IBRAHIM BABANGIDA @ 76 Story Dauda Awwal Former Nigerian President,General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (rtd).GCFR, CFR, FSS,MNI, born August 1941.He joined Nigerian Army 1962 and became President in Nigeria 27 August 1985-26 August 1995. Babangida was a key player in most of the military coups in Nigeria. One of the major achievement of the Ibrahim Babangida's administration is creation of eleven states in Nigeria 1987. He made a powerful statement on the Biafra tension in Nigeria and reacted to the agitations on Biafra on Monday 26 june,2017 during special prayers to mark his 76th birthday celebration at Hilltop in Minna, Niger State.
He made a powerful statement on the Biafra tension in Nigeria and reacted to the agitations on Biafra on Monday 26 june,2017 during special prayers to mark his 76th birthday celebration at Hilltop in Minna, Niger State. He enjoined Nigerians to synergise their different potentials towards building a great nation. It was on the news recently, IBB launched an appeal to Nigerians to draw back from further agitation of another Biafra which can lead to another civil war in Nigeria. Babangida called for the devolution of more powers from the federal level to the states and advised the federal government to create state police. IBB's achievement during his 8 years tenure as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria include the following. •Establishment of the National Food Security and Storage Scheme. •Establishment of National Small Farmers Credit Program. •Creation of 11 New States. (The creation of eleven states On 23 September 1987, Babangida created two states: Akwa Ibom and Katisna. On 27 August 1991, He created nine more states: Abia, Enugu, Delta, Jigawa, Kebbi, Osun, Kogi, Taraba and Yobe) •Establishment of the Food Market Information Dissemination Service. •Establishment of the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation ( NDIC ) •Establishment of the Nigeria Export - Import Bank ( NEXIM ) •Establishment of the Federal Environment Protection Agency ( FEPA ) IBB PROGRESSIVE PROGRAMS 1985 - 1992 •Abrogation of the Public Officers (Protection Against False Accusation ) Decree No. 4 •Establishment of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
( NDLEA ) •Establishment of the Nigeria Agricultural Land Development Authority ( NALDA ) •Establishment of the Peoples Bank of Nigeria ( PBN ) •Establishment of the National Board for Community Banks ( NBCB ) •Establishment of National Directorate of Employment ( NDE) •Establishment of Better Life Program for Rural Women (BLP) •Establishment of the Raw Material Research Council (RMRC) •Establishment of the Federal Road Safety Commission. •Establishment of the National Productivity Centre. •Establishment of the National Economic Reconstruction Fund ( NERFUND) •Establishment of the National Political Bureau. •Establishment of the Directorate of Foods, Roads and Rural Infrastructure ( DFRRI ) •Establishment of the Centre for Democratic Studies. •Federal Urban Mass Transit Program ( FUMTP ) •Introduction of Economic Diplomacy. •Introduction of Structural Adjustment Program ( SAP ) •Introduction of Civil Service Reforms. •Creation of New Local Government Systems. •Creation of 136 local government councils ( NLGAS ) •Creation of Export Processing Zone. •Creation of the Presidency. •Introduction of Political Transition Program. •Introduction of Primary Health Care. •Introduction of Technical Aid Corps (TAC ) •Introduction of Deregulation of Finance and Money Market ( Banks / Finance ) •Introduction of Debit Conversion Program. •Introduction of Gifted Children's Program. •Introduction of Nomadic Education Program. •Introduction of National Orientation Movement ( NOM ) •Introduction of Private Broadcasting. •Gradual movement to Abuja.
•Establishment of the National Electoral Commission ( NEC ) •Establishment of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council ( NEPC ) •Establishment of the Privatization Program. •Establishment of the Technical Committee on Privatization and Commercialization ( TCPC ) •Creation of Two Political Parties ( SDP and NRC ) •Establishment of the Agricultural Development Program ( ADP ) •Establishment of National Guard. •Establishment of the National Planning Commission. •Establishment of the National Women's Commission. •Establishment of the Crop Monitoring and Early Warning System. •Establishment of the Urban Development Bank. •Normalization of the relations with Israel. •Enactment of Oil Prospecting Acreages to Nigerian Oil Companies. •Enactment of the Copyright Law •Establishment of the Copyright Council. •Movement of the Presidency to Abuja ( New Capital ) •Establishment of the National Defence and Security Defence Council ( NDSC ) •Introduction of the Transition Council. We thank God for his successful life to mark this landmark birthday in Nigeria. May Almighty God continue to strengthen him.