Recognizing Injuries In Your Junior Soccer Players Soccer injuries are usually caused by either overuse or trauma, although you should also look out for dehydration especially during hot weather.
Unsurprisingly around 70% of soccer injuries happen to feet and legs, and majority happen during matches. In saying that, arm injuries are more common in the under 10 age range as they tend to put their arms out to break their fall. Fortunately, most injuries are only minor but still need to be taken seriously.
Overuse injuries generally happen over a period of time. What commonly happens is that a muscle, joint or other soft tissue becomes inflamed and because there are insufficient periods of rest the condition becomes progressively worse. What starts as a dull pain or ache gradually worsens, because of the lack of rest, to the point where serious damage could be experienced.
Trauma injuries are the most common form soccer injury and are usually caused by sudden impact with the ground, goal post or another player. This type of injury tends to be more obvious as the chances are that you would have seen the cause. You should make an immediate assessment of the suitability for the player to carry on.
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In a lot of cases the pain is just momentary and the player will be able to continue, however, you may have to consider withdrawing them from the game or training, especially if a child receives a heavy blow to the head. If a child appears to be suffering from concussion, dislocation or you suspect a broken bone seek professional medical help immediately.
As a junior soccer coach you have the opportunity to see your players on a regular basis and because of this familiarity with your youngsters you should be able to spot if any of them are showing signs of injury.
Look for changes in their movement; are they not chasing about the field like they normally do, are they limping, are they showing any signs of pain on their faces or are they generally looking lethargic?
If you have any suspicions that they are carrying an injury you should approach the player to ask them how they feel. They may well tell you that they have pain but want to carry on, or they may say it is nothing, but it is your duty to make an assessment with the intention of either get them to stop immediately or let them continue for the time being; if the condition persists then you must call a halt to their participation: Never ignore it. Tell their parents and, if necessary, suggest to them that they seek medical advice.
To reduce the chances of injury make sure your players warm up before a match or training and have a cool down afterwards. Encourage them to drink
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plenty of fluids (particularly in warm weather), rest regularly and not train if injured.
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