Alyssa Davis. Portfolio. Breakdown of Rhode Island Federal Grants

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“We will use the information we collect to help guide us in setting statewide goals and priorities and along with our partners, we will work towards closing the ‘Digital Divide’ and help give our citizens better access to jobs and connections to healthcare, safety, government, education and community – all contributing to a healthier economy.” Stuart Freiman, BBRI Program Manager “At a time when companies require on-line applications, resumes are needed by so many, and e-mail and social media use are common, it is critical that citizens stay on top of the digital curve. OSL is pleased to be included in this powerful grant aimed at increasing in-state digital literacy. Libraries have been doing this training for years and the new grant will expand our capacity to offer much needed support to our citizens. ” Joan Gillespie, Executive Director, Ocean State Libraries, Inc. “This grant will ensure our region’s students have data speeds that are second to none, and that we have a key piece of infrastructure for our emerging knowledge economy.” George Loftus, President and CEO of OSHEAN

It is estimated that over

36,000 library patrons

Get CONNEC ED Broadband


Access Infrastructure Literacy

will utilize the new and upgraded computers each week

“This Recovery Act funding will help more Rhode Island libraries upgrade their technology, expand computer training programs, and provide internet access for the public. This funding comes as libraries are playing an increasingly important role in our communities by offering such assistance as help with writing resumes and searching and applying for jobs online.” Senator Jack Reed

5-10 1-2


“In addition to its role as a tool for job creation, broadband access will also allow for greater educational and workforce development opportunities for our community.” Governor Donald L.




and Help put RI on the broadba nd map!

A special thanks to the Champlin Foundations for their continued support

300 Centerville Road Summit South Suite 103 Warwick, RI 02886

Rhode Island recently received confirmation on the approval of 3 broadband grants from the NTIA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The grants are geared toward enhancing broadband infrastructure and adoption and improving digital literacy in Rhode Island. The three-fold impact of these joint efforts will help close the digital divide and provide all Rhode Islanders improved job opportunities and access to healthcare, safety, government, education, community – all contributing to a healthier economy.

TIMELINE of FEDERAL GRANTS AWARDED From NTIA under ARRA December 2009 - October 2010

In December 2009 $1,542,660

In February 2010 $1,245,500 was awarded to OSH E AN and OS L

was awarded to R I E D C BD DP gr an t

B T OP gran t




RIEDC // Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation is the full service, official economic development organization for the state of Rhode Island. A quasi-public agency, the Corporation serves as a government and community resource to help streamline the business expansion in, and relocation to, Rhode Island. The agency assists companies with commercial real estate, business financing, workforce training and other relevant issues. NTIA // National Telecommunications and Information Administration The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is an agency in the U.S. Department of Commerce that serves as the executive branch agency principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policies. NTIA was responsible for crafting the National Broadband Plan. BDDP // Broadband Data and Development Plan

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided the Department of Commerce’s NTIA with $4.7 billion to expand access to broadband services in the United States. The BDDP is one of the programs being managed by the NTIA. The BDDP will create a massive database and broadband map for all 50 states and six territories. OSHEAN // Ocean State Higher Education, Economic Development and Administrative Network OSHEAN Inc., (pronounced ocean) is a consortium of non-profit organizations that was formed to foster the development of a communications infrastructure for Rhode Island's research, educational, and public service community. The OSHEAN consortium is devoted to creating a stable, economical high-speed network for the use of its members and is committed to providing services that enhance the productive use of this network. OSHEAN is dedicated to achieving its vision of providing Rhode Island with the most capable communications

In September 2010 $21,739,183

In October 2010 $3,020,000 was awarded to RIE DC

was awarded to OSHEAN

BD DP gr ant

BT OP gran t

EXTEND network infrastructure for the support of research, education and public service of any state in the Union. OSL // Ocean State Libraries Ocean State Libraries is Rhode Island's public library consortium. It is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). There are 49 public library systems operating from 74 locations. All RI residents have access to an OSL library in their own communities. BTOP // Broadband Technology Opportunities Program The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided the Department of Commerce’s NTIA with $4.7 billion to expand access to broadband services in the United States. Of those funds, the Act tasked NTIA to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure, enhance and expand public computer centers, encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service, and develop and maintain a nationwide public map of broadband service capability and availability. These grants

EMBRACE are provided through programs including the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. ARRA // American Recovery and Reinvestment Act The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) is an economic stimulus bill created to help the United States economy recover from an economic downturn that began in late 2007. Congress enacted ARRA February 17, 2009. OLIS // Office of Library & Information Services The RI state library agency is responsible for interlibrary cooperation and the quality and availability of library services in RI. Digital Citizenship The norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. Digital Literacy The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyse information using digital technology in order to develop new social and economic opportunities.

All of the grants to be implemented between December 2009 - December 2014


B DD P gr an t s

total: $4.52 million including matched funds

strengthen digital literacy, increase broadband usage, and increase broadband literacy for all Rhode Islanders the speed test // helps verify Internet speed and areas of coverage throughout the state and is an opportunity for the public to directly participate in the data gathering process which will be used to enhance broadband infrastructure

Broadband Mapping // improve broadband data collection and mapping activities to better serve existing businesses and successfully recruit new jobs to local areas

statewide broadband map // identifies the state's broadband coverage and distinguishes between served, underserved and non-served areas; data used to develop plans to increase both the growth and adoption of broadband networks in the state

NTIA’s national broadband map // inform policymakers and provide consumers with improved information on the broadband Internet services available to them broadband planning activities for RI // analysis of the data, recommendations and dissemination of broadband mapping data to state agencies, business, residents and other concerned groups through reports, roundtables and town hall-style meetings

create job opportunities // the project will support from 5 to 10 new jobs over the life of the grant

B TO P gr an ts

total: $31.6 million including matched funds

assist Rhode Islanders with library based, computer access and increase broadband capacity to community anchor institutions new equipment for broadband internet // each of the 74 library locations in OSL have or will receive equipment in the form of new routers and switches that allow for super high speed broadband to be received by the libraries

new equipment // 600+ computers and printers and 10 mobile computer centers will be distributed to 74 public library locations; mobile labs will have streaming video equipment that will allow libraries to offer classes in one location while sharing content at another library location

enable expanded employment training // two parttime, multilingual trainers will be available for technical assistance and to host workshops

improved access to online catalog // the online catalog will be available in five languages with just a click of a button - Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Chinese

access to high speed internet for citizens // provide citizens with the means to search for jobs, prepare resumes, and complete job applications all online OSHEAN Beacon 2.0 network // bring fiber optic cable to over 20 community anchor institutions and provide improved access to over 380 RI schools and libraries; capacity of up to 1,000 Megabits per second for moving digital images and for gaining access to high performance computers used in research

TIMELINE of FEDERAL GRANTS AWARDED From NTIA under ARRA December 2009 - October 2010

In December 2009 $1,542,660

In February 2010 $1,245,500 was awarded to OSH E AN and OS L

was awarded to R I E D C BD DP gr an t

B T OP gran t




RIEDC // Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation is the full service, official economic development organization for the state of Rhode Island. A quasi-public agency, the Corporation serves as a government and community resource to help streamline the business expansion in, and relocation to, Rhode Island. The agency assists companies with commercial real estate, business financing, workforce training and other relevant issues. NTIA // National Telecommunications and Information Administration The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is an agency in the U.S. Department of Commerce that serves as the executive branch agency principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policies. NTIA was responsible for crafting the National Broadband Plan. BDDP // Broadband Data and Development Plan

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided the Department of Commerce’s NTIA with $4.7 billion to expand access to broadband services in the United States. The BDDP is one of the programs being managed by the NTIA. The BDDP will create a massive database and broadband map for all 50 states and six territories. OSHEAN // Ocean State Higher Education, Economic Development and Administrative Network OSHEAN Inc., (pronounced ocean) is a consortium of non-profit organizations that was formed to foster the development of a communications infrastructure for Rhode Island's research, educational, and public service community. The OSHEAN consortium is devoted to creating a stable, economical high-speed network for the use of its members and is committed to providing services that enhance the productive use of this network. OSHEAN is dedicated to achieving its vision of providing Rhode Island with the most capable communications

In September 2010 $21,739,183

In October 2010 $3,020,000 was awarded to RIE DC

was awarded to OSHEAN

BD DP gr ant

BT OP gran t

EXTEND network infrastructure for the support of research, education and public service of any state in the Union. OSL // Ocean State Libraries Ocean State Libraries is Rhode Island's public library consortium. It is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). There are 49 public library systems operating from 74 locations. All RI residents have access to an OSL library in their own communities. BTOP // Broadband Technology Opportunities Program The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided the Department of Commerce’s NTIA with $4.7 billion to expand access to broadband services in the United States. Of those funds, the Act tasked NTIA to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure, enhance and expand public computer centers, encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service, and develop and maintain a nationwide public map of broadband service capability and availability. These grants

EMBRACE are provided through programs including the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. ARRA // American Recovery and Reinvestment Act The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) is an economic stimulus bill created to help the United States economy recover from an economic downturn that began in late 2007. Congress enacted ARRA February 17, 2009. OLIS // Office of Library & Information Services The RI state library agency is responsible for interlibrary cooperation and the quality and availability of library services in RI. Digital Citizenship The norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. Digital Literacy The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyse information using digital technology in order to develop new social and economic opportunities.

All of the grants to be implemented between December 2009 - December 2014


B DD P gr an t s

total: $4.52 million including matched funds

strengthen digital literacy, increase broadband usage, and increase broadband literacy for all Rhode Islanders the speed test // helps verify Internet speed and areas of coverage throughout the state and is an opportunity for the public to directly participate in the data gathering process which will be used to enhance broadband infrastructure

Broadband Mapping // improve broadband data collection and mapping activities to better serve existing businesses and successfully recruit new jobs to local areas

statewide broadband map // identifies the state's broadband coverage and distinguishes between served, underserved and non-served areas; data used to develop plans to increase both the growth and adoption of broadband networks in the state

NTIA’s national broadband map // inform policymakers and provide consumers with improved information on the broadband Internet services available to them broadband planning activities for RI // analysis of the data, recommendations and dissemination of broadband mapping data to state agencies, business, residents and other concerned groups through reports, roundtables and town hall-style meetings

create job opportunities // the project will support from 5 to 10 new jobs over the life of the grant

B TO P gr an ts

total: $31.6 million including matched funds

assist Rhode Islanders with library based, computer access and increase broadband capacity to community anchor institutions new equipment for broadband internet // each of the 74 library locations in OSL have or will receive equipment in the form of new routers and switches that allow for super high speed broadband to be received by the libraries

new equipment // 600+ computers and printers and 10 mobile computer centers will be distributed to 74 public library locations; mobile labs will have streaming video equipment that will allow libraries to offer classes in one location while sharing content at another library location

enable expanded employment training // two parttime, multilingual trainers will be available for technical assistance and to host workshops

improved access to online catalog // the online catalog will be available in five languages with just a click of a button - Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Chinese

access to high speed internet for citizens // provide citizens with the means to search for jobs, prepare resumes, and complete job applications all online OSHEAN Beacon 2.0 network // bring fiber optic cable to over 20 community anchor institutions and provide improved access to over 380 RI schools and libraries; capacity of up to 1,000 Megabits per second for moving digital images and for gaining access to high performance computers used in research

“We will use the information we collect to help guide us in setting statewide goals and priorities and along with our partners, we will work towards closing the ‘Digital Divide’ and help give our citizens better access to jobs and connections to healthcare, safety, government, education and community – all contributing to a healthier economy.” Stuart Freiman, BBRI Program Manager “At a time when companies require on-line applications, resumes are needed by so many, and e-mail and social media use are common, it is critical that citizens stay on top of the digital curve. OSL is pleased to be included in this powerful grant aimed at increasing in-state digital literacy. Libraries have been doing this training for years and the new grant will expand our capacity to offer much needed support to our citizens. ” Joan Gillespie, Executive Director, Ocean State Libraries, Inc. “This grant will ensure our region’s students have data speeds that are second to none, and that we have a key piece of infrastructure for our emerging knowledge economy.” George Loftus, President and CEO of OSHEAN

It is estimated that over

36,000 library patrons

Get CONNEC ED Broadband


Access Infrastructure Literacy

will utilize the new and upgraded computers each week

“This Recovery Act funding will help more Rhode Island libraries upgrade their technology, expand computer training programs, and provide internet access for the public. This funding comes as libraries are playing an increasingly important role in our communities by offering such assistance as help with writing resumes and searching and applying for jobs online.” Senator Jack Reed

5-10 1-2


“In addition to its role as a tool for job creation, broadband access will also allow for greater educational and workforce development opportunities for our community.” Governor Donald L.




and Help put RI on the broadba nd map!

A special thanks to the Champlin Foundations for their continued support

300 Centerville Road Summit South Suite 103 Warwick, RI 02886

Rhode Island recently received confirmation on the approval of 3 broadband grants from the NTIA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The grants are geared toward enhancing broadband infrastructure and adoption and improving digital literacy in Rhode Island. The three-fold impact of these joint efforts will help close the digital divide and provide all Rhode Islanders improved job opportunities and access to healthcare, safety, government, education, community – all contributing to a healthier economy.

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