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DAL INTERNATIONAL NEWS Monday 20th November, 2018

Facts are the lifeblood of Journalism


BREAKING NEWS: JMPP LAUNCHED IN LONDON JMPP is ready to wipe out corruption in Nigeria-Awwal Your Vote is Power-Mayor of Borehamwood,UK Justice Must Prevail Party, JMPP took over Afrikiko Restaurant in London on the 17th November, 2018 for 4 hours for brief meeting organized by the committee of friends of its aspirant-Alhaji Daud Awwal in the United Kingdom.

The event attracted an enthusiastic audience of about 32 people-Nigerians and non-Nigerians. Gathered in the Afrikiko to discuss ‘‘JMPP is ready to wipe out corruption in Nigeria''. Pastor Muyiwa Victor who was the chairman of the organising committee introduced the important dignitaries and speakers and very brief aims and objectives of the event. Cllr Victor Eni who is a serving Mayor of Elstree and Borehamwood delivered his speech. He advised Nigerians to travel back to Nigeria to vote for ‘Just Must Prevail Party’ JMPP .He also advised Nigerian citizens to vote for JMPP in Nigeria for the restructuring the nation out of darkness ‘’I believe JMPP is ready to restore the dignity of the black race in Nigeria’’. He advised Nigerian politicians to stop embezzle public funds ‘’Nigerians elected them and they continue stealing public funds to enrich themselves. As a Mayor in my 1

borough in UK, I allocate money with rules and guides of the UK Government and they authorise the disbursement of the funds for project with transparency and accountability. Nigerians must ask their leaders why they continue use public funds for themselves, they should stop giving people rice, tomatoes and money during the elections.We have power to change the nation positively. Awwal is my good friend and a good aspirant for the JMPP, we believe in him, he is not a corrupt leader, he is honest, active, experienced media-man, experienced politician, he is a member of our great party-labour party in the UK, We have to support his ambition, we are ready to support his political career in Nigeria’’.

‘’We need to enlighten Nigerians to vote for their chosen candidate, your vote is power, make your participation by vote, adult plays important roles in any society, your vote is your right ,it is our right to vote’’. The Mayor concluded. Mayor Eni a Mayor and Committee member of Hertsmere Neighbourhood Watch. Victor is actively supporting the Borehamwood and Elstree Twin Town Association since over 10 years. He has been chair of ACA UK and Ireland for 15 years supporting integration and cohesion of the Nigerian Diaspora in the UK. He is Treasurer of the prestigious Association of British Nigerian Councillors UK. He believes that all 2

life comes with responsibilities and rules to follow only then can we enjoy our days to the fullest. He holds BA Hons Business with Law at the University of Hertfordshire.He speaks 3 languages and loves travelling at every opportunity to discover different cultures and indulge in his main hobby which is photography. He has served as a member of Committees on Entertainments and Transport and Road Safety Forum in the UK. Marino Cozzetto Chairman FS Properties & Investments explained said, ’I am happy to be here today, Awwal invited me to this meeting. Awwal has performed well, we believe him, we love him, he is sincere, The problems facing Nigeria long time ago needed a long time solution in the area of power, communications and economy, We must educate our children because they are the leader of tomorrow'' .He concluded. Maolo Tizzano advised Nigerian government to put his more efforts to fight against Boko Haram. He showed his happiness for the JMPP Aspirant,'' it's a great pleasure to know Awwal who is an aspirant of JMPP, we know him as a good leader in the United Kingdom ''. Councillor Nneka Keazor, Councillor of Enfield who is a cabinet member for community safety and cohesion said ‘’Every Nigerian in UK is an ambassador, individual must play a good role to save the image of our nation, we are here this night to support Alhaji Awwal in his political career in Nigeria, we all have civic responsibilities to play to make Nigeria great ,we have to respect law and order in Nigeria'', he described Awwal as a good Author and Politician. She thanked all the people graced the event on half of her borough in Enfield.

L-R: Mayor Victor, Awwal, Cllr Neka, Ifeoma, Cllr Caroline Kalu


L-R:Mrs Martine Eni.Cllr Kalu Councillor Caroline Kalu, who is a serving councillor elected to Evelyn, Lewisham council said,’’Awwal is my mentor, he encouraged me from time to time to be a member of UK Government till I became councillor recently, he helped me distributing handbill and promoted me in the media. I never met an honest Nigerian man like Awwal. He is honest, godly, simple and have qualities of leadership, I pray for him every day to become Nigerian President because Awwal have all the qualities to be a Nigerian President. I know him when he was appointed as UK Director for Total Support for Jonathan 2015. I am ready to support him at any time. JMPP is the best party for Awwal’’She concluded. TSGND,UK Director, Pastor Muyiwa said,’’Alhaji Awwal doesn’t count worldly materials as a big thing, He is the President and General Overseer of the Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK. I love the way he steering the leadership of the group because I was his first Secretary, as I am speaking with you, Alhaji Awwal has used his connection to establish the group-TSGND in 36 states including local governments in Nigeria. Alhaji is a philanthropic and prayer warrior, visionary leader. I know he will deliver if he wins the election under the platform of JMPP. Nigerians living in UK must participating more in the Nigerian politics; they should stop thinking about working here alone without their involvement in the Nigerian politics. Alhaji Awwal is a member of Labour Party in UK. He told me during one of our interactions that he needs more skills and experiences in the UK Politics for his future political career in Nigeria. He has written and produced more than 35 books, I don’t know where he gets the time to write those educative books, just google Dauda Awwal. 4

Alhaji is very intelligent and focus. He loves Christians and Muslims. He doesn’t believe in tribalism. He is not a corrupt leader. He is tested and trusted. He is the first black Nigerian in the world to translate the Quran-words of God in two languages for 14 years. UK politics is completely different from Nigerian politics’’, He advised Nigerians to be involved in UK politics’’. Among dignitaries who attended this brief meeting include Chief Richard Enoh, Paolo Tizzand, Mrs Martine Eni, Marno Cozzeto, Princess Ebika, TSGND Assistant Secretary,Mrs Aina Ojuolape, Cllr Caroline Kalu, Cllr Nneka Keazor, Mayor Victor Eni, Mrs Martine Eni, Mrs Ifeoma Nweke,Rashidat Banjoko,TSGND Chief Protocol, Mr Dauda Oladejo,Prince Adeyemi,Kadiri Jimoh,TSGND Director.Pastor Muyiwa Victor and Pa Joseph Akinwande who is the Adviser to TSGND,UK.

L-R: Prince Adeyemi, Mrs Aina, Awwal, Mrs Anike, Richard Enoh


L-R:Prince Adeyemi,Awwal

Group Picture Mrs Anike Omoniyi who is Special Adviser to the TSGND UK President described the Aspirant as Genius in her 5 pages speech on the citation of Awwal Tagged Who is Alhaji Daud Awwal ? 6

FULL SPEECH OF MRS ANIKE OMONIYI Alhaji Dauda Awwal Born 40 years ago in Ilorin at Alfa Hajji Iseyin’s compound, Balogun Ajikobi, Omoda Ilorin West Local Government, Kwara State of Nigeria. Alhaji Daud is a prayer warrior and very intelligent and focus, dynamic and multi-talented. He can co-exist with people of different beliefs and purpose to accomplish both human and ethnic language. He has a high profile and track record and antecedents as a grassroots mobilizer and accomplished British Media Practitioner and Politician. Awwal attended Alore Primary School Ilorin,Markaz School Agege Lagos, Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom. He is a product of London School of Journalism. Awwal is a product of CRTS International College, Tottenham, London where he bagged F.C.E & C.A.E. Awwal attended Many GFTU Courses in England such as New Representative Training, 2016,Representative Officer, 2014 | Managing Successful Project, 2013,Desktop Publishing Level 2, 3 Credits Value, 2006 Basic Representative Course 3 Credits, 2006.Leadership Skills 3 Credit at Level 2, 2005. GRTU Dealing with stress and Conflicts in the workplace 2013, GFTU Understanding of Company Accounts, GFTU Dealing with bullying Harassment and stress. GFTU Court Representatives. GFTU Project Management, GFTU Effective Representative, Representative member Stage 2,GFTU International Trade Union Rights, GFTU Understanding of Economic Class. Awwal is a community leader, crime watcher, political mobilizer and an Achiever. Tested and Trusted. Awwal speaks fluent Yoruba, Arabic, English and average Hausa Languages. Awwal is a film producer, poet, historian, philosophy, commentator, communicator, researcher, preacher, writer, translator, politician, film producer, director, and author..Awwal has worked at National Assembly as a Senior Correspondence for Dal International News 2005-2013.Awwal is recognized by the Chief British Police, Air force, Military as a newsgatherer in the United Kingdom.


Dauda Awwal is a very intelligent and focus, dynamic and multi-talented. He can co-exist with people of different beliefs and purpose to accomplish both human and ethnic language. Awwal has interviewed more than 150 public figure in Nigeria, He was appointed as Vice National Chairman of African Liberation Party (ALP) 2010-2012. He was appointed as Marshall by Nigeria Copyright Commission (2012). He was appointed as Coordinator/Director of Total Support for Jonathan, UK 2015. He was appointed by the Presidency Office of the Special Adviser to the President as Coordinator on Ethnics and Moral Values under auspices of Dr Sarah Jibril 2015. Awwal was appointed as a Senior Special Assistant to the President of Association of Nigeria Theatre-Arts Practitioners (ANTP) .He was appointed as a Senior Correspondent World Affairs by TPN Media Company in the United Kingdom 2015-2017. Awwal is the Chairman of Awwal Production International and the Publisher of Dal International News Magazine and Monthly Dal News. Awwal is the Founder/President & General Overseer of Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK. Awwal has received many Awards. He has written more than 40 books. He has interviewed more than 150 dignitaries local and international. He has been interviewed by many media organizations. He has travelled to more than 46 countries around the world. BOOKS, ARTICLES, JOURNALS, LECTURES, AUDIO AND VIDEOS BY DAUDA AWWAL 1-Tabseetul Aamaal Fit-Tesreefil Af'aaal (Arabic Grammar text book for Secondary School & University Students in Africa 1995. 2-Oil Boom or Oil Doom 3-Meaning of Names 4-New Age Journalism 5-Power and Press in Nigeria 6-Lodonium 7-The History of Alfa Hajii Iseyin's Compound, Omoda, Ilorin 1702-2012 published 2016 in USA 8

8-99 Names of Almighty Allah in English & Yoruba published 2016 reprinted 2018 9-40 Rabbanas in the Holy Quran in English & Yoruba published 2016 10-How to conduct A Successful Interview 2010 Re-Published 2016 in USA 11-Erin Wo-The Fall of Elephant 2003 12-Dandan L’esan -NEMESIS (Yoruba cinema movie) the film is on YouTube. 13-Kagba Fun Olohun 2002 (Musical Audio Album in memory of Late Alhaji Yusuf Areo in Jos) 14-Kinni nje Emi (What’s Soul) 15-Tanio ni ku? Who Lives Forever? 2004 16- Kinni Faari Omoenia? (Documentary of the essence of Human-Being and purpose of Man Creation 2002 17-ILORIN (The ancient city) 1727-2014) 18-The Forms and Contents of the Holy Quran Published 2010 re-published 2016 19-Nigeria, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 2011& 2017 20-Ranti Adehun Re (Remember Your Promise) 2004 (Musical Audio CD) 21-Fiwa Lokan Olohun- 1996 (Documentary on Nigeria 1960-1998) 22-The History of Alufa Hajji's Compound from 1730-2012 23-Prayer Book for DAARUSSALAAM U.K 2014 24-111 DREAMS AND INTERPRETATIONS 2018 25-ASSALATUR-RAHAAMAN PRAYER BOOK 2015 26-QUEEN SALAWA ABENI IS BACK 2017 27-BABA OLOYE-THE Biography of the Late Olusola Saraki (The Strong Political King-Maker in Kwara State) .2012-2018 9

28-Corruption in Africa and Solution to curb it 29-Corruption in Nigeria and Political Leadership from 1960-2016 30- 118 Names of Prophet Muhammad in English & Yoruba. 31-Stop Modern Day Slavery February 2018 32-Twenty Three Selected Chapters of the Holy Quran in English January 2018 33-Multi-Purpose Powerful Prayer Book January 2018 34-111 Dreams and Interpretations January 2018 35-Gateway to the Words of Wisdom February 2018 36-Gateway to the word of Wisdom (2) March 2018 37-Awwal has translated the whole Holy Quran from Arabic to Yoruba between 2004 and 2018. 38-Meaning of Name 39-Hajji and Umrah 40-True Islam 41-Judaism, Christianity and Islam 42-Motin Pictures 43-History of the Quran 44-AL-KURAANI TITOBI ATI TAFSIRI RE NI EDE YORUBA Awwal has travelled extensively to more than 46 countries around the world such as India, Kuwait, Belgium, Paris, Italy, Holland, Miami, Niger, Mali, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, Bahrain, Ethiopia among others and United Kingdom where he resides. Awwal is a Professional member of the following bodies: National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain, British Association of Journalists (BAJ), Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Lagos State Council, 10

Association of London Freelancer, Great Britain, New producers Alliance (NPA) U.K, British Nigerian Educational Trust, (BNET) and Awwal is a Member of Labour Party in the United Kingdom. Questions and Answers follows immediately after the donation by Chief Richard Enor, Full speech of the aspirant follows and Pa Joseh Akinwande closed the event with closing prayer. FULL OFFICIAL SPEECH OF THE ASPIRANT


1-Your Excellences, Spiritual Leaders, Entire member staff of the Nigerian High Commission, TSGND Officials, PDP Officials, Imams, Pastors, Gentlemen of Press, Politicians, Top UK Government Officials, Businessmen, Ladies and Gentlemen. 2- The party was formed on the vision from God pledged to wrestle power both at the national and state levels through the activities of upright members. JUSTICE MUST PREVAIL PARTY is a political party in the Federal Republic of Nigeria .the party is registered on 14 December 2017 with the independent national electoral commission (INEC).The Almighty God in His mercy revealed a vision to a young man, who fears god from south East of Nigeria in the house of HIS Muslim friend in Kebbi State, North Western part of Nigeria in 2010.The vision, written in gold ‘’JMPP’’ was further explained Just Must Prevail Party with an instruction to include all Nigerians, including Christians and Muslims, a godly government which must ensure justice, fear of God, truth, peaceful co-existence and unity. When I looked at Manifesto of the great party Justice Must Prevail, JMPP It is clear that the party is the best for me join. They have many good agenda on Welfare & Security, Employment, Youths, Power, Agriculture, Women and National Gender Policy, Foreign Policy, Corruption and the party is not a party of promise but the covenant. I was called on emergency to contest for the office of the senate or House of Assembly, because it was on emergency 11

call, I discussed with my friends and they decided to organize today’s event to seek for your support in order to actualize our dream. If I win the seat I am contesting for, I will never disappoint you, I am going there to represent you all as your voice. I will not let you down. 3-I have experience in Nigerian Politics because I was appointed as a vice National Chairman of African Liberation Party between 2010-12 and I was a grand Patron for PDP Kwara State, I was appointed as Director for Total Support for Jonathan 2015 in UK and I am a member of Labour Party in the United Kingdom and President of Total Support Group for Nigeria in Diaspora, UK. The group is registered in England and accredited by the United Nations. 4-I believe a better NIGERIA is possible 2019 through JMPP. Nigeria 58 years ago was a country whose value system was high and respected; people appreciated the dignity of labour but the problem of leadership and politics. Nigeria during the colonial era was a country where people have affinity for worthy cause, corruption was very low, our British colonial master made Nigerians to appreciate the value of Spartan discipline regardless of tribe and religion. 5-After the independence to the present system, all those values had vanished due to bad leadership, tribalism, and nepotism. Nigerian military leaders and civilian leaders seized the opportunity to steal public funds and enrich themselves. The Nigerian politicians has failed Nigerians, Nigeria is a great nation, poor human rights, extra judicial killings, illegal detention, rape of female detainees and abridgment of electoral of electoral right. Nigeria has natural resources more than many nations of the world; she is a member of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Due to bad

leadership and corrupt top government officials, many of her citizens cannot 12

afford three square meals in a day! Nigeria is at the very bottom ladder of development. 6- It is very important to look at the yesterday, today and take a peep into the future. There are many challenges the building Nigeria as a nation, there are countless graduates better off of 1960 graduates, but no job for them to survive, this led to crimes in the country, we have challenges on security, energy, education, road, if government doing nothing on all the challenges facing the nation, then the future of Nigeria will be bleak. 7-JMPP Government shall strength the immigration laws, border control will be exercised maximally and the profiling of both citizens and foreign nationals shall transparently carried out. Citizenship laws will also be reviewed to meet the exigencies of current happenings in the world. Our security matrix and re-engineer our foreign policy regimes. Nigeria shall be fenced all-round allowing specific entry points for overhauled state of the art immigration procedures; welfare for security agent will be first of its kind in the whole world. The Priests, Imams Orphans, Widows, Needy and aged (70 years above) will be entitled to stipend from the federal and state government. People living with disability (PLWD) and indigent citizens shall be correct for deliberately strategically employees.

8-In 1960, the nationalists ruled the nation with truly selfless personalities, they loved the country genuinely, people like Nnamdi Azikwe, Herbert Macaulay, Tafawa Balewa, Sardauna Ahmade Bello, Obafemi Awolowo, Anthony Enahoro. People came after them disappointed the nation in critical areas like education, security, health, road, energy, water supply. Nigeria’s 13

economy is in serious crisis and the crisis can only be resolved if A good government like JMPP is committed to resolve it. Nigerian leaders persuaded the British that Nigeria had a good chance of Surviving as a united nation. Nigeria obtained political Independence but economic Independence compounded problems for young nation 9-Nigeria is a great nation; Nigeria has a very larger land area covering 923,768 Square Kilometers. This land area is double the size of France four times larger than either Ghana or Great Britain and twenty times larger than Togo. There are about 188 Million people which is ten times more than all Ghanaians twice the population of Britain or France. 10-Educationally, Nigeria has many educated people, so many primary and secondary schools and several higher institutions like Polytechnics, Colleges of Basic Studies and over sixty universities, Nigeria has more universities than Great Britain and France. There are estimated ten million university trained professional, the largest best trained, most acquisitive black cities in the world, infact, Nigeria is not only the giant of African, but God’s own country in African. 11-Geographically, Nigeria has sea to the South, forest in the Southern region, savannah in the middle belt and Sahara to north, there are long rivers, Niger and Benue flowing up North to the southern, sea water and has other smaller rivers and streams, there are swampy areas, sandy areas, hills and high plateaus and mountains. 12-In 1960, South Korea and Nigeria were at similar level of economic development, thirty years later, South Korea had become the 13 th most industrialized nation in the world and Nigeria had become the world’s 13 th 14

poorest nation. Malaysia went to Nigeria in 1960 and took palm seedlings; today it is the largest exporter of palm oil. In 1972, Nigeria and Indonesia were agricultural based economy and had common characteristics. Nigeria economy was S11 billion, Indonesia US $12 Billion. In 1995, Indonesia had gone up to US $202 Billion, while Nigeria was US $28.7 Billion. 13-Today, the level of corruption in the public sector increased .Our party have twelve pillars of Oath. Through the Twelve (12) pillars of Oath of Righteousness that hold the peace and destiny of Nigeria. Every leader in public and civil service including government contractors shall vow not to defraud the nation again. JMPP believes that Nigeria has deviated from the purpose for which he was founded. She has deviated through monumental corruption, which have eaten deep into every fabric and facet of her Institutional and Social Structures, failed comprehensively and woefully. In today's Nigeria there is no justice, no fairness, no equity and our Country is therefore threatened with collapse and disintegration. JMPP accepts that Nigeria has failed, and has no basis for continued existence, except as a changed Country. Corruption must be terminated from our land.

14-Nigeria is the only country we have we must therefore solve our problem ourselves, we must lay a very solid foundation for the growths of Democracy. This is a time of hard work to bring comfort democracy. 15-Nation’s energy needs to being met by petrol and diesel generators. Nigeria needs to generate at 280,000 megawatts of electricity. the total generation in Nigeria today amounts to 7000 MWs according the minister of power Mr Babatunde Raji Fashola, former late president Umar Yar’Adua tried 9-10,000 MWs, the project sets up 12 power station, 102 transmission lines, 22 transformers rather than to fund the projects, his administration went on a wild goose chases. He spent $7.2 billion i.e 1.051 trillion without fruitful result. Can seven thousand megawatts meet the demand of one hundred and eighty million people? Canada 33 million population generates 108.533MWs, South 15

Africa 44 million generates 80,000 MWs, Kenya 31 million generates 22,000 MWs, Morocco 34 million generates 3,592 MWs, Finland 5.2 million generates 12,078 MWs, Egypt 81 million generates 14,250 MWs. Ghana celebrated a decade of uninterrupted power supply while Nigeria is wallowing in the horror of darkness. 13-According to Abraham Lincoln, he described democracy as government of people by the people for the people, we can say democracy cannot be sustainable without transparency, accountability, respect for human rights, constitutionalism and the rule of law, free press, fearless judiciary and true legislative people of Nigeria have been thrown into a vast sea of excrement with their hands and feel tightly chained together and left to suffocate and drown, it's like the country has been cursed by some divine power to wallow forever in abject poverty with rich potential, killings, kidnappings and terrorism, the present situation in Nigeria demand a new evangelism. 14-Nigerian problem lies on knowledge without character, right without responsibility, politics without principles, worship without fearness of Almighty God, leadership without the qualities of leadership. Our politicians has become power drunk and trespassed all the political rules laid down by the rules, this led to political crisis and controversial census figures and highly rigged 1964 general election led to the military coup of January 15 1966, many politicians lost their lives, the problem continue since then till present day. 15-Finally, Enough is enough, forget the past and move on with the new deal . Nigeria deserves a better deal and only JMPP, the revealed party can bring this to bear. No alternative vote .JMPP is the solution to Nigerian problems. JMPP shall re-create a Nigerian Nation where all citizens have and can claim a sense of belonging. A Nigeria whose citizens can identify with constitutional provisions that aligns closely to their practical experiences. A Nigeria in which fortunes are controlled and held by her citizens who in turn enjoy unlimited opportunities to aspire personally and collectively without being limited. A Nigeria where peaceful co-existence across both tribal and religious divides and mutual respect becomes the order of the day. A Nigeria where every citizen becomes his and her neighbour's keeper, in the fear of God for goodwill and love for fellow citizens.


To this end, the Justice Must Prevail Party, JMPP shall democratically evolve Policies, Programs and Projects in compliance with the provisions of the Country's Constitution to ensure the rapid growth and development of the National wealth and its judicious distribution to ensure the common good of all. JMPP's goal is to promote the common good by popular participation, banish poverty, illiteracy, joblessness and, while protecting the environment, ensure the rapid industrialization of Nigeria and the happiness of all citizens.

Thanks for coming. God bless you..


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