mum was an Auxiliary Nurse. Lewisham has been my home for thirty four years. As a single mum I raised my son here in UK with a grant from Lewisham Council. I was the first in my family to go to University. I've served our community as a parent Governor, Councillor, and Chair of the Labour Group. I want to give back to the community I love and that has given me so much. I have the experience, values and vision to be a radical labour Mayor for Lewisham. As mayor I would focus on 5 priorities 1-Tackle housing crisis by building council homes, standing up against greedy developers and rogue landlords, and standing up for private renters. 2- Help every child reach their potential by improving our schools and making our streets safe. I want no child to be left behind. 3-Improve Lewisham 's environment by tackling air pollution, protecting green spaces and cleaning up our streets. 4-fight poverty by promoting the living wage and decent jobs
5-promoting a new radical, inclusive politics, with members, unions, and community at the heart of decision making. Now is the time for change in Lewisham. by being here today, you are part of that journey. You are part of that change. We are stronger when we work together. it would be a privilege our community, she concluded . Brenda Dacres aware that the average UK citizen living in Lewisham are creative, intelligent, resourceful, business savvy and most of all, enterprising by nature. It is evident in the high number of micro, small and medium enterprises we see across the country. These enterprises are the creator of jobs, the source through which millions of families are fed in the country and ultimately the backbone of our economy. Among politicians graced the event include Councillor Joe Dromey. According to him, ''Brender is a very good politician, fostering high growth entrepreneurship and innovative activity are critical in achieving high productivity and job creation in any country, she has experiences in the politics, she a good role model for the labour party in the UK . I support her ambition to be a new Mayor for Lewisham, we are supporting her''.
William & Sarah (Supporters)
Cllr.Joe Dromey, Cllr.Brenda Dacres In 2014, Brenda involved in the committee appointments, council, new cross assembly, overview scrutiny committee, planning committee, public Accounts select committee, safer stronger committees select committee . She is an expert and specialist on planning for the development in UK politics. It is clear that Brenda carries all people living in
Lewisham along with her transformation agenda in our great nation, this program will add more values to UK economy. Her agenda will create more jobs for youths immediately she becomes Mayor in Lewisham. Support Brenda Dacres to become Mayor of Lewisham.
Who is Brenda Dacres ? She's a single parent who has lived in Lewisham for 34 years. Her parents came to England from Jamaica in the early 1960s, They are both retired. My Dad was a Black Taxi driver and my Mum was an Auxiliary Nurse in the NHS. She is the eldest of their four children and also the first in the family to go to university after receiving a grant from Lewisham Council. She is an active woman within the community, and have previously been a local primary school governor, and PTA Secretary for a Lewisham secondary school. She has rich experience in I.T since 1991 as Desktop Support Officers, Service Manager, Project Manager and Data Analyst. She has managed teams and projects in Europe, Middle East & Africa. She hold a degree in Physical Sciences with Computing, and also a Law degree. She was called to the Bar in the UK after successfully completing the Barrister Course in 2006. In 2013, she was selected to be one of the Councillor Candidates for New Cross Ward. and became the Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) CLP Office, which enabled her to work with BAME members on what they felt was important, know how the local Labour party worked and associated abbreviations and acronyms, keeping them informed of what was happening locally and nationally. In 2014 She was elected as Councillor for New Cross Ward. and became a London Borough of Lewisham Councillor. Where she worked hard to helped her Ward and Lewisham. Since becoming a member of Lewisham Council, she was elected by her fellow Councillors to be their Chair of Labour Group of
Councillors, and the Chair of Standards for two years. They have also elected her to be the Chief Whip of Labour Group of Councillor and their Labour Group Secretary. Since joining the Council and she have sat on the Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel, Overview and Scrutiny Educational Business Panel, Children Young & Young People, Safer & Stronger Communities, Public Accounts, Appointments, Constitutional Working Party, Planning Committee, Standards Committee. She was involved on the New Cross Gate Trust Board of Trustee, and the Albany Trustee Board. She is a member of UNITE The Union and The Co-operative Party. Among her supporters include Caroline Kalu, chair committee Lewisham for labour Party, Darnell Dacres, Tillie Muir, Carolyn Hughes, David Nath, Cllr. Sophie McGee or, William Wardley Victoria Olira, Roslyn Williams, Sarah Heselden, Susan Ryder who is the Managing Director of CIC UK.