DAL INTERNATIONAL NEWS Thursday 13 February, 2020
Facts are the lifeblood of Journalism
Volume 113
UK ISSN: 2633-2728
My commitments toward the Nigerian Community in the UK-Awwal Dr Dauda Awwal, FIMC, CMC is one of the Nigerians most respected Author in the UK and leader of the Total Support Group for Nigerians in Diaspora.
Dr.Daud Awwal,FIMC,CMC
Awwal is popular among the Nigerian Muslim Community and respected journalist and motivational speaker in the UK. He is a community leader, historian, researcher, producer, translator and politician. An academic, journalist, talks about his experience and commitments towards the Nigerian community in the UK to mark his Exclusive birthday celebration. He talks about his career, community services, his family, his education, his publications and productions. In this exclusive interview, he spoke to John Peter: DalNews: Who is Dr.Daud Awwal? Awwal: Awwal is a community leader, political mobilizer and an Achiever, Philanthropist. Awwal is a film producer, poet, historian, philosophy, politician, commentator, communicator, researcher, preacher, writer, translator, politician, film producer, director, and author. Born 13 February, 1977 in Ilorin at Alfa Hajji Iseyin's compound, Balogun Ajikobi, Omoda Ilorin West Local Government, Kwara State of Nigeria. My family resides in the United Kingdom. I believe that I am a prayer warrior and very intelligent and focus, dynamic and multi-talented. I accommodate people with different beliefs and purpose to accomplish both human and ethnic language. I am an active person and work harder to achieve a high profile and track record and antecedents as a grassroots mobilizer and accomplished British Media Practitioner and Politician. DalNews: Tell our readers briefly about your education background Awwal: Markaz School Agege Lagos, Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, London School of Journalism, CRTS International College, Tottenham, London I obtained the First Certificate in English, F.C.E and University of Bolton, United Kingdom. Awwal attended Many GFTU Courses in England such as New Representative Training, 2016, Representative Officer, 2014 | Managing Successful Project, 2013, Desktop Publishing Level 2, 3 Credits Value, 2006 Basic Representative Course 3 Credits, 2006.Leadership Skills 3 Credit at 2
Level 2, 2005. GRTU Dealing with stress and Conflicts in the workplace 2013, GFTU Understanding of Company Accounts, GFTU Dealing with bullying Harassment and stress. GFTU Court Representatives. GFTU Project Management, GFTU Effective Representative, Representative member Stage 2,GFTU International Trade Union Rights, GFTU Understanding of Economic Class. DalNews: Your skills and experience in your profession? I have experience and skills in research, investigation, writing, editing, reporting, film and documentary production, biography writing, strategic marketing, customer services, online journalism, content creating and dissemination of the news, keeping readers up-to-date with current news, digital marketing and communication, specialised in human interest stories. I render excellent services and maintained a global standard in all my productions and publications. I have worked for Queen of England at Wood Green Crown Court as Jury 2005. Awwal is recognised by the Chief Police officers of England, Air Force, and Navy as a bona fide newsgatherer in the United Kingdom. DalNews: Your profile states that you have worked at National Assembly, Abuja for years, brief us more about your experience with Nigerian National Assembly Awwal: I worked at National Assembly as a Senior Correspondence for Dal International News 2005-2013. I covered government news and solve the problem of the masses through editorial reporting. My role was to write the news, editing and reporting. I did that for eight years. National Assembly issued me and my other colleagues an ID Card to use for the access of entrance. The sales of the magazine called Dal International News magazine increased by 95% during that time. I managed over 55 government official document, wrote and produced short-form content with images. I worked for the company as a political correspondent until I returned to the United Kingdom permanently. I first arrived in the United Kingdom between 1998 and 1999.
Awwal is recognized by the Chief British Police, Air force, Military as a newsgatherer in the United Kingdom. DalNews: What role did play when you worked with Phoenix Newspaper? TPN Media, Birmingham, UK appointed me to work with them as a senior world affairs correspondent. I covered many important events for them, wrote the report for the monthly Newspaper, searched for adverts, promoted the company and introduced the owner of the company to philanthropists for the progress of the company free of charge. DalNews: Tell us about the exceptional and excellent unique role you have played to the UK community interest's paid or unpaid services, worthy of recognition. Awwal: I am glad you asked this question. I love community service, I have demonstrated unique ideas to create many humanitarian projects which will be beneficial to the Nigerian community in the UK because I am from Nigeria. Many other countries in the UK are doing this to serve their people. I volunteered in community service in two Nigerian associations between 2001 and 2007. I volunteered myself to teach Nigerians youths and adult Arabic language and other basic teachings of Islam free of charge every Sunday in the mosque, and also prepared an educative lecture and delivered it at the mosque, also helped to distribute food to the congregation during the Ramadan and trained Nigerian youths about creativities, film making and motivated member of the mosque to work as a team efficiency to achieve optimum performance of the organization. I also advised the parents to be vigilant about the activities of their children against violence and knife crime. I have delivered many series of educative topics on that which yielded good fruit for the Nigerian Muslim community in the UK. I have been hired as a speaker in more than 20 Nigerian Muslim communities in the UK. Assalatu Rahman Mosque hired me 2018 to re-write, editing and produce a standard useful prayer book for their organization which more than 4,000 of the member has benefited from the book. I have delivered a series of lectures to the members during the month of Ramadan.Sheikh Muhyiddeen Najmuddeen Al-Kubraa who is the chief Imam of the Association 4
recognized my knowledge and talents and appreciate my services to the association. I believe I am an asset to the Nigerian Community in the UK. Nigeria Islamic Centre, Camberwell also invited me for the presentation of the translation of the Holy Quran. I started the project 2004 and completed it in 2019. Jam'iyyatul-Islamiyyah UK invited a group of the committee for the production of the project for the presentation on the 24th June 2018 at Islamic cultural centre Camberwell Road, London. Nigerian Muslims and Christians Community living in the UK will benefit from the project. DalNews: What prompted you into the project? Awwal: I reviewed all the existing copies of the Yoruba Quran for many years and discovered that Yorubas require free-error Yoruba translation with up-to-date translation. Translation of the Qur'an to any language is very helpful to any Muslim community and Non-Muslim community to understand the interpretations of the scripture of Islam from the Arabic Language which was the originally revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Alhamdu lillaahi. The Holy Quran has been translated to most major African, Asian and European languages in the world today. Quran says Wamaa Arsalnaa min Rasuulin illaa bilisaani Qaomihi,libayyina lahum .''And we sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people so that he might make (the message) clear for them''. During my 16 years of this scholarly project, I discovered that Transliteration and Translation of the Holy Qur'an have always been a difficult task Islamic theology. Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Arabic because he was an Arab and speaks the Arabic Language. Translation of the Holy Quran began during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U H). Translation of the Holy Quran into other languages is necessary and helpful. The first translation of the Holy Quran was produced by Salman Faris who translated Suratul-Fatihah from the Arabic language to Persian Language, then Zamghashriy, Qurtubiy. Around 7thcentury.Jafar Abu Talib translated some verses from the Holy Quran, then, the complete Quran translation followed between the 10th and 12th centuries in the Persian language. 5
A Group of Islamic Scholars from Khorasan translated the Holy Quran known as Tafseer ibn Jareer At-Tabariy 11 century, then tafseer Thalabiy then, tafseer al-baghwiy then, al-wahidiy,then, tafseer zamghashri, then tafseer al-qurtubiy then, ibn katheer then, jalalayni and others followed till today. Islam spread to Ile-Ife-Yorubaland through Mali around1450, the first mosque was built in Oyo-Ile 1550, In Iwo 1655, Iseyin in 1760.Islam spread to Ilesha in 1890,Ondo in 1886,Ikare 1917,Ado Ekiti in 1840,Shaki in 1790,Ibadan in 1811,Badagry in 1819,,Oshogbo in 1889,Ilorin 1700,Ikirun 1886,Ogbomosho 1770,Lagos 1775,Lagos central mosque was built 1864. Yorubaland can be classified into three zones; northwest is Oyo, Iseyin, Ogun, Ibadan, Lagos, Yorubaland central are Akure, Ilesha, Ekiti, Yagba, Ilorin Igbomina and Offa. Southeast Yoruba are Ondo, Owo, Ilaje, Idanre, Ikare, Shagamu, Okitipupa and some part of Ijebu. Southwest Yoruba is the Republic of Benin. There are lexical affinities between Arabic and Yoruba Languages. There are shreds of evidence of the interplay between Arabic and Yoruba Languages despite the distance in space between the two cultures. There is a multitude of Arabic loan words and expressions found in the Yoruba language which prove the relationship between the two languages long years ago. According to historian-Rev Samuel Johnson, he said in his book the history of Yoruba published in 1921:'' Yoruba race emanated from among the Arabs''.Yorubas are said to have sprung from Lamrudu the king of Mecca in the olden day, it was prophet Muhammad who expelled him out of Mecca, but I don't believe this, I believed Yoruba originated from Yarba ibn Qahtan, not Lamurudu as he said because Lamurudu (Namruudhu) reigned during the Prophet Ibrahim not the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad as he said. Historians' links term Yarba to Yoruba. Some say Yio ru ebo (he will make a ritual sacrifice) later turned to the term Yoruba. Some other African languages that acquired loans from Arabic words include Somali, Wolof, Hausa, Fulfude, Kanuri, Swahili and Madinka.
British colonial masters who ruled over Nigeria introduced Christianity through their missionary activities but Islam had already established itself in the Northern part of Nigeria. Evidence to this, Yoruba says in local words 'Aiye laba'fa,Aiye laba'mole,osan gangan nigbagbo wole de-we met ifa (the Yoruba traditional religion)in the world, we met Islam in the world, but Christianity came later in the day. Christianity came to Nigeria in the 15th century but the first Church in Nigeria was built in 1842 in Badagry by Henry Townsend who published the first Newspaper in Abeokuta. The Arabic language has had a considerable influence on the Yoruba language. The contact of the Yoruba land through Islam has affected the social, cultural and commercial life of the Yoruba today in Nigeria. ARABIC WORDS IN YORUBA BIBLE Samples of the Arabic loan words used in various editions of the Yoruba bible are Al-aafiyah,Adduaau and al Wa'asu. Jesu pade won o wipe Alafia -Jesus met them and said al aafiyah 1-Alafia is a loan word from the Arabic word. Al-aafiyah means good healthwell-being. It is used in Matthew 28:9 Samuel 3:21 and Iwe Owe 17:1Proverb. 2-Gbo Adura mi Oluwa- Hear my prayer O lord. The Yoruba word-Adua is borrowed from the Arabic word. Adduau meaning prayer-supplication-this is used in Orin Dafiidi 102:1 65:2 and 142:8 3-O si wi fun won pe: E jeki a lo si ilu miran ki emi o le wasu nibe pelu. And he said to them, let us go onto the next towns and that I may preach there, also the Yoruba iwasu is borrowed from an Arabic word meaning sermonpreaching. The word is used in Mark 1:38 and 1:7 and also in Matthew 10:7 Samples of loan words Arabic
blessing 7
The standard word for the days before Islam was Aiku-Sunday,Ojo AjeMonday, Isegun-Tuesday, Ojoru-Wednesday, Ojobo-Thursday, Ojo eti-Friday, Abameta-Saturday. Labare in Hausa was an Arabic word from Khabar.Khitaamuhu MiskunMiskun is an Arabic word-it's Persian loan word in the Holy Quran. The first translation attempted by a European was a Latin version, later translated by an Englishman Robert of Retina, a German Hermann of Dalmatra based on request of Peter Abbot of the Clogny in 1143 A.D, It was hidden for nearly four hundred years till it was published in Baste in 1543 by Theodore Bibliander and later rendered into Italian, German and Dutch. The next translation in German was by Schweizer at Nuremberg in 1616, it was followed up in 1698 by a work of Marracci de Alacran consisting of the Quran in Arabic with Latin version. The French translation was done by De Ryer in Paris 1647. Russian version appeared at St. Petersburg in 1778. The first English translation was written by Alexander Ross. But most of the old translations by Non-Muslims contain much error as it has happened to the first Yoruba Quran published in 1906 in Nigeria.
The first Muslim to undertake the correct English Quran translation was Dr Muhammad Abdul Hakeem Khan 1905. Another one was written by Marza Hairat 1919 in India after the version of Muhammad Ali 1917. Abdullahi Yusuf Ali produced another English version in 1934 reprinted in 1946 with a pattern of Muhammad Ali. The Holy Quran with text, translation and commentaries was produced by Ahmadiyyah mission in Islam in Rabwa 1960. Today Quran has been translated into many languages including 15 International languages. English, Yoruba, Hausa, French, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Greek, German, Hindu, Swahili, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic. Dr Sayed Abdul Latif's translation published in 1967, regarded highly by some Scholars. A Jewish who converted to Islam-Muhammad Asad also translated Holy Quran from Arabic to English titled 'The Message of The Qur' an' in 1980. The arrival of English-speaking Muslim population wellsettled in Western Europe and North America. As a result, several major Muslim translations emerged to meet the ensuing demand. In 1991 an English translation under the title: The Clarion Call of 'the Eternal Quran', by Muhammad Khalilur Rahman who is from Bangladesh appeared in Europe. In 1996 the Saudi government financed a new translation "the Hilali-Khan Qur'an" which was distributed free worldwide by the Saudi government. In 2007 The Sublime Qur'an appeared by Laleh Bakhtiar; it is the first translation of the Qur'an by an American woman. In 2015 Dr Mustafa Khattab of Al-Azhar University completed The Clear Quran: A Thematic English Translation, after three years of collaboration with a team of scholars, editors, and proof-readers.it is believed to be the first English translation done in Canada.[ I Daud Awwal completed my translation of the Holy Quran into the Yoruba Language, the projected started 2004 and completed 2019 as I told you; it is first of its kind to be produced in the UK, full of Arabic text, full transliteration, full of Yoruba translation and commentaries.First Quran translation with two languages-English and Yoruba. 9
Yoruba Speaking Muslim Community in the UK and abroad deserves a comprehensive Yoruba Quran. None of the existing copies has full transliteration and full of commentaries. This project will create peace and harmony between the Nigerian Muslim's community and Christian's community in the UK and Nigeria because I refer many relevant references from the Bible to much Quranic verse in this new version. More than 50 million Yoruba speakers are in Nigeria and about 600 million Yorubas are living in different countries across the globe. They are genuinely worried and looking forward to the fresh free-error of the Yoruba Quran translation many years ago as I said to you, John. They need a comprehensive Holy Quran in their mother tongue and not Holy Quran riddled with wrong interpretations and grammatical errors. Kudos to the blessed memory of the late Bishop Ajayi Crowther, the first Nigerian who translated English Bible into the Yoruba language. Bishop Crowther was a great scholar. He first translated the English dictionary into the Yoruba language in 1842 and the second edition or what you call a reprint came out in 1852. Ajayi Crowther (1809-1891) and his colleagues formed 26 Yoruba alphabet in 1830 - A B D E E F G GB H I J K L M N O O P R S SH T U W Y-These Yoruba alphabets were derived from Latin Alphabet to make Yoruba language easier to write. The only Latin letters were not used are c,q,v,x and z. He translated the Bible into Yoruba language 1843-1880, Samuel Johnson also contributed to the work. In the 17th century, Yoruba was written in Ajami script-a form of Arabic, Arabic is written from right to the left, it is called hurul-hijaahiyyah,it is made of 30 letters. Arabic is the second largest language spoken in the word. The quality of the Yoruba alphabet aided me to do this great work, without these alphabets, I can't do this great work in the Yoruba language.
Sometimes in the Yoruba language, we have one word with much different meaning, for instance, OGUN-this one word with different consonant gives twelve meaning 1- Ogun means Medicine-2-Ogun-He clamp,3-Ogun-he pound it 4-Ogun-war,5-Ogun-A state in Nigeria,6-Ogun-charms.7-Ogun10
sweat, 8-Ogun-its long,9-Ogun-heritance,10-Ogun-20,11-Ogun-iron idol.12Ogun-he stabbed. Yoruba is a tonal long with three-level tones, high, low and middle. Yoruba has seven oral and five nasal vowels. Yoruba also have a different way of counting numbers. 100-ogorun,200-igba,300-orundin ni rinho,400-irinho,500-orundinlegbeta,600-egbeta,700-orundinlegbeta,800egberin,900-orundinlegberun,1000-egberun. Sheikh Abubakar Gumi (1922-1992) was the first Islamic scholar in Nigeria who translated the Holy Quran from the Arabic language into the Hausa language in 1979. Some notable Yoruba Islamic scholars like late Sheikh Adam Abdulahi Al-Ilory, Sheikh Kamaldeen Al-Adabiy and others also have translated the Holy Quran from the Arabic language into the Yoruba language from 1962-1973 and 25,000 copies were printed Lebanon funded by ate King Khalid of Saudi Arabia. I am not so sure if the respected Sheikh Adam Al-Ilory has fully participated in the translation of the Arabic Quran into the Yoruba language published 1773. Although he wrote the preface of the version, yet For example, Suratul Baqarah-Chapter 2 has 286 verses but I spotted 216 errors in the translation from Arabic to the Yoruba language in this single chapter. QURAN 1 carries three mistakes QURAN 2 the following verses misinterpreted wrongly 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,3 2,33,34,35,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,45,46,48,49,50,51,53,55,57,58,59,60,61,62 ,63,64,65,67,69,72,73,74,76,78,80,81,82,83,84,85,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94, 95,96,99,101,102,103,105,107,108,110,111,113,114,115,116,117,118,119, 120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137, 138,139,141,144,145,146,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,157,158,159,160, 162,164,165,166,167,168,170,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,183,184, 185,166,187,188,189,191,194,199,200,202,203,204,205,206,209,210,213, 215,217,219,220,221,222,224,225,228,229,230,231,232,235,238,242,243, 245,246,247,248,250,252,253,254,255,257,258,261,264,265,266,267,270, 271,273,274,275,276,279,280,281,282,283,284,289, and 286.
Sheikh Adam said in his preface of that Yoruba version of 1973 ''whoever spots any mistake in this edition-(Yoruba Quran of 1973) he should correct it''. Quran 3, contains 200 verses,138 mistakes were spotted: Quran 4, consists of 176 verses, there were 127 mistakes, and Many mistakes were also identified in virtually all the chapters of the Qur'an. I commend Sheikh Adam (Secretary), Sheikh Kamaluddeen-(chairman of the committee for the 1973 edition),Alhaji Burhaanuddeen Sanusi Alaka (Ibadan),Alhaji Abdur-Rahman Solahuddeen Al-Adabiyy(ilorin),Alhaji Muhammad Raji Sulayman,Alhaji Musa Aliyyu Yahya Ajetumobi and other member of the committee for their great efforts-Alhaji MuhammadulAwwal Augustuo (Lagos),Alhaji Tijani Akanni (lagos),Alhaji Hasan Yuushau Dindey (Abeokuta). Alhaji Abdul-Lateef Ahmad Ede,Alhaji Khidru Mustapha (Ilorin),Alhaji Yeesa Bello,(Ibadan),Alhaji Abdulwahhabi Sanusi (Ilorin) Most of them have passed away. May Almighty Allah reward them abundantly for their great efforts which opened ways for us to continue this legacy . I applied years of experience in Arabic in this project and I spotted many errors in the translation of the Holy Quran from the Arabic language to Yoruba written by Samuel Cole 1907 Revd S.M Cole who made first attempt to translate Holy Quran into the Yoruba language, he was not a Muslim. He did not know about Islam or Arabic language but I commend him for the great work. He only wrote the book in the Yoruba language without any Arabic text and not the expected Arabic transliteration parts along with the English translation. He just translated directly from English Quran. It was not an easy task to get a copy of Reverend Cole's Quran. I refused to give up. I went to University of London library and I was later directed by School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and when I eventually set my eyes on the only copy in the library after more than four hours of searching through all the shelves and I was so happy beyond words. Cole relied on English translation to do his work because he lacks Arabic and Islamic studies, he was a Christian, and his 410 pages are pure Yoruba 12
language, no single Arabic text except the front page. He did not know hadith, fiqh, etc. The amount of knowledge available to do the job is limited. I worked hard to get a copy of his work. Cole put two dots on Nuun instead of one, he put fatiah sign under the hamzah instead on top. Cole made much error from front page to his 410 pages.No single Arabic text which is original texts of the Holy Quran. Page 47 he named Suratun-Nisai as Nisa and translated it as –sura obinrin instead Awon Obinrin, because Nisau in Arabic means women not the woman. He also translated Raheem to Oludawa instead of Alaanu julo or Asake julo (ni orun). In 1965 E.K Akinlade also published the second Yoruba translation of the Quran. 3-Ahmadiyyah also published Yoruba 1976 and Igbo-(1990) Hausa1992, but Gumi produced another Hausa Quran 1979. An India man called Naeem came to Nigeria and produced a Yoruba Quran. I sat down to do a compilation analysis of the copies and spotted many errors, no one is perfect, wamaa uuteetum minal ilmi illa Qaleela-there is a limitation for knowledge for everyone in this world. My work has been reviewed by many notable scholars and professors. Most of my Yoruba translation based on Oyo dialects because I believe Oyo dialect is the genuine and standard Yoruba. Transliteration is added which is the conversion of a text from one script to another. This new version is a continuity of the translation of the Holy Quran with updates new global history, events and technology. I shed more light on the global crisis in the world. New ideas on Islamic banking regarding Riba issues, mortgages, new views on Islamic crisis in the middle-east, Nigeria and Africa generally, issues on terror, ways to curb terrorism, how to harmonize between Muslims and non-Muslims to allow peace to reign in our society. Usage of 99 names of Allah and some other verses for spiritual purposes to solve problems, protections against evils. History of Sheikh Alimi, Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio, Sheikh Alimi, Sheikh Bisiriyyu of Lagos and many other Shuyukhus who created peace and harmony during their life. Relationship between Arab and Yoruba.
We shall organize world press; invite more scholars, journalists and interested members of the general public to cross-examine my work. There are misconceptions in the translations of the Holy Quran to local languages by scholars. Perhaps some intellectuals have embarked on the translation of the Quran into local tongues with hidden agenda for ulterior motives. Attaorah revealed to Jews through Prophet Musa in the Hebrew language, today it has been translated to 70 different languages for better understanding by the people. Injeel-Bible revealed to the Israelites through Prophet Isa-Jesus Christ in Aramaic language, it has been translated in 531 languages and some portions interpreted in 2,883 languages. It is true that Quran divinely guarded, the 114 chapters and the Holy Qur'an had been revealed in classical Arabic for 23 years from 610 AD to 632 AD; and remain un-edited, un-reviewed, and unblemished till eternity; but the translations to various languages are being revised due to human errors. Quran has been translated to over 55 languages. The Quran is not only the scripture of the Muslim but also a treasure trove for their spiritual, social, and political guidance.it is written in the Arabic language. Several efforts have been made by scholars to translate it into a variety of languages. The need for understanding the Quran continues to exert itself on both the Muslims and non-Muslims in society. This book is full of the source of information for Muslims and non-Muslims on the history of the complete Quran. Muslims hold the Quran and it's the word of god and the most perfect of his revelations to mankind. While they believe that other great prophets such as Moses and Jesus had existed before Muhammad, they maintain that Muhammad is the seal of the prophets, the last in a line that extended back to Adam. Quran is divided into 114 chapters, and the shortest chapter is Kaothar, while the longest chapter is Baqarah. DalNews: Thank you Awwal for this wonderful information. What is the aim and objective of the Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK? Awwal: Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora is a registered organization in the UK. The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales has registered the organization at Companies House, Cardiff, on 14th 14
August 2017 and issued a certificate with this registration number. We have representatives in all 36 states in Nigeria including FCT Abuja. We have a representative in the USA and Canada. Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora is a unique de-tribalised social group for the mobilisation of Nigerians in Diaspora for the development and progress of Nigeria. We help vulnerable Nigerians and empower youths in the Nigerian community in the UK. We have helped many widows and street children in Africa. We aim to ensure that our members and supporters are fully equipped with knowledge and information about the going-on in Nigeria, as well as with aspirations, skills and attributes required to play an active and successful role in the development and progress of Nigerian society. In achieving our goal, we offer innovative training and continually evolving strategy that is designed to keep pace with societal change. Total Support Group for Nigeria works hard to ensure the involvement of other organisations for a prosperous and fair Nigeria, ensuring maximum member engagement with the real situation in Nigeria. Our strength is grounded on three essential outcomes fit , 1. Raised aspirations of Nigerians in the UK 2. Leadership/work readiness values and skills 3. Achievement of the best people and support for progress and development in Nigeria. Nigerians in Diaspora need to be not only capable of bringing concrete change to Nigeria but also learning, growing and re-positioning ourselves in a fast-changing world. The Diaspora traditional position of sitting and watching events in Nigeria is simply not good enough. We must be engaged in the future of our dear country Nigeria. This is our chance. Total Support Group for Nigeria do not have all the answers, but we do know that together will galvanise all Nigerians and establish a truly prosperous, fair and equitable society where justice reigns supreme and no one is left out. This is our belief! Total Support Group for Nigeria is proud to offer hope for Nigerians in the face of hopelessness and confusion by working with patriotic and 15
progressive individual Nigerians, groups, government agencies and NGOs to offer an alternative approach to building a Nigeria that everyone will be proud of. I believe I am a true leader serving my community in the UK. DalNews: Challenges and difficulties you have faced in your life and how you overcome it? Awwal: I believe that patience is the key to overcome any challenges in this unpredictable world. I have faced many challenges at work within the family, friends and overcome them with patience. I remember an incident when I travelled to Abeokuta to investigate the origin of the late Olusola Saraki to use the information as a reference to a book I was writing about him, a man called Alao Akala appeared suddenly and interrupted the interview and stabbed one of my crew and a member of Saraki family at Ile Ago-Ika. We called the police and Nigerian Polices and NUJ Abeokuta helped the situation in 2013. The police charged Alao Akala to court. DalNews: What motivated you into politics ? My 8 years’ experience covering activity of the Nigerian Government at National Assembly as a political correspondent, I have enough information about how Nigerians run the seat of power and we know the problems of the masses and how we can fix a part of the problem , no one can solve all the problem on ground. The first step is to join the politics. Nigeria 59 years ago was a country whose value system was high and respected; people appreciated the dignity of labour but the problem of leadership and politics. Nigeria during the colonial era was a country where people have an affinity for a worthy cause; corruption was very low, our British colonial masters made Nigerians appreciate the value of discipline regardless of tribe and religion. After independence, all those values had vanished due to bad leadership, tribalism, and nepotism. Nigerian military leaders and civilian leaders seized the opportunity to steal public funds and enrich themselves. The Nigerian politicians have failed Nigerians; Nigeria is a great nation, poor human rights, extrajudicial killings, illegal detention, rape of female detainees and abridgement of electoral right.
Nigeria has natural resources more than many nations of the world; she is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Due to bad leadership and corrupt top government officials, many of her citizens cannot afford three square meals in a day! Nigeria is at the very bottom ladder of development. Justice Must Prevail Party, JMPP invited me to contest against Bukola Saraki seat because we are from the same constituency. Many of my friends who are British Politicians advised me to honour the invitation of the JMPP and I went but I know that I may not win the seat, all battles carry two things: victory or lose. Cllr Victor Eni who is a serving Mayor of Elstree and Borehamwood is one of my friends who encouraged me to contest and I did. After I read the Manifesto of the party, I believe JMPP is ready to restore the dignity of the black race in Nigeria. Nigerian politicians must stop embezzle public funds. Nigerians elected them and they continue stealing public funds to enrich themselves. In Britain, any money allocated to a borough under a Mayor is safe from corruption, UK Government allocates money with rules and guides of the UK Government and they authorise the disbursement of the funds for the project with transparency and accountability. Nigerians must ask their leaders why they continue to use public funds for themselves; We have the power to change the nation positively. I believe I am an honest person and a good leader, active, experienced media-man, an experienced politician, I am a member of a labour party in the UK appointed by vote as a BAME and Media Officer. So, I know how the British run an effective government, I know how Nigeria can solve security challenges and other social welfare problems. British supported me to make a difference in Nigerian politics in future. DalNews: Tell me more about Nigerian politics and who won the 2019 Kwara Central Senatorial election? Awwal: Politics is real life; it's not a do or die thing. It's not warfare it's about the people's welfare. We must fight for our freedom, we must stand against embezzlement, and we must fight for true democracy. We will not be silent and we shall not be oppressed, humiliated and suppressed. True Democracy is a system of government control by an organization in which power is vested in the people for the people. Democracy is a system of
government where the citizens exercise power by voting for a credible candidate. Every entity that is democratically governed went through the general election process. Many candidates of many political parties in Nigeria do not have a good manifesto and structure. Nigeria needs political parties that have a Manifesto that outlined to usher an overwhelmingly positive impact on the lives of the poor citizenry starting from the grassroots like JMPP. Nigeria requires a good party ready to empower youths, liberate the downtrodden from political oppression. Young people have for years been isolated from Nigeria's political system, with the largest population segment belonging to the Nigerian youth. The Not Too Young to Run law signed in May 2018 by President Muhammadu Buhari of APC reduced the minimum ages required to run for public office from 40-35 for presidential aspirants. Many young Nigerians are unable to run for office because they lack the finances or Godfather to run their campaign. The economy of Nigeria has been mismanaged by the Nigerians in the Government. My State-Kwara that was once rich suddenly became a debtor state with poverty and unemployment rising higher, and our infrastructures slides into a state of decay Our people have lost hope, major state property, our education system has collapsed, our children now roam the streets, while the civil servants are no longer proud to be called as such. To answer your second question, Sen.Dr.Ibrahim Yahya Oloriegbe of APC defeated Bukola Saraki and I. 35 political parties in Kwara State 2019 supported Abdur-Rahman of APC and he defeated Abdurrazaq Atunwa of PDP with a margin of 216,792 votes. Atunwa is a Bukola Saraki's anointed candidate. APC defeated PDP in all sixteen local governments in Kwara State. APC used the slogan O TO GEE-(Corruption is enough) to rescue Kwarans from the enslavement of Sarakis in Kwara. My people hope that Abdurahman Abdurrazaq will fix Kwara and restore the economy. His covenant includes adequate support for rural farmers, transparent and participatory governance, adequate funding of education, provision of a job for the youths, empowerment of women in government and other amenities for Kwarans. 18
President Muhammadu Buhari used all that it takes at his disposal to deal with Bukola Saraki 2019. Kwara used O TO GEE (Enough is enough)political movement to dethrone the power of Bukola Saraki in Kwara politics but he may return to politics 2023. Bukola Saraki was among 64 senators failed to return to National Assembly. Bukola Saraki was defeated in the 2019 National Assembly polls. Saraki lost to Dr.Ibrahim Oloriegbe. He is a medical Doctor like Bukola. He polled 123,808 votes to defeat Saraki who had 68,994 votes with a huge gap of 54,814. I have congratulated him before I left Nigeria. That's a little bit I can say at the moment about my experience in the UK and Nigerian politics. DalNews: Nigeria has been a member of OPEC what benefit would you say the country has derived from its membership of the organization? Awwal: In 1960, the nationalists ruled the nation with truly selfless personalities, they loved the country genuinely, people like Nnamdi Azikwe, Herbert Macaulay, Tafawa Balewa, Sardauna Ahmadu Bello, Obafemi Awolowo, Anthony Enahoro. People came after they disappointed the nation in critical areas like education, security, health, road, energy, water supply. Nigerian economy cannot grow without having recourse to the educational revolution. Education is the key to development and it has the power to modify people's behaviour. Take the Almajiri for instance, they are not educated, these are people who never had any sympathy in their lives and when they grow to an adult, what type of sympathy do you expect them to have for other people's lives? But if the government educates them, education would modify their behaviour; they will not become so violent and join terrorist gangs. During Jonathan's government, 150 Almajiri schools across the northern states were built and out-of-school-children program including specialized boys and girls schools across the country have given meaning to the lives of hitherto despaired children. Nigeria's economy is in serious crisis and the crisis can only be resolved if the government is committed to resolving it.
Nigeria is a great nation; Nigeria has a very larger land area covering 923,768 Square Kilometres. This land area is double the size of France four times larger than either Ghana or Great Britain and twenty times larger than Togo. There are about 167 million people who are ten times more than all Ghanaians twice the population of Britain or France. Nigeria is a rich nation, having forty-seven per cent of all the wealth and riches of Black Africa, about 50 years of crude oil wealth. Educationally, Nigeria has many educated people, so many primary and secondary schools and several higher institutions like Polytechnics, Colleges of Basic Studies and over sixty universities, Nigeria has more universities than Great Britain and France. There are an estimated ten million university-trained professionals, the largest best trained, most acquisitive black cities in the world Nigeria is not only the giant of African but God's own country in African. Geographically, Nigeria has sea to the South, forest in the Southern region, savannah in the middle belt and Sahara to north, there are long rivers, Niger and Benue flowing up North to the southern, seawater and has other smaller rivers and streams, there are swampy areas, sandy areas, hills and high plateaus and mountains. In 1960, South Korea and Nigeria were at a similar level of economic development, thirty years later, South Korea had become the 13th most industrialized nation in the world and Nigeria had become the world's 13th poorest nation. Malaysia went to Nigeria in 1960 and took palm seedlings; today it is the largest exporter of palm oil. In 1972, Nigeria and Indonesia were the agricultural-based economy and had common characteristics. Nigeria's economy was S11 billion, Indonesia US $12 Billion. In 1995, Indonesia had gone up to the US $202 Billion, while Nigeria was the US $28.7 Billion. Today, the level of corruption in the public sector in Nigeria increased rapidly. Nigerians create all Nigeria's problems they need to work hard to lay a very solid foundation for the growths of Democracy. This is a time of hard work to bring comfort democracy. 20
Nigeria is rich to finance its spending, for instance, a breakdown of earnings in 2010 from three agencies of government indicates that N2.83 trillion was earned as revenue from taxes by the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS, while another N546 billion was earned by the Nigeria Customs Service, NCS. Nigeria earned N7.2 trillion from sales of crude oil. The Energy Information Administration EIA, of the United States Department of Energy, reports that Nigeria earned this revenue on oil between January and September 2010. From those three sources alone, N10.5 trillion ought to have accrued to the Federal Account. The figure was more than enough to prosecute the N4.6 trillion budget of 2010. In 2007 oil income was N4.5 trillion, N6.7 trillion in 2008 and N1.2 trillion in 2009. Nigeria has never broke and will never break but the challenge has been the bad leadership and inadequate to transform her human and natural resources into meaningful improvement in the socio-economic development of the country. Nigeria is the world's Darkest Nation, the issue of energy being a factor in the nation's crippled economy is no longer news! The nation's energy needs being met by petrol and diesel generators. Nigeria needs to generate a 280, 000 megawatts of electricity. the total generation in Nigeria today amounts to 1,000 MWs, former late president Umar Yar'Adua tried 9-10,000 MWs, the project sets up 12 power stations, 102 transmission lines, 22 transformers rather than to fund the projects, his administration went on a wild goose chases. He spent $7.2 billion i.e 1.051 trillion without fruitful results. Can four thousand megawatts meet the demand of one hundred and sixtyseven million people? Canada 33 million population generates 108.533MWs, South Africa 44 million generates 80,000 MWs, Kenya 31 million generates 22,000 MWs, Morocco 34 million generates 3,592 MWs, Finland 5.2 million generates 12,078 MWs, Egypt 81 million generates 14,250 MWs. Ghana celebrated a decade of uninterrupted power supply while Nigeria is wallowing in the horror of darkness. Nigeria is a great nation; poor human rights, extrajudicial killings; illegal detention, rape of female detainees, an abridgement of electoral rights.
Nigeria has not been lucky with good leadership since the end of British colonial masters and Azikiwe. Awolowo and Tafawa Balewa, the first republic was a result of the 1966 coup and that affected the nation's sociopolitical development since then to date. Nigeria can set an example of transparency, credibility and dignified, peaceful democracy so that it would be welcome by Nigerians and international communities. The filth of Corruption had become an everyday experienced monumental proportion. Nigeria leaders think about how to take care of themselves from easy billions of dollars from oil revenue, then help friends and cronies, and insecurity was its worst in Nigeria today, and this could cause set back to foreign investors to invest in a business in Nigeria. The travel alert issued by the United States Department of State to its citizen constitutes a damning verdict on the prevalent fragile security of lives and properties in Nigeria. The U.S Citizens advised avoiding travel in Nigeria especially to some states like Akwa Ibom, Abia, Edo, Imo, Jos, Bayelsa, Delta, Bauchi, and the Borno States.Some of the said areas vulnerable to kidnapping, armed robbery, terrorism, rape, and other violent crimes. We hope this damning verdict will spur President Muhammadu Buhari (APC) to impress it on his security chiefs and fight against insecurity in the country. Nigeria must change for better, she needs true democrat. Buhari may fail if he ignores solutions to solve Nigeria's problems, and Nigeria will remain in the paradoxical position of being the richest poor country in the world. Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan once said: ''Our system has collapsed'' in his 51st-anniversary speech in Nigeria. In Nigeria they are very religious, the number of Churches and Mosques in every Street corner including Lagos expressway across the country, they believe in God as the solver of every problem, the Muslims pray five times daily, the Christians evoke holy ghost fire to consume everything consumable that seem to be hindrances to their success in life particularly Pentecostal Movement. Their leaders believe in religion, they pray for the nation in Saudi Arabia or Jerusalem, but why Nigeria is still wallow in 22
darkness, their prayer supposed to draw them to God and bring peace to Nigeria, Ignorance to the rules of democracy led to corruption in the country, the Second Republic in Nigeria did manifest the worst understanding of democracy, tribalism was openly enthroned. According to Abraham Lincoln, he described democracy as government of people by the people for the people, we can say democracy cannot be sustainable without transparency, accountability, respect for human rights, constitutionalism and the rule of law, free press, fearless judiciary and true legislative people of Nigeria have been thrown into a vast sea of excrement with their hands and feet tightly chained together and left to suffocate and drown. To me, it's like the country has been cursed by some divine power to wallow forever in abject poverty with rich potential, killings, kidnappings, and terrorism, the present situation in Nigeria demand new evangelism. Nigeria has joined the list of the most dangerous countries to live around the world, Nigerian problem lies on knowledge without character, right without responsibility, politics without principles, worship without fear of Almighty God, leadership without the qualities of leadership, empty promises from Nigerian politicians. In Nigerian, politicians have become power-drunk and trespassed all the political rules laid down by the rules, this led to political crisis and controversial census figures and highly rigged 1964 general election led to the military coup of January 15, 1966, many politicians lost their lives, the problem continues since then till the present day. Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of who possess it-William Pelt Nigeria is a country richly endorsed with natural resources and highly human capita. Indeed, it is a paradox that Nigeria, the world's eighth-largest exporters of crude oil, endowed with many mineral resources, still has more than 70% of its population living below the poverty line as a result of corruption and economic mismanagement. Nigerian political leadership class in the past has been of self-services as some of the leaders are ruled with personal goals. 23
Chinua Achebe said in his book titled 'The trouble with Nigeria' .There is nothing wrong with Nigerian land, climate, water, air, or anything else. The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to raise their responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of time leadership. DalNews: Congratulations on your birthday. I wish you many happy returns. Awwal: Thanks DalNews: How many languages do you speak? Awwal: 4, I speaks fluent Yoruba, English, Arabic and average Hausa Languages. DalNews: What is your philosophy of life? Awwal: Life is a risk; we take a risk in every step in life. Life is good for some people and it is bad for others. Life brings us many joyous moments as it does downfalls Life remains meaningful when you have something worthy to leave us a good legacy after your death. DalNnews: How do you describe yourself? Awwal: I describe myself as a selfless person and self-made man I believe in simple and honest and also believe in good leadership. DalNews: How many awards have you received in recognition of your community services? Awwal: More than 45, the recent one is a global-reach award. CMC Global is an international membership organization and a network of the management advisory and competency associations and institutes worldwide, who have a shared common purpose in over 50 countries in the world. I give glory to Almighty Allah for all favours He has bestowed on me. I have opportunity to be one of the 136 Nigerian dignitaries conferred on Thursday 29th, 2019 in Abuja with the Fellowship of the Institute of Management Consultant (FIMC) and Certified Management Consultant, CMC, by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
(ICMC). This is the highest qualification of any consultant in the world. And it is reciprocally recognized in over 50 countries around the world. Becoming a member of the IMC demonstrates your commitment to a Code of Ethics and Consultant's Pledge, as well as your continued professional development, and a high standard of consulting expertise. I became Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants through the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) and it is global reciprocity, highest qualification of consulting management and recognized in over 40 countries in the world. CMC GLOBAL is an international membership organization and a network of the management advisory and competency associations and institutes worldwide, who have a shared common purpose. A fellow is a member of an academy, learned society or group of learned people who work together in pursuing mutual knowledge or practice. There are many different kinds of fellowships which are awarded for different reasons in academia and industry. The fellowship is an accolade held by some of the most exceptional and innovative physicians in the world. It is a mark of your achievement and skill as a doctor and recognizes your on-going contribution to the profession. It can be compared to the status of a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, which is the highest and most honourable status that can be conferred on a legal practitioner. DalNews: Do you believe that you are the best role model in many aspects of life for Nigerians living in the UK or Nigeria? No‌.Where would you find the best man in the world. No one is perfect in this world, we all have our shortcoming. I can only say that I am a good Nigerian Ambassador anywhere I find myself but I am not the best Nigerians living in the UK. Some Nigerians appointed me as their leader but I see myself a servant leader. DalNews: What is your reaction to the declaration of Amotekun in the southern part of Nigeria? Operation Amotekun is a good laudable initiative, initiated by good Nigerians at the right time of the rising wave of insecurity in Nigeria. Yorubaland will be saved from the Fulanis attack; Yoruba Governors have 25
done well in setting up this Operation Amotekun. Enemies of Nigeria first declared it as illegal but later changed their word. I commend the people behind it for the protection of lives and property. DalNews: Tell us about 2 or 3 of your recent publications and video and how many books you have published? Awwal: I have produced more than 60 educative videos and I have written more than 50 educative books. Check Dauda Awwal's book on Amazon and Lulu and check Awwal Television on YouTube for further information on that. BOOKS, ARTICLES, JOURNALS, LECTURES, AUDIO AND VIDEOS BY DAUDA AWWAL 1-Tabseetul Aamaal Fit-Tesreefil Af'aaal (Arabic Grammar textbook for Secondary School & University Students in Africa 1995. 2-Oil Boom or Oil Doom 3-Meaning of Names 4-New Age Journalism 5-Power and Press in Nigeria 6-Lodonium 7-The History of Alfa Hajii Iseyin's Compound, Omoda, Ilorin 1702-2012 published 2016 in the USA 8-99 Names of Almighty Allah in English & Yoruba published 2016 reprinted 2018 9-40 Rabbanas in the Holy Quran in English & Yoruba published 2016 10-How to conduct A Successful Interview 2010 Re-Published 2016 in the USA 11-Erin Wo-The Fall of Elephant 2003 12-Dandan L'esan -NEMESIS (Yoruba cinema movie) This film is on YouTube. 26
13-Kagba Fun Olohun 2002 (Musical Audio Album in memory of Late Alhaji Yusuf Areo in Jos) 14-Kinni nje Emi (What's Soul) 15-Tanio ni ku? Who Lives Forever? 2004 16- Kinni Faari Omoenia? (Documentary of the essence of Human-Being and purpose of Man Creation 2002 17-ILORIN (The ancient city) 1727-2014) 18-The Form and Contents of the Holy Quran Published 2010 re-published 2016 19-Nigeria, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 2011 & 2017 20-Ranti Adehun Re (Remember Your Promise) 2004 (Musical Audio CD) 21-Fiwa Lokan Olohun- 1996 (Documentary on Nigeria 1960-1998) 22-The History of Alufa Hajji's Compound from 1730-2012 (second edition) 23-Prayer Book for DAARUSSALAAM U.K 2014 24-111 DREAMS AND INTERPRETATIONS 2018 25-ASSALATUR-RAHAAMAN PRAYER BOOK 2015 26-QUEEN SALAWA ABENI IS BACK 2017 27-BABA OLOYE-THE Biography of the Late Olusola Saraki (The Strong Political King-Maker in Kwara State) .2012-2018 28-Corruption in Africa and Solution to curb it 29-Corruption in Nigeria and Political Leadership from 1960-2016 30- 118 Names of Prophet Muhammad in English & Yoruba. 31-Stop Modern Day Slavery February 2018 32-Twenty Three Selected Chapters of the Holy Quran in English January 2018 33-Multi-Purpose Powerful Prayer Book January 2018 27
34-111 Dreams and Interpretations of January 2018 35-Gateway to the Words of Wisdom February 2018 36-Gateway to the Word of Wisdom (2) March 2018 37-Jesus and the Virgin Birth (April 2018) 38-ILORIN 39-Family Rights in Islam 40-A Guide for Hajj and Umrah 41-Loves end with Tears 42-Marriage and Upbringing of the children 43-Islam is not a religion of Terror 44-Understanding Terrorism A guide for Teachers and Students 45-Islam, Christianity and Judaism 46-Awwal has translated the whole Holy Quran from Arabic to Yoruba between 2004 and 2018. 47-AL-Kuraani Ti'tobi ni Ede Yoruba ati Geesi Volume 1 & 2.April 2019 48- Solution to End Extremist 49-Gateway to Words of Wisdom (3) July 2019 50-Solution to marriage crisis June 2019 51-True Islam June 2019 52- Government and the Freedom of Press May 2019 53-Halaal Meat in Islam & Christianity. DalNews: How many countries have you visited? Awwal: I have travelled to more than 40 countries around the world due to the nature of my job.
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