Help us to plan the future of your District

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Help to plan the future of your District

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Friday 29th January to Friday 11th March 2016 Daventry District Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2a) Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan (Part 2b)

What we’re doing - and

Work is starting on two new Local Plans. Th development of Daventry District up to 2029 and are seeking views to help us prepare th

The Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2a) What is the purpose of the plan? Building on the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, this Plan will help to guide investment decisions in the District and provide detailed planning policies to help decision-making on matters including rural and urban housing growth, the rural economy, sustainable development, and the natural, built and historic environment.

What do we need to know? Key issues include:

What is required to ensure Daventry is a vibrant, historic market town? How do we ensure our rural communities remain vibrant? How do we balance the need for sustainable growth whilst protecting and enhancing the environment? How should we ensure high quality design?

d why your views matter

hey will play an important role in shaping the future 9. We are currently at the Issues and Options Stage he plans. Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan (Part 2b) What is the purpose of the plan? This Plan will set out detailed planning policy and guidance for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople development up until 2029, identifying and allocating sites in the District to meet the needs of these groups.

What do we need to know? Key issues include:

18 residential pitches need to be found. Should existing sites be extended or should new sites be found to meet this need?

Should all 18 pitches be contained on one site or would several small sites work better?

Should developers be expected to provide a proportion of pitches on major development sites?

Should sites be owned by the Council or privately owned?

How many pitches should an Emergency Stopping place contain?

Daventry District’s Development Plan West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part 1) Adopted December 2014

Part 2a Settlements and Countryside Local Plan

Part 2b Gypsies Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan

When adopted

When adopted

Neighbourhood Plans When ‘made’ For further information, visit /planning-policy

How you can take part

The Issues and Options Consultation runs from Friday 29th January to Friday 11th March 2016 Where to view the documents

You can view the consultation documents online at Hard copies are also available at the Daventry District Council offices, Lodge Road, Daventry and libraries at Daventry, Brixworth, Long Buckby, Moulton and Woodford Halse.

Public Exhibitions

The following public exhibitions are being held across the District. Members of Daventry District Council’s Local Strategy Team will be available to answer any questions: Date



Tuesday 9th February

Woodford Halse Library (Farndon Room) School Street, Woodford Halse NN11 3RL


Wednesday, 10th February

Welford Village Hall West Street, Welford NN6 6HU


Thursday, 11th February

Moulton Village Hall Pound Lane, Moulton NN3 7SD


Tuesday, 23rd February

Crick (The Old School House) Church Street, Crick NN6 7TP


Wednesday, 24th February

Long Buckby Community Centre 41 Station Road, Long Buckby, NN6 7QB


Throughout the consultation period there will be a permanent display during opening hours at Daventry District Council’s offices, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP

How to comment

Fill in a response form and submit your comments: Online: By Post: Local Strategy Service, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4FP By email:

What happens next We will consider all the responses from this consultation and they will be used to prepare a first draft of the plan which will be published for full consultation at the end of the year. The timetable for preparing the Part 2 Local Plans up to adoption can be found online at If you have any queries, please email or telephone 01327 302559.

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