Magazine Layout Design Sample
Dave Remedios
Fashion Designing
Fashion design is the applied art devoted to the designing of clothing and lifestyle accessories. This art is mostly influenced by the social attitudes and has evolved over time and place. This is a career which has been in practice from the time of Kalidasa to the time of Lady Gaga. Fashion designing is one of the most lucrative, appealing, glamorous and exciting career options in today's world. If you have a penchant for creativity, style and originality, a career in fashion designing is the one tailor made for you. On one hand, the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people. On the other hand, it promises glamour, fame, success and a high pay package to the talented people. This art requires a sense of modern thinking and a mind that changes according to the world scenario. Fashion designing is just not tailoring but it is imagining and creating. However, for this career option you have to have your creativity beyond the boundaries.
n this essay I would guide you towards this career. Two types of qualification are required to join and progress in this career. Natural: This skill set would comprise of a decent aesthetic sense, colour expertise, good taste and sense of trends and fashion. An eye for detail, knowledge of fabrics and so on is a big plus for those serious about a career as a fashion designer. Acquired skills: would be a qualification from a decent, recognized fashion Institute. You can enrol for either a full-time course or a part time certificate course. Students usually take these up after their 10+2 level. Not that the courses are not available for graduates or people with higher qualification. There are several short-term certificate courses that are offered by the same fashion institutes for super specialization, on part-time basis. These courses equip you with technical and creative thinking skills. The word “fashion� immediately conjures up the images of glitz and glamour. Seriousness, creativity and talent are what this field requires and educational qualification is something that is not counted among the compulsory element for this career. The onset of the International fashion market in India has given an impetus to the fashion
industry which has emerged as the booming industry and a career as a fashion designer is like a pot of gold. So, many young people who are attracted by these attributes decide to foray into the fashion industry. Your career in fashion should start at a very early and tender age. You should start your hunt and lust for designing should start straight after your 10th grade. By the time you finish your course in fashion designing you will have mastered the step-by-step making of a garment: from designing to pattern making, production and even marketing. Many questions would be arising in your mind like is it the right career for me? Well in my view this is a perfect career for you if you are talented and exude style in everything you do. You must also possess the ability be original and creative and love to make people look good. Further, you must be creative enough to combine colours, shades and textures and express your ideas through sketches. You must also visualise new design, patters, garments and accessories and enjoy working with fabrics and accessories. Cost required in completing this course: The fee structure varies from institution to institution. However, on an average you will have to dish out more than Rs. 45,000 per annum to complete a course in Fashion Designing from a reputed institution.
Fashion However there are many scholarships given out and many funds too. If you are caught in the midst of some popular fashion channels then they would definitely take full charge of your studying cost but for this you have to be extraordinary and very talented. Job prospect in India: In India, the fashion industry has just begun to come of age, as it is still in its fledgling stage. This industry offers plenty of opportunities for talented hard working and enthusiastic people. Prospects for fashion design graduates are pretty good thanks to the huge and still growing demand for “designer wear” and the equally outsized quantity of exports. But, in abroad it has got a lot of scope and more and more people are joining this field and to shine here you have to be completely out of the box. Salary: In India, the fashion industry has just begun to come of age, as it is still in its fledgling stage. This industry offers plenty of opportunities for talented hard working and enthusiastic people. Prospects for fashion design graduates are pretty good thanks to the huge and still growing demand for “designer wear” and the equally outsized quantity of exports. But with hard work and talent your pay packet would surely show a rise. Positives of fashion designing: The scope of fashion design is such that it’s cut out for success. There are some glamorous aspects to this business, you may get to rub shoulders with the rich and famous, but reaching there is absolute hard work. Negatives of fashion designing: Fashion designers need a lot of experience and hence they have to work as assistant for any reputed fashion design firm in the initial phase. You might want to set up your own studio but you will need a lot of money or have to find investors who are ready to invest in your studio.
If you work hard and put your creativity out of the box then you can certainly be over the top. Maybe you would be designing expensive wear for the tear of great actors or maybe by putting your creativity at its best to design clothes for aliens. So, don’t lose hope and work towards this career field if you are really interested in it. Like always I would like to give you a tip apart from career guidance. Remember that always to be at the top you have to have the support of the people at the bottom so keep calm and have patience. Never rush things and get bad at people and loose their support. Remember
“Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will.”