ARC3101 Technology & Environments 3 | Portfolio

Page 1

1.1 orientation


david mason

1.1 Orientation

ID: 25965050

1.1 orientation


Summer Solstice - 9am

During the summer solstice, the solar path is at its highest elevation angle and covers the greatest range of azimuth, meaning there will be the most sunlight exposure for the year during this period.

Summer Solstice - 1pm

The relatively high angle also reduces the amount of direct sunlight that penetrates throughout each floor, but increasing the amount of reflected glare and diffused light within these spaces which could affect thermal comfort. There are also reduced shadows cast within exterior areas around the building, which may encourage activity around the building..

Summer Solstice - 5pm

1.1 orientation


Equinox - 9am

During the equinox, the solar path is at its mean elevation angle. During these months the angle of elevation may introduce both direct sunlight and glare within these spaces which may cause differences in comfort. The shadows cast are not as dense or persistent as those during the winter, while still providing buffering shade from the sun during the transition from summer to winter and vice versa.

Equinox - 1pm

Equinox - 5pm

1.1 orientation


Winter Solstice - 9am During the winter solstice, the solar path peaks at a much lower altitude and lower range of azimuth, therefore there is a lower amount of sunlight cast upon H-Building during the winter months. As well as this, there are longer and more persistent shadows throughout the site during this time.

Winter Solstice - 1pm

Winter Solstice - 5pm

The lower angle allows for greater penetration of direct sunlight at this angle into H-Building, which helps provide greater thermal comfort as compensation the reduced temperatures.

1.1 orientation


From this butterfly shadow diagram, it is evident the most dense areas of shadow are along the southern facade of H-Building, and it also cast the longest shadows onto Dandenong Road adjacent to it. This is self-evident considering it is the tallest building on site.

1.1 orientation

stereographic sunpath diagram

Shading Diagram (25th June 2016 15:00)

The stereographic diagram indicates that at the specified point of analysis at the base of the building, the H-Building will provide sun protection and block the sun between sunrise and 3pm during the summer solstice. Furthermore, during the winter solstice and equinox, there is almost no direct sun exposure to the given point on the Southern entrance of the building. What we can derive from this is that H-Building provides excellent sun protection along the Southern facade for shaded activities, as well as for ambient worksapces.

Sunpath Diagram (25th June 2016 15:00)

1.1 orientation

prevailing winds

Prevailing Winds


Wind Frequency (Hrs)


50 km/h



Location: Melbourne, Victoria - Australia (-37.8°, 145.0°) Date: 1st January - 31st December 330° Time: 00:00 - 24:00

311+ 30°

© Weather Tool


40 km/h 315°

When analysing the annual Prevailing Winds diagram (right), the largest proportion of wind was coming from between 15-30 degrees NorthEast, at an average speed of 10-15 km/h. The overall majority of wind approaching the site is from a Northerly direction, therefore it would appear that H-Building provides a great deal of wind protection from that direction for the central courtyard of the university. However, there is still exposure to the highest speed winds that largely come from an Easterly direction directly through the centre of the campus.




186 155

30 km/h

124 300°


93 62

20 km/h

<31 285°


10 km/h










150° 195°

165° SOUTH

1.1 orientation 5000 Wh/m2

insolation 100 Wh/m2

The average daily solar insolation diagram (top left) indicates that the North and West facades of Building H take the highest volume of heat load and insolation than any other facade of the Monash Caulfield Campus on a given day. Average Daily Solar Insolation (Equinox) 1144 kWh/m2

640 kWh/m2

The cumulative yearly insolation diagram (below left) further illustrates that throughout the year, the West facade receives over 1100 kWh/m2 of insolation energy at its highest point. Whereas the adjacent car park to the West offers shading during the afternoon to the lowest points of the facde. This suggests there would be a signnificant amount of heat load placed on the highest points of the West facade, particularly in the afternoon and sunset. This would affect the comfort of the activities taking place on each level due to the significant glare from the afternoon sun.

Cumulative Yearly Solar Insolation (H-Building West Facade)

1.2 ILLUMINATION 1500+ Lux

15+ %







900 750











150 0



The daylight factor along the edges of the exterior walkway around Building H at Ground Floor Level are in excess of desirable levels of light and heat load, reaching in excess of 15%. However the enclosing glazing of the internal space offers more comfortable workspaces between the glazing and internal partition walls at 2-5%. Furthermore within the partition walls, there is further reduction in daylight levels below desirable office working area levels of 400-500 Lux, which would necessitate use of artificial lighting and excess energy. Sectionally, there is a slight imbalance in exposure to natural light along the Northern facade (Long Section) as opposed to the Western and South facades (Short Section) and only penetrating approximately 5m into the space at an adequate working level.

Daylight Levels - 720mm AFFL (Lux)



1500+ Lux 1350

Daylight Factor - 720mm AFFL (%)

15+ % 13.5





900 750

9.0 7.5






3.0 1.5

150 0






Daylight Levels - Long Section (Lux)

Daylight Factor - Long Section (%)


Daylight Levels - Short Section (Lux)



1500+ Lux

15+ %







900 750

9.0 7.5







150 0


Daylight Factor - Short Section (%)

1.5 0


1.1 orientation


david mason

1.3 radiation

ID: 25965050

1.3 radiation

1000+ kWh

1.1 orientation

1200 1200 1050

radiation (GROUND FLOOR)

900 560 600 450 300 150 120 kWh

david Mason


Total Radiation 450 kWh


120 kWh


Total Diffuse Radiation 720





Total Direct Radiation

However, as the ground level is inset below an overhang of approximately 2.5-3m, any analysis of the windows on the ground floor would be redundant, therefore a hypothetical analysis of the solar exposure at ground level and the changes in conditions relating to the edging of the windows is still an important point of analysis. There is the largest portion of direct radiation to the North facade of Building H, suggesting greater heat gain, with more light filled spaces.


Hypothetical Location of Windows

Before undertaking analysis of radiation ofthe ground floor of Buildng H, it must be qualified that the window openings analysed on the north-east corner of the building do not exist on the building currently, as it is a service core.


The largest proportion of diffuse radiation is in fact along the Southern facade of Building H, more suitable for ambient lighting in work and study spaces.

1.1 orientation

When analysing the results of hourly solar exposure throughout various points of the year, the window on the Eastern facade receives1.3 theradiation largest proportion of solar radiation during the hours of 8am to 10am.

radiation east window

The vertical planes along the sides of the window appeared to provide the greatest percentage of shade from direct sunlight during its most prevalent periods of the day, throughout the year. Assuming 12% efficiency, there could be as much as 10 kWh/m2 of energy generated from this isolated section of the facade during December and as little as 800 Wh/m2 during the month of June. There is a larger proportion of received heat during the summer months, as outlined in the ‘Total Monthly’ graphs below.

Normal Window

Horizontal Plane

Vertical Planes




Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Total Monthly

Total Monthly

Total Monthly


1.3 Radiation

When analysing the results of hourly solar exposure throughout various points of the year, the window on the Northern facade receives 1.1 the orientation largest proportion of solar radiation during the hours of 8am to 2pm.

radiation north window

The horizontal plane along the top of the window appeared to provide the greatest percentage of shade from direct sunlight during its most prevalent periods of the day, throughout the year. Assuming 12% efficiency, there could be as much as 11 kWh/m2 of energy generated from this isolated section of the facade during March and as little as 4 kWh/m2 during the month of December. Although there is typically larger amounts of natural sunlight during the Summer months, the Equinox and winter solstices offer a lower angle of elevation, allowing the sun to shine more directly onto the lower levels of the North facade, which is a possible explanation for the larger spread of total radiation through the winter months.

Normal Window

Horizontal Plane

Vertical Planes




Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Total Monthly

Total Monthly

Total Monthly


david mason

1.4 thermal comfort

ID: 25965050

1.4 thermal comfort

35 oC 31.5 28 24.5

spatial comfort [mean radiant temperature]

21 17.5 14 10.5 7 3.5 0


david mason

Similar to previous analysis of illumination and radiaition into the ground floor of Building H, it appears that the North Eastern corner of the floor plate has the most adequate levels of mean radiant temperature during the summer months only.

N Equinox 9am

Summer 9am

Winter 9am

Equinox 1pm

Summer 1pm

Winter 1pm

Equinox 5pm

Summer 5pm

Winter 5pm

Conversely, for the remainder of the year, there is not suitable levels of radiant temperature to ensure an adequate level of spatial comfort, without the intervention of artifical heating. The Southern half of the ground floor plate is clearly too cold throughout the entire year, therefore requires continuous and large amounts of energy to maintain a comfortable temperature within the space.

1.4 thermal comfort

100 % Dissatisfaction

spatial comfort (percentage dissastisfaction)




N Equinox 9am

Summer 9am

Winter 9am

Equinox 1pm

Summer 1pm

Winter 1pm

Equinox 5pm

Summer 5pm

Winter 5pm

The accuracy of the Ecotect analysis of the percentage dissastisfcation for the following diagrams is called into question. This is because the majortiy of the calculations returned a value of 100% dissatisfaction, perhaps due to lack of accuracy in inter-zonal adjacency calcculations. This being said, these results highlight a series of crucial issues to be faced in the ground floor of building H. Lack of natural ventialtion, direct sunlight, thermal mass and other factors that improve thermal comfort necessitates use of artifical environmental control systems to provide adequate comfort at these lower floors. This then results in higher energy consumption and reliance on automated systems, and may require introduction of systems and technologies that can be more efficient and sustainable.

1.4 thermal comfort

hourly temperatures

The hourly temperatures during the hottest day of the year would result in uncomfortably hot temperatures within the ground floor, however there was increased wind speed which could alleviate this thermal gain with natural ventilation through the spaces. Furthermore on the coldest day of the year, the temperature became uncomfortably cold because of the lack of thermal mass and ability to retain the solar energy received throughout the day.




1.4 thermal comfort

heat gain / loss


The largest amounts of HVAC load and conduction occurs on the hottest day of the year, but this is not correlated to direct sunlight (due to increased angle of elevation of the sun). During the coldest day of the year, there is the lowest hourly gain of energy perhaps due to increased cloud forms or less direct sunlight throughout the day.



1.4 thermal comfort

monthly loads / discomfort

The ground floor of Building H becomes too hot more quickly without mechanical systems during the months of January through to March, due to increased heat load. It is also the most uncomfortably cold during the month of July, through the quickest loss of heat. This perhaps due to the excess of glazing that allows large amounts of heat load to penetrate the spaces, but also be released quickly during the winter period.

1.4 thermal comfort

fabric gains

The use of double glazing and 100mm insulation asisted in increasing the heat and fabric gains from solar radiation within the spaces.

Single Glazing

Double Glazing & Insulation

The use of greater thermal mass allows the heat gain to slowly radiate into the adjacent spaces and conversely allows for the internal temperature to decrease at a much slower rate than single glazing, ensuring more consistent and comfortable control of internal temperature for occupants.

ARC3101 1.5 Re-Think

Mitchell Hatton, Brendan McDowell and David Mason

Re - Think 1.11.5 orientation

1.1 orientation

1.5 Re - Think

Daylight Levels

Building H Deliverables:

Building H Key Issues

1500+ Lux


Ground Floor N

What we want to achieve….. Improve air quality through.. *Vegetation. *Shading. *Natural Ventilation. -


Improve ventilation through.. *Separation of the Core . *Create a centralised Void. *Stagger floor plates to encourage natural stack ventilation. Reduce Thermal Mass through.. *Reducing Floor Plate size.


1500+ Lux 1350 1050 900 750 600 450 300

Wind Load


Daylight Levels - Short Section (Lux)

Daylight Levels - 720mm AFFL (Lux)

Prevailing Winds


Wind Frequency (Hrs)


50 km/h



Location: Melbourne, Victoria - Australia (-37.8°, 145.0°) Date: 1st January - 31st December 330° Time: 00:00 - 24:00

Reduce Glare/Radiation through.. *Introducing an Operable Shading system. * A double skin facade.


311+ 30°

279 248

40 km/h 315°




Re-introducing natural light through.. into the centre of the building. *Separating the Core. *Shading systems which guide this. Reduce running costs through.. *Introducing energy efficient cooling and heating. *Utilizing black water.

124 300°


93 62 <31



10 km/h










150° 165° SOUTH

This is emphasised by the diagrams along the top left, showing an excess of daylight toward the outer edges, and eventually dissipating when reaching the inner partition walls of the space.


30 km/h




20 km/h


Daylight levels and the daylight factor at Ground Level of Building H are not adequate for a productive working environment towards the centre of the floor plate.



© Weather Tool



Wind channels around Ground Level walkways of Building H blast visitors with freezing winds in winter and dry, hot wind during summer. This wind could be channelled to provide cross ventilation or stack ventilation within Building H.

1.1 orientation

1.5 Re - Think

Mean Radiant Temperature

Daylight Levels

Building H Key Issues 35 oC


Equinox 1pm

Summer 1pm

Winter 1pm 0

“It is the largest of only twelve buildings in Australia to receive the industry lauded Green Buildings Council of Australia (GBCA) 6-Star rating and it is the only building to merit all ten innovation points possible during evaluation.”


Percentage Dissatisfaction Regardless of the time of year shown in each of the diagrams centreright, the percentage of patrons who would be dissatisfied with the thermal comfort of the ground floor space is not acceptable without reliance on mechanical systems.

Due to lack of thermal mass and excessive glazing, the diagrams below right suggest there is rapid heat gain/loss to either extreme throughout the year. This makes it difficult to maintain a constant temperature within the floor spaces and a comfortable study/working environment.

1.1 orientation

Precedent: Melbourne School of Design

Ground Floor

The diagrams at right show one of the warmest periods of the day, and it is still below the adequate room temperature required for comfortable working conditions.

1.5 Re - Think property/melbourne-school-of-design.aspx

100 % Dissatisfaction

Equinox 1pm

Summer 1pm


Winter 1pm

Heat Gain/Loss


“By developing a deeper understanding of how the different passive and active control elements work together to providecomfortable and healthy environments for the building occupants, the students will develop lifelong skills, which will help them to design the sustainable buildings required in a resource and carbon-constrained future.”

% Content_Files/EcoLibrium/2015/09-15Eco-002.pdf

Coldest Day

Hottest Day

1.5 Re - Think

Precedent: Melbourne School of Design

Precedent: Melbourne School of Design



Use of skylights and plentiful natural lighting enables even the basement study and library spaces to have pleasant working conditions. Office workers commented on the ability to see the sun and sky as a productive addition to their worksapces. Coffered timber panels in the main roof further improve natural light and ventilation.

Pros: - Excellent work conditions and productivity at lower levels - Less reliance on artificial lighting - Biophilic design principles

Left: Skylight along Southern Facade Above Right: Central atrium space Above Left: Basement library and study spaces illuminated by skylight

1.5 Re - Think

Cons: - Increased glazing reduces thermal mass - Embodied energy of materials such as timber

“Use of UFAD (Underfloor Air Distribution) and passive thermal ventilation stack that pulls fresh air through the building before extracting it at roof level. The default method of operation is to naturally ventilate the building, with heating and cooling being brought on when required.

UFAD / Displacement Ventilation System

The building’s various lecture theatres are conditioned via a displacement ventilation system. Other spaces feature zone-controlled HVAC and lighting to reduce the building’s energy consumption. ( EcoLibrium/2015/09-15-Eco-002.pdf)

Also features elements of biophilic design, sensors to show Co2, water, energy, temperature and other factors to foster a pedagogical environment of learning.

Passive Thermal Stack Ventilation

Central Atrium

1.1 orientation

1.5 Re - Think

1.5 rethink

1.51.1Re - Think orientation

Precedent: Melbourne School of Design

Precedent: Melbourne School of Design



“The occupancy of a building of this type is determined by the student calendar and this offers only relatively small windows of opportunity in the post-construction tuning period for identifying system performance levels and making adjustments.”

Double skin facade of custom aluminium zinc-coated perforated louvres and inner glazing is used on East, North and West facades to manage heat load and provide stunning aesthetics. Close-Up Detail of Aluminium Louvres

South-West Facade junction

Pros: - Relief from heat load and solar glare - Cross ventilation - Double skin generates interstital space for activation and insertion of program - Louvre panels provide different functions in different situations i.e. space divider vs solar screen

“Due to the different building occupation rates throughout the calendar year, the usual quarterly review, assessment and discussion around performance has been altered such that the number of meetings increase during peak occupation times so as to quickly identify and rectify performance issues.”

Cons: - Fixed positioning - Relative embodied energy of materials

The designers and faculty admitted that the volume of students that began to use the space was significantly higher than initially anticipated due to other faculties beginning to use the space. Resulting in further tweaks to the systems. EcoLibrium/2015/09-15-Eco-002.pdf

Sectional Axonometric Detail

Re - Think 1.11.5 orientation

1.5 Re - Think

Precedent: Low-Line New York (Proposal)

Precedent: Tel - Aviv University



The Lowline proposal aims to renovate an existing underground rail system to become a thriving park of plants and culture within New York City, as a response to loss of green space and land.

“Part of an invited competition, the design brief required a two-phase proposal sited at the focal point of the Tel Aviv University Campus: an initial 3,500 square metres of classrooms, offices and an auditorium and a future 1,500 square metres of extra classes and offices.”

It involves custom designed solar dishes that concentrate natural light and transfer it below ground at a frequency conducive to photosynthesis to allow plants and greenery to flourish below ground. To prove their theory, RAAD Studio built a prototype of their system to grow plants within an old warehouse under similar conditions - which was successful. This system could be translated and altered to suit the context of Building H, particulary at ground and basement levels.

“Though not selected for the final design of the school, the o2a Studio proposal for the Lorry I. Lokey School of Management encompasses contextual, programmatic and climatic concerns in an elegant solution.” “The design of the building relies on its internal atrium. Along with acting as a solar chimney to cool the building interior, the atrium contains the building’s vertical circulation, creating a social spine from which the narrative of the project arise.”

1.1 orientation

1.5 Re - Think 1.1 orientation

Re - Think 1.11.5 orientation

Precedent: Tel - Aviv University

Precedent: Tel - Aviv University



The Proposed Tel Aviv University strategically opens up the ground floor and separates the core from the building to create natural ventilation throughout the building.

Level 2

The program of the building was strategically designed around the needs of the University, balanced against the external influences affecting the building. This in effect creates a building which has great occupant usability and comfort.

The external rooms are then deliberately staggered as to allow this natural air flow to be captured and projected through the spaces.

“To avoid direct sunlight in the classrooms, the north façade of the building was rotated to be 45° to the main university plaza. “

Pros: - Relief from heat load and solar glare -Natural Ventilation - Generates greater air quaility -Windows which face inwards to the core allow for user participation

Level 3

“Every floor is rotated 4° from the floor below, shading each other. Balconies and the slight tilting of each exterior office wall further shade the building. “ ( o2as-proposed-tel-aviv-universitybuilding-controls-natural-light-andwind-for-a-sustainable-solution)

Cons: - Susceptible to temperature increases Left: Climatic Diagram through section. Below Left: A short section demonstrating the properties of the core. Below Right: A long section demonstrating the properties of the core.

Ground Floor

Level 4

1.5 Re - Think

Precedent: Tel - Aviv University

1.5 Re - Think 1.1 orientation

Precedent: EEA + TAx OFFICE

O2A STUDIO UNSTUDIO The overall design and execution of this building has created comfortable office /study spaces, ultimately giving occupants a greater opportunity for improved productivity. “The staff and faculty offices are concentrated along the western façade to maximize views to the sea and ventilate spaces with sea breezes. “ “A parametrically designed façade of louvers and perforated aluminum slats provides optimal visibility and light while reducing direct exposure to sunlight.” ( o2as-proposed-tel-aviv-universitybuilding-controls-natural-light-andwind-for-a-sustainable-solution)

Measuring 92 meters tall, the Groningen tower is outfitted with soft, undulating curves as a way to replace the traditional stoic and commanding presence of institutional buildings with a more “friendly and more future-orientated” approach. In addition to creating a new personality for the exterior, the façade also integrates shading, wind control, and daylight penetration with its finshaped elements. These horizontal fins keep a large amount of the heat outside the building, reducing the requirement for cooling. eea-tax-office-unstudio

1.5 Re - Think

Precedent: EEA + TAx OFFICE UNSTUDIO The building accommodates 2,500 workstations, parking facilities for 1,500 bicycles and 675 cars in an underground garage, while being surrounded by a large public city garden with pond and a multifunctional pavilion with commercial functions. �We paid a great deal of attention to how people would move through the building. The office spaces are designed in such a way that they do not create simple linear corridors leading to dead ends, but instead each corridor has a route which introduces a kind of landscape into the building. You can take endless walks through the building, where there is a great deal of transparency, also towards the surrounding landscape,� stated Ben van Berkel.

1.5 Re - Think

Design Intervention: Ecotect Analysis ATRIUM SECTION LIGHTING LEVELS The Ecotect diagram at right clearly demonstrates that by penetrating the floor plate to create an atrium space around the central circulation, there is a significant improvement in daylight levels throughout each floor plate, particularly at ground level which was severely lacking. So too the skewing of floor plates to the west provides added light to the eastern facade in the morning and a greater shading to the glare and heat load of the western facade due to overhang of each floor plate.

5000+ Lux 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Lux

Daylight Levels - Atrium Long Section (Lux)

1.5 Re - Think

5000+ Lux 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Lux

1.5 Re - Think 1.1 orientation

Design Intervention: Ecotect Analysis

Design Intervention: Ecotect Analysis



While the atrium provides larger daylight levels towards the centre of each floor plate, the double skin facade is also shown to assist in shielding the northern facade from harsh light and heat load.

By opening up the ground floor level as a public space, it is clear that there are greater levels of daylight even at the lowest of spaces within Building H, making it a much more pleasurable space to inhabit.

Furthermore, our interventions have evened the distribution of light across the floor plate that was initially in excess to either extreme, due to the double skin louvres on the exterior, and atrium within the interior.

We have also negotiated the increased wind load with planter boxes as a buffer to prevailing winds and noise from Dandenong Road.

5000+ Lux 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Lux

Fifth Floor - Daylight Levels - Short Section (Lux)

Ground Floor - Daylight Levels (Lux)

1.1 orientation DANDENONG ROAD

Design Intervention: GROUND FLOOR PLAN


Offices/Teaching Spaces

Study/Lounge Area




Open Plan Offices



Planter Boxes

Design Intervention: FOURTH FLOOR PLAN

Key areas of note are the introduction of cafe and administration spaces to ground level as public program to activate the ground floor space we have opened up within building H. Removal of the service core to the North-East is justified by the reduced HVAC and mechanical system load our interventions have allowed (discussed further in coming pages).




Walkway Plant Room


Meeting Rooms

The fourth floor plan represents the overall reorganisation we have applied to teaching and research spaces within Building H. To the North facade there are offices and classrooms showered with light (controlled by louvres). The dividing walls are recycled concrete from the aggregate produced via demolition of floor plates for the atrium. Frosted glass creates a consistent connection across these spaces. The North East corner houses shared social and study spaces with increased light and views to the north. The East wing incorporates meeting spaces, while the South wing maintains the original facade to allow ambient lighting for office and private study spaces. The West wing is entirely open plan office spaces, removing the original divided and isolated office spaces in order to foster a more positive and pleasurable work space showered with light and breathability. A reduced size service core has also been moved to this area.

1.1 orientation

1.1 orientation


Design Intervention: SEVENTH FLOOR PLAN

Lift Core

Drainage Fall Atrium Roof Garden







The roof garden space along the West wing is a tranquil place of enjoyment for staff and students to gather. The garden beds and roof drainage also filter rain water into a grey water recycling system used for toilets and irrigation for plants, reducing supply costs. The louvre screening system also continues around this level as a buffer from wind and harsh western glare. The remainder of space is open plan social and study spaces with plentiful lighting for a positive atmosphere.

The view highlights the removal of the service core and how the overall form along the Eastern facade is lighter and less overbearing to passerby.

1.1 orientation

Design Intervention: ExTERIOR VIEW

Design Intervention: INTERIOR VIEW



The skewing of floor plates offers a form that appears kinetic, while the operable louvre facade offers a transient and constantly changing exterior appearance.

The interior atrium showers the inhabitants with light as they enter. Green walls and plants balance the rugged aesthetic of the recycled concrete planter boxes and existing service core. The central staircase is light, transparent and becomes a spectacle within the space as visitors ascend.

1.1 orientation

Design Intervention: SECTION





The section at left demonstrates how the offsetting of floor plates similar to the Tel Aviv University precedent harness the prevailing winds to encourage natural stack ventilation to move up the atrium.


The offset is dramatic along the northern side of Building H because we believe there will be greater requirement for ventilation due to heat load on the facade, whereas the southern facade requires more subtle control over temperature.



The glass louvre roof allows both light and ventilation to cycle through the atrium space.

Lecture Theatre Space

The diagram at left demonstrates how the natural stack ventilation from the atrium spaces are filtered through openable windows within each room at floor height. As it heats up it is removed from the space through a ceiling height window into a gap between the room and outer facade for improved ventilation. Temperature can be further controlled through use of chilled coils attached to the roof to force cool air downwards. This is cooled by a phase change material filter to reduce reliance on inefficient cooling systems. Conversely, heated coils hidden under screed radiate heat upwards through the space, heated by an anaerobic digester feeding a gas boiler.




Chilled Coil (Suspended from Ceiling)

KINETIC FACADE This diagram details an isolated section of the facade in which the louvres are able to be controlled and rotated within the room by occupants. The number of louvres controlled are proportional to the size of the room they shield.

Kinetic Facade provides personal customisation of internal comfort


The louvres are composed of frosted glass attached to steel pipes. Pipes are then connected to a gear rotation system in conjunction with other louvres proportional to each room. They can then be rotated via a control panel within each room. This adds a greater level of perceived comfort within each space due to the occupant’s ability to control the lighting and temperature conditions of each space.

Temperature can be further controlled through use of chilled coils attached to the roof to force cool air downwards. This is cooled by a phase change material filter to reduce mechanical cooling systems. Conversely, heated coils hidden under screed radiate heat upwards through the space, heated by an anaerobic digester feeding a gas boiler.

Hydronic Heating Coil (Hidden under Screed)


1.1 orientation

Design Intervention: ANAEROBIC DIGESTER Toilet Waste

Anaerobic Digester

Harvested Gas

Hot Water System

Hydronic Heating

As the diagram illustrates, the anerobic digester feeds off the high volume of toilet waste present within building h hravest methane gas to power the gas powered hot water system that feeds the heated coil system along each floor level.

Pressure Valve

BIO-GAS Usable Gas

Hot Water to Hydronic Units.

Cold Water from Hydronic Units.

Non Usable Substrate FLUID ZONE

SLUDGE ZONE Waste Inflow Ground Injection Pipe


Gas Powered Hot Water System

Mixer MIXING ZONE Ground Sludge Pipe


The rest of the waste can be recycled as fertiliser for plants or disposed of through sewerage, reducing wastage and reliance on electricity to heat spaces.

Presentation: Panels and Models

1.1 orientation

Model: Detail SECTIONAL OVERALL BUILDING This model aims to capture key interventions within the building such as the atrium space, skewed floor plates and double skin facade.

1.1 orientation


1.1 orientation

Model: Detail Kinetic Facade

This model details an isolated section of the facade in which the louvres are able to be controlled and rotated within the room by occupants. The number of louvres controlled are proportional to the size of the room they shield.

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