All abroad oct14

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EE www. r 2014 issue number 39


TORREVIEJA F. C. a WHOLE NEW BALL GAME! Visit Gran ALacant by bicycle with

FASHION... brand new!

‘People born and

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raised on the Mediterranean live longer lives which is a blooming miracle

fiscal advice, features, quizzes, puzzles, crosswords, markets, fiestas, what’s on + more!

if you’ve seen them drive...’ Page 3

The Homes, Gardens & LIFESTYLE Show 15th & 16th October


Cooking up a tasty recipe! Lebanese & International Cuisine LIVE



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T N E R E F F I D IT’S HERE... born

until you eventually reach the front

and raised on the Mediterra-

of the queue – you’re next! But then

nean live longer lives which is

the phone rings and Mr Cantbeboth-

a blooming miracle if you’ve

eredtowait at the end of the phone





seen them drive...but a healthy diet of fish, rice and more fish is a large contributing factor along with the fact that they take things a little easier and ‘stress’ is a foreign word in these parts.

somehow gets preferential treatment having waited all of 3 seconds on the phone. it’s even more of an adventure trying to pay a bill through a Spanish bank (clearly they have plenty of cash sitting in their vaults) as the logistics for paying a household bill would make the meeting, and docking,

Talking of diets, Spain is the only place I’ve found in Europe where you can buy a sandwich in a petrol station that has a longer shelf life than you do! Expats struggle with the language too but that has to be blamed on those pioneers who have spread the English language to the four corners of the world such as Drake, Raleigh Cook and Homer Simpson which has made it difficult for native English speakers to pick up the lingo...and Heineken hasn’t helped either...

of two space stations seem like kids stuff. Unless you are in the bank during the second equinox (while there is a lunar eclipse) and it is on the third Tuesday of the month then you can’t pay it and will have to wait until the sun and moon combine once more..Or the bank goes bust because of dodgy administration, which in fact is more likely.

land; banks for example. You’ve surely ad the queue up for ages having touched the screen at the entrance and received you ‘lucky’ ticket number only to wait for what seems like a lifetime (for some it is)

br k! a eak! ke brea Ta a ke Ta with


1.Benidorm - 10€ 2. Algar/Guadalest - 13€ TUESDAY/DIENSTAG/MARTES


2. Altea / Benidorm - 13€ ALTEA MARKET

3.Alicante - 7€ 4.Benidorm - 10€ WEDNESDAY/MITTWOCH/MIERCOLES


1. Cartagena - 10€ *Boat trip -17€ inc boat *Mar Menor Train inc train 13€ Boat trip + Train - 20€ inc both tickets Licor 43 Experience

But they do have a great national health service and very good doctors experience was an eye opener as I had gone to see the doctor about my bad knee and he told me it was normal for

18€ inc drink

Licor 43 Experience + Train

21€ inc Drink

2. Benidorm 10€ 3. Guadalest Solar Boat Benidorm 18€ inc boat FRIDAY/FREITAG/VIERNES

1. Benidorm - 10€ 2. Condominia/Ikea/Thader - 10€ 3. Murcia - - 10€ 4. TERRA NATURA - AQUA NATURA

31€ Adult

it must be said although last month’s

However not all is always good in this


27€ Child


6. Benidorm Night Out - 11€ 7. Alicante Night Out 9€ 8. Aguilas 30€ Inc boat trip cheese shop, lunch (Jul 11, 25 Aug 8, 22

Sep 5, 19


someone my age – something I hadn’t

1.Valencia - 16€

been told by a doctor since I was a lot

2. Algar Waterfalls - 13€ 3. Benidorm 10€

younger and he cupped his hands and

(Jul 5, 19 Aug 2, 16, 30

Sep 13, 27)


said, ‘cough’...

1. Benidorm - 10€



CV Mm-440-A.

Coach + Meal + SHOW = 51€ Coach+ show = 35€ ANDALUCIA COSTA TROPICAL 5 DAYS 5TH OCT 225€ HB BARCELONA 4 DAYS 12 OCT 225€ B&B PEÑÍSCOLA 3 DAYS 17 OCT 139€ HB



26 & 27 Sept 11€


1 November 10€







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One man’s heaven is another man’s hell!Urb’ La Marina By Alan Gandy I had some business in Alicante last weekend so had been planning a trip there for a while. Earlier in the week that was cancelled. As I’d already booked a hotel and made plans to meet up with an old friend I hadn’t seen in what must be 25 years or more, I decided to turn it into a jolly instead and go ahead and spend a couple of days away. My friend lives in La Marina and, having only read an article from El Pais a few days earlier, I have to admit, my curiosity about the place had been aroused. It couldn’t be that bad? Surely? First impressions when I arrived at ‘La Marina’ weren’t bad at all, it seemed much like any small town you might pass through on your way somewhere. A ‘high street’ running between apartment blocks with a range of businesses and a good choice of coffee shops along the way through to where I was staying at the other end of town. I’d left home early so was a bit early to check-in to the hotel; when I saw the sign pointing to the urbanisations I couldn’t stop myself I had to go and have a look.

supermarkets, schools, retail units and services. A project straight out of the mind of a 1980’s first year town planning student (who dropped out). I’d say there was an estate agent on every corner but that would be inaccurate. There was an estate agent in every other shop unit, separated mostly by charity shops or bars. They say you’re never more than 6 feet from a rat. That’s untrue according to the article which claims the real distance is 164 feet. Given the number of estate agent offices in La Marina a fair percentage of the population must be agents. On that basis I’m willing to bet that you’re probably never more than 164 feet from an estate agent in La Marina! I’d also be willing to bet that if you sit in a bar there you’re never more than six feet from someone who has a ‘mate’ who can ‘sort you out’ (for a kickback from an agent) should you express even the slightest hint of interest in buying a property. If you hadn’t guessed La Marina is not my kind of place. Each to their own I suppose… One other quite beautiful expat irony observed on this trip was down at the commercial park on the road to Guardamar. On this park, amongst Mercadona, Lidl, car sales and various other businesses sit two well established ‘Camper Parks’. Though perhaps it was just my warped imagination running away with me; I pictured the owners of the campers as reasonably well off retired people (last time I checked those big motor homes cost a pretty penny) who’ve spent some of their pension wedge to run away and live the dream of a semi-nomadic life. The kind of people who up until that point lived in a pretty village. The kind of people who’d be chasing ‘gypos’ off the local common waving a rolled up Daily Mail. Now here they are, putting down semi-permanent roots on what, if in the UK, might be the kind of spot described as a travellers site.

Disclaimer: Now, before I go any further I should point out what follows is my opinion and reflects my personal tastes. So, if you happen to like the place, no hate mail or death threats please – I already have a backlog I’m wading through from elsewhere. The drive up the hill, past the roundabout where the prostitute sits, to the urbanisations holds all the clues as to what to expect. Billboard after billboard, after estate agent billboard, begging you to call for their very friendly personal attention or look at I knew I was approaching the gates of my personal idea of hell. It’s an incredible place I’ll give it that! I love the bizarre, and it certainly fits the bill. Welcome to the real life Little Britain! Imagine if someone took a fairly large chunk of some soulless and characterless British town where nobody really wants to live (think Basingstoke or Stevenage) and dropped it in the sunshine, and you’re somewhere near the mark. A large swathe of land covered in little boxes, a huge purpose built development with added

I should say, I’m not knocking the area or the Costa Blanca at all. It’s actually very nice around there. The beach at La Marina is excellent, if beaches are your thing. Whilst there I also drove into Santa Pola which, apart from having a McDonalds (always a plus) has a great harbour/marina, seems like a cool working city and also has well used and excellent beaches. It’s not that I didn’t like the region at all, I did. I’m just not a fan of GREAT BIG HOUSING ESTATES! Read more from Alan at:

OUT EVERY WEEK!! The Costa’s favourite TV guide Get your copy! 80 pages!

Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!


Looking to sell? We've got people looking to buy. Quality properties needed in Gran Alacant and surrounding areas for our buyers. Call us today at +34 966 699 441 or visit our office on Calle Monte de Santa Pola. NO SALE, NO FEE.


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ASPETGA - BIG step forward for our pets Legal Requirements for Drivers in Spain



location cannot be officially disclosed.


explain to the kids that pet adoption was a big decision and spoke to them about the best

“This is great news for pets and their own-

way to bring an animal into the family as well

ASPETGA just received a call from Loreto

ers in Santa Pola and Gran Alacant. We are

as the importance of adopting and not buying

Cascales, the councilor for Gran Alacant, in-

on the right track,” said ASPETGA President


forming us that the Diputacion (the Alicante

Olatz Mensua. The children were delighted to interact with

provincial council) has approved the grant Attending the meeting were town councilors, a

Sam, Ellioth, Dora and Sanson, four friendly

representative of the Colegio Oficial de Veteri-

rescue dogs that accompanied ASPETGA in

The council will call ASPETGA soon to review

narios de la Provincia de Alicante (the Alicante

this talk. The four have been adopted by the

the final version of the project. It is possible

College of Veterinarians), the environmental

ASPETGA members who spoke to the group.

the park may be done as soon as December

quality manager for local beaches, the head

or early January! These dates cannot be con-

of Tourism as well as Olatz Mensua and Rosa

Although the focus of lecture was responsible

firmed yet in case there are last minute prob-

Maria Garcia, respectively the President and

pet ownership, ASPETGA also spoke briefly to

lems or delays.

Secretary of ASPETGA.

the children about the plight of wild animals

The dog park would have 3,000 square me-

The next step is for the government team to

ters of land. This will include an agility zone

draft an amendment to the bylaws that would

separate from the walking area as well as a

allow pet owners and their pets to enjoy local

ASPETGA actively works to foster responsible

water fountain for our furry friends and some

beaches. The amendment would also estab-

pet ownership and the goal of these speak-

park benches.

lish the rules of use for the dog beach and a

ing engagements is to impart these values to

system of penalties for those who do not com-

children. ASPETGA volunteers are available


to any school in Santa Pola and Gran Alacant

needed for the dog park.

held in captivity, such as those working in cir-

The space, which is located behind the gas

cuses or on display at zoos.

interested in scheduling this type of lecture.

station, will be the first dog park in Gran Alacant and the second within Santa Pola town

3.-ASPETGA talks to kids about pet

limits. A year ago a small dog park was cre-

Lecture to summer schools students at Co-


ated in the Calvario neighbourhood. The Gran

legio Hispanidad in Santa Pola

The Pet Owners Association of Santa Pola and Gran Alacant (ASPETGA) or Asociación

Alacant dog park will be much bigger and will provide more amenities. It will be ideal for the

August 13, 2014 (Santa Pola) – Last Friday,

de Propietarios de Mascotas de Santa Pola y

kind of events ASPETGA hopes to organize.

representatives of the Pet Owners Association

Gran Alacant is a nonprofit founded by a group

of Santa Pola and Gran Alacant (ASPETGA)

of neighbours including a local veterinarian.

Ladies, gentlemen and animal companions:

spoke to summer school students aged 4-9 at

ASPETGA works to encourage responsible pet

this is happening! With a little patience, a lot

Colegio Hispanidad in Santa Pola about pet

ownership in our community by raising aware-

of work and the cooperation of town hall we

ownership telling the children that a pet is an-

ness of local regulations regarding pet own-

are making significant progress on behalf of

other member of the family to care for, to re-

ership with a special emphasis on the collec-

our furry friends.

spect and to never abandon.

tion of dog droppings. ASPETGA believes in


“We believe in the importance of educating

non pet owning residents and works to create


children to love and to respect animals. This

specially designated dog parks and beaches.


way the children of today will become adults

In addition, APSETGA programs events to


tomorrow who are sensitive to their environ-

promote canine socialization and good citi-

ment something we believe guarantees a bet-

zenship, organizes competitions and games

At the end of August the Pet Owners Asso-

ter future for all of us,” says ASPETGA Presi-

as well as charitable and fundraising events.

ciation of Santa Pola and Gran Alacant (AS-

dent Olatz Mensua.

Membership is just € 5 per family per year. To

peaceful coexistence between pet owning and

join or for more information, please visit www.

PETGA) had a very important meeting with the Town of Santa Pola where there was a major

Through a presentation based on drawings or, or

breakthrough regarding Santa Pola’s future

and photos, Mensua along with ASPETGA

dog beach. The Santa Pola Town Council and

Treasurer Belma Canales and Secretary Rosa

ASPETGA have agreed on the future location

Garcia spoke about the responsibilities of hav-

of the dog beach. Until all is confirmed, the

ing a pet. ASPETGA took the opportunity to

HOME NEEDED FOR JOSHUA Joshua is 1 of the 11 dogs we rescued from a dog hoarder in Murcia. He is around 6 months old and weighs 5.5 kilos so will be small when fully grown. He is good with other dogs, cats and is very affectionate and loyal.

Call: 645 469 253.

Our own contributors - experienced for expat info


“Get on yer bike!” by Gary Routledge

Cycling to the village of El Altet Distance: Approx: 60kms

at peak times). You will eventually come to

(If you turn right there is a cycle track all

Time: Allow 6 Hours.

a dual carriageway and on your left there

the way into Santa Pola).

Additional route to Santa Pola add

is a new cycle track that will take you all

Again follow this road all the way un-


the way to Elche if you want to do that

til the next roundabout which takes you

route sometime.

under the N332 then just follow the signs

and about 1 1/2 hours.

to El-Altet (about another 2kms) On the


Leave Quesada and head for Benijofar,

Stay on the right side until you come to a

main street as you enter the village you

pass through Benijofar heading for Ro-

roundabout with signs for Santa Pola turn

will come to a set of traffic lights turn right

jales, turn left at the second roundabout

right here (brilliant little Tapas bar at this

here and you are spoiled for choice of Ta-

cycle over the bridge then straight on at

roundabout by the way if you need a first

pas bars . We have tried most of them and

the next roundabout and head for San Ful-

pit stop we normally stop here it’s called

they are all good.

gencio. At the next roundabout turn left

Ursula’s.) Follow this road for a good 8-10

and head for Elche. Just keep following the

Kms until you come to another roundabout

After you have been watered and fed you

signs for Elche on this road (it’s a good

where you will see The Blue Star night-

can either retrace your tracks or if you

road quite quiet but can get busy and fast

club, go straight on and head for El-Altet.

have plenty time keep going in the same



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direction straight on at the roundabout at

road, we normally stay low along the water

the edge of the town then at the end of the

This road

is absolutely gorgeous, when

front right into the centre of town where

road turn right (straight on takes you to

we went there were people jumping off the

we pick up the signs for the N332 which we

a beautiful beach with a bar etc) and just

cliffs Paragliding and they seemed to be

go under and then pick up the cycle track

keep on going on into Gran Alacant. You

stuck in thermals as they stayed

up for

heading for Elche stay on this track until

will come to another roundabout turn left

ages, the was a gymkhana, jet skis, and

you come to The Blue Star night club and

here and cycle up the hill into the main part

people everywhere.. There are plenty of

turn left. Then just retrace your tracks and

of Gran Alacant, as you pass through the

places to stop and eat or drink on this road,

head all the way back home.

village stay on this road until you come to

also loads of places to lock up your bikes

Beautiful route with lovely scenery all the

a small road on your left heading along the

and have a swim; there is also a very small

way and it’s relatively flat most of the way.

coast this is a beautiful little coast road (if

church on this route probably one of the

Well done.

you miss this road you end up cycling up a

smallest in the world.

very steep hill) just follow this road all the

Summary: Nice long flat route with beau-

way along the coastline and you will even-

Follow this road into Santa Pola where you

tiful coastal road and plenty places to stop

tually come into Santa Pola.

can either take the high road or the low

and swim, eat etc.






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Do you have the confidence to become who you want to be? Do you have the confidence to achieve all you want in life? Do you have the confidence to not care a hoot about others opinions of you? If you don’t, and you want it, I’m going to show you exactly how to get it!

Simone Segal

You have the power in you To stand up and be strong You do not have to fall down When everything goes wrong It’s just the way you think my dear C/Senija 8 Pol. Ind Carrus

SHOWROOM: C/Gaspasr Quiles Pascual, 24, ELCHE ELCHE


965 43 23 50

Ready? It’s that spoon full of Attitude, the right kind of Attitude that will lead you to any desire you may have. And that means not caring one iota of others opinions of you, because, you have the Attitude that you are the best at whatever you do. Now, here’s the tricky part, you actually have to BE your best at everything you do to attain that right attitude, get it? By being the best at all you do, a certain feeling will overwhelm you, and I my friends, can confidently tell you through experience, that that feeling is called, “CONFIDENCE”! Being your best at all you do, day in and day out, will enhance an amazing confidence within you, and that confidence will shine through you like a beckon, sparkling the right kind of attitude to others, so they too can shine in becoming their best at all they do. Anything that is new to us is hard in the beginning, especially when you have the wrong attitude in life, and you’re not being your best, you’re not feeling your best, and you certainly aren’t receiving the best of anything. I would say, if ever you want to change something about your life, make it your Attitude, change it to the right kind of Positive Attitude, and see how your life changes for the best!


It’s just the way you flow It’s oh so easy to go down Stop now and just say no Your thoughts are reality Not always what you see Good or bad, you have the choice Which one will it be? The more you flow on upwards The higher you will climb Fill yourself with positive thoughts And always you’ll be fine Such an interesting game to play And will only take a while And when you’ve mastered it well my friend You’ll have great confidence, and that is, ATTITUDE WITH STYLE!!!!!

Positive and negative energy Pulls you strongly either way Which do you choose to flow with? To start you off each day Each one has the power To take you oh so far Which of them do you choose? To show you who you are


If you have any questions or need advice re this article you can email Simone. At Best Wishes All Abroaders! Simone Segal. Change Your Thoughts & You’ll Change your Life! Get INSPIRED! Get your copy of “The Gift…if only you knew!” At

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Cooking with Gordon

Crème Brule

Best Newcomer


My recipe

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this month is for Crème

Food is our passion, service is our pleasure.

Well what a fabulous week we had last week with a fashion show at The Vestry and Frissan. A full house of people who all enjoyed the fashion show and the cooking demonstration .We also took the opportunity of holding a raffle in aid of The Elche children’s home. We are just waiting for the final figure. We will be holding more similar events during this year into the lead up to the busy Christmas period. Contact either restaurant to be included in our mailing list so that we can keep you informed of events, and also take the opportunity of entering a free monthly draw for a meal for two at either restaurant I know the team all enjoyed the day especially the cooking demonstration where we demonstrated how easy it is to make a flexible sauce to suit all tastes and all foods. Simplicity and flexibility is a concept that I constantly refer to since we all lead busy lives and do not want to spend too much time in the kitchen. Unless, that is, like me it is your chosen profession, but even I due to the level of work required, need to keep some things simple.



Brule, always a popular desert.

You will need for this dessert 6 ceramic or glass ramekins or small bowls. 1. Separate the yolks from 6 eggs and measure out 150g of castor sugar In a saucepan heat up 500 ml of cream until it just starts to bubble. 2. In a bowl place the 6 egg yolks and add the castor sugar and a dash of vanilla essence or if you have then vanilla seeds. Mix with a whisk, but only gently. 3. Add a little of the cream and mix together gradually add the cream a little at a time until it is all incorporated. Pour the mix into each of the ramekins. 4. Put the ramekins into an oven tray and put hot water into the tray until it is up to 2/3 of the ramekin is below water. Put the tray into an oven heated to 150 deg C. 5. They should need about 40 minutes or until there is still just a slight wobble to the mix. If the top starts to colour reduce the oven temperature. 6. When they have cooled slightly they need to be covered with cling film and refrigerated. Just before service sprinkle one teaspoon of sugar on the top with a cooking torch melt the sugar until it starts to go dark. This provides a crunchy topping over the creamy mix.

Choose from a wide range of homemade Starters, Main courses (including Roast of the day) & the full selection of Desserts from our A La Carte Menu €12.50 (Inc. Glass of wine)

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Vestry Algorfa

7. Experiment with a little blitzed fruit such as kiwis added to the basic mix, but not too much or they will not set. My tip for the month is: if you have any mix left from the crème Brule pop it in to a container and refrigerate. It will last in this state for about 10 days. When you want some custard take the mix out pop in a saucepan and heat gently whilst whisking. When it has thickened serve. Alternatively if you want custard but not the crème Brule use the

Find us in Calle Constitución, 3 - Algorfa

Tel. 96 678 3976 - 662 691 637

above quantities and technique but instead of putting in ramekins heat and thicken in a saucepan and serve. Also don’t throw away the egg whites, refrigerate and I will show you what to do with them next month. 11

BAYA BAIXA beautifully restored Spanish country home. 250m² with 4 bed, 2 bath on 7,300+m² of land with pool, orchard. Close to beach and airport, more. €360,000. AA6240

EL MORALET luxury 5 bed, 3 bath villa with pool. 2700m² plot with sea and mountain views. Huge kitchen/family room with top end appliances. Much more! €349,000. AA5515

LAS BAYAS lovely 3 bed, 2 bath country house minutes from Elche, beaches and airport. Set among beautifully landscaped gardens with pool, more. €265,000. AA6135

GRAN ALACANT 3 bed 2 bath house in Novamar. BEACHFRONT Stunning views of the Med. Garage parking, inverter aircon, security bars and more. €220,000. AA5950

GRAN ALACANT luxury 3 bed villa with garage and private swimming pool. Exclusive Isla de Izaro gated community. Fully furnished with many extras. €360,000 €325,000. AA6118

GRAN ALACANT 3 bed, 2 bath house on popular gated community of Med III with 2 pools, children’s play area, tennis court and private covered allocated parking. €176,500. AA5923

GRAN ALACANT 2 bed, 2 bath house with large garden, air con, security bars, more. Basement offers more living space or bedrooms. Communal pool. €145,000. AA6262

GRAN ALACANT sunny first floor 2 bed apartment in Upper Gran Alacant gated community with communal pool. Garden and terrace. . Stunning views of countryside. €85,000. AA5515

MONTECID spacious 5 bed, 4 bath villa with large pool and bar perfect for entertaining. Move in ready! Fully furnished with security bars, aircon, many extras. €285,000. AA1105

GRAN ALACANT jaw dropping views of the Med from this bright and airy 2 bed, 2 bath house. Guest apartment in basement. Private pool, garage, much more. €395,000. AA6499

EL ALTET country house with pool 15 min walk from the beach. 2 bed plus den, 2 bath, garden, solarium, much more on URBANO land. Plus 3 bed guest house. €685,000. AA6503

GRAN ALACANT walk to the beach! 3 bed, 2 bath house in gated community of Costa Hispania III. Communal pool, gardens, allocated parking, more. €135,000. AA5657


Proud sponsors of the Gran Alacant Darts League and friends of ASPETGA

Who needs M&S when there's...

FUSION WORLD OF FLAVOURS Set up just six months ago by Bassam and his experienced staff, Fusion World of Flavours has rapidly made a name for itself both locally and beyond for its blend of Lebanese and International cuisine along with beautiful lighting and good music. Located up the hill in Avenida Escandinavia in Gran Alacant (about five hundred metres after the BBVA bank on the right) it has ample seating both inside and out making the environment comfortable with spectacular views available across the Alicante Bay from the front terrace. Serving a wide range of drinks and food the staff at Fusion know how to look after their customers stomachs as well as their wallets with frequent offers and daily menus to suit all purses too. Having steadily built up a good regular trade Bassam has introduced his customers to flavours they probably will have never tasted before – who knew Lebanese food was so delicious?

Come & meet The


for those wanting a staple rather than looking for the adventurous and the staff at Fusion welcome your opinions and ideas for something that suits your taste buds. Open every day from 11.00am for coffees of perhaps something tasty to start your day with Fusion is a comfortable place all day long whether outside on the terrace for a breakfast overlooking the Mediterranean and the Alicante Bay or in the evening with its very comfortable ambience often enhanced by live music. See Fusion’s advert on the front page of this magazine for telephone details.

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Traditional dishes are also available


Estate Agents Victoria Anyone who wishes to be informed

some 30 years ago, offers its

about our costs or would like a quote,

clients a top quality service,

also enquire about all the other services

which can only be offered by a

we have to offer, then please call at our

company exclusively devoted and

office in Gran Alacant at any time and

experienced in property services

under no obligation what-so-ever.

with a long running track record on the Costa Blanca property market.

All our staff have a good knowledge of the English language and we also have

Over the years, Victoria Estate

a German speaking member of staff.

Agent has satisfied the needs of all its clients by searching for

Although the last couple of years have

and acquiring their properties.

not been easy for any of us, we are

Our priority has always been the

optimistic that this year we shall start

“wellbeing” of our clients and

to see some improvements in the

looking after their interests not

property market.

only at the time of buying but also with an excellent after-sales service. We offer all type of help to our clients including the arranging of inheritance

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SAMSUNG Hi! My name is Ally. I am a shopaholic, choca-

DRESS. Don’t wear it with sandals and try

holic. Magazineaholic Spanglish mother. And

to ad layers. A t-shirt underneath, a biker

best of all A LOCAL.

jacket, change your sandals for cut-out boots

I have a little blog ( and

and ad a hat. Ta-da!




collaborate with a few online magazines. Now

: 339 €

It might be too hot somedays for this too. So get your DENIM SHORTS. Change your sum-


mer shoes for a nice pair of ankle boots, ad : 199 €


BEKO A++ 6KG : 279 € coming!).

a t-shirt or top and a nice Jacket, like this

Navajo one (Trend Alert! Navajo Style is I sometimes think Alicante’s autumn is a bit


like Uk’s Summer. Don’t you think? You can also get a dress or jumpsuit you have been wearing all your summer and ad

I.V.A Included

a blazer for an office look with a nice pair of stilettos. If you are thinking of doing some shopping check all the sales and mid-season sales, as you can get summer clothes for less and mix them to use them for autumn. But don’t buy autumn clothes; it is a waste of money, as here it only lasts 1 month. Do some Mix-and-


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max and wait for the winter to come! I hope this was helpful for you, and I’ll be I’ve decided to

back next month with more FASHION IS-

bring all “that” (whatever it is) to the people


in Gran Alacant (and around). I am here to


solve all your fashion issues no matter your age or size. I will bring you all the trends, places to shop, advice, …EVERYTHING ABOUT FASHION (and maybe some beauty too). So please, feel free to send me all your fashion doubts to I hate autumn. What’s autumn? Not hot, not cold…How do you dress for autumn? If I wear a summer dress it might rain, if






I.V.A Included


I wear a jumper it might be too hot… But don’t worry I have one special trick! Get a few summer


and mix them with a few winter things. Let’s

Instalation Included

from 779€

say for example a STRIPED MAXI

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to Reduced ros ,950 Eu

to Reduced ros u 95,000 E


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99,000€ 130,000 Euros 33

R ros ETou140.000€ ,950 Euros 77,000 199.000€ 69Reduced

Build 76m 78m22 1.5 2 Build

• • Quad *Terraced TownhouseTownhouse • Plot 68m2 • *Lounge / Diner/ Fireplace • South facing • Indep. Kitchen • *,A/C, Storage • Furnished • • Lounge/diner *Communal Pool, Solarium Balcony • Covered • • Glazed *Tiled Front & Backpatio Terrace • • Solarium *Part•Furnished,5 Mins Walk To Off road parking Beach. Pool • Communal


130,000 Euros 3

toLUIS dSAN BRO 246140 l URB. LUIS c- eSAN BRO eAdu 23


77,000 Euros 3

54,000 Euros

159.000€ Reduced To 125.000€

11 Build Build90m2 76m2

• • 2nd*Ind. Kitchen, Diner/ Lounge, Floor Apartment • • American *Furnished,Central, Covered kitchen Patio, Jacuzzi, Solarium, • Lounge/Diner • Furnished • *Underbuild, 1 Bath & 2 Other • A/CRooms. • Large balcony • Lift *Tiled Terrace With • Gated community Room For A Pool, Pool & SolariumCarport. • • Communal *Storage,Solarium,

2 Build 76m2


2 2 • • • • • •

1 Build 76m2

0034 966 785 279

to OC e 169 dul cLAedREGIA

R Euros 110,000 99,000 Euros 1 Build 55m2

• Ground Floor Apartment • Plot 97m2 • Build North Facing• Indep. Kitchen OC 110OC- 169 LOS lALTOS LA REGIA • Lounge/Diner• Part furnished • Utility Room 105.000€ Reduced To 99.000€ • 5 mins drive to the beach

110,000 Euros 22

54,000 Euros

1 Build 55m2

2 1 Build Build75m2 55m2

• • Ground Semi Detached Floor ApartmentBungalow • American Kitchen, Lounge/Diner, 2 • Plot 97m • A/C, Tiled Terrace, Storage • Build North Facing• Indep. Kitchen Room, furnished • • Lounge/Diner• Solarium Part & Large Glazed Room, • • Utility *Off Road Parking, Communal Room Pool. • 5 mins drive to the beach

• End of terrace Bungalow • South Facing • American Kitchen • Lounge/Diner • Underbuild • Tiled Terrace • Glazed Patio • Covered Gallery • Part Furnished


1 1 Build Build91m2 97m2

• • Semi Detached detachedVilla, villa • *Lounge Plot 74m2 / Diner, • American Kitchen*A/C, C, 2 • Indep. Kitchen • Lounge/Diner • Storage Rooms, *Glazed Patio PatioPrivate • Part Furnished • • Glazed Heated Pool. * Dble • Storage • Tiled Glazing, OffTerrace Road Parking, Off Road Parking • • Solarium *Tiled•Terrace, • • Communal 10 Mins. Drive To The Beach. Pool


119.000 Euros 3

1 Build 97m2

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139,000 Euros

79,000 Euros


2 Build 110m2

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• Buenavista • Ground Floor Apartment • Lounge/diner• American Kitchen Balcony• Furnished • Ceiling Fans CQ•CQ 177 A l -CIUDAD CIUDAD QUESADA 201 QUESADA • Fitted Wardrobes • A/C • Tiled TerraceReduced To 289,950€ 350.000€ • Communal Pool

79,000 Euros 42

Build 110m 120m22 22 Build

•• Semi Detached Villa• ,Plot Plot 420 Detached Villa 135 m2M2 •• South *,Lounge/Diner/ west facing Fireplace, • Lounge/Diner •• Indep. *Utility Room, Furnished, Kitchen• Furnished •• A/C• *Central Balcony•Heating, Solarium Garage, • *10 Mins. Drive To The Beach.

• Private Pool

1 Build 60m2

1 1 Build Build189m2 60m2

Detached Villa, Plot 310 M2 • Buenavista • Ground Floor Apartment American Kitchen, Large Lounge • Lounge/diner• American Kitchen / Diner, Sun Lounge, • Balcony• Furnished • Ceiling Fans • Fitted Wardrobes,A/C, Storage, Head Office • Fitted WardrobesFloors,Unfurnished • A/C Laminated Sales & Fiscal Departments • • Tiled *Underbuild, Utility Room, Terrace Solarium • Communal Pool

Centro Comercial La Siesta • *Heated Pool,Tiled Terrace, Bbq C/ Bizet, local 9 • Torrevieja Tel: 0034 966 785 907 0034 966 785 279

Head Office Sales & Fiscal Departments You`ll find us in local newspapers and magazines, in bars, cafes and in restaurants. You`ll find us on twitter, you`ll find us 30 feet wide by the side of the road, on taxis, on lorries and you will even find us on youtube. That`s what makes us different and that`s why the team at spc international will sell your house better and faster than any other local estate agent. Russell Ford, Sales Director


R uros ,000 E 119.000 Euros 95209,000€

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• End of terrace Bungalow Terrace Bungalow • South Facing • American *American Kitchen,Kitchen A/C, * *Sat. T.v. •Part Furnished, • Lounge/Diner Underbuild BRO 267 C l URB. SAN LUIS * Road • Tiled TerraceParking, • Glazed Patio *TiledGallery Back Terrace, Front Garden • Covered *Room For A Pool. • Part Furnished




11 Build Build 50m2 55m2


Centro Comercial La Siesta C/ Bizet, local 9 • Torrevieja Tel: 0034 966 785 907 0034 966 785 279


o CQ 156 ed tPEPA edAul cDOÑA R Euros 130,000 124,950 Euros 3

2 Build 73m2

• Ciudad Quesada • Terraced Townhouse • Indep. Kitchen• Lounge/Diner • Covered RearQUESADA Patio CQ 208 APorch• - CIUDAD CQ 156 A Glazed l DOÑA PEPA • Front & Rear Gardens • BBQ • Storage 550.000€ Reduced To 275,000€ • Communal Pool

130,000 Euros 23

Build -m2 2 1 2 Build 73m

• *1St Floor Apartment • Ciudad Quesada • Terraced Townhouse • *Modern American Kitchen, Kitchen• Lounge/Diner • • Indep. *Lounge/Diner/ Fireplace, Patio, Punta Prima Porch• Glazed Rear Patio • • Covered *Solarium, Storage Room, •C/ *Tiled Terrace, A/C, Dorada, 27, Orihuela Costa • Front & Rear Gardens • • BBQ Part Furnished, • Storage Tel: 0034 966 821 072 • Comm Pool, Golf Course Views

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Ciudad Quesada Office Centro Comercial La Marquesa, Local 6B, Calle Quesada Ballester Tel: 0034 966 111 511 Punta Prima C/ Dorada, 27, Orihuela Costa Tel: 0034 966 821 072

Ciudad Quesada Office Relocating to bigger premises: Centro Comercial La Marquesa, c/ mediterreaneo 16 Ballester Local 6B, Calle Quesada 03140 Guardamar Tel: 0034 966 111 511de segura

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TAX IN SPAIN Frequently asked questions Is Spanish Succession Tax charged

As Spanish Succession tax is a tax on

requested. Further, this will only be

in the same way as UK IHT?

beneficiaries rather than on the de-

granted if certain preliminary paper-

The fundamental difference between

ceased’s estate, there is no nil rate

work is in order and the strict deadline

the two taxes is that UK IHT is a tax

band applied to the estate. Instead,

for the request is adhered to.

which is payable by the estate of the

individual beneficiaries have the ben-

deceased, according to estate value.

efit of a tax free allowance. However,

By contrast, Spanish Succession tax

this is a relatively low value allow-


is assessed on each individual benefi-

ance- usually just 15,957 Euros per


ciary personally, according to a range


A practical consequence of the fact

of criteria, one of which is the value of the inheritance.





that the tax is assessed on the individWhat




ual beneficiary rather than the estate

from Spanish Succession tax?

is that the beneficiary has a personal

At what rate is Spanish Succession

In addition to the individual beneficiary

responsibility to pay the tax before

Tax charged?

tax-free allowance mentioned above,

getting title to the assets. This is an


there are certain exempt categories of

issue that needs to be carefully con-

Spanish Succession tax liability is a

beneficiary- e.g. officially registered

sidered in a Spanish probate case, as

fairly complex exercise, as it involves

charities. There are also some region-

beneficiaries often do not have the im-

consideration of a number of crite-

al exemptions for main residence and

mediately available resources to pay

ria, including: the value of the ben-

small estates, but in most cases, these

the tax prior to receiving their inherit-

eficiary’s inheritance; the beneficiary’s

do not benefit non-Spanish property


residency status; the blood/ relation-

owners, as it is generally a condition

ship connection between the deceased

that both the deceased and the ben-

and the beneficiary; the beneficiary’s

eficiary or beneficiaries, are locally

pre-existing wealth; and application of






relevant exemptions. We provide detailed Hacienda table-based calcula-

When does Spanish Succession Tax

tions for all our clients. There is a very

have to be paid?

broad range of applicable rates- the

The Spanish taxation authority, Haci-

charge starts at just under 8% and in

enda, applies a rigid deadline for the

the most extreme cases, the marginal

payment of the tax by 6 months from

rate can go as high as just over 80%.

the date of death. In any event, the tax has to be paid within 30 days of

What is the equivalent of the UK

signature of the Deed of Acceptance of

IHT nil rate band under Spanish

Inheritance. Only in very specific cir-

Succession Tax law?

cumstances can a time extension be

E mail:

Or email us!

UK Tel: 0845 871 4831 Spain Tel: +34 911 235 333 19


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Back on a level playing field... Dave Bull reports on what has become of the ‘Torry Army’ Photos: courtesy of Charlie Haynes

aggregate to Fuerteventura for a place in 2B and two years later Haro ended their 2B challenge. The team is determined to make the next step up and more besides. The club is now stable and working as a team both on and off the pitch and Vicente Boix has been elected for the next four years as President and along with his hand-picked directors is working hard on getting the club in position for promotion. He has appointed a passionate and successful manager in Jose Riquelme Emilio Galiana and brought in a host of exceptionally talented players, some with higher league experience and younger personnel with immense potential. Like the cosmopolitan town of Torrevieja, the team boasts local lads, but also players from Senegal, Croatia, Uruguay and Cameroon. Irish, British, French and other nationals have featured in A few years ago you may have heard of the ‘Torry Army’ an enthusiastic band of supporters made up of Spanish and expat football fans who followed their local club FC Torrevieja and were known throughout the region (and beyond; a British TV documentary covered the phenomenal support for the club) to have one of the biggest fan bases around even though they played in the lower divisions of the Spanish football league. Around seven years ago, following some off-field problems (financial mainly), things went a little quiet and the fans began to drift away but today with the help of a new president on their feet and building up an enthusiastic and loyal fan base once again. President Vicente Boix was introduced to the club four years ago to try and help out financially and he has brought stability to the club paying off countless debts. He has also dug deep into his own pocket to help to make the playing surface one of the best around and has guaranteed the wages for players, thus bringing stability and ensuring the continuation of the club. Formed in 1993 after the former football club in the town was demoted to the lower regional levels following financial problems CD Torrevieja changed their name to FC Torrevieja in 1996 and battled their way through the leagues to reach the Spanish National division three level in 1997, but for only two seasons. In 2005 they once more made National status and have remained there ever since with a growing sense of ambition that has seen them challenge for passage into the prestigious Segunda B in recent years. In 2007 the club lost out in a thrilling final play-off match 3-2 on

previous seasons. So far this year it has been a modest start to this season’s campaign, especially given the belief and work ethic that underpins this term’s intentions. There is complete conviction that the team will start to get the rub of the green and move up steadily into those promotion play-off places. This summer, as part of the rebuilding process, the club returned to the original name of CD Torrevieja. Mainly because various official bodies had registered the club as different entities – some still as CD Torrevieja, others as FC Torrevieja. After a mountain of paperwork and hard work, every official body now recognises the club as Club Deportivo Torrevieja. Two, wins, two draws and three defeats is the present record as Torry prepare to make the most of the season and I went along to watch them battle local rivals Orihuela on Sunday 28 September. Both teams had former players from the other side on the field, adding extra spice to the fierce rivalry that exists between the clubs. Unfortunately I wasn’t a lucky charm for Torry as they went down 2-0 in a gutsy performance from which they deserved something from. If you’re a football fan and want to get along to what is these days a good family club prices are reasonable at just 10€ for match day entrance (or 15€ in the main stand) and with discounts for youngsters too (5€ for 16-21 year olds and free entrance for under 16’s) With home crowds at around the 500 mark CD Torrevieja is slowly making progress once again and the standard of football is decent at the Estadio Vicente García where the team play their home games. Well worth a visit for any sporting fan – especially those looking to experience a little of the famous Spanish passion we often hear about. See you there!



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55€ 55€

50 jokes

to make you smile

Part one...

1. “I went to a restaurant the other day called ‘Taste of the Raj.’ The waiter hit me with a stick and got me to build a complicated railway system.”

- Unknown

- Harry Hill

hasn’t re-offended. I think he’s going straight. Which shows you, prison works.” - Ricky Gervais

2. “I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.” - Unknown 3. “Doctor, Doctor, my arm is broken in three places.” “Well stay out of those places.” - Tommy Cooper 4.

15. Why do seagulls live near the sea? Because if they lived near the bay, they’d be called bagels. - Unknown 16. What is small, red and whispers? – A hoarse radish. - Unknown

“Behind every great man is a woman with a hostage.”

- Jim Kinloch (comedy writer) 5. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And monkey’s do too – if they have a gun.” - Eddie Izzard (read Eddie Izzard Comedy God) 6.

14. “Nelson Mandela, He’s been out of prison for 16 years and

Police arrested two kids yesterday: one was drinking

battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other off. - Tommy Cooper

17. “On a train, why do I always end up sitting next to the woman who’s eating the individual fruit pie by sucking the filling out through the hole in the middle?” - Victoria Wood 18. Sacred cows make the best hamburger. - Mark Twain 19. I admire the Pope. I have a lot of respect for anyone who can tour without an album. - Rita Rudner

7. “‘Employee of the month’ is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.” - Demetri Martin 8.

20. “I won’t say ours was a tough school, but we had our own coroner.” - Lenny Bruce

“I hate my supervisor. Behind her desk it says. ‘You don’t

have to be mad to work her, but it helps. ‘Mind you, she’s written it in her own shit.”

21. “I went to a general store. They wouldn’t let me buy anything specifically.”

- Alan Carr

- Steven Wright (read 10 Steven Wright one-liners)


22. “What’s black and white and eats like a horse? – A Zebra.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?

– A stick. - Traditional

- Unknown

10. I’ve just come back from this new restaurant, Wong Fritz. It’s a Chinese German fusion. [A BEAT] Now I’m hungry for power. - Jim Kinloch (based on a traditional premise)

23. “”A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fuckin’ cross? It’s kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.” - Bill Hicks (read Bill Hicks Comedy God)

11. An ice cream seller was today found on the floor of his

24. “An overweight guy went to the doctor who advised him to

van covered in hundreds and thousands. Police said he topped himself. - Unknown

try a keep fit DVD. But the guy said he couldn’t be bothered. “Well” suggested the doctor, “try something that leaves you a little short of breath.” So the buy took up smoking.” - Jo Brand

12. “Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxis and cutting hair.” - George Burns

25. “I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own. - Les Dawson

13. How do you call a prison inmate? – Use a cell phone.


50 jokes

Part two...

to make you smile 26. Why are robots never afraid? – Because they have nerves of steel. - Unknown 27. “I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.” - Jackie Mason

40. “A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history: with the possible exception of handguns and Tequila.” - Mitch Ratliffe

28. “Today’s a good day for going to a bookstore and ask where the self help section is.” - Jim Kinloch

41. “We had gay burglars last night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture.” - Robin Williams

29. “I play all my Country and Western music backwards – your lover returns, your dog comes back and you cease to be an alcoholic.” - Linda Smith

42. “My last girlfriend looked like Claudia Schiffer: only shorter and Korean.” - Max Kauffman

30. What’s Green and sings? Elvis Parsley. - Unknown 31. Canada: a country so square that even the female impersonators are women. - Richard Brenner 32. “I’m 63 now. But that’s just 17 Celsius.” - George Carlin 33. “What’s it with chimpanzees and that middle parting? Stuck in the Twenties, aren’t they? - Harry Hill 34. Two silkworms had a race – it ended in a tie. - Unknown 35. “I love the way garages leave black buckets outside for your dead flowers.” - Jack Dee 36. “I love flying. I’ve been to almost as many places as my luggage.” - Bob Hope 37. “Airline hostesses show you how to use a seat belt in case you haven’t been in a car since 1956.” - Jerry Seinfeld 38. “I’ve been breastfeeding for two years. I could light the gas ring with my nipples.” - Jo Brand 39. “Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream?”


- Homer Simpson

43. “For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off.” - Johnny Carson


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44. “I tell you what makes my blood boil – crematoriums. - Tim Vine



45. Doctor, doctor, I can’t stop singing “The Green Green Grass of Home” That’s what we doctors call Tom Jones’ Syndrome. Oh, really? Is it common? It’s not unusual.


46. “My Dad is Irish and my Mum is Iranian, which basically means we spent most of our family holidays in customs.” - Patrick Monahan 47. “My daughter wanted some trainers. I said, you’re eleven. Go to Taiwan and make some.” - Jeremy Hardy 48. “I put instant coffee in a microwave and almost went back in time.” - Steven Wright (read 10 Steven Wright one-liners) 49. “I took my husband to the hospital yesterday to have 17 stitches out – that’ll teach him to buy me a sewing kit for my birthday.” - Jo Brand 50. How many Marxists does it take to change a light bulb? None. The light bulb contains the seeds of its own revolution. - Unknown

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made bridal tiaras and accessories are just a fraction of what

I wander with the ghouls What to do what to do ???? you will find there and there is something toI suit every budget. wander with the ghosts I wander through the complexes Fed watered and wined and well into the holiThe places I like the most. day spirit, but the next question is: With a vast range of accessories ranging from crystal bodices to earrings to feather Do we settle down and watch the telly or join When I find somebody there plentythe to choose if you prefer jewellery and accessoinfascinators the karaoke partyis across road...?from, Ad- or, That wants to talk to me mittedly, only want amateurs and I with ries canthey be custom made to your requirements to match the I will take them byoccasion the handor perhaps as my beautiful corn crake singing voice would Until they beg to be set free a gift. put people to shame and cause possibly envy, butworked we arefor here, holidayyears showing Having overontwenty in the industry Christine is full of advice, tips I wander the Carabassi the youngsters how to do to live life and of course the standard of her work is second to noneto using the finest qualInto Arenales see whose about large. Little and children run from me to provide ity crystals including Preciosa and Cubic Zirconia cultured pearls You may hear them scream and shout Hence the problem. I see my on the edge

customers with just what they want. They also have a stock of nickel-free costume

of the bed my pj’s as I pass to look what deOn this night elements. of the living dead jewellery including a wide from Swarovski crystal lights of designer wear are inrange the wardrobe. I need living company Is there something new or something I left So on this night that all souls live behind before, maybe a Primark top or or Come and hello to Christine me Communion and little dresses are also made tosay order and also ofEthel Austin shorts, evenmaids’ perhaps a George orfers Fand F garment forgotten at the back. an alteration service for anything from take ups to wedding You don’t know what Idresses. look like But I may be standing at a bar I can tell in an instant that we have had an I may be the one smiling invasion of before caloriesChristine in the wardrobe and the As I said can provide whatever is needed for that special day or And offer you un jarre little buggers have gone through the clothes,

that one-off at a them price smaller that will suit your pocket by discussing exactly what unpicking themgift andand making bemy on mission is easy fore stitching them back hoping we wouldn’t you need in a relaxed chat before she beginsBut work providing you with that Until my bones are found notice. unique piece that will set you apart from everyone else! I promise I will wander Up the strip and places around The pj’s are calling to me in a pitiful voice; the tellyfrom is glowing, enticing meand into from its warm Open 12-5pm Monday 10am-5pm Tuesday Fridayhappenings Christine is on You will hear of to strange light, soothing and promising entertainment. On this Halloween night handwith to give advice andinto ideas whatever you may require and you can also What our you tablet plugged thefor telly, yes you should be afraid the broadband flickering between 20 and 21 ifAnd contact Christine to make an appointment would suitdie your schedule better. Ithat collect all that of fright meg Coronation street calls…

may think they have returned BUT is asee holiday; timeat forher funshop and for latea noYou Callthis in and Christine obligation chat and experience the To their place of birth nights or rather early mornings. This is our friendly and and helpful service that and is Mist handmade jewellery But in reality theyand are accessories now with meand time to annoy relive our youth when With overcoat someone complains we can answer withfrom find yourself something a little different thean high street!of earth. ‘Whatever’ or ‘Get over it we’re on holiday.’ So please remember me, on the night of the My eyes search the fridge as though the anliving dead swer is there, but all I see is the brandy botNever mind trick or treating, search out my tle hopping in the kitchen winking and flirting bones instead with the coke teasing seductively. The ice is Hidden in the undergrowth many feet pass rattling in the freezer demanding to be let on by free, what to do, what to do???? Please find my bones and bury them, is my anniversary cry THE LOST ONE They missed me, they never found me I wander through El clot. Hidden through adversity A soldier I was not.

© M Tams 29/08/14

Designers of bridal tiaras & accessories

Custom made costume jewellery 20 years experience Finest quality crystals Feather fascinators (Dyed to match your attire)

Crystal Bodices Alteration Service Nickel-free Costume Jewellery Quality products:


Call in for a no-obligation chat!

My life was taken from me My body never discovered So here I am a wandering Praying to be recovered.

Calle Los Arcos 9 (Above the Discount Depot) CIUDAD QUESADA

It’s Halloween again A night I leave El Clot I wander through the strip It has changed such a lot

Mon 12-5pm Tues-Fri 10am-5pm (Or by appointment)

Since nobody found me I come and search for souls Children trick or treating I am going to take them whole

Tel. 966 782 785 & 636 246 045


Abrimos todos los dias a partir de 18.ooh & los Sabados y Domingos tambien a medio dia We are open every day from 6.00pm and from 12.00pm at weekends

@pizzeriacocoa /pizzeriacocoa


ALL ABROAD! - all our own ideas.

TEL. 606 540 408


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