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Personal Profile Andrew R4L
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Understanding the Background This Clarity4D profile is compiled from a set of statements that is unique to Andrew. The idea of personality profiling is not new; it has been around since the Ancient Greeks when Hippocrates, the Greek philosopher and medical doctor, identified that his patients behaved in four quite different and distinctive ways. Over 2,000 years later, the psychologist Carl Jung also identified the differences in personality types. Referring to “The Psychology of C G Jung” written by his pupil, Dr Jolande Jacobi, the Clarity4D model is based on his work – linking the Ancient Greeks with modern psychology by using colour as a behavioural language. The Link from the Ancient Greeks Using the idea from the Ancient Greeks of the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air, and the energy that is created by those four elements, the Clarity4D model has been linked to the four psychological types identified by Carl Jung, and our preferred way of behaving. The concept of colour has also been added to help the reader recognise and remember the different types of personality. INTROVERTED PREFERENCES are represented by Water and Earth – energies that are hidden beneath the surface i.e. sea or soil (WATER) BLUE energy is shown by people who are introspective and reserved. They like to observe others and think before taking action. They are happy in their own company, and can give an independent, detached analysis, which can sometimes give the impression of aloofness.
(EARTH) GREEN energy is observed in people who are warm and friendly in an understated way. They value close relationships and will be loyal and supportive of their family and friends. They like to create a harmonious atmosphere and prefer consensus to confrontation, which can sometimes make them appear indecisive and laid- back.
EXTRAVERTED PREFERENCES are represented by Fire and Air – energies that are above the surface (FIRE) RED energy is demonstrated by people who are highly energetic and actionorientated. They are positive, straight-talking and assertive. They tend to be goal-focussed and enjoy the challenge of achieving quick results. They are pragmatic thinkers who have an objective approach which can sometimes overlook the needs of other people. (AIR) YELLOW energy is displayed by people who are out-going, sociable and fun-loving. They particularly enjoy the company of other likeminded people and frequently stand out in a crowd, often enjoying being the centre of attention. They are persuasive, charming and can sometimes overwhelm people with their enthusiastic energy.
As individuals we are a mixture of these four elements, but we have a preference for using some of the energies over others, and the Clarity4D profile will identify which these preferences are, and how we can adapt and use the energies to meet the needs of different people and situations in our personal and professional lives. At the end of the profile is an action plan designed for Andrews Osei to complete and work on a future personal development strategy.
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How Do You Show Up? Conscious-self Graph (R4L)
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The 4 Dimensions of Andrew These pages give an overview of Ernest’s personal style and some insight into how he works with people and tasks.
1st Dimension: How Andrew Sees Himself Ernest spreads warmth and enthusiasm. He sees positives in every situation and especially in other people. His parties are great affairs and enjoyed by many. He is happy to let others sort out the technical side of a project while he concentrates on creating a good working atmosphere. He is fascinated by out of the ordinary situations and has a natural ability for articulation. He may have a history of started, but incomplete projects. He needs to ensure that practical details are included in his projects, and should review the situation objectively instead of from his own perspective. He has an interest in seeing the future possibilities in people and situations. Routine tasks, facts and figures can be boring, especially when they do not relate to what is his immediate interest. He is skilled at working with people, both on a one-to-one and in groups, and can be elected in a leadership role. He has a sunny nature and because he doesn't like painful situations, he may not confront his personal worries. Ernest is constantly searching for new ideas and experiences. Ernest achieves great satisfaction by being of service and assistance to others. He has a wide variety of contacts and acquaintances and he works hard at maintaining the relationships as well as achieving required results. He is most effective mentally when he is working with people. He is skilled in mixing his normally self-assured style with social graces. When his ideas are rejected or criticised, he finds it difficult to hide his hurt and disappointment and can take it personally. He can come up with more concepts, possibilities, plans and opportunities than the average human being. He takes little notice of gloomy, negative reactions or circumstances. He is an eternal optimist, looking for a positive in every situation. He is creative, self-reliant and his intuition can spot possibilities when relating to others. Ernest likes to work in an environment that offers variety as he is quick witted and capable of handling several things at once. His inventive mind comes up with a flow of new ideas. He is an inspiring and gifted visionary who is able to motivate most people to action. He is driven by his strong imagination to turn his ideas into fruition. He is at his best working with groups of co-operative people, and dislikes tasks that are factual or need high degrees of accuracy. He has high levels of energy and passion. He will reject pessimism and whinging and be keen to achieve a result.
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Continue He may think he can sweet talk his way around anyone. He is well-liked, friendly, affable and has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Highly intuitive about others, Ernest cares for their future development. Ernest likes an informal and relaxed environment. This does not mean that he doesn't take his work and important issues seriously. If he has to give someone some negative feedback, he will try to lighten it by finding something good to say. He likes consensus and group discussions rather than written procedures and instructions from above. Ernest has a natural warmth, charm and ability to understand others which gives him a great deal of self-confidence. He is an effective leader, able to convince people of the benefits of his vision. His main objective is to build a happy and harmonious relationship with the people he is in touch with. He likes to be on the go with other busy people. He may consider those in whom he has invested a lot of effort to be his "special" friends. Ernest has an even-tempered and congenial nature that attracts people to him and he has a wide circle of friends and is known by a great number of people. He displays compassion and empathy to everyone with his caring and supportive manner. An innovative thinker, Ernest is good and enthusiastic company, with a high opinion of his own abilities. He can entertain company with his humour and interesting stories. He excels at communicating and uses his gift of eloquence to best effect. Ernest is a highly attractive and charming individual with a natural gift of the gab. Ernest is accommodating and eloquent and he offers empathetic support. He should endeavour to wait until he has considered all angles and investigated alternatives before making decisions. He would get better results if he analysed information more thoroughly when making a decision. He tends to over promise because he wants to please others. His tendency to avoid unpleasant facts means that problems are sometimes not faced or outcomes not worked on. He's likely to take risks when making decisions. Some people might think of him as a hasty decision maker. His preference for happy relationships will cause him to put a lot of energy into making them work. He will be aware of how the decision making process and its outcome will affect other people. He makes decisions quickly and involves people in the solutions. His motto might be "Live now, pay later" and he tends to view the world by how his decisions impact on those around him. His natural inquisitiveness will bring a fresh approach and "out of the box" ideas to the group. If he can create a role for everyone in a project, he will do so. He will use the group to gain a consensus of agreement. Ernest sometimes seems to make decisions that make no logical sense. He can take strong action when required, but is unlikely to go to the point of acting in revenge or for gain.
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Strongest Areas In no particular order, these are what Ernest considers to be his major strengths and intrinsic talents.
High self-confidence.
Capable and resilient.
Imaginative and future focused with high level of vision.
Realises the impact of style on a presentation.
Expressive and participative in conversation.
Starts new projects.
Believes creativity to be a key component of success.
Outgoing manner creates fast, lively banter.
Instinctive and positive.
Adaptable and creates good relationships
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3rd Dimension: Areas of Hidden Potential Andrews Osei has the following areas of potential growth
Could be thought of as naive.
Likes to talk about himself.
Can change his opinions depending on whom he was last speaking to.
Tends to see the world in a rosy light.
May delay from attempting a longer term project.
Speaks out when criticised.
Sometimes doesn't think far enough about the outcome of his actions.
Sets unachievable targets for himself and others. Can be rather pompous or condescending.
Comes up with so many ideas that it causes chaos.
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