Daventry Calling magazine Spring 2016

Page 1

Issue 87

In this issue‌ Have your say on waste & recycling Read our guide to the May elections Retail scheme moves forward

Spring 2016

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All the latest Council news and information online Keeping in touch with us Daventry District Council provides a range of services including waste and recycling collections, street cleaning and grounds maintenance, Council Tax collection and benefits, elections, Homechoice lettings, economic development and regeneration, community safety, planning and development control and environmental health issues such as dealing with food safety, noise, pollution and environnmental crimes.

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www.facebook.com/daventrydistrict Or visit the Daventry Country Park page at www.facebook.com/daventrycountrypark Daventry Calling is a quarterly magazine with the next issue due out in the summer.

We’re always keen to hear what you think about the magazine and any suggestions you have for future editions. Please contact us at news@ daventrydc.gov.uk or call 01327 871100 You can also read Daventry Calling online at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ daventry-calling

Daventry Calling is available on request in large print, audiotape or in Braille.

Disclaimer: We care about accuracy and aim to correct any mistake in subsequent issues of Daventry Calling if you let us know where we’ve gone wrong. Every effort is made to ensure articles are accurate and up to date. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies or omissions however caused. Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Daventry District Council. This magazine is printed on an FSC® certified material. DDC cannot accept any responsibility for claims made by advertisers and their inclusion in Daventry Calling should not be taken as endorsement by Daventry District Council.

when you have finished with this magazine please recycle it.

Call: 01327 871100 Email: comments@daventrydc.gov.uk Web: www.daventrydc.gov.uk Write to: Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP

Other useful contacts Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) NCC deals with many services including: roads, paths, street lighting and drainage, potholes, bus passes and bus services, Blue Badges, road gritting, social care, schools admissions, register of births, deaths and marriages, libraries, household waste and recycling centres. Call 0300 126 1000 www.northamptonshire.gov.uk Your town or parish council Daventry District has 72 parishes and one town council covering services such as allotments, village halls and recreation grounds, grass cutting and street cleaning, cemeteries (outside of Daventry Town). To find out contact details for your parish, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/parishcouncils Northamptonshire Police Call 101 or visit www.northants.police.uk Always dial 999 in an emergency Northamptonshire Credit Union Call 01604 250016 www.northamptonshirecu.co.uk Daventry & District Housing Call 0300 4562531 www.ddh.org.uk Bromford Housing Association 0330 1234034 Job Centre Plus Call 0845 6043719 Government services and information www.gov.uk



Leading the way We have been and are conducting a number of important consultations to help the Council formulate our policies and decisions. We always encourage as many residents as possible to respond to such exercises, as your views do count. During February a series of public exhibitions took place throughout the District focused on the emerging Settlements and Countryside Local Plan. This will outline future rural and urban housing growth as well as the important sustainable development infrastructure to support that growth, while taking account of the natural built and historic environment. This consultation involved both residents and businesses who expressed their views on future issues and challenges in their area and how they may be addressed. At the same time we consulted on the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan, which is attempting to identify and allocate sites in the District to meet the needs of those groups – both these local plans follow on from the adoption of the Joint Core Strategy and cover the period up to 2029. Another very important consultation taking place is the review of our Waste and Recycling Service which impacts on every household in the District. Our current seven-year environmental services contract with Enterprise (now part of the Amey Group) expires on 3 June 2018. We are therefore looking at all possibilities as to how our future waste collection service to households could be delivered and we are seeking residents’ views

and ideas on both the existing service and proposed future options. Following this we will then review the future of other environmental services within the contract, such as street cleaning and grounds maintenance. Talking of keeping our environment clean we are very proud to be participating in the national “Clean for the Queen” campaign throughout March which is hoping to get a million people out and about cleaning up their community. The national aim is to give the country a good clean in readiness for the Queen’s 90th birthday in April. We have 60 sets of litter picking kits as well as special edition “Clean for the Queen” litter sacks at our offices which are available for free to volunteers. Hopefully many residents in our District can collectively do their bit for the Queen. I had the pleasure of attending the first Neighbourhood Plan referendum count in our District which took place in West Haddon. There was a healthy 33% turnout with more than 90% of residents voting in favour of the Plan which will guide future planning decisions in the Parish of West Haddon. We are aware of many more plans coming together across our District and it is very pleasing to see the level of local involvement as communities clearly wish to steer future developments in their location. Finally, without realising it at the time of enrolment, I am now participating in the fastest growing sport in the country at the moment which is walking football. Designed for the over 50s, it is a noncontact sport which is particularly helpful

to the older generations, many of whom want to remain competitively active in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere but may suffer from joint and other physical issues which arise with maturity. With the future trend of more people living longer this may well lead to other sports adapting their rules to cater for the ageing population. Walking football sessions take place at Daventry Leisure Centre every Wednesday from midday to 1pm Councillor Chris Millar Leader - Daventry District Council

Contents News: Read a round-up of some of the latest news from Daventry District Council Pages 4-5 Future of waste and recycling: Find out how to have your say on a consultation looking at the future for waste and recycling services in Daventry District Pages 6-7 Your vote, your voice: All you need to know ahead of the elections taking place this May Pages 8-9 The changing face of Daventry: A look at the latest developments taking place as part of the regeneration of Daventry town centre Pages 12-13 What’s On: Our guide to what’s happening across Daventry District this spring Pages 14-16



Birthday Beacon

Have your say at Ageing Well events A series of workshops taking place across the district this spring will ask people what Daventry District Council can do to improve quality of life for older people. People aged 50 and over are invited to attend to discuss the results of the Ageing Well consultation carried out earlier this year. The survey asked people to answer questions about what it is like to live in their part of the district as well as the impact getting older has on their housing, health, transport and social lives.

A beacon will be burning brightly in Daventry District as part of national celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday next month. Borough Hill is the planned location for the Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacon, which will be lit along with thousands of others across the UK in the early evening of Thursday, 21 April, 2016. Residents will be invited to go along to the commemorative event and further

details will be available nearer the time at www.daventrydc.gov.uk Are you, a friend or a family member going to celebrate your 90th birthday on 21 April 2016? You could play a leading role in our Queen’s Birthday Beacon commemorations. Please contact Gemma Mason on 01327 871100 or email gmason@daventrydc.gov. uk

The workshops will present those findings and give residents an opportunity to ask questions as well as suggest ways in which any issues identified in the survey can be tackled in their area. They will be held during April on the following dates: 14th - Moulton Village Hall, 2-4pm 19th - Long Buckby Library, 2-4pm 21st - Byfield Village Hall, 2-4pm 26th - Daventry Abbey Centre, 9.30-11.30am 26th - Weedon Scout Hut, 2-4pm 28th - Brixworth Community Centre, 2-4pm

Full enforcement of new dog fouling order set to start Dog owners are urged to take heed of new enforcement powers in Daventry District to tackle the issue of fouling in our parks and open spaces. The new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is designed to target the small number of irresponsible dog owners who persistently fail to pick up after their pet, creating a mess as well as a health hazard. It means dog walkers risk a £100 fine and potentially prosecution if they do not: • Pick up their dog’s poo • Carry the means for picking up their dog’s poo while on a walk • Stop their dog from entering a fenced-off playground • Place their dog on a lead when directed by a Council officer • Put their dog on a lead in the area around the visitor centre/café at Daventry Country Park.

The PSPO came into force in December 2015 but Daventry District Council enforcement officers have taken an educational approach so far, reminding dog walkers of the new rules rather than issuing fines. However the new powers will be fully exercised from April 1, so dog owners are urged to make sure they get into the habit of taking plenty of poo bags out with them on walks. People can find out more information about the PSPO, including a list of frequently asked questions, at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/dogfouling

Details of further workshops taking place in Braunston, Crick and Flore will be published at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/DDF, on parish noticeboards and in the local press. The consultation and workshops will help shape a strategy to improve the quality of life for older people in Daventry District. Find out more on the Daventry District Forum page on DDC’s website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/DDF

Manage Council Tax online Council Tax bills for the coming financial year will be landing on doormats district-wide this month – and residents can access their details 24-hours a day by signing up for a customer account. The online accounts allow people to check their Council Tax, Business rates or housing benefit information round-the-clock, as well as make payments and set up a Direct Debit. Register for an account at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/online



Get set for Sport Relief The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile returns to Daventry this Spring. Daventry District Council’s leisure partner Everyone Active is to host its sixth annual event on Sunday 20 March, with runners – who are encouraged to wear fancy dress – setting off from Daventry Leisure Centre on a run taking in the Eastern Way playing fields. Refreshments will be available all day and kids can enjoy the soft play area at the Leisure Centre. Find out more at www.sportrelief.com Everyone Active is also hosting a Swimathon in aid of charities including Sport Relief on Saturday and Sunday 19/20 March. Find out more at www.Swimathon.org

Help keep council standards high Volunteers are being sought for an independent role with a focus on helping to promote high standards of conduct among district, parish and town councillors.

They can offer guidance on process to councillors who are the subject of a complaint and may also be asked to be ‘mystery shoppers’, occasionally attending parish or town council meetings.

Daventry District Council is looking to recruit an ‘Independent Person’ primarily to help the authority properly investigate any complaints about district, town or parish councillors.

There is also the rare possibility of being invited to join a Panel, should one be necessary, where certain action against senior officers is being considered by the Council. However there is no obligation to join.

All elected or co-opted councillors in Daventry District work to agreed Codes of Conduct. Independent Persons are asked for their opinion by the District Council where allegations that Codes have been breached are investigated or where informal resolution is sought.

The role, which lasts for a three-year term starting May 2016, is voluntary and therefore carries no salary but post holders will be able to claim reasonable expenses. It is expected an Independent Person will need to commit a maximum

Come to a committee meeting

of three hours per month, but typically it is much less. Applicants cannot be a Member, Coopted Member or Officer of Daventry District Council or any of the town and parish councils in Daventry District, or have been so in the five years leading up to 30 June 2016. Neither can they be a relative of someone holding any of those posts. The closing date is Friday, 8 April, with selection by interviews taking place on 22 April. To apply call Wendy Craven at Daventry District Council on 01327 871100 or email wcraven@daventrydc.gov.uk


Date of meeting

Scrutiny & Improvement Committee

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Planning Committee

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Corporate Governance Committee

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Strategy Group

Thursday 14 April 2016

Planning Committee

Wednesday 27 April 2016


Wednesday 18 May 2016

Planning Committee

Thursday 19 May 2016

All meetings are open for the public to attend. For more information visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/meetings, email jfindlay@daventrydc.gov.uk or phone 01327 871100.

Strategy Group

Thursday 26 May 2016

Licensing Committee

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Corporate Governance Committee

Thursday 2 June 2016

Scrutiny & Improvement Committee

Tuesday 7 June 2016

To listen to an audio recording of a meeting, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/audiorecordings

Planning Committee

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Appeals & Standards Committee

Thursday 9 June 2016

All the meetings listed right start at 6.15pm and take place at the Civic Offices, in Lodge Road, Daventry.



Help shape the future In June 2018 Daventry District Council’s current waste and recycling contract with Amey/Enterprise will end. When this happens, the cost the Council will need to pay to deliver this important service will be considerably higher. Currently the service costs about £0.75 million a year to run. If DDC carries on with the same service, the cost is likely to be at least £1.25 million per year higher. The law is also changing to make it more important that we recycle what we can, so DDC is trying to ensure that at a minimum 45% of our waste is recycled. The changes will also seek to change some parts of the current service – like the recycling boxes – which are not popular with many people.

didn’t like. This included exploring waste collections from once a week to once every four weeks. A group of residents from the Daventry District People’s Panel, and DDC staff as well as some outside experts were engaged to think about the different things that might work. Consultants were then asked to look at all the options, so that those that worked best could be identified.

DDC therefore looked at a wide range of options for how best to provide your waste and recycling service in a way that could be afforded within the Council Tax limits and grant available, complied with the law and changed things people particularly

The option which seems to best meet the requirements is called a ‘1-2-3’ service. If this was adopted, the way services would change is as follows.

Existing service

Proposed 1-2-3 service Large black bin

Large black bin

• Rubbish which cannot be recycled

• Rubbish which cannot be recycled

• Collected three-weekly

• Collected two-weekly

• C onsidering weekly disposable nappy service

Blue recycling box • Plastic, glass, aluminium cans and foil • Collected weekly Large recycling bin Red recycling box • Paper, small cardboard

• All recycling, including large cardboard, with insert for glass

• Collected weekly

• Collected two-weekly

• Large cardboard currently cut up and placed in red box Brown food caddy

Brown food caddy

• Food waste

• Food waste

• collected weekly

• collected weekly Garden waste options

Large brown bin • Garden waste • Collected two-weekly

• Put in black bin • Home compost • Pay for additional large bin (equivalent of 69p per week) • Collected two-weekly

Around £2 million per year from 2018

Around £1.25 million per year from 2018

Assisted collections for people who cannot move their bins themselves would continue to be provided. There is a list of frequently asked questions, and the whole consultant’s report, available on the Council’s website at www.daventrydc.gov.uk



of your bin collections Frequently asked questions How would the new 1-2-3 waste and recycling system work? Your black wheeled bin would still be used for rubbish that cannot be recycled. It would be collected every three weeks. Your brown wheeled bin would become the bin for most recycling, including cardboard of any size. This would be collected every two weeks. There would also be an insert (a container which fits inside) for the brown bin to hold glass separately (unless after this consultation we decide to provide a separate container for this). This would be collected every two weeks, at the same time as the rest of the recycling. Your food waste bin, and if applicable any nappies, would be collected each week. If you chose to have the additional garden waste service, there would be another large wheeled bin (perhaps with a green lid). This would be collected every two weeks. Why are you suggesting only emptying my black bin once every three weeks? Won’t it smell? The idea is to provide better options for waste that can be recycled, so as much as possible goes into the recycling bin. That way there is less need for space for the other waste. As part of the 1-2-3 service, it is planned that food waste would be collected each week so the main source of possible smells should be taken away. We are also exploring if used nappies could be taken away each week, which should help the 1,000 or so households that have young children. We could do something similar by collecting every two weeks from smaller bins, but this would cost more to run. Because of the large increase in costs from June 2018, we cannot afford this without increasing Council Tax substantially. We would also need to buy 33,000 new bins.

Why are you proposing to charge for garden waste collections? Some people really value garden waste services, but some don’t want or need them. It doesn’t seem fair to charge everyone through the Council Tax for a service only some benefit from. We also want to encourage home composting, which is the greenest solution. In addition, we cannot find a waste service design that is affordable without introducing this charge. However, remember that you will be allowed to put garden waste in the black bin, so people with small gardens may find they don’t need a garden waste bin at all. Why don’t you charge for food waste collections or nappy waste collections? The law only allows us to charge for garden waste and bulky waste collections – and a few other specialist things such as asbestos. I have a large family. Will I still be able to have an extra-large bin? Probably not. We will consider this issue alongside a decision on providing separate nappy collections. We know that nappies can take up a large part of the bin for families with young children. If we stop providing extra-large bins, we will support families in making full use of the other services so they still have enough space in the normal black bin. In any event, we will be collecting extralarge bins from those who no longer need them. Why would costs rise so much from June 2018? The main reason is that the prices paid for materials for recycling have dropped since the current contract was tendered in 2010. Now councils often have to pay to get these taken away, rather than being paid for them. DDC is currently protected from this effect by the contract.

A ‘large bin’ means a wheeled bin like your current black and brown bins – which are 240 litres in capacity. A medium sized bin is a 180 litre capacity wheeled bin, so 75% of the size. An extra-large bin is 360 litres. These are currently provided for some large families.

Councillor Jo Gilford, Daventry District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, said: “The current contract’s end date may seem some time away, but with significant funding challenges ahead of us, in an ever-changing industry and with lengthy preparation times it is important we start planning now. “Maintaining the status quo is not a sensible option, as the cost of the service would more than double, and be too expensive to run. So we have to look at a future option that is affordable and will deliver a good quality service for our residents. “We want to have your views on these proposals. This will help us ensure we do the best job we can in designing a service that meets your needs and is affordable to run, complies with the law, and protects our environment. “When we have had your views, these will be considered and a final decision made in the summer. Once the Council has made a decision on the design of the service, it will consider which ways are best to deliver it. This might involve another external contract, the Council delivering the service itself, or working with other councils to provide a shared service.”

How to give your views The consultation runs until 5pm on Thursday 31st March 2016. All residents and local businesses are encouraged to get involved. For more details and to complete the survey visit www. daventrydc.gov.uk/consultation. Alternatively for a paper copy please call 01327 871100.

Focus On


Don’t miss your c to vote in May ele On Thursday, May 5, 2016, residents across Daventry District will go to the polls to elect local councillors and a Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire. Here we focus on everything you need to know about this year’s elections. Polling Day for a Police and Crime Commissioner

Parish council elections

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 an election will be taking place for Northamptonshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

Elections are due to be held for seats in the following parishes: Boughton, Braunston, The Bringtons, Brixworth, Draughton, East Haddon, Flore, Hollowell (both Hollowell & Teeton wards), Kilsby, Lamport, Maidwell, Norton, Pitsford, Ravensthorpe (Ravensthorpe & Coton wards), Scaldwell, Weedon, Welton, Whilton (Whilton & Whilton Locks wards). Polling stations for those parishes that are contested will be open between 7am and 10pm on Thursday, 5 May.

Residents in this county are among voters in 41 police force areas in England and Wales, excluding London, who will elect PCCs this year. The role was introduced in 2012 and replaced local police authorities. The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for holding the Chief Constable and police force to account on the public’s behalf. PCCs oversee how crime is tackled in their area and aim to make sure the police are providing a good service. For more details on how to take part in them visit www.aboutmyvote.co.uk

Daventry District Council elections One-third of Daventry District Council’s seats are due to be contested this year. A councillor for each of the following wards will be elected:


Villages / areas within the ward

Councillors to be elected

Abbey North

Headlands, Part of Ashby Fields (Dennetts, New Forest Way and Highlands Drive), Drayton 1 Park, Middlemore, Timken

Abbey South

Part of Ashby Fields (Shackleton Drive, Speke Drive), Daneholme Park, Daventry Town Centre, Inlands, Priory Estate, Jubilee Road


Barby and Kilsby Ashby St Ledgers, Barby and Onley, Crick, Kilsby


Braunston & Welton

Braunston, Welton



Brixworth, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Draughton, Lamport, Maidwell, Scaldwell



Stefen Hill, The Grange, Cherry Orchard



Borough Hill, Southbrook, Lang Farm


Long Buckby

Long Buckby, Guilsborough, Watford, West Haddon



Althorp, the Bringtons, East Haddon, Ravensthorpe, Holdenby, Hollowell



Boughton, Chapel Brampton, Church Brampton, Harlestone, Pitsford, Spratton



Brockhall, Dodford, Everdon, Farthingstone, Flore, Newnham, Norton, Stowe IX Churches, Weedon, Whilton



Badby, Byfield, Catesby, Canons Ashby, Charwelton, Fawlsey, Hellidon, Preston Capes, Staverton, Woodford-cum-Membris


Make sure you’re registered You need to be on the electoral register to vote. The deadline for registering in time for this year’s May elections is Monday April 18, 2016. However, the process to register to vote takes longer under the Individual Electoral Registration (IER) system so we suggest you try and have your application to us by Friday April 8, 2016 to ensure inclusion on the register.

If you are registering to vote for the first time you can do this online at www.gov.uk/registertovote - you will be asked for your date of birth and National Insurance Number. These details are checked against government records to help make sure that registrations are genuine. If you have recently moved or you are not sure if you are registered, you should contact Daventry District Council (DDC) Electoral Services on 01327 871100 or email us at electoralservices@daventrydc.gov.uk

Focus On

chance ections How to vote…. …In person You can vote at your designated polling station, from 7am to 10pm on Thursday, May 5. Please ensure you check your poll card for the correct address – this will be on your polling card that will be sent out to you a few weeks before the elections. You will also be able to view a list of locations at www.daventrydc.gov.uk or phone 01327 871100 for more details. If you lose or forget your poll card you will still be able to vote without it, but it is easier if you have it with you. …by post If you are 18 or over and on the electoral register, you can apply for a postal vote. A postal vote may be arranged for one election, indefinitely or for a specific period. You will need to complete a Postal Vote Application Form, which can be requested by calling 01327 871100. It then needs to be sent to DDC’s Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday, April 19, 2016. Postal vote packs are sent out about 10 to 15 days before polling day. Once you’ve received your postal vote, mark your vote on the ballot paper and make sure you send it back so that it arrives by close of poll (10pm on election day). If it arrives later than this, your vote won’t be counted. If you are not yet registered under the new IER way of registering, then you will not be able to apply for a postal vote for this election but may still vote in person at your local polling station.

…by proxy Voting by proxy means that you can appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf if you are unable to get to the polling station, for example if you are working away, on holiday abroad, or fall ill and are unable to get to the polling station. Anyone can be your proxy as long as they are eligible to vote in that type of election and they are willing to vote on your behalf. A proxy cannot vote for more than two people unless they are relatives. You will need to fill in an application form that can be requested from the number below and then sent to DDC’s Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday April 26, 2016. If an elector falls ill after this date they may be able to apply for a proxy vote up to 5pm on May 5. To request an application form call 01327 871100, or email electoralservices@ daventrydc.gov.uk

Thinking of becoming a candidate? If you’re interested in standing for forthcoming elections or becoming an agent, you can find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ electoralnominations. Alternatively contact Electoral Services on 01327 871100 or email us at electoralservices@daventrydc.gov.uk Polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm on Thursday, 5 May. EU Referendum Details about a future EU Referendum were not available at time of going to press. Information will be published at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/elections

For more details on this year’s elections, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/elections




Rural firms can access up to £100,000 to help them grow Rural businesses across Daventry District can now apply for grants of up to £100,000 to help create growth and jobs.

north and west Northamptonshire, the Chilterns and the Clay Vales area, spanning Aylesbury Vale, rural Milton Keynes and South Northamptonshire.

The grants are administered by Ngage Solutions, on behalf of the North & West Northamptonshire (N&WN) LEADER Local Action Group.

In north and west Northamptonshire it is expected to help with the creation of approximately 75 jobs and to provide financial support for 130 rural businesses.

Supported by Daventry District Council, the N&WN LEADER programme is designed to promote business growth, particularly the growth of micro and small businesses.

Mike Furness, LEADER Programme Manager, said: “The N&WN LEADER Programme supports activity that helps businesses grow, drawing on the unique characteristics of the area, while promoting the sustainable management of natural resources like woodlands.

It is focused on rural areas to support small rural companies, to develop projects such as: farm shops; wood processing machinery; glamping; local food initiatives; micro-breweries; and much more. The scheme is part of a larger programme which has made a total of £5 million available to rural businesses across

Employment Portfolio Holder, said: “It is important to this Council to support local businesses and enable them to thrive, and this funding will help deliver growth, jobs and new opportunities in our rural communities. “I would encourage rural businesses across Daventry District to explore this further and see if LEADER funding can help them.”

“We want to ensure the distinctive local features of this area are enhanced through our support for local businesses.”

Find out more at www.leader-programme.org.uk or call 07802 411040.

Councillor David James, Daventry District Council’s Economic, Regeneration and

Plan for success with Growth Hub Businesses looking to move forward to the next level are being offered free support by the Northamptonshire Growth Hub. In just over two years since its launch, the Northamptonshire Growth Hub has handled more than 2,000 enquiries from businesses looking for an extensive range of growth support, from early stage one-to-one guidance to a more comprehensive business growth strategy. The result of a partnership between Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership (NEP), the University of Northampton and Northamptonshire County Council, the Growth Hub has a team of professionals on hand to help businesses of all sizes achieve their ambitions. Growth Hub manager Janette Pallas said:

“Phrases such as strategy and business planning can be met with groans as they are seen as remote from the real job of running a business, but at its simplest, a business strategy is about knowing where you are, where you want to get to and how you are going to get there - an approach that businesses take all day, every day on smaller, routine business issues. “One of our main priorities is to engage with and support growing Northamptonshire companies as effectively as possible. For example, and in response to feedback from clients, we’re now providing remote business support to those that prefer this to enable them to develop a business growth strategy.” Call 0844 5560101 or visit www. northamptonshiregrowthhub.co.uk

A helping hand Find out about some of the additional support available for businesses in Daventry District: NEP Funding and Business Support A comprehensive and varied programme of business support providing the fundamentals for new and growing businesses, large and small. Call 01604 609393 or visit www.northamptonshireep.co.uk/ funding-business-support

Velocity The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership’s Velocity programme provides a broad range of resources to help businesses unleash their potential and support growth ambitions.

Fredericks Northamptonshire The local arm of the Fredericks Foundation charity lends money and provides a mentoring service to disadvantaged businesses in the county that cannot get finance by any other means.

Call 0300 0123435 or visit www.velocitybusinesssupport.com

Call 01276 472722 or visit www. fredericksfoundation.org/northamptonshire

Your Community

Clean for the Queen provides springboard for district’s litter campaign Daventry District residents are being invited to help Clean for the Queen this spring as part of a national campaign to get a million people out and about tidying up their communities. Supported by the Government, the initiative aims to give the Queen a suitably impressive gift to mark her 90th birthday on 21 April. As part of the campaign, Daventry District Council and its partners are encouraging and supporting groups and individuals who want to ‘do their bit’ to help clear up the litter that blights our streets, parks and open spaces. The Council’s backing for the national initiative is part of its ongoing Clean up my Community campaign, launched two years ago in a bid to introduce a proactive approach to address environmental crimes across the district. Alongside high-profile action days to clear litter hotspots, the campaign also loans out litter picking kits to community groups and has supported more than 20 clean-up events.

Volunteers from businesses including Tesco, Waitrose and McDonald’s have also contributed. The District also now boasts a network of volunteers taking part in DDC’s innovative spray painting scheme to reduce dog fouling. And in some communities, such as The Grange Estate in Daventry, volunteers have led the way, working with the Council and other agencies to transform areas. The Council hopes the Clean for the Queen campaign will further increase volunteer participation across the district as well as providing a focus for tackling litter and other environmental crimes during the spring months. Clean for the Queen is backed by organisations including the Women’s Institute, the National Trust and the RSPB, as well as businesses and anti-litter charities such as Keep Britain Tidy and the Campaign to Protect Rural England. It centred on a weekend of activity from March 4 to 6 but DDC and its partners hope its impact will extend beyond that.

Councillor Jo Gilford, Environment Portfolio Holder on Daventry District Council, said: “We are delighted to be supporting Clean for the Queen and we would encourage as many groups, individuals and organisations in Daventry District to take part. “However this should not be seen simply as a short-term fix. We hope to use this opportunity to further grow our network of volunteers who we can support to help make communities cleaner and greener for years to come. “Despite the successes of the Clean up my Community campaign so far, we know environmental crime such as dog fouling and littering continues to be a major concern for our residents, which is why tackling it remains a priority for this Council and why we will continue to work closely with residents to help keep communities clean and tidy.” Find out more about the Clean Up My Community campaign, including how to stage a litter pick in your area, at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ cleanupmycommunity


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Councillors Catherine Lomax, Deanna Eddon and Alan Hills helping out on a community clear-up of Daventry town centre.



Focus On

New vision for retail and leisure development

How the site would look from the Eastern Way approach

Exciting plans for a retail and leisure development in Daventry District are set to move forward this year. The plans for the Waterloo/Gasworks/ Chaucer Way area of Daventry – known as Town Centre Vision Site 5 – include two food stores alongside a range of retail units, a 60-bedroom hotel, a family restaurant and a fast food outlet. More than 430 parking spaces will be provided within the development and a McCarthy and Stone retirement housing complex is also proposed to the south of the site where the former Danetre Vauxhall garage and Brass Band hall have been demolished. Original plans for the site included a large supermarket and petrol station, however these proposals have now been revised in response to major ongoing changes to people’s shopping habits, which mean supermarket operators are no longer interested in developments of that scale.

Councillor Chris Millar, Leader of Daventry District Council, said: “These plans complement our town centre’s existing retail offer and will improve the choice available locally, so we can retain and attract new shoppers and compete with the larger centres of neighbouring towns. “With an increasing number of people now opting to shop more frequently with ‘top up’ visits instead of the weekly trip to a superstore, the plans aim to reflect this modern-day living. “These revised plans put a major retail development on the table for Daventry which, subject to all the necessary committee approvals and planning consents, could even be open for trading within the next two years.” Councillor Millar added: “It’s no secret that in recent years the big supermarket chains

have suffered a fall in sales and have been withdrawing from new store acquisitions. A new petrol station is now unlikely to be delivered as part of these revised proposals and we realise that some residents will be disappointed by this, but we hope they will welcome the increased mix of retail and leisure facilities.” Justin Sheldon, Senior Development Surveyor at Henry Boot Developments, said: “The new scheme for Site 5 reflects current retail requirements for smaller food stores after the scaling back of the larger supermarket operators new store requirements. The scheme includes a range of medium sized general retail stores, larger than can be provided in the Town Centre which is in close proximity. Subject to the necessary consents and agreements, we look forward to making a start on the scheme this year.”

Those revised proposals, by Daventry District Council’s (DDC) development partner Henry Boot Developments, aim to increase consumer choice and were agreed at the meeting of Council in December last year. A planning application for the revised plans is expected to be submitted in spring this year.

Looking west over the site from the B4038 (the road which links Warwick Street with the Braunston Road, Ashby Road, Eastern Way roundabout)

Focus On The new proposals for Site 5 include: • 40,000 sq ft of supermarket space in two units (previously a single unit of 60,000 sq ft) • 36,000 sq ft of A1 units (shops/general retail) • Family restaurant • Fast food restaurant/takeaway • 60-bed hotel • Approximately 430 additional parking spaces • Retirement living apartments on land at the former Vauxhall Garage and Brass Band Hall site, Warwick Street • Keeping more of the existing road layout, although the Eastern Way roundabout and three subways will be removed.

The changing face of Daventry Daventry Calling takes a look at recent progress on some of the other Town Centre Vision development projects for Daventry:

Increased leisure and retail requirements remain a priority for Daventry town centre and the prospect of a smaller development with a new cinema is being explored.

This latest step means that all land on Site 6 is now committed for development that will enhance our District’s educational offer.

Site 1 – retail and leisure development

The Council has recently concluded technical work on assembling all the land required for future development.

Site 3 – the Daventry WaterSpace

In June 2014 planning permission was granted for a new retail development, cinema and library on land north of High Street – also known as Town Centre Vision Site 1. This scheme was reliant on cross-funding from the Site 5 development going ahead in its original form, in order to make it commercially viable. In the light of the revised Site 5 proposals, Henry Boot Developments Ltd and Daventry District Council are committed to reworking Site 1 to improve its commercial viability.

Site 6 – a new learning quarter for Daventry Work with partners on a new learning quarter on Town Centre Vision Site 6, off Eastern Way and Ashby Road, is also progressing. Daventry Hill School, a new academy for pupils aged four to 19 with special educational needs, is being developed on land adjoining the Daventry University Technical College and is due to open its doors to pupils towards the end of 2016.

Work is taking place to revise the masterplan for Site 3 off Eastern Way, also known as the Daventry WaterSpace. The proposed WaterSpace will offer a vibrant extension of the town centre, including a marina with proposals to blend leisure, residential, office and community use. The site would, in time, link to the proposed Daventry Canal Arm. The Daventry Canal Arm and boatlift Further activity to bring forward the canal arm and boatlift proposals is expected this year. The planning application for the Daventry Canal Arm – a 2.6km stretch of canal linking the Grand Union Canal to Sites 3 & 6 of the town centre – was submitted in August 2011 and work is on-going to provide supplementary information to support the application. If the canal project receives planning permission, the Council also hopes to include a boatlift as part of the project and will commence work on a planning application for this. It is hoped the scheme will help regenerate Daventry, increase tourism and attract fresh investment into the District.

To find out more about the Town Centre Vision proposals, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/regeneration


What’s on


Events in Daventry District this Spring Saturday 19 March Licensing of new Team Vicar at Barby with Kilsby – The Licensing of Rev Nigel Fry will take place at 3pm in St Mary’s Church, Barby, followed by a welcome reception in Barby Village Hall.

Sunday 20 March Sport Relief Mile at Daventry Leisure Centre – fundraisers will run a one-mile circuit on the playing fields in Eastern Way, Daventry. See page 5.

Easter Weekend 25-28 March Free Easter Egg Hunt at Daventry Country Park - see page 16 for more. Kelmarsh Country Show featuring field sports competitions, family entertainment, crafts, stands and more from March 26 to 28. Visit www. kelmarshcountryshow.co.uk for more. The Gardens at Kelmarsh also open for the season on Easter Sunday, March 27, while the hall opens on Easter Monday, (March 28). There will be an Easter Trail for families to take part in, with clues located around the gardens. Find out more at www.kelmarsh.com

Easter Egg Hunt at Canons Ashby, 11am to 4pm daily from 27 March to 1 April. Find out more at www. nationaltrust.org.uk/canons-ashby Antiques and Collectors Fair at Lamport Hall from 10am to 4pm Easter Monday and Sunday. Find out more at www.lamporthall.co.uk or phone 01604 686272.

Wednesday 13 April Join the Daventry and District Friends of Iganga at the Methodist Church Hall, in Golding Close, Daventry. The hall will be open for refreshments from 6.45pm, followed by an AGM at 7.15pm and talks on current projects from 7.30pm. Find out more from Jan on 01327 871377 or email jan@morrott.co.uk

Sunday 17 April NGS Garden Open Day at Cottesbrooke Hall from 2pm to 5.30pm. Find out more from www. cottesbrooke.co.uk or phone 01604 505808.

Thursday 21 April Beacon lighting on Daventry’s Borough Hill – see page 4 for more.

Sunday 24 April Quiz at Barby Village Hall in aid of Barby Pre-School. Teams of four are invited to enter at a cost of £8 per team and there will be a licensed bar, refreshments and prizes. Phone 01788 891091 to book.

Saturday 30 April An Evening with Shakespeare at Canons Ashby, orchestrated by Eboracum Baroque on period instruments, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Bard’s death. Tickets £12 (£6 children) on 01327 861900. Find out more at www. nationaltrust.org.uk/canons-ashby

Sunday and Monday 1-2 May Art, Craft and Design Fair at Lamport Hall from 10am to 5pm each day. Find out more at www. lamporthall.co.uk or phone 01604 686272.

Saturday 7 May Dav Vegfest from 9.30am to 3pm at The Methodist Church, in Golding Close, Daventry - featuring food tasting, recipes, advice, refreshments, lunches and stalls. Visit www. facebook.com/daventryvegetarians for more.

Tuesday 10 May Daventry District and South Northants Funding Fair at Towcester Racecourse from 10am to 3pm. Drop-in event for local community groups looking for help finding funding.

Sunday 15 May

Kelmarsh Hall Kelmarsh Hall

Discover more days out at www.lovedaventry.com

Moulton Village Fun Run - the curtain raiser for Moulton Village Festival, a week of events concluding with the festival itself on Saturday, 21 May. Visit www.moultonnorthants-pc. gov.uk for more.

What’s on


Wednesday 18 May National Gardens Scheme opening at Kelmarsh Hall. The gardens and tea room will be open from 11am to 5pm, with proceeds to charity. Visit www.ngs. org.uk or www.kelmarsh.com for more.

Saturday 21 May Moulton Village Festival – the culmination of a week of activities in the village, featuring a procession, the crowning of the May Queen and Morris dancers, plus stalls, displays and activities and much more. Visit www. moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk for more.

Sunday 22 May Plant sale at Badby Village Hall from 2pm, featuring tea and homemade cakes.

Wednesday 25 May Gardeners’ Coffee Morning at Old West Farm, Little Preston, near Preston Capes, from 10am to midday. Interesting and unusual plants for sale, cake stall and raffle, plus ample offroad parking.

Spring Bank Holiday Weekend 28-30 May Crick Boat Show at Crick Marina from Saturday 28 to Monday 30 May. Buy tickets from www.crickboatshow.com or phone 01283 742970. Festival of Country Life at Lamport Hall on Sunday and Monday, May 29/30, from 10am-5pm each day. Find out more at www.lamporthall.co.uk or phone 01604 686272.

Golf croquet at Preston Capes

Crick Boat Show

Saturday 4 June Bell-ringing competition at Holy Cross Church, Daventry – bell-ringing teams from across East Anglia will compete for the Ridgman Trophy on the ten bells of the Holy Cross church throughout the afternoon, with visitors invited to listen, judge and talk to the competitors.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration in the Public Gardens at Moulton at 2pm. Visit www.moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk for more. Garage Sale in Barby from 10am to 2pm to raise funds for the Air Ambulance. To book a place or find out more phone 01788 891299.

Sunday 5 June

Sunday 26 June

Preston Capes/Little Preston open gardens – Six village gardens will be open from midday - 5pm in aid of the National Gardens Scheme. Light lunches and afternoon teas available, plus plants for sale. For more information visit www.ngs.org.uk

Preston Capes Golf Croquet Pairs Tournament, at The Cedars in Church Way, from 11am. Eighteen teams are expected to compete for the coveted trophy, while spectators can enjoy a licensed bar and barbecue, with proceeds to the Preston Capes Village hall charity. Find out more from stevecook.cook@gmail.com or Dixieis60@aol.com

Sunday 12 June Fun Day and Big Lunch at Daventry Country Park. See page 16 for more.

If you would like to include forthcoming events in the District in Daventry Calling please email news@ daventrydc.gov.uk Due to distribution schedules, some areas of the district may receive Daventry calling later than the date of some featured events.

Discover our district’s beautiful villages at www.lovedaventry.com/beautiful-villages


What’s on

All set for a cracking time at country park Youngsters are invited to spend a fun morning hunting for chocolate hidden around Daventry Country Park this Easter. The free Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Competition sponsored by Specsavers takes place at the park, off Northern Way, on Easter Monday, March 28. The event gets underway with the Easter Bonnet Parade at the Visitor Centre at 10am. Children are invited to design colourful bonnets for the competition, sponsored by Daventry Town Council, with prizes on offer for the most colourful, most creative and best themed. Then at 10.20am children will be invited to pick up trail sheets from the Visitor Centre to join the free Eggsplorer Trail. There will be a trail for 5-10 year olds, followed by a second for younger visitors, with both ending in a chocolate hunt. Families wishing to take part are encouraged to fill in and cut out the coupon opposite and bring it with them to speed up the registration process for the chocolate hunt at the end. Councillor Alan Hills, Daventry District Council’s Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder, said: “The Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Competition is a great tradition at Daventry Country Park and always proves very popular. Families have great fun taking part and of course it’s completely free to attend, so please join us for a fantastic morning at the park.”

Register for our Easter Egg Hunt Please complete and bring this coupon along to take part in the Easter Egg Hunt at this year’s free Easter event at Daventry Country Park, Monday, March 28, 2016. Name (s): ..................................................................................... Age (s): ....................................................................................... Postcode: ................................................................................... Under the Data Protection Act 1998 we have a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you. We do not pass on your details to any third parties and this form will only be used by Daventry District Council to keep a record of registration to the Halloween Spooktacular event.

Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DaventryCountryPark Mini Adventure

Park Fun Day

The fun continues on Monday, April 4 with an Easter Mini Adventure to make bird seed feeders. There are sessions at 10am and 11am in the visitors centre. Spaces are limited so please book on 01327 871100.

The park is also hosting a Fun Day on Sunday, June 12 as part of this year’s Big Lunch event.People are invited to the park for a great day featuring stalls, games and other fun activities.

Keep kids active and occupied this Easter There’s no shortage of activities to keep youngsters entertained this coming Easter thanks to sports camps organised by Everyone Active. Basketball Camp is open to children aged five to 16 and runs at Daventry Leisure Centre on Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30, from 10am to 3pm each day. On Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1 children have a choice of Netball Camp (ages 7-16) at Daventry Leisure Centre from 10am-3pm or Football Camp (ages 5-16) at Daventry Sports Park in Browns Road, also from 10am-3pm.

The second week of the Easter holidays serves up Tennis Camp for ages five to 16, running at Daventry Leisure Centre from Monday to Friday, April 4 to 8, from 10am to 3pm each day. Also running at the Centre from April 4 to 8 is Trampoline Camp for ages 5 to 16, with daily sessions from 12.30pm to 3pm. All the camps cost £12.50 per day with discounts available when booking for the week. Youngsters booked onto those camps starting at 10am can also book a place in the Connections Club, which costs £3.25 and offers a variety of games and activities from 8.30am to the start of

camp, as well as a swimming voucher valid between 1.30pm and 4pm on the same day. Phone 01327 871144 to book.

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