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DAL INTERNATIONAL NEWS Wednesday 12th May, 2021

Facts are the lifeblood of

Journalism Volume: 111

UK ISSN: 2633-2728


AWWAL RECIEVES PRESTIGIOUS ACADEMIC AWARD BECOMES DOCTOR President and General Overseer of Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora,UK Dauda Awwal has received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Yahweh Hill University and American European University, becomes Doctor of


Dauda Awwal Science in Art, Communication and Corporate Leadership. The Senate Committee of the Greenfield Executive Education nominated Dauda Awwal few weeks ago to receive the Honorary Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) from the International Institute of Chartered Project Management, IICPM, Yahweh Hills University and European American University, EAU. Awwal meets the criteria standards of the academic achievement of the University. The honorary Doctor is awarded to Dauda Awwal in recognition of his contribution in the art, communication, research works and selfless services to the societies. The Greenfield Executive Education is a professional organisation committed to the practice of corporate governance. As part of its strategic efforts to celebrate the achievements of outstanding individual personalities and corporate organisations that have represented excellence in leadership. The Chancellor of Yahweh Hill University, Professor Joseph stated in his welcome address today 12TH May,2021 ‘’It is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2021 Convocation. This is a joyous event as we celebrate the achievements of our graduates who have worked extremely hard in preparation for this occasion. The students graduating today are part of a growing elite family of European American University. International Institute of Chartered Project Management and Yahweh Hill Graduates that includes members of royal and Chiefly Houses, Government Ministers, Civic, Community, Business and Academic Leaders. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate them on what they have achieved. At EAU, we have always laid strong emphasis on lifelong learning. It is a particular pleasure to see several graduates this past year who earned their previous degree with us and have continued at masters or doctoral level. WHY AWWAL RECEIVED THE AWARD? Dauda Awwal, FIMC, CMC, ChMC, FIMS, UK has contributed immensely to the community work and literary works. He has been recognised by the local, national and International professional bodies across the globe for his selfless 2

services to the communities. Awwal have impacted the society and achieved a record of significant distinction at all level in his career. He has demonstrated exemplary personal integrity, concern for the public good and well respected in his community in Nigeria and United Kingdom where he based. Awwal has written more than 50 educative books and produced more than 150 educative videos. Many of his books has been accredited by the British Library and Scottish for general readers. He is an Author and accredited media practitioner. Awwal is recognised by the Chief of British Police, Navy and Army as a Newsgatherer in the UK. Awwal is loyal, obedient, hardworking and trustworthy. Awwal is a volunteer in community service. He has helped many of the youths in the UK and Nigeria, Awwal has been hired as a public speaker in the past. He has supervised many community services, coordinated the overall writing, reporting and editing of the monthly newsletter of Dal Newsletter free of charge. He has motivated members of Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK to work as a team to achieve optimum performance of the organization. The organisation is officially registered 2017 in the United Kingdom. Awwal has demonstrated unique ideas to create many good humanitarian projects which is beneficial for the Nigerian communities in the United Kingdom and Nigeria. Awwal has solved several problems for the Nigerians living in the United Kingdom and helped many Nigerian organizations in the UK. Awwal has been appointed as one of the top speakers to speak to thousands of Nigerians at mosques in many useful topical issues. He has delivered series of lectures over 400 to them such as goodness to parents, elders, breastfeeding, goodness to parents, feeding the poor, Islam, Christianity and Jew, Valid reasons for divorce, Solution to reduce divorce in Society, Hijab Crisis, Controversial Issues on Hijab, Series of Ramadan Lecture, controversial issues on celebration of Maolidu Nabiyy, Islam is not a religion of terror, knife crime, how to stop violence,terrorism and crimes and other sensitive topics. Awwal enjoy serving UK community. In 2019, Awwal helped British Heritage Organization to produce a documentary about the life of Nigerian community in the UK. He was interviewed by the organization and provided useful 3

information about the Nigerian Muslim Organisations in the UK. He took them to many of Nigerian mosques in the UK for the services. The role of Awwal is a huge help for the Nigerians and non-Nigerians community in the UK, many of them have benefited from his profession and knowledge. Awwal is one of the top respected Media Practitioners,Journalists and Authors in the UK. Awwal translated the whole Quran from Arabic to Yoruba & English for the Nigerian community in the UK. The project creates more peace and harmony between the Nigerian Muslim community and Christian community living in the UK and Nigeria. More than 600 million Yorubas worldwide benefits from the project. Nigeria Islamic Centre Camberwell Road invited Awwal for the presentation of the project 2018. Studies of African Studies, SOAS has reviewed the project and The Chief Imam of East London Mosque White Chapel wrote his comments about the project. Brief Profile of Dauda Awwal AWWAL born in Ilorin West Kwara State of Nigeria 44 years ago, He is a UK Resident, father of three British children. He is a prayer warrior and very intelligent and focus, dynamic and multi-talented. He can co-exist with people of different beliefs and purpose to accomplish both human and ethnic language. He has a high profile and track record and antecedents as a grassroots mobilizer and accomplished British Media Practitioner and Politician, Awwal is a member of Labour Party, UK. Awwal attended Markaz School Agege Lagos, Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom. He Studied Journalism at London School of Journalism. He attended CRTS International College, Tottenham, London where he bagged F.C.E & C.A.E. Awwal studied Business Management at University of Bolton, United Kingdom, Studied Management and Leadership at South London College. Awwal attended Many GFTU Courses in England such as New Representative Training, 2016, Representative Officer, 2014 | Managing Successful Project, 2013, Desktop Publishing Level 2, 3 Credits Value, 2006 Basic Representative Course 3 Credits, 2006.Leadership Skills 3 Credit at Level 2, 2005. GRTU 4

Dealing with stress and Conflicts in the workplace 2013, GFTU Understanding of Company Accounts, GFTU Dealing with bullying Harassment and stress. GFTU Court Representatives. GFTU Project Management, GFTU Effective Representative, Representative member Stage 2, GFTU International Trade Union Rights, GFTU Understanding of Economic Class. How ‘Google’ works 2019. Awwal has worked for the Queen of England at Wood Green Crown Court as Jury 2005.He attended many NUJ UK courses in Scotland and England. Awwal is a community leader, crime watcher, political mobilizer and an Achiever, Philanthropist. Tested and Trusted. Awwal speaks fluent Yoruba, Arabic, English and average Hausa Languages. Awwal is a film producer, poet, historian, philosophy, commentator, communicator, researcher, writer, translator, director, and author. Awwal has worked at National Assembly as a Senior Correspondence for Dal International News 2005-2013. Awwal has interviewed over 150 public figures in Nigeria, He was appointed as Vice National Chairman of African Liberation Party (ALP) 2010-2012. He was appointed as Marshall by Nigeria Copyright Commission (2012). He was appointed as Coordinator/Director of Total Support for Jonathan in Diaspora, UK 2015. He was appointed by the Presidency Office of the Special Adviser to the President as Coordinator on Ethnics and Moral Values for the MuslimsChristians living in the UK under auspices of Dr Sarah Jibril 2015. Awwal was appointed as a Senior Special Assistant to the President of Association of Nigeria Theatre-Arts Practitioners (ANTP) 2014. He was appointed as a Senior Correspondent World Affairs by TPN Media Company in the United Kingdom 2015-2017. Awwal is the Chairman of Awwal Production International and the Publisher of Dal International News Magazine and Monthly Dal News. Awwal is the Founder/President & General Overseer of Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK. Awwal has received many Awards. He becomes fellow of Institute of Management Consultant, FIMC and Certified Management Consultant, CMC,2019, becomes fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists, UK March,2021, he becomes Chartered of Management Consultants 29 th 5

April,2021, he received his Honorary Doctoral Degree in Art, Communication and Corporate Leadership from International Institute of Chartered Project Management, IICPM, European America University, EAU and Yahweh Hill University, May 12, 2021. He has written more than 50 books. He has interviewed more than 150 dignitaries local and international. He has been interviewed by most media organizations. He has travelled to more than 46 countries around the world. Congratulation!!!

Dal International News is free online News published by Awwal Production International.Telephone:0044 740 472 1017. Eimail:dalnews915@gmail.com.Website: https://dalnews915.wixsite.com/dalnews Twitter:@Dalnews1,YouTube:Dal International, Facebook: Dal Intl. Links to old editions: https://issuu.com/dauda77


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