David Güete Graphic design portfolio

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e s a c w o h S

The work compiled in “Gu Design”: The Work of David Alberto Guete belongs to the products of the academic process developed between the years 2010-2014 in Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. Therefore, I guarantee my authorship for each of the pieces included on it. This compilation is strictly a documental/academic report of the developing process of each of the projects here in presented. The graphic and conceptual documentation; as the final results obtained by the author(s) of the projects, are protected under current Colombian copyright and intellectual property laws. Use, reproduction, copy or exhibition of this material is forbidden without explicit and written permission of the author. Projects which share authorship and moral rights with another authors are specified at the closing page of each project. ©2013 — David Alberto Guete, Gu Design.

DAVID GUETE From an early age I have been a very competitive and curious person, I’m a restless person to do things best i am not a conformist and if what I have done in a given time would have been the best, I’m in a constant searching for higher level, is this competitiveness that has driven me to be a curious person in terms of processes and details, the details that a simple eye cannot see, but in a design are what make the difference between good and the amazing thing. I am currently a professional triathlon athlete, this sport has taught me many things that I apply in both my personal life and professional everything I do is for a purpose, with much passion, discipline and perseverance. Another thing I’ve learned is to not give up take things to the limit, if someday i cannot do something surely the next day i will try to do so again until it succeeds, hardwork is my essence.

PERSONAL INFORMATION Name David Alberto Guete Quintero Website Gu-desing.com e-mail david.guete@yahoo.com

academic INFORMATION University

language Skills (0 to 10)

Image editing 7 Vectors editing 8 illustration 9 lettering 8

Graphic design Jorge Tadeo Lozano (BOG,CO)

English medium/high Portuguese medium/low


M ea l

Problem Brague is a fast food restaurant, globalization has allowed to other business be introduced in different part of the country making a more competitive market. Seeing that the company is searching new strategies to draw new customer´s attention through a system of graphic pieces. Fast food is frowned upon by parents and somehow children are the major potential customers of the company, for these very attractive graphic pieces were developed in order to draw children´s attention.

telling It is very important to tell a story to hold the attention of children because the viewer got involved with each piece of the whole system, becoming the starring of this story. Where the hell is Evelwick? Evelwick it is just an invention one part of the place name comes from Norway, both words have no sense but if you think of it you could imagine an medieval place full of knights, dragons, castles, dwarfs and of course a beautiful princess.

S tyle Illustration style seeks a rapprochement with the children, that they feel attracted to the characters and generate more impact and remembrance on the mark, for this I took reference for modern retro cartoons such as The Fairly Odd parents and combine with the appearance of some super Nintendo graphic style games. a thick line and the effect of halftone that is achieved in shadows of the illustration gives the illustration style his main character.

Each character must generate emotions in children, so it is very important that the characters have a distinct personality even if they are not well known. for example the red dragon who is called otto gives the sensation to be friendly and hungry such as a good dog. Taking reference of some characters of video games of a few years ago as Zelda, Super Mario and some cartoons I create my own style characters.


design Packaging were designed to be part of a whole system, each piece context more the story and concept, so you can find the main box is a castle, the glass of soda is a tower where a beautiful princess lives, the hamburger box is a treasure chest full of food for the hungry dragon, the French fries box is also a paper toy so children can play with it.


Meal box


Happy Meal / concept This is concept project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material. Work group David Guete Quintero Jose Francisco Bravo Montiel

No de papaya

Problem Thousands of cell phones are stolen every day all over the country for different reasons, is the crime of greatest impact in Colombia, in order to that is necessary to implement a campaign to reduce these high rates of theft by a parts system to inform and alert citizens.

context For the development of the campaign we research the major cause of theft in Colombia, the result of this research was that the major cause of theft is neglect of personal stuffs, the thefts are usually in public places frequented by many people, such as Transmilenio, public buses, subway, supermarkets or shopping malls.

It’s a Colombian expression which colloquially it means: “Putting yourself in a position where someone can take advantage of you”, is very common used phrase that could attract the spectator´s attention. The main idea of the campaign is to alert people, for allow people to take the proper precautions and don´t let the thief take the lead.

b r anding The identifier emphasize the fact, or the action of taking the mobile, the symbol follows the new waves of flat design, the symbol had to be simple and attractive.

No dĂŠ


Style The illustration style was made in concordance with the symbol style, the illustrations and the characters reflect the actions of been unattended with their personal stuffs so the thief can take advantage of them, this is to show the people that they got to be alert.

The Campaign In addition to do hype in different parts where this cases of theft occurs more often through flyers and billboards, an application was designed to complement this content and spread over the campaign through social networks.

The app The app could be downloaded by a QR code that is in some pieces where is safe to bring the mobile, this app contain information and more practical advices, to be one step forward the thiefs.

“No dé papaya”/concept This is concept project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material. Work group David Guete Quintero Jose Francisco Bravo Montiel

Muestra de portafolios & Reels

Muestra de Portafolios & Reels (Portfolio & Reels Showroom) is an academic Project hosted and promoted by the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in which they show the best design portfolios of his students. The strategy that was implemented for this project was the development of a brand name or identifier that respond to the needs of the event, based on this and we did the pieces of promotion and coverage of the event.

Circus was the referent for this project; it is a metaphor because of the diversity of projects that are in the showroom. So we inspired specially in most characteristic characters who take part of circus such as the ringmaster or the magician and his pretty assistance, the ugly guy, the bearded woman and the animal acts.

typography Based on some circus vintage ads the typographies chosen were Bebas Neue and lobster. Bebas is a sans serif font designed by Ryoichi Tsunekawa is a strong body font with elegant shapes, a blend of technical straightforwardness and simple warmth which make it uniformly. In the other hand Lobster is bold condensed script typography with stylized shapes and really nice ligatures so when join both types the visual outcome looks very delightful.

Branding We gave the event the name of “Comienza la Función” (the show begins). In which we want to communicate the spirit of the event . The logotype is playful, stylized and dynamic the design gives priority to the name chosen, for make more attractive the proposal, the design is a simple type treatment that plays with hierarchies. The Acute accent of the word “función” of the logotype is an elegant hat that affirms the graphic proposal



The invitation The invitation of the event is also a metaphor we wanted them to look as special as Wonka´s golden ticket in the film of Charlie and the chocolate factory, because we wanted to take it the feel of something very special so when it get to spectator hands improve his experience.

The Character


l ook ! The illustration made the system to look more attractive each character had a defined personality and each one is a playmate of the information content, the character illustration reminds 50s cartoons but whit a modern color palette to give them a modern and retro touch at same time.

Muestra de Portafolios & Reels This is an academic non-commercial non-profit project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me and was used only with academic purposes. I don’t claim ownership over any of this material. Work group David Guete Quintero Juan Sebastián Pedroza Tobar Rafael Horacio Núñez Buitrago.




motion a



Branding s

y s t e m


problem FENIX swimming club is a high performance team, conformed by swimmers that participating in various tournaments and competitions at district and national level. The Current club identity does not represent very well the values of ​​ these athletes and this makes the sense of belonging to the club is not the desired one. What is sought with this identifier is to increase the sense of belonging and stand out against other swim clubs with a strong identity that reflects the personality of its athletes.


& logotype

To design the identifier, I had to take the reference of the different brands of athletic teams, the most common among these is that they are made up of typography and symbol either a mascot or a coat of arms that work very well together.

typography Typography was chosen by the strength of his body, a solid bold body that contrasts with curves and very soft finishes, these attributes emphasize brand values​​, added to this the typographic treatment that management engages the design and makes it unique

Type tREATMENT An metal depth effect was added to the typography, which makes them look tough and strong, the tracking was manipulated to unify the logotype. To the “f” of fenix was added more stylized serif and play with its size for a more compact design




FENIX Ranger type





The brand colors were originally navy blue and cyan blue, these colors ever since the club was created have identified these athletes, so i took these colors, but the palette was very limited for application then i decided to add shades of oranges what contrasts nicely and gives an interesting look.

RGB 0,181,237 CMYK 71,6,0,0 #00B5ED

RGB 255,78,15 CMYK 0,79,91,0 #FF6600

RGB 4,110,171 CMYK 88,50,10,0 #046EAB RGB 19,19,52 CMYK 100,96,45,60 #131334

RGB 255,102,0 CMYK 0,70,94,0 #FF6600

variations Variations of the brand were thinking mainly of their possible applications considering the methods that were used to make their production

Mascot design When it comes to logo design, there are lots of different styles, the mascot design should reflect the spirit of the brand and enhance the values of ​​ the brand, the most recommended for this project was to design a character or mascot because the name´s club gave already a mental image, just had to give shape and personality to that and this could be associated with the brand.

Fenix Club Swimming/concept This is concept project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material..



motion a



Branding s

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Until 2012, Comverfrut branding system was very obsolete, in colors, shapes and graphic language, that is why the company needs a redesign of identity, needs revitalization since its primary objective is to explore new customers with a fresh, radiant and modern image.

Subtle Modern


& logotype To the design of this brand we filled us about the company´s work, since the company is engaged in processing fruits and vegetables (Clean, peel and chop), we want it to look modern and gourmet for a better appearance, so the company could go in search of new customers. The symbol formed by oblique forms that seem cut fruit form in its entirety a delicate fruit, but if you look inside it looked like cut mushroom. For the logotype we used quicksand, because it is a very delicate typeface with rounded construction completions, also because it looked in armony with the symbol.



The brand colors were originally orange and green, but the shades of these colors weren’t the appropriate, so we choose different tonalities but remaining the orange and green. These colors are the most used in this type of graphic, so, why used it? well, this allow to the logo be recognised more easily in the range of companies that offer or sell these types of products or services.

RGB 118,165,34 CMYK 61,14,100,0 #76A522 RGB 82,107,28 CMYK 69,37,100,27 #526B1C RGB 235,126,0 CMYK 3,59,100,0 #FF6600 RGB 240,154,48 CMYK 2,46,86,0 #FF6600



For additional graphical application, we took reference mainly in the peel and cut process, so the complementary graphic seems pieces o peel fruit and vegetables, using the color palette, we have a complete playful system for this branding.

variations Variations of the logo were designed from ​​ the production needs of the company, also the implementation of the pieces in distinct parts, they needed to apply the logo in many ways and in different production process. So the mark should change depending on these requeriments.




Client Converfrut This is an academic non-commercial non-profit project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me and was used only with academic purposes. I claim ownership over any of this material. Work group David Guete Quintero Nelson Alonso Barbosa Villarreal Judy Viviana Olaya Villamil


& dreams



Whims & Dreams is a company that manufactures and distributes cupcakes, especially by order because the high cost of this product, they usually sell on special occasions as happy B-day or special dates, the company is looking to incorporate to the market of cupcakes and pastries, increasing customers and sales. Whims & Dreams did not have a defined brand identity, i based from visual references in the sector of cupcakes or pastries to create their identity and reflect the personality of the company.


& logotype

Most of the times people says to you “don’t do what everyone else does” but if it works for everybody, why not?. Some markets show stable strategies that work every time, as successful formulas. For this brand the owners wanted it to look modern and playful, the symbol is very simple but functionally. I used a classic container sparingly common in the cupcake and pastries market. The logotype font is called japan i chose it because is playfull, its body is similar as the symbol, so this make them to look together in harmony.


palette Many of the brands on this market use pastel colors but in our case the strong colors works much better. Corporate colors were chosen according to the concept but i had a client request “the brand must have pink”, but there wasn´t to be hundred percent female, so I chose a blue navy to give weigh and contrast and some masculinity to the design.

RGB 18,76,89 CMYK 90,51,46,40 #124C59

RGB 255,255,255 CMYK 0,0,0,0 #FFFFFF RGB 245,75,127 CMYK 0,82,22,0 #F54B7F



I wanted to the graphic complementary be striking, i designed some icons in same style of the symbol showing the most representative elements in the process of making cupcakes or pastries.


application To mark applications, i use a variation of the primary identifier, which allowed me to create more contrast in the different pieces by the application of the color palette, so i based my design contrasting these colors.

Playful Modern



Client Whims & Dreams Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material.




a n d i n




l il




i us trat

Through the years the carnival has been taking more power, especially abroad and in the Caribbean area of the country, but this is not the same in all areas of Colombia where it has been losing interest, so as the need arises publicize the Carnival, its history and traditions and take it to all of the country.


& logotype

Every year the carnival renews its image and invite people to be part of this. Therefore the important of a brand working to renew and a desire to participate in. The logotype should represent the personality of the carnival it should be playful and loud. the typography was hand designed for make it unique to enhance its personality.


Style ? The final composition of type seems cartoon style, this makes emphasis in the “mamagallista� (joker) personality of the Caribbean people.


campaign what is looked for is to promote the campaign in the streets of different cities different of Caribbean zone, therefor we got to design a low cost system. The development of the campaign is done through a folding system in which a historical, cultural, geographical, informational and promotional content is broken down carnival.

The Folding is divided into different sections, a historical introduction of Carnival, some characters, an informative map on parades or events, hotels, parking and routes to and colloquialisms section of the region.



I look for represent very simple the most characteristic carnival´s character in a vector and traditional way. The style of the illustrations is defined by strong flat colors that emphasize the carnival´s style and enhance the design proposal

poster & foldable at same time

to home

Barranquilla´s Carnival/concept This is concept project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material. Work group David Guete Quintero Jose Francisco Bravo Montiel



motion a



Branding s

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In the current lifestyle that takes especially in routine office work, the accumulation of these routines works and stress creates injuries. Ergopower has been a recent privately held manufacturer, importer, and distributor of office ergonomic products. they needed a new solid branding development, through which they can compete and be recognized again other marks.

Mark & logotype The symbol was design to look with organic forms represented by the concept of ergonomics, these shapes modulate among each other creating a symbol similar to infinity to show fluidity and energy of the mark. Logotype uses a typeface called Neotech, was chosen by the soft curves of her body, which contrasts with diagonal lines. that made it suitable for the mark.




palette The color palette was chosen in accord to the main concepts to enhance the brand, the greens shades represent the vital energy and the blue shades represent the serenity, in contrast we have two opposites that complement with each other creating harmony in mark.

RGB 2,71,64 CMYK 91,43,64,52 #024740 RGB 0,109,104 CMYK 87,32,55,23 #006D68 RGB 145,161,35 CMYK 50,21,100,5 #124C59 RGB 193,209,26 CMYK 33,0,95,0 #C1D11A



Client Ergopower This is concept project. Some photographic material used in this project doesn’t belong to me it was used with the right permissions. I claim ownership over any of this material.

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